Lavash made from canned cod liver. Lavash roll with liver: step-by-step recipe with photos. Lavash stuffed with cod liver in the oven

Lavash roll with cod liver.

Lavash roll with cod liver


  • cod liver - 1 jar;
  • Armenian lavash - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 50-70 g;
  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Preparation of lavash roll with cod liver:

Prepare food. Hard-boil the eggs first and let them cool. Wash the lettuce leaves and dry them.
Grease a sheet of lavash with mayonnaise. It is better to leave the edges of the pita bread clean, this will make it easier to wrap the roll and it will be more neat. Peel the eggs and grate them on a coarse grater. Place the chopped eggs on the pita bread and form a tight strip.
Then place a couple of lettuce leaves next to the eggs, also in stripes.
Drain excess oil from the cod liver, then mash the liver with a fork and place on pita bread next to the lettuce leaves.
Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and place the last strip. This way we got 4 strips of filling.
Fold the empty edges of the pita bread over the filling, and then roll the pita bread into a tight roll. Wrap the resulting roll in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Cut the finished lavash roll with cod liver into portions and serve. This appetizer is perfect for serving with beer. Look how bright and delicious the rolls turned out!

Lavash roll with cod liver 1 Lavash roll with cod liver 2 Lavash roll with cod liver

Stuffed pita bread today solemnly occupies a central place on the everyday and holiday table.

Cut into pieces, it does not stain your hands and looks beautiful on a dish.

It is permissible to use anything as a layer, including cod liver with various additives - mushrooms, vegetables, fish caviar, cheese and eggs.

Lavash with cod liver - general cooking principles

The original appetizer will be pleasing to the eye and will turn out tasty and neat if you follow the basic principles of preparing lavash rolls:

It is more difficult to work with a large oval-shaped pita bread: to carefully wrap it into a roll, skill will be required;

Be sure to coat the surface of the pita bread with mayonnaise before placing the cod liver filling so that the roll does not crumble when cutting;

Don't forget to coat the sides and ends of the pita bread with mayonnaise (or other sauce);

The filling can be poured in layers or the pita bread can be visually divided into squares: then you will get a multi-layered snack.

Sequential process for preparing pita bread with cod liver:

1. Lay out the pita bread on the table.

2. Cover its entire surface evenly with mayonnaise or another sauce (it is easiest to squeeze mayonnaise out of a plastic tube if you make a small hole in it at the end).

3. Prepare the fillings: cod liver, herbs, cheese. They can be laid out in layers, sandwiched with sauce, or immediately mixed into a salad and placed in a roll.

4. Starting from the edge, roll the roll, pressing it tightly with your hands.

5. Wrap in cling film to prevent air from entering and refrigerate for 4–5 hours.

6. Cut the pita bread with cod liver into fairly thick (1.5–3 cm) pieces.

Lavash with cod liver “Classic”

The characteristic taste of liver in this appetizer is softened by boiled eggs, herbs and hard cheese. A dish with a mild taste for holidays and for the everyday table. Lavash with cod liver in this version can be considered traditional, since the filling is a canned fish salad familiar to everyone from childhood.


A jar of liver (usually 190 g);

3 boiled eggs;

Medium bunch of parsley (only greens without stems);

Salt, ground pepper;

Feathers of green onions;

150 g of hard cheese only (Russian, Dutch).

Cooking method:

1. Make the filling: grate the eggs along with the cheese, mix. The greens can be finely chopped or pureed in a blender. Place the canned food in a sieve to drain the oil and juice. Remember the liver with a fork and mix with the main mass. Add mayonnaise, pepper and salt, stir.

2. Let's make lavash. We unfold the large oval one and lay it out on the table. You will need three small ones; they must be placed in a row so that about ¼ of them overlap.

3. Coat the pita bread with mayonnaise. You don’t need a lot - 100 grams will be enough for such a roll.

4. Roll it up, pressing it with your hands at the same time. If you use three small pita breads, coat their ends generously with mayonnaise so that the structure does not crumble.

