Useful properties of blue cabbage, propagation and care of seedlings. Red cabbage: cooking recipes, benefits for the body and contraindications

Red cabbage- a plant of the cabbage family. The heads of this vegetable are small and quite dense, and they are colored purple-red (see photo).

This plant appeared on the Mediterranean coast, and then spread to many other countries.

Beneficial features

Vitamin and mineral composition The distribution of red cabbage is quite extensive, and therefore it is not surprising that this vegetable has a lot of useful properties.

If we compare red cabbage with white cabbage, we can conclude that the former has 4 times more beta-carotene.

The unusual color of cabbage is due to the content of anthocyanins, which also strengthen capillaries and improve their elasticity. Considering this, we can say that red cabbage good for heart and vascular diseases. In addition, anthocyanins normalize the state of collagen not only in skin tissues, but also in the whole body. Thereby this type Cabbage can rightfully be considered the fountain of youth. Another beneficial property of anthocyanins is that they can improve vision and cure various eye diseases, and they also prevent the effects of radiation on the body. This substance is also prevents the development of leukemia.

Red cabbage contains phytoncides that have the ability to suppress the activity of tuberculosis pathogens. The juice of this cabbage helps to cope with acute and chronic bronchitis, as well as other respiratory problems.

It is noticed that regular use this vegetable, thanks to its content vegetable protein, has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis, as well as on the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland.

Due to the high selenium content in red cabbage, the functioning of the thyroid gland improves, and the supply of oxygen to the cells is normalized. It also helps remove toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Zinc, which is found in this vegetable, has a positive effect on brain function.

Red cabbage is also rich in lactic acid and fiber, which has a positive effect on the state of the intestinal microflora, as well as these substances helps eliminate excess cholesterol.

This vegetable helps you lose weight, which means it can be safely added to the list of allowed foods during the diet.

Use in cooking

Red cabbage is not used in cooking as often as other varieties, although this is completely undeserved.

The main reason for the dislike of red cabbage is its hardness, which can be eliminated by simply pouring boiling water over the head of cabbage.

In its raw form, the vegetable is used for cooking. various salads, which combine perfectly with meat and help the easy digestion of animal products.

This plant is perfect for pickling and pickling; for example, this cabbage is salted using apples and cranberries.

Made from red cabbage healthy side dishes, which are ideally combined with other products not only of plant, but also of animal origin.

The benefits of red cabbage and treatment

The benefits of red cabbage will be noticeable for people suffering from hypertension, since Regular consumption of vegetables will bring your blood pressure back to normal.. The vegetable also has a diuretic effect, which is essential for various chronic diseases.

IN folk medicine Red cabbage treatment is also widely known. For example, juice with honey is used to get rid of a cough, and the leaves are applied to abrasions and bruises. Wound healing occurs thanks to anthocyanins, which strengthen capillaries.

Another useful property of red cabbage is its ability to neutralize the effects of alcohol, so before the feast you should eat a plate of salad from this vegetable.

Harm of red cabbage and contraindications

Red cabbage can be harmful to people who have stomach diseases and other digestive system problems. This vegetable is contraindicated for ulcers.

Along with the usual white cabbage, it is impossible not to pay attention to its dark red cabbage subspecies. At the same time, purple leaves not only significantly decorate dishes, but are also characterized by mass useful qualities, known since ancient times.

This type of cabbage helps prevent premature aging, prevents cancer, strengthens immune system, removes toxic substances from the body. This is not a complete list of all the beneficial properties and benefits of purple cabbage.

What it looks like and where it grows

Purple cabbage, also often called red cabbage, is a type of cabbage with purple leaves. It belongs to the cruciferous plant family. The purple color is given to it by pigments – anthocyanins.

It was first cultivated in ancient times in the Mediterranean. According to scientists, purple leaves were Pythagoras' favorite delicacy. Botanists are still unclear where it comes from, is it an independent species, or is it the result of random crossing familiar look white cabbage.

Widely cultivated throughout the world, especially in Europe, America and China. This variety of cabbage came to Russia in the 17th century from Europe.

The main features of the vegetable are:

  • Small size of heads of cabbage;
  • Always dense structure;
  • Leaves juiciness;
  • Round or oval shape fetus;
  • Total weight up to 3 kg;
  • Quite early ripening;
  • Long-term storage.

