Sweets from childhood. Our sweet Soviet childhood. Ingredients needed for the cream

Eclairs, profiteroles, a piece of delicate “Napoleon”, airy “Bird's milk” or aromatic honey cake, crispy nuts with condensed milk, brushwood with powdered sugar... Sweets and pastries from childhood, which our mothers and grandmothers prepared - the most delicious! We have selected 10 recipes for children's favorite sweets and invite you to indulge in culinary nostalgia with us! Help yourself!

Delicious classic Bird's Milk cake: delicate soufflé and melting base! The author of the recipe, in a commentary to the recipe, told a story about how a whole line used to line up for a piece of Bird’s Milk cake!

There was not a single preservative in domestic ice cream, only natural milk! This is exactly the kind of ice cream that the author of the recipe suggests making!

Surely, every housewife has her own recipe for making the “Honey Cake” cake: with different cake layers, cream and decoration methods! Try our author's version. We are sure that guests will definitely enjoy this aromatic dessert!

What could be tastier than real homemade Potato cake? Let's remember our childhood together, especially since it will be very easy to prepare such a cake according to our author's recipes

Probably every child tried the famous nuts with condensed milk in childhood! We suggest you get double the pleasure by preparing both nuts and mushrooms at once! Thanks to the author for the great recipe!

Many will remember the crispy puff pastries with delicate protein cream! They will remember it and will definitely want to cook it again! Therefore, we share the recipe with you and thank the author for it.

Who didn’t try eclairs as a child?! With butter or chocolate cream... Delicious! We invite you to prepare eclairs according to the recipe. Julia advises that before adding eggs, make sure that the mass is not very hot. Do not open the oven during baking under any circumstances! Some people believe that the oven does not need to be preheated. Ready-made eclairs can be coated with chocolate glaze.

Recipes for a cake like Napoleon are usually passed down from generation to generation! So the author got this recipe from a friend of her mother. And as Irina herself admits, having tried many other recipes, she again returns to her beloved “Napoleon”! Try it too!

Montpensier in a round tin with a fancy pattern on the lid, cockerels on sticks that paint their tongues, and, of course, the queen of all toffees - “Milk Cows”.

As far as I remember, the most accessible and cheapest in those days was the so-called dragee. Multi-colored round candies of several types. For 1 ruble 10 kopecks you could buy a whole kilogram of multi-colored dragees called “polka dots”. An alternative was single-color strawberry or cherry. It was tasty, but it was necessary to take into account the freshness of the product, because... At one time, in the late 80s, in the glorious city of Chita, dragees were sold, which could be classified as weapons of mass destruction by the Hague Convention, since in order to dissolve them in the mouth , you had to have salivation from the Alien, jaws from the Nibbler and patience from the Little Buddha)

Polka dots
A slightly more expensive variety of "peas" was a large dragee with a softer shell and sugar on it. I personally remember, for some reason, lemon ones. When they were fresh, it was a very tasty thing. They cost more - somewhere in the region of 1 ruble 30 kopecks - 1 ruble 40 kopecks.

Dragee "lemons"
Well, the most expensive and desirable were either dragees with peanuts - the domestic version of M&M s, or the so-called “sea pebbles” - glazed raisins. I really loved the latter :-) They cost about 1 ruble 70 kopecks per kilo.

"Sea Pebbles"
An alternative to dragees that were cheap and tasty were the so-called pillows. Under the caramel shell there were various jams. Delicious, by the way. And they were inexpensive - about 1 ruble 30 kopecks. After the adoption of the “semi-prohibition law,” they instantly disappeared from store shelves and became an acute shortage. The reason for the post is that cheapness and quality allowed them to become a bestseller of raw materials for the production of moonshine. And since everyone began to “drive”, finding them for food became problematic.

"Cool" pads
Eighty rubles was the lowest limit for purchasing a kilogram of numerous caramels, which were perhaps the most common type of candy in the USSR. Not all of them were to my taste. I liked the ones where there was delicious jam under the caramel shell. “Strawberries and cream” or “Plum”, for example. But some “Cancer necks”, “Baltika” or “Snowball” did not evoke any emotions in me. I also remember the “Cherry” caramel, which cost some exorbitant money (either 4 or 5 rubles per kilo), but was delicious.

