A detailed description of the preparation of Easter cake from "Viennese dough". Easter cake made from Viennese dough

The main Christian holiday is approaching - Bright Sunday. Therefore, it’s time for housewives to prepare for festive feast. Today we bring to your attention a simple, but great recipe creating Easter cakes. It is best to make paska dough from the so-called Viennese dough.

It is practically no different from the usual one, but the Easter cakes will come out sweet, airy, and they will begin to go stale much later than those made from simple test. The right time to start making Easter cakes is in the evening. The fact is that the dough needs to sit for eight to nine hours.

So, the ingredients we need are:

Half a kilogram of sugar;
five to six chicken eggs;
half a liter of milk;
three hundred grams of butter;
fifty grams regular yeast(they must be the most best quality);
one and a half kilograms of flour (wheat);
salt (one teaspoon is enough);
vanilla sugar(also a teaspoon);
raisins and candied fruits (quantity at your discretion);
To grease the molds you will need vegetable oil.

It should be noted that the above quantity of products will yield half a dozen Easter cakes. Their weight is half a kilo. The molds should be either metal or ceramic.

In addition, we will need to make icing. To prepare it, let's take:

A couple egg whites;
lemon juice (teaspoon);
powdered sugar (tablespoon).

How to cook

First you need to heat the milk. But it shouldn't be hot. Just warm it up. Dissolve the yeast in it.

Then let's mix it chicken eggs with sugar. You need to beat them until fluffy.

The next one is melted butter add milk with yeast, as well as beaten eggs and sugar.

Mix this mixture thoroughly, cover with a towel or other cloth, and then put it in a warm place for up to ten hours. At this time, you can soak the raisins.

The next morning, mix this dough, add vanilla sugar, salt and flour. After drying the raisins, add them to the dough.

Then, for twenty, perhaps thirty minutes, knead the dough. The longer, the tastier. Do this until the dough stops sticking to your hands.

Once this is done, you need to spread the dough into the molds. It should fill the mold by one third. We leave them for an hour and a half or even two. During this time the dough will rise.

After this, you need to put it all in the oven, the temperature of which is two hundred degrees. The pastry will bake from half an hour to fifty minutes. You can check how ready the cake is with a wooden stick.

Now let's get to the glaze.

Using a mixer, beat the ingredients - egg white and lemon juice, add powdered sugar. Beat until thick.

Now you can cover the still warm little ones with it. And you can put candied fruits on top of them.

That's all. Delicious Easter cake ready.

Those who have ever tried Easter Vienna Easter cake will forever remember its taste and aroma. Some people are put off by the labor-intensive preparation process, but the results are worth the time and effort. Be sure to try it, especially since the Great Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is just around the corner.

You can knead the dough by hand, but if you have a bread machine, it will do most of the work for you. The dough must be made in the evening, since to obtain good result it should stand for at least 5-8 hours, and preferably all night.


  • milk – 250 ml (you can use both store-bought and fresh, but only in the latter option, do not forget to boil it first);
  • flour – 500 grams;
  • butter – 50-60 grams (it is best if homemade is used);
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • sour cream – 20 grams;
  • sugar – 100 grams;
  • salt - one pinch;
  • vanillin – 5 grams;
  • yeast - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • raisins – 50 grams.

Separate the whites from the yolks.

For novice housewives, such a task causes real panic, although in fact there is nothing complicated in this procedure.

Beat the egg in the middle, it is advisable to use a knife for this so that the edges are even. Carefully divide into two halves. When separating one, pry up the yolk circle and it will appear separately, and the white will simply drain.

There is another even simpler way. To do this, carefully beat the egg into a plate, and then remove the yolk with a deep spoon.

After separating, grind the yolks with sugar and salt.

Then add sour cream and vanillin.
Pour in vegetable oil.

Melt butter in milk.

This is a very important point. Do not mix a piece of butter with the liquid. This will not bring any benefit, but if you melt it, and even very, very slowly, then in the end the baked goods will receive that same indescribable aroma of baking, the dough will be airy and very soft, and will not crumble.

Pour warm milk and butter into the egg-yolk mixture.

Then lay out the raisins, which must first be washed and dried.

Why wash raisins bought loose in a store is understandable, but is it worth doing this if the product was purchased in sealed packaging? The answer is clear - yes! The fact is that in order to extend their shelf life, raisins are treated with chemicals and before using they must be washed under warm running water (it is best to use a colander), and then, to improve taste qualities also soak it by pouring boiling water over it and leaving it for 10-15 minutes. Why dry it? So that excess moisture does not get into the dough and that the berries are in ready-made baked goods were in good shape.

