Doctor's sausage kcal per 100 grams. Doctor's sausage - calorie content. Calorie content of amateur sausage

Since the mid-20th century, when large meat processing plants began operating in that huge country, all kinds of sausages have become the favorite products of Soviet people. It was considered especially chic to have a stick of “Moscow” sausage for the holiday, and everyone’s favorite “varenka” was carefully preserved for “Olivier”.

Times have passed, the great country is long gone, but the habits remain with us. We pass them on to our children, and the new generation can no longer imagine a full lunch without a sausage sandwich. It really comes in handy in various situations when you need an urgent snack or a hearty addition to soup. However, the calorie content of sausage is quite high, and is it good for our health?

If our grandmothers and mothers were forgiven for frequent consumption of sausages, then for our generation such a hobby can cost a lot - from a “blurry” figure to spoiled health. And the point here is not so much the high calorie content in the sausage, but the harmful chemical composition known to everyone.

In Soviet times, sausages were made from natural products, according to regulatory documents and had to comply with GOST. Even though the calorie content of sausage was not low at that time, the absence of a large number of synthetic additives made it truly nutritious and even healthy for consumption. For example, the recipe for “Doctor’s” sausage was specially developed for weakened people in conditions of shortage of basic food products. It contained 70% pork, 25% beef, fresh chicken eggs or melange (frozen beaten eggs) and powdered cow's milk.

Calorie content of boiled sausage and its composition

Boiled sausage is very popular among consumers. It has a delicate texture, is easy to cut and goes well with butter, various cheeses and sauces. The calorie content of boiled sausage depends on the components included in it. However, despite some differences in the indicators, we can say with confidence that the calories in boiled sausage exceed the average calorie content of lean meat from cattle and poultry.

Let’s take the calorie content of “Doctor’s” sausage. It is about 257-280 kcal per 100 g of finished product. At the same time, the calorie content of boiled lean pork is 220-260 kcal/100 g. At the same time, the fat content in “Doctor’s” sausage will be 22.2 g/100 g, protein – 12.7 g/100 g. In lean boiled pork, fat contains only 15.2 g/100 g, while complete proteins are 21.3 g/100 g. It is important to note that the calorie content of “Doctor’s” sausage is far from the highest among sausage products in this category. An example is Veal sausage, the energy value of which is 316 kcal per 100 g of finished product.

As for the calorie content of boiled sausages of other varieties, these values ​​are also quite high. The calorie content in Lyubitelskaya sausage reaches 300 kcal/100 g and the amount of fat naturally increases (26 g/100 g). The calorie content of boiled “Milk” sausage is 252 kcal per 100 g of finished product, and the fat content does not exceed 23 g per 100 g of sausage mass.

If we talk about the composition of boiled sausage, then we cannot fail to mention synthetic additives and surrogate ingredients, which are added in large quantities to minced sausage. It is no secret that boiled sausage contains vegetable proteins, which cannot be true substitutes for animal proteins. This is a kind of substitution of a full-fledged product with a cheap surrogate that does not have the desired nutritional value.

The same can be said about fats. The high calorie content of boiled sausages is explained by the high content of fats, which are also not beneficial for the body, since these are not natural animal fats, but their surrogates (cooking fat, lard). In addition, modern sausage contains a lot of various thickeners, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, dyes, antioxidants and preservatives.

Calorie content of smoked sausages

The modern food industry produces a huge number of smoked sausages of various types. A wide range of these products pleases consumers - on store shelves there are sausages for every taste. The older generation could not even dream of such a variety that is offered to us now.

However, is this product so good in terms of health and nutritional value? Let's start with the fact that the calorie content of smoked sausages is very high. This is not a dietary product at all and is not recommended for people with increased body weight.

Smoked sausages are divided into:

  • boiled-smoked;
  • raw smoked;
  • semi-smoked.

The average caloric value of boiled-smoked sausages is 450-480 kcal per 100 g of finished product. At the same time, they contain a large amount of fat (up to 40%) and about 35% protein. For a more detailed analysis of the calorie content of smoked sausages, we present the average values ​​for the most popular types of boiled smoked sausages (per 100 g):

  • Boiled-smoked sausage “Moskovskaya” - 402-408 kcal;
  • Boiled-smoked sausage “Tallinnskaya” - 375-379 kcal;
  • Calorie content of Cervelat sausage is 406-425 kcal;
  • Boiled-smoked sausage “Odesskaya” - 402-407 kcal.

The calorie content of raw smoked sausages varies widely - from 320 to 500 kcal/100 g. The most popular variety of raw smoked sausage “Braunschweig” contains 488 kcal/100 g, and the calorie content of “Moscow raw smoked” sausage is 420-450 kcal/100 g. Less caloric is a “Grainy” sausage – its calorie content does not exceed 350 kcal/100 g.

The calorie content of semi-smoked sausages is practically no different from the calorie content of other types of smoked sausages. The average value is 450-520 kcal per 100 g of finished product, however, this value may vary depending on the region of production and the specifications (technical conditions) in force at the manufacturer’s enterprise.

Calorie content of sausage and dietary nutrition

There is an unspoken rule in dietary nutrition: when switching to a healthy diet, sausage should be excluded from the menu. The reason for such a strict ban lies not only in the high calorie content of sausage, but also in its negative impact on human health. Sausages of various types are harmful to the stomach and dangerous for people with pancreatic diseases.

Nutritionists do not recommend giving sausage to children. Containing a lot of chemical additives, such a product will not benefit a growing body, but it can seriously ruin your health. In addition, the high calorie content of sausage and high fat content contribute to the appearance of fat deposits in children and adolescents. Doctors strongly recommend that parents limit or completely exclude sausages of all types from their children’s diet, and instead introduce boiled veal meat, chicken fillet and turkey into the menu.

