Presentation of dietary supplements in children's nutrition. Biologically active food additives are the basis of a balanced diet. Modern aspects of the development and use of dietary supplements. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor N.P. Setko. Biologically active food additives

Features of modern human nutrition: changes in nutritional structure; industrial food processing; contamination of foodstuffs and food with foreign chemicals; use of medications, consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco smoking;

Dietary supplements are biologically active substances of plant, animal and mineral origin that affect important regulatory, metabolic and protective functions of the body and are obtained from natural, including food, products using high technology in concentrated form: capsules, tablets, dragees, tea, dry and liquid extracts.

The scientific concept of substantiating the importance of dietary supplements in a balanced diet Dietary supplements for food Replenishing the deficiency of essential nutrients Protecting physiological barriers Regulating the processes of biotransformation of chemical poisons (poisons) Normalizing the function of organs and systems Compensating for the resulting deficiency of essential nutrients Removing chemical poisons (poisons) from the body Strengthening the antitoxic function of organs and systems Limiting products that enhance the harmful effects of poisons Normalizing autoregulatory reactions and increasing the body's resistance

Advantages of dietary supplements for food Quick replenishment of the deficiency of biologically active substances without increasing the calorie content of the diet Individual selection of optimal ratios of biologically active substances for each person, taking into account gender, age, health status, physiological needs, environment Possibility of optimizing nutrition, as in medical treatment institutions, and at home, without changing or slightly changing the usual diet. Biologically active substances in dietary supplements are in a compact form, they are adapted for transportation, long-term storage, have a strictly regulated composition, which is controlled

The use of dietary supplements allows you to: Replenish the deficiency of essential nutrients quite easily and quickly; To a certain extent, directionally change the metabolism of individual substances; Obtain a mechanism for a non-drug safe way to regulate and support the functions of individual organs of the body systems, ensuring an increase in the level of health, a decrease in morbidity and prolongation of life; Individualize the nutrition of a particular person; Satisfy the altered physiological needs of a sick person for nutrients; Strengthen and accelerate the binding and removal of xenobiotics from the body, speed up their metabolism.

There are 13 groups of dietary supplements based on: Proteins, amino acids and their complexes; Essential lipids (vegetable oils, fish oil); Carbohydrates and sugars, honey, syrups, etc.; Dietary fiber; Pure substances of macro- and micronutrients, biologically active substances or their concentrates using various fillers; Natural minerals, including mumiyo; Food and medicinal plants, including pollen; Processing of meat and dairy raw materials, offal, arthropods, amphibians, beekeeping products; Fish, marine invertebrates, crustaceans, mollusks, etc.; Sea plant organisms; Probiotic microorganisms; Unicellular algae; Yeast.

Classification of dietary supplements: dietary supplements that affect the functions of the central nervous system dietary supplements that primarily affect the processes of tissue metabolism dietary supplements - sources of minerals dietary supplements that support the function of the immune system dietary supplements - sources of substances with antioxidant action and substances that affect energy metabolism dietary supplements to food, affecting the function of the cardiovascular system Dietary supplements to food, supporting the function of the respiratory system Dietary supplements to food, supporting the function of the digestive organs Dietary supplements to food for people controlling body weight Dietary supplements to food, reducing the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system Dietary supplements to food, supporting function of the musculoskeletal system dietary supplements to food, influencing the humoral factors of metabolism regulation dietary supplements to food, influencing the detoxification process and promoting the removal from the body of foreign toxic substances of dietary supplements of various groups.

Nutraceuticals - essential nutrients - natural food ingredients, such as vitamins or their close precursors; omega-3-PUFAs and other polyunsaturated acids; some minerals and trace elements; some mono- and disaccharides; alimentary fiber.

Biologically active food additives Replenishment of the deficiency of essential nutrients Therapeutic nutrition Nutraceuticals Increasing the body’s nonspecific resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors Immunomodulatory effect Individualization of nutrition Targeted changes in the metabolism of substances Binding and removal of xenobiotics Prevention of a number of chronic diseases Obesity Atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases Malignant neoplasms Immunodeficiencies Main functions performed by dietary supplements-nutraceuticals

Parapharmaceuticals are biologically active substances that regulate vital processes and are used for prevention, auxiliary therapy and support within the physiological boundaries of the functional activity of organs and systems in quantities not exceeding the daily therapeutic dose.

Parapharmaceuticals are divided into five groups: Group 1 - parapharmaceuticals containing products of plant synthesis or phytoadditives. Group 2 - primary pharmaceuticals containing products of animal synthesis. Group 3 - parapharmaceuticals containing products of microbiological synthesis or eubiotics. Group 4 - parapharmaceuticals containing bee products. Group 5 - parapharmaceuticals containing products of natural chemical synthesis.

