The benefits and harms of ice cream: let's tell you some interesting facts about your favorite dessert. Ice cream - benefits and harm

Both children and adults love to enjoy delicious and sweet ice cream on a hot summer day. However, few people know how to do it correctly so as not to harm their health and get the maximum benefit from the snack. You should start by getting to know the components of ice cream, the features and properties of the product, and its dosages. In conclusion, everyone can prepare their favorite dessert at home, using only natural ingredients that do not harm the body!

Composition and benefits of ice cream

Ice cream is a high-calorie product, especially if it contains various toppings and fillers. However, in addition to fats and various sugars, the ice cream contains many vitamins and microelements. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and promote rapid absorption of all nutrients. Available and inexpensive products are used to prepare the dessert, so the price of the finished product is very low. At the same time, do not forget to read the label so as not to fall for the manufacturer’s bait and not buy ice cream with preservatives, emulsifiers and flavor enhancers.

Chemical composition table

NutrientQuantity per 100 g
Calorie content232 kcal
Squirrels3.7 g
Fats15 g
Carbohydrates20.4 g
Organic acids0.1 g
Water60 g
Ash0.8 g
Vitamin A94 mcg
Retinol0.086 mg
Beta Carotene0.045 mg
Vitamin B10.03 mg
Vitamin B20.21 mg
Vitamin C0.4 mg
Vitamin E0.4 mg
Vitamin PP0.7 mg
Niacin0.1 mg
Potassium162 mg
Calcium159 mg
Magnesium21 mg
Sodium50 mg
Phosphorus114 mg
Iron0.2 mg
Digestible carbohydrates
Sugars (mono-, di-)20.4 g
Cholesterol44 mg
Saturated fatty acids9.4 mg

Beneficial features

Ice cream is considered one of the best representatives of the dairy product group. With it, a large amount of amino acids, minerals and vitamins enter the human body. The product also often contains nuts, berries, honey and chocolate, which help stimulate brain activity and concentrate attention.

IMPORTANT! Fruit and berry delicacies contain less cholesterol than those prepared with butter (animal fats). If you have immune or cardiovascular diseases, it is better to choose them.

In the company of ice cream, a person can even overcome depression. In the process of eating dessert, the production of the joy hormone - serotonin - accelerates, which lifts your mood and improves your well-being. The dish is also known for a number of other beneficial properties:

  • causes a surge of strength and energy;
  • hardens the throat;
  • quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger;
  • relieves tension;
  • normalizes sleep.

FACT! The cold treat helps women get pregnant. The product contains fats that are beneficial for ovulation. Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health proved that girls who did not consume ice cream in their diet became pregnant 25% less often than those with a sweet tooth.

Contraindications and harm

No matter how many advantages your favorite dessert has, you should not forget about its harm. The product contains a large amount of cholesterol and sugar. This can cause blockage of blood vessels, slagging, and increased blood glucose levels. Manufacturers also often reduce the cost of dessert by adding unhealthy flavors, dyes, and preservatives. When eating outside, add germs, dust, dirt and exhaust fumes to the list. If you do enjoy ice cream, then only make it yourself and indoors.


  • diabetes;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • caries.

Side effects

You have to eat ice cream in public places quickly so that the product does not have time to melt. This can cause many side effects, especially in people with contraindications, weak immunity or migraines. Deterioration in health is accompanied by:

  • headache due to limited access of oxygen to the brain;
  • a sharp decrease in body temperature;
  • narrowing of blood vessels.

CAREFULLY! Fruit ice is full of flavors and bright colors, which indicates a large number of dyes and flavors in the composition. In children and adults, such a delicacy can provoke an allergic reaction.

How to eat ice cream

Even in excellent health, ice cream should be included in the diet no more than 2-3 times a week. The optimal serving size is 1 ball, decorated with nuts, berries or fresh fruit to taste. However, you should not try to replace a full meal with it or serve it as a dessert. The afternoon snack is the best time to consume it. This will not affect the digestion process, and the delicacy itself will be completely absorbed.

FACT! The permissible amount of ice cream per week has been determined - 150 g. Experts say that this is exactly how much an adult needs to get benefit and joy from the treat at the same time.

The weight of different species differs:

  • 1 popsicle - 100 g;
  • 1 ball of ice cream - 50 g;
  • 1 “sandwich” briquette - 90 g;
  • 1 waffle cup - 80 g;
  • 1 stick of fruit ice without glaze - 50 g.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Ice cream is a specific product that does not come with instructions for use. However, lovers of ice cream and fruit ice should know about what diseases you can treat yourself to sweets, and when it is prohibited.

Table: norms for ice cream consumption for various diseases and other conditions

DiseasesStandards of use
Fever, runny noseForbidden.
Post-workout, dryingAfter a busy workout in the gym, you are allowed to eat 1-2 glasses of creme brulee, but not more than 2-3 times a week. During the drying period, the dosage can be increased to the desired amount by waiting for the fasting day. Typically, athletes arrange it once every 1–2 weeks.
Sore throat, cough, sore throatIt is allowed to eat softened but cold ice cream. A serving of 150 g can be eaten throughout the day or distributed over several doses throughout the week. The product must be natural, without chocolate, fruit or other fillers.
Mantoux graftingTo exclude an allergic reaction, for several days after vaccination, you can only consume a natural product that does not contain dyes or fillers. Dosage according to the weekly norm.
HaemorrhoidsCold ice cream improves rectal activity and is an effective prevention of obesity during sedentary work. A single serving size should not exceed 50 g.
GoutIn this case, creamy ice cream is especially useful. It is recommended to add nuts (except peanuts), natural caramel, and fresh fruit to the dessert. Dosage according to the weekly norm.
After removal of tonsils, adenoidsWithin 30 minutes after surgery, you can enjoy ice cream at room temperature. A slightly melted ice cream or fruit ice will help stop residual bleeding and reduce the temperature in the surgical area. It is recommended to eat a 50-gram portion within a few hours without swallowing large, cold pieces of ice cream.
BracesOnly melted ice cream at room temperature is allowed. Dosages are standard.
After gallbladder removalIt is better to reduce consumption to 1 time per week. It is better to cool a 50 g portion to room temperature. This will prevent narrowing of the bile ducts.

Can you get sick from it?

Colds and sore throats are the most harmless things that eating ice cream can lead to. You should especially beware of this product in hot weather. Sudden changes in body temperature have a negative impact on overall well-being. To be on the safe side, eat cold desserts slowly.

IMPORTANT! Eating ice cream too often can also cause atherosclerosis, diabetes or obesity. Be sure to use moderation when choosing this type of sweet!

Is it possible to get poisoned

Real ice cream has a short shelf life. If you eat an expired product, you can get seriously poisoned or get away with a slight disorder. In addition, the cause of the disease can be poor quality raw materials, improper storage and transportation of products.

IMPORTANT! Re-frozen products can be distinguished by their irregular shape and lack of vacuum in the packaging.

Nuances of use

Pregnancy, childhood, various diseases - all these conditions are temporary. The changes that occur in the body require careful selection of food products and have their own characteristics of their consumption.

During pregnancy

Ice cream for expectant mothers is a source of positive emotions and pleasant memories. The taste of dessert has a calming effect, reduces a woman’s anxiety and stress. In addition, the sweet contains about 300 kcal, which helps to gain weight during pregnancy.

ADVICE! Frequent nosebleeds are a normal reaction of the body to bearing a child. You can solve the problem with a piece of ice cream.

Do not forget that you can only get benefits from a natural and properly prepared dessert. It is best to give preference to cold desserts made from high-quality cream, milk or sour cream. Products with emulsifiers, a high percentage of dyes and flavors, and stabilizers in their composition are prohibited.

The size of a single serving is 50–60 g, and the permissible weekly consumption rate is 100–200 g. Pregnant women can enjoy ice cream at any time. Contraindications apply only in the following cases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tendency to be overweight and quickly gain weight;
  • hypertension and toxicosis in later stages;
  • kidney problems and serious pathologies.

IMPORTANT! Don’t forget to check the tightness of the packaging and the shelf life of the ice cream. During pregnancy, the risk of contracting salmonellosis, listeriosis, or poisoning is very high.

When breastfeeding

The quality of milk during breastfeeding largely depends on what the mother eats. The diet excludes a large number of allergenic foods: chocolate, honey, nuts, many fruits and sweets. However, a woman can still treat herself to some desserts. For example, natural ice cream without fillers. The following waters are allowed to be consumed:

  • cream;
  • creamy;
  • dairy

It is better to avoid fruit sorbets, especially if they contain artificial ingredients.

The dosage should be moderate. You are allowed to eat one serving per day, no more than 2 times a week. You can divide the daily amount into two parts, using half in the morning and the other in the evening. The product must be fresh. If desired, you can add berries or fruits allowed by the diet.

IMPORTANT! Ice cream is introduced into the diet gradually, no earlier than 1 month after the birth of the child. After each use of dessert, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s reaction.

For children

Ice cream should be a sweet and rare addition to a child's diet, not a main part of it. The basic rules for using the product are very simple and it is not difficult to adhere to them:

  1. Ice cream is introduced into the diet from the age of 3 in small portions.
  2. At one time, a child can eat no more than 100 ml of ice cream.
  3. Melted ice cream is not recommended for children. This increases stress on the throat and stomach.
  4. Frequency of use: 2–3 times a week. On other days, replace sweet dessert with fruits and berries.
  5. In order not to spoil your child’s appetite, give ice cream for an afternoon snack.
  6. After eating, be sure to monitor the process of brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth. The procedure will reduce the risk of developing caries.

According to Komarovsky, ice cream is used to gradually harden a child’s throat. This should be done starting from 1 teaspoon per day. The product is given twice a day until the serving size is 50 g. The procedure should begin with soft ice cream. The child must completely absorb each piece. At the same time, the apartment should be warm to avoid sudden temperature changes.

For diseases

Ice cream is an auxiliary remedy for the treatment of sore throat, tonsillitis or after removal of tonsils. The serving size does not differ from the diet of healthy people and is 150 g per week. Under the influence of cold and fat, blood vessels narrow, which allows the inflammatory process to be localized. The size of the tonsils also decreases and the healing process is accelerated.

For a sore throat, ice cream helps remove plaque from the tonsils. Toxic substances and pus dissolve in fats. Cold helps eliminate irritation and reduce pain.

IMPORTANT! After eating ice cream, you should rinse your mouth with water. The sugar that remains after dessert is a source of pathogenic bacteria.

When losing weight

Ice cream is a very high-calorie and fatty product. It is not for nothing that its list of contraindications includes a tendency to be overweight and obesity. Problems with excess weight can only be aggravated by regular consumption of such dessert. However, even here there are “loopholes” for those with a sweet tooth, which allow them to pamper themselves with their favorite delicacy.

Natural milk ice cream contains only 2.8–3.5% fat content. The dessert is easily digestible and contains many useful substances. This can be given to children, eaten during weight loss and pregnancy. At the same time, on a diet you should refrain from chocolate glaze, condensed milk and various fillers that increase the calorie content of food.

At home, you can freeze fruit sorbets, yoghurts and serve as ice cream. To prepare cold desserts, you should give preference to berries or fruits that are light in calories. Depending on the season, watermelon, pear, plum, kiwi, citrus fruits and apples are suitable.

Do ice cream make you fat?

You can only gain weight from low-quality ice cream or its excessive consumption. Artificial components in the composition delay the digestion of food, while natural ones promote this process. Calcium, various amino acids, vitamins and enzymes contained in the milk dessert have a beneficial effect on metabolism, strengthen bones and reduce blood pressure. To ensure that your reflection in the mirror continues to please you with your slimness, adhere to the principle of the golden mean and consume ice cream within normal limits.

"Cold" diet

The diet, which contains ice cream, is developed according to all the principles of proper nutrition. Ice cream is the only source of fat in it, while the rest of the food replenishes the supply of proteins and carbohydrates. This allows you to maintain normal metabolism and simplifies the process of digestion of food. You can stay on this diet for no more than 3–5 days. Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with apple, tea, 100 g of ice cream;
  • Lunch: pea soup, 2 slices of bread, salad of vegetables and boiled egg, 100 g of ice cream;
  • Dinner: boiled dietary meat (chicken, turkey), rice, vegetable salad with olive oil dressing.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

Making ice cream at home will cost much less than buying it in a store. At the same time, the useful potential of such a product increases several times. All family members can be involved in the process.

Ice cream according to GOST


  • 350 ml cream 33% fat;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 3 pcs. egg yolks;
  • vanilla sugar to taste.


  1. Heat the milk on the stove.
  2. In a separate container, grind the yolks, sugar and vanillin.
  3. Add the mixture to warm milk and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens.
  4. Beat cold cream with a mixer until stiff peaks form.
  5. Add the milk-yolk mixture to the cream and stir.
  6. Place the ice cream in the mold and place in the freezer for 1 hour.
  7. Mix all ingredients again and place in the freezer until completely frozen.



  • 2 pcs. ripe banana;
  • 100 ml almond milk.


  1. Peel, slice and freeze bananas.
  2. Place bananas in a blender, add almond milk and blend.
  3. Place the homogeneous mass in a bowl, decorate at your discretion and serve.

It's no secret that ice cream doesn't have much nutritional value. But have you ever thought that this frozen treat contains some health benefits? Since ice cream is a dairy product, this means that it contains elements that are beneficial to health. What are the benefits of ice cream? This question will be of interest to all women in the world, and perhaps not only them, since everyone likes ice cream, and hearing positive qualities about your favorite treat is good news.

Perhaps ice cream poses significant health risks? After all, in every product you can find both positive and negative factors affecting health. Having understood this, we can answer the question: is ice cream good or bad?

It is always important to pay attention to the ice cream label when purchasing, as it contains the contents of the product, from which you can determine the health benefits, as well as minimize the risks of harmful components. Most often, the influencing factors on health are: calorie content, sugar level, fat saturation. But don't forget about the expiration date! If you notice that there is frost on the ice cream, this indicates that the product is not fresh. Frost can be caused by re-freezing the product, which means that the ice cream has lost its taste.

Ice cream - good or bad?

Be that as it may, it is impossible to clearly determine between the health benefits and harms of ice cream, since they can be present in this product at the same time. Therefore, the expression will be relevant here - everything is useful in moderation.

Ice cream can be of completely different types, which is why it is impossible to clearly identify the advantages or disadvantages of this frozen product. It can be soft or hard, but this is a question of the method of production. The difference between them is that soft is stored at a temperature not lower than -5°C, and hard at -25°C and below. Differences in ice cream are also classified according to the degree of fat content: milk, cream, ice cream or fruit and berry.

Pros of ice cream

Ice cream is a product rich in milk content, which means it contains lactoferrin and a cytokine. These substances have a positive effect on your health by improving immune function. This is not a complete list of substances that indicate the benefits of ice cream:

  1. Calcium. First of all, every dairy product contains calcium, which is good for bones. Surprisingly, 99% of the calcium in the body is found in our bones and teeth. When the body does not get enough calcium per day, it begins to consume it from the place where it is stored, that is, from the bones and teeth. This interaction is destructive to the bones, as a result of which they begin to weaken and become more fragile. Regular intake of calcium from ice cream or other dairy products can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and calcium deficiency diseases, which lead to frequent bone fractures.
  2. Not only is calcium good for your bones and teeth, but it also plays a role in weight loss. That is why diets that include ice cream as a base have become favorites for many women. Studies have shown that diets high in calcium lead to weight loss. Calcium has an excellent ability to regulate fat metabolism, so when dieting, it is recommended to take foods with a high calcium content.
  3. Protein. Like many other dairy products, ice cream is a source of protein. Protein is beneficial for blood, muscles, cartilage and skin. This substance is responsible for the structure of human connective tissue. Hair and nails are made entirely of protein. Ice cream is one of many options for replenishing protein in the body. But the positive effect will only be with moderate consumption.
  4. For those who regularly exercise, ice cream can be used as a muscle restorative after workouts. With the addition of healthy fruits, nuts, vegetables and nutritional supplements, ice cream can be transformed into a healthy shake for post-workout stress.
  5. Vitamins. Ice cream typically contains vitamins A, B2 and B12. Vitamin A is important for healthy skin, bone metabolism and immune function. In addition, vitamin A is responsible for retinal function in low light and color vision. Vitamins B2 and B12 are involved in energy metabolism, regulation of proteins and carbohydrates, and destruction of fats in the body.

​The dangers of ice cream

Ice cream is often a high-calorie product, which is why abuse of this dessert leads to weight gain. Ice cream should not be consumed if you have stomach ulcers or chronic gastritis. If a person often suffers from respiratory diseases, then eating ice cream is not particularly recommended for him. Factors prohibiting the consumption of ice cream:

  1. Ice cream may have a high sugar content and is therefore prohibited for diabetics.
  2. If a person has high cholesterol levels, then foods containing animal fats are prohibited. Some frozen foods, including ice cream, are made with these fats.
  3. It is not recommended to consume ice cream flavored with lemon, strawberry and other flavorings. They contain many essences that are not natural.
  4. Ice cream can cause short-term headaches. If you look at the statistics, you can find out that when eating ice cream, 1/3 of people suffer from a headache. This is explained by a too rapid decrease in body temperature: the blood vessels narrow, thereby limiting the flow of blood in the brain, causing headaches.
  5. If frost is noticed on the ice cream, this means that the necessary freezing measures for the product were not followed. Frost on ice cream is a signal not to purchase or consume this product.

How to choose the most delicious and natural ice cream from a huge assortment - watch in the following video:

You should always remember the importance of consuming ice cream in moderation. Ice cream can be beneficial, but overdoing it will only cause harm. Always coordinate your health status with ice cream consumption. Read the composition! Taking into account simple rules, you will receive only useful qualities and, of course, pleasure from this snow delicacy. Usually the harm and benefits of this product are of little interest to the buyer, since people get pleasure from it, first of all!

ICE CREAM...Mmmm...The mere mention of this delicacy makes our brain turn on and “dance in frenzied ecstasy” =) There are probably no people on Earth who don’t like ice cream, and if there are, then they are definitely some kind of aliens, not people =) In general, as you already understand from the title of the article, today we will talk exclusively about ice cream, namely: can I have ice cream? people who watch their figure, and if possible, then what kind of ice cream can you use?? Is ice cream healthy or harmful? And of course how to choose the right ice cream so as not to run into a cheap or, even “better”, expensive fake?

Since it’s still summer outside, I think this article will be relevant for many ice cream lovers (I count myself among them), so get ready for a detailed analysis and analysis of the composition of this delicacy. And we will start, perhaps, with the most interesting thing: the cooking process...

What is ice cream?

Surely, many of you tried to make ice cream yourself at home: some froze yogurt, some cottage cheese or milk, and some beat in frozen fruit. Of course, homemade ice cream is tasty and healthy, but it is very different from store-bought ice cream, and it all comes down to the preparation process.

Ice cream is not frozen milk, as many people thought in childhood or still think, ice cream is stabilized (frozen) milk foam. This foam is whipped in a special freezer, where it is simultaneously frozen. This is why industrial ice cream is much fluffier than its homemade counterpart.

The whole secret of magical air ice cream lies in the freezing process (well, and in a couple of other points, I’ll talk about them a little later). In order to produce a 100-gram glass of ice cream on an industrial scale, you will need only 50 ml of milk, that is, 2 times less than if you wanted to make ice cream at home. So, as you can see, the freezer does 2 useful things at once: it creates an airy texture for the ice cream, making it tasty for consumers and at the same time saves raw materials for manufacturers.

 A little philosophy

In fact, when it comes to talking about nutritional supplements and healthy lifestyles, people are conditionally divided into two camps: some are ardent dietary supplement fanatics who cannot afford to eat a small piece of cake even on some occasion; while others are quite adequate people who adhere to proper nutrition, but sometimes can afford to eat something that is not very healthy and not very healthy. I personally adhere to the second camp, because I think that being fanatical about something is a bad idea... As a result, strict restrictions and prohibitions will sooner or later “backfire”, for everyone this “sideways” is completely different, but the consequences are practically the same: depression, damaged psyche, eating away at your problems, gaining new kilograms, etc. round. Do you need it? I'm sure not!

But we're a little distracted from our ice cream. We will now move on to find out what kind of ice cream can you use?, and whether there is healthy ice cream?

The benefits of ice cream

Talking about the benefits of ice cream in the 21st century would be too bold a statement, but I’ll try anyway.

In the former CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus and Russia), the situation with the production of high-quality natural ice cream is tens of times better than in the European Union or America. This is due to the fact that our production of dairy products is at a fairly high level (especially in Belarus), and all due to the fact that we do not need to purchase milk from abroad, our domestic cows themselves can produce as much milk as we need.

But even here, not everything is as smooth as we would like...

To the question “ Is ice cream healthy?“There is no definite answer... The fact is that now ice cream is made differently than 25 years ago, when there were strict laws and GOSTs, non-compliance with which could be punished very harshly. Today, the process of ice cream production has changed a lot, the government is no longer the same, and the punishments accordingly are also no longer the same, unfortunately...

That is why in a modern glass of ordinary ice cream you can find a huge number of flavors, taste enhancers, stabilizers and other components that people did not even know about before. And this factor greatly influences the quality and benefits of this tasty treat for all children and adults.

But even despite this not very pleasant fact, ice cream still has some useful properties that make this dessert worth loving.

1. Ice cream is an antidepressant

Ice cream causes a feeling of euphoria and pleasure, this is due to the release of the joy hormones dopamine, as well as serotonin. These two hormones can relieve stress, anxiety, fatigue and make you the happiest person in the world for a while.

2. Ice cream is a friend of ectomorphs

If you suffer from the problem of underweight and just can’t gain at least a couple of kilograms, that is, you are an ectomorph, then ice cream can become your lifesaver in this difficult matter. All you need to do is eat a serving of ice cream after your workout, maybe with a couple of bananas or other fruits. This way, you will create a calorie surplus, which will help you in increasing your body weight. Of course, this method is not the main method for “correction,” but it can also be effective (and most importantly tasty) in some cases.

