Bird's milk calories. Sweets "Bird's milk", calorie content and benefits of these sweets. What are Bird's Milk candies?

The calorie content of Poultry's milk per 100 grams (using the example of Roshen products) is 447 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 2.5 g protein;
  • 23.9 g fat;
  • 55.8 g carbohydrates.

The composition of Poultry's milk candies is represented by sugar, starch syrup, butter, cocoa mass, condensed milk product, confectionery fat, cocoa butter, dried egg white, agar, citric acid, soy lecithin, preservatives, vanillin, ethyl alcohol, flavorings.

Calorie content of Rot Front Poultry milk per 100 grams is 460 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of sweets:

  • 2.5 g protein;
  • 25 g fat;
  • 55 g carbohydrates.

For the production of candies, chocolate glaze, cocoa powder, emulsifiers, sugar, milk fat substitute, molasses, condensed milk, dried egg white, agar, citric acid, preservatives, and flavorings are used. Contraindications to eating sweets are intolerance to egg and milk protein.

Calorie content of candies Poultry's milk in chocolate for weight loss

Due to the relatively high calorie and fat content, Bird's Milk candies are contraindicated for obesity and weight loss. The product is saturated with sugar and fats, which contribute to fluid retention in the body, slow down metabolism, and provoke swelling.

Nutrition experts note that Bird's Milk candies contain a minimal amount of useful substances. If you have such an opportunity, refuse to use the product, opting for natural sweets (honey, dried fruits, fruits).

Calorie content of Bird's milk sweets in 1 pc.

The calorie content of Bird's milk in 1 candy is approximately 59.8 kcal. In 1 piece sweets:

  • 0.33 g protein;
  • 3.25 g fat;
  • 7.15 g carbohydrates.

Calorie content of Bird's milk cake per 100 grams

Calorie content of Bird's milk cake per 100 grams is 383 kcal. In 100 g of sweet product:

  • 4.9 g protein;
  • 13.2 g fat;
  • 55.1 g carbohydrates.

The composition of the product is premium flour, sugar, eggs, butter, condensed milk, cocoa, gelatin, citric acid. The composition of the cake may differ from one manufacturer to another.

Benefits of Bird's milk sweets

The beneficial properties of Bird's milk sweets include:

  • when consumed in moderation, sweetness normalizes blood glucose levels and reduces bad cholesterol levels;
  • sweets stimulate intestinal motility, facilitating its rapid release from toxins and waste;
  • the product increases the level of happiness hormones, which is especially important during severe stress, anxiety, and depression;
  • due to the saturation of fast carbohydrates, sweets are sometimes recommended to be eaten to more quickly restore the body’s strength after heavy exercise;
  • Bird's milk activates brain functions, increasing the speed of thinking.

The harm of Bird's milk sweets

The harmful properties of Bird's milk sweets include:

  • the product is saturated with fat and sugar, therefore it is contraindicated in case of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • You should avoid sweets if you are overweight or losing weight;
  • unscrupulous manufacturers add chemical dyes and flavor enhancers that are extremely harmful to health;
  • if you overeat the product, you may experience heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea;
  • sweets are excluded from the diet in case of diabetes, in childhood;
  • sweets negatively affect the health of tooth enamel, causing caries and other dental diseases.

“Bird's milk” is a candy whose taste is familiar to most residents of our country since childhood. Delicate chocolate soufflé first appeared in Poland back in the 1930s. Once in the USSR, the delicacy became a favorite of those with a sweet tooth for a long time. Gradually, Bird's Milk candies, the recipe of which was later adapted by Soviet confectioners to make a cake, turned from a scarce dessert into a familiar delicacy, but still very much loved.

Indescribable tenderness

The history of the delicacy begins in Poland. In 1936, candies with a delicate soufflé and a thin layer of chocolate began to be produced in Warsaw at the E. Wedel factory. The popularity of the confectionery product quickly overcame the country's borders. “Bird's milk” is a candy that received its name for its unique, incomparable taste. The expression “bird's milk” means something unattainable and fantastically beautiful. The candy recipe, developed at the Jan Wedel factory, is still kept secret.