Parapharmaceuticals Regulation within physiological boundaries of the functional activity of organs and systems Adaptogenic effect Regulation of nervous activity Regulation of microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract Adaptation to extreme conditions. Auxiliary therapy The main functions performed by dietary supplements - parapharmaceuticals

Regulatory and legal documents on dietary supplements for food Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population of the Russian Federation” dated 52-FZ Federal Law “On the Quality and Safety of Food Products” dated 29-FZ. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 720 “On approval of the list of durable goods, including components, which after a certain period may pose a danger to life.” Resolution 21 of the city “On state registration of dietary supplements for food.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated “On state registration of new food products, materials and products” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 361 “On introducing amendments and additions to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 720” Order 217 “On hygienic assessment of production, supply and sale of products and goods" Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 117 "On the procedure for examination and hygienic certification of dietary supplements for food" Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 396 dated "On biologically active substances" and additions to the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 720" San PiN "Hygienic requirements for organization of production and circulation of dietary supplements for food" MUK "Determination of the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements for food" Information and methodological letter of Rospotrebnadzor from / "On the procedure for organizing work on state registration of products by territorial departments" Information and methodological letter of Rospotrebnadzor from / "On registration of products"

New requirements for labeling dietary supplements General requirements for labeling food products are reflected in section 1.4. Uniform requirements approved by the decision of the Customs Union Commission from

Basic requirements for the dietary supplement label The following information is included on the label: The inscription “Biologically active food additive”; Name of dietary supplement; The inscription “Not a medicine”; Ingredient composition along with auxiliary components; Release form and packaging; Scope of application, indicating the source of which food biologically active substances the dietary supplement is; Percentage of adequate intake level; Dosage; Recommendations for use; Contraindications; Storage conditions, shelf life; Information on sales in pharmacies and specialized stores selling dietary products; Number of technical conditions (for domestic dietary supplements); The name of the manufacturer and its legal address (for products imported into the Russian Federation - the country of origin and the name of the manufacturer); Number and date of issue of the state registration certificate; Details and contact telephone number of the organization authorized to accept complaints from consumers.

It is not allowed to indicate on the label In accordance with the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation “On the supervision of biologically active food additives (BAA)”, it is not allowed to use terms in the names of dietary supplements for food, and on the packaging there are drawings that mislead the consumer and indicate the intended effectiveness of dietary supplements for food (clause 1.4.) Provide information that is not agreed upon during the state registration of dietary supplements and food additives in Rospotrebnadzor

(slide 1)

Objectives: to reveal the significance of biological additives that affect important regulatory, metabolic and protective functions of the body, to determine their significance for human health, to study the composition of some biological additives and to determine the degree of environmental risk of their use.
Equipment: handouts, computer, projector, dietary supplements
During the classes
Frontal conversation

