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Hello to all the beauties!**

The fight against cellulite has become a mania these days.

Girls buy a huge amount of expensive and cheap creams from the hated bumps on the skin, but do not get the desired result.

I was that kind of girl too.

When I gained weight from 52 to 59 kilograms, then I decided to apply creams to somehow improve the condition of my skin.

You can read more about my struggle with excess weight and how I lost 7.5 kg in 2 months without dieting

Naturally, there was no result from the creams I used. After all The fight against cellulite is a comprehensive strategy.


Therefore, as an experienced person in losing weight and fighting for a slim body, I can now tell you about an amazing budget product that helps me in the fight against cellulite - about massage with a dry brush.

The effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage using a dry brush is as follows::

Separately, I would like to dwell on the contraindications to the procedure.

Massage is prohibited:


Well, now about my dry brush massage in more detail.

I have this double-sided brush.

I like that I can massage my skin like stubble,

and with these interesting things

I immediately chose the long handle- this makes it easier to reach the lower surface of the thighs without bending over

A professional massage for cellulite in a salon will cost a pretty penny, Therefore, we will use a budget product that has excellent results

Brush price was 250r in Auchan. I bought it a couple of years ago.

This is my second brush. The first one was on a short handle. Personally, I like the long brush better

Anti-cellulite massage at home with a brush helps to irritate the nerve endings. As a result, the general condition of the body improves.


I will describe several points that I have highlighted for myself and that you should pay attention to when choosing a brush and using it:

  1. The brush should be made of natural bristles

Do not buy brushes with bristles made of synthetic materials - they are not durable and will not bring the desired result.

Brushes are:

With synthetic bristles

With natural bristles (best from Australian cactus or horsehair)

It is better to buy a brush with a wooden handle and only with natural bristles. This is exactly what I have.


2. Take a shower half an hour before the massage.

Personally, I like to shower with some kind of scrub.

I carefully prepare the skin for massage, so I scrub it so that dead particles are removed and the massage is more effective


3. For massage, the skin must be dry.

Also, do not apply any creams or oils before the massage.


4. Regular massage is the key to success.

We are all human and are often lazy to massage.

I'm like that myself.

But if you want to succeed and get the body of your dreams, then you need to overcome your laziness.

After having a massage every evening for at least 5 days, you will already feel improvements - PROVEN!


5. We always perform massage from the BOTTOM TO THE UP!

Massage with a brush is done in the direction of lymph movement in our body, and it moves up to the heart.

Bottom up and nothing else. If you massage in a circular motion, then also in the direction from bottom to top.

I want to note, that in my review I talk specifically about massage of the thighs and buttocks.

Massage of other parts of the body has its own characteristics:

Places with lymph nodes should be treated very carefully (groin, armpits)

Be gentle with your neck and décolleté area

Under no circumstances should you MASSAGE YOUR FACE! For facial massage, completely different brushes are used - specifically designed for this area.

6. Massage thoroughly and carefully

Try to focus on efficiency rather than speed or maximum pressure.

You need to move at medium speed, pressing moderately, but at the same time avoid damaging the skin.

I saw on the Internet how girls rubbed themselves to such an extent that their skin looked like boiled crayfish - this is completely wrong!

The main thing here is regularity, not maximum redness of the skin.


7. How long to massage?

I massage each leg for 5 minutes - that's enough.

To begin with, the Internet recommends starting a massage with 3 minutes. and gradually increase the time.

But what they won’t write on the Internet, but I will tell you, so this is that after 5 minutes of massaging the hips and buttocks with one hand, she gets so tired that it seems like I went to the gym.

Therefore, personally, 5 minutes is enough for me, and someone who can massage with one hand for 10 minutes - it's just zombie jocks)))

8. Drink water immediately after the massage.

As soon as you finish the massage, drink a glass of water. It will help remove toxins from the body.

You can drink green tea or water with lemon.


9. Strange itching...

After the massage, the skin may feel a little itchy or burning, DON'T WORRY - this is a normal reaction that will go away in 5-10 minutes.