Overseas sweetness

The conquest of the USSR with Bird's Milk began in 1967. The candy was brought to Moscow from Czechoslovakia by the Minister of Food Industry. Government members enjoyed the delicacy. Soon the decision was made to create Soviet candies “Bird's Milk”. Confectionery factories all over the country tried to create the recipe for the delicacy. The lush soufflé required special temperature conditions and special equipment for whipping. The Vladivostok confectionery factory coped with the task best.

"Bird's Milk" is sweeping the country

The following year, 1968, sweets began to be produced at the Moscow Rot-Front factory to the delight of the capital’s sweet tooth. Initially, delicate confectionery products were produced in small portions. The complexity of the manufacturing procedure at that time was faced with imperfect technology. As a result, production could not meet the demand for candy.

As the confectionery business developed in the country, the amount of Bird's Milk produced increased. The delicacy was launched into mass production in 1975 at the Moscow factory “Krasny Luch”.

How candy became cake

The emergence of the Bird's Milk cake is associated with the name of the Soviet confectioner Vladimir Guralnik. He worked in the famous Moscow restaurant "Prague". He was able to try Bird's Milk candies at the Krasny Luch factory. The delicacy made a strong impression on the pastry chef, and he decided to create a cake based on his recipe. The implementation of the idea, however, was hampered by some nuances of technology. The size of the Bird's Milk candy is quite small. If the same recipe is used to prepare a cake, the soufflé loses its properties - it becomes viscous and sticky. For about six months, a team of confectioners led by Vladimir Guralnik was looking for a new recipe, trying to improve the technology. As a result, the necessary ingredients were found, and the cake with the most delicate soufflé, light cake layers and chocolate icing was put into production.

New recipe

“Bird's milk” is a candy that contains milk, gelatin, sugar syrup, chocolate and other ingredients. The cake recipe created by Guralnik included a slightly different set of products. Instead of gelatin, agar-agar, a substance obtained from algae, was used for the soufflé. Among other ingredients, the composition included condensed milk, butter, sugar syrup and protein mass.

At first, the confectioners of the Prague restaurant prepared a small number of cakes. However, just a few months after the start of production, the batch of delicacies reached 500 pieces. Soon cakes began to be baked in other factories in the country - Vladimir Guralnik did not hide the recipe from his colleagues.

Homemade sweets “Bird's milk”: ingredients

Today, your favorite childhood candies can be made at home. The advantageous difference between this delicacy is the absence of preservatives, which are added to the composition to increase the shelf life of the product. In order to prepare Bird's Milk sweets at home, you will need a small amount of ingredients:

  • concentrated (condensed) milk - 1 glass;
  • any fruit or berry juice - 1 glass;
  • chocolate (preferably bitter) - one bar (100 g);
  • gelatin - 10 g;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons.

All products are available to the general consumer.

Sweets "Bird's milk": a recipe at home

Preparation of the delicacy in this version of the recipe begins with the preparation of gelatin. For soaking you will need a tablespoon of juice. The substance is filled with liquid and left for an hour. Then the swollen gelatin is placed in a saucepan and a glass of juice is added there. The container is placed on low heat and heated until the gelatin is completely dissolved. In this case, the contents of the pan must be constantly stirred.

Add condensed milk to the cooled liquid and beat everything until foam forms. The mixture is laid out in suitable forms and sent to the refrigerator. Approximate cooling time is 6 hours. It is better to put sweets in the refrigerator, not in the freezer. When the treat has hardened, you can remove it from the molds. For the glaze, melt the chocolate in a water bath along with sour cream. The mixture must be stirred until it reaches a homogeneous consistency. The candies are coated with glaze on one side and then placed in the refrigerator. After hardening, the procedure is repeated: the candies are glazed with chocolate on the other side.

