Unusual vegetables and fruits. Strange fruits and vegetables with photos

This is an exotic fruit from New Zealand. Reminds me of a strange hybrid of cucumber and melon. But it is unusual not only from the outside, but also from the inside, since its green slimy insides evoke associations with horror films.

Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)

Let's start with the fact that this is the fruit of a cactus. Which in itself is surprising. The bright fruits look more like some kind of root vegetables, but, nevertheless, they are fruits. It is originally from Mexico, but is now grown all over the world, even indoors.


Probably the most controversial fruit of all. On the one hand, the aroma of this fruit is so disgusting that it is even forbidden to bring it into public places. But those who were able to overcome their disgust and taste the pulp of this fruit note that they have never tasted anything tastier in their lives.

Buddha's hand

This fruity "octopus" looks like a mutated lemon with a very thick rind. Sometimes it has nothing at all except a crust. You can't squeeze juice out of it; it doesn't have seeds. Why is it needed? And as a home talisman, as, for example, it is used in China.

passion fruit

Known throughout the world as the "fruit of passion". Passion fruit is unusually different delicious juice, and the pulp often serves as an additive to various confectionery products.


Another name for the plant is screw palm. Such unusual fruits, among other things, are very versatile in use: both to make paint and to eat.


Such a mysterious fruit: under the hard, prickly skin hides surprisingly tender pulp, which is often used to make jams and jellies. And the seeds are fried and eaten.

Akebia quinata

Now, oddly enough, this plant is called the “climbing cucumber.” But the fruits, at the same time, are more like sausages, and taste like raspberries.


This is a hybrid, a "botanical love child" of cherimoya and sugar apple. The pulp tastes like mango and pineapple at the same time, and its consistency is similar to sour cream or delicate cream - it simply melts in your mouth.

Snake fruit

The peel of the fruit is surprisingly similar to the skin of some kind of reptile. Actually, hence the name. Under the skin, the fruit looks like an onion or a large clove of garlic, but has a sweet and aromatic pulp with a specific taste. True, it’s not so easy to get to the pulp: the peel is very prickly.


Although this is a wild berry, its cultivation is gradually being developed in many countries. Very similar to ordinary cherries, only very ribbed. And it ripens much faster - 3 weeks after flowering.

Chinese strawberry

In appearance, these pimply balls can hardly be called strawberries. They look more like candied round sweets that, for some reason, grow on a tree. And the taste is quite specific. So much so that trees often serve only as decoration for parks and gardens. In general, it is not clear why this fruit was called strawberry.

Star fruit (carambola)

But here it’s clear where the name comes from: the fruit in cross-section resembles a regular five-pointed star. It can be sweet and sour. The sour variety is used in salads. And the sweet one can be eaten so simply; the fruit tastes like a mixture of lemon, mango and grapes.

Forbidden rice

This is a type of black rice native to China. Initially black, it turns dark purple during cooking. Has a nutty flavor, very healthy due to its content large quantity microelements. And it got its name because once upon a time only members of the imperial family could eat it.

Watermelon radish

It feels like they took an ordinary radish and turned it inside out: white on the outside, red on the inside. The size of the root vegetable is quite large - about the size of a baseball. A close relative of cabbage, which makes it slightly bitter. In general, chopped radishes resemble small slices of watermelon, especially if you crush it with sprinkles sesame seeds.

Blue corn (Hopi)

This is a special variety of corn, notable for its unusual color. Even in ancient times, blue corn was grown by the Hopi Indian people, who gave this species its name. Although blue corn has existed for several thousand years, for some reason it is not very popular these days. Although it is sweeter and has a nutty flavor.

Romanescu (coral cabbage)

This is not just cabbage, but a real natural visual aid to fractals. Closer in relationship to cauliflower, but more tender and tasty. Everyone will like the vegetable, even those who don’t like cabbage. At least appreciate the appearance!