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For many years, doctor's sausage has been one of the most favorite meat delicacies. We add it to holiday salads and prepare sandwiches with it in the morning. Therefore, those who watch their figure are not in vain interested in how many calories are in doctor’s sausage.

Considering the ingredients that are present in its composition, this product cannot be called dietary. However, among other types of similar products, it is doctor’s sausage that has the least amount of calories.

How many calories are in sausage?

Considering the large assortment of this type of product, choosing the highest quality and most useful can be quite difficult. The most “harmful” for our body are smoked and uncooked smoked sausages, made from minced meat and lard. Their energy value is the highest. And considering how many calories there are in such sausage - from 400 to 520 kcal per 100 grams of product, it is strictly prohibited to include it in the diet.

Doctor's sausage is considered less hazardous to health, its calorie content is much lower - 256 - 260 kcal per 100 grams of product. It is made from ground beef and lean pork, with the addition of spices, eggs and milk powder, so in addition to its taste, it contains many useful substances. doctor's sausage is: 12.8 g of proteins; 22.2 g of fat and 1.8 g of carbohydrates, which means it is better not to consume it when losing weight.

We all know “varenka” - this is perhaps the least harmless version of sausages. It contains natural minced meat, spices, and sometimes soy. Thanks to this, the calorie content of boiled doctor's sausage is 165 kcal per 100 grams of product. However, despite this, it is better for people losing weight to abandon this product, replacing it with regular boiled meat, or pamper themselves once or twice a week maximum.

Calorie content and nutritional value of boiled, smoked, liver sausage, sausages, boiled pork.

Sausage, frankfurters, and sausages cannot in any way be classified as dietary products. Not only can the meat content in it be only 10%, but it is also stuffed with all sorts of preservatives, raising agents, thickeners, modified soybeans, bone meal, and vegetable fats. All this will not add one bit of health, but it can cause harm. Also, sausages are not suitable for weight loss. And although they should not contain carbohydrates, the fat content is quite significant. As a result, the product has a significant calorie content, even boiled sausages. So in 100 grams of ordinary doctor’s sausage there are 250 calories, and 100 grams of boiled pork - more than 500! Even the calorie content of such a seemingly healthy and dietary liver sausage is 326 calories.

And although well-known protein diets, such as the Kremlin and Dukan diets, allow the use of processed meat products, this should not be done. According to the site, those losing weight are best excluded from their diet. We recommend that healthy people consume them no more than 1-2 times a week.

It is much healthier to eat real meat than to use highly processed products.

Below is a table of calorie content and nutritional value of sausages, frankfurters, sausages, and ham per 100 grams of product.

Table of calorie content and nutritional value of sausages

Product Calorie content
Kcal Protein
gr. Fats
gr. Carbohydrates
Buzhenina 510 15 50 0
Ham in shape 278,5 22,6 20,9 0
Special ham 126 17,6 6,2 0
514 10 52,7 0
605 8,9 63,3 0
Boiled beef sausage 165 15 11,7 0,2
Boiled breakfast sausage 187 13 13,9 2,4
Boiled Russian sausage 302 11,5 27,9 1,7
254 12,1 22,8 0
Boiled sausage, dietary 170 12,1 13,5 0
Boiled sausage, doctor's 257 12,8 22,2 1,5
187 17,2 12,1 2,2
Liver sausage 326 14,1 28,5 2,2
301 12,2 28 0,1
311,9 12,5 29,1 0
Boiled sausage, milk 252 11,7 22,8 0,2
Boiled sausage, separate 240 11 21 1,7
Boiled sausage, Moscow Region (with chicken) 180 17,2 11,6 1,7
Boiled pork sausage 277 10,8 25,8 0,5
Boiled sausage, table 234 11,1 20,2 1,8
Boiled sausage, veal 308 13,2 28,3 0,3
Boiled sausage, tea 216 11,7 18,4 1,7
Boiled-smoked sausage 350 20 30 0
406 19,1 36,6 0,2
420 17,2 39 0,2
402 14,8 38,1 0,3
423 15,1 40,1 0,3
466,2 16,2 44,6 0
258,7 23 17,4 2,7
416,6 16,4 39 0
373 17,1 33,8 0,2
375,6 16,5 34,4 0
498 17 47,7 0,4
606 9,9 62,8 0,3
436 21,1 39,1 0,4
Raw smoked pork sausage 566 13 57 0,2
491 27,7 42,2 0,2
513,8 20,9 47,8 0
472,7 24,8 41,5 0
486,6 24 43,4 0
475 10,2 48,2 0
469 10,5 47,4 0
Ham meat bread 256 12,9 21,8 1,9
Beef meat bread 263 10,5 23,9 1,4
Meat loaf separate 246 12 21 2,1
Boiled-smoked ham 510 15 50 0
Boiled Tambov ham 288 14,3 25,6 0
Hunter's sausages 463 25,3 40 0,3
Cervelat * 461 24 40,5 0,2

Table of calorie content and nutritional value of sausages

Product Calorie content
Kcal Protein
gr. Fats
gr. Carbohydrates

See also: calorie table for chicken, duck, goose, poultry

©Nika Sestrinskaya - specially for the site

Calories, kcal: 371 Proteins, g: 19.7 Fats, g: 17.4 Carbohydrates, g: 1.7

Cooked-smoked chicken fried sausage is reminiscent of delicious homemade sausage with tender chicken meat, which contains the aroma of spices and garlic.

The storage condition for boiled-smoked chicken fried sausage packaged under vacuum is a temperature from 0°C to 4°C, at a relative humidity of 75±5%, for no more than 30 days (recommended by the manufacturer).

Calorie content boiled smoked chicken fried sausage

The calorie content of boiled smoked chicken fried sausage is 371 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of boiled smoked chicken fried sausage

The composition of boiled-smoked chicken fried sausage includes poultry meat, milk, salt, and spices.