Interestingly, it is often used as an indicator of soil pH. The saturation of its color directly depends on the acidity of the soil where it grows.

Chemical composition

Almost all nutritionists attribute this beautiful cabbage to dietary products. The red color is due to the presence of polyphenols, which give it anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition to them, it contains:

  • Vegetable proteins;
  • Fats (represented by saturated, monosaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids);
  • Carbohydrates (less of them than in cabbage);
  • Sahara;
  • Organic acids;
  • Dietary fiber (fiber);
  • Important amino acids;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Glucosinolates (they are the ones that give bitterness);
  • Enzymes (for better digestion and absorption of food);
  • Retinol (vitamin A);
  • Provitamin A (beta-carotene);
  • Biotin (vitamin H);
  • Tocopherol (fat-soluble vitamin E);
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C; replenishes the body’s daily requirement by 85%);
  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folic and pantothenic acids);
  • Such minerals, like potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus.

The total calorie content of 100 grams of red cabbage (without the stalk) is only 26-27 kilocalories.

Benefit for health

Red cabbage leaves are widely used in folk and traditional medicine as natural ingredient helping:

  • Reduce the risk of developing a disease such as tuberculosis (effectively fights the tuberculosis bacillus. It is recommended that this vegetable be on dining table at least twice a week);
  • Increase resistance to negative influence radionuclides;
  • Remove heavy metal salts;
  • Improve general composition blood with leukemia;
  • Prevent the occurrence of breast cancer in women;
  • Strengthen tooth enamel (it is recommended to rinse regularly oral cavity vegetable juice);
  • Cope with cardiovascular diseases;
  • Significantly strengthen the most fragile vessels of the body - capillaries;
  • Stabilize arterial pressure for hypertension;
  • Normalize cholesterol levels by removing excess cholesterol;
  • Increase the body's resistance to various infections (that is, strengthen the immune system);
  • Cope with respiratory system problems (for example, bronchitis);
  • Get rid of the consequences of jaundice (bile is perfectly removed from the gallbladder);
  • Heal external wounds and cuts (cabbage juice is often used);
  • Increase blood clotting;
  • In the treatment of chronic gastritis;
  • In general, improve the functioning of all organs gastrointestinal tract;
  • Heal stomach ulcers;
  • Lose overweight and thereby get rid of excess weight;
  • In the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Red cabbage juice is used in cosmetology. It promotes:

  • Improving complexion;
  • Giving velvety and tenderness to the skin;
  • Strengthening nails and hair (especially dark colors) when rinsing the latter.

Purple cabbage in cooking

It is worth remembering that red cabbage is never sweet. It rather has a bitter aftertaste.

Like the white cabbage variety, the leaves of this cabbage variety are used for:

It is also worth noting that the vegetable is the most environmentally friendly and has a long shelf life.

Is it true, greatest benefit for the human body – consumption of cabbage raw. After all, in in this case all vitamins and minerals are preserved.

Harm to health

Like any food product, red cabbage has not only positive sides, and some contraindications:

  • Do not use while taking blood thinning medications;
  • It is prohibited for people with individual intolerance to cabbage;
  • The vegetable is not recommended for people suffering from flatulence (increased gas formation);
  • It has been proven that it is red cabbage that negatively affects the absorption of iodine (therefore, for those who have impaired thyroid function, it is better to avoid the product);
  • In case of exacerbation of diseases of the duodenum, consumption is allowed only after heat treatment.

The daily consumption rate is no more than 200 grams.

Infants are allowed to introduce complementary foods no earlier than 6 months.

Red cabbage- outwardly in shape it is very similar to the most popular white cabbage. It is distinguished by the bright and rich red-violet color of its leaves. Also, red cabbage differs significantly from other types of this vegetable in its special chemical composition. So, red cabbage: benefits and harms, calorie content, vitamin and mineral composition.


Red cabbage is a complete dietary product, which is actively recommended by nutritionists for proper nutrition and as a universal basis for fasting days.

It contains only 26 kcal (per 100 g), and this is one of the lowest values ​​among all types of not only cabbage, but also all vegetables.