Kanistel (egg fruit)

The fruits can be the most various shapes and size. They can be round, oval, or heart-shaped. Color can range from the lightest shades of yellow to pale orange. What it is, a fruit or a vegetable - decide for yourself. On the one hand, it tastes like sweet potatoes and can be added to soups and salads. On the other hand, it is eaten fresh, with ice cream and fruit desserts.

And there are still a lot of such fruits. I could write about them for a long time. But, you see, no article can convey their taste. But I would really like to try it.

Although fruits such as bananas, kiwi or pineapples do not grow in temperate climates, they are still known to everyone and are not considered particularly exotic. However, there are many other amazing and probably unfamiliar fruits that are grown on Earth.

20. Sugar apple (Annona squamosus)

This fruit is native to tropical America, but is also grown in Pakistan, India and the Philippines. Fruits are somewhat similar to pine cone, their diameter is about 10 centimeters.

In a fetus that has light taste custard, white flesh inside and a small amount of seeds

19. Mammea americana (American apricot)

Mammea americana is an evergreen tree native to South America and artificially planted in other regions of the world, including West Africa and Southeast Asia. American apricots are actually berries that are about 20 centimeters in diameter.

The berry has a thick outer skin and a soft orange pulp inside. As a rule, there is one large seed in the center, but large berries have about 4. The pulp is sweet and aromatic.

18. Cherimoya

Cherimoya, or custard apple, is a foliage plant native to the high mountain regions of South America. The fruit of the tree has a round shape with 3 types of surface (lumpy, smooth or mixed). The pulp of the fruit has a creamy consistency, very aromatic, white and juicy.

The fruit is said to taste like a combination of banana, passion fruit, papaya and pineapple. Mark Twain said in 1866: “Cherimoya is the most delicious fruit known.”

17. Platonia is wonderful

Platonia is a large tree (reaching a height of up to 40 meters) growing in the tropical forests of Brazil and Paraguay. The fruit grows to the size of an orange, and when pressed, a yellow liquid begins to ooze from it.

Inside the fruit there is white pulp enveloping several black seeds, which has a pleasant sweet and sour taste.


Kokona is another one tropical fruit, which can be found in the mountainous regions of South America. It grows on small bushes and grows very quickly: in 9 months you can get fruit from the seeds, and after another 2 months they will finally ripen.

The fruits are very similar to berries and come in red, orange and yellow colors. They look very similar to tomatoes, but taste like a cross between a tomato and a lemon.

15. Breadfruit

Breadfruit belongs to the mulberry family, and it comes from the Philippines and the islands of the South East Asia. The fruits taste like bananas. They can be eaten raw when they are fully ripe, but when unripe they can only be eaten cooked.

The ripe fruit is soft and sweet, the unripe fruit is dense and starchy, and it got its name because when the unripe fruit is cooked, it tastes very much like freshly baked bread.

14. Langsat

Langsat or duku are two very similar fruit, which can be found throughout Asia. They come from the same family, almost identical in appearance and taste, with only one difference. The langsat peel contains a latex substance, which is not poisonous but makes it difficult to remove, while the duku peel comes off easily.

There are 5 segments inside the fruit, some of which contain several bitter seeds. This is very sweet fruit, which can be prepared in various ways.

13. Dacriodes edible

Dacryodes is an evergreen tree native to the tropical rainforests of Africa, northern Nigeria and southern Angola. The fruits, which range in color from deep blue to purple, are also known as African pears and are oblong in shape with pale green flesh inside.

These fatty fruits were claimed to have the potential to end hunger in Africa as the fruit is made up of 48% essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and triglycerides. It has been calculated that from one hectare planted with these trees, 7-8 tons of oil can be obtained, and all parts of the plant can be used.

12. Jaboticaba

The Brazilian vine tree, or jaboticaba, is a very strange plant native to the southeastern part of Brazil. The strange thing about this tree is the way it grows fruit. Initially, yellowish-white flowers appear all over the trunk and large branches, then the flowers turn into fruits, 3-4 centimeters in diameter.