Cooked smoked chicken fried sausage in cooking

For liver sausage, the calorie content reaches 326 kcal, and it is prepared from the insides of pork or beef, which often becomes the reason for consumption not by humans, but by pets. Moreover, the taste of this product is specific, as well as the color does not cause appetite. But, despite this, it has much more benefits than smoked one. Precisely because of the use of the liver, heart and kidneys of pork and beef, which are already individually important products for the human body. And as an ingredient for various dishes, liverwurst is used to create pates, which is due to its delicate consistency.

Eat sausage and not gain weight

If you have an acute desire to lose weight and no sudden dream of gaining a few kilograms, it is not recommended to eat sausage. But for those who have been eating it constantly and in large quantities for a long time, it is very difficult to give it up completely right away. In this case, in addition to the issue of reducing its daily intake, it is important to remember several principles that allow you to reduce not so much the calorie content of sausage - boiled or raw smoked - but the detrimental effect on the figure.

  • If you really want salami, cervelat or hunting sausages, it is permissible to eat twenty-five grams before the main meal (better if it is lunch) in order to whet the appetite, as mentioned above. Such an amount will not be disastrous for the work that preceded this day to create an ideal figure, at least through spices, but it will start the digestion process.
  • It is better to give preference to the group of boiled sausages: “Tea”, “Milk” or “Doctor’s” sausages, the calorie content of which does not exceed all acceptable norms. In order to reduce their “weight”, it is necessary to boil the product in salted water, which, however, may slightly affect the taste.
  • It is useful to combine sausage with cereals (in the form of

Calorie content Cooked-smoked sausage, amateur. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Product calculator

Not all foods contain the full range of essential vitamins and minerals, so it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet your body's nutrient needs. The calculator will allow you to easily see the pros and cons of a product and help you create a diet that is completely balanced.

Nutritional value and chemical composition "Boiled-smoked sausage, amateur".

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible portion.

Energy value is 420 kcal.

Calorie content and chemical composition of other products:

Product calorie analysis

The energy (calorie content) of food is accumulated in nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). It is known that 1 g of fat provides 9 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal, and 1 g of protein - 4 kcal. The energy balance diagram shows the ratio of these substances in a product based on their contribution to the calorie content of a given product. Why do you need this information? Many popular diets are based on this knowledge. For example, the US Department of Health recommends that 60% of calories come from carbohydrates and only 30% from fat. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake. Whichever method you choose, our chart will show you how different foods fit your goal.

Cooked-smoked sausage, amateur, calorie content 420 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, benefits of Cooked-smoked sausage, amateur, calories, nutrients, beneficial properties Cooked-smoked sausage, amateur.

  • Nutritional value analysis - how healthy the product is!
  • Diagrams - chemical composition in graphs.

Home - Composition of products - Composition of meat, poultry and meat products - sausages - Chemical composition of "Cooked-smoked sausage, amateur"

Benefits of boiled-smoked sausage, amateur

Boiled-smoked sausage, amateur rich the following vitamins and minerals: vitamin PP - 39 %, sodium - 118,8 %, phosphorus - 26,8 %, iron - 16,7 %.

Where % is the percentage of satisfaction of the daily norm per 100 grams.

You can see a complete guide to the healthiest foods in the “My Healthy Diet” app.

Useful properties of boiled-smoked sausage, amateur


Energy value, or calorie content- this is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during the digestion process. The energy value of the product is measured in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. The kilocalorie used to measure the energy value of food is also called a "food calorie", therefore, when indicating caloric content in (kilo)calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. You can see detailed energy value tables for Russian products here.

The nutritional value- content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Nutritional value of food product- a set of properties of a food product, the presence of which satisfies the physiological needs of a person for the necessary substances and energy.

Vitamins, organic substances required in small quantities in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. Vitamin synthesis is usually carried out by plants, not animals. A person's daily requirement for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heat. Many vitamins are unstable and are “lost” during cooking or food processing.

How many calories are in smoked sausage?

Irina Petrotsi

Lean beef. .100
Fatty beef. .280
Pork. .260
Chicken. .120
Goose. .360
Sausages. .240
Sausages. .260
Sausage. .250
Smoked sausage. 300
Bream. .62
Cod. .38
Oil. .780
Margarine. .730
Smalets. .930
Mayonnaise (1 spoon). .100
Milk. .58
Cottage cheese. .90
White cheese. .100
Yellow fat cheese. .260
Processed cheese. .210
Egg (1 piece). .65
The bread is gray. .231
An ordinary bun. .252
Pasta. .270
Barley porridge. .343
Buckwheat porridge. .348
Hercules. .420
Rice. .450
Sugar. .395
Marmalade. .270
Honey. .320
Potato. .75
Carrot. .58
Cabbage. .25
Dried peas. .350
Fresh mushrooms. .25
Lemon. .42

Natural coffee Sugarless. .0
Creamy ice cream. .135
Chocolate. .620

Drinks kilocalories

A quarter liter of dark beer. .150
A large glass of red wine. .75
A small glass of vermouth. .70
A small glass of liqueur. .70
A small glass of vodka. .60
Sweet cocktail (1 glass). .175
Tomato juice (1 glass). .44
Grapefruit juice (1 glass). .50


Tanyusha! I beg you! Enough about the food! Eating at night is harmful!


BEFORE...and more.

