Homemade Easter gingerbread recipe. Gingerbread “Easter eggs. Easter gingerbread recipe from ginger dough

In addition to Easter cakes, many countries bake gingerbread cookies for Easter. It is customary to decorate fragrant honey products with multi-colored sugar icing with various images. This tradition is being revived and gaining momentum today. Easter gingerbread cookies with icing can be bought at fairs dedicated to the holiday, or baked yourself. Recipes for gingerbread and sugar icing, as well as the secrets of painting products, are presented in our article.

Traditionally, Easter gingerbreads are prepared using honey dough, to which a variety of aromatic spices are added. It is thanks to them that baked goods acquire their unique spicy aroma. Nothing can compare to the smell of Easter gingerbread cookies.

The recipe for their preparation is as follows:

  1. Honey (250 g) is mixed in a saucepan with sugar (250 g) and butter (150 g), the mixture is heated and removed from the heat.
  2. While the honey mass is cooling, flour (500 g) is mixed with soda (1 teaspoon), salt (½ teaspoon), nutmeg, cinnamon and coriander (1 teaspoon each), dried lemon zest (1 tablespoon ). Additionally, allspice (6 peas) and cloves are crushed in a mortar and then added to the dry mixture.
  3. Add 1 egg to the honey mixture and beat thoroughly with a whisk.
  4. Dry ingredients are combined with wet ingredients. If necessary, add flour. The dough is placed in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
  5. The chilled dough is rolled out into a layer, after which figures are cut out of it. Easter gingerbread is baked in the oven for 15 minutes at 180°. After cooling, the products are covered with glaze.

Easter gingerbread: recipe with almonds

This gingerbread recipe is slightly different from the previous one. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, honey, sugar and butter are heated in the same way. Add soda and cinnamon (1 teaspoon each), lemon zest and cocoa (1 tablespoon each), vanillin, 20 ml of rum or cognac, 1 egg, 100 g of ground almonds and 400 g of sifted flour to the remaining honey mass.

The kneaded dough is sent to the refrigerator overnight, after which it is rolled out into a layer. Figures are cut out from the dough. Each Easter gingerbread is transferred to a baking sheet. The prepared products are placed in the oven for 15 minutes at 180°.


Fragrant gingerbread is used not only to decorate the New Year tree, but also for the Easter table. As spicy spices, you can use not only ginger, but also cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and orange zest.

Easter gingerbread cookies are prepared in the following sequence:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix flour (250 g), soda (½ teaspoon), ginger (2 teaspoons) and cinnamon (1 teaspoon).
  2. In another bowl, beat soft butter (100 g) and sugar (100 g) with a mixer, add liquid honey (2 tablespoons) and 1 egg.
  3. Gradually the dry ingredients are added to the wet ones and a soft dough is kneaded. The bowl of dough is covered with film and placed in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Figures are cut out from a sheet of rolled dough. The products are laid out on a baking sheet and baked at 180° for no more than 15 minutes.

After cooling, soft and fragrant gingerbreads are covered with glaze.

Recipe for Easter gingerbread without honey

If you are allergic to honey, you can use the following recipe for Easter gingerbread cookies. Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Heat 125 g of sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan.
  2. Add 125 ml of water and another 125 g of sugar. After this, the syrup is heated well until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. The sugar syrup is removed from the heat and cools for minutes.
  4. Add butter (100 g) to the saucepan and stir until dissolved.
  5. Flour (2 ½ tbsp.) is mixed with soda (½ tsp.), salt (¼ tsp.), ground cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger (½ tsp. each).
  6. A glass of dry mixture is added to the sugar syrup, then 1 beaten egg and 2 yolks are added.
  7. Add the remaining flour mixture and knead into a soft dough. It is wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  8. The dough is rolled out to a thickness of 3 mm. Using cookie cutters, the products are formed, placed on a baking sheet and baked in the oven for 10 minutes at 180°.

Each Easter gingerbread is decorated with egg white icing. Such products are stored for 1 month in a container under a lid or in a tightly tied bag.

Gingerbread glaze recipe

Several types of glaze are used to decorate gingerbread cookies. To glue the parts of the gingerbread house, design the inscriptions and draw small details, a thicker glaze called royal icing is used. To fill the surface of the gingerbread, you will need icing of a more liquid consistency, which spreads well, but at the same time remains within the contour outlined by the icing.

To decorate Easter gingerbread, you need to learn how to prepare egg white glaze. To do this, 200 g of sifted powdered sugar is mixed with the white of a large egg and starch (½ teaspoon). Next, beat the resulting mass at low mixer speed for about 2 minutes. Now you should add 5 drops of lemon juice and continue to work with the mixer for at least another 3 minutes. The result should be a very thick, smooth and white glaze. Since it dries very quickly, it is recommended to cover the bowl with icing with a damp towel.