The round shaped purple fruit contains soft gelatinous flesh with 1-4 black seeds inside. The fruit is very sweet and can be eaten plain, but most often it is used to make wine or liqueur.


Rambutan is a strange-looking fruit that looks like a fluffy strawberry. It is native to Southeast Asia, but is widespread in other regions, especially Costa Rica, where it is called the "Chinese sucker".

Fruits with a diameter of 3-6 centimeters have oval shape. The flesh is a little tough, but easily separates from the skin; rambutan tastes sweet and sour.

10. Noni

This fruit is known by many names, including greater morinda, Indian mulberry, etc., and is native to all of Southeast Asia and Australia, and is also widely cultivated in the tropics.

The tree bears fruit all year round, but as a rule, when the fruits ripen, the fruits have a very pungent odor. However, despite the smell, the fruit is rich high content fiber, vitamins, protein, iron and calcium, and is a staple food in many Pacific countries. It can be eaten cooked or raw with salt.

9. Marula

Marula is a deciduous tree native to Southern and Eastern Africa. It now grows throughout Africa, as its fruit is an important food source for the Bantu peoples, and the trees appeared throughout their migration route. Green fruit ripens and turns yellow, and the white pulp inside is very juicy and has pleasant aroma.

After falling from the tree, the fruits begin to ferment almost immediately, which is why elephants and baboons in these regions often remain in the lungs. drunkenness. The fruits are also used to make the popular Amarula liqueur, which can be found in any duty-free store.


Cloudberry is a berry western Siberia. It is found in forests and grows in dense thickets. The fruit is similar to a raspberry, but its color is greater orange color.

They are very sweet, they are eaten both raw and processed into juice, wine and jam.

7. Salak ( Snake fruit)

Snake fruit is native to Indonesia. They grow in clusters, and got their nickname because of the red-brown scaly skin that is easily removed.

Inside are 3 white sweet “segments”, each containing small black inedible seeds. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste and the consistency of apples. .


Bail, or rock apple, is native to India but can be found throughout Southeast Asia. Bail is a smooth fruit with a woody skin that comes in yellow, green or grey. The tough outer skin is so hard that the fruit can only be reached with a hammer.

Inside is yellow pulp with several hairy seeds, which can be eaten fresh or dried. The ripe fruit is often prepared into a drink called sharbat, which also contains water, sugar and lime juice with pulp. You only need one large fruit to prepare 6 liters of sharbat.

7. Dangsat

Langsat or duku are two very similar fruits that can be found throughout Asia. They come from the same family, almost identical in appearance and taste, with only one difference.

The langsat peel contains a latex substance, it is not poisonous, but it makes it difficult to remove, while the duku peel comes off easily. There are 5 segments inside the fruit, some of which contain several bitter seeds. It is a very sweet fruit that can be prepared in a variety of ways.

6.Chrysophyllum (Star apple)

This fruit comes from lowland areas Central America and the West Indies. The undersides of the leaves of this evergreen tree have a golden color that is visible even from a distance, and the white or lilac flowers that grow on the tree have a sweet scent.

The fruits are round in shape and purple in color, their skin is dense. If the fruit is cut horizontally, the star shape in the pulp is clearly visible. Fresh fruits have a very sweet and pleasant taste.

5.Carambola (star fruit)

Carambola is fruit tree native to the Philippines, but native throughout Southeast Asia, East Asia, and South America. The shell of the fruit contains five “ridges”, which is why the fruit, when cut longitudinally, looks like a star.

Therefore, in fact, the fruit received such a name. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. When ripe, the fruit turns bright yellow and tastes very juicy and crispy.

4. Kiwano (horned melon)

Horned melon, also known as African cucumber, is native to Africa but is now also grown in Australia, New Zealand and Chile.