Cake “Bird's milk”: cake layers

A cake with a delicate soufflé, thin layers and chocolate icing is a great treat for a home celebration. To prepare it, it is best to use agar-agar, but you can also use the more familiar gelatin. The composition of the cakes includes the following products:

  • sugar - 100 g;
  • butter (soft) - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • flour - 140 g;
  • baking powder - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • vanilla extract - 2-3 drops.

To bake cakes, you can use two molds of different diameters. Then one layer of dough will become the base of the cake, and the second will “sink” into the soufflé.

Beat the sugar with the butter and vanilla extract. Then add eggs to the mixture one at a time, without ceasing to beat. Sift flour with baking powder into a separate bowl, add eggs and butter. Whisk everything thoroughly and place it in molds. The cakes are placed in the oven for about 10 minutes. The temperature should reach 180º. The finished cakes are removed from the oven and left to cool.

How to make soufflé

To prepare a lush soufflé, as mentioned above, you will need 4 g of agar-agar. The complete list of required ingredients is as follows:

  • agar-agar - 4 g;
  • butter (soft) - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • egg whites - 105 g (from about 4 eggs);
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon;
  • water - 270 ml;
  • sugar - 430 g.

Before preparing, agar-agar must be soaked in water for a few minutes. Separately, beat the butter with condensed milk and set it aside. Mix the water with the prepared agar-agar and put it on the fire. The mixture is brought to a boil and granulated sugar is added, then brought to a boil again. Ideally, the temperature of the liquid in the pan should rise to 117º. It is best to use a cooking thermometer to measure it. If it is not there, you can determine the readiness of the syrup using a soft ball test. A little of the sweet mixture is dripped into a container of cold water. Then they try to collect the ball with their fingers. If it works, then the syrup is ready. On average it takes 15 minutes to boil.

5 minutes before the syrup is ready, you need to start whipping the whites with citric acid. The finished syrup is introduced into the whites in a thin stream, while they continue to be beaten. The mixture will increase significantly in volume, acquire a beautiful shine, and become thick. It is important that the temperature of the whipped egg whites does not drop below 45º, since at 40º the agar-agar will begin to harden. Add a mixture of butter and condensed milk to the finished whites and mix until smooth. Then they quickly begin to assemble the cake.

Glaze and assembly

Half of the soufflé is poured into the mold and covered with a smaller cake layer. Then the rest of the soufflé is poured into the mold. The second cake comes last: it needs to be pressed a little into the fluffy milk mass. To prevent voids from forming in the soufflé, you need to tap the cake mold on the table several times and then put it in the freezer for 3 hours if you prepared it in a silicone mold, or in the refrigerator until it hardens if you used a springform mold.

For the glaze, take 75 g of chocolate without additives and 50 g of butter. Everything is melted in a water bath and mixed. Once in the freezer, the cake is removed from the pan and left to warm up slightly. The airy delicacy is covered with glaze and decorated.

Bird's Milk candies, which contain 45 kcal per piece, cannot be called a dietary dish, just like the cake of the same name. At the same time, they are less capable of harming the figure than many other confectionery options.

Now, like 20-30 years ago, one of the most favorite delicacies of the residents of our country is Bird's Milk candies. The photo, smell and taste of a delicate soufflé in chocolate glaze brings back memories of happy childhood days. Today, confectionery products that came to the country from Poland are no longer in short supply. Nowadays, “Bird's Milk” is a candy that is produced by different factories, slightly varying the recipe, and by many housewives who want to please their family with the most delicious dessert.

This is the case when the low-calorie version of the dessert turned out many times better than the original, and at the same time, the first time. I expected to count a lot of calories for it - I can’t wrap my head around how something so tasty can be low in calories, but it turned out to be only 138.6 kcal. I would really like to advise you to forget all the desserts and cook only this one, but markers, as you know, have different tastes and colors. I highly recommend trying this cake. Our masterpiece will consist of two thin and juicy sponge cakes and two soufflé layers: one chocolate-vanilla, and the second lemon. The top of the cake will be covered with delicate chocolate glaze.