Cabbage can be eaten raw, and dishes made from it will be most beneficial for the body, and the calorie content will be minimal.
Regular consumption of red cabbage has a beneficial effect on human health:

  • are strengthening blood vessels, their strength and elasticity increases;
  • toxins are eliminated;
  • blood pressure gradually decreases;
  • blood cholesterol levels are normalized and stabilized;
  • the risk of the appearance and development of leukemia is reduced;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is stabilized.

Red cabbage juice has a unique wound-healing property, so it is actively used in the diet of patients with stomach ulcers. It is thanks to the dark shade of the leaves that this variety is famous for its antibacterial effect, and the effectiveness of treatment has been proven even for such complex diseases as tuberculosis.

Red cabbage contains a lot of vitamins C and A, it is rich in amino acids that contribute to the normal growth of the body and its functioning, therefore it is also used in baby food.

Drinking red cabbage juice makes it possible to refresh your complexion and make your skin velvety and soft. Also this drink will strengthen the enamel of teeth and nails. You can rinse dark hair with juice, thanks to which it will acquire a beautiful shine and become softer.


The main caveat is individual intolerance to the product. This variety contains less carbohydrates than white cabbage; it can be used by people with diabetes mellitus. It contains less than 1% saturated fat, which is why red cabbage is famous for its popularity in healthy and dietary nutrition.

Red cabbage is not difficult to grow, and it can be stored well and for a long time, so it can be safely classified as a product that is not of interest to unscrupulous breeders: it is not treated with carcinogens for rapid ripening or long-term storage. In most cases, GMOs and other components hazardous to health are absent from this vegetable.

Calorie content


Red cabbage should be included with caution in the diet of people suffering from allergic reactions and those for whom the product in its individual form causes bloating. It is not recommended to eat it for those who suffer from stomach disorders. To digest cabbage, the body spends a lot of strength and energy, for this reason you should not abuse it after operations or during an exacerbation of acute or chronic diseases.

Pregnant women can eat red cabbage if it does not cause individual intolerance. It is not recommended to eat it during lactation, as it can cause colic in the baby. Infants begin to be given cabbage in the form of a puree after 6 months (mainly broccoli), but specifically red cabbage should be introduced into the diet of a child who is already one year old.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

In terms of vitamin and mineral composition, red cabbage is ahead of other varieties of cabbage and other vegetables in a number of positions. It has rightly gained fame as a useful and affordable product.



Red cabbage is an important component of healthy and rational nutrition. It is especially valued for a number of specific characteristics:

Cabbage includes both white and red cabbage varieties. Red cabbage has all the advantages characteristic of this vegetable. It also has its own characteristics.

Red cabbage has the same dietary properties, as varieties with uncolored light leaves. It may be included low calorie diets fresh, fried, stewed or boiled.

100 g of fresh cabbage with red leaves contains 26 - 27 kcal. The content of vital vitamin C in this amount of product exceeds 65% of daily requirement adult. Vitamin C, a selection of other vitamins, organic compounds and minerals make dietary food using complete red cabbage. The skin, muscle tissue, heart and internal organs receive everything they need for full functioning under conditions of limited caloric intake. This also applies to vital B vitamins.

A bright red or purple color indicates a high content of colored glycosides. When there is an excess intake of fats and sugars, anthocyanins, also known as colored glycosides, protect the body from their absorption and increase the intestinal cellular barrier. These substances cleanse the body and keep blood vessels and heart in good condition. This is very important when losing weight.

If you need to get a quick effect, it is useful to eat red cabbage salad seasoned with oil twice a day for 5 days, adding daily ration chicken or turkey breast in the amount of 150 - 200 g.

The main harm of red cabbage lies in the rough cell membranes: they are difficult to digest in the stomach and cause excessive gas formation. During periods of exacerbation of colitis and pancreatitis, you should avoid dishes made from this type of cabbage.

The benefits and harms of red cabbage juice

Cabbage juice preserves everything beneficial features this vegetable, but lacks its main drawback. It does not contain organic fibers, which are difficult to digest. It is almost completely absorbed and does not stay in the stomach for long.

Juice from red cabbage leaves is widely used in folk medicine for the following ailments:

  • with fragile capillaries;
  • with anemia of various nature;
  • in case of radioactive contamination of the area;
  • from bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis;
  • for bleeding gums and stomatitis.