Nina Bazyleva

Foods Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Calories
Meat products
beef stew 17 18 0.5 230
stewed pork 15 35 0.4 380
liver pate 11 31 3 335
concentrated soups with meat 8 15 40 335
raw freeze-dried pork 64 40 - 968
freeze-dried pork roll 64 72 - 968
ham 16 32 - 359
boiled sausage 12 10 1.2 149
fatty sausage 16 41 - 440
smoked loin 11 47 - 460
semi-smoked sausage 15 32 - 431
Sausages 14 9.2 1.4 149
Sausages 12 17 0.4 212
Fish products
sprats in oil 17 32 0.6 360
fish in tomato 15 8 7 160
smoked herring 11 9 - 131
fresh butter 0.5 79 0.5 742
melted butter - 94 - 875
lard 1.8 79 - 739
sunflower oil - 95 - 882
soybean oil - 95 - 880
dry cream 17 45 30 585
powdered milk 38 1 50 350
condensed milk with sugar 7 9 55 335
fat cheese 50% 19 27 3.4 345
cheese 30% fat 24 14 2.5 237
condensed cream with sugar 8 19 47 396
Egg powder 50 34 - 523
Bread products
wheat crackers 10 2 75 370
wheat flour 1st grade 9 1 70 335
cookies 10 10 70 420
pasta 9 0.8 71 338
oatmeal 9 5.9 60 336
barley 7 1.4 66 311
buckwheat 9 2.3 62 313
semolina 9.5 0.7 70 334
rice 6 0.9 72 330
corn (flakes) 13 1.2 69 348
millet 8.2 2.2 63.8 316
dried peas 15 2.1 49 285
dried beans 16 1.9 50 286
sugar - -99 406
honey 0.3 - 77 318
cocoa powder 20 19 38 414
chocolate 5.1 34 51 549
caramel - -92 378
halva 14 29 43 509
raisins 1.6 1.2 66 295
apricot 3.8 0.4 54 249
prunes 31.4 36.8 74.6 546
forest 5.5 22 5.6 255
walnuts 5.4 22 4.7 248
peanuts 18 32 11 410
pistachios 10 22 8 274
almonds 7 20 4.8 237
jelly, compote 4 - 67 250


Raw smoked - 450-550 kcal per 100 g of sausage, var-kopch - 350-450 kcal per 100 g of sausage, semi-smoked - 250-450 kcal per 100 g of sausage

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I don’t know, I don’t count them!


Why do you need this
if you want it, you have to eat it, but it’s crazy to infringe on yourself
It’s better to go in for sports afterwards

Polina Guretskaya

Articles on the topic

Sausage is a type of sausage product, which is minced meat in a casing, may contain one or more types of meat, various fillers, and be subjected to heat treatment (cooking, frying) or fermentation.

Sausage has been known since time immemorial. Mentions of it are found in sources of Ancient Greece, Babylon and Ancient China. Slavic word sausage known since the 12th century, it was found in the Novgorod birch bark document No. 842, where sausage appears in the list of sent products. In Russia, sausage production workshops appeared in the 17th century.

There is a hypothesis that the word "Sausage" comes from the Old Testament Hebrew expression "Kol Basar", which means "All flesh" or "All meat".

Types of sausages

Boiled sausages

Made from salted minced meat. They are cooked at a temperature of about 80 °C. Boiled sausages can contain large amounts of soy, or can be vegetarian with soy or seitan instead of meat. Due to the large amount of water they contain, they are not stored for a long time.

Boiled sausages contain 10-15% protein, 20-30% fat, energy value - 220-310 kcal per 100 g.

Boiled-smoked sausages

First it is boiled and then smoked. Contains more spices than boiled sausages. Unlike boiled sausages (in which the minced meat is a homogeneous mass), boiled-smoked sausages can consist of small pieces of a certain size. Milk, cream, flour, bacon and starch are used as additives.

Boiled-smoked sausages contain 10-17% protein, 30-40% fat, their energy value is 350-410 kcal per 100 g, and their shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than 15 days.

Semi-smoked sausages

First they fry, then boil and then smoke. Semi-smoked sausages in appearance and taste are often almost indistinguishable from boiled-smoked sausages, but during heat treatment there is less weight loss, and smoking is less pronounced.

Semi-smoked sausages contain 15-12% protein, 30-40% fat, their energy value is 370-460 kcal per 100 g.

Raw smoked sausages

Outdated name - hard smoked. Raw smoked sausages are not subjected to high-temperature heat treatment, cold smoking occurs at 20-25 ° C, the meat is subjected to fermentation and dehydration. The ripening of raw smoked sausages lasts at least 30-40 days, they contain the largest amount of spices, and it is also possible to add cognac.

Raw smoked sausages contain 13-28% protein, fat - 28-57%, energy value - 340-570 kcal per 100 g.

Dry-cured sausages

Made from minced marinated meat. Smoked in cold smoke for 3-4 days. The meat is fermented and dehydrated, after which it is dried at a temperature of 15-18 °C. An example of dry-cured sausage is Sudzhuk.

Dried sausages contain 9.9% protein, fat - 63.2%, energy value - 403 kcal per 100 g.


Liver sausage is made from offal (liver, meat trimmings, etc.), mainly boiled; eggs (egg sausage), vegetables, milk, butter and other additives can also be used. Liver sausages differ from other sausages in their pasty consistency and gray or light gray color of both the minced meat and the casing.

Liver sausages contain 10-18% protein, 12-44% fat, energy value 196-444 kcal per 100 grams. The shelf life of liver sausages in natural casings is relatively short, up to 3 days; however, when using vacuum packaging or modified atmosphere packaging, as well as preservatives in the sausage, the shelf life can be extended to 30 days.