Teacher's opening speech. We are accustomed to the fact that each product has its own unique taste and smell.
Questions for the class: what helped humanity to identify among many substances those that are suitable for food? (Suggested answer: sense organs). What senses did people use to find the right products and determine the freshness and quality of food? (Suggested answer: through taste and smell).
Teacher's comment. It is by taste sensations that a person determines whether a product is edible or whether it is better not to eat it. This has always been the case, but not today. We live in a time of introduction of new food technologies, when any product can be given the desired consistency, taste, smell and even set shelf life.
Question to the class: do you know what biological additives are? (Suggested answer: food supplements contain substances necessary to maintain normal functioning).
Teacher's comment. Dietary supplements are biologically active substances of plant, animal and mineral origin that affect important regulatory, metabolic and protective functions of the body. (slide 2)
Professor I. I. Brekhman spoke back in 1978 about the healing significance of biologically active substances obtained from plants and marine organisms. Based on his own, largely new, materials, he substantiated the need for the development of a new direction in medicine - the pharmacology of health and transitional pre-morbid states of the body. It turned out that the state of health also needed “treatment,” but not with the help of typical pharmacological drugs, but with the help of natural substances of plant and animal origin.
Similar ideas about the pharmacological significance of food products were substantiated in those same years by a prominent specialist in the field of nutritional biochemistry, Professor A. A. Pokrovsky (slide 3).
Question for the class: what are dietary supplements most often found in? (Suggested answer: powders, tablets, capsules).
Teacher's addition. They are obtained from natural, including food, products using high technologies in concentrated form, in a form convenient for consumption and for long-term storage: dragees, dry and liquid extracts, teas, syrups, infusions, concentrates from plant, animal or mineral raw materials , as well as chemical and biotechnological methods.
Student report (approximate) Ancient folk medicine has long used the healing properties of nutrients of plant, mineral and animal origin with considerable success. Notice how modern the words of the great ancient physician Hippocrates, expressed by him more than 2500 years ago, sound today: “Let your food be your medicine, and food be your medicine.” At the same time, it is known what significant successes Hippocrates achieved in the treatment of many diseases, using mainly the medicinal properties of food, massage and physical exercise. Let us also note that almost every four or five pages of Avicenna’s famous “Canon of Medical Science” the medicinal value of “medicinal food” is mentioned. As for the ancient treatises of traditional Chinese medicine, almost the main place in them is given to the healing effects of various nutrients of plant, animal and mineral origin. If we delve even further into ancient times, measured in hundreds of thousands and millions of years, it turns out that the medicines for primitive man were the same natural substances and products that he ate: plants, their roots, leaves, stems, fruits and various remains organs and tissues of animals (which, from the point of view of our ideas, are often considered generally inedible), as well as minerals and peat soil. The latter has been repeatedly confirmed in our time in cases of discovery of human tribes isolated from the outside world, leading a primitive way of life. Fortunately, the ancient secrets of the healing and health-improving effects of natural substances from plant and animal foods have become common knowledge and are often preserved in their original form in ancient Eastern (in particular, ancient Chinese, ancient Indian and Tibetan) medicine.
Teacher's addition. It is no coincidence that both in Western countries and in Russia there is an increasing interest in the methods and means of oriental medicine. This interest is further spurred by the continuing increase in cases of various toxic and allergic complications in people due to their use of modern synthetic drugs, which, according to the World Health Organization, currently reaches 15-20% (!). As paradoxical as it may sound, today it has become quite common to use terms such as “medicinal disease” or “damage due to treatment.” Moreover, these terms have steadily entered into official medicine (Drug Disease, 1973).
Question for the class: are biological additives and food additives identical?
(Suggested answers: yes, no).
Teacher's comment. Biologically active food additives cannot be identified with food additives, which are dyes, antioxidants, emulsifiers, corrective substances that change the properties of products, but do not have biological activity. Biologically active food additives are divided into two groups (slides 4,5).
There are main groups of biologically active nutrients that protect our health (slide 6)
Question for the class: what are biologically active food additives used for? (Suggested answers: to most quickly compensate for the deficiency of biologically active substances supplied with food, reduce the calorie content of the diet, regulate body weight, satisfy the physiological needs for nutrients of a sick person)
Teacher's additions. That’s right, and also to select the most optimal ratio of nutrients and energy substances for each individual person, taking into account gender, age, energy consumption, physiological needs, which meets the basic principles of a balanced diet and is traditional for domestic dietetics; increasing the body’s nonspecific reaction to the effects of adverse environmental factors; prevention of metabolic disorders and the occurrence of associated chronic diseases; restoration of the body’s weakened immune system; normalization of the composition and functioning of saprophytic intestinal microflora.

(slide 7) “Each of us needs 90 nutritional supplements: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 14 essential amino acids - otherwise diseases caused by their deficiency will develop,” says Dr. Wallock (USA). And every nutrition and medical specialist agrees with his opinion. Dietary supplements (BAA) are the simplest and most reliable way to make your food complete and your health strong. But often our ignorance and prejudices deprive us of this advantage.
Student report “Historical Reversals”
Try to guess what it is: “An ornamental flower; a cure for all diseases; a poison that exterminates insects; a stain remover; a universal fertilizer; food raw materials from which you can make bread, starch, powder, oil, wine, coffee, yeast, chocolate etc.". (children guess, if not, then the student answers himself) It's simple! We are talking about the most ordinary potatoes. With this kind of advertising, Russian journalists of the late 18th century debunked myths about the dangers of this vegetable.
Until the end of the 18th century, another terribly poisonous vegetable was considered... a tomato! They even tried to poison the first American president, George Washington. This happened in 1776, at the height of the struggle of the North American colonies of England for independence. Cook James Bestley, bribed by the British, served George Washington a roast, richly decorated with tomatoes, for dinner. Fortunately, the vegetable “didn’t work,” and after this meal the president lived for another 23 years full of significant events.
Today these stories seem like curiosities. Every child knows about the benefits of potatoes and tomatoes as “twice two”. Apparently, this is how it is in the history of mankind, in the words of the poet: “Big things are seen from a distance...”.
Nowadays, through the same thorns (but definitely to the stars!) lies the path of dietary supplements - dietary supplements. Their main mission is to make our nutrition complete and prevent the development of many, even the most dangerous diseases.
Teacher's addition. But how often our ignorance and prejudices prevent them from doing this! Let's try together to understand the myths that have developed around dietary supplements.
Student reports (dietary supplement: myth or chance of survival) (approximate).
"A dietary supplement is anything that is of plant or natural origin and that can be added to food"
This is not entirely true. And in some cases it’s not like that at all! For example, the king of Ancient Babylon Nebuchadnezzar, in order to restore health and clarity of mind, ate exclusively herbs for 7 years.
But in order to improve your health, and not harm yourself, you need to be an expert in the field of “herbs and roots,” since not all plants are safe or suitable for general use. There are a lot of natural components that are strictly prohibited from being included in dietary supplements.
The healing properties of the plants that make up dietary supplements have been tested not only in scientific laboratories, but also by the experience of entire generations of different peoples of the world.