Add yeast. Mix everything very well.

Beat the whites with a mixer until they form stiff peaks and add them to the main dough. To stir thoroughly.

Leave the dough overnight, covering it with a clean towel.

In the morning, add flour to the revived mixture and knead the dough. Cover it again with a towel and leave for an hour to rise.

By the way, in ancient times, women sewed or knitted napkins themselves to cover the dough. This once again emphasizes the respect and awe with which the process was treated. Not many people have time for handicrafts these days, but it doesn’t hurt to buy a new kitchen towel. Think, maybe this is one of the keys to getting a delicious Easter cake?

Prepare paper form for baking Easter cakes. Place the dough in it viennese pastry for Easter cakes.

Place the cake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake it for 35 minutes.

Grease the finished Viennese Easter cake with any glaze and decorate with sprinkles or decorative sweet decorations.

Bon appetit and Happy Easter!!!

Step by step recipe Vienna cake specially for the site Well-fed family. Best regards, Yulia.

What kind of recipes are there? Easter baking Housewives don’t use it these days... Here’s another one, absolutely delicious: Viennese Easter pastry. In general, such a dough is no different from the most ordinary yeast dough. It’s just airier, sweeter and doesn’t go stale for a long, long time. Many housewives claim that its taste even improves over time; in any case, Vienna cakes ripen in a day or two. The peculiarity of preparing Viennese dough is that it rises on average in 10 hours, so start kneading it better evening, and finish what you started in the morning. Recipe Vienna cake passed on from one mistress to another, and at the same time there is a considerable variety of them. We offer you a choice of recipes for Viennese dough for Easter.

This Viennese Easter recipe is worthy of attention, although you will have to tinker with it quite a bit, and you will need a lot of products. We will need:

  • flour - about 3 kg;
  • milk - 1 liter;
  • live yeast - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar- 1 kg;
  • eggs - 10-15 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 0.5 liters;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • margarine - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;
  • salt (depend on your taste);
  • vanilla - a pack.

For the dough, it is better to take a tall dish - the dough rises too actively. An enamel bucket will be just right if you are going to make a lot of Easter cakes. Products must be room temperature- it is important.

We start by heating the milk. Pour the glass and dissolve the yeast there. Pour the remaining milk into a bucket, add granulated sugar and salt there. Now add eggs, melted butter with margarine and sour cream. Stir all this vigorously, and then add the milk-yeast mixture. We wrap the bucket and place it in any warm place, for example, near a radiator. Our dough should ferment for about 6 hours.

Then gradually add flour directly into the bucket and knead the dough. This first knead of flour will take approximately 2.5 kg - the dough should be soft, elastic and not stiff.

Knead vigorously and thoroughly. When the dough begins to lag behind both the walls of the bucket and your hands, wrap it up and keep it warm. Attention: the dough rises quickly! We knead and wrap again. After the secondary rise, add vegetable oil, vanillin and raisins (and/or dried fruits).

Knead again without adding flour, and then wrap it up and keep it warm. After the third rise, place the dough into molds greased with vegetable or butter, filling them to a third of the height. Let it sit and rise again and put it in the oven, heated to 150 degrees.

The baking process lasts from 45 to 60 minutes, it all depends on the size of the molds. We check readiness with a wooden toothpick or skewer. Remove from the oven and from the mold, cool, pour in fondant or lemon glaze, and decorate. Making fudge is extremely simple: grind the egg whites with a glass of powdered sugar.

If you decide to use the Vienna cake recipe, a special aroma will float in the kitchen for several days.

Other Viennese dough recipes

What we need:

  • eggs - 12 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • yeast - 75 g;
  • butter - 300 g;
  • flour - about 2 kg;
  • vanilla - optional;
  • raisins and candied fruits;
  • salt - to taste, but do not salt the dough, but the dough when kneading.

Mix the yeast with warm milk, and the eggs with granulated sugar. Set both mixtures aside for 12 hours. After this time, combine both mixtures and add soft butter and flour. You can add vanilla if you wish, but this is not necessary - the dough itself is very aromatic. Knead the dough and put it in a warm place. As soon as it approximately doubles in volume, knead it. We repeat the procedure 3-4 times. At the last kneading, add raisins/dried fruits/candied fruits...

Signs ready dough: elastic and not sticky. Place it in greased pans, let it rest and bake. It is important to fill the molds no more than a third: the dough increases greatly in volume both while it sits and when it is baked.