However, if the itching doesn't go away, then you have overdone the pressure on the brush. Solution - apply a soothing cream and do not touch the skin with washcloths and scrubs for several days.


10. At the end of the massage, apply your favorite anti-cellulite cream.

At this stage, the skin is ready to accept the active components of the cream, as blood circulation has improved.

I just love this cream from Arabia. He's perfect for me

I have other products, but they are more warming.

After a warming massage with a brush, you want to cool your skin and Arabia cream copes with this perfectly.

In order for the skin to always be tight and smooth, it requires constant care. An anti-cellulite brush is an excellent assistant in this matter. It effectively fights orange peel and helps you lose weight. But it is important to choose it correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the skin and be able to use it to achieve the best result; its quality is also important.

Features and effect

Massage brushes for cellulite can be made from both natural and synthetic materials. They are often equipped with wooden teeth. They all have different degrees of hardness. The design is also different and may include slots, handles and other holders. All types are effective against cellulite.

You can achieve the following results:

  • Restore the body's protective functions, relieve fatigue and muscle pain.
  • Activate metabolic processes in tissues, make the skin firmer and more elastic.
  • Accelerate blood and lymph circulation, saturate tissues with oxygen and nutrients, and remove decay products from them. Due to this, anti-cellulite effect and weight loss are achieved.
  • Normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands, remove acne.
  • Cleanse the skin of dead cells, start the processes of regeneration and renewal, tone and rejuvenate the epidermis.
  • Eliminate tissue swelling, which means reducing body volume and smoothing cellulite.

It is enough to supplement the massage with cosmetics to enhance the effect significantly.

Contraindications for use

But even such a useful procedure as anti-cellulite massage with a brush has its contraindications. These include:

1. Various damage to the skin, wounds, bruises, abrasions at the site of the massager.

2. Varicose veins, weakened vessels with stretched walls.

3. Infections that cause fever. A massage that stimulates blood circulation will only increase the load on the heart.

4. Dermatological diseases - skin rashes of a purulent or allergic nature. Physical impact with a massager will contribute to the spread of the rash.

5. Cardiovascular diseases.

6. Blood diseases, blood clotting disorders.

7. Atherosclerosis.

8. Thrombophlebitis.

9. Pregnancy. Massage can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage.

10. Breastfeeding. During this period, it is not recommended to use a massager, as the procedure worsens lactation.

11. Presence of neoplasms.

12. Hypertension.

13. Nausea and vomiting.

14. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

15. Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area.

Anti-cellulite massage will be useful only for those who have no contraindications to this procedure.


  • With natural bristles. Moreover, on one side it is often equipped with wooden teeth.
  • Made of wood: environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and durable.
  • Silicone is moderately hard and does not injure the skin even when exposed dry. It is suitable for thin and sensitive skin.
  • Brushes can be single- or double-sided. They are equipped with a slot or rotating rollers, plastic or wooden teeth.
  • Roller ones are analogues of a massager. With strong pressure, the device even affects the deep layers of subcutaneous fat.

A good product gives noticeable results after just a few procedures. Blood circulation is significantly improved and cell renewal occurs. You must adhere to the following rules:

  • A dry massage brush should not be too hard. It can damage delicate skin.
  • Models with rotating rollers will allow you to perfectly massage the deepest layers of the skin.
  • Products with natural bristles do not scratch the skin, do not cause allergies or irritation.
  • Hardness must be selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the skin.
  • It is necessary to choose a quality product without glue stains or unpleasant odors.
  • You can't save money. A low-quality item can be harmful to health - cause allergies, severely scratch the skin, or simply be ineffective.
  • You need to hold it in your hand before purchasing. It should fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and not slip out.

The massager is selected according to your skin type and expected result. But no matter how high-quality the product is, the effect of its use should not be expected earlier than after a couple of weeks of regular use. You can speed up the process if you start taking the natural remedy Thalia.

How to use it correctly?