“It’s enough to eat right, and no supplements are needed.”
It would seem that we all love to eat! You tune out bad thoughts and feed yourself spoon after spoon. What could be simpler? But here’s the paradox... To make this one of the most natural and enjoyable activities also useful, you also need to work hard.
Remember, for example, with what longing you look at the columns of products offered by the latest fashionable healthy eating plan. These are either not found in every store, or they are so depressing with their low calorie content that just thinking about them makes your stomach shrink.
And this is where dietary supplements come to the rescue; they make any ordinary menu complete and balanced. Plant, animal and mineral components saturate the usual food with all the necessary vitamins, acids and other useful and nutritious elements.

“Medicines are still more effective than dietary supplements (dietary supplements are not capable of having the same effect as medicine)”
In this case, the mistake lies in the very formulation of the question. Dietary supplements and medications do not have to be rivals. The difference is in how they act.
In Ancient Greece, doctors worked under the auspices of Asclepius, the god of medicine. The healers served the daughter of Asclepius - the bright Hygieia, the goddess of health.
Followers of Asclepius believed that the role of a doctor is to treat illness and restore health. The servants of Hygieia believed that health is the natural state of man. In their opinion, the most important task of medicine is to follow the laws of nature, which allow a person to have a healthy body and a healthy mind.
The concepts of treatment and healing are fundamentally different. Treatment comes from without, healing comes from within. The word “heal” means “to make whole,” to restore integrity and balance in the body.
Dietary supplements, unlike medications, eliminate not the symptoms of the disease, but its causes. Supplements are food components that help improve the health of the body and facilitate its natural physiological processes.

“I’ll take the supplement and I’ll be healthy in a week.”
A misconception whose depth cannot be measured with a school ruler.
Firstly, dietary supplements alone are not enough to become healthy. The environment, daily routine, regular physical activity, stress-free life, etc. are important.
Secondly, the body needs time to rebuild. About 7-10 days after taking the dietary supplement, you will feel better. The body will be delighted: “Hurray! Now I get more nutritious and healthy food.” Recuperation begins. When there are enough of them, the next stage begins - “restructuring”, or debugging the work of internal organs. This is a very difficult time for the body. After all, he almost forgot what healthy habits are! Therefore, at this stage of taking dietary supplements, there may be weakness and decreased performance, even malaise. The body’s forces are aimed at this moment at restoring human health. Then you will feel good again. And within a month and a half you will feel the desired result: your body will become stronger and healthier.

