Why can't you eat warm bread? How bread is baked and why you shouldn’t eat it hot (14 photos). Why is fresh bread poorly digested by the body?

Remember that crispy hot taste on the way home from the grocery store? There was a moist, fragrant crumb under it, from which steam came out on the street in winter. I knew all the stores in the area to which the machine delivered bread from the factory, first of all, while it was still hot. And with what pleasure I recently visited the factory where it is baked! The same bread, the recipe of which has not changed over all these years. Round, like a brick, with a rough crust, with baked flour on it.

Shall we crunch? :)

The first batch of bread at Ulyanovsk Bakery No. 3 was baked back in 1967. And today 25 tons of bread are shipped from conveyors every day.

The journey of hot bread begins with kneading the dough. Before baking, it undergoes microbiological control, so that God forbid there is something in the dough that should not be there.

After this, the dough, divided into portions, is placed in a proofer, where it rises for about 40-50 minutes, after which it is placed under the oven (hence another name for “Peasant” - hearth bread), the movement of the hearth does not stop - its speed and so small enough for the dough to bake.

Baking takes about 45-60 minutes. First, the bread is baked at a temperature of 270-300 degrees so that it is baked on the outside and has a crust, then at a temperature of 180-200 degrees so that it is baked from the inside. One of the main criteria for bread readiness is the temperature inside the dough of 94-96 degrees, which is measured with a special temperature probe. If this is the case, then this means that the crumb is baked and the bread is ready.

From the oven, the finished glebe goes to the circulation table for stacking, from where it is laid out on racks. The paver takes 4 pieces at a time to keep up with the incoming flow.

Bread continues to bake on the shelves.

No, you heard that right - when the product comes out of the oven, it still continues to bake until it reaches room temperature. It is then that the bread is considered to be finally ready.

Until this point, hot bread can hardly be called a healthy product. Eating freshly baked bread can lead to heartburn and bloating. This happens because the starch in it is still in the form of a paste and is not broken down in the stomach.

After cooling, the bread is transported on racks to the packaging conveyor.

If previously bread arrived on store shelves open, where hundreds of hands touched it, now it is packaged in film.

The packaged products are transferred to another rack and sent for shipment.

And also, shopping at the branded retail chain “Bulochnaya No. 1”, where in addition to bread you can also buy delicious “Khlebprom” cakes, which are also made at this factory.

From the start of mixing to the release of the finished product, 16 hours pass. Of these, the dough rises for about five hours, the dough is kneaded for about four hours, proofing and baking last for an hour.

Did you know that hot bread is harmful?

The biggest danger is the one that has just been taken out of the oven. Doctors warn that you should not consume any hot food or drinks. Such precautions are associated with an increased risk of occurrence. Hot food and hot liquids are cancer provocateurs. When a person eats this way with enviable regularity, the chances of developing cancer increase eightfold. There is reason to think before you send smoky bread into your gastrointestinal tract.

Fermentation process

But not only hot baked goods can harm your health; even warm bread has a detrimental effect on your well-being. As soon as a fresh loaf of bread enters the intestines, the dormant bad bacteria begin to become active. They are fed with bread starch, which has been converted into other substances. Such processes lead to inflammation in the digestive system, and you experience bloating and even abdominal pain.

Hard-to-pass lumps form

Another danger of fresh bread is the lumps that form. Lush and tender baked goods have a peculiarity - they roll into lumps, which move with great difficulty from one organ of the gastrointestinal tract to another, and in the stomach they are not at all susceptible to the action of gastric juice. This causes disruptions in the digestive process, which has serious consequences.

Yeast addiction and gastritis

Almost all baked goods contain synthetic products. For example, thermophilic yeast. When the baked goods are still warm, the yeast feels great. Their activity causes the acidity in the stomach to jump, and this can lead to the diagnosis of gastritis. Also, the love of fluffy bread is dangerous due to disturbances in the lymphatic system, the release of important minerals from the body, and even the occurrence of depression. Yeast baking very quickly hooks a person on its “needle”. This is especially true for freshly baked bread.

Weight goes up and self-esteem goes down

All of the above reasons to refuse fresh bread are significant, as they undermine health. But there is another threat that every girl fears - weight gain. Yeasts work on this front too. They contribute to the appearance of fat deposits, mainly in the waist area.

Can you resist eating a piece of freshly baked, hot bread? Few are capable of this, because hot bread smells so delicious, it is so soft and crispy! Even those people who are well aware that eating such bread is harmful, still sometimes allow themselves to enjoy the fragrant crust. Why is hot bread harmful? After all, we always try to eat any other food freshly prepared, before it gets cold.

Is it possible to eat hot bread

The danger of hot bread is that the fermentation process has not completely completed. And this can cause various digestive disorders - stomach pain, increased gas formation and acidity of gastric juice. In addition, if you eat a lot of such bread and chew it poorly, it can stick together into one large lump and clog the intestines. In general, fresh bread is digested much worse and slower than stale bread, settling on the walls of the stomach. Therefore, for those people who suffer from diseases such as gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, pancreatic and liver diseases, it is better not to eat hot bread. It is not recommended to eat even just fresh bread baked today - it should sit for at least a day, or even better, dry out slightly. This is especially true for bread with the addition of rye flour.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, they were well aware of the ability of hot bread to cause various stomach ailments, so it was allowed to be sold only a few hours after baking.

