Is it possible to drink rusty water - find out the whole truth about rusty water. Is it possible to boil water several times Butt welding work

Answer to the question - is it possible to drink rusty water from the tap, it’s obvious - naturally, it’s impossible. The situation when water with a brown tint flows from the tap in the morning is familiar to most of our citizens. The main and most common cause of this misfortune is the technical condition of the water supply system and insufficient water treatment. But even if the taps are working properly, the pipes are also in good condition, the water may be rusty - this is explained by the presence of a large amount of iron in it.

Reasons for the formation of rusty water

Where do these oxidized metals come from in water and what danger comes from them? Special literature says that if the iron content in water is no more than one milligram, it is not rusty, but absolutely transparent. But this does not mean that it is suitable for consumption. If it contains more than ten milligrams, then it will already look rusty. In accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations, the presence of iron in water should not exceed 0.3 milligrams. And although iron itself is not as dangerous to the human body as heavy metals, nevertheless, its excess amount poses a certain danger to both people and plumbing equipment.

BWT solutions for water deferrization:

Experts consider the water that flows from our taps to be bad, so drinking it without additional treatment of water purification filters is not recommended.

With the onset of spring, the water becomes even worse - rivers overflow, snow melts, all the dirt and waste of human activity is washed into open reservoirs, as a result of which the water becomes dirty, rusty and cannot be drunk. Neither treatment facilities nor, especially, the natural ecosystem can cope with such pollution. In addition, the situation is aggravated by the technical condition of water supply networks - the pipes are mostly rusty, they have been used for a long time, so oil products, dangerous microorganisms, heavy metal salts, pesticides, nitrates and other harmful substances accumulate on their surface. Naturally, you should absolutely not drink such water.

And many experts have been sounding the alarm for a long time, arguing that if Russians continue to drink such rusty and dirty water for another 30-35 years, then after a while there will simply be no one left. So think about it is it possible to drink rusty water or not.

According to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, half of the country’s population, and in some regions up to 70%, are forced to drink substandard water - rusty, dirty, with a large amount of harmful substances. In many cities (about a third), municipal water supply systems supply water whose iron content significantly exceeds permissible standards, which contributes to the occurrence of blood diseases and the development of allergic reactions. Water from underground sources is not much better - even if it is not rusty, it often contributes to the development of diseases such as hypertension or stomach diseases.

The dangers of excess iron

Rusty water flows from our taps usually after a short shutdown. Previously, it was much more convenient to use metal pipes, so they were widely used for a long time. And during operation, they were subject to corrosion and actively rusted, as a result of which rusty water, which cannot be drunk, became a real scourge. Of course, no one wants to drink it, so most often they let it down, believing that all the nasty stuff will be washed away, after which they can calmly drink, cook food or take a bath.

But many do not realize that it is not only visible pollution that poses a danger, but also those that are not visible to the naked eye. Rusty particles of ferric iron are always present in water. But even if the water is completely transparent, iron and its compounds may still be present in it, albeit in a lower concentration. However, drinking such water is still dangerous without water treatment.

So the question is - is it possible to drink rusty water- can be classified as rhetorical. If you care about your health and do not want to get a whole “bouquet” of stomach diseases, then it is better to abstain from this.

All pipeline fittings can be assembled together by welding. This type of fastening is considered one of the most reliable and does not require the use of additional devices. Welding water pipes is a clear confirmation of the above.

Types of welding

The technological process for welding components of pipeline fittings can be:

  • thermal;
  • thermomechanical;
  • mechanical;
  • electromechanical.

In turn, thermal welding, which is actually fusion, is classified as:

  • laser;
  • electron beam arc;
  • gas;
  • plasma, etc.

Thanks to the magnetically controlled arc, thermomechanical welding can be performed. The latter can be butt contact.

Features of welding water pipes

The mechanical welding process can be done by friction and explosion.

  • laser;
  • gas;
  • arc;
  • plasma.

According to the requirements for obtaining a butt seam, welding can be:

  • free;
  • forced.

You can protect the welding area by:

  • gases;
  • wire electrodes;
  • flux.

The welding process is constantly being automated and mechanized, therefore it is classified as:

  • manual;
  • automated;
  • mechanized;
  • robotic.

Butt welding work

If you are joining stainless steel products, it is better to use the arc method. When welding a pipe with water that is part of a single main, in 60 percent of cases, specialists resort to the automatic submerged arc option.

If for some reason the mechanical method is unacceptable, then it is better to weld the products using a manual arc. Then the seam can take on all sorts of positions in space: be vertical, bottom, ceiling. With a mechanical or automated welding method, the electrodes move along the alignment circle. Their speed reaches 8-20 m/h, with the manual version - 20-60 m/h.

If you have gas protection, you can use:

  • active and inert gases;
  • their simultaneous mixing.

In this situation, the electrode can be either a consumable or a non-consumable tool.

The arc method with gas protection is used when water supply fittings are joined in different positions.

Edge processing

Before welding heating pipes, they will need to be checked for quality certificates and compliance with the specifications and installation design. It is necessary to carefully check whether the edges of the pipeline fittings differ in shape and size. If not, then it is necessary to achieve these characteristics through additional machining.

For this purpose, you can go through small-diameter pipes with chamferers, trimmers, pipe cutters or grinders. If the diameter of the tubular product is large, then it is better to use a waterjet cutting machine, a milling device or a grinding machine.

In case of obligatory overlaps or insertion of coils, you can resort to thermal welding methods, for example:

  • air-arc cutting with subsequent grinding of the product to an amount of no more than half a millimeter;
  • oxygen gas with further processing of the edges with abrasive;
  • cutting and gouging with special electrodes without machining;
  • air plasma cutting with processing not exceeding a millimeter.

Particular attention should be paid to the mandatory cleaning of pipes from debris before installation and further processing of the edges and adjacent surfaces up to ten millimeters.

Thanks to the starting heating, it is possible to achieve correct thermoregulation during welding work. At the same time, the cooling rate of metal products is interconnected with the characteristics of the weld at a temperature of 500-800°C.

If, at the end of the welding process, the pipe material cools quickly, the result will be a fairly strong, but not plastic structure.

If desired, you can change the cooling speed of the edges, but this will require:

  • adjusting their initial temperature;
  • heating;
  • taking into account the wall thickness of the water supply components.

With the help of initial heating, comfortable conditions are created for the active evacuation of diffusion hydrogen from the welding zone and the joint, and the product is also more protected from cracks.

When correctly determining the required initial heating temperature, special attention should be paid to such parameters as:

  • material structure;
  • wall thickness;
  • outside air temperature;
  • type of electrode coating.

Gas or electric heaters provide heating and maintaining a stable temperature at the welding joint. The heating area is the area of ​​the product, which is about 75 mm from the joint in each direction.

Manual arc welding

To understand how to weld a pipe with water, it is better to use the manual arc method. During this process, some sections or components of a single pipeline fitting are combined; you can go through all kinds of barriers, valve units, overlaps, coils, bends, etc.

The choice of the number of electrodes is directly dependent on the type of tools themselves and the volume of metal to be melted. Also, the technological nuances of the manual arc welding process itself depend on the material of the jointed reinforcement.

Before the procedure, you need to decide on the operating rules and steel grade and select the right materials. Then make the right choice of equipment, methodology and plan for further action. Often the cross-sectional size and wall thickness are directly dependent on these parameters.

In this situation, three options are acceptable, directly depending on the type of electrodes, which can be:

  • gas-protective;
  • coated.

Welding work can be carried out with the simultaneous use of two types of electrodes: the first is a gas-protective type, which needs to pass at the root of the joint and in the hot pass; the second - coated - for facing and filling products.

When carrying out welding work using gas-protected electrodes, there are no oscillatory movements, and the edge of the welding tool rests on the edges of the tubular product. Work is carried out under voltage from 75 V.

If the diameter of the electrode is 3.25 mm, then the current can be 110 amperes, if 4 mm, then 120 amperes in a semi-vertical position and 160 amperes in the lower position. In other cases, the current strength can vary from 100 to 140 amperes. In this case, the welding speed ranges from 16 to 22 m/h.

Welding work with a coated electrode occurs, in contrast to the first option, with oscillatory movements from bottom to top. The amplitude depends on the width of the seam separation. Often, when a lot of welding is required at the same time in different areas, they resort to the services of several specialists using the flow-dissected method. For large-sized pipe products, welding work can be performed by even four workers. If there are only a couple of people available, then it is better to conduct diverse actions from the bottom up from the nadir. Then move each next layer from the bottom of the equipment by about 50-60 millimeters.

To properly boil water and get the so-called. "boiling water", the kitchen must be properly equipped. Due to the fact that boiled water (boiling water) can be used for very different purposes, a certain set of utensils is needed: pots of various designs and designs, a kettle, a cezve (Turk), etc.

In addition to the necessary utensils, the kitchen must be equipped with appropriate heating appliances, such as an electric, induction or gas stove, microwave oven, electric kettle, oven, immersion heater.
Water is a necessary ingredient for preparing boiling water. A common source of water is the kitchen faucet (usually located above the sink). However, given the quality of water that can be obtained from this source, bottled water purchased in stores is becoming increasingly common. You should also not neglect such sources as wells, springs, rivers, lakes, etc. Catastrophic health consequences await if you use puddles, swamps, containers with collected rainwater, etc. as a source of water. unconventional artificial and natural reservoirs.

It is highly advisable to use clean dishes for preparing boiled water. If there are no clean dishes in the house suitable for receiving boiling water, you will have to wash the dirty ones or buy a new pan at the store. Neighbors will be very surprised if you ask them for a clean saucepan or kettle and subsequently return them a dirty one.
Do not try to fill the container you will use to the top - it is advisable to fill it to a maximum of 3/4 of the volume, at the very least 4/5, at the very least 5/6, but no more than 9/10. To accurately measure the volume of container used, use a graduated measuring cup. In accordance with GOST, the measurement accuracy must be within the permissible error of +/- 5%.

The container used for cooking, in accordance with the safety regulations, must be provided with an appropriate lid. It is not allowed to use a lid from other containers, especially if its diameter is smaller than the diameter of the container you are using. Using a lid to prepare boiled water significantly reduces its preparation time.

After the container is filled with water, it is necessary to place it above the heating element, in an appropriate device (oven or microwave oven) or immerse an immersion heater in the container. After 10-15 minutes, you need to make sure that the container with water is heating up; to do this, just hold your hand at a distance of about 5 cm from the walls of the container. If the container does not heat up, it makes sense to turn on the heating element/light the gas stove/melt the stove.

It is necessary to prevent the utensils in which boiled water is being prepared from coming into your field of vision. Numerous experimental data indicate that in this case, the time for obtaining boiling water can stretch to infinity, which leads to unjustified energy consumption.

The only reliable criterion for the readiness of boiled water, that is, boiling water, is a thermometer, also called a thermometer. Reaching 100 degrees is a sure sign that the water has cooked. (I remind you that 90 degrees only indicates that the water has reached the “right angle” position. Other positions of water depending on the degrees can be found in Bradis’s “Tables...”). However, due to the fact that the temperature at which boiling water is produced varies depending on the altitude above sea level, it is necessary to use audio-visual effects indicating its readiness.

These include the appearance of the so-called. bubbles or bulbushki - bubbles rising from the bottom of the dish to the surface. At first there are few of them and they are small, but over time the glops become larger and larger, which indicates the readiness of the boiled water. The gurgles are accompanied by a characteristic “glug-glug-glug” sound. In no case should you confuse the bubbles - a sign of readiness of boiled water - with the bulbs characteristic of carbonated mineral waters. The latter are accompanied not by a loud “glug-glug” sound, but by an openly hissing “shhh”. But still, make sure that you are not dealing with soda - as a rule, sparkling water is usually found in bottles smaller than 5 liters. You should also not confuse the “glug-glug” of boiling water with the gurgling of liquid poured from a bottle into a glass (shot glass, wine glass). We pay special attention to the fact that gurgles or bubbles rising from the bottom to the surface in the aquarium are a sign of a compressor operating in the aquarium; you should not use water from the aquarium as boiled water.
Use boiled water exclusively for the purposes that you set for yourself before preparing it.