"The bigger, the better"
Popular wisdom says: “Everything is good in moderation.”
Although there are not enough useful and nutrients in food, they are still there. It is not necessary to immediately take a “shock” dose of dietary supplements. An excess of vitamins or other beneficial substances is just as harmful to the body as their deficiency. Therefore, the recommendations for the use of dietary supplements give the most optimal dosages, which will provide the body of an adult and a child with everything necessary every day. There are practically no contraindications to taking dietary supplements. However, we should not forget that the body of a child, a pregnant or lactating woman and a sick person requires a special approach. Therefore, be attentive to contraindications (if any) and, of course, always tell a consultant about the special condition of your body.
No matter how much you “feed” yourself myths about dietary supplements, this activity will still not add either wisdom or health. Maybe we should look at the world more realistically? If you don’t waste your time on idle speculation and start today giving your body what it really needs, you will enjoy health, well-being in your personal life and success in any business.
Practical work
Teacher. Let's look at some dietary supplements and figure out what they are needed for.
The teacher draws the students’ attention to the handout “Biological Additives” (Appendix No. 1) and invites them to discuss the questions in groups (students work in groups of 4-5 people):
What are the advantages of using dietary supplements?
What is included in this or that dietary supplement?
For what purpose are dietary supplements used?
Teacher. We live at a time when, at the junction of two important and main sections of therapeutic and preventive medicine - diet therapy and pharmacology, a third direction of human health has taken shape and is rapidly developing, which is associated with the therapeutic and preventive use of biologically active substances in food and which is called micronutrientology (slide 8 ).
Students are asked, working in groups, to justify data from scientific studies of the health status of the country's population and the prevalence of essential micronutrient deficiencies and draw a conclusion or conclusions (see Appendix 2). (Suggested answers: dietary supplements are a necessary element of healthy and preventive human nutrition in the 21st century, dietary supplements are necessary in every family and every person, dietary supplements are necessary for a person every day and throughout life, the need for dietary supplements is enormous and their consumption will only increase in the future.)
Consider table No. 1 “Normal physiological daily requirements for nutrients and energy for the adult population” and answer the questions:
- Does any product contain all the necessary nutrients?;
- Is the daily requirement the same for men and women?;
- if a nutrient is needed in minimal quantities, can it not be consumed at all?
Final words from the teacher. Our food is not only a supplier of calories, fats, proteins and carbohydrates, but also a source of hundreds and thousands of vital biologically active substances, which, although contained in food in milligrams and even micrograms, nevertheless have a pronounced restorative, preventive effect on the human body. , protective, cleansing effect, normalize basic metabolic processes and regulate many vital functions of the body. In the standard diet of most people, the content of basic essential biologically active nutrients is clearly insufficient, which leads to their deficiency in the body, and this, in turn, predisposes to the development or worsening of most diseases of the cardiovascular, skeletal and endocrine systems, gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract and liver, immunological deficiency, malignant tumors, metabolic disorders, obesity, etc., which together determine up to 80% of the total morbidity of the population. According to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, no more than 3% of the Russian population takes dietary supplements daily, while in Europe - no less than 50%, in the USA - 80%, in Japan - 90%.
I would like to finish our lesson with you with the words of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V. A. Tutelyan: “The use of dietary supplements is the fastest and most effective way to solve people’s health problems. We all need dietary supplements as a chance for survival. They help not not only to preserve, but also to restore health.”
Biologically active additives
Title Image Description
The health of the thyroid gland and the optimal level of its hormones are necessary conditions for excellent human well-being. Unfortunately, almost all regions of our country are at risk for thyroid diseases due to a lack of natural iodine. Restoring the functioning of the “queen of youth,” as the thyroid gland is called, helps to maintain activity, beauty and health for a long time. Fucus finely bubbled, rich in iodine, vitamins, macro- and microelements, optimizes the function of the thyroid gland, improves metabolic processes in the body.

Jazzmint cough drops
JAZMINT cough lozenges with honey and lemon flavor 30g

Our body's need for vitamin C is high. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the effective functioning of immune cells, strengthening osteochondral tissue and the vascular wall. With intense physical activity, neuropsychic stress, smoking, taking hormonal medications, including contraceptives, the need for this vitamin increases by 25-50%; When you have a cold, the body needs it 2-3 times more than usual. Thanks to several quickly absorbed forms of vitamin C included in Vitaspectra-C, the body's defenses are quickly activated.

Created from bioactive substances of pine and spruce needles. Effectively restores immunity during epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Indications for use: restores immunity; reduces the risk of developing cancer; normalizes blood cholesterol levels; has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
Composition: Active ingredients contained in one capsule: 30 mg of large chamomile extract, 50 mg of grape seed extract, 20 mg of ginger rhizome oil extract. Inactive ingredients: vegetable oil, gelatin, glycerin, sorbitol, lecithin, beeswax, silicon dioxide, calcium citrate, natural colors: titanium dioxide, chlorophyll.
Phytomiran is a phytotherapeutic drug that prevents the occurrence of migraines and reduces the severity of attacks.

Vitaspectr-B (Antistress)
"Vitaspectr-B" is an excellent restorative, soothing and relaxing preventive remedy.

No matter how much we monitor our health, it is difficult to find a woman who is unfamiliar with problems such as inflammatory diseases and varicose veins.


Recommended as a means of improving the functional state of the musculoskeletal system. Normalizes metabolism in cartilage tissue. Stimulates the regeneration of connective tissue of joints. Improves blood supply to joints. Eliminates structural defects in the cartilage tissue of joints.
Ingredients: glucosamine, dihydroquercetin, ascorbic acid, horsetail extract, dandelion root extract, white willow bark extract, vitamin E (tocopherol acetate), calcium carbonate.
Any person is decorated with shiny hair, fresh skin and shining eyes. This requires not only careful care with the help of cosmetics, but also maintaining your body “from the inside” with the necessary vitamins and microelements. Fragility, dullness, hair loss, splitting of nails, acne, peeling, early aging of the skin - these are the most common symptoms that arise from a lack of “beauty vitamins”.

The basis of the complex is kelp seaweed, which is extremely rich in iodine. INDICATIONS: imbalance of vitamins and iodine, decreased function of the thyroid and gonads, intoxication of the body, prolonged fatigue, decreased liver function, increased blood viscosity, high levels of cholesterol in the blood, prevention of high blood pressure.
"Minelife" contains all the necessary minerals in a highly accessible form, vitamins for better absorption and plant extracts with a high content of active substances.