  1. They begin to knead the tips of their toes, gradually moving towards the heart. Massage movements are performed easily and smoothly. The intensity of pressure on the skin is increased only after it has warmed up well.
  2. The legs and feet are massaged with straight, lingering movements, and the buttocks and thighs are massaged in a circular and counterclockwise direction.
  3. Knead your back and stomach. Since these areas are particularly sensitive, movements should be more careful and gentle.
  4. The hands are massaged with circular movements, and the shoulders are massaged with sweeping movements.

During the procedure you must adhere to the following rules:

  • For massage with a brush, only 3 types of movements are used - circular, straight and from top to bottom.
  • It is carried out in the morning, afternoon or maximum 3 hours before night rest, as it invigorates.
  • Wanting to get results faster, some try to press or rub harder. Under no circumstances should this be done. The skin is easily injured and stretched.
  • You should not massage after sunbathing on the beach or in a solarium. Skin exposed to ultraviolet radiation becomes very sensitive, which can lead to irritation.
  • You need to make sure that during the massage you do not touch moles and papillomas.
  • After the procedure, the skin should turn slightly red. But if there was a feeling of heat, then the massage was performed incorrectly.

There is wet and dry brush massage. Both of them are effective, but have their own characteristics. For the first one, you must first moisten the device in water. Apply a scrub or shower gel to the skin. Only after this a massage is performed, moving from the feet to the legs, thighs and chest. The movements should be sliding, massage from bottom to top. Each problem area is treated for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the massage, the skin is moisturized using oil or anti-cellulite cream.

Anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush is performed without the help of cosmetics daily for 10 minutes. Experts consider it more effective, since it uses both muscle and connective tissue.

The direction and nature of movements during dry massage are identical. After the procedure, it is recommended to take a shower with gel to wash away dead skin particles. After a properly performed massage, you should feel a slight tingling sensation.

Feedback about use

“I have been practicing dry brush massage for several months. Now I can’t imagine my life without this procedure. She gives me cheerfulness and good health. I massage the whole body, not just problem areas. I combine this method with a contrast shower. Afterwards I use anti-cellulite cream. My body looks great, I got rid of cellulite and excess weight. I think I will always do this massage to keep myself in shape.”

Ekaterina, Moscow.

“I used a plastic roller brush for a month. Massaged thighs, buttocks and sides. At the same time, I performed anti-cellulite wraps 2 times a week. The effect amazed me. Cellulite was smoothed out, the skin became elastic and toned. Perhaps the special cosmetics I used contributed to this, but the result is truly significant. I even managed to lose 2 kg this month without dieting.”

Natalya, St. Petersburg.

“After reading reviews on the Internet on forums and looking at before and after photos, I decided to buy myself a massage brush. I chose a product with a handle and natural bristles. I massage every day before my shower. After water treatments I apply an anti-cellulite product. The effect is very good: after about a month, after measuring my parameters, I was convinced that my hips had decreased by 3 cm. The cellulite that I had had for several years also disappeared.”

Liliya Koreneva, Nizhny Novgorod.

“After reading reviews online about the effectiveness of the weight loss brush, I decided to buy it. The product has not only bristles, but also wooden bumps, which help to better massage problem areas. I used it for a month. The condition of my skin has improved significantly, cellulite has become less pronounced, but I have not noticed any weight loss. I think it’s impossible to achieve this without diet.”

Alina, Kazan.

“I carried out the massage according to the instructions for two weeks every day in the morning before a contrast shower. The procedure was done on dry skin. The massage brush helped me get rid of cellulite. The skin is refreshed and tightened. I even noticed a slight plumb line when I weighed myself. This made me very happy, I will continue to improve my results.”

Svetlana, Moscow region.

An anti-cellulite brush is a great way to tone problem areas. Correct anti-cellulite massage movements help get rid of the hated orange peel quite quickly. If you carry out the “ritual” with a brush at least several times a week, as well as eat right and exercise, you will definitely get your body in order! Read more about the brush massage technique!