When ripe, the skin of the melon becomes covered with dense, pointed yellow spines, and the jelly-like flesh becomes brightly colored. green color. The taste of the fruit is often compared to a banana. The fruit is good source vitamin C and fiber.

2. Pitaya (genus Hylocereus)

Pitaya, or cactus fruit, which can be found throughout Asia, Australia, and North and South America, was originally thought to be native to Mexico.

There are two types of pitaya: sour, typically eaten in America, and sweet, found throughout Asia. The fruits are red, yellow and purple, they have a very pleasant aroma, and sweet look tastes very similar to kiwi.

1. Magic fruit

Miracle fruit, or sweet berries, are very strange berries native to West Africa. Fruits in large quantities contain the sugar substitute miraculin in combination with glycoprotein.

The fruit itself does not have a very sweet taste, but after a person eats it, the glycoprotein binds taste buds, located on the human tongue, and within about an hour turns the taste of any product into sweet. This way you can eat a whole lemon and it will taste like sweet syrup.

In the 70s, attempts were made to commercially sell the fruit as a dietary product, since it can transform any food into sweetness, without affecting the amount of calories consumed. However, it was not possible to achieve success in this field.

Anastasia Sergeeva

Unusual vegetables from all over the world that look like they were processed in Photoshop!

Everything related to unusual food from around the world invariably arouses great interest in us. What is it about this product or dish? What does it taste like? How do they even eat it? You may have the same questions when you see amazing vegetables from different parts of our planet, which most often cannot be found in our stores. It may even seem as if these strange and unusual vegetables processed in Photoshop, but no - they really exist!

Red cucumbers

If you saw such unusual vegetables on your plate, you would be very surprised, because red cucumbers are not at all what we eat every day! In fact, this plant belongs to the Tladiantha species and bears the botanical name Thladiantha dubia, and it is called a red cucumber because it is too similar to its green counterpart that is familiar to us. This vegetable comes from Southeast Asia, but it is also grown in Far East Russia and in the southern regions. At first glance, tladianta fruits really look like small plump cucumbers, only they are very unusual - bright red in color.

In total, about fifteen species of red cucumbers are known. It is worth noting, however, that the taste of tladiant is ambiguous: for some it resembles the taste of pumpkin with pineapple and kiwi, while for others it seems rather mediocre and bland. If you decide to plant such a bush on your plot, be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to get rid of it for a long time - the plant is a weed and very aggressive.

blue corn

This variety of corn is also called Hopi corn, named after the Arizona Indian tribe that developed this plant. Depending on the degree of ripeness and lighting, its grains can acquire not only blue, but also dark purple and even black color. Hopi is often used to obtain natural food coloring, it is used to make blue cereal, flour, chips, and chicha morada, a fermented alcoholic drink.

You most likely won’t see such unusual cobs in our stores, but in many countries around the world, especially in the USA, the popularity of Hopi corn has begun to grow. But not only the unusual color of the plant became the reason for its popularity, but also medicinal properties: The high content of anthocyanins, which give corn its color, makes it a good source of antioxidants as well as a powerful anti-inflammatory food. Glycemic index Hopi is lower than yellow corn and has 20% higher protein content.

Colorful corn

Blue corn looks very interesting, but even more amazing is corn, whose grains are full of almost all the colors of the rainbow and more! It’s hard to believe that people have actually learned to grow such unusual cobs, but it’s true: multi-colored corn became a sensation back in 2012, when a photo of one cob was posted on social network Facebook.

This variety was originally developed by a farmer from the American state of Oklahoma, Carl Barnes, who gave his brainchild the name Glass Gem corn (“Precious Glass”). Corn kernels really look like multi-colored translucent beads or pearls. At the same time, you will not find identical cobs: as they grow, more and more new combinations of colors and shades appear. New unusual strains can also be obtained by mixing the colorful crop with traditional varieties. However, you won’t be able to cook and eat such beauty in the same way as the usual yellow cobs - its grains are too hard. They are usually made from cornmeal, popcorn, and is also used for decorative purposes - this corn is too beautiful.