Plum caramel wrapper
Although my favorite variety in this segment has always been (and perhaps still is) caramels called “Lemonchiki”. True, they almost played a fatal role in my life. Since childhood, I have had a huge sweet tooth, and when I go to bed, I’ve become addicted to taking a couple of candies with me, throwing them under my pillow, savoring their taste, and falling asleep. And then, apparently, he fell asleep too early and the candy went down the wrong throat. In general, I began to choke and if I had been a minute or two late, my parents, who literally shook my legs upside down, pulled out this very unfortunate “lemon” from me, then I would not have written these lines now :-) And yet “ I love lemons to this day, although I chew them furiously - like all caramels :-) Apparently a defensive reaction :-)

Those same “Lemons”
Well, my favorite among this type of candy was lollipops, or, to be more correct, “candy caramel.” I still use this cheap, but practical and tasty product with great pleasure. In Soviet times, No. 1 was “Vzletnye”, which were not only distributed on board Aeroflot airliners, but were also available for free sale. These lollipops cost about 2.30-2.50. And my love for them was determined by several circumstances. Firstly, the Tu-154 was depicted on the wrapper, and from a young age I was drawn to aviation. Secondly, my grandmother’s friend, who constantly treated me to them, told me that these were real aviation candies and all pilots loved them :-)))) And thirdly, they were really tasty. With sourness. I love these. More than just sweet candies, such as Duchess.

A modern version of a children's bestseller
However, take-off ones were not always in the store, but almost everywhere you could buy “Mints” in a blue wrapper. There was also “barberry” almost everywhere. But unlike modern ones, with sourness, that “barberry” was almost always sweet.

Remember these candy wrappers? :-)

I really loved the Start caramel. Remember lollipops in the form of pucks (or large tablets). It was very tasty.
And of course, a wonderful monpensier in a round tin.

A box from Monpasier...
They were miniature, of different colors, shapes and tastes. The only trouble is that most often they stuck together and it was necessary to tear off a separate “monpasie” using brute physical force. But it’s delicious :-)) Such a tin cost about 20 rubles and was used very actively on the farm.

The candies themselves
And we were all probably drawn to buy poison-colored cockerels on sticks for 15-20 kopecks, which were sold by gypsies in the markets. Our parents, of course, didn’t buy them for us, saying that they were made in unsanitary conditions. But forbidden fruit is known to be sweet, right? :-))) And there were also sweet sticks - beautiful, but strange in taste

Gypsy cockerel ©
And a couple of times from Poland, Hungary and the German Democratic Republic they brought me real hand-made candy caramel, which, in addition to taste, also looked wonderful. It was fun!

Rarely has there been such beauty
And we will end today’s story with a memory of “taffy” - or fondant mass boiled from condensed milk or molasses. The name was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by the French confectioner Morna, working in St. Petersburg, who for some reason decided that the final product was very similar to iris petals. Why he decided this way is difficult to understand.

Kitty Kitty
All toffees could be divided into several subspecies. The most common was the so-called viscous toffee, which never existed. Representatives of this subspecies were the Kis-Kis and Tuzik brands. The first ones were usually made of steel and an attempt to chew would cost broken teeth and broken fillings, while the second ones were too soft and would immediately disintegrate on the teeth.

They are the most
More pleasant was the “Golden Key”, which can be classified as a cast semi-solid iris.

Well that was it
Well, the queen of toffees was, of course, “Milk Cows” - soft candies with condensed milk inside.
I also remember that toffees were sold in large pieces by weight. However, they were not particularly loved...

Remember the incomparable taste of fudge, theatrical caramels and milkshake? Now manufacturers produce many analogues of our favorite Soviet products, but their taste is completely different, alas. After all, childhood memories are the most vivid and unforgettable. You can't confuse them with anything.


Small, fragrant, you could chew them by the handful, with difficulty getting your teeth apart. And it doesn’t matter that they all hopelessly stuck together in the box into a huge lump, the main thing is that it’s tasty and sweet! Well, the jars, of course, were later used on the farm, and how! What dad didn't have a tin full of rusty nails and bolts? The name of the chocolates, by the way, comes from the name of the Duchess of Montpensier from Dumas’s novels.