Anti-cellulite massage is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in beauty salons. It is not cheap, considering that you need to complete the full course. And the use of special creams and massage oils increases the cost of the service.

An anti-cellulite brush is an equally effective way to get rid of figure imperfections.

What are the advantages of using an anti-cellulite massage brush?

  • effectiveness of the procedure;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost anti-cellulite “program”.

Each of us can use a brush to get rid of it at home. The effect will be no worse than after visiting a beauty salon.

Benefits of a massage brush

Massage with a brush helps:

  • smooth the skin;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • remove toxins;
  • restore skin tone;
  • model a figure;
  • start regeneration processes;
  • muscle tension;
  • saturate tissues with oxygen.

In addition, massage with a brush is a good way to prevent cellulite from appearing further.

How to choose an anti-cellulite brush?

1. The hardness of the massage brush. The stiffer the brush, the faster and better it will do its job. A soft brush will warm up your skin longer, and therefore the rubbing effect will be less. If the anti-cellulite brush you purchased is very hard, steam it in boiling water (if the manufacturing material allows it) before use.

Rest assured, after several massage sessions with the brush, you will get used to its stiffness.

2. Material of anti-cellulite massage brush. Pay attention to natural materials: wood, pile.

Massage brushes are also available:

  • different shapes (round, oval);
  • with or without handle, with palm mount;
  • with a working surface on one or both sides.

Choose one that is comfortable to hold in your hand. I prefer brushes with a long wooden handle and natural bristles on one side and wooden ridges on the other.

Remember: the massage brush should not injure or scratch the skin!

Anti-cellulite brush massage technique

1. Before you start massaging cellulite-affected areas, prepare your skin. Take a hot bath. Use a scrub. It gives a good anti-cellulite effect, which you can do yourself.

2. Afterwards you need to wipe your body dry. I recommend doing this in a rubbing motion to get the skin red. This is a good sign that blood circulation is improving.

3. The anti-cellulite brush is used on a dry body.

We begin the movements from the bottom up: from the feet to the knees, from the ankles up, from the wrists to the elbows, from the elbows to the shoulders. Circular movements are applied to the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. The back should be rubbed with long strokes from the lower back upward. We work the waist from the hip to the chest.

Remember: no back and forth movements!

4. After using the massage brush, take a shower and apply cream (moisturizing, nourishing or anti-cellulite) to your body.

The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes, with a gradual increase. The first time, don't overdo it too much. Then you yourself will feel with what force and intensity you need to massage with a brush.

Contraindications to anti-cellulite dry massage with a brush are inflammatory processes on the skin, dermatitis, and rashes.

The effect of such a massage will only be visible if you also eat right, lead an active lifestyle, drink enough water, avoid stress, and get enough sleep.

I wish you health and beauty!

Among all the methods of getting rid of cellulite, dry massage using a wooden silicone or bristle brush is considered the most accessible and effective, and this is clearly evidenced by the reviews left by women of different ages.

Body beauty and a fit figure are what every woman strives for, for which she has to engage in fitness and monitor the amount of calories consumed. But even such close attention to one’s personality is not a guarantee that “orange peel” will not appear in the area of ​​the buttocks, abdomen and hips. We have long learned to combat this phenomenon, and many articles are devoted to such a delicate topic, which can be read on our website. And one of the methods is rubbing and massage with a dry brush against cellulite. This device can eliminate the problem no matter how far the process has gone, and the procedure itself is completely painless and even pleasant. But the most important thing: after it there are no bruises or other defects.

Important! In the presence of abrasions, cuts and bruises, massage procedures are prohibited, as well as in the presence of varicose veins, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases.

An anti-cellulite massage done in a salon with the assistance of a specialist is not a cheap procedure, but a manual anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush is no less effective than a professional one.