Purple potatoes

Other unusual vegetables that at first glance might be suspected of being photoshopped are purple potatoes. Who would have thought that it really exists! The skin of some potato varieties familiar to us also acquires a bright pink, almost purple color, but these potatoes have not only a pronounced purple skin color, but also almost purple flesh! Check out the picture below to see what pretty purple chips and mashed potatoes you can make from these weird and wonderful potatoes!

The most important thing is that these potatoes were obtained by mixing various wild African varieties, and genetic engineering has nothing to do with it. You can also order purple potato seeds online and try to plant them in your garden, although we should immediately note that caring for such a plant is quite troublesome.

Multi-colored cauliflower

And these vegetables seem to be quite ordinary - who among us doesn’t know cauliflower! - but they look like this, the word was decorated in a graphic editor. And this is natural, because we are accustomed to ordinary white cauliflower, which can be bought in any supermarket or market. But abroad, in Europe for example, different things are much more popular cauliflower bright purple, orange and juicy green, because you can make such beautiful dishes from it! It tastes almost the same as white inflorescences, and it brings no less benefits to the body, but its yield is much lower, so mass cultivation of multi-colored cabbage has not taken root in our area.

Romanesco cabbage

And here is another variety of cabbage that literally fascinates with its appearance! Take a closer look at the photo below: the inflorescences of this amazing vegetable seem to consist of small decorative pyramids, representing a real logarithmic spiral. It’s amazing what unusual vegetables Mother Nature creates!

Romanesco comes from Italy, where it was given this name, meaning “Roman cabbage”. In Israel, it is called coral cabbage, and Poles and Germans know it as pyramidal cauliflower. Comparing the taste of Romanesco and cauliflower, they notice that the former has a characteristic nutty flavor, and the smell when cooked is much less pronounced.

Strawberry spinach

What a wonderful plant! Either greens, or berries, and certainly hardly vegetables, but we decided to add it to this list anyway. Its name is multileaf pigweed, but people call it both strawberry spinach and raspberry spinach, although, in fact, it has nothing to do with either one or the other, or the third. The pigweed is nicknamed spinach because it not only has edible berries, but also edible leaves, which are usually used in the same way as spinach: eaten raw, put in salads, added to soups, pies and stored for the winter. The berries can also be eaten raw, although not everyone likes their mild taste, but they also make unusual desserts and surprisingly tasty jam.

Watermelon radish

This “reverse radish” also looks strange, unusual, but very beautiful: with a white or green edge and a bright pink center - that is why such unusual vegetables received the title of watermelon radish. Otherwise it is known as green radish. Alas, the taste of its fruits is not at all sweet, comparable to a watermelon, but even more bitter than that of the radish we are accustomed to. However, other vegetables of this family also have a similar color, namely a variety of radish - pink daikon, or “Sugar Rose” daikon, and its fruits are very pleasant to the taste, without bitterness.

Chocolate pepper

No, this vegetable is not decorated in Photoshop - it really is real Bell pepper beautiful chocolate color. It acquires this color only when ripe, and young fruits have the familiar green color to us. This pepper looks very unusual, as if someone actually cast it from chocolate. Unfortunately, chocolate taste it does not, but it received its name not only because of its characteristic color, but also because of its very sweet taste. Therefore, it is added not only to vegetable salads, but they even experiment and mix it with some fruits.

Chayote edible

But what unusual vegetables are called Mexican cucumbers! Meet the edible chayote. It has been used as food by the Aztec tribes since ancient times, and is now mainly grown in Costa Rica. In shape, chayote is less like a cucumber and more like a pear; if you look at it from afar, it may seem as if it is a hastily formed flatbread from green dough.