Calorie content of different types of sausage

Product Calorie content
Buzhenina 510 15 50 0
Ham in shape 278,5 22,6 20,9 0
Special ham 126 17,6 6,2 0
Smoked-baked brisket (pork) 514 10 52,7 0
Raw smoked brisket (pork) 605 8,9 63,3 0
Boiled beef sausage 165 15 11,7 0,2
Boiled breakfast sausage 187 13 13,9 2,4
Boiled Russian sausage 302 11,5 27,9 1,7
Boiled sausage, diabetic 254 12,1 22,8 0
Boiled sausage, dietary 170 12,1 13,5 0
Boiled sausage, doctor's 257 12,8 22,2 1,5
Boiled sausage, Zelenogradskaya (with duck meat) 187 17,2 12,1 2,2
Liver sausage 326 14,1 28,5 2,2
Boiled sausage, amateur 301 12,2 28 0,1
Boiled sausage, amateur pork 311,9 12,5 29,1 0
Boiled sausage, milk 252 11,7 22,8 0,2
Boiled sausage, separate 240 11 21 1,7
Boiled sausage, Moscow Region (with chicken) 180 17,2 11,6 1,7
Boiled pork sausage 277 10,8 25,8 0,5
Boiled sausage, table 234 11,1 20,2 1,8
Boiled sausage, veal 308 13,2 28,3 0,3
Boiled sausage, tea 216 11,7 18,4 1,7
Boiled-smoked sausage 350 20 30 0
Boiled-smoked Moscow sausage 406 19,1 36,6 0,2
Cooked-smoked sausage, amateur 420 17,2 39 0,2
Semi-smoked Odessa sausage 402 14,8 38,1 0,3
Semi-smoked sausage, Armavir 423 15,1 40,1 0,3
Semi-smoked sausage, Krakow 466,2 16,2 44,6 0
Semi-smoked sausage, Minsk 258,7 23 17,4 2,7
Semi-smoked sausage, Poltava 416,6 16,4 39 0
Semi-smoked sausage, Tallinn 373 17,1 33,8 0,2
Semi-smoked sausage, Ukrainian 375,6 16,5 34,4 0
Raw smoked road sausage 498 17 47,7 0,4
Raw smoked grainy sausage 606 9,9 62,8 0,3
Olympic raw smoked sausage 436 21,1 39,1 0,4
Raw smoked pork sausage 566 13 57 0,2
Raw smoked sausage, Brunswick 491 27,7 42,2 0,2
Uncooked smoked sausage, amateur 513,8 20,9 47,8 0
Raw smoked sausage, Moscow 472,7 24,8 41,5 0
Raw smoked sausage, Stolichnaya 486,6 24 43,4 0
Smoked-baked loin (pork) 475 10,2 48,2 0
Raw smoked loin (pork) 469 10,5 47,4 0
Ham meat bread 256 12,9 21,8 1,9
Beef meat bread 263 10,5 23,9 1,4
Meat loaf separate 246 12 21 2,1
Boiled-smoked ham 510 15 50 0
Boiled Tambov ham 288 14,3 25,6 0
Hunter's sausages 463 25,3 40 0,3
Cervelat 461 24 40,5 0,2

Calorie content of sausages

Product Calorie content
Sausages 1st grade 202 10,3 17,2 1,5
Beef sausages 215 11,4 18,2 1,3
Pork sausages 322 10,1 31,6 1,8
Beef sausages 226 10,4 20,1 0,8
Capital sausages 234 12,2 20,3 0,5
Sausages, dairy 261 11 23,9 0,4
Sausages, Russian 250 11,3 22 1,7
Sausages, pork 324,4 11,8 30,8 0

Sausage is a processed food product made from meat with additives. Sausage may contain one or more types of meat. Sausage or sausage products, depending on the technology and raw materials used, are divided into:

boiled, stuffed, semi-smoked, smoked, blood, liver, sausages and sausages, meat loaves, pates, brawns and jellies. Soy protein, gelatin and sometimes fiber are added to sausages. The percentage of meat in sausage varies from 1 to 70%.

We present an overview of the calorie content of some types of sausages:

Calorie content of milk sausage

Average calorie content: 252 kcal

Dmitrogorsky Dairy sausage first grade - Calorie content: 252 kcal

Sausage Klin Milk – Calories: 252 kcal

Welcome Sausage Milk – Calories: 252 kcal

Sausage Tsar-Product Dairy – Calories: 252 kcal

Premium milk sausage Dymov – Calorie content: 252 kcal

Boiled sausage “Milk from Bacon” – Calories: 249 kcal

Sausage Outskirts Milk 252 kcal

Calorie content of doctor's sausage

Average calorie content: 242 kcal

Dymov doctor's sausage, premium - Calorie content: 253 kcal

Bonbacon Doktorskaya sausage in a polyamide casing without soy – Calorie content: 246 kcal

Mikoyan Doktorskaya hand-knitted sausage in natural casing – Calorie content: 194.7 kcal

Hand-knit Ostankino doctor's sausage – Calorie content: 257 kcal

Sausage Ruzkom Doctor's Tradition – Calories: 181 kcal

Boiled sausage “Doctorskaya from Bacon” – Calories: 246 kcal

Sausage Tsar-product Doktorskaya – Calories: 253 kcal

Sausage Welcome Doctor - Calories: 253 kcal

Sausage Dmitrogorsky Doctorskaya – Calories: 253 kcal

Sausage Klin Doctorskaya – Calories: 253 kcal

Boiled Snezhana Doktorskaya sausage in a protein casing – Calories: 253 kcal

Boiled Okraina Doktorskaya sausage – Calories: 253 kcal

Sausage Kolomenskoye Doctorskaya – Calories: 253 kcal

Calorie content of amateur sausage

Average calorie content: 304 kcal

Sausage Tsar-Product Amateur – Calories: 304 kcal

Sausage Outskirts Lyubitelskaya – Calories: 304 kcal

Welcome Sausage Amateur without soy – Calories: 304 kcal

Sausage Dmitrogorsky Lyubitelskaya premium – Calorie content: 304 kcal

Sausage Kolomenskoye Lyubitelskaya – Calories: 304 kcal

Sausage Rublevsky MK Lyubitelskaya premium in vacuum – Calorie content: 304 kcal.