Easter recipes are very diverse. Among them there is this one:

  • flour - 3 kg;
  • live yeast - 100 g;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • margarine or butter - 600 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 12 pcs.;
  • raisins - 200-300 g;
  • vanillin - 1 pack;
  • salt - 1 tsp. without top.

We start by beating eggs with granulated sugar. Next, add yeast soft margarine and milk. Don't put flour! Heat the mixture slightly, stirring until the lumps of margarine disappear. It should be perfect homogeneous mass. We wrap it up and put it in a very warm place for 8-10 hours. All this time, our dough will have to ferment and breathe: rise and fall. That's why it's better to knead it in the evening. At night you sleep - the dough breathes.

In the morning (that is, after 8-10 hours), salt the fermented dough, add vanillin, gradually add flour and raisins, which we wash and dry ahead of time. The process of kneading the dough continues until it comes off easily from your hands. It’s better to add flour, “dusting” it on the table so that the dough doesn’t take up too much.

Doesn't it stick? Great! Now place it in greased molds. You can grease with sunflower, but it’s still better to grease with cream: Easter eggs won’t stick to the molds. Fill the molds to about 1/3 full and leave them on the table. Important: the kitchen should be warm, even hot, and there should be no drafts. After about 40-50 minutes the dough will begin to rise. If it fits, then everything was done correctly.

As soon as the dough reaches half of each mold, “plant” the cakes in an oven preheated to 200-250 degrees. You can take it out after 30-50 minutes - the size of the molds matters here.

While the Easter eggs are baking, beat the egg whites with granulated sugar (100 g is enough) and put them in the refrigerator. This is fudge. We take out the Easter eggs, and while they are hot, grease them with fondant, sprinkle them with colored sugar confetti, decorate them chocolate figurines and flowers. Our main holiday decoration - Easter cake - is ready!

Good day to all!!!

Happy Easter to everyone!!!

Easter cakes are an integral part of this holiday, some people buy store-bought cakes, now there is no problem with that, there are cakes in stores for every taste and size. But I prefer baking myself and my son is really looking forward to this day to help me. I would like to invite you to bake Easter cakes for a very simple recipe, I’ve been baking this recipe for several years now, the cakes turn out just wonderful

Let's start cooking. I always start making the dough in the evening, and the next morning I add the remaining ingredients and bake the cakes. I like this dough because you don’t even need to keep an eye on it.

For the first stage, I will need 6 chicken eggs, 300 grams of butter (you can use margarine, but I don’t use it), 500 grams of granulated sugar, 50 grams fresh yeast and 0.5 liters of milk. First, I melt the butter, I do it in the microwave, you can do it in any way convenient for you. I heat the milk until warm and dissolve the yeast in it

Break all the eggs into a mixer bowl

and add sugar

beat the mixture until fluffy white foam

Add warm melted butter to the milk-yeast mixture (it should not be hot)

and pour in the beaten eggs with sugar

I mix everything well

At this point the first stage is completed, I leave this mixture in a warm place for 8-10 hours, I just had the pan on the kitchen table, it’s very hot here. In the morning the dough looks like this

I mix it and add the remaining ingredients.


sifting the flour

and add washed and dried raisins along with the flour

I pour boiling water over the raisins for about 5 minutes in advance, rinse them and dry them on a towel. I knead the dough with my hands, the longer the dough is kneaded, the tastier the cakes will be. I knead for about 20 minutes. The dough is very soft, elastic and shiny

At once ready dough I lay them out in forms, I use paper ones. From this amount of dough you get 3 grams of Easter cakes of 700-800 and 3 grams of 350-400

This is enough for us to treat ourselves and our relatives. Cover the molds with a clean towel and leave in a warm place to proof for 1.5-2 hours. If you need the cakes to rise faster, you can turn the oven on at 40 degrees and put the pans in the oven. I send the risen Easter cakes to a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Large Easter cakes take approximately 40-50 minutes to bake, medium ones 30-40 minutes. But everyone’s oven is different, you need to be careful, as soon as the crust is well browned, you need to take it out.
These are the golden brown cakes we got

For the glaze, beat chilled egg whites (2 pieces) with sugar to taste (or powdered sugar) and add a little lemon juice. The glaze is snow-white and smooth.

I coat the tops of the Easter cakes with the finished glaze and decorate them

We will only cut it in the morning, so there is no cut yet.

Delicious and fragrant Easter cakes and all the best this time Holy holiday!!!

Cooking time: PT12H50M 12 h. 50 min.