You can eat the pulp, seeds, and even chayote leaves. These are strange and funny vegetables boiled, fried, stewed, stuffed, eaten raw - in general, universal product, anyway. It is said to taste similar to sun-dried tomatoes.

Bitter gourd

As soon as they are not called in different countries these unusual tropical vegetables: Chinese bitter gourd, bitter cucumber, karela... Their botanical name is Momordica charantia, or Momordica charantia. The vegetable looks very unusual, and hardly resembles a pumpkin, but it really does look like a cucumber - when unripe it is green, and when ripe it becomes yellow and then orange.

Momordica juice is poisonous, so unripe fruits should be consumed with caution. The pulp of the green vegetable is watery and tastes very similar to both cucumber and the aforementioned chayote - it is usually eaten by removing the seeds. Ripe momordica tastes bitter, but the seeds can be eaten as they become sweet. In addition, about healing properties Bitter gourd is legendary: it is used in the fight against diabetes, used for diseases of the liver and pancreas, in particular for cancer.

Edible cactus

And finally, we got a cactus among the most unusual vegetables, without even being a vegetable! But it shouldn’t be classified as an outlandish fruit and berry, right? Moreover, in Mexico it is eaten almost as often as potatoes and corn. Naturally, they do not eat any cactus, but a special one - the nopal cactus. It is sold directly in stores, previously cleared of thorns, and lies on the shelves, looking like huge green cakes.

Nopal tastes most like asparagus. It is fried on the grill or simply in a frying pan, cut into salads, and pickled for the winter. Made from nopal excellent desserts: jam, jelly and sorbet, not to mention various drinks - tinctures, decoctions and cocktails. Moreover, not only the stems of the cactus are eaten, but also its small dark red fruits, which have a strawberry flavor.

And if you are interested in something unusual for us Exotic fruits- you will see them in the next video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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In the 21st century, not everyone likes to cook and knows how to cook, making do with lunches in cafes, delivery, and hastily prepared simple dishes like porridge and dumplings. But even such banal dishes can sparkle with new colors and flavors if you add different spices to them! A detailed guide to spices for beginners awaits you below.

Ten of the strangest fruits on the planet.

Kiwano- something strange, reminiscent of a mixture of cucumber and melon. The fruit itself comes from New Zealand. The insides of this fruit are no less strange and resemble the green liquid that usually flows out of dead aliens in movies.

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, actually has something in common with dragons. From the outside it looks like a creation of modern art. This fruit comes from Mexico, but today it has become quite popular all over the world and grows in Indonesia, Australia and even Israel.

Durian. Of all the known fruits, it is the durian that has earned the most polar characteristics. The smell of durian is so disgusting that it is banned from most public places. But if, holding your nose and overcoming your disgust, you still try its pulp, you will understand why this fruit is called the “king”. The homeland of durian is Southeast Asia.

Buddha's hand- an unusual fruit, similar to a strange lemon with a very thick rind and sometimes having nothing at all except the rind. The juice cannot be squeezed out of it and often there are no seeds in it. In China, it is often kept in the house as a talisman. This fruit is also often used in making perfume.

passion fruit known in many countries as " passion fruit"It comes from South America and is distinguished by its unusually tasty juice. Its pulp is no less tasty and often serves as an additive to various confectionery products.

Pandanus also known as screw palm. Pandanus is native to the islands of the Malaysian archipelago. Its fruits have found application in almost all areas of life - from making paint to eating.

Rambutan- a mysterious fruit from Southeast Asia. It is mainly used in making jams and jellies, and the seeds are fried and eaten.

Akebia quinata, also known as " climbing cucumber"came to us from Central China. Its fruits are very interesting, reminiscent of sausages, with edible pulp in the middle, tasting like raspberries.

Atemoya- a hybrid of cherimoya and sugar apple. This fruit is considered one of the best fruits worldwide. It is called the "queen of subtropical fruits." The anona pulp, which tastes like mango and pineapple, simply melts in your mouth, like cream or sour cream.