5. Wrap in film, bag or foil and refrigerate for three hours.

Lavash with cod liver and fresh sorrel

An original snack with a sour taste, which is given to it by sorrel. The abundance of greenery makes the dish truly spring and bright. Lavash with cod liver according to this recipe is for a festive feast and breakfast with the family.


1 Armenian lavash;

2 cans of canned cod liver;

Sorrel – 100 g;

5 feathers of green onions;

Mayonnaise – 180 g;

Processed cheese – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the ingredients: rinse the sorrel in a bowl of water, drain the fat from the liver, boil the egg, grate the cheese.

2. Place on a flat surface, grease with mayonnaise (half a pack).

3. Chop the liver with a fork and spread over mayonnaise.

4. Chop the sorrel along with the onion, sprinkle on top.

5. Sprinkle with grated eggs and cheese.

6. Pour the second half of the pack of mayonnaise.

7. Wrap it in a roll and wrap it in film, put it in the cold for 3 hours.

Lavash with cod liver “Svetofor”

A multi-colored appetizer roll looks great on the table. It looks very festive - bright red peppers, yellow salad with liver, greens. Lavash with cod liver, vegetables and herbs is rich in vitamins and has a fresh spring taste.


Large pita bread - one;

Red sweet pepper – 1.5–2 pcs.;

3 boiled eggs;

Cheese – 120 g;

Mayonnaise – pack (180 g);

Greens (dill, parsley, you can add a little cilantro) - 1 large bunch;

2 garlic cloves;

Liver – 1 regular jar;

Salt, any dried pepper;

Olive oil – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Place pita bread on the table, thinly layer it with mayonnaise.

2. Visually divide the layer into three parts.

3. Place the pepper filling on one part: wash it, remove the stems, peel and seeds, cut into thin strips, sprinkle with olive oil (you can flavor it with cumin and dried basil). Place the pepper on a third of the pita bread.

4. Place the liver filling nearby: drain the fat from the canned food, mash with a fork, grate the cheese and eggs, add a little (3-4 tbsp) mayonnaise and mix.

5. On the rest of the lavash we spread “green light” - chopped greens with crushed garlic (you can also sprinkle it with a little olive oil).

6. Sprinkle everything on top first with salt, then with pepper, pour over mayonnaise and wrap it in a roll. It must be wrapped in film and refrigerated for at least 3 hours.

Lavash with cod liver “Mushroom Glade”

This recipe will appeal to those who love the gifts of the forest - mushrooms. It is optimal to use forest ones - chanterelles, white mushrooms, milk mushrooms. But finding them is problematic; ordinary champignons will do. Juicy lavash with cod liver and mushrooms will become your signature dish for all occasions.


2 oval pita breads;

Mushrooms - half a kilo;

Eggs – about 4 pcs.;

Mayonnaise (at least 30%) – 400 g;

Smoked cheese – 220 g;

Onion – 1 head;

Oil for frying – 40 ml;

Parsley (leaves) – 1 small bunch;

Liver – 200 g;

Salt and spices.

Cooking method:

1. Lay out one pita bread and brush with mayonnaise. Let it sit for half an hour.

2. Meanwhile, prepare the liver filling: drain the fat, mash the canned food with a fork. Grate boiled eggs, cheese into them, season with mayonnaise.

3. Spread the pita bread with filling. Place the second one on top, and carefully pour mayonnaise over it as well.

4. Chop the mushrooms finely: caps into long strips, legs into circles. Fry in oil with onions for 7-8 minutes.

5. Place the mushroom filling on the second pita bread, pour mayonnaise, salt and sprinkle with spices and herbs.

6. Wrap it very tightly, cover with film and refrigerate for 5 hours.

Lavash with cod liver “Vegetable”

Fresh stuffed pita bread with spring notes consists of vegetables and cod liver. It is lower in calories, but quite filling. Sliced ​​into layers, it looks great on a plate and is bright. Lavash with cod liver and vegetables is a healthy dish for adults and children.


Standard jar of liver – 200 g;

Fresh cucumbers without skin – 2 pcs.;

Tomatoes – 2 pcs.;

Mayonnaise – 200 g;

Lavash – 1 large;

Dried marjoram;

Onion – 1 pc.;

Vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.;

Seasoning like “Mediterranean herbs” - 1.5 tsp;

Hard cheese – 70 g.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the roll ingredients: wash the vegetables and cut into cubes. Peel the onion, cut into half rings, pour in the marinade: half and half vinegar and water. Let sit for at least half an hour, then squeeze out excess liquid or rinse. Drain the liquid from the liver and mash with a fork.

2. Coat the lavash with mayonnaise.

3. Layer in layers: diced cucumbers, tomatoes on top, then liver and grated cheese.

4. Place pickled onions on top and sprinkle with spices and salt.

5. After – another layer of mayonnaise. Now wrap the roll, put it in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic, for 3 hours.

Lavash with cod liver “Curd”

A very healthy dish due to the fact that it contains homemade cottage cheese, although it is quite high in calories. You probably haven’t tried this method of making pita bread with cod liver yet.


1 can of cod liver;

250 g of country cottage cheese (fat content not less than 9%);

Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 2 tsp;

A bunch of different greens;

Salt pepper;

Natural yogurt without flavorings and sugar, full fat – 250 g;

Eggs – from 2 to 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Place cling film on the table and lavash on it.

2. Brush it with yogurt. When purchasing, choose the fattest and thickest one, otherwise the roll may become soggy.

3. Place crushed liver without oil as the first layer, and grated boiled egg on top. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

4. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add salt, pepper and chopped herbs, place on top of the liver.

5. Cover with yogurt and wrap in a roll, refrigerate for several hours.

Lavash with cod liver “Sytny”

This option is the most inexpensive, prepared without cheese and eggs, like the “standard” salads of this series. You get a lot of snacks, you can feed all the guests. You can make this pita bread with cod liver just for dinner; it’s quick and easy to prepare.


Canned cod liver – 250 g;

Mayonnaise 50% - 170 g;

300 g boiled potatoes in their jackets;

100 g onions (greens or onions);

120 g boiled carrots;

150 g of salted (pickled) cucumbers;

Cooking method:

1. Unwrap the pita bread and spread with mayonnaise.

2. Boil carrots and potatoes, peel and cut into cubes as small as possible.

3. Lay out the layers: the first is liver, strained from the oil and crushed with a fork, the second is carrots, the third is potatoes.

4. Chop the onion into cubes, cucumbers into strips. Place on pita bread.

5. Salt and pour over the remaining mayonnaise.

6. Roll up and refrigerate for 2-3 hours, covering with a bag or film.

Lavash with cod liver “Karelian”

Fish appetizer with caviar and cod liver - for those who love seafood. A healthy dish for the whole family, suitable for a holiday. Lavash with cod liver can be made with any fish roe, canned or salted yourself.


Caviar – 400 g;

Liver – 1 jar;

Onion greens – 125 g;

Lavash – 1 piece;

Mayonnaise – 1 tube – 200 g;

Eggs – 2 pcs.;

Cream cheese (Mascarpone, Philadelphia) – 150 g.

Cooking method:

1. Lay out the pita bread, cover with soft cream cheese (unsweetened).

2. Place a layer of caviar and liver on top.

3. Chop the green onions and sprinkle on top.

4. Boil the eggs, peel and grate on the fine side of a grater.

5. Cover everything with mayonnaise and wrap it with a roll.

6. Place in a bag, squeeze with your hands and put in the refrigerator so that the snack is soaked.

Lavash with cod liver - tricks and useful tips

Stuffed pita bread with cod liver is a very “convenient” snack. It cooks quickly, is easy to handle, looks impressive, and the next day it turns out even tastier and juicier. But it is important to prepare it correctly:

Cod liver is very fatty, so mayonnaise can be used at 50 percent, or even with a fat content of 30%;

If you want to get a low-calorie dish, use natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream as a sauce;

You can experiment with sauces: lavash with pickled cucumbers goes well with Tartar sauce; you can add a little Krasnodar sauce to vegetable sauce;

The ingredients for stuffed rolls should be chopped finely enough to make the appetizer moist and dense.

The liver obtained from the famous cod fish is a very healthy seafood product for our body, from which those who do not like to consume it fresh can prepare a large number of the most unusual and original dishes, for example, a delicious roll. Lavash roll with cod liver is incredibly simple, satisfying, tasty, and festive. An excellent option for preparing cod liver dishes, both for the everyday menu and for holidays, and right now there are some useful tips for preparing this dish.

Lavash roll with cod liver: secrets and tips from culinary experts

In order for the lavash roll with cod liver to turn out beautiful, neat and at the same time tasty, you need to know a few simple secrets for its preparation.

  1. It is easier to work with a rectangular-shaped bakery pancake; it is convenient and easy to wrap it in a roll and then cut it; doing this with a round or oval product is much more difficult.
  2. Before placing the cod on the pita bread, be sure to coat it thoroughly with mayonnaise first, so that it becomes, so to speak, more of a rubbery consistency, and then wraps well and does not tear.
  3. When coating your pancake, do not forget about its ends, otherwise it will be very difficult to roll them.
  4. The filling in the roll can be laid out either in layers or one ingredient after another. You can also mix all the products at once, and then distribute them over the pita bread. Here everything will depend on your taste.
  5. When you lay out layers, you should leave about two to three cm on each side of your sheet. This is necessary so that later it will be convenient to roll up your masterpiece.
  6. By playing with ingredients, adding or removing them from the dish, you can delight your loved ones with more and more rolls every time.

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Lavash roll with cod liver and cheese: step-by-step recipe with photos:

This is a classic version of preparing a roll with cod liver; the dish is made very quickly and simply, does not require much expense, it turns out tender, satisfying, and is usually liked by both adults and children.

So, cod liver in pita bread, recipe with photo.

Take for preparation:

  • - 2 eggs.
  • — A can of canned cod liver.
  • - 120 (plus or minus 10-20 grams) grams of hard cheese (Russian is excellent).
  • — A small bunch of parsley, dill and cilantro.
  • — Medium-sized fresh cucumber.
  • — The purchased lavash is thin, preferably rectangular in shape.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. We peel the cooled boiled eggs, grate them coarsely or finely, it doesn’t matter which way you like best.
  2. Remove the liver from the jar. There is no need for oil (fat) in pita bread, just the seafood itself. Gently mash it with a fork.
  3. Grate the cheese, add finely chopped all the greens and mix.
  4. On a note! If you want to make the dish more spicy and aromatic, you can use basil instead of parsley.
  5. Wash the cucumber, cut off the ends on both sides, put three together with the peel on a coarse grater, you can alternatively chop it finely. If the product has released a lot of juice, it should be squeezed out.
  6. We unwrap our Georgian or Armenian, most importantly thin bread, coat the sheet with a little mayonnaise, just a little, and immediately lay the liver on it in layers, then eggs, grated cucumber and cheese with herbs, carefully wrap everything, roll up your roll.
  7. Place your dish in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes, everything is ready.
  8. The cooled roll can be taken out after 15-20 minutes, before serving, beautifully cut into an even or oblique cut, and decorated a little with sprigs of herbs or a flower cut from a cucumber.

On a note! A lavash roll with cod liver and cheese and cucumber can be placed in layers on lavash, as we described, or you can lay out the ingredients one by one and wrap them, or mix everything in one bowl, lay it out at once and wrap it, in this case it all depends on your taste and preferences.

Lavash roll with cod liver and cucumber

A light, tender and satisfying snack option that even those who have never cooked anything can prepare.

You will need for cooking:

  • — One thin pita bread (it’s best if it’s rectangular)
  • - 200 gr. canned cod liver.
  • - 2 or 3 cucumbers.
  • - 1-2 tomatoes depending on the size of the fruit.
  • - 3 spoons of mayonnaise or mayonnaise sauce.
  • - Onion.
  • — A little dried marjoram.
  • — One spoon of vinegar 6% or for salads.
  • — Hard cheese – 60-70 gr.

Making lavash with cod liver, recipe step by step.

  1. Remove the skin from cucumbers and tomatoes that have been previously washed, and then cut the vegetables into small cubes.
  2. Remove the peel from the onion, cut it into halves of rings if the onion head is small or into quarters if the onion is larger.
  3. Pour vinegar mixed with three tablespoons of cold water on the onion and leave to marinate for 20 minutes.
  4. We open the liver directly in the jar, drain the liquid from it, and mash the product with a fork or a masher.
  5. We spread the bakery product on the table, coat it with a small layer of mayonnaise, 2-3 spoons are enough depending on the size of the product.
  6. Squeeze the onion from the water and place it in the first layer.
  7. Following the onions, put cucumbers, tomatoes, liver and grated cheese, roll it up, pack it (wrap it) in cling film or a regular bag and put it in the refrigerator. Take out the prepared product and cut it just before serving.

Lavash roll with cod liver and egg

An excellent delicacy and most importantly healthy, with which you can please your family and loved ones at any time, the main thing is to have a simple set of products on hand - canned cod liver, an egg, tomatoes and Armenian bread.

Ingredients for cooking:

How to make delicious pita bread with cod liver and eggs, step by step recipe.

  1. — Open the cod liver, grind it, pouring the juice from the jar into the minced meat.
  2. - Mix the cheese with mayonnaise, grease thin bread with this mixture, coating it well not only inside, but also along all edges.
  3. — Place the liver on top of the cheese, sprinkle it all with chopped dill.
  4. — Peel the tomatoes, cut them into slices, and place them on the greens.
  5. — Peel the eggs (they must be cold), three on a grater, this product will be the final layer.
  6. — Wrap your roll beautifully, send it to a cold place until the moment of serving. Before serving the dish, cut it into portions.

On a note! If there are too many products, the layers can be repeated.

Completely ready to eat! Bon appetit!

This appetizer in the form of a lavash roll is easy to prepare. It opens up a huge scope for imagination, as you can use different fillings. Lavash with cod liver is a good combination that almost everyone will like.

Lavash roll with cod liver is suitable for a picnic


eggs 100 piece(s) Mayonnaise 100 grams Cucumber 1 piece(s) eggs 2 pieces) Cod liver 100 grams Pita 2 pieces)

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

Classic lavash roll with cod liver

This appetizer can be served at a buffet table or taken with you on a picnic. It is convenient to eat without cutlery.

Cooking method:

  1. Hard-boil the eggs and grate them onto a fine grater.
  2. Grate the cheese also on a fine grater.
  3. Grate the cucumber using the coarsest grater or cut it into long and thin slices. This way it will remain crispy and will not release excess juice. There is no need to peel the cucumber first.
  4. Drain excess oil from the cod liver and mash it with a fork until it becomes a homogeneous mass.
  5. Spread the first pita bread with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese.
  6. Cover it with the second pita bread and press down well so that the layers of the roll stick together.
  7. Spread the second pita bread with mashed cod liver, sprinkle it with eggs and cucumbers.
  8. Roll into a tight roll and cut into portions.

If you are preparing the snack in advance, wrap the roll in foil or cellophane and put it in the refrigerator. Slice it just before serving.

Lavash with cod liver: “Traffic Light” recipe

The appetizer according to this recipe is not only tasty, but also beautiful. Thanks to the combination of bright colors, it resembles a traffic light. You will need:

  • 1 large pita bread;
  • 2 red sweet peppers;
  • 1 can of canned cod liver;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • 120 g hard cheese;
  • 180 g mayonnaise;
  • 1 bunch of any greenery;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Lubricate the pita bread with mayonnaise and visually divide it into 3 equal parts.
  2. Peel the sweet peppers, cut them into thin slices and sprinkle with olive oil. Place the pepper on the first part of the pita bread.
  3. Grate the cheese and eggs onto a fine grater, drain the oil from the cod and mash it with a fork. Mix eggs, cheese, cod liver, season with a small amount of mayonnaise. Place the filling on the second part.
  4. Chop the greens and garlic, sprinkle with olive oil. Place on the third part.
  5. Wrap the roll and cut it into pieces.