Many of the readers may argue that they constantly eat hot bread - fresh or heated in the microwave, toaster, and do not experience any health problems. Indeed, for a healthy person it is sometimes possible to eat a little hot bread, but there will be little benefit from it, and over time problems may arise. Hot bread, in which fermentation processes continue, will begin to irritate the walls of the stomach.

Some people prefer not to eat bread at all - neither fresh nor stale, believing that it is because of it that they gain excess weight. However, dry bread can be very useful for digestion - it is quickly absorbed without settling on the walls of the stomach, and even cleanses the intestinal walls. Especially if it is bread made from wholemeal flour or with bran.

As for whether it is possible to eat hot bread from a toaster or hot sandwiches prepared in a microwave, the answer is: it is not as harmful as freshly baked bread. In addition, in a toaster the bread dries out, and any yeast that may still be in the bread dies. But it’s still better to let this bread cool slightly before eating.

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Freshly baked bread has an incredible aroma that makes a person feel an irresistible desire to immediately tear off a piece and eat it immediately. The smell of hot dough provokes profuse salivation and triggers the work of the stomach. However, all doctors say that this is strictly prohibited. So why can’t you eat hot bread from the oven, and what harm can it do to the body?

What should bread be like?

Experts are categorically against eating fresh bread; at a minimum, it should stand for some time to cool completely. It is best to eat those that were baked yesterday. In this case, a person does not gain extra pounds, and the stomach does not suffer from yeast.

First of all, yeast causes great harm. When they are heated to a certain high temperature, they have ideal living conditions. In this case, all fermentation processes are activated to the maximum; they continue for a considerable time even after the culinary product is ready.

When fresh, hot dough enters the stomach, acidity increases almost instantly. This process irritates the mucous membrane quite strongly, which leads to the development of gastritis. If a person already has this disease, then the side effects can be much more serious.

But not only the stomach suffers; after some time, when food enters the intestines, the process of gas formation begins. The person begins to feel heaviness and discomfort. The main reason for this lies in the same yeast fungi that continue to be active in the body. They also destroy the intestinal microflora; all microorganisms that prevent the growth of dangerous microbes lose their properties. In this case, the question of why you can’t eat hot bread becomes very clear and logical.

Such unfavorable processes for the human body lead to the appearance of a whole set of the most unpleasant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These are just a few reasons why you should not eat hot bread.

Also, warm dough seriously clogs the stomach and intestines, which leads to sudden weight gain. Hot bread acts on the body like beer; yeast fungi deposit impressive fat deposits in the abdominal area. Therefore, they are extremely dangerous for humans.

What to do in such a situation?

To prevent your body from regularly suffering from flatulence, heartburn, and developing various unpleasant diseases, you should get used to the fact that bread is best consumed only in dried form. Therefore, it is recommended to buy dough products with a view to using them the next day. During this period, the activity of yeast fungi decreases hundreds of times, and a significant part of them even dies.

Recently, a large number of healthy eating supporters have appeared who have completely abandoned yeast bread. They replace it with various cereals and baked goods, which completely lack yeast. However, doctors are also not too happy about such life activities. A person must receive vitamins from all foods, so yeast in small quantities is also necessary.

Yeast-free bread

Such bread should often be taken when the mucous membrane has been damaged and the person is on a diet. By and large, a properly prepared product is quite beneficial for the body; it can be periodically alternated with regular bread; this combination is considered the most optimal option. The harm of hot bread in this case is minimal.

Unfortunately, modern manufacturers are not always honest, therefore, to make the product more magnificent and beautiful, various additives are added to the composition. Sometimes they are even more harmful than even fresh yeast bread. In this case, it is recommended to buy expensive products from trusted manufacturers.

Now you know why you can’t eat hot, fresh bread, and how harmful it is for the body. Therefore, it is recommended to get into the habit of consuming them, which will be slightly dry and will only bring benefits.

Probably, few Russians can imagine lunch without bread. And, to tell the truth, most breakfast is also not complete without a sandwich, the basis of which is a good slice of sliced ​​loaf or delicious “Borodinsky”.

Scientists believe that Russians eat too much bread. And they are especially upset by the love of many of our fellow citizens for hot, freshly baked white loaves.

What really? Is hot bread really that bad?

Unfortunately, the conclusions of scientists are based on reliable facts. As you know, almost all loaves, including the French ones so beloved by many, are baked from finely ground white wheat flour. After such processing, very little useful remains in it, and the baking process reduces the benefit to zero. Moreover: the flour from which white bread is baked contains simple carbohydrates that quickly break down into glucose. Glucose is a source of energy for the body. And since we eat much more than we need to replenish energy, all unspent glucose “settles” on our waist and hips in the form of hated fat.

Another thing is whole grain bread or bread with bran. Not only does it contain vitamins and other beneficial substances, but it is also much more difficult to recover from. Therefore, nutritionists recommend consuming just such bread (but also in moderation, of course).

As for hot bread...Probably few people in childhood brought home a whole loaf of freshly baked bread. And my mother didn’t even scold me for the nibbled top - she understood that it was impossible to resist...

But, unfortunately, scientists are right here too: hot bread is harmful to the stomach. The fact is that this is heavy food, and excessive consumption of hot bread may well lead to gastritis. In addition, such bread causes a fermentation process in the intestines, resulting in bloating, pain and pain.Another disadvantage of modern bread, no matter whether it is hot or cold, is that modern bakers use synthetic yeast instead of natural starters.This has a very bad effect on the intestinal microflora, promotes the proliferation of harmful bacteria, and causes many diseases.

So, if you can’t do without bread at all, choose at least the one that causes less harm to your health.

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