Snake fruit, also known as herring produces fruits covered with a skin remarkably reminiscent of snake skin, similar to bulbs. The pulp is beige-yellow, sweet, aromatic and has a specific taste. To peel it you need to get used to it or you can easily chip all your hands.

This is interesting

The most exotic vegetables in the world

It would seem that we all know perfectly well standard set vegetables: cucumber, tomato, potato, carrot and more. But, probably, none of you even suspected that almost every vegetable we eat every day has its own exotic brother. I want to introduce you to the 13 most, in my opinion, exotic vegetables in the world.

1. Purple carrots

More than one generation of people is convinced that carrots only come in orange, but purple is the original, primordial color of this vegetable.
The Times reports that the color of carrots is due to beta carotene with some addition of the pigment alpha carotene. They contain the purple pigment anthocyanin, which acts as an antioxidant.
Purple carrots are depicted in drawings made in an Egyptian temple as early as 2000 BC. In the tenth century, purple carrots were grown in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern Iran. In the fourteenth century, crimson, white and yellow varieties were imported into southern Europe. Black, red and green carrots were also grown.
Recently, Dutch plant breeders studied the beneficial properties of purple carrots. They believe that the purple vegetable provides the body with additional protection against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

2. Black tomatoes

A unique variety of tomatoes has appeared on the British market. According to some experts, the vegetable contains a certain substance that greatly enhances sexual desire.

The new variety of black tomatoes is called "kumato". It is a relative of the wild plant Lycopersicon cheesmanii. It is the same size as regular tomatoes, but is sweeter and has a brown-black skin. It took six years scientific research to improve this vegetable and start selling it in Europe. When tomatoes were first grown by the Aztecs and Incas in the 8th century, they were not only red, but also yellow, green, red, white and black. They were grown in what is now Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Mexico.
This tomato-blackberry cross can prolong the life of mice prone to colon cancer by 30%. In addition to the benefits that regular tomatoes have - high level vitamin C and antioxidants.

3. Rainbow cabbage

Rainbow cauliflower originated in England. The British company Syngeta has launched a new variety of cauliflower on the market - Rainbow Cauliflowers, the inflorescences of which are painted in bright orange, green and purple colors. It tastes exactly the same as cabbage, but it adds color to cooked dishes - the new variety does not lose its rich color even after cooking.
Another advantage of the world's most cauliflower is that the orange variety contains 25 times more beta-carotene than regular cauliflower florets, and the purple variety is rich in anthocyanin, which is useful for preventing heart disease by slowing down blood clotting.
Company representative Andrew Coker emphasized that the unusual colors of cabbage are not a product of genetic engineering at all, but the result of traditional selection, which took decades.

4. Pineberry Strawberry

The berry, whose name comes from pineapple + berry, goes on sale in Waitrose UK stores today. Gourmets will have to hurry: Pineberry will only be on shelves for the next five weeks.
The fruit, which has the same genetic structure as a regular strawberry, but tastes and smells like pineapple, is considered to come from South America. Dutch farmers discovered it there and have been successfully growing it in greenhouses for seven years. The unique species was on the verge of extinction when Dutch farmers revived it in greenhouses. When unripe, the berries are green, and their ripeness is indicated by white skin and red seeds.

5. Purple Potatoes

A new variety of deep purple potato has gone on sale in the UK. All derivatives from this vegetable also remain purple - chips, mashed potatoes etc. Dubbed Purple Majesty, the potato tastes just like its more familiar cousins, but is loaded with anthocyanins, which give blueberries, blackberries and eggplant their distinctive flavors.
A new variety is being grown in Scotland. This year, about 400 tons of crop were harvested, which is not very much, but next year the producers plan to increase the figure.
Blue potatoes are divided into several types. For example, the Franzosische Truffel-kartoffel and Linzer Blaue varieties do not lose their color during cooking and remain dark of blue color and get very boiled over. Whereas the other two Linzer Roze and Kipfler take a long time to cook and do not become overcooked, but during the cooking process they lose their unusual color. They are usually used raw with Jerusalem artichoke when preparing salads.