Shampoo and balm “Inatea” based on royal jelly

The use of this complex promotes healthy hair. The complex for stimulating hair growth is developed on the basis of royal jelly.
Royal jelly is a highly effective natural ingredient:
Includes more than 100 beneficial compounds and minerals;
Is a natural component;
Has high biological activity;
In addition to royal jelly, the complex for stimulating hair growth includes natural plant extracts and vitamins.
The hair growth stimulation kit is recommended for:
Hair loss
Dull hair appearance
Signs of baldness
Lack of hair volume
Brainton expands a person’s intellectual capabilities, improves memory and reaction speed, reduces absent-mindedness, eliminates dryness, redness of the eyes, relieves fatigue during heavy visual load (working at a computer, wearing contact lenses, long-term driving, especially at night).

Garlic with active ingredient allicin
Scientific studies have shown that garlic with the active ingredient allicin strengthens the cardiovascular system, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Garlic has an immunostimulating effect and increases resistance to infections such as influenza and acute respiratory infections. Garlic Extra capsules are odorless, as they dissolve not in the stomach, but in the intestines. Composition: Active ingredients: Bear onion macerate in olive oil 275 mg
The liver is a factory for processing all toxins and ballast substances. Any failure in the bile secretion system of the liver results in slagging, indigestion and the formation of stones in the gall bladder. First of all, women over 40 who are overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle are susceptible to such diseases.

For atherosclerosis, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the digestive system, eye diseases, metabolic disorders, obesity, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema and furunculosis).
Natural concentrated oil from oceanic fish. To reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases; to maintain the active functioning of the brain, nervous system, and the normal state of the retina; to normalize metabolism, improve liver function; to improve the condition of mucous membranes, skin, hair, nails; to slow down the aging process and increase physical endurance; to increase resistance to infectious diseases and stress.
Replenishes the lack of vitamins, minerals and other biologically active components in the diet. Recommended for the prevention and relief of depressive conditions. Ingredients: St. John's wort, Hawthorn monopistillate, Black urchin, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Magnesium

The South American plant Uncaria tomentosa, or cat's claw, growing in the mountains of Peru, has saved indigenous people from numerous diseases for many centuries: malaria, yellow fever, and intestinal infections. It was observed that people who consumed uncaria did not suffer from cancer. As a result of research, scientists have discovered that cat's claw blocks the growth and reproduction of cancer cells.

Absolutely natural products from the most powerful plants in the world (schisandra, ginseng, Rhodiola, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, etc.). Improve brain function, memory, reaction speed, increase vegetative-vascular tone;
reduce sleep time; increase endurance and reactivity; improve vision, including night vision.
Indispensable for people leading an active lifestyle, playing sports, going hunting and fishing, and long-distance driving trips.
Helps normalize fat metabolism, quickly convert cholesterol into folic acids and remove it from the body; have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, increase their elasticity and reduce permeability; support the functional activity of the cardiovascular system; protect body cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. Contains: red clover extract, hawthorn flowers, vitamin C, nicotinic acid, auxiliary components.
FUKAP contains fucus seaweed - the main source of natural iodine, and food alginates. Indications for use: obesity of varying degrees; for gentle weight correction; reducing fat deposits on the thighs; normalization of digestion and metabolism; replenishes iodine deficiency.
Natural hydrangea root extract has been widely used in Chinese medicine since ancient times. An indispensable assistant in removing “excess” from the body.

Key data from scientific studies of the health status of the country's population and the prevalence of essential micronutrient deficiencies:
70-90% of various population groups have vitamin C deficiency.
40-80% of the population is deficient in B vitamins and folic acid.
40-60% of the population has vitamin A deficiency.
20-30% of the population has vitamin B12 deficiency.
20-30% of the population has vitamin E deficiency.
0-55% of the population has a deficiency of the most important macro- and microelements (iron, calcium, fluorine, selenium, iodine, etc.), which leads to the development of various and widespread diseases: anemia, osteoporosis, caries, congenital defects of cartilage and bones, dystrophic heart damage, thyroid dysfunction and slow physical and mental development.
Almost 65% of the population is in a state of chronic psycho-emotional stress, which accelerates the development of many diseases: psycho-emotional disorders, neuroses, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, arterial hypertension, gastric and intestinal ulcers.
35% of the population exhibits manifestations of immunological deficiency, which predisposes to the development of acute and chronic inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, malignant tumors, etc.
30-40% of men suffer from decreased sexual activity.
About 40% of women suffer from painful manifestations of menopause, which is often accompanied by vegetative-vascular and hormonal disorders, neurotic conditions, osteoporosis, accelerated development of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension.
Finally, almost 60% of the population constantly lives in conditions of the harmful effects of a polluted environment, which contributes to the accumulation of various toxic substances in the human body, pollution of the internal environment of the body and, as a result, a predisposition to various diseases and immunodeficiency states.