Many did this: first they ate the top sweet rim (like the peel of an orange or lemon slice), and only then the marmalade itself. Jars of slices were also actively used in everyday life.


This candy was first carefully selected from a New Year's gift. It was either put aside “for later” or eaten right away, but in any case it was my favorite. And they loved “Snowball” for its unique taste and the incomparable feeling of something pleasantly pungent and similar to snowflakes melting in your mouth. But the Kiss Kiss toffee was not a favorite among other New Year's candies. Too hard and hard, it deservedly received the name “seal ripper”.


Delicate, soft, barrel-shaped: it was sold in cardboard boxes, but so rarely that it was almost impossible to get. In similar boxes they sold fragrant multi-colored marmalade “Pat”, sprinkled with sugar and so delicious!


Despite the name, it was often washed down with milk, rather than tea, or tea with milk. Now some factories also produce tea straws, but the Soviet one was still better.


Sold only in pharmacies. Large sweet tablets of ascorbic acid were gradually dissolved behind the cheek, and strict parents ensured that no more than two ascorbic acids were eaten per day. Where did the whole package go at once?

Also very popular were the yellow Revit dragees, sweet on the outside and unexpectedly sour on the inside. They were much cheaper than candy.


In the 80s, chewing gum was treasured. They chewed it for several days until it began to disintegrate in the mouth, and they also gave it to their neighbors at the desk to try. And, although counselors and teachers said that insidious foreigners hid blades in chewing gum, and forced them to immediately spit out “this disgusting thing,” the schoolchildren were still incredibly happy about any opportunity to get this trophy.

The most accessible were Soviet chewing gums: Orange, Strawberry, Raspberry, Mint and Coffee. The latter was the least popular. The taste of the chewing gum disappeared after about 5 minutes, but they chewed longer than the Baltic ones. Czech "Pedro" - could be won at Luna Park

Donald Duck chewing gum was prized most for its unique, foreign taste, ability to blow huge bubbles, and magnificent inserts, passionately collected by many pioneers. They could be knocked out during breaks and even bought from a wealthy owner. Particularly gambling players were caught and their parents were called to school.


Soda machines stood near the subway and at train stations. A glass of sweet soda cost 3 kopecks, and a simple mineral water - 1 kopeck. Without sweet syrup it was not tasty, so the glass was not filled completely, but the water was drained to make it sweeter. Drinking soda from vending machines was categorically forbidden by all parents, without exception, which is why vending machines attracted children so much and were a constant cause for public scandals. How many times have poor parents had to literally pull their crying child away from this “terrible infection” by the hand? Well, the most prudent ones carried collapsible plastic cups with them so as not to drink from shared glasses.


The legendary product of the Colossus association for 10 kopecks with a girl on the package and three horses is another joy of childhood. It was sold mainly in bakeries and often replaced schoolchildren’s lunch from the canteen.

Ingvar from St. Petersburg recalls: Those whose childhood was spent in the Soviet Union certainly remembered certain products with their irretrievably lost taste. For example, for many it is hot bread. Remember - you are sent to buy bread, you go into the store, and before you even reach the trays with bakery products, you understand that today you don’t need to take a piece of paper to test the softness of the bread or roll. Oh, that smell of freshly baked bread, which you can’t find in stores now! And by the time you get back home, you’ve already eaten a good part of the warm loaf, because it’s impossible to resist!

In short, let's remember what we couldn't be pulled away from as children. Let's start with the drinks...

The same juice

As far as I remember, there were several types of juice in jars from the Odessa plant. The price also depended on the specific type. The empty jar itself of 0.25 in Steklotar cost, in my opinion, 10 kopecks, respectively, the price of your favorite juice varied from 17 to 25 kopecks. I immediately remember birch, tomato (favorite juice), plain apple, clarified apple, apple with pulp, grape-apple, grape, carrot, carrot-apple, quince, plum, pear, pear-apple and orange. If I missed something and someone else remembers - tell me

I couldn’t find any authentic photos of cans of juice, so here it is.

