Strawberry jam recipe for the winter. How to cook delicious and thick strawberry jam. How to make cherry jam. Cherry jam: a recipe for the winter

Undoubtedly, this is a delicious delicacy that even in winter gives memories of summer. Having this jam on hand, you will have something to serve your guests with tea or bake a pie with. The classic version of preparing this jam involves using only two ingredients - sugar and strawberries. If desired, vanillin, pectin, and gelatin are also added to it. Unlike jam, it has a more liquid consistency.

Strawberry jam - recipe.

  • strawberries – 1 kg.,
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Wash the strawberries thoroughly and remove the stems. Mash the prepared berries or beat them in a blender. Add sugar to the resulting puree. Boil for 30 - 40 minutes. The finished jam should be thick. You can check its readiness this way. If the jam slowly drips off the spoon, forming grooves, it means it’s ready. It is very important not to overcook it during the cooking process, otherwise it will lose its beautiful rich red color and turn brown. Pour the finished jam into steamed jars and screw on with metal lids or slam shut with plastic cracker lids. Unlike other winter preparations, jars of jam or marmalade do not need to be wrapped or turned over. After they have cooled, they can be taken to a cold place.

How to make strawberry jam so that it turns out not only tasty, but also resembles jelly. For these purposes, it is boiled with the addition of gelatin or pectin. Since this jam turns out thick and does not require long cooking, it is perfect for busy housewives, and will also save sugar. It is used as a filling for pies, bagels, pies and other homemade baked goods.

Jelly strawberry jam.
  • strawberries – 2 kg.,
  • sugar – 800 gr.,
  • water – 1 glass,
  • gelatin – 2 tbsp. spoons or pectin – 1 sachet

According to this recipe, washed strawberries, pureed through a blender or minced, are boiled for 10-15 minutes without sugar. After heat treatment, sugar and a glass of water are added to the finished strawberry puree. Boil for another 10 minutes and at the end of cooking add a bag of pectin or gelatin. Gelatin is soaked in hot water before adding. Take about 100 ml for 2 tablespoons. water. After the gelling component is added, cook the jam for no more than 5 minutes. Roll the treats into jars. Using this method, you can cook equally tasty jam from other berries and fruits.

Even if you don’t have fresh strawberries, you can use frozen berries to make jam. Berries must be defrosted at room temperature before cooking. Since they will definitely release juice when defrosting, do not add water when cooking jam. It doesn’t matter which recipe you use to make aromatic strawberry jam, in any case, in winter this healthy delicacy will always delight you with a wonderful taste.

Strawberry jam

Select ripe strawberries, rinse with cold water, let the water drain, and dry. Then rub the prepared berries through a sieve and boil in their own juice for 7 minutes, adding sugar at the rate of 750 g per 1 kg of berries. Place the pureed berries on low heat, bring to a boil and cook, stirring constantly for 25 minutes.

Pack the finished jam hot into dry, heated jars, cover with boiled lids and place in a pan with water at a temperature of 75 - 80 degrees for sterilization. Sterilization time at 100 degrees for 0.5 liter cans is 25 minutes, 1 liter is 30 minutes. After processing, roll up the jars, cover with a cloth and cool.

From the book Jam, jam, marmalade author Melnikov Ilya

Strawberry jam Select ripe strawberries, rinse with cold water, let the water drain, and dry. Then rub the prepared berries through a sieve and boil in their own juice for 7 minutes, adding sugar at the rate of 750 g per 1 kg of berries. Place the pureed berries on low heat and bring

From the book How to prepare confectionery and other flour products, sweet dishes, jam, juices and winter supplies at home author Danilenko Mikhail Pavlovich

285. JAM Fruit and berry puree 1 cup Granulated sugar 1 cup Apples, plums, and apricots are used to make jam. It is better to cook berries with the addition of apples, since jam from berries alone turns out liquid, while apples give the jam a jelly-like appearance

From the book Home Canning. Salting. Smoking. Complete encyclopedia author Babkova Olga Viktorovna

Jam Most often, jam is made from apples, pears, apricots and quinces. Sometimes the fruits are mixed with each other. To prepare this product, you can take overripe soft fruits and berries. It is recommended to add apples to the berry jam to give it a jelly-like texture.

From the book The Complete Encyclopedia of Home Canning. Live vitamins in winter author Krylova Elena Alekseevna

Jam Most often, jam is made from apples, pears, apricots and quinces. Sometimes the fruits are mixed with each other. To prepare this product, you can take overripe soft fruits and berries. It is recommended to add apples to the berry jam to give it a jelly-like texture.

From the book Canning and Preparations. The best recipes from natural products. Simple and affordable author Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna

Strawberry jam For 1 kg of strawberries - 750 g of sugar. Rinse the ripe strawberries with cold water, let the water drain, dry, rub through a sieve and boil in their own juice for 5 - 7 minutes. Place the mixture over low heat, add sugar, bring to a boil and simmer.

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Jam For cooking jam, it is best to use a tinned copper basin (necessarily tinned, since when using untinned dishes, all the acids contained in the fruits interact with copper, forming toxic salts, which pass into the finished product).

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Jam 1 kg of apples, 800 g of granulated sugar. Rinse the apples. Remove the peel and core. Place in a saucepan, add a little water and cook over low heat, stirring. Rub the hot apples through a sieve and put them back into a deep saucepan, add

From the book Blanks. Easy and according to the rules author Sokolovskaya M.

Jam Jam can be prepared from all fruits and berries. Fruit and berry puree for making jam is obtained by boiling and rubbing the fruits through a colander or sieve, as well as using a mixer. For one part of sugar, take 1.2–1.5 parts of puree. The more sugar there is, the denser

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Jelly strawberry jam A very pleasant tasting jelly jam is obtained by adding currant puree or not-quite-ripe apples, which contain more pectin, to the berry puree. For 1 kg of strawberry puree add 0.5 liters of currant puree or unripe apples and

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Strawberry jam You will need: 1 kg of strawberries, 750 g of sugar. Rub the washed and dried berries through a sieve and cook for a short time without sugar in their own juice. Add sugar to the boiling mass and cook for 25 minutes from the start of boiling. Pour the warm jam into jars, tie and

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Jam Ingredients: 2.3 kg of peaches, 400 g of sugar, 150 ml of water. Method of preparation: Remove the pits from soft overripe peaches and pass them through a meat grinder. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan, adding water. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, add sugar and

From the book Preserves, jams, jellies, marmalades, marmalades, compotes, confiture author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Jam Pear jam Ingredients 1 kg of pears, 500 g of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid, 500 ml of water. Method of preparation: Peel the pears, remove the core, cut the pulp into slices and place them in boiling water. Blanch for 3-4 minutes, then cool under

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Strawberry or wild strawberry jam Ingredients 5 kg of strawberries or strawberries, 3 kg of sugar, 250 ml of water, 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid. Method of preparation Sort the ripe berries, rinse thoroughly in cold water, place in a basin, mash, add water and cook until since then

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Strawberry and cherry jam Wash 3 kg of cherries and remove the stems. Boil them whole in a small amount of water, then rub through a sieve. Sort out 3 kg of strawberries and simmer without adding water, then rub through a fine sieve. Derived from cherries and

From the author's book

Strawberry jam Rinse ripe strawberries with cold water, let the water drain, dry, rub through a sieve and boil in their own juice for 5-7 minutes. Place the mixture over low heat, add sugar, bring to a boil and simmer with constant stirring for 25 minutes.

Soft, juicy berries are perfect for creating strawberry jam for the winter. It is advisable to use those varieties that do not hold their shape well, so that the delicacy turns out homogeneous and chewy. I prefer to make jam from homemade strawberries that can be found at the market. Supermarkets sell a variety specially bred for transportation, which has only a beautiful texture, but no taste or aroma.

If desired, you can add lemon juice or citric acid to the dessert - this neutralizes the taste of the jam, and the sweetness appears more clearly in it. Strawberry delicacy is perfect as a filling for pies, buns, croissants and pancakes. During the picking season, you can prepare a whole pantry of delicious strawberry jam if you have your own strawberry plantation!

So, let’s prepare the necessary ingredients for making strawberry jam for the winter and start cooking!

We will free the strawberries from the stems and be sure to rinse them in water to remove any impurities. Pour the mixture into a deep container with very high sides.

Sprinkle with granulated sugar. At this stage, add citric acid or lemon juice.

Grind the strawberries and sugar into a puree using an immersion blender, being careful not to miss a single berry.

Pour the strawberry puree into a saucepan and place the container on the stove. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. Let the mixture simmer for about 20-25 minutes, stirring from time to time so that it does not stick to the bottom. The jam is considered completely ready when it changes its color and becomes viscous, like honey.

We sterilize the jars with lids in a water bath or in the oven and pour thick and fragrant strawberry jam into them. Immediately screw the jars with hot lids or roll them with a key for preservation. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and let them cool in this position. As it cools, the treat will become even thicker, almost like jelly.

We will transfer the cooled jars of strawberry jam to the pantry for the winter and take them out when cold weather arrives to serve with fluffy baked goods. When you open such a preparation, one summer aroma is enough to lift your spirits in the morning!

Have a nice winter!

Thick jam, like in childhood, which is put into pies and spread on bread, can be prepared according to one of the recipes in the article.

Jam is a canned product made from fruits and berries, obtained by boiling them with or without sugar.

The advantage of canned sweets is that they can be prepared from almost anything, from strawberries to autumn varieties of apples. But you need to know a few secrets so that the jam is thick, tasty and stored for a long time.

How to make jam thick?

No one will say where and when they first started making jam. The name of the delicacy is of Polish origin – powidla. It differs fundamentally from other methods of preserving fruits and berries:

  • jam is made from ripe and even overripe berries and fruits
  • Usually, before boiling, raw materials for preservation are brought to a puree state
  • there are recipes for jam with and without sugar
  • after boiling, the sweet mass becomes homogeneous and necessarily thick

IMPORTANT: Many housewives believe that jam should be so thick that it not only does not drip from a spoon, but can also be cut with a knife

But how to achieve such a thick consistency?

  1. It is necessary to boil the fruits and berries well. Their initial volume is halved by the end of cooking.
  2. If it is recommended to add a certain amount of apples to berry jam. These fruits are rich in pectin, a natural gelling agent.
  3. You can use a jam thickener, which is sold in any supermarket today.
  4. If the jam is cooked without apples and thickener, you need to boil it in stages. After the fruit mass has boiled for 20 minutes, wait until it has cooled completely, then boil again, and so on from three to 5 times.

How long does it take to cook jam?

The cooking time for jam depends on:

  • type of fruit or berry
  • volume of raw materials

It must be said that the process itself is quite labor-intensive; for many housewives, preparing delicacies takes up the whole day.

  1. First, you need to prepare a container for cooking jam - a stainless steel pan, as well as jars and lids. If sugar is used during cooking, you can simply wash them thoroughly. For sugar-free jam, jars and lids are sterilized
  2. Fruits or berries are washed, peeled and cored (if necessary), spoiled parts are removed
  3. Apples, apricots, pears, and other large fruits are cut into slices
  4. The raw materials for jam, without sugar, are always placed in a wide, non-enamel bowl and boiled for 15-20 minutes until it softens. You can also soften fruits and berries in the oven or microwave
  5. Boiled berries and fruits are turned into puree - pounded, rubbed through a sieve, passed through a meat grinder, and blended with a blender.
  6. If the jam is cooked with sugar, now is the time to add it. Sugar must be at least 60% of the volume of fruit raw materials, otherwise the jam will not be stored
  7. The jam is boiled with or without sugar until it is reduced by half
  8. During boiling, the mass of berries, fruits and sugar is constantly stirred, as it burns very strongly to the bottom and walls
  9. To avoid burning, many housewives prefer to simmer the jam in the oven; they cover the pan with it.

IMPORTANT: As a rule, it takes 1 to 2 hours to boil the jam to the desired consistency.

Recipe for delicious thick apricot jam for the winter

Apricot jam can turn out cloying, since overripe apricots are too sweet. Lemon will help make it taste more pleasant.

  • apricots – 2 kg
  • sugar – 1.5 kg
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • jam thickener – 1.5 packets

  1. It is better to cook apricots in a cauldron
  2. The fruits are thoroughly washed and pitted, rotten parts are removed,
  3. To homogenize the apricot mass, the fruits cut in half are placed in a cauldron and filled with 150 ml of water. After about a quarter of an hour, juice will come out of them, the apricots will become very soft
  4. Achieve a homogeneous consistency of the mass in any convenient way
  5. If desired, combine apricot puree with a thickener
  6. Rub washed lemon and zest into apricot puree
  7. Bring the apricot mass to a boil, gradually add sugar
  8. You need to cook the apricot jam for about 1 hour, after which it is hot, put into jars and rolled up

VIDEO: Apricot jam. Preparation for the winter

Recipe for delicious thick apple jam for the winter

Jam is a way to “recycle” ripe apples that have fallen to the ground and become slightly spoiled. Baking with it as a filling turns out simply incomparable!

  • apples – 1 kg
  • sugar – 600 g
  • cinnamon – 1 teaspoon

  1. Apples are prepared - washed, peeled, cut out tails, seeds, black or rusty areas, cut into quarters
  2. To soften the apples, you can place them in the oven for 15 minutes on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  3. Soft apples are homogenized and combined with cinnamon
  4. Apples, as mentioned above, have a lot of pectin, so there is no need to thicken them additionally.
  5. Place the applesauce on the fire so that it boils in its own juice.
  6. Gradually add sugar to the boiling jam, stir it constantly
  7. Cook the jam for 40 minutes
  8. Place jam in jars and roll up

VIDEO: JAM!! as in childhood! Apple jam classic recipe

Homemade strawberry jam recipe

Strawberry jam is not so easy to make. Even if you follow the boiling-cooling technology and cook the berries with sugar all day, the preparation may turn out to be too liquid or too cloying. There is a trick - mix strawberries with apples!

  • strawberries – per 1 kg
  • apples – 600 g
  • sugar – 1 kg

  • Take strawberries that are ripe, soft, but not rotten or old. It is better to cook jam in the middle of the strawberry season
  • The berries are peeled from stems and leaves, simmered in sugar and lightly boiled.
  • Apples are prepared as indicated in the apple jam recipe
  • Strawberries are rubbed through a sieve to prevent seeds from getting into the jam.
  • Apples are brought to a homogeneous state in any convenient way.
  • Combine fruit and berry purees, cook them, gradually adding sugar and stirring constantly
  • Boiling time for strawberry and apple jam is approximately 45 minutes

VIDEO: pear jam

How to make currant jam?

Of course, in order to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in the berry, it is better to freeze it or simply grind it with sugar (to prepare the so-called “vitamins”).

But for the filling for homemade baking, you can close a couple of jars of currant jam. There is almost as much pectin in currants as in apples, so you can easily boil them to the consistency of marmalade.

  • black currant – per 1 kg
  • sugar – 800 g

  1. The currants are washed, sorted, and cleared of small twigs and leaves.
  2. You can place it in a colander and steam it for about 5-7 minutes.
  3. Soft berries are rubbed through a sieve and mixed with 0.3 part sugar
  4. Allow the jam to boil; during cooking, add the remaining sugar in two batches.
  5. Boil currant jam for an hour and a quarter

How to make cherry jam. Cherry jam: a recipe for the winter

To improve the taste of cherry or cherry jam, add citric acid or fresh lemon juice.

  • cherries or sweet cherries - 1 kg
  • sugar – 600 g (if cherries), 400 g (if cherries)
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon

  1. Ripe cherries or sweet cherries are removed from the bones
  2. The berries are softened in a steam bath and then passed through a meat grinder.
  3. With a third of sugar and 100 ml of water, begin to cook them, stirring constantly
  4. After half an hour, add another third of the sugar.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, add the remaining sugar and lemon juice
  6. Cook until desired thickness

Recipe for delicious thick plum jam for the winter

Any jam, including plum, works very well. To avoid cleaning the stove, many people cook it in the oven with a lid.

  • plums - 1 kg
  • sugar – 600 g
  • jam thickener - 0.5 sachet

  1. The cream is washed and the pits are removed.
  2. Boil the plums for 10 minutes, then homogenize
  3. Plum puree is mixed with sugar and thickener and placed in the oven (under the lid)
  4. Plum jam simmering in the oven is periodically checked for readiness
  5. This jam takes up to an hour and a half to prepare.

A recipe for delicious thick raspberry jam for the winter. Recipe for jam without sugar

Raspberries are a very sweet berry, so it is better to make jam from them without any sugar at all.

  1. Take the required amount of berries and wash them several times.
  2. Raspberries are softened by steaming and rubbed through a sieve to remove seeds
  3. Boil the raspberry mass to the consistency of jam
  4. The jam is poured into sterile jars and sealed with sterile lids.

VIDEO: Apricot jam in a slow cooker

Cherry plum jam: a recipe for the winter. Recipe for delicious jam in a slow cooker

It’s easy to prepare cherry plum jam in a slow cooker. The only negative is that its volume will be small.

  • cherry plum - per 1 kg
  • sugar – 1 kg 200 g

Cherry plum jam can be prepared in a slow cooker.
  1. The pitted cherry plum is placed in boiling water for 5 minutes so that the skin peels off.
  2. Beat the cherry plum pulp with a blender and combine with sugar
  3. Place the future cherry plum jam in the multicooker bowl, select the “Baking” mode and set the time on the timer - 45 minutes
  4. Check the readiness of the jam by listening to the sound signal and, if necessary, cook it for some more time.
  5. Covering hot cherry plum jam in jars

VIDEO: Quince jam

Gooseberry jam: a recipe for the winter

Gooseberry jam has a good consistency, since the berries contain a sufficient amount of pectin. Children really like the greenish color and sweet and sour taste of the delicacy.

  • gooseberries - per 1 kg
  • sugar – 500 g

  1. Before you start cooking the jam, you can only wash the gooseberries. It is not necessary to carefully remove small leaves and tails - they, along with the seeds, will remain on the sieve after wiping
  2. Boil the berries until they soften
  3. Rub the gooseberries through a sieve and mix with sugar
  4. Boil the jam until it thickens, then pour into jars and close

VIDEO: Gooseberry and kiwi jam

Often the jam is boiled to such an extent that it is impossible to say exactly what it was cooked from. The difficulty is to preserve the aroma of the berries, but at the same time the jam has the right consistency and is spreadable on the bun, or suitable for filling.

There are several recipes for making aromatic strawberry jam, and let's start with the classic one.

For 1 kg of strawberries you need 0.5 kg of sugar.

Ripe strawberries are washed, the stems are peeled and placed in a saucepan. Sprinkle the strawberries with sugar and leave overnight to release their juice.

Place the pan on low heat and cook for 1 hour.

Cool the strawberries and grind the berries through a fine sieve and return the jam to boil until thickened.

This is an old “grandmother’s” method that can be simplified a little. Jam is made from whole berries, but this is not necessary for jam.

Recipe for quick strawberry jam

After all, the berries will still need to be chopped, so why not do it right away using a blender or meat grinder?

Grind the berries, add sugar and bring the jam to a boil.

To give the desired thickness and not overcook the berries, you can increase the amount of sugar or add potato starch at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 2 kg of berries.

In order not to constantly watch the jam and not be afraid of burning, cook it in a slow cooker.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Grind the strawberries as in the recipe above, mix with sugar and pour the strawberry puree into the slow cooker.

Set the stew mode for 2 hours, and check for thickness from time to time.

Some people grind strawberry puree through a sieve, but the seeds are so delicate that they do not interfere with enjoying the delicious and aromatic jam. On the contrary, if you close your eyes, you can imagine that it’s summer and you’ve just picked these strawberries from the garden.

But of course, if you plan to use this jam for baby food, then it’s better to get rid of the seeds.

To prevent strawberry jam from spoiling and to last well until the next season, you need to maintain maximum sterility.

Be sure to heat the jars in the oven, pour the boiling jam into the jars and immediately close the lids. There is no need to pasteurize the jam, just wrap the closed jars in a blanket and let them stand until they cool completely, then take them to a cool and dry place for long-term storage.

Watch the video for the secrets of making strawberry jam:
