Lenten sorrel soup recipe. Traditions of Russian cuisine in Lenten sorrel soup. Cabbage soup made from sorrel and nettle

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

First of all, you need to decide what you want to cook the soup with; I had a pre-prepared vegetable broth from vegetables such as celery, carrots and parsley root. But if you don’t have one in the house, and you need to cook a hot first course urgently, then you can use ordinary clean distilled water. To begin, pour the selected liquid into a deep saucepan and place the container on the stove, turned on to medium level.
Well, now you can start preparing the vegetables. Peel carrots, potatoes, and onions using a sharp kitchen knife. Afterwards, we alternately wash the vegetables along with sorrel and green onions under cold running water to remove various types of contaminants. Dry vegetables with paper kitchen towels. Cut potatoes and carrots into strips, cubes or thick slices up to 1 centimeter. Cut the onion into half rings, quarters or thick cubes up to 1 centimeter. Place the cuts on separate deep plates. Fill the potatoes with water so that it covers the cavity of the pieces, so that the vegetable does not darken before starting to prepare the soup.
Shake the greens over the sink to remove excess liquid, place them on a cutting board and chop the onions into small pieces the diameter of up to 5 - 7 millimeters. And we cut off the stems of sorrel, leaving only the leaves and cut it into long, thick strips from 8 millimeters to 1 centimeter. Place the greens in 1 deep bowl. Also, in order not to run around the entire kitchen during the cooking process in search of other ingredients, we put salt, vegetable oil, bay leaf, ground black pepper and ground white pepper on the kitchen table.

Step 2: prepare the soup dressing.

While the vegetables were being prepared, the water in the pan began to boil. Take a plate with potatoes, drain the liquid from it, carefully lower it into boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. At the same time as cooking the vegetable, prepare the dressing for the soup. Turn on the adjacent burner on the stove to a medium level and place a frying pan on it with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. When the fat is hot, add chopped onion and, stirring with a kitchen spatula, fry it for 2 – 3 minutes until transparent and light golden brown. Then add chopped carrots to the onion, simmer the 2 ingredients together until a bright golden color. 3 – 4 minutes and remove the pan from the stove.

Step 3: Bring the soup to full readiness.

After 15 minutes Add the prepared dressing, sorrel and half of the entire mass of chopped green onions to the pan with almost ready potatoes. Add salt, ground black pepper and ground white pepper to taste. Still cooking the soup 10 minutes until fully cooked, turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let the first hot dish brew 7 – 8 minutes. Then, using a ladle, pour the soup into deep plates, sprinkle with the remaining chopped onion and serve.

Step 4: serve lean sorrel soup.

Lenten sorrel soup is served hot as the first hot dish at the dinner table. You can complement this aromatic dish with lean mayonnaise made with apples, soy or walnuts. And it’s nice to savor this yummy with lean bread or buns. It’s impossible to find a simpler soup to prepare on fasting days; it’s light, tender and fragrant! Cook with pleasure and enjoy! Bon appetit!

- – If desired, you can add 1 – 2 tablespoons of wheat flour to the dressing. This ingredient will add richness to the soup.

- – The set of spices indicated in this recipe can be supplemented with any other spices that are suitable for preparing vegetable soups, such as bay leaf, basil, savory, sage, borage, marjoram, purslane, rosemary and many others.

- Sometimes chopped spinach is added to this type of soup along with sorrel, as well as celery root, which is boiled at the same time as the potatoes.

- – If the soup seems too bland to you, you can season it with concentrated lemon juice to taste.

- – To prepare the dressing, you can use any other vegetable oils, such as corn or olive oil.

Green cabbage soup from sorrel is the most spring soup that can be prepared as soon as young greens begin to appear. Many people have this idea because the body has weakened over the winter and is in dire need of vitamins. At the same time, sorrel cabbage soup is extremely tasty even at the end of summer, since by this time this plant acquires the most intense taste and aroma.

Sorrel cabbage soup is a very successful dish that has a great taste and can saturate the body with vitamins and energy without adding extra calories. This soup is especially relevant for those who carefully monitor their weight and figure.

It’s hard to imagine, but sorrel used to be considered a weed. Nowadays it is widely consumed and sorrel cabbage soup is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. It must be recalled that sorrel is rich in important substances and elements that are required for the normal functioning of the human body. In order for cabbage soup to bring exceptional benefits, it is recommended to consume it no more than once a week.

We suggest you prepare cabbage soup according to one of the recipes listed below, making your own adjustments.

Cabbage soup made from sorrel and nettle

You will need:

  • sorrel – 150 g
  • fresh nettle – 100-150 g
  • broth – 1.5 liters
  • pearl barley or buckwheat – 1-2 table. spoons
  • natural sour cream – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • carrot – 1 pc.
  • dill and other greens – 10 g
  • Quail eggs – 10 pcs.
  • salt - to taste

Finely chop the onion and carrots, boil them in broth, add pearl barley (buckwheat) and sorrel with nettles. Boil until done, serve, sprinkled with dill and parsley, sour cream and boiled eggs.

Sorrel cabbage soup with veal


  • veal brisket – 1 kg
  • eggs – 2 pcs.
  • sorrel – 3 bunches
  • potatoes – 1 kg
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • allspice – 5-7 pcs.
  • sunflower oil – 10 ml
  • butter – 15 g
  • spices and salt - to taste
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • tomato – 1 pc.

We chop the brisket into several parts, fill it with filtered water, put it on the fire and after half an hour change the water. Then add the onion with the peel, which will make the broth clear and not cloudy. After 1 hour of cooking the meat, add spices and salt to it. Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in butter, after a couple of minutes add more vegetable oil. Peel the tomato, chop it and add it to the vegetables, simmer for 10-15 minutes, adding a few tablespoons of meat broth. We take the meat out of the broth and strain it through a sieve. Add potato cubes to it, and also add chopped sorrel. Beat the eggs, add them to the cabbage soup, stir and add pieces of meat. Within 10 minutes the cabbage soup is ready to eat.

Sorrel and chicken cabbage soup


  • sorrel – 100 g
  • chicken fillet – 1 pc.
  • leek – 1 pc.
  • cauliflower – 150-200 g
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves
  • sea ​​salt - to taste

The first step is to chop the sorrel and leek. Cook the chicken breast in salted water until tender, add sorrel and leeks to this broth, cook for 10 minutes. Add cauliflower, divided into small florets, into the soup and cook for about 7 minutes. Add a chopped clove of garlic to the soup for a couple of minutes.

Lenten cabbage soup from sorrel


Bring 1.5 liters of water to a boil, add chopped potatoes, parsley root, carrots and onions. Add corn and peas to the cabbage soup when the potatoes are almost ready. We also add sorrel, a little salt and pepper to the cabbage soup. Turn it off after 5-7 minutes.

Fish soup made from sorrel


  • fish – 700 g
  • – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • onions – 2 pcs.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • bay leaves – 2 pcs.
  • pepper and salt - to taste
  • set of seasonings for fish - a pinch
  • sour cream - to taste
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. spoon

Place the head, tail and fins of the fish in cold water, cook along with half the carrots, onion and bay leaf. Three more onions and half a carrot on a medium grater, sauté in vegetable oil. We cut the potatoes into cubes and put them together with the sautéed vegetables in the broth. When the potatoes are completely ready, add salted sorrel and cook for 10 minutes. We also add seasoning, pepper and salt to the cabbage soup. Serve with sour cream when...

Sorrel cabbage soup with smoked meats


  • smoked sausages – 200 g
  • sorrel – 1 bunch
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil – 2.5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - to taste

Cut the potatoes into strips, put them on the fire to cook, add salt. Fry grated carrots and chopped onions in oil, add chopped smoked sausages or meat. Add everything to the potatoes, after a few minutes add sorrel for a couple of minutes.

Vegetable first courses are very typical for Russian cuisine. Rich cabbage soup made from sauerkraut, thick soups made from potatoes and oatmeal, pea and pumpkin soups - the menu is quite extensive. On ordinary days they are cooked in a strong meat broth, but during Lent, animal products are prohibited from being used. The best way out is to cook lean sorrel soup with potatoes.

Sorrel has long been used in national Russian cuisine. It is collected in meadows and grown in beds. Prepared for the winter to pamper your home with a fragrant summer dish. We offer you a recipe for sorrel soup without meat.

Basic ingredients and equipment

Any housewife knows that in order to successfully implement the chosen recipe, competent preparation for preparing the dish is necessary. Therefore, let’s decide what we need at the initial stage.

For sorrel soup we will need:

  • potatoes - 2-3 medium tubers;
  • fresh sorrel – 400 grams;
  • carrots – 1-2 medium root vegetables;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • green onions - 7-8 feathers;
  • 1 laurel leaf;
  • greens - a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • salt, black and white ground pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for sautéing – 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

We remember that we are going to cook lean soup, so our recipe does not contain meat. The whole set of products is enough for 4-5 servings. It will take approximately 40-45 minutes to prepare the dish. From the dishes you should take a 3-liter saucepan and a frying pan.

Everything you need for a lean first course has been collected, let’s move on to processing and cooking.

How to prepare food

Our recipe calls for starting the pre-processing with the vegetables. We will also use them to cook broth for lean soup.

  1. Peel potatoes, onions and carrots.
  2. We wash all the vegetables, sorrel and green onions to remove all contaminants.
  3. Dry the washed vegetables with paper towels.
  4. Fill the pan with water to 2/3 of its volume. Place on the stove, heat to medium.
  5. Place a frying pan on the stove, pour oil into it and turn on medium heat.

Now it's time to start the process of making sorrel soup.

Tip: Place the peeled potatoes in a deep bowl and cover with water to prevent them from darkening.

Step-by-step cooking process

While we are waiting for the water to boil and the oil to heat up, we will cut and chop the vegetables.

  1. Cut the potatoes into small, up to 1 cm, cubes or strips.
  2. Onions can be cut into rings or cubes.
  3. Shred the carrots on a medium grater.
  4. Place the onion in a heated frying pan with oil. Fry until light golden brown.
  5. Add carrots to the onion and simmer for 4-5 minutes. Turn off the fire.
  6. If the water in the pan boils, add potatoes to it. Cook for about 15 minutes.
  7. Cut the sorrel into thin strips, no wider than 1 cm.
  8. Chop the green onions into small pieces.
  9. Place sautéed vegetables, bay leaves and green onions into a saucepan with almost cooked potatoes.

10. Salt and pepper to taste.

11. Chop the greens and add them to the soup.

12. Boil the dish for another 10 minutes and remove from heat.

13. We wait about 8 minutes for the soup to brew and pour it into plates.

We have completed the main steps of the recipe. You can make small changes to the given recipe yourself.

Several useful additions

Even though our soup is lean, it is flavorful and healthy. It contains many vitamins and other useful elements. The low calorie content of the dish will undoubtedly appeal to vegetarians and those who are afraid of gaining extra pounds.

As useful additions you can use:

  • other types of herbs and spices - sage, savory, marjoram, rosemary will enhance the versatility of taste;
  • to remove the freshness of the dish, add a little lemon juice to the vegetable broth;
  • spinach and celery also add their own special flavor to this first dish;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour added when sautéing vegetables will increase the thickness of the broth.

Perhaps you will find some other useful additions to your dish. We have offered you the simplest and fastest recipe for sorrel soup. We wish you and your household bon appetit.

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They have always been popular at any time of the year. But their preparation becomes especially important with the onset of warm spring days. Using fresh herbs in large quantities, you can cook sorrel cabbage soup. The recipe with photo clearly demonstrates how you can originally decorate and refresh the appearance of a vitamin dish. Use your imagination using the tips in this article.

Sorrel cabbage soup: recipeLenten dish

This Russian dish was traditionally cooked without the use of meat. Therefore, it was very popular in early spring on fasting days before the Orthodox holiday of Easter. The dish was very refreshing and full of vitamins thanks to the large amount of greens used. Young dandelion leaves, nettle shoots and, of course, fresh onion feathers were used. Despite the variety of ingredients used, the name remained unchanged - “Sorrel cabbage soup”. The recipe for the simplest version of this dish is presented below.

4 liters of water;

5-6 pcs. large potatoes;

1 large carrot;

2 bunches of green onions;

3 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil;

3 large bunches of sorrel;

2 bunches of fresh parsley;

1 bunch of dill;

Bay leaf;

A little salt (to your taste).


Pour peeled and cut into strips potatoes into boiling water. Remove the top layer from the carrots and wash them well. Grate it and fry it in oil along with half the chopped green onions. Place the mixture into a boiling solution, which needs to be slightly salted. After the potatoes are ready, throw in the bay leaf and chopped herbs: sorrel, onion, parsley and dill. Once boiling, turn off the heat and close the lid. Let the cabbage brew for 20-30 minutes.

Sorrel cabbage soup: recipein meat broth

To make this light soup much more satisfying, you can prepare it a little differently. The recipe for sorrel cabbage soup will differ from the previous one primarily in the solution used as a basis. Use ready-made water instead of And carrots and onions can be fried by adding butter.

How to decorate sorrel cabbage soup when serving? Recipe for dressings

Most often, egg or sour cream is used for decoration, adding new contrasting colors to the green dish. To season cabbage soup, the proposed products can be introduced in different versions:

They complement the already prepared hot or cold soup by placing two halves of a hard-boiled and peeled egg on each person’s plate when serving.

The second method is to introduce the mixture into boiling cabbage soup just before turning it off. To do this, slowly pour a few beaten eggs into the hot soup and stir continuously. The appearance of the dish will sparkle with spring colors thanks to the contrast of white and yellow colors on a green background.

The easiest way to decorate with sour cream is to place 1-2 tbsp in the middle of the plate when serving to everyone. l.

When replacing the previous product with mayonnaise, you can approach the task in a completely different way. Open the sauce packet by cutting off the corner so that the hole is no more than 1-2 mm. Then, by squeezing out the mayonnaise, you can use it to “draw” intricate patterns on the surface of the dish, giving the cabbage soup a new spring mood.