When painting Easter gingerbread cookies, not only white, but also colored glaze is used. To do this, place a small amount of prepared royal icing in a separate bowl and add a few drops of food coloring. After thoroughly kneading the glaze, you may need to add a little cold water, literally drop by drop, to achieve the desired consistency. The thickest glaze will be used for lettering, and the thinner glaze will be used for filling.

Easter gingerbread cookies are painted as follows:

  1. The prepared white or colored glaze is transferred to a pastry bag or a homemade cornet made of parchment or dense polyethylene. A small corner (no more than 1-2 mm) is trimmed with scissors.
  2. First, the outline of the design is drawn with medium-consistency glaze.
  3. After a few minutes, when the outline has dried a little, fill it with liquid glaze. To make the surface perfectly smooth, the gingerbread must be gently shaken from side to side.
  4. Inscriptions and drawings are quickly applied to the wet glaze.

After painting, the gingerbread should dry well on a flat surface for 5-6 hours.

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We offer you a recipe for Easter gingerbread cookies, airy glaze and a master class on painting them! And also see how to make an envelope for painting Easter miracle gingerbread cookies with your own hands!

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Honey cakes. Classic dough


1kg premium flour
400g powdered sugar,
400g honey,
4 eggs,
200ml vegetable oil,
1.5 teaspoon quicklime soda
2 tablespoons of spice mixture for gingerbread (cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, cloves, anise, star anise)
You can add a couple of spoons of cocoa powder, then you will get a darker dough

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Sift the flour, add all the other ingredients and mix well. The dough should be soft. We leave it wrapped in film for a day.


After this, take about a third of the dough and knead again.


Roll out approximately 2-3mm layer.


Use a mold or template to cut out different shapes. Place on a baking sheet at a distance of 1 cm.


Bake in the oven at 180 for approximately 5-8 minutes.


After baking, cool on a flat surface. And decorate with icing.

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"Air" glaze




1 protein
180g well sifted powdered sugar
A few drops of lemon juice (add at the end of mixing)
1 level tablespoon of starch

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Preparing the glaze:


Mix all ingredients thoroughly and grind in a bowl. The consistency of the resulting mass should be such that you can draw with it. After drying, the starch fudge looks soft, airy, almost like whipped cream.

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To make a cornet for glaze the author insists on using only real cellophane. Maybe that makes sense, though. perhaps the point is to look for your own options... My own option is to make such a “syringe-tube” from dense polyethylene and cover it with tape, which will give the spout the necessary rigidity.

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The ideal size for a cornet is 10x12cm.

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Roll a cone from the selected material



Fill it with icing, roll it up and seal the top

We bend both upper ends towards the middle and secure them well.


In addition to Easter cakes, many countries bake gingerbread cookies for Easter. It is customary to decorate fragrant honey products with multi-colored sugar icing with various images. This tradition is being revived and gaining momentum today. P Easter gingerbread with icing can be bought at fairs dedicated to the holiday, or baked yourself. Recipes for gingerbread and sugar icing, as well as the secrets of painting products, are presented in our article.

Fragrant honey gingerbreads

Traditionally, Easter gingerbreads are prepared using honey dough, to which a variety of aromatic spices are added. It is thanks to them that baked goods acquire their unique spicy aroma. Nothing beats the way they smell Easter gingerbread cookies.

The recipe for their preparation is as follows:

  1. Honey (250 g) is mixed in a saucepan with sugar (250 g) and butter (150 g), the mixture is heated and removed from the heat.
  2. While the honey mass is cooling, flour (500 g) is mixed with soda (1 teaspoon), salt (½ teaspoon), nutmeg, cinnamon and coriander (1 teaspoon each), dried lemon zest (1 tablespoon ). Additionally, cloves (6 peas) are crushed in a mortar and then added to the dry mixture.
  3. Add 1 egg to the honey mixture and beat thoroughly with a whisk.
  4. Dry ingredients are combined with wet ingredients. If necessary, add flour. The dough is placed in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
  5. The chilled dough is rolled out into a layer, after which figures are cut out of it. Easter gingerbread is baked in the oven for 15 minutes at 180°. After cooling, the products are covered with glaze.

Easter gingerbread: recipe with almonds

This gingerbread recipe is slightly different from the previous one. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, honey, sugar and butter are heated in the same way. Add soda and cinnamon (1 teaspoon each), lemon zest and cocoa (1 tablespoon each), vanillin, 20 ml of rum or cognac, 1 egg, 100 g of ground almonds and 400 g of sifted flour to the remaining honey mass.

The kneaded dough is sent to the refrigerator overnight, after which it is rolled out into a layer. Figures are cut out from the dough. Each Easter gingerbread is transferred to a baking sheet. The prepared products are placed in the oven for 15 minutes at 180°.


Fragrant gingerbread is used not only to decorate the New Year tree, but also for the Easter table. As spicy spices, you can use not only ginger, but also cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and orange zest.

Easter gingerbread cookies are prepared in the following sequence:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix flour (250 g), soda (½ teaspoon), ginger (2 teaspoons) and cinnamon (1 teaspoon).
  2. In another bowl, beat soft butter (100 g) and sugar (100 g) with a mixer, add liquid honey (2 tablespoons) and 1 egg.
  3. Gradually the dry ingredients are added to the wet ones and a soft dough is kneaded. The bowl of dough is covered with film and placed in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Figures are cut out from a sheet of rolled dough. The products are laid out on a baking sheet and baked at 180° for no more than 15 minutes.

After cooling, soft and fragrant gingerbreads are covered with glaze.

Recipe for Easter gingerbread without honey

If you are allergic to honey, you can use the following recipe for Easter gingerbread cookies. Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Heat 125 g of sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan.
  2. Add 125 ml of water and another 125 g of sugar. After this, the syrup is heated well until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. The sugar syrup is removed from the heat and cools for minutes.
  4. Add butter (100 g) to the saucepan and stir until dissolved.
  5. Flour (2 ½ tbsp.) is mixed with soda (½ tsp.), salt (¼ tsp.), ground cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger (½ tsp. each).
  6. A glass of dry mixture is added to the sugar syrup, then 1 beaten egg and 2 yolks are added.
  7. Add the remaining flour mixture and knead into a soft dough. It is wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  8. The dough is rolled out to a thickness of 3 mm. Using cookie cutters, the products are formed, placed on a baking sheet and baked in the oven for 10 minutes at 180°.

Each Easter gingerbread is decorated with egg white icing. Such products are stored for 1 month in a container under a lid or in a tightly tied bag.

Gingerbread glaze recipe

Several types of glaze are used. For gluing parts of a gingerbread house, designing inscriptions and drawing small details, a thicker glaze called royal icing is used. To fill the surface of the gingerbread, you will need icing of a more liquid consistency, which spreads well, but at the same time remains within the contour outlined by the icing.

To decorate Easter gingerbread, you need to learn how to prepare egg white glaze. To do this, 200 g of sifted powdered sugar is mixed with the white of a large egg and starch (½ teaspoon). Next, beat the resulting mass at low mixer speed for about 2 minutes. Now you should add 5 drops of lemon juice and continue to work with the mixer for at least another 3 minutes. The result should be a very thick, smooth and white glaze. Since it dries very quickly, it is recommended to cover the bowl with icing with a damp towel.

When painting Easter gingerbread cookies, not only white, but also colored glaze is used. To do this, place a small amount of prepared royal icing in a separate bowl and add a few drops of food coloring. After thoroughly kneading the glaze, you may need to add a little cold water, literally drop by drop, to achieve the desired consistency. The thickest glaze will be used for lettering, and the thinner glaze will be used for filling.

Easter gingerbread cookies are painted as follows:

  1. The prepared white or colored glaze is transferred to a pastry bag or a homemade cornet made of parchment or dense polyethylene. A small corner (no more than 1-2 mm) is trimmed with scissors.
  2. First, the outline of the design is drawn with medium-consistency glaze.
  3. After a few minutes, when the outline has dried a little, fill it with liquid glaze. To make the surface perfectly smooth, the gingerbread must be gently shaken from side to side.
  4. Inscriptions and drawings are quickly applied to the wet glaze.

Afterwards it should dry well on a flat surface for 5-6 hours.

Step 1

Combine honey, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and heat until boiling. Remove from heat. Add butter to hot honey with spices and stir well.

Step 2

Divide one egg into white and yolk. Set aside the white, and beat the yolk and second egg with sugar until doubled in volume. Add the cooled honey mixture, baking soda to the beaten eggs and stir in the flour little by little. Knead the dough. Roll the resulting dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Step 3

Roll out the finished dough on baking paper into a layer 5 mm thick and cut out the Easter gingerbread pieces using a stencil. Transfer the gingerbread cookies to a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 190C for 7-10 minutes until golden brown. Remove the finished gingerbread cookies from the oven and cool on a wire rack.

Step 4

To make the glaze, pour the egg white into a small bowl and gradually add the powdered sugar. Stir until smooth, as if rubbing. The amount of powder depends on the size of the protein. Place some of the glaze in a separate bowl and add a little more powdered sugar. Place the finished thick glaze into a pastry bag. Divide the rest of the glaze into several parts and color each part with food coloring in a different color.

Step 5

Draw an outline on the cooled gingerbread cookies with thick icing and let it dry completely. Fill the resulting design with liquid icing, decorate with confectionery sprinkles and draw patterns with colored icing.

Step 6

Pack Easter gingerbread cookies in transparent film, decorate with a beautiful ribbon and you will have a wonderful gift for the bright holiday of Easter.

Very soon the great Christian holiday of the Resurrection of the Lord or Easter will come. Most housewives prepare in advance for it and look for recipes for making traditional Easter cakes. But we would like to tell you about a new trend today - these are Easter gingerbread cookies, for Easter and gingerbread. They can become another delicacy that you can pamper your family and friends with. Children will also be delighted, because they can be trusted to roll out the dough, cut out shapes of animals, flowers, or just a circle using special baking molds. You can also decorate gingerbread cookies beautifully, at the discretion of your imagination.

To make gingerbread cookies for Easter with your own hands, it is very important to choose the right recipe. There are a huge number of recipes, we will tell you about the most popular ones. Basically, almost all recipes include honey, because it is thanks to it that the dough becomes very pliable, airy and aromatic.

Gingerbread Easter cookies

Gingerbread for Easter can be a very tasty and aromatic addition to. Your entire home will be enveloped in a sweet ginger aroma.


  • Honey 500 gr.
  • Flour 1 kg 250 gr.
  • Butter (room temperature) 360 g
  • Sugar 100 gr.
  • Ginger root 50 gr.
  • Cocoa powder 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Egg yolk 2 pcs.
  • Orange 1 pc.
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Rum 75 ml
  • Soda 1 teaspoon
  • Cinnamon 20 gr.
  • Ground cloves 20 gr.
  • Cardamom pinch
  • Anise – ½ teaspoon;
  • A pinch of salt

Necessary equipment

  • Two fireproof containers (preferably enameled) of different diameters for a water bath or a saucepan;
  • Container for kneading dough;
  • Stirring spoon with long handle;
  • Parchment paper or silicone mat;
  • Rolling pin;
  • Culinary molds for cutting out Easter figures;
  • Mixer or whisk.

Cooking method

  1. Mix butter, sugar and honey.
  2. Heat in a steam bath or in a saucepan until completely dissolved; under no circumstances should the mixture be allowed to boil.
  3. Add soda without ceasing to stir. The mass will have to increase in volume.
  4. Mix the dry ingredients in a separate bowl: cocoa, anise, cloves, cinnamon and cardamom.
  5. Grate the ginger root, lemon and orange zest on a fine grater and add them to our honey mixture.
  6. Add the dry ingredients to our mixture and keep stirring.
  7. It is necessary to let the mixture cool to a temperature of 37-40 degrees, otherwise when we add the eggs they will cook.
  8. Gradually add flour, then yolks, rum and knead the dough.
  9. Form the dough into a ball and let it cool for 1-3 hours. After the dough has cooled, it will become more pliable and will not stick to your hands. We recommend rolling out the dough immediately on the surface on which you will bake the products in the future, this will save time.
  10. Roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 - 0.7 cm thick and use cutters to cut out the shapes you like.
  11. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and bake for 10 minutes until golden brown.
  12. You need to let the baked goods cool and only then start decorating them with glaze.

Easter gingerbread cookies can be cut out using special templates and given the shape of an egg, sun, flowers, various shapes or animals. If you use small templates, you will end up with more Easter gingerbread cookies due to their small size. In order to get exactly the gingerbread cookies, it is better to use larger templates, then painting and decorating them will bring you and your loved ones more joy.

What and how are Easter gingerbread cookies decorated?

To decorate Easter paraphernalia, they use icing or goose, a special cream that turns into glaze. Icing dries very quickly and is easy to prepare.


  • Protein 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar 180 gr
  • Water or lemon juice a few drops
  • Starch 20 g

Necessary equipment:

  • Container for mixing;
  • Mixer;
  • A cooking bag with tips or a plastic bag with a snap.

Cooking method

  1. In a container, mix the chilled protein, powdered sugar and starch until smooth and stable white.
  2. The mass will become very thick and for this we need to dilute it a little with lemon juice or water.
  3. You need to add them literally drop by drop until the cream reaches the desired consistency. It should drip slightly from the spoon so that it can be used for drawing.
  4. Next, divide our icing into small bowls and add food coloring of the desired color.
  5. Place the cream into the bags and cut off a small corner on one of the edges.
  6. We close the latches of the bag or seal it with tape, this will prevent the cream from leaking out.
  7. We draw and decorate our gingerbread cookies according to the Easter template or taking into account our imagination.
  8. Allow the glaze to set for approximately 1-3 hours.

Easter gingerbread cookies will certainly be a wonderful gift for your loved ones, especially if you come up with a beautiful wrapper. As an additional decoration, use organza or satin ribbons.
Products can be stored for up to 2 weeks in closed packaging.