There are boiled sausages (including sausages and small sausages), semi-smoked, smoked, smoked-boiled, liver, brawn and jellies. The raw materials are lean beef, pork, bacon, and less often - lamb, horse meat, and poultry.
Meat by-products (liver, brains, heart, tripe and others) are used for liver sausages, brawn, and jellies.

Sausage has been known since time immemorial. Mentions of it are found in sources of Ancient Greece, Babylon and Ancient China. In Russia, sausage production workshops appeared in the 17th century.

Boiled sausages

Made from salted minced meat. They are cooked at a temperature of about 80 degrees. Boiled sausages can contain large amounts of soy, or can be vegetarian with soy or seitan instead of meat. Due to the large amount of water they contain, they are not stored for a long time.

Boiled sausages contain 10-15% protein, 20-30% fat, energy value - 220-310 kcal per 100 g.

Boiled-smoked sausages

First it is boiled and then smoked. Contains more spices than boiled sausages. Unlike boiled sausages (in which the minced meat is a homogeneous mass), boiled-smoked sausages can consist of small pieces of a certain size. Milk, cream, flour, bacon and starch are used as additives.

Boiled-smoked sausages contain 10-17% protein, 30-40% fat, their energy value is 350-410 kcal per 100 g, and shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than 15 days.

Semi-smoked sausages

First they fry, then boil and then smoke. Semi-smoked sausages in appearance and taste are often almost indistinguishable from boiled-smoked sausages, but during heat treatment there is less weight loss, and smoking is less pronounced.

Raw smoked sausages

Outdated names - hard smoked, hard smoked sausages are not subjected to high temperature heat treatment, cold smoking occurs at 20-25 degrees, the meat is subjected to fermentation and dehydration. The ripening of raw smoked sausages lasts at least 30-40 days. Raw smoked sausages contain the largest amount of spices; it is also possible to add cognac. Using the new technology, sausages are produced in 21 days or less. This is achieved due to a) GDL - gluconodeltalactone - an acid that affects the change in pH b) starting cultures - most often yeast microorganisms that feed on the sugar added to the recipe. Fermentation is carried out due to the release of waste products.

Raw smoked sausages contain 13-28% protein, fat - 28-57%, energy value - 340-570 kcal per 100 g.

Dry-cured sausages

Made from minced marinated meat. Smoked in cold smoke for 3-4 days. The meat is fermented and dehydrated, after which it is dried at a temperature of 15-18 degrees.

* caloric content data is given per 100 grams of product.

Products Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
Boiled diet sausage 12.1 13.5 170
Boiled doctor's sausage 12.8 22.2 1.5 257
Cooked amateur sausage 12.2 28.0 301
Boiled milk sausage 11.7 22.8 252
Boiled Moscow sausage 11.5 21.8 2.0 250
Boiled Russian sausage 11.8 28.9 302
Boiled pork sausage 10.2 25.1 1.9 274
Boiled sausage Stolichnaya 15.1 28.7 319
Boiled table sausage 11.1 20.2 1.9 234
Boiled tea sausage 11.7 18.4 1.9 216
Boiled smoked chicken fried sausage 19.7 17.4 1.7 371
Boiled-smoked sausage servelat boyarskiy 14.0 21.0 269
Boiled-smoked sausage servelat Russian 13.0 39.0 1.0 410
Liver sausage 13 25.0 0 277
Semi-smoked snack sausage 15.0 33.0 2.3 366
Semi-smoked Krakow sausage 16.2 44.6 466
Half-smoked amateur sausage 17.3 39.0 420
Semi-smoked Minsk sausage 17.4 23.0 2.7 287
Semi-smoked Moscow sausage 19.1 36.6 406
Semi-smoked Odessa sausage 14.8 38.1 402
Poltava semi-smoked sausage 16.4 39.0 417
Amateur semi-smoked salami sausage 12.0 50.0 498
Semi-smoked sausage servelat 16.1 40.1 425
Semi-smoked Tallinn sausage 17.1 33.8 373
Ukrainian semi-smoked sausage 16.5 34.4 376
Raw smoked grainy sausage 9.9 63.2 608
Uncooked smoked amateur sausage 20.9 47.8 514
Moscow raw smoked sausage 24.8 41.5 473
Raw smoked pork sausage 13.0 57.3 568
Raw smoked sausage servelat 24.0 40.5 461
Stolichnaya raw smoked sausage 24.0 43.4 487
Hunting sausages 27.4 24.3 326
Hunting sausages Dymov 25.7 40.0 463
Krovyanka 9.0 19.5 14.5 274
Salami 21.6 53.7 1.4 568
Beef sausages 11.4 18.2 1.5 215
Chilled milk sausages from poultry meat 11.0 19.0 2.6 226
Pork sausages 10.1 31.6 1.9 332
Beef sausages 10.4 20.1 0.8 226
Chicken sausages 10.8 22.4 4.2 259
Amateur sausages 9.0 29.5 0.7 304
Milk sausages 11.0 23.9 1.6 266
Special sausages 11.8 24.7 270
Russian sausages 11.3 22.0 243
Pork sausages 9.5 34.3 342

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Boiled sausages are in constant demand and popularity; the most famous variety is doctor's sausage. Boiled doctor's sausage got its name in 1936, when it was developed and produced at the Moscow Meat Processing Plant named after A.I. Mikoyan. Initially, doctor's sausage was supposed to become a dietary product for those who suffered from the consequences of long-term fasting.

Boiled doctor's sausage is produced in accordance with GOST 33673-2015, therefore the use of this name for meat products not produced according to the standard is prohibited. Doctor's sausage has a fairly dense and elastic, almost uniform consistency, pink color, pleasant, recognizable taste and aroma. Boiled doctor's sausage is produced in the form of cylinders, packaged in cellophane or a special food casing.