You will need:

For condensed milk:

  • Low-fat milk - 300 g
  • Skimmed milk powder - 10 tbsp.
  • Concentrated sweetener based on erythritol - to taste

For the sponge cake:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Corn starch - 2 tbsp.
  • Concentrated sweetener based on erythritol - 2 tsp.
  • Baking powder - ½ tsp.
  • Vanilla

For the soufflé:

  • Gelatin - 30 g
  • Low-fat milk - 100 g
  • Egg whites - 7 pcs.
  • Concentrated sweetener based on erythritol - 2 tsp.
  • Lemon acid
  • Lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  • Cocoa - 1 tbsp.

For the glaze:

  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp.
  • Skimmed milk powder - 2 tbsp.
  • Low-fat milk - 150 g
  • Concentrated sweetener based on erythritol - 2-3 tsp.
  • Vanilla

For decoration:

  • Fruits/Nuts/Fruits of Fantasy


Turn on the oven to preheat.

Let's start by preparing condensed milk in the most primitive way. To do this, we will need either a microwave-safe bowl or a non-stick saucepan for a gas or other oven. In it we mix 300 g of low-fat milk with 10 heaped tablespoons of skim milk powder and a sweetener to taste, and the taste should be very sweet like condensed milk, break up the lumps with a whisk and set to heat.

If you are cooking in a non-stick pan on the stove, cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thickened. If in the microwave, remove it periodically and stir. The time after which it is better to do this is constantly decreasing, and also reduce the power. For example, I started with 60 seconds, with gradual heating, and began to take it out more often - after 10-6 seconds. When it becomes slightly viscous, stop cooking; as it cools, it will thicken a little more. Leave to cool.

Now let's prepare the dough for the sponge cake. To do this, separate the whites of three eggs from the yolks.

Beat the whites separately into a tight, strong foam until stiff peaks form. Beat the yolks with 2 tsp. sweetener.

Then pour the yolk mixture into the white mixture, add 2 tablespoons sifted through a sieve. corn starch, 2 tbsp. skim milk powder, ½ tsp. baking powder and vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Mix it all carefully so that the protein foam does not settle, using a spatula, lifting it from the bottom into a homogeneous mass.

Pour into a mold greased with vegetable oil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

We check the readiness with a match; if the match comes out dry, the cake is slightly browned, then everything is ready.

While the cake is baking, soak 30 g of gelatin in 100 g of milk - this is necessary for the soufflé layer.

If the cake is ready, take it out and let it cool slightly, and in the meantime you can prepare the chocolate glaze. Mix together 2 yolks (whites will be needed later), 2 generous tbsp. cocoa, 2 tbsp. with a heap of skim milk powder, 2-3 tsp. sweetener and vanilla on the tip of a knife.

We supplement this with 150 ml of low-fat milk, carefully break up the lumps and put on low heat. With constant stirring, bring until thickened and almost boiling, but do not boil. Remove from heat as soon as it starts to boil and the characteristic fine foam appears.

Stir the glaze periodically as it cools.

Meanwhile, our cake has cooled slightly. We take it out of the mold and let it cool completely on a wire rack or wooden board.

While it cools, grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice out of the lemon; if the fruit is small, you may need one and a half.

We cut our cake into 2 cakes crosswise.

Place one half on the bottom of the mold with the cut side up. You can spread it with a thin layer of still warm chocolate glaze.

Then we start preparing the soufflé layer. We heat the gelatin-milk mixture, which has already infused and thickened, after adding 1 tsp to it. sweetener and citric acid on the tip of a knife.