To obtain juice from cabbage leaves It is advisable to have an electric juicer. The head of cabbage is freed from the top leaves, washed, the stalk is cut out and cut into large pieces, from which the juice is squeezed out, passing them through a juicer. Fresh juice should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 24 hours.

Juice is harmful under the following conditions:

  • Recovery after surgical interventions on the chest and abdominal organs.
  • For acute enterocolitis, gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • In case of obstruction of the bile ducts.
  • For diarrhea of ​​various nature.

In some cases it is acceptable to use fresh juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

The harm and benefits of red cabbage for men

Due to their high anthocyanin content, red cabbage varieties are very beneficial for men's health. Eating them in the form of various dishes and juice cleanses the blood and blood vessels from harmful substances. Clean and elastic blood vessels ultimately increase potency. Having anti-inflammatory properties, red cabbage juice cures inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area. This increases a man’s chances of conceiving a child.

Red cabbage juice becomes an excellent remedy prevention of prostate cancer. It can be drunk as part of a multi- vegetable juice, combining with carrot and spinach juice, and diluting 1/3 with water.

Dishes made from this type of cabbage help smokers relieve inflammation from the respiratory system and cleanse the body of nicotine breakdown products.

Harm to red cabbage varieties for men is possible in case of individual intolerance, during the period of exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines and pancreas.

The harm and benefits of red cabbage for women

Red cabbage, due to its chemical composition, slows down aging female body. The juice, consumed internally and applied externally, keeps facial skin in good condition, restores water balance in skin cells, relieves inflammation and eliminates oily shine.

For obese women with impaired metabolism, salads, soups and main courses that contain red cabbage are very useful. Red cabbage juice protects women from breast cancer and helps recover from breast surgery. For mastopathy, you can make compresses from leaves or juice.

You will have to give up raw red cabbage and its juice in the last months of pregnancy if you have excessive gas formation. You can’t eat it during breastfeeding, this is fraught with bloating and intestinal colic in the baby.

The harm of this vegetable for women is obvious:

  • with diarrhea;
  • with flatulence;
  • for problems with the liver and pancreas.

Benefits and contraindications of red cabbage for pancreatitis

Failure to comply with the diet, abuse of fatty, sweet, spicy, alcoholic foods, and hereditary predisposition can cause pancreatitis. If you have inflammation of the pancreas in acute or chronic form, you should completely avoid eating dishes made from raw red cabbage. This is due to the fact that the content of glycosides in it is higher than in white varieties. This gives her more pungent taste, which causes not only irritation of the gland tissue, but also increased secretion and bloating.

During the period of remission, it is useful to eat cabbage cooked in cereal broth and pureed. It can become the basis of a gentle diet. The duration of such nutrition for pancreatitis is from 6 to 12 months. During this period, pureed cabbage dishes can be eaten in small portions. In this form, red cabbage does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Modern housewives who are new to this vegetable should know that red cabbage can be stored well and for a long time in fresh. Its heads are denser, and the taste is rich and moderately spicy. The product must be included in the family menu in reasonable quantities.

Beloved by many generations, the garden lady has long been known not only in a white outfit. So original, but still not very common, red cabbage. Its benefits and harms are not very well known among the general population. And completely in vain. Let's discuss it, perhaps.

Beneficial properties of red cabbage

Red-purple leaves, according to reviews, contain much less juice than the usual white cabbage leaves. But this does not at all detract from their advantages in terms of benefits for the human body.

Did you know? That the vitamin C content in red cabbage is 5 times higher than in its relative with white and green leaves. And thanks to its unique natural and biological properties, this vegetable retains vitamins much better than all other types of cabbage. That is, almost until the new harvest chemical composition the pulp and juice do not change.

The cosmetic richness of red cabbage is due to high content retinol (vitamin A) in the leaves. It is he who is largely responsible for the condition of the skin and nails. It is enough to eat just a small bowl of fresh purple leaf salad a day so that your nail plates stop peeling and fine wrinkles forget what you look like.

By the way, freshly squeezed juice from the leaves is very good for rinsing dark hair. Not only does it give your hair a noble mahogany shade, it also softens it while strengthening it.

Advice. Season red cabbage salad only with vegetable oil (olive or sunflower). Because retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin. Without the addition of oils, it is not absorbed by the human body.