Calorie content of boiled doctor's sausage

The calorie content of boiled doctor's sausage is 257 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of boiled doctor's sausage

The product contains: , or , or , spices ( or ). In this case, there should be at least 95% of the mass of the sausage. The presence of sodium nitrite is due to the fact that the additive affects the color and smell of the product, but disappears during heat treatment during the production process (calorizator). Boiled doctor's sausage contains , which is involved in the synthesis of hormones and is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as the heme form, which is quickly absorbed by the body.

The harm of boiled doctor's sausage

Despite the dietary qualities of doctor's sausage, it should be remembered that the product contains almost 2% salt, which retains fluid in the body and can cause edema. Doctor's sausage contains allergenic products, so those who are prone to allergic reactions should use the product with caution.

Selection and storage of boiled doctor's sausage

When choosing a product, you should carefully study the labels on the packaging. It must be indicated that the product was manufactured in accordance with GOST. Additions to the name, for example, “classic”, “premium”, “traditional”, “extra”, etc., in the absence of GOST indication, indicate that the sausage is a counterfeit product.

According to the storage standards specified in the standard, boiled doctor's sausage is stored in the refrigerator for 72 hours.

Cooked doctor's sausage in cooking

Boiled doctor's sausage is a traditional addition to breakfast bread. Doctor's sausage is fried, added to omelettes and scrambled eggs, in hodgepodge and stewed vegetables, and used instead of boiled meat to make salads.

For more information about doctor’s sausage, its benefits or harm, watch the video “Doctor’s sausage - is it healthy or not?” TV show “Live Healthy!”

Especially for
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About doctor's sausage:

Doctor's sausage was specially created for “sick people with poor health as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism.” The recipe for “improving public health” was verified to the smallest detail. 100 kilograms of sausage contained 25 kilograms of premium beef, 70 kilograms of lean pork, 3 kilograms of eggs and 2 kilograms of cow's milk. Nothing extra.

However, the war and post-war shortages took their toll again. The era of searching for various meat substitutes has begun, such as glycerin, albumin, gelatin, edible herbs and even tops of garden crops. They began to add peas, cereals, flour, onions and even boiled potatoes to the sausage. But even despite these additives, the quality level of doctor's sausage remained high until the mid-seventies.

Doctor's sausages and doctor's sausage had a high percentage of meat, and it was a meat cocktail that was adaptive to our digestive tract. But over the years, commercial meat production has made its own adjustments, and today doctor’s sausage does not resemble the product of those years at all.

It has nothing to do with meat at all.

In the 60s of the last century, an experimental era with fattening animals began all over the world, and the sausage smelled of fish, chickens, and a chemical plant producing fertilizers. And already in the seventies, GOSTs allowed the addition of soy protein, milk protein, including indigestible sodium caseinate, to sausage mince.

Let's look at what we ended up with. Today's regulations establish the quantity of necessary ingredients for the production of raw meat, and not meat in the classical sense. These can be tendons, connective tissues, that is, fat, food blood, crushed bones, meat film, offal. Also acceptable are the additions of soybean and gum - a substance of plant origin that has the ability to retain a lot of water. Carrageenan is very actively used today; when dry, it looks like a gray powder. This is an extract from red algae, a complex polysaccharide that attaches a lot of water molecules to itself and creates a tasteless and odorless gel. Its solubility varies. For the meat industry, as a rule, a thicker gel is used, which dissolves approximately one in thirty to forty. Then another important component is added, which is called animal protein.

Animal protein is, as a rule, slaughter waste dried and ground into dust: pig skins, cow udders and lips, cartilage of various animals and poultry. It should be noted that this is indeed protein, but it is difficult to digest.

What to do?

Experts advise: if you are an avid meat eater, you should try replacing sausage with baked or simply boiled meat. This cooking method allows you to remove excess fat from meat and endlessly experiment with spices. You can also replace sausage with boiled beef or chicken breasts. At the same time, the price of chicken breasts or turkey fillets is no more expensive than sausage, and they contain 7 times less fat than in “Doctorskaya”.

Or make doctor's sausage yourself. It is quite possible.

How many calories are in doctor's sausage?

The calorie content of doctor's sausage, like all sausages, is quite high and amounts to:

257 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in doctor's sausage per 100 grams:

Proteins - 12.8

Fats – 22.2

Carbohydrates – 1.5

Recipe? Recipe!

Is it possible to prepare doctor's sausage at home? Can! Here are two recipes:

Doctor's sausage:

  • 1 kg beef
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of powdered milk
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid smoke
  • 250 ml water

Mix all ingredients using a blender.

Place the minced meat tightly into the baking sleeve.

Secure the ends of the sleeves, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Then transfer the sausage to the slow cooker and cook in the “Stew” mode for 1.5 hours.

Homemade doctor's sausage:

Since sausage can be prepared not only according to GOST, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipe, which requires the use of minced pork. It may be similar to “Amateur” or “Doctoral”, and this quality is influenced by the grinding of the bacon. For example, to make “Lyubitelskaya” sausage, lard cut into pieces is added to the minced meat rather than twisted.

Sausage composition:

kilogram of pork; 300 grams of lard; onions (to taste); 2 cloves of garlic; one raw egg; a tablespoon of gelatin; 0.5 teaspoon black pepper; 1 tablespoon each of nutmeg, semolina, salt (without top) and sunflower oil.

