Butter dough for buns in a Moulinex bread machine. Sweet buns with milk in a bread machine. How to make a bun with poppy seeds in a bread machine

A bread maker is a universal assistant; it not only bakes bread, but also kneads dough - unleavened and yeast. As for yeast dough, it is divided into sweet, that is, buttery, and unsweetened, it is also called pie. The composition of the butter dough includes sugar, butter (butter or vegetable), eggs.

In a bread machine, these two types of dough are proofed on the same program for the same amount of time. It should be noted that the butter dough does not rise that high, and therefore, before baking, the shaped buns should be kept in a warm place for additional rise.

Butter yeast dough for buns: step-by-step recipe


  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 200 ml water
  • 60 g sugar
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 2 pcs. chicken egg
  • 450 g wheat flour
  • 2 tsp. dry yeast

How to prepare dough for buns in a bread machine

To bake buns, knead the dough in a bread machine.

Pour 200 ml of warm water into a bucket; you can use half and half water with milk, 100 ml of water and 100 ml of milk of any fat content.

Pour 0.5 teaspoon of salt into the water, 60 g of sugar is 5 tablespoons. Measure out 50 ml of vegetable oil and add to the rest of the ingredients. And, having freed 2 eggs from the shell, pour them into the bucket of the bread maker. There is no need to break the eggs additionally; they will mix perfectly during the dough kneading process.

450 g of flour must be sifted to enrich it with oxygen and remove possible debris. And pour it into a bucket. If you like vanilla-scented buns, you can add it at the tip of a knife. It remains to add two tsp. dry yeast (check the expiration date!).

Insert the bucket with all the ingredients into the bread machine, secure it, close the lid and turn on the “Dough” program. The dough should at least double in volume as the program runs.

How to make delicious buns in the oven from yeast dough

Remove the butter dough from the bread machine bucket.

Divide it into equal parts to make 12 buns.

Line a baking tray with baking paper or grease with vegetable oil. Place the buns so that they do not touch each other.

Place in a warm place, covered with a towel, for additional proofing. This will make the buns expand even more. Before baking, each bun should be brushed with beaten egg using a silicone brush. This will give the baked buns a beautiful blush and shine.

Place in the oven on a medium level for 10-12 minutes, choosing a temperature of 160-170 degrees.

Transfer the baked pastry from the baking sheet to a serving plate. It can be decorated with powdered sugar, but just like that the buns will be extraordinarily tasty and aromatic.

Recently, such an amazing device as a bread maker has appeared in the modern kitchens of many housewives.

We must admit, this is truly a miracle device that allows you to prepare delicious baked goods without putting any effort into manual kneading.

The baked goods kneaded by the device are almost no different from those that we knead by hand. Now you don’t even have to wait for the mass to rise, because the bread machine will do it all.

At this time, you can make the filling or devote a free minute to yourself.

Every bread machine owner knows perfectly well how convenient it is to work with the device. Homemade buns in the bread maker have turned into a simple dish; baking is a pleasure.

I advise you to make bun dough at home in a bread machine so that you can have delicious baked goods on your table that will appeal to all family members!

I have no doubt that after reading the recipes in my article, you will find out that baking buns at home is not at all difficult.

You will like this method, but it cannot be otherwise, because even a novice cook can work with a bread maker, but the result will delight even gourmets.

Delicious buns with a golden crust will appear on your table, and there will be a soft center inside. No family member will refuse such a treat.

Well, let's stop singing an ode to the bread machine, and better read the recipes for delicious buns in my article.

Simple buns for the whole family in a bread machine

You can make these buns for breakfast or as a snack. The main ingredients specified in the recipe will be flour and yeast.

Components: 600 gr. flour; salt; 0.5 tbsp. Sahara; 1 tsp dry yeast; baking spices; 50 gr. sl. oils; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; raisin; 300 ml milk.

As for spices, you can use nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, etc. Rely on your taste and then the buns will turn out fragrant and tasty.

If there is no milk at home, you can take the same amount of whey or water. This recipe is designed for 5-8 pieces of sweet rolls.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. In the bowl of the bread machine you need to move salt, sugar, and the composition of dry yeast. Only then do I add the next one. oil and personally selected spices. Stoke sl. In this case, oil is not even needed; the bread maker takes on this task.
  2. I stuff the chickens into the container. eggs.
  3. I add milk or water. If you use water, the knead will be more like bread, but with milk the baked goods will be rich and dense. If whey is used for kneading, the buns turn out very tasty, and therefore I prefer adding this component to the knead.
  4. I turn the device on to “Dough” mode and start the device. The dough will be mixed and processed for about 2 hours. After 5 minutes remain until the end of the mode, you need to add raisins. Of course, I definitely wash it with hot water and let it dry.
  5. The bread maker will signal that the kneading has come to an end. Now you need to give the dough 30 minutes so that its mass becomes 2 times larger.
  6. I take out the dough and make small balls out of it, place them on a baking sheet. Be sure to lubricate the plant. oil I leave the dough for 15 minutes to proof, and only then I coat the buns with yolk or water and sugar.
  7. I bake buns at 200 gr. in the oven for 20 minutes. The time may vary depending on your oven, so as soon as the golden crust appears, the buns can be taken out.
  8. I sprinkle the finished buns with sugar. powder or I make homemade glaze, covering them on top. I leave the last point to your personal discretion.

Butter dough for buns in a bread machine

Components: 540 gr. flour; 85 gr. Sahara; a couple of pinches of salt; 360 ml milk; 115 gr. sl. oils; 1 pack yeast; 4 things. chickens yolks

The recipe does not require much time; in about 1 hour the dough will be ready.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The milk should be at room temperature, so I warm it up a little and pour it into the bowl of the device.
  2. I cut the words. butter into small cubes and also add there.
  3. I'm whipping chickens. eggs with salt using a kitchen fork and add to the mixture.
  4. I sow the flour and add it to the main mass.
  5. I add yeast and sugar.
  6. I set the “Kneading” mode. When the dough is ready, the device will notify you with a sound signal. Don't wait, start shaping the loaves right away and baking them as your recipe directs.

Butter dough with kefir

Many people like butter dough; with kefir it will be tender and airy, and the cooking recipe is presented below.

Ingredients: 350 ml kefir; 5 gr. vanillin; 125 gr. sl. oils; 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 700 gr. flour; 1 pack dry yeast; salt; 80 gr. sah. sand.

The cooking recipe requires 1.45 minutes to prepare the dough in a bread machine.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. All products should be used at room temperature. You should take them out of the refrigerator in advance and put them on the table. This will allow them to better connect with each other and form a single mass. Chicken I mix eggs and kefir together. I pour the mixture into the bread maker.
  2. I melt margarine in the microwave, just cover the plate with a lid so that the fat does not damage the device. You can also melt it using a water bath. I pour the finished composition into the main mixture.
  3. I sow flour. I mix it with liquid products.
  4. I sprinkle sugar, salt, and vanilla in the corners of the bowl. I make a hole in the center and add the specified amount of yeast.
  5. The recipe calls for using a bread machine, so I select a program and knead the yeast dough in it.

This will take about an hour and a half. After the signal sounds that the kneading is complete, feel free to use the dough and do everything as indicated in the recipe for delicious buns you have chosen.

Salted yeast dough for buns for snacks

The recipe is not at all complicated, try it in practice.

Ingredients: 340 ml milk; 10 gr. salt; 15 gr. dry yeast; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 570 gr. flour; 60 gr. corn flour; 100 gr. sl. oils

In approximately 1.30 hours the dough will be ready. In fact, dough recipes in a bread machine are very convenient, because the device does everything on its own as soon as you turn on the mode.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I mix the milk and chicken with a fork. eggs. The components should be taken at room temperature.
  2. I pour the mixture into the bowl of the device and add slurry there. butter in cubes.
  3. I sow the flour and add it to the main mass.
  4. Add salt to the corner of the bowl and dry yeast to the center. I select a program so that the device starts kneading. I wait for the bread machine to signal that the yeast dough is ready for further preparation of buns.
  5. When the batch is ready, I grease the baking tray. butter and form buns that can be prepared with onion and chicken filling. eggs That's it, the recipes have come to an end.

Thanks to the use of a bread machine, you will be able to bake not only delicious buns with a fragrant smell, but also make them very quickly.

All the recipes collected in this article will allow you to bake buns at home, both without filling and with it:

  1. The buns can be made in the shape of small balls. Before baking, I recommend brushing the baked goods onto the chickens. egg, and then sprinkle with cumin and sesame seeds. These buns can be eaten not only with tea, but also with first courses.
  2. The filling does not have to be stuffed inside. You can divide the mass into equal balls, arrange them in a checkerboard pattern on the pan, and then when there are 10 minutes left before the end of baking the buns, you should take an ordinary glass and make a depression in the center.

You can put the filling in these dimples. This can be either jam or, in the summer, fresh fruit and berries. The option of chocolate glaze is not excluded. In fact, you can experiment with buns to your heart's content!

Read other recipes on my website. Enjoy your meal!

My video recipe

Hello! I'm the kind of man who loves to make delicious simple recipes in the bread machine! Quite recently, interesting bread makers have appeared in the culinary world!

When I saw such a device for the first time, I didn’t take it very seriously, and besides, the price for them is usually not cheap!

Experienced chefs took a cunning route and began preparing recipes not in the oven, but in a convenient bread maker; it doesn’t take up much space, and in the kitchen it’s not as hot as an oven, and sweet pastries and bread are practically prepared in the bread maker itself!)

What is most important, she cooks no worse, and even better, than store-bought bread, and the sweet pastries in the bread maker are also unusual with a crispy crust! Agree that this is very practical and convenient! Let's explore our first recipes!

No. 1. Sweet pastries with raisins in a bread machine

Half a kg of premium flour, dry yeast 2 teaspoons. spoons, half a teaspoon of salt, 3 eggs, half a tbsp. milk, 100 grams of butter. Filling: You can put raisins, nuts, dried apricots, and even berries! A little bit of everything, improvise with the filling as you like, and 5-6 table. spoons of sugar.

Let's start cooking:

  1. It is necessary to rinse the raisins and dried apricots in water, pour boiling water over them to swell; if there is no swelling, then they will be hard in baking.
  2. While this whole thing is swelling, we will prepare the dough. Pour milk into a bowl, add sugar, eggs, salt, and mix or beat well until smooth, first keep the butter in the room until it becomes soft. Add it too and mix.
  3. I drain the water in the dried apricots, finely chop this whole mass and add it to our liquid.
  4. We sift the flour and knead the dough, but in theory, this kneading process can be done in a bread machine, but we can help her in this process!
  5. Lubricate the bottom and walls of the bread machine with oil, maybe butter, if not, then vegetable oil. We put our dough into it and set the desired function, for example, baking sweet pastries. If you don’t want to worry about kneading by hand, you can add everything to the bread machine and it will knead everything itself.

After cooking, the result is a very fragrant and airy loaf! These are baked goods for tea, they’re not bad at all! Let this pastry cool for 15-20 minutes, and invite your family to drink tea!

The baked goods are laid out on a board, cut into portions and beautifully served to the table. This baking recipe resembles a large cupcake.

By the way, you can put not only raisins and dried apricots there; ground nuts, berries and even chocolate pieces are great! Bon appetit everyone, let's explore the following recipes!

No. 2. Buns in a bread machine

This sweet baking in a bread machine is also very simple and elementary! It's a pleasure to cook in it! We need to buy the following set of products:

Half a glass of raisins, warm milk 80 ml, 150 grams of butter, 2 eggs, one and a half glasses of flour, 4 table. spoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, 2 teaspoons of yeast.

Let's start cooking:

  1. It is necessary to sort out the raisins, rinse and soak for 10-15 minutes in boiling water.
  2. There is a container in the bread maker, you need to pour milk into it, add soft butter, sugar in the corners, yeast, eggs, a pinch of salt and sifted flour in the center.
  3. Turn on the bread machine and set the dough kneading function.
  4. When the first stage of kneading the dough is completed, you can add raisins and continue kneading.
  5. You can complete the kneading at this point and turn on the baking function.

But I will advise you to make a fun shape that will be fun to eat!

In the bread machine, you need to take out the mold with the dough, divide the dough into two parts, roll each part into a sausage, wind these two parts together like a rope, grease it with yolk and place it in the oven in the form of a ring. Now you can bake for 15-20 minutes.

It will turn out very cool! Let's explore the following recipes!

No. 3. Poppy seed buns in the oven or bread machine

The results are very soft and tender buns that can be cooked in the oven or in a special bread maker.

To be honest, many people buy multicookers for home; if I were them, I would rather buy a bread maker, because... it's more useful. You can cook food on the stove too! In a bread machine, the sweetness comes out better, it is crispy and the kneading procedure is also done by itself! What products do we need to buy:

Dough: One glass of milk (250 ml, if there is no milk, then you can use water), 2 chickens. eggs, 400 grams of premium flour, 2 teaspoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of yeast.
For filling: Half a pack of butter (100 g), 70 grams of sugar and the same amount of poppy seeds, but to be honest, you can put 2 times more poppy seeds.

Let's start cooking:

If you prepare the baked goods in the oven, then we will knead the dough by hand, and if in a bread maker, then it will do everything for you. Sometimes she still needs help, because... It happens that dough remains on the walls.

  1. Pour warm milk into the container, yeast, salt, sugar, eggs and flour, set the kneading function and after a while the dough will be ready.
  2. Let the dough rise and leave for about an hour and a half.
  3. After rising, the dough should be rolled out into a layer approximately 5 mm thick, greased with butter, sprinkled with sugar and poppy seeds.
  4. We roll everything into a roll.
  5. In the bread machine, take out the pan and carefully place the roll in it, or you can cut it into buns and place them in rolls.
  6. You can also bake in the oven, cut the roll into portioned buns, and bake for about 15-20 minutes (oven temperature should be 180 degrees)

You can use any filling for these buns. For example, you can put walnuts, but you need to grind them in advance, various berries, apples and much more.

I'm glad that you read to the end of my page on the topic "recipes in a bread machine", be sure to explore other sections of my site!

I offer a recipe for sweet puff pastries made from homemade dough with milk. I will prepare the dough for this baking in a bread machine, and we will bake them in the oven so that we get a lot of little beauty.

Ingredients for sweet homemade buns in the photo.

Place in the bowl of the bread machine: yeast, flour, salt, sugar, butter and milk. Turn on the “dough” mode. Make sure that during kneading, a “bun” like this is formed (as in the photo).

If the dough spreads across the bottom and sticks, add a tablespoon of flour. If, on the contrary, it is difficult for the bread machine to knead and the bun crumbles or is very tight, then add a tablespoon of milk until the desired consistency is obtained. The ratio of flour and moisture can always be relative, due to the quality and condition of the flour.

After approximately 1.5 - 2 hours (depending on the bread machine model), the program will finish its work. We will get such a beautiful and airy dough.

Divide the dough into 12-14 equal parts. Roll each part into a circle, grease with butter and sprinkle with sugar.

Roll the rolled out dough into a roll.

Fold the edges of the rolled dough toward the center.

Turn over and cut each piece with a knife, as in the photo. You can brush the top with yolk diluted with water or sweetened milk. We will bake the buns in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, about 20 minutes until golden brown.

Sprinkle the finished buns with powdered sugar. So, the sweet milk buns are ready.

Enjoy your tea!

A bread maker is an assistant not only in making delicious bread. You can also make excellent bun dough in it. Interesting dough recipes for a bread machine are waiting for you below.

Butter dough for buns in a bread machine


  • sifted wheat flour – 400 g;
  • medium-sized chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • margarine for baking or butter – 40 g;
  • cow's milk – 130 ml;
  • dry yeast – 10 g.


Pre-melt the margarine. Break the egg and stir it thoroughly. First of all, place the liquid ingredients in the bread machine container: an egg, pre-melted and cooled margarine and milk. Then add dry ingredients. Select the mode that corresponds to kneading the yeast dough. At the end of the program, the yeast dough for buns in the bread machine will be completely ready for use, you can safely begin shaping and then baking the products.

Dough in a bread maker for raisin buns


  • cow's milk – 80 ml;
  • wheat flour, sifted premium - 350 g;
  • – 90 g;
  • margarine or natural butter – 140 g;
  • salt;
  • granulated sugar – 110 g;
  • small chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • dry instant yeast – 10 g.


We sort out the raisins, wash them and pour boiling water over them. Then pour out the water and let the raisins dry. Heat the milk, add soft butter. When the mixture has cooled, add the egg and stir well. Pour the mixture into the bread maker container. Add the pre-sifted flour and the remaining dry ingredients. Sprinkle yeast in the center. Select the “Dough” mode. And when the first batch is finished, add raisins, knead and begin to form buns.


  • warm milk – 100 ml;
  • sugar – ¼ cup;
  • warm water – 100 ml;
  • sifted wheat flour – 600 g;
  • natural soft butter – 70 g;
  • medium-sized chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • instant dry yeast – 10 g;
  • salt.

For filling:


First, pour milk and water into the bread machine, add sugar and yeast. Then add butter, eggs, flour and salt. Turn on the “Dough” mode. Cooking time is about 90 minutes. Carefully remove the finished dough from the bread machine bucket and place it on a table dusted with flour. Roll it out, apply a layer of melted butter and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. We form a roll and cut it into pieces 3 cm wide. Let the workpieces stand, and then bake until done. Bon appetit everyone!