Also in these very jars, popularly known as mayonnaise jars, apple puree “Nezhenka” was sold, which, by the way, I still adore to this day. I found a similar taste at FrutoNyanya - good product.
But unlike today, back then it was impossible to open a glass container with a slight movement of the hand and enjoy juice or applesauce. The good “lamp” cans were tightly sealed with a tin lid (and no threads) and it was possible to get to the coveted deliciousness only using a can opener/opener. The only way . In addition to the “light” versions with juice packaged in 250 gram jars, there was also a “hard” version - with three-liter jars, sometimes called cylinders. True, the assortment of juices in such jars was significantly lower, and the glass products themselves were almost never handed over to Steklotaru, since such dishes were extremely in demand in Soviet families - most jams, pickles and other preserves were rolled into containers of this exact volume


However, the mayonnaise-jar and “balloon” version was not the only way to taste fruit squeezed, commonly called juice. This is, so to speak, a home system. And there was also an away...
Almost every large store had a department where the suffering traveler could enjoy pleasant moisture on tap. Remember there were such huge cones that for some reason attracted our attention. At the end of the cone narrowed downward there was a tap through which juice could be obtained. The saleswoman opened a three-liter jar of juice, poured it into a cone and from there sold it, so to speak, glass by glass. Sometimes - in a more simplified version, instead of cones, several simple decanters were used, lonelyly covered with a long-used napkin (an insect filter in the simplest version).

Juicer's Corner

Usually the store had 3-4 cones, or the same number of decanters. Accordingly, the most common types of fruit juice were birch (the main thing is not fresh), apple, and sometimes grape. And of course, the main bestseller of those years was tomato. And the presence of this “drink of the gods” implied 3 more devices that would put any foreigner who had observed them at least once in his life into a state of reactive psychosis. The first is a faceted glass filled to the top with coarse salt. The second glass contained a long-unchanged liquid of a faint scarlet color, in which one could logically assume ordinary water with the remains of tomato juice, and the third device - a twisted aluminum tablespoon, which was firmly fastened to the counter, but was usually in a glass with light scarlet liquid. The ritual was as follows: the buyer took a glass (also, usually faceted) from the insides of non-wine-suppressed tomatoes, scooped up salt with a spoon, stirred it with the same spoon, and then dipped it into a glass with a light scarlet liquid, apparently rubbing it disinfection. A glass of the most common apple and tomato juice usually cost 10 kopecks. The cheapest birch one went for 8 kopecks.

One of the many variations

In addition to juice, we could enjoy 2 more types of tasty liquid.
First of all, this is, of course, bread kvass. Huge bright yellow barrels stood in many places in the city, and citizens, tired of the summer heat, enjoyed sipping the original Russian drink. Naturally, there were “horror stories” in circulation that corpses and other horrors were constantly found in the barrel, but no one believed in them. You could buy kvass on the spot, either a mug with a volume of 0.5, or a small glass - 0.25. For the latter you had to pay 3 kopecks, respectively, a large one cost 6. But our parents and grandparents sent us with three-liter jars or enamel cans - there should be a lot of kvass. And just have a drink and have some okroshka. Kvass was respected.

High demand in summer

We children valued more what adults called “fizzy drink.” That is, all kinds of lemonades.
There were two ways to get lemonade in our happy childhood. The simplest and most frequently used is through soda fountains, located on almost every corner.
If you think sensibly now, then some Gennady Onishchenko should be horrified, because the glass for public use (again, faceted - where would we be without it)) was truly nationwide. And the weak stream of water with which he, so to speak, washed himself, caused only laughter. Plus, such glasses were often used as necessary utensils for those who like to “think for three.” So the amount of infection per square millimeter on this glass container must have exceeded all conceivable and inconceivable limits. However, somehow the majority was indifferent to this - and nothing, everyone seemed to survive somehow))

Soda machines

In my childhood, there were no longer red soda machines, which we can see in the same “Operation Y”, and we were attracted by the gray-blue ones. Most often, the variation was simple - simple soda - 1 kopeck, water with syrup (usually pear) - 3 kopecks. A little lifehack: since plain soda always poured out first, for 6 kopecks you could make yourself almost a full glass of syrup, which we often used.