It is necessary to heat in a steam bath or in the microwave, periodically removing and stirring, until the gelatin and substitute are dissolved, in no case bringing to a boil. The mixture should become hot - about 60-70 degrees, but not boil.

Now get ready to act quickly so that the mass does not have time to harden after the gelatin is introduced.

Beat 7 egg whites with citric acid on the tip of a knife and 1 teaspoon of sweetener until stiff peaks form. Take a larger container for this, since the proteins themselves will increase greatly, but we will also have to add gelatin and condensed milk to them.

Continuing whipping, pour in still hot gelatin (if you hesitate and it has already begun to harden, warm it up a little in the microwave additionally) and, without stopping whisking, add condensed milk (by this time it is still warm). Beat and mix everything thoroughly.

Next, we quickly divide this mass into 2 parts, one of them may be slightly larger in volume and I recommend mixing cocoa into it, because after adding cocoa the proteins settle slightly and the volume goes away a little. Add lemon zest and half the squeezed lemon juice to one of them (the smaller one), beat. Add 1 tbsp to the second (large) one. cocoa and vanilla on the tip of a knife and beat thoroughly.

Then quickly pour the brown part onto our cake in the mold, place the second half of the sponge cake on top, press lightly so that the soufflé is evenly distributed and compacted. Add 1 tsp to the remaining half of the lemon juice. sweetener, stir and soak evenly, pour over the biscuit layer. Then add the lemon soufflé part to the mold, distribute it evenly and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour.

When the cake has set, unfasten the removable mold, shaking slightly so that the cake is well separated from the mold. It comes off easily. We transfer the product with a wide spatula to a permanent location - a dish.

Spread chocolate glaze on all sides, distribute the remaining glaze on top and place in the refrigerator for final hardening. The frosting on top does not turn into a hard chocolate-like coating, but remains moist.

Let it sit for about an hour, then you can decorate it, although it is already beautiful, and most importantly - incredibly tasty and tender.

The weight of the finished cake is 1200 g.

Most women have a sweet tooth. Often it is a sweet tooth that prevents a woman from going on any diet, since the very fact that she will have to go without her favorite sweets or chocolate for a long time is depressing.

If someone stealthily eats one piece of candy while on a diet, they will subsequently suffer from remorse, punishing themselves with additional physical activity. There are also women who are sure that the calorie content of 1 candy cannot greatly affect the condition of their figure, so they often allow themselves such weakness.

It is also a known fact that the calorie content of sweets is quite high and even a small amount of them can significantly “hit” a thin waist. After all, an excess of calories, one way or another, causes excess weight.

How many calories are in candy?

The calorie content of sweets depends on their composition and weight. For example, the well-known Snickers candy has a calorie content of 500 kcal per 100 g. Thus, after consuming them, 1.5 hours of intense physical training will not interfere, otherwise the calorie content of 1 Snickers candy will not fail to affect your figure.

As a rule, chocolate candy contains more calories than marmalade and candies. But the high sugar content in marmalade often causes various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Sweets can also trigger the development of diabetes. And the calorie content of candies in the form of candies does not lag behind the calorie content of chocolate candies.

Calorie content of chocolate candies (kcal/100 g)

  • Candy “Golden Step” – 488;
  • Prunes in chocolate – 343;
  • Candy “Grand Tofi” – 452;
  • Candy “Courier” – 509;
  • Wafer in chocolate – 551;
  • Candy “Squirrel” – 531;
  • Candy “Kara-Kum” – 522;
  • Chocolate bar – 527;
  • Candy “Raffaello” – 625;
  • Truffle in chocolate – 580;
  • Candy “Come il faut” – 585;
  • Candy “Levushka” – 386.

Calorie content of sweets in the form of chocolate bars (kcal/100 g)

  • "Bounty" - 448;
  • "Mars" - 451;
  • “Milky Way” – 448;
  • "Twix" - 483;
  • Snickers – 497;
  • “Picnic” – 507.