First we prepare the minced meat. We thoroughly wash the meat, cut off all the films, veins and cut into pieces. Grind the pork with a blender along with garlic and onions to obtain a creamy mass. Another option for grinding meat is to use a meat grinder. And if you want to make ham doctor’s sausage, you can add larger pieces of pork (chicken) to the minced meat. Then add the egg and mix well. Pour in the spices: black pepper, semolina, nutmeg, salt, gelatin and sunflower oil. And mix everything again to evenly distribute the added ingredients.

If there is no special form for ham, then we use a baking sleeve. Or there is another original way - use a juice or milk box as a form. After all, homemade sausage can be cooked without special equipment. Place the minced meat in a bag (sleeve), roll it up and tie it in several places with a rope (string) so that the sausage becomes tight. You need to cook it for 2 hours after boiling over low heat. The water should boil slightly. And the amount of water needed is such that the bag of minced meat is completely covered.

There are boiled sausages (including sausages and small sausages), semi-smoked, smoked, smoked-boiled, liver, brawn and jellies. The raw materials are lean beef, pork, bacon, and less often - lamb, horse meat, and poultry.
Meat by-products (liver, brains, heart, tripe and others) are used for liver sausages, brawn, and jellies.

Sausage has been known since time immemorial. Mentions of it are found in sources of Ancient Greece, Babylon and Ancient China. In Russia, sausage production workshops appeared in the 17th century.

Boiled sausages

Made from salted minced meat. They are cooked at a temperature of about 80 degrees. Boiled sausages can contain large amounts of soy, or can be vegetarian with soy or seitan instead of meat. Due to the large amount of water they contain, they are not stored for a long time.

Boiled sausages contain 10-15% protein, 20-30% fat, energy value - 220-310 kcal per 100 g.

Boiled-smoked sausages

First it is boiled and then smoked. Contains more spices than boiled sausages. Unlike boiled sausages (in which the minced meat is a homogeneous mass), boiled-smoked sausages can consist of small pieces of a certain size. Milk, cream, flour, bacon and starch are used as additives.

Boiled-smoked sausages contain 10-17% protein, 30-40% fat, their energy value is 350-410 kcal per 100 g, and shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than 15 days.

Semi-smoked sausages

First they fry, then boil and then smoke. Semi-smoked sausages in appearance and taste are often almost indistinguishable from boiled-smoked sausages, but during heat treatment there is less weight loss, and smoking is less pronounced.

Raw smoked sausages

Outdated names - hard smoked, hard smoked sausages are not subjected to high temperature heat treatment, cold smoking occurs at 20-25 degrees, the meat is subjected to fermentation and dehydration. The ripening of raw smoked sausages lasts at least 30-40 days. Raw smoked sausages contain the largest amount of spices; it is also possible to add cognac. Using the new technology, sausages are produced in 21 days or less. This is achieved due to a) GDL - gluconodeltalactone - an acid that affects the change in pH b) starting cultures - most often yeast microorganisms that feed on the sugar added to the recipe. Fermentation is carried out due to the release of waste products.

Raw smoked sausages contain 13-28% protein, fat - 28-57%, energy value - 340-570 kcal per 100 g.

Dry-cured sausages

Made from minced marinated meat. Smoked in cold smoke for 3-4 days. The meat is fermented and dehydrated, after which it is dried at a temperature of 15-18 degrees.

* caloric content data is given per 100 grams of product.

Products Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
Boiled diet sausage 12.1 13.5 170
Boiled doctor's sausage 12.8 22.2 1.5 257
Cooked amateur sausage 12.2 28.0 301
Boiled milk sausage 11.7 22.8 252
Boiled Moscow sausage 11.5 21.8 2.0 250
Boiled Russian sausage 11.8 28.9 302
Boiled pork sausage 10.2 25.1 1.9 274
Boiled sausage Stolichnaya 15.1 28.7 319
Boiled table sausage 11.1 20.2 1.9 234
Boiled tea sausage 11.7 18.4 1.9 216
Boiled smoked chicken fried sausage 19.7 17.4 1.7 371
Boiled-smoked sausage servelat boyarskiy 14.0 21.0 269
Boiled-smoked sausage servelat Russian 13.0 39.0 1.0 410
Liver sausage 13 25.0 0 277
Semi-smoked snack sausage 15.0 33.0 2.3 366
Semi-smoked Krakow sausage 16.2 44.6 466
Half-smoked amateur sausage 17.3 39.0 420
Semi-smoked Minsk sausage 17.4 23.0 2.7 287
Semi-smoked Moscow sausage 19.1 36.6 406
Semi-smoked Odessa sausage 14.8 38.1 402
Poltava semi-smoked sausage 16.4 39.0 417
Amateur semi-smoked salami sausage 12.0 50.0 498
Semi-smoked sausage servelat 16.1 40.1 425
Semi-smoked Tallinn sausage 17.1 33.8 373
Ukrainian semi-smoked sausage 16.5 34.4 376
Raw smoked grainy sausage 9.9 63.2 608
Uncooked smoked amateur sausage 20.9 47.8 514
Moscow raw smoked sausage 24.8 41.5 473
Raw smoked pork sausage 13.0 57.3 568
Raw smoked sausage servelat 24.0 40.5 461
Stolichnaya raw smoked sausage 24.0 43.4 487
Hunting sausages 27.4 24.3 326
Hunting sausages Dymov 25.7 40.0 463
Krovyanka 9.0 19.5 14.5 274
Salami 21.6 53.7 1.4 568
Beef sausages 11.4 18.2 1.5 215
Chilled milk sausages from poultry meat 11.0 19.0 2.6 226
Pork sausages 10.1 31.6 1.9 332
Beef sausages 10.4 20.1 0.8 226
Chicken sausages 10.8 22.4 4.2 259
Amateur sausages 9.0 29.5 0.7 304
Milk sausages 11.0 23.9 1.6 266
Special sausages 11.8 24.7 270
Russian sausages 11.3 22.0 243
Pork sausages 9.5 34.3 342