3. Ice cream is a source of vitamins A, D, E and K

Based on this property, we can say that healthy ice cream exists, and this is not fiction, because anything that contains vitamins can rightfully be called “healthy.” And this is absolutely true, but with some amendment:

Only ice cream that contains MILK FAT, can bear a proud name HEALTHY ICE CREAM!

You must remember this rule once and for all! Not every ice cream is a healthy product, but only that which is made from milk (powdered or whole), and which contains MILK FAT, not vegetable fat (more on this later).

 Help!

Sources of natural milk fat in ice cream can be cream or butter.

And we smoothly move on to the question, how to choose the right ice cream, what you need to look for first of all in the composition of ice cream, and finally, what kind of ice cream is possible eat without fear of harming your health?

How to choose healthy ice cream?

How do you usually choose ice cream? I’m sure that in most cases it happens like this: they went to an ice cream stand, chose the most beautiful colorful packaging, and went to the checkout, happy and satisfied. If you recognize yourself, I hope that after reading this section, you will change your habits and your choices will become more conscious.

In fact, to choose the right one and healthy ice cream, it is enough to spend no more than 2-3 minutes studying its composition. The packaging of any ice cream will tell you absolutely everything you need to know. And now I will teach you how to correctly read the composition of ice cream ( the picture is clickable).

1. Standards

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the standard according to which the ice cream was made. In Ukraine there are currently two standards: DSTU 4733:2007 and DSTU 4735:2007.

The first standard (DSTU 4733:2007) says that this is ice cream made from natural raw materials. It contains natural milk and natural milk fat.

The second standard (DSTU 4735:2007) states that ice cream contains a milk fat substitute. This could be: margarine, palm oil, coconut oil or other cheap hydrogenated vegetable oils.

 Help!

For Russian cities, the standard is GOST R 52175:2003.

Also, the abbreviation TU (technical conditions) may be indicated on the ice cream. This is an indicator that the manufacturer used his own recipe when producing ice cream, which no one knows about except himself... But statistics show that ice cream made according to specifications is very often made from cheap milk fat substitutes.

2. Ingredients

  • The next thing to look for when purchasing ice cream is the ingredients. In first place in the lineup quality and healthy ice cream must be specified cream and milk. If sugar or vegetable fat comes first, then you should never buy such ice cream! This ice cream has 100% nothing to do with it.

Good to know!

If you are against sugar and do not consume it in any form, then ice cream is not the product for you. The fact is that you won’t find sugar-free ice cream almost anywhere (unless you make it yourself at home). Adding sugar to the milk mixture makes it thicker and more viscous, which is the secret to the creamy taste and thick consistency of any ice cream. If there is not enough sugar or it is replaced with cheaper synthetic substitutes, then ice cream will lose its creamy structure, for which many people love it.

  • If you choose chocolate ice cream, then the composition should include cocoa powder, and not a cocoa butter substitute or other vegetable fats.
  • If the ice cream is creme brulee, then the composition should indicate condensed milk, not “crème brûlée” or “condensed milk” flavoring.
  • The number of ingredients in any ice cream should not exceed 8 .

3. Additives

How do you think, is ice cream healthy, which contains eshki? I think the answer is obvious to everyone. Choose ice cream without sugar, so you will know that you are buying natural, healthy ice cream without the addition of harmful additives, dyes and other unnecessary ingredients. But today it is almost impossible to find ice cream that is 100% free of any ice cream. Therefore, I am giving you a list of the most harmful additives, remember them and never buy ice cream that contains these additives: E433, E489, E476, E466, E407.

Also, the composition of ice cream necessarily contains stabilizers and emulsifiers; without them, it would be impossible to make ice cream with an airy consistency. And here is a list of those stabilizers that you don’t need to be afraid of if you find them in your ice cream; they are absolutely non-toxic and harmless:

- pectin

- gelatin

- starch

— monoglycerides of fatty acids (E471)

— lecithin

- microcrystalline cellulose

— guar gum (E412)

— xanthan gum (E415)

— carob gum (E410)

- agar (E406)

4. Fat percentage

The percentage of fat content of the ice cream must be indicated on the front packaging (preferably) or in the composition (mandatory). Typically, ice cream contains 12-20% milk fat; for creamy ice cream – up to 12%; for dairy – up to 8%; for fruit and berry - up to 2%.

Good to know!

The fattier the ice cream, the lower it , and vice versa - the less fat in ice cream, the more sugar it contains, which means its GI will be significantly higher.

For example, an ice cream with 18% fat content contains 15% sugar, and its glycemic index is 52, and fruit and berry ice cream with 1% fat content contains 25-30% sugar, and its GI is 70. So for girls who are watching their figure, I do not advise you to lean heavily on low-calorie and low-fat fruit ice creams, since their GI is much higher than that of a fatty ice cream. It is better to give preference to milk or cream ice cream with medium fat content (3-12%).

5. Chocolate icing

I decided to include information about chocolate glaze as a separate item. If you love chocolate-covered ice cream, then know that there is simply no natural chocolate in the composition of such ice cream. Even if the manufacturer lists cocoa butter in the composition, it is not natural cocoa butter, but a cheap substitute. All chocolate covered ice cream is made from VEGETABLE HYDROGENATED FAT. You won’t find any natural chocolate there, just know this, and if you buy ice cream covered with chocolate glaze, then do it at least not very often.

6. Visual assessment

  • Package– when choosing ice cream, you must ensure that its packaging is intact and without any damage. If you buy ice cream in a waffle cup, make sure that the cup is not deformed. If you buy ice cream on a stick with chocolate glaze, then carefully feel the packaging, and if you notice that the ice cream has slightly “slipped” and the glaze is cracked in places, then this is a sign that the ice cream has been subjected to secondary freezing.
  • Color - unsaturated, natural.

The color of ice cream, milk or cream ice cream should be white or slightly creamy.

The color of chocolate ice cream should be light brown or similar to café au lait, but in no case should the color be too dark.

The color of fruit ice cream can vary from yellow to lilac, but most importantly, it should not be too rich and bright. If the color is too unnaturally saturated (bright blue, pungent raspberry, acidic lemon or dark brown), then this is a sign that dyes and flavorings have been added to this ice cream to impart the taste of natural berries or chocolate.

  • Consistency– homogeneous. If, when opening a package of ice cream, you notice ice crystals on the surface of the ice cream, or the consistency of the ice cream itself is too rough, or the milk mixture is separating from the waffle cone, this is a sign that the ice cream has been re-frozen. It is also possible that the product is stored in incorrect conditions during sudden temperature fluctuations, but in any case, consuming such ice cream can be dangerous to your health.

What kind of ice cream is possible?

According to Ukrainian research conducted in 2013, a list of several brands of “plombir” ice cream was identified that comply with existing standards DSTU 4733:2007. And these brands ( the picture is clickable):

Among all the brands, Chistaya Liniya ice cream is the only one from a Russian manufacturer; all the others are from a Ukrainian manufacturer. All these brands have passed all stages of testing with dignity, and can rightfully be considered the best examples of ice cream manufacturers. They are both tasty and healthy at the same time, so you can safely buy them.

Well, if you don’t like ice cream, and your soul wants something more exotic, then everything is in your hands. If you carefully read this article, then you will be able to choose the right one without much difficulty. healthy ice cream, moreover, you can very quickly and easily determine what kind of ice cream is better not to buy at all?, A what kind of ice cream is possible buy with a calm soul.

I really hope that this article was useful to you, and now you can easily find among the great abundance of all ice creams the only one that will be tasty, healthy, and natural!

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

P.S. Enjoy the summer and let yourself relax sometimes =)


The long-awaited summer always brings with it heat, and in such weather ice cream becomes the best-selling product, and today, dear readers, the topic of my article is devoted to ice cream, which many of us love very much. We will talk about the benefits and harms of ice cream, who can eat it and how much of it without harm to health.

When I talk about ice cream, I often think of my grandmother. I remember how she told us: “You should always eat ice cream, and especially in the summer, to harden your throat.” She gave us money, and my sister and I, happy, ran to buy ice cream. How delicious it was! And indeed, they didn’t get sick and rarely suffered from sore throats. True, the ice cream also came with a large list of her tips for improving health.

If we recall history, the first mentions of ice cream were found in ancient Chinese chronicles; in ancient China, fruits and juices frozen with ice were used as a remedy for the heat. Centuries had to pass before ice cream was first brought to Europe and began to be consumed as a treat. In the 17th century, it began to gain popularity in France, and the first cafe selling ice cream was opened there.

Since then, recipes for making ice cream have been constantly updated, new varieties have appeared, and in the 19th century its mass production began in the United States. Now we have the opportunity to try countless types of ice cream, different in taste and composition, in cones, in cups, in briquettes, in cylinders, on sticks.

Do you remember the times (if you are my age, you probably remember) when we went to Moscow and GUM, TSUM and large stores always sold ice cream. How many years have passed, but I still remember the taste of that ice cream in a waffle cone. And then at the buffet I bought myself a glass of forfeit and a shortcake or something else - it seemed like such extraordinary happiness! I keep thinking, either the quality of the ice cream was different, or we were not spoiled, probably all together, but it was THAT ice cream of our childhood that I personally will forever remember.

Types and composition of ice cream. Calorie content

Most types of ice cream have a high calorie content, which depends on its composition. The main components of ice cream are milk, cream, sugar, various fruit and berry juices, chocolate, nuts, coffee and other natural products. In addition, to add more fat to some types of ice cream, butter is added.

However, the modern production of this cold delicacy cannot do without various additives; dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and stabilizers are added to it, which allows you to give the ice cream a particular taste and color, and also increases its shelf life.

Fruit and berry ice cream

Recently, due to their low calorie content, various types of fruit and berry ice cream have become very popular; you can find a wide variety of varieties on the shelves. The basis for such ice cream is fruit or berry juices or purees, sugar syrup and, of course, all kinds of additives. Of all types of ice cream, fruit and berry ice cream has the least calorie content, as it does not contain any fat.

Dairy ice cream

Once upon a time in my childhood, the number of types of ice cream did not differ in variety, and milk ice cream was, perhaps, the only, but incredibly tasty, summer delicacy. Dairy ice cream is made from cow's milk; the sugar content in such ice cream is not high, so it is considered a low-calorie, light dessert.

Ice cream

As the name suggests, creamy ice cream is made from cream; it also varies in the amount of fat it contains. The most high-calorie creamy ice cream is considered to be ice cream, perhaps the most delicious of all types of ice cream. Manufacturers add butter to the ice cream, which gives the product a special softness and unique taste.

To summarize: the higher the fat content of the ice cream, the higher its calorie content.

Ice cream. Benefit for health

So, let's talk about the benefits of ice cream. If we assume that ice cream is made from natural products, then it has all the beneficial properties of these products. Since ice cream contains milk and dairy products, along with ice cream we receive easily digestible animal proteins, carbohydrates, fats, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and many other minerals. In addition, dairy products are rich in vitamins A, E, C, group B, PP and the most important amino acids for the body, of which there are more than twenty in milk.

Milk, and therefore ice cream made from natural cow’s milk, is energy, the health of our teeth and bones, the health of our nervous system. The beneficial substances contained in dairy products support metabolic processes in our body and improve immunity.

You can now hear a lot of different information about milk. If you are his opponent, then we can advise you to eat popsicles as an alternative to ice cream. And we are returning to the topic of regular ice cream, continuing the conversation about the health benefits of ice cream.

Calcium is one of the main components of ice cream, this mineral supports the health of not only bones and teeth and serves as the prevention of osteoporosis, its role is very important for the entire body. Calcium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, in the contraction of muscle tissue, and plays a vital role in hematopoiesis and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This mineral participates in the metabolic processes of the body and promotes the absorption of vitamin B12.

Calcium in combination with potassium, magnesium and phosphorus has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart muscle and nervous system.

Vitamins A and E They are rightfully considered powerful antioxidants that prevent free radicals from destroying our body, improve metabolic processes in the body, maintain youthful skin and strengthen the immune system. In addition, vitamin A is very important for vision.

B vitamins rich chocolate ice cream, these vitamins are important for the nervous system, they increase the body's resistance to stressful situations, maintain energy balance, and are necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Serotonin It is commonly called the hormone of joy, and the amino acids that make up ice cream increase the level of this hormone in the blood, which in turn improves mood, improves appetite, sleep, we feel cheerful and energized.

For those who want to lose weight Ice cream can also be healthy, despite its high calorie content. Many people are afraid to eat ice cream, believing that the fats it contains contribute to weight gain. However, it has been proven that ice cream in moderation is beneficial even for overweight people, since the high calcium content, which is almost completely absorbed by the body, helps to more completely break down fats. Moreover, ice cream gives you a feeling of fullness and slightly suppresses your appetite, which is also in its favor, and you can always choose ice cream with a low fat content.

Can ice cream soothe your throat?

Ice cream hardens your throat , this is a proven fact that even doctors do not deny, but caution and moderation are needed here. You should not eat ice cream in the cold or on a cold day. And I’m glad that our grandmother was right when she advised us to use the summer for such a hardening of the throat. Of course, this should be done when you do not have pharyngitis or other throat diseases. In this case, you need to cure your throat, and then eat ice cream.

And ice cream is also often prescribed to children after tonsil removal. But this is done only to reduce bleeding.

For diabetics Currently, special diet ice cream is produced based on sugar substitutes and soy milk, which allows such people not to deprive themselves of the pleasure of eating a portion of ice cream in the summer heat.

Benefits for the intestines is evident in the recent emergence of ice creams made from yoghurt enriched with bifidobacteria. This ice cream improves the intestinal microflora, improves its motility and has a positive effect on the immune system.

Who benefits from ice cream?

Within reasonable limits, everyone can eat ice cream; a portion of this tasty delicacy eaten leisurely on a hot day will not harm anyone. Below we will talk about the rate of ice cream consumption per day.

If anyone is concerned about calories, then it is better to give up ice cream, 100 grams of which contain 340 kcal. We can recommend buying less high-calorie cream or milk ice cream, or even better, fruit ice cream.

What's the healthiest ice cream?

The recipe for this ice cream is very simple.

  • Grind berries or fruits in a blender.
  • Place everything in small containers.
  • Stick wooden or plastic sticks into them.
  • Freeze in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

And if it is not possible to make ice cream at home, then always pay attention to the simple GOST sign. Ice cream with this sign can be preferred.

What are the benefits of ice cream? Interesting facts in questions and answers

And now I invite you to hear short answers from doctors and nutritionists about ice cream.