When making simple movements, even in the deep layers of the epidermis, metabolic processes are activated, which accelerates blood flow. Blood flows to the massaged areas, therefore, provides the subcutaneous fatty tissue with useful substances and saturates it with oxygen. This helps remove excess fluid and improve the condition of the skin. Also, massaging the skin with a dry brush:

  1. Forces cell turnover faster because dead cells are sloughed off, which inevitably leads to improved skin texture.
  2. It helps to activate the lymphatic system, because if it does not work well, then this is fraught with stagnation of the lymph, which ceases to cope with its direct responsibilities - removing waste products (toxins) from the body.
  3. Allows you to improve the condition of the skin. Dry massage with a cellulite brush literally breaks down compacted fat cells.
  4. Promotes better absorption of cosmetics.

Important! Self-massage of problem areas using a brush is a procedure that irritates the nerve endings, inevitably leading to an improvement in the general condition of the body and giving a charge of vigor. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out in the morning.

Rules for choosing a brush

It doesn't matter what material the tool is made of. The main thing is that it is of high quality. A massage brush for cellulite can be:

  1. With natural bristles. Here special attention should be paid to rigidity. For those with sensitive and delicate skin, a hard brush is clearly not suitable. The first sessions can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations and leave behind scratches. To reduce the stiffness of the bristles, just soak the device for 4 hours in cold water.
  2. Wooden. This is the best option, because wood is a hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly and durable material, and the effectiveness of such a tool is no lower than that of a brush with natural bristles.
  3. Silicone. It is quite tough, but during the massage it does not injure the skin, since the “pimples” are thick and rounded. This product is especially recommended for women with thin skin.

Other types of brushes

On sale there are single-sided and double-sided brushes, with a detachable long handle, with a slot for the hand, plastic teeth, rotating rollers and other Elements. A model with rollers is, but the final choice is always yours. Based on reviews left by women who regularly perform anti-cellulite self-massage, tools with long handles are considered the best, because with their help you can reach hard-to-reach places. Others claim that a dry brush without a handle is much more convenient to use, as it allows you to more thoroughly work on problem areas.

The effect of using the brush will be even better if you combine it with.

Technique and basic principles

Important! The procedure does not involve the use of oils, creams and other cosmetics. The skin should be dry and clean, as well as the brush itself.

  • Dry massage starts from the feet, that is, from the periphery to the center.
  • Rubbing the feet, ankles and knees are the very first actions, carried out with long and straight movements.
  • Gradually approaching the hips and buttocks, you should change the tactics: the movements should be circular, and it is recommended to do them counterclockwise.
  • The inner thighs are treated delicately, since the skin in these places is thin and delicate.
  • The sides are rubbed mercilessly, but without much fanaticism, but you need to take pity on the tummy, especially if you have gynecological diseases.
  • How to do self-massage of the abdomen? Without unnecessary zeal, in a circular motion clockwise.
  • The lower back is rubbed from bottom to top, and the upper back is rubbed vice versa.
  • The shoulders are massaged with “sweeping” movements, and the chest and arms are massaged in a circular motion.

Basic Rules

  1. If after the procedure the body burns, it means that it was carried out incorrectly, and if the skin turns a little red, you did everything right.
  2. How long should you massage? This activity should be given 10 minutes daily.
  3. You should not overexpose the skin, as this will cause more harm than good, and you can learn more about all the nuances on our website.
  4. Massage procedures against cellulite should be carried out in the morning or 3-4 hours before going to bed.
  5. Tanning and massage are two processes that should never interfere with each other.

Real reviews about using a dry brush for cellulite

  1. Snezhana, 25 years old, Blagoveshchensk: “I bought an anti-cellulite massage brush just yesterday, and immediately tried it out. I can’t boast of anything yet, but I really liked the process itself, so I will continue in the same spirit.”
  2. Maria, 31 years old, Krasnodar: “I’ve been doing dry massage regularly for two months now. I noticed that my skin became less lumpy, and yesterday I stepped on the scale and discovered that my weight had dropped by 5 kg.”
  3. Svetlana, 40 years old, Barnaul: “I have suffered from cellulite since early youth. Finally, I decided to take care of myself: I alternate dry massage with wraps and