6. Red cucumbers

These vegetables are only conventionally called “red cucumbers.” In fact, with classic cucumbers they have nothing in common. They do not have their own taste and are used more for decorative purposes.
This vegetable is very similar in appearance to a cucumber, although its color is bright red. But it just tastes “no good.” In fact, this fruit belongs to the gourd family and is called “red cucumber” or “tladiantha dubious”. This miracle was brought to Europe from Southeast Asia, and is considered more of an ornamental plant than an edible one. However, if you plant this beauty at your dacha, then in a couple of years your entire garden will be a continuous thicket of red cucumbers.

It is a close relative of broccoli and cauliflower. If you love cabbage, then this one fantastic vegetable you will definitely like it. In addition, this amazing vegetable is literally packed with antioxidants.
Romanescu, or Romanesque broccoli, cauliflower. Designers and 3D artists admire its exotic, fractal-like shapes. Cabbage buds grow in a logarithmic spiral. The first mention of Romanescu cabbage came from Italy in the 16th century.
Romaine broccoli has the most subtle flavor that cabbage can have. Romanescu is not crumbly, tastier than broccoli, sweetish with a nutty, rather than sulfuric, flavor. A fresh head of romanesca cabbage should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. Since cabbage is hard, the head of cabbage is cut into pieces with a serrated knife.
A casserole is prepared with pieces of romanesca cabbage and served with bechamel sauce and Roquefort cheese. Romanescu cabbage is rich in antioxidant carotenoids and vitamin C.
This exotic vegetable easy to grow for those who have experience growing broccoli, since the agricultural technology is identical.

8. Kiwano melon (Cucumis metuliferus)

Kivano melon (Antillean cucumber, horned melon, angouria). Kiwano, a fellow Kiwi, originally from New Zealand. Externally, the fruit resembles a yellow-orange cucumber with numerous horns. In fact, kiwano is not as formidable as it seems: the spines are soft, the crust is loose. The best way When eating a fruit, cut it in half and suck out the green pulp. Kiwano is like cucumber and lemon at the same time - refreshing. It contains vitamins of the PP group, and there is more than enough vitamin C in it.
Average weight fruit 300 g, average length 12 cm. The fruits are extremely decorative and can be used to create original compositions and even as Christmas tree decorations.

9. Hand of Buddha

These are popular fruits in Asia of one of the representatives of the citrus subfamily (Rutaceae family). The contents of this fruit under its thick skin are very similar to lemon. It has the largest fruits of all citrus fruits. Their length is 20-40 cm. Diameter is 14-28 cm. We have already discussed it in more detail in the topic of the most terrible plants in the world

10. Durio

The durio fruit resembles some kind of “alien” fruit the size of a football, covered with a hard, prickly skin. The pulp inside the fruit is pale yellow. The smell is similar to dirty worn socks, rotting meat, or sewage (take your pick). However, this fruit tastes amazing and elegant. The first European explorer who first tasted this fruit in the 1700s called it the “king of fruits.” “It was worth going on a dangerous journey just to try this fruit,” added the brave traveler.

11. Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)

Monstera grows in many homes. In nature, this plant forms delicious fruits. The ripe core of monstera fruit, despite the unpleasant pungent odor, is tasty and tastes like pineapple.

12. Star Fruit

A cross section of this fruit forms an almost regular star. This fruit is juicy, sweet with a sour tint. It tastes like grapes, mango, lemon - all in one. It contains a lot of oxalic acid, so it is not recommended to abuse this fruit for people with kidney failure. The birthplace of the fruit is Sri Lanka

13. Goat beard

Goat's beard root. It tastes like oysters.