Is it healthy and can pregnant women eat ice cream?

Yes, it is useful and possible. An additional source of calcium, protein, and an important aspect of pleasure, the hormone of joy is produced. The only thing we can recommend to pregnant women is to slightly thaw the ice cream to avoid getting sick. And, of course, if they have contraindications. We'll talk about this below.

Does ice cream weaken your immune system?

No, it doesn't weaken. Ice cream contains substances that we eat in everyday life. And when eating ice cream, we are talking about local cooling.

Can ice cream cause headaches?

Yes maybe. Constriction of blood vessels when eating ice cream can cause headaches in people who are prone to it. This will not happen in a healthy person with trained blood vessels.

Is yogurt ice cream healthier than ice cream?

No. Milk and yogurt are dairy products with approximately the same nutrient content. And the beneficial bacteria that are in yogurt are frozen in ice cream.

How much ice cream can you eat a day?

A relatively healthy person can eat 100-150 grams of ice cream per day. You just need to look carefully at the contraindications.

Is it possible to give ice cream to children and at what age?

Doctors recommend giving children ice cream at age 3. But you need to know that every child is individual. If there are no contraindications, then you can give children ice cream earlier. You should carefully read the ice cream ingredients on the label. Check the expiration date of the ice cream. And you should not give ice cream to children in the acute stage of various throat diseases.

And it's best to do it yourself. Here is one of the recipes for such ice cream made from low-fat cottage cheese for a child.

The dangers of ice cream

As you can see, ice cream has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages, and I suggest you familiarize yourself with them. The most significant disadvantage of ice cream is the fact that manufacturers do not always use natural products when making ice cream, as well as other food products.

Palm oil in ice cream , as in the composition of other products, can cause significant harm, since it consists of 50% saturated fatty acids and has a melting point exceeding the temperature of the human body. As a result, these fats are not absorbed by the body, but settle on the walls of blood vessels, increasing cholesterol and increasing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Various synthetic additives under such unpleasant names as emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavors, flavor enhancers, also greatly reduce the rating of modern ice cream. Moreover, we have a very superficial idea of ​​what lies behind these additives and how they can affect health, especially when it comes to children, whose body reacts especially sensitively to everything harmful that enters the stomach. And you also need to be very attentive to ice cream for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, there are manufacturers who do not reflect truthful information on the packaging. We read that ice cream contains natural milk or cream, but in fact, when tested, it contains no dairy products at all. Therefore, it is important to buy ice cream from well-known brands that have a good reputation. And it’s even better, as I already wrote, to make ice cream yourself at home.

Is ice cream bad for our teeth?

You can also often hear the opinion that ice cream hurts your teeth. But I think it’s not the ice cream that’s to blame, but dental problems. Some have untreated teeth, others have damaged or thinned enamel. So such people, of course, need to take care of their oral cavity, and not blame ice cream for it. And after ice cream, you should not allow a sudden change in temperature. What if there are people who like to drink hot tea after ice cream? Then, of course, there may be problems with the teeth, cracks in the enamel may appear, and the teeth will ache.

Let's see what doctors and nutritionists say about the benefits and harms of ice cream.

Ice cream. Contraindications

Who is ice cream contraindicated for? There are also direct contraindications to eating ice cream, primarily milk sugar intolerance. Fortunately, this is not as common in young people. But older people should eat milk and cream ice cream carefully, since a lack of the lactase enzyme in the body, which breaks down milk sugar, can lead to intestinal upset. It is better for such people to use dietary ice cream based on yogurt or fruit and berries.

People with high cholesterol, obese people and those at risk of atherosclerosis should also give up fatty varieties of ice cream, giving preference to dairy or fruit varieties.

However, if you enjoy ice cream only occasionally, it will not cause any significant harm to anyone.

Here's to our wisdom with a wonderful summer mood, delicious ice cream and the simple joys of life!

And for the soul, today we will listen to Schubert. Impromptu G flat major No.3 I really love this impromptu. I once played him myself. I highly recommend taking the time to sit and enjoy everything a little in silence.

see also




Ice cream was served as a dessert in ancient times, more than 5 thousand years ago. They treated Alexander the Conqueror (Macedonian) to it, and Hippocrates recommended it as a cure for stress and fatigue. True, in appearance and taste it was very different from the modern product that can now be found in any supermarket. Such a desirable sorbet in the heat can have different effects on the human body.

Composition and benefits of ice cream

Among the category of dairy products, ice cream takes pride of place. Despite the variety of varieties and tastes, it is made from whole milk. Additional additives may include:

  • condensed milk;
  • butter;
  • cocoa (butter or powder);
  • nuts (whole or crushed), etc.

The list of common varieties includes:

  • butter (from which creme brulee is made);
  • cream;
  • dairy;
  • fruit ice;
  • sherbet;
  • popsicle (seal with chocolate glaze).

Interesting fact. The inventor of popsicles was a little boy from San Francisco. At the beginning of the twentieth century. he accidentally left a glass of soda with a spoon stuck in it on the street. During the night the drink managed to freeze. Instead of heating the glass, the kid decided to taste the ice and was pleasantly surprised.

What are the benefits and harms of raisins for the body:

Chemical composition table

The biological and nutritional value of the product is quite high. The calorie content of pure ice cream is in the range of 100–240 kcal/100 g, and that of chocolate-enrobed ice cream is up to 500 kcal/100 g. The most nutritious ice cream is considered to be the one where the mass fraction of fat reaches 20%, the most low-fat (dietary) is milk and fruit ( with a fat content not exceeding 6% of the total mass). The digestibility of the treat by the body reaches 98%.

The percentage of dry matter ranges from 29% to 40%.

Comparative indicators of common varieties are given in the table.

Table: energy value of popular types of ice cream

The composition of the ice cream is truly unique; it contains:

  • about 50 different acids (20 amino, 25 fatty, etc.);
  • 20 vitamins necessary for the body (A, B1 and B2, PP, C);
  • 30 types of mineral salts;
  • enzymes responsible for complete metabolism;
  • up to 66% water;
  • cholesterol;

Note to those with a sweet tooth. Eskimo contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which is essential for the human body. This is a tranquilizer of natural origin that can calm frayed nerves, improve mood, and overcome insomnia.

The table below shows the approximate content of essential microelements in two common varieties of cold dessert.

Table: micronutrient content in one serving of ice cream

Calcium is responsible for:

  • restoration of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • stimulation of blood clotting;
  • prevention of arterial hypertension;
  • prevention of malignant neoplasms.

Whole milk contains cytokine and lactoferrin. Their role is to stimulate the immune system.

Useful properties of the product

Eating ice cream has a beneficial effect on intestinal functions:

  • motor;
  • secretory (accelerating the production of gastric juice necessary for digesting food).

Whole milk-based varieties can quickly relieve the feeling of hunger. They will “save” no worse than the famous Snickers or hamburger.

For those who often catch colds, progressive-minded otolaryngologists advise “hardening” the throat with ice cream. Regular consumption of cool whipped mass in small quantities contributes to the development of “local” immunity, and you can forget about frequent sick days with the onset of cold weather.

An original, but effective way to use ice cream is as a hemostatic agent. It is not necessary to apply a cold compress if your nose is bleeding. It is enough to swallow 2-3 pieces of the ice-cold treat.

In reasonable doses, a glass of creme brulee is considered the best way to burn fat:

  • firstly, the product is absorbed almost instantly, and nutrients enter the blood;
  • secondly, a cold treat “forces” the body to spend additional energy on heating, and this is a direct path to slimness.

In addition, “sweet cold” is capable of:

  • strengthen the skeletal system and cartilage;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • prevent kidney stones.

Psychotherapeutic effect. Ice cream can have a positive effect not only on the body, but also on the human psyche. It evokes pleasant memories associated with a carefree childhood.

Yoghurt food is especially beneficial. It contains a large number of bifidobacteria that restore microflora in the intestines. The fat content of this dessert is low, but the positive effect is obvious:

  • metabolism is restored;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improved;
  • the breakdown of food improves.

The benefits of parfait and cones for expectant mothers are truly enormous. After all, the dessert contains sufficient quantities of elements, the lack of which is often felt when carrying a child. These include:

  • mineral salts;
  • L-tryptophan;
  • easily digestible proteins.

Ice cream can prevent pregnancy problems - poor health, risk of premature birth, infertility, etc.

For women who do not tolerate PMS well, a glass or two of cold food is vital. The treat can reduce the intensity of pain no worse than painkillers. In addition, it prevents infertility (has a positive effect on ovulation).

For men, a serving of popsicle can:

  • become a means of replenishing energy and strength;
  • improve brain function;
  • strengthen memory.

Contraindications, possible harm and side effects from use

Despite many advantages, ice cream can be harmful. One of the reasons is its high calorie content (high fat and sugar content). Because of this, the product automatically falls into the list of prohibited products for:

  • overweight people;
  • having diabetes.

If cholesterol levels are high, varieties prepared with animal fats (butter) are prohibited. They can be replaced with simpler types of fruit and berry ice cream.

A side effect of eating popsicles frequently is headaches of varying intensity. However, many migraine sufferers are not even aware of this fact. In the heat, you literally have to “swallow” cool food (so that it doesn’t fall off the wooden stick), and this has a negative impact on your well-being:

  • body temperature drops sharply;
  • narrowing of blood vessels occurs;
  • oxygen access to the brain is limited, which is why pain occurs.
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemia, etc.
  • high sugar content;
  • cold.

Young children are advised to limit the consumption of fruit sorbet (lemon, pineapple, etc.), since it contains many artificial colors, additives and essences. They can cause an allergic reaction, and in general they do not benefit the developing organism.

A serving of ice cream cannot replace a child’s full lunch or breakfast. The delicacy is also not suitable as a dessert after dinner - it will slow down the process of digestion of food. But a waffle cup with a cool filling, decorated with nuts or drizzled with chocolate, will be an ideal afternoon snack. The best addition would be sweet and sour berries.

Features of use: daily norms for healthy people

The ice cream norm that is safe for everyone is about 100 g per week. This is approximately two medium-sized balls (for a product by weight), or:

  • one popsicle;
  • one briquette – “sandwich” (90 g);
  • one and a half waffle cups;
  • two popsicle sticks (without glaze).

In the hot summer, when appetite decreases and the need for fluid, on the contrary, increases, the dose can be increased: for the first week you can eat it daily, but then you will have to give the body a week of respite. It is best to do this not on the go, but in a summer cafe, park or at home.

You should refuse a glass of creme brulee after overheating in the sun. Otherwise, instead of cooling and enjoying, the weakened body will receive an unnecessary “shake-up”.

For children, a cold delicacy is one of the most favorite. However, many parents do not think so, citing the risk of catching colds:

  • sore throat;
  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis media, etc.

The best option for children is 70–90 g 2–3 times a week, as a second breakfast or afternoon snack.

Eskimo at night has a negative effect:

  • blood cholesterol levels increase;
  • a couple of extra pounds gradually accumulate in “unnecessary” places (at the waist, hips);
  • the stomach is not able to completely digest the incoming fats;
  • Constriction of blood vessels under the influence of low temperature of the product slows down blood circulation.

Answers to the most common questions

Fans of ice cream and sorbet should know which diseases will require giving up the dessert altogether or reducing its dose.

Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have various diseases?

You will have to completely exclude cold dessert from your diet:

  • people with intolerance to dairy products;
  • for chronic gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, enterocolitis during remission);
  • with pharyngitis, sore throat;
  • with exacerbation of tonsillitis;
  • in case of dysfunction of the masticatory apparatus;
  • for gastric ulcers;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • after an acute infection.

For some diseases, the dose of ice cream is reduced to a minimum. These include:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardiac ischemia.

Eating a cold cone during chickenpox is dangerous. It can increase the inflammatory process. For thrush, a glass of creamy milk can increase the proliferation of candida.

If you have diabetes, including type 2, it is better to avoid a glass of butter. It contains quickly absorbed sugar that can quickly increase blood glucose levels.

Fans of an active lifestyle can indulge in a glass of creme brulee after strength training, 2-3 times a week. This effective principle was also adhered to by Soviet athletes. Ice cream supplies the body with simple carbohydrates and potassium, which will help you quickly restore strength. During the drying period (not to be confused with losing weight!), when the calorie content of foods needs to be reduced, the cool briquette can be postponed until the cheat meal. This is one fasting day in 7-14 days, when the soul can “have a blast” in full on any delicacies. This way, your psyche remains healthy and your metabolism improves.

After taking mantu, avoid foods that can cause an allergic reaction in the body for several days. Ice cream is possible, but in its pure form - without glaze and fruit jams. For a child who is not used to popsicles, it is better not to experiment and put off dessert for later.

The number one enemy for representatives of “sedentary” professions is hemorrhoids. In the treatment regimen, many nutritionists use all kinds of thermal irritants - cold kvass, homemade lemonade, and ice cream. This will help:

  • improve rectal activity;
  • prevent obesity.

For gout, cold creamy balls can and should be included in the diet. A useful addition to them would be any nuts, excluding peanuts, as well as fresh fruit or caramel.

Convincing children to have their adenoids removed surgically is a difficult process. Meanwhile, the disease is quite dangerous. But as soon as you promise them a “delicious” treatment before the operation - ice cream - the child will immediately stop being nervous! Half an hour after completing the medical procedures, you can give small pieces of melted white ice cream or ice. This is an excellent way to stop residual bleeding and reduce local temperature.

Having braces is difficult for many people. Not only do teeth require careful care, but the nutritional system also has to be reconsidered. Dentists are categorically against hard creme brulee, but if you let it melt (to a creamy consistency), you can enjoy your favorite dessert.

If the gallbladder is removed, you will have to follow a diet for the rest of your life. Frozen sweet products are allowed, but in limited quantities, since the bile ducts can become very narrow when exposed to cold.

Can you get sick from ice cream?

Abuse of ice cream is a direct path to:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

If you quickly swallow dessert in large pieces, then there is every chance of catching a cold.

Is it possible to get poisoned by ice cream?

You can get poisoned with your favorite delicacy, just like with any low-quality products. This happens when:

  • briquettes or cones have been repeatedly thawed and re-frozen (they are easily distinguished by their irregular shape);
  • ingredients of dubious origin were used in the cooking process;
  • upon expiration date.

Nuances of use

In some situations, you will have to review and adjust the dose of cold food.

Features of use during pregnancy

Expectant mothers should carefully study the labels on store-bought ice cream before eating it. Almost all manufacturers add E160 there - a dye containing carotene. It can accumulate in the body, but has a bad effect on pregnancy. In addition, E160 can cause the development of cancer.