If desired, all types of filling can be additionally salted and peppered.

To prepare a roll according to any of these recipes, take rectangular or square pita bread. Oval pita breads are much more difficult to work with. Don't forget about mayonnaise or any other sauce! Without it, the snack will be dry, and its filling will begin to crumble.

Lavash is a thin unleavened flatbread made from wheat, and less often corn or rye flour, which since ancient times in the East has been considered a complete bread substitute. It is eaten to this day, successfully combined with various dishes, salads and snacks. The most striking example of this is meat and vegetable shawarma. However, the topic of our article is fish delicacies.

Ordinary roll

The first thing we will prepare for you is a lavash roll with cod liver. In passing, we note that the main product of the dish is one of the most beneficial for our body. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend including canned food in your daily diet and eating them at least 2 times a week. Against the background of such advice, our pita roll with cod liver will come in handy. What you may need: naturally, a jar of canned food, 3-4 or more hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Divide the lavash leaf into 2 parts or use the whole one - as you wish. Remove the liver from the jar and mash with a fork. Finely chop the shelled eggs and combine with canned food. For better taste, you can add finely chopped crab sticks. Add salt and pepper. You can add a little green onions or ground nuts to your future pita roll with cod liver. Season the mixture with mayonnaise and mix. Spread mustard on one side of the flatbread, spread the filling evenly and roll up. Lavash roll with cod liver is almost ready. You can put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours, wrapped in cling film so that the components of the dish are well soaked. Or you can fry in a frying pan until crusty and serve hot. In any case, it will be amazingly delicious.

Spicy appetizer

We draw the attention of housewives to the following fact. The method proposed above for preparing pita roll with cod liver is not the only one! There are a great variety of different recipes. For example: depending on the number of servings, take several eggplants, 3-4 onions, 2 garlic, 6-7 bell peppers, 4 carrots, tomatoes. Peel the vegetables and cut into pieces. Release the bitterness from the blue ones. Stew all the ingredients, add salt, and wait for the excess liquid to evaporate from the caviar. Then place the vegetables in a blender and blend until smooth. Mash them. Place them on bread tortillas, then distribute the vegetables. Roll the dough into a tube. The lavash roll with liver, which you just read about, is delicious hot. Therefore, place it in the microwave for a minute or two or in a preheated oven for 10 minutes - and eat with pleasure!

Filling “Tender”

If you have already mastered the previous recipe, then prepare a snack roll from the pita bread. With cod liver, of course, creamy onions, ground black pepper and cream. Place the canned food, pouring and oil in which the liver was in a blender. Cut several creamy processed cheeses into small pieces. Salt, pepper, pour in a little cream, always heavy cream. Cut 1 medium onion into half rings. You need to grind all the filling ingredients in a blender, turning them into a homogeneous puree. Season with mayonnaise, if desired, and spread on pita bread. Roll it up, sprinkle the pita bread with sesame seeds or caraway seeds and place in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. A wonderful snack just begging to be put in your mouth! Especially if you serve spicy ketchup with the roll.

Salad filling

Boil a few potatoes in their jackets, cool, peel and chop finely. Do the same with 3 eggs. Cut the pickled cucumbers into strips. Mash the cod liver. Combine all ingredients, add Korean carrots to taste, and salt. Chop fresh herbs: onion feathers, parsley leaves. Season the salad with sauce and a couple of spoons of mayonnaise and the dressing that was left in the cod jar. Stir, place in pita bread, roll up. Let the appetizer sit in the refrigerator to “infuse.” And then you can help yourself to it and enjoy the excellent food!

Mushroom filling

Very simple with Yes, yes, cod liver feels great in the company of fried champignons or other forest gifts. To prepare the appetizer, fry 450-500 g of mushrooms with onions and garlic. Finely chop 1-2 packs of processed cheese or grate a piece of hard cheese. Chop the greens. Combine everything, mix with canned fish, salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise. Stuff the pita bread, roll it up, and fry until crusty. The most delicious food, right?