How many calories are in non-chocolate candies (kcal/100 g)

  • Calorie content of marmalade sweets – 305;
  • Jelly candy – 299;
  • Iris – 400;
  • Candy caramel - 370;
  • Calorie content of “Cow” candy – 351;
  • Calorie content of 1 candy “Fudge” – 369;
  • The calorie content of the Bird's Milk candy is 418.

Calorie content of sweets: how to stay slim without giving up sweets?

One of the best options for maintaining weight without giving up your favorite candies, which are high in calories, is to calculate the required calories per day, taking into account physical activity and age. For the process of losing weight to occur, it is enough to subtract 500 calories from the calculated calorie norm. The result obtained is the daily calorie norm necessary to maintain a slim figure. However, nutritionists recommend not to get carried away too much and not to exceed the threshold of 500 kcal in pursuit of quick results, as this threatens various diseases and exhaustion of the body.

Thus, having calculated the caloric content of the daily diet, you can easily fit in a couple of sweets, for example, several “Korovka” sweets, the caloric content of which is 351 kcal/100 g, or “Bird’s Milk” sweets, the caloric value of which is 418 kcal/100 g.

It is also necessary to take into account this advice from nutritionists - all sweets should be consumed in the morning. This way, during the day, the body has time to process the energy received.

Of course, the calorie counting method causes certain inconvenience, since you have to count the calorie content of sweets and other daily menu products every day. For this purpose, it will be useful to always have on hand a table of calorie content of sweets and other food products, which will help you easily create an optimal daily diet.

It is quite difficult to meet a person who does not like candy. Today, the range of these confectionery products is so wide that anyone will find candy to their liking. Some people like “Bird's Milk”, some like toffees, some like “Metelitsa”, and some are crazy about chocolates. Sweet, with various fillings and glazes, different shapes, candies are one of the favorite treats for both children and adults.

However, even the most convinced sweet tooth has to control themselves and constantly remind themselves how many calories are in candy. A sweet and tasty dessert can lead to problems not only with your figure, but also with your health - sweets have a high glycemic index, which means they contribute to increased insulin production, which can lead to metabolic disorders and become an additional factor for the development of diabetes.

As you can see, sweet candies are not as safe as they seem. But sometimes it’s so difficult to resist and pass by this delicacy - will you really have to make a choice between pleasure and health and beauty?

Indeed, the calorie content of sweets is very high - and, unfortunately, the tastier the sweets are, the more calories they contain. The calorie content of 1 candy can sometimes be compared to a cup of salad, a portion of boiled fish or a bowl of soup. But if you can’t imagine your life without sweets, you don’t need to give them up completely - you need to love yourself and sometimes pamper yourself, but at the same time constantly remember that moderation is needed in everything - this also applies to the consumption of sweets. A few pieces a day will make you a little happier and will not harm your health or figure, but you should not eat half a pack in one sitting - then you will inevitably gain extra pounds.

There are certain general rules for those with a sweet tooth who want to maintain a beautiful figure. If you're not going to give up candy, count your calories. And set a rule for yourself: per day, sweets should account for no more than 15% of your daily calorie intake. This is approximately 4 pieces of “Raffaello” (the calorie content of 1 “Raffaello” candy is about 61 kcal) or 5 pieces of “Bird’s milk” ( The calorie content of 1 Bird's Milk candy is approximately 58 kcal.). At the same time, if you eat sweets, you need to reduce your consumption of other carbohydrates - that is, reduce the amount of bread, cereals, potatoes, legumes, nuts, etc. It is advisable to eliminate sugar in its pure form altogether - train yourself to drink tea and coffee without sugar.

It should also be remembered that the body absorbs carbohydrates better in the first half of the day. If you eat sweets before bed, the calories that enter your body will not be spent by it, which means that while you sleep, they will be transferred to fat tissue. Another thing is to eat a few sweets at breakfast or after lunch. Carbohydrates will have time to be absorbed, the calories obtained from them will be consumed, which means that the body will have nothing to put into fat reserves.