Doctors' opinions on the benefits of cold balls and cups for pregnant women are divided. However, their use in reasonable quantities has a positive effect:

  • improves mood;
  • fights insomnia;
  • normalizes the nervous system;
  • cools the body in hot weather.

You should choose ice cream during pregnancy as follows:

  • avoid palm oil, artificial fillers and dyes;
  • give up chocolate and coffee ice cream in favor of white;
  • the composition should contain whole milk, not powdered milk;
  • monitor the calorie content of the product.

Good to know. Ideal for pregnant women would be a treat prepared at home. You can eat it with berries or fruits. You can warm small pieces in your mouth and then swallow, or let the ice melt.

The daily norm of the expectant mother is from 100 to 200 g.

In different trimesters, a glass of creme brulee will “work” differently:

  • on the first - it will eliminate irritability, satisfy the desire to enjoy something tasty (it happens that mommy is “drawn” to certain foods);
  • on the second - it will compensate for the lack of calcium and have a positive effect on the development of the fetus;
  • on the third (last) – it will relieve insomnia and calm the nerves.

A pregnant woman is prohibited from enjoying ice cream if:

  • increased blood sugar;
  • late-term toxicosis;
  • hypertension;
  • accelerated weight gain;
  • pathological kidney diseases.

It is important. Soft varieties of ice cream (Italian in cones, etc.) are dangerous for the expectant mother. The risk of contracting salmonellosis or listeriosis increases.

Should you eat ice cream while breastfeeding?

A nursing mother is allowed a cold dessert - provided that it is high quality white varieties, without additives or dyes. Ice cream during breastfeeding can increase the fat content (and therefore the nutritional value) of milk. Because of this, stomach colic in an infant cannot be ruled out. It is best to introduce ice cream into a mother’s diet from the 4th month of her baby’s life.

At what age can children be given cold dessert?

You can start hardening your baby by introducing fruit ice into the daily diet. According to Dr. Komarovsky, this is the best way to accustom a growing body to the effects of cold and strengthen the immune system. It is better to do this in summer or autumn, but under no circumstances in winter.

If a child turns away from milk, then it is allowed to replace it with other products, including ice cream.

You cannot stuff your child with frozen sweet food if:

  • cholecystitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or biliary tract;
  • excess body weight;
  • allergic reaction to egg whites.

You can start enjoying the food from the age of 2, after letting it thaw a little. Heating in a water bath is not necessary. The first portion is 2–3 tsp. per day, then the volume is gradually increased.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on hardening children

The benefits of ice cream for various diseases

Ice cream treatment sounds exotic. In fact, it is quite effective and allows you to:

  • reduce high body temperature;
  • effectively eliminate sore throat;
  • fight otitis media, overgrowth of adenoids, etc.

Reducing the temperature using a wafer cup of ice cream is the simplest method of treatment, based on the laws of physics.

For otitis, tubotitis (when a child has swum in the sea or river), as well as for enlarged adenoids, ice cream can reduce swelling and reduce bleeding from wounds. Sweet medicine is used in the following cases:

  • if the disease appeared for the first time (it is not of a chronic type);
  • The baby is taught to “cold therapy” gradually.

Interesting fact. For acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats, as well as colds, a portion of slightly melted ice cream is an excellent treatment. Due to its high fat content, it gently envelops the affected tissues and has a restorative effect.

Is it possible to eat while dieting and losing weight?

Those actively losing weight should avoid ice cream and ice cream. The ideal choice would be:

  • classic dairy;
  • skim milk.

Those watching their weight should avoid E412 supplement. This is guar gum, which has a dual effect:

  • on the one hand, it causes a feeling of fullness in the stomach (since it is not absorbed during the digestion of food);
  • on the other hand, intestinal blockage (constipation) is possible if the body is dehydrated.

A diet that includes ice cream is a very real phenomenon. The necessary conditions are quite simple:

  • select low-calorie varieties of product;
  • forget about toppings, chocolate glaze;
  • monitor your daily calorie intake;
  • available until 16.00.

How much ice cream can you eat while dieting? Experts recommend a homemade product:

  • for women - 70–80 g per day;
  • for men - 100–140 g.

You can also gain weight from ice cream - provided that you choose only high-calorie varieties with glaze, with an abundance of nuts or topping, move little, and do not track your daily calorie intake.

The ice cream diet is original and tasty. The simplest option is a monoration introduced for 2–3 days. It is recommended to drink a lot of fluids (unsweetened teas, still water, juices), and only non-calorie varieties of ice cream from food. Fractional meals - 4–5 times a day, single serving - up to 200 kcal. Among its advantages:

  • acceleration of digestion processes;
  • reduction in abdominal volume;
  • slight reduction in body fat;
  • removal of excess fluid to the outside (diuretic effect).

As a result, 2–3 extra kilograms will easily go away.

Healthy homemade ice cream recipes

The most delicious and healthy will be a cold dessert made with your own hands. You can make your own fruit and berry ice cream.

For those who care about an attractive appearance and a slim figure, nutritionists advise giving up store-bought treats. It is better to prepare it at home from the following ingredients:

  • 2 bananas;
  • 100 g of berries (blueberries, strawberries);
  • 100 ml 10% cream (or yoghurt);
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts or sesame seeds - for decoration.

Peel the bananas, roughly chop them, place them in a single layer in a silicone mold and freeze. Then grind in a blender to make a puree. Add the berries, then the cream (or yoghurt), whisk thoroughly again until smooth. You can add nuts during the beating process, or sprinkle them on top of the finished treat.

Note to foodies. If you add 1-2 tsp to low-fat cream. instant coffee, you get a coffee dessert with a unique taste and wonderful aroma. It will not only satisfy your hunger, but also invigorate you.

Beauty recipes using the product

Ice cream can be consumed beneficially not only internally, but also externally:

  • as a hair care product;
  • as a face mask;
  • for body.

For hair

Fruit ice or creme brulee - in each type of ice cream you can find substances that are beneficial for hair. The mask is made immediately after washing your hair, allowing the dessert to melt thoroughly. This is a simple, affordable and effective tool that allows you to:

  • improve hair structure;
  • fill them with vitality;
  • strengthen;
  • add volume and shine.

Watermelon ice cream recipe for oily hair

Watermelon pulp in any quantity, crushed in a blender and placed in the freezer (in molds or ice bags), can be prepared in the summer. Before using the mask, you can add bee honey, strawberry puree or cottage cheese mashed with a fork. A couple of sessions (10–15 minutes each), rinsing with warm water - and you can forget about oily roots for a long time!

For face and body skin

The skin of the face and body needs nutrition and hydration. This can be achieved by making a dessert mask from berries and yogurt, and eating the rest in peace.

Berry-yogurt mask recipe

For preparation take:

  • 0.5 kg of any frozen berries (blackberries, etc.);
  • 0.5 liters of yogurt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. natural honey.

Frozen berries are poured over yogurt, honey is added, and left for 15 minutes. Then grind in a blender to a paste. Apply cold to cleansed facial skin. The mask is especially useful after sunbathing, it:

  • soothes and renews the skin;
  • will give a pleasant cooling and softening effect.

Fruit ice has a lot of benefits for the body:

  • grapefruit - whitens and evens out skin color;
  • lemon - tightens and tones;
  • tomato, with the addition of starch - moisturizes and relieves flaking;
  • cucumber - removes age spots and freckles;
  • strawberry - tones;
  • raspberry - restores elasticity.

Video: ice cream: benefits and harms