Table 1
Norms of physiological daily needs for nutrients and energy for the adult population
Nutrients Groups
Men Women
Energy 2500-4000 kcal 1800-3000 kcal
Proteins 65-117 g 58-87 g
Fats 70-154 g 60-102 g
Carbohydrates 303-586 g 257-462 g
Ascorbic acid (C) 70-100 mg 70-80 mg
Vitamin A 1000 mcg (3300 IU) 800-1000 mcg
Vitamin E 10 mg 8 mg
Vitamin D 2.5 mcg (100 IU) 2.5 mcg (100 IU)
Thiamine (B1) 1.2-2.4 mg 1.1-1.5 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 1.5-2.4 mg 1.3-1.8 mg
Pyridoxine (B6) 2 mg 1.8 mg
Niacin (PP, B3) 16-28 mg 14-20 mg
Folic acid (Fc) 200 mcg 200 mcg
Cyanocobalamin 3 mcg 3 mcg
Calcium 800 mg 800 mg
Phosphorus 1200 mg 1200 mg
Magnesium 400 mg 400 mg
Iron 10 mg 18-20 mg
Zinc 15 mg 15 mg
Iodine 0.15 mg 0.15 mg
Copper 2 mg 2 mg

Biology teacher - 14 years old.

Full text of the material Biology lesson and presentation "Biological additives" for 10th grade. see the downloadable file.
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    Classification of dietary supplements: nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and eubiotics. Russian manufacturers of additives: Evalar, Diod, Natur Produkt. Determining the safety of additives. Hygienic requirements for organizing the production of dietary supplements.

    presentation, added 12/08/2014

    History of the discovery of vitamins; their properties. Chemical structure, mechanism of biological action and theoretical daily dose of water-soluble vitamins. Main features of the group of fat-soluble vitamins. Chromatographic research methods.

    abstract, added 07/05/2014

    The concept of vitamins as low-molecular organic substances that enter the body with food, their main sources and the definition of requirements for the normal functioning of the human body. History of research into the effects of vitamins.

    presentation, added 08/24/2013

    A biologically active food supplement is a concentrate of active substances intended to be added to a person’s diet in order to eliminate the lack of nutrients in his body; types: nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals, eubiotics, their difference from drugs.

    course work, added 09/03/2012

    The history of the discovery of B vitamins, their general characteristics. Properties of vitamins, features of use, classification by purpose and properties. Preparations containing B vitamins. The mechanism of action of vitamins. Preparing prescriptions for vitamins.

    course work, added 02/17/2017

    History of the development of vitamins, their role in human nutrition. Content of vitamins in basic food products, their classification and groups. Degrees of vitamin deficiency and its impact on human health. Recommendations for a reasonable diet for students.

    “Food can be characterized as an extremely complex chemical complex containing thousands of major and hundreds of thousands of minor components capable of exerting pronounced and varied physiological effects.”

    • “Food can be characterized as an extremely complex chemical complex containing thousands of major and hundreds of thousands of minor components capable of exerting pronounced and varied physiological effects.”
    • (Academician A.N. Nesmeyanov)
    Biologically active additives- these are biologically active substances of plant, animal and mineral origin that affect important regulatory, metabolic and protective functions of the body.
    • Biologically active additives- these are biologically active substances of plant, animal and mineral origin that affect important regulatory, metabolic and protective functions of the body.
    What are dietary supplements?
    • What are dietary supplements?
    . A prominent specialist in the field of nutritional biochemistry, Professor A.A. Pokrovsky wrote that “food is a source of quite complex pharmacological effects and a carrier of biologically active substances.” Biologically active additives to food
    • Nutraceutical
    • facilities
    • Parapharmaceutical
    • drugs
    • Nutraceuticals are biologically active substances that are the main components of the body: vitamins or their precursors, macro- and microelements (iron, calcium, selenium, zinc, fluorine, etc.), polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, some mono- and disaccharides , dietary fiber used to correct the chemical composition of human food.
    • Parapharmaceuticals- have a certain pharmacological activity and are used for prevention, auxiliary therapy and support of the functional activity of organs and systems. These include bioflavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, organic acids, essential oils, polysaccharides, that is, these are preparations of plant and animal origin or their synthetic analogues - the so-called “natural products”.
    The main groups of biologically active nutrients that protect our health:
    • The main groups of biologically active nutrients that protect our health:
    • vitamin-like substances
    • vitamin precursors,
    • water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins,
    • macro- and microelements,
    • complex carbohydrates,
    • unsaturated fatty acids,
    • phospholipids,
    • digestive enzymes,
    • alimentary fiber,
    • beneficial intestinal microorganisms,
    • organic acids,
    • organic sulfides,
    • bioflavonoids,
    • alkaloids,
    • catechins,
    • glycosides,
    • indoles,
    • isothiocyanates,
    • coumarins,
    • essential oils,
    • terpenes,
    • tannins
    “Each of us needs 90 nutritional supplements: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 14 essential amino acids - otherwise diseases caused by their deficiency will develop,” says Dr. Wallock (USA). And every nutrition and medical specialist agrees with his opinion. Dietary supplements (BAA) are the simplest and most reliable way to make your food complete and your health strong. But often our ignorance and prejudices deprive us of this advantage.
    • “Each of us needs 90 nutritional supplements: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 14 essential amino acids - otherwise diseases caused by their deficiency will develop,” says Dr. Wallock (USA). And every nutrition and medical specialist agrees with his opinion. Dietary supplements (BAA) are the simplest and most reliable way to make your food complete and your health strong. But often our ignorance and prejudices deprive us of this advantage.
    Micronutrientology is a promising health-improving and preventive scientific and practical direction, actively developing at the intersection of two important areas of medicine - pharmacology and dietetics, integrating the tasks of vitaminology, the doctrine of the biological role of microelements, biologically active substances and aimed at the use of physiological, protective and therapeutic-prophylactic the effects of various micronutrients on the vital functions of a healthy and sick body.
    • Micronutrientology is a promising health-improving and preventive scientific and practical direction, actively developing at the intersection of two important areas of medicine - pharmacology and dietetics, integrating the tasks of vitaminology, the doctrine of the biological role of microelements, biologically active substances and aimed at the use of physiological, protective and therapeutic-prophylactic the effects of various micronutrients on the vital functions of a healthy and sick body.

    Slide 2

    “Food can be characterized as an extremely complex chemical complex containing thousands of major and hundreds of thousands of minor components capable of exerting pronounced and varied physiological effects.”

    (Academician A.N. Nesmeyanov)

    Slide 3

    Dietary supplements are biologically active substances of plant, animal and mineral origin that affect important regulatory, metabolic and protective functions of the body.

    Slide 4

    What are dietary supplements?

    Slide 5

    A prominent specialist in the field of nutritional biochemistry, Professor A.A. Pokrovsky wrote that

    “food is a source of rather complex pharmacological effects and a carrier of biologically active substances.”

    Slide 6

    Biologically active food additives

    • Nutraceuticals
    • Parapharmaceuticals
  • Slide 7

    • Nutraceuticals are biologically active substances that are the main components of the body: vitamins or their precursors, macro- and microelements (iron, calcium, selenium, zinc, fluorine, etc.), polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, some mono- and disaccharides, dietary fibers used to correct the chemical composition of human food.
    • Parapharmaceuticals - have a certain pharmacological activity and are used for prevention, auxiliary therapy and support of the functional activity of organs and systems. These include bioflavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, organic acids, essential oils, polysaccharides, that is, these are preparations of plant and animal origin or their synthetic analogues - the so-called “natural products”.
  • Slide 8

    The main groups of biologically active nutrients that protect our health:

    • vitamin-like substances
    • vitamin precursors,
    • water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins,
    • macro- and microelements,
    • complex carbohydrates,
    • unsaturated fatty acids,
    • phospholipids,
    • digestive enzymes,
    • alimentary fiber,
    • beneficial intestinal microorganisms,
    • organic acids,
    • organic sulfides,
    • bioflavonoids,
    • alkaloids,
    • catechins,
    • glycosides,
    • indoles,
    • isothiocyanates,
    • coumarins,
    • essential oils,
    • terpenes,
    • tannins
  • Slide 9

    “Each of us needs 90 nutritional supplements: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 14 essential amino acids - otherwise diseases caused by their deficiency will develop,” says Dr. Wallock (USA). And every nutrition and medical specialist agrees with his opinion. Dietary supplements (BAA) are the simplest and most reliable way to make your food complete and your health strong. But often our ignorance and prejudices deprive us of this advantage.

    Slide 10

    Micronutrientology is a promising health-improving and preventive scientific and practical direction, actively developing at the intersection of two important areas of medicine - pharmacology and dietetics, integrating the tasks of vitaminology, the doctrine of the biological role of microelements, biologically active substances and aimed at the use of physiological, protective and therapeutic-prophylactic the effects of various micronutrients on the vital functions of a healthy and sick body.

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