Popular coin

Well, the biggest squeak, of course, was bottled sweet water. In our time, there were no Coca-Colas with Mirindas, but you know, dear ones, the variety of fruit waters was not weak. How strong you can judge from this collection: http://vk.com/id138478338?z=albums138478338

Bottle of "Pinocchio"

I realized that since childhood I have been trying to try as many lemonades as possible. In addition to “Pinocchio”, “Bell”, “Cream Soda”, “Tarragon”, “Duchess”, “Crushon” I remember “Isindi”, “Wild Berry”, “Pear”, “Citro”, “Orange”, “Tangerine” "and about 10-15 other varieties. “Sayan” and “Baikal” stood apart. They were more expensive (the cheapest lemonade could be bought for 12 kopecks) and tastier. By the way, I buy “drinks from Chernogolovka” here all the time - and the taste is similar.

Label from that "Baikal"

It was especially chic to take Baltic lemonade. Every summer I spent with my grandmother in Ukraine, and the train passed through the Baltic states. We always bought lemonade in Daugavpils - it there (like all Baltic goods in those years) was of excellent quality. By the way, traveling by train during the “parade of sovereignties” was reminiscent of Russian roulette on a roller coaster) In 1993, one had to cross the following customs points in one day (Russia - entry, Belarus, entry and exit, Latvia - entry and exit, Lithuania - entry and exit , Ukraine - entry). It was invigorating, so to speak, such a trip. Although this is a completely different story.

Somewhat unexpectedly - Lithuanian..."Sayans"

And finally, a few words must be said about Pepsi-Cola. It was a slightly different drink than Pepsi, but was bottled at plants created under license from Pepsico. In 1974, the leadership of the Soviet Union agreed with the president of this giant on the construction of several factories in exchange for the rights to distribute Stolichnaya vodka in the United States.

The same Pepsi-Cola

Pepsi took full advantage, and most Soviet children considered Pepsi-Cola a desirable drink. Despite the fact that it cost as much as 45 kopecks, it was 0.33 in a small bottle (most lemonades were bottled in beer “Cheburashkas”). Regular lemonade could be bought for 12 to 35 kopecks.


For some reason I especially remember the branded pavilions, including in Pushkin

ice cream cakes

In any grocery store in the country at that time, you could find several types of cakes. This is an “eclair” (or, in other words, custard), “shortbread”, a basket of cream and a tube of cream. They all cost 22 kopecks. By the way, did you know that the name “eclair” was invented back in the 19th century by the famous French cook Marie-Antoine Carême. This is the French name for lightning, and the cakes received this name for their speed of production and brilliant appearance.

These are the eclairs

In addition to the above, you could sometimes buy honey cake and sour cream in stores for the same money. The ubiquitous “Potato” cost a little less - from 16 to 18 kopecks. The price of a cupcake with raisins was the same (16 kopecks). The only thing cheaper you could get was a “ring” shortbread - 8 kopecks, a muffin for 10, a bun with cream - for 10, and a bagel with poppy seeds for 6 kopecks. But the rum baba, in which, to be honest, I only liked the delicious glaze, cost 25 kopecks - no less


It is clear that the taste largely depended on the production area. Let’s say, in Leningrad both “eclairs” and “baskets” were tastier than in Ukraine, but “potatoes” and bagels with poppy seeds, on the contrary, I don’t even know what the trick is. That is, it was necessary to determine which city had its bestsellers and buy them

Attraction "don't let the cream fall out on the ground"))

I remember there was also such a shortbread cake “Karpaty”, which guests brought every time, and which I categorically did not like. But I adored the “Leningrad set”. Remember, these mini-delicacies in a beautiful box that only we had in Leningrad (Captain Obviousness was once again happy for me). However, you can still buy them now, although this is somewhat different. I don’t remember how much it cost in the USSR back then, but it certainly wasn’t cheap. I wasn’t particularly spoiled with this set.

This is roughly what the “Leningrad set” looked like

It was a holiday when they bought a cake. I still love the waffle-chocolate one, which is now called “Baltic”. It was inexpensive, relatively (1 ruble 10 kopecks, as far as I remember) and delicious..... But I didn’t really use other similar cakes - “Polar” and “Surprise”. I didn't like it.