Red cabbage has even more medical benefits. It is recommended to include it in the diet at least twice a week for:

  • removing salts of heavy metals, toxins and waste from the body.
  • increasing the body's protective functions and strengthening the immune system
  • restoring normal blood cholesterol levels
  • tuberculosis prevention
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and cleaning the circulatory system
  • normalizing blood pressure
  • treatment of stomach ulcers and respiratory system diseases

What can I say, this vegetable has a lot of advantages. Therefore, pay close attention to red cabbage. Just don’t overuse it, because in addition to its beneficial properties, the beauty has some

Harmful properties of red cabbage

The reddish-purple leaves contain a large number of coarse natural fiber. It does not dissolve and is not completely digested. On the one hand, this is good job for intestinal motility. On the other hand, hard work for a weakened gastrointestinal tract. For example, after an illness. Or if you have an open stomach ulcer.

Red cabbage is not recommended for use in the diet of children under 1.5 years of age. Because diathesis may occur. Remember that red fruits, berries and vegetables are not given to children at all? For the same reason, we advise people with allergies not to risk their own health and replace the purple beauty with more suitable vegetables.

And of course, the notorious individual intolerance. There is nothing to say here. It is forbidden to eat, period.

Folk wisdom

A fairy tale about the beneficial effects of cabbage on growth has been passed down from generation to generation. female breast. And the people firmly believe in this nonsense. He gorges himself on salads and preparations from the lady’s garden, hoping for the best. Although breasts do not grow larger than genetics dictate. In this regard, red cabbage is credited with a truly miraculous property. They say that if you apply one sheet of paper to your breasts at night for a month, the main thing is that a woman’s wealth will increase by at least 3 sizes. Nonsense. A miracle won't happen.

But if you eat red cabbage salads at least 2 times a week, your muscle tissue will become much stronger. No, the breast itself will not increase. But on the other hand, it won’t hang prematurely at the level of the knees.

Traditional medicine strongly recommends using freshly squeezed juice for treatment various diseases stomach. In particular - ulcers and gastritis. There is undoubtedly an effect. But different sources give completely contradictory recommendations. Therefore, be sure to go for a consultation with a competent specialist so as not to cause trouble in a fit of self-medication.

Did you know? What if you have a long feast with a lot of libations? alcoholic drinks, That folk wisdom recommends eating a plate of red cabbage salad first. The fact is that purple vegetable significantly neutralizes the effect of alcohol on the body.

Ever since Ancient Rome people knew about the beneficial effects of red cabbage juice on human respiratory system. And they even tried to treat tuberculosis with it. Scientific research on this topic has not been carried out, but the experience of our ancestors suggests this is a way to fight cough. That is, freshly squeezed juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions. And by the way, this mixture works similar to black radish juice. And all thanks to the characteristic sharpness in taste.

Popular wisdom also successfully uses recipes from cabbage with purple leaves to normalize the water-salt balance in the body. Thanks to this, a person ceases to be tormented by high blood pressure. Just fresh leaves have a diuretic effect. By the way, it is very useful for various edema or the presence of excess fluid in the body.

Compresses from crumpled fresh leaves help get rid of bruises, cuts and abrasions faster. And the juice doesn’t sting! Therefore, parents, take note of this information.

Interesting. Each source considers it its duty to convey to the reader supposedly special love one famous mathematician and philosopher to red cabbage. It’s just not clear what the value of this information is? And who needs it?

Cabbage with purple leaves is highly valued among fans of various diets. The fact is that it is a champion in terms of calorie content. Only on the other side. That is, it is actively used for nutrition during weight loss. Minimum possible number of calories + quick satiety + long bowel movement + correct physical exercise= competent weight loss without any harm to health and chemicals.

Popular rumor says that the large amount of antioxidants in red cabbage allows it to be included in the menu for people suffering from the effects of radiation exposure. No, of course, blue cabbage is not a panacea or a cure for radiation. But in combination with competent therapy, even traditional medicine admitted that there is an undeniable effect.

Now you are savvy enough and know why red cabbage is so good. Its benefits and harms are also no secret. Plant, grow, eat this ruddy beauty. And don't get sick.

Video: red cabbage salad