Well, another way you can eat sweets and not be afraid that the calorie content of sweets will affect your figure is to increase energy consumption. Simply put, go in for sports - for example, eat a chocolate bar, “work off” it with an intense one and a half hour workout in the gym. Or at least refuse to use the elevator and transport - for example, if you need to travel 3-4 stops by bus, and the weather outside is good, walk them - this way you will not only spend about 150 kcal on this walk, but also take a break from work and the bustle of study, “work up” your appetite, breathe in fresh air - and this means that you will have good digestion, excellent mood and sound sleep.

Calorie content of different types of sweets

To make it easier for you to control your calorie intake, we have collected information on the calorie content of the most popular and consumed candies. The calorie content of chocolates is one of the highest, it is much higher than the calorie content of marmalade, marshmallows, jelly, fudge and lollipops. For example, the calorie content in Belochka chocolate candies is 530 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content in Zheleshka candies is only 299 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of “Creamy Cow” sweets is 351 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of the Milk Cow sweets is 379 kcal per 100 g. Snickers contains 480 kcal per 100 g, Twix contains 498 kcal per 100 g, and Mars contains 380 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of sweets with butter fillings and nuts is very high - for example, everyone’s favorite “Korkunov” and “Raffaello”. The calorie content of Raffaello sweets is as much as 615 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of Bird's Milk sweets may vary depending on the manufacturer of the delicacy. For example, the calorie content of Bird's Milk candies from the Rot Front factory is 450 kcal per 100 g, while the calorie content of candies from another manufacturer may differ in one direction or another within 20 kcal.

Jelly marmalade contains 160 kcal per 100 g - quite a dietary treat, but regular marmalade contains 280-320 kcal per 100 g. Lollipops contain about 240-250 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of “Truffles” sweets is 345 kcal per 100 g. Taffy contains 355 kcal per 100 g, and fudge contains 369. The calorie content of “Korovka” sweets can range from 340 to 385 kcal per 100 g, depending on the manufacturer.

The souffle contains 397 kcal per 100 g, Meller toffee with chocolate has a fairly high calorie content - 410 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of Levushka sweets is 386 kcal per 100 g.

Marmalade in chocolate contains 430 kcal per 100 g, peanuts in chocolate – 430 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of “Drunk Cherry” sweets in chocolate can range from 470 to 490 kcal per 100 g.

The calorie content of “Pineapple” sweets is 501 kcal, and that of grilled meat is 510 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of “Kara Kum” sweets contains 511 kcal.

Rot Front bars contain 518 kcal per 100 g - the same as Alpen Gold milk chocolate. The calorie content of Ritter Sport milk chocolate with hazelnuts, rum and raisins is 524 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of chocolate halva contains 528 kcal per 100 g. Kit Kat wafers contain 530 kcal per 100 g - that is, 1 waffle (46 g) contains 245 kcal.

A 100-gram bar of 75% chocolate contains 544 kcal, the same bar of milk chocolate contains 550 kcal; Chocolate with various creams, nuts and raisins may contain even more calories. Dark chocolate contains 554 kcal per 100 g - the same as Kinder Chocolate, popular among children. The calorie content of white chocolate is 578 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of Ferrero Rocher sweets is 580 kcal per 100 g.

What sweets can you eat without causing much harm to your figure?

Try not to eat chocolate bars - they contain too many preservatives, palm oil, margarine, flavorings, etc. This also applies to all sweets with cream fillings - no matter what the advertising says, the manufacturer always tries to reduce the cost of the production process. Avoid high-calorie sweets such as Ferrero, Raffaello, chocolate-covered prunes, chocolate-covered nuts, milk chocolate with nuts or truffles. During the diet, eat bars, marmalade, marshmallows, jelly candies, as well as dark chocolate - it is, of course, very high in calories, but also very healthy.

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