I express special gratitude

To properly boil water and get the so-called. "boiling water", the kitchen must be properly equipped. Due to the fact that boiled water (boiling water) can be used for very different purposes, a certain set of utensils is needed: pots of various designs and designs, a kettle, a cezve (Turk), etc.

In addition to the necessary utensils, the kitchen must be equipped with appropriate heating appliances, such as an electric, induction or gas stove, microwave oven, electric kettle, oven, immersion heater.
Water is a necessary ingredient for preparing boiling water. A common source of water is the kitchen faucet (usually located above the sink). However, given the quality of water that can be obtained from this source, bottled water purchased in stores is becoming increasingly common. You should also not neglect such sources as wells, springs, rivers, lakes, etc. Catastrophic health consequences await if you use puddles, swamps, containers with collected rainwater, etc. as a source of water. unconventional artificial and natural reservoirs.

It is highly advisable to use clean dishes for preparing boiled water. If there are no clean dishes in the house suitable for receiving boiling water, you will have to wash the dirty ones or buy a new pan at the store. Neighbors will be very surprised if you ask them for a clean saucepan or kettle and subsequently return them a dirty one.
Do not try to fill the container you will use to the top - it is advisable to fill it to a maximum of 3/4 of the volume, at the very least 4/5, at the very least 5/6, but no more than 9/10. To accurately measure the volume of container used, use a graduated measuring cup. In accordance with GOST, the measurement accuracy must be within the permissible error of +/- 5%.

The container used for cooking, in accordance with the safety regulations, must be provided with an appropriate lid. It is not allowed to use a lid from other containers, especially if its diameter is smaller than the diameter of the container you are using. Using a lid to prepare boiled water significantly reduces its preparation time.

After the container is filled with water, it is necessary to place it above the heating element, in an appropriate device (oven or microwave oven) or immerse an immersion heater in the container. After 10-15 minutes, you need to make sure that the container with water is heating up; to do this, just hold your hand at a distance of about 5 cm from the walls of the container. If the container does not heat up, it makes sense to turn on the heating element/light the gas stove/melt the stove.

It is necessary to prevent the utensils in which boiled water is being prepared from coming into your field of vision. Numerous experimental data indicate that in this case, the time for obtaining boiling water can stretch to infinity, which leads to unjustified energy consumption.

The only reliable criterion for the readiness of boiled water, that is, boiling water, is a thermometer, also called a thermometer. Reaching 100 degrees is a sure sign that the water has cooked. (I remind you that 90 degrees only indicates that the water has reached the “right angle” position. Other positions of water depending on the degrees can be found in Bradis’s “Tables...”). However, due to the fact that the temperature at which boiling water is produced varies depending on the altitude above sea level, it is necessary to use audio-visual effects indicating its readiness.

These include the appearance of the so-called. bubbles or bulbushki - bubbles rising from the bottom of the dish to the surface. At first there are few of them and they are small, but over time the glops become larger and larger, which indicates the readiness of the boiled water. The gurgles are accompanied by a characteristic “glug-glug-glug” sound. In no case should you confuse the bubbles - a sign of readiness of boiled water - with the bulbs characteristic of carbonated mineral waters. The latter are accompanied not by a loud “glug-glug” sound, but by an openly hissing “shhh”. But still, make sure that you are not dealing with soda - as a rule, sparkling water is usually found in bottles smaller than 5 liters. You should also not confuse the “glug-glug” of boiling water with the gurgling of liquid poured from a bottle into a glass (shot glass, wine glass). We pay special attention to the fact that gurgles or bubbles rising from the bottom to the surface in the aquarium are a sign of a compressor operating in the aquarium; you should not use water from the aquarium as boiled water.
Use boiled water exclusively for the purposes that you set for yourself before preparing it.

I express special gratitude