We were especially pleased with the influx of chocolate.

There was also such a thing as a butter log. Hello to all diets - a terrible amount of calories, probably - but delicious. Something like a big creamy sausage, with nuts, and on top there is such a powerful cream. In general, a tough thing - but I destroyed them like Papa Carlo in his work on the perfect Pinocchio

Something like this..

But with large cakes there is tension. Really. I remember right away, only “The Fairy Tale” for 1 ruble 90, “Prazsky” - a kind of version of the now famous Sacher, and the absolute bestseller of childhood - “Kyiv”. In Ukraine, I ate a lot of it, although it was not cheap - about 4 rubles, but in Leningrad it was basically impossible to get it.

Authentic "Prague" of those times

They say that some ordered directly from Kyiv - it’s dry inside - so it was possible to negotiate with the conductor - she brought it on the train. The price was from 15 to 20 rubles per cake. This is quite a profit. If you remember any other ones, tell me/show me. BUT only purchased ones! We won’t touch that magnificent variety of homemade baked goods - because this is not a conversation for one post))

This is what I call a Kyiv oligarch!

The biggest delicacy for children in our time was, of course, “milk product enriched with air” (full name according to GOST) or simply ice cream IMHO, we had the most delicious ice cream in the Soviet Union in Leningrad. But variations are possible)

Do not give more than 2 in your hands!!!

The most chic thing was to go to an ice cream parlor, like the still fairly recently functioning “Fading Pool” on Nevsky. Ice cream scoops, certainly in memorable metal bowls, and for some reason with aluminum spoons. It (the ice cream) could be drizzled with syrup, or sprinkled with chocolate and/or nuts. It was possible to do both, and the third, at the same time. The price per hundred grams was from 19 to 23 kopecks.

I especially remember these ones.

And be sure to take a milkshake for 11 kopecks (mmmmm....taste of childhood), or a cocktail float (a scoop of ice cream in orange juice) for 18. This is not just chic - but chic in a cube
There were usually 3 variations of ice cream - cream, creme brulee, chocolate. Less often - fruity.

The device that made your heart skip a beat))

Again, do not forget about the various jellies and soufflés that could be purchased in these same ice cream parlors. I remember in Ukraine, the local “Padling Pool” was called the “Buratino” cafe, and the ice cream there, by the way, was so-so, but the jelly was such that you could sell a pioneer tie, a set of badges and a program for a football match for it at the same time )))

How could you pass by this?

And for some reason I still have a strong impression of the unearthly taste (and high cost) ice cream that I was able to try in the closed bar of the Oktyabrskaya Hotel. I don’t remember what struck me so much about this ice cream, but it was divine.

Something like that, only 30 times better

As an option for buying bulk ice cream, I remember the cases when in the House of Officers in Sertolovo, where I lived then, in the spring of 1985, every Saturday and Sunday they brought ice cream from Voentorg, which was packaged in the same balls, but not in ice cream bowls, but in crispy waffle containers cups. Moreover, these cups were so tasty that it was they that were remembered in my memory, and not the ice cream itself.

Something similar to...

Another alternative to bulk milk delicacies was the so-called “soft ice cream.” I don’t really like him now, I didn’t really like him then (again, I saw the dirty bucket from which the milk mixture was poured into the machine). But there was one exception. Once, having arrived in beautiful Kyiv, already at the Zhulyany airport, I received apricot soft ice cream for exemplary behavior. And I liked it SO much that my parents had to please me 3 more times - on Khreshchatyk, on Andreevsky Spusk and in Darnitsa

Freezer for the production of soft ice cream in Ukraine

And to this day, I often associate Kyiv not only with a huge number of the most beautiful girls per square kilometer, with the greenery and beauty of the streets and squares, with the majesty of the mighty Dnieper, but also with the taste of that same children's soft apricot ice cream.

Now that we've covered loose ice cream, it's time to remember packaged ice cream. For me, there is no doubt that the most delicious, the best, the most interesting was ours, at that time Leningrad. But there were a few exceptions. When, for example, in the mid-80s, I first visited the city on 7 hills (but not Rome)), I really liked the ice cream called “Borodino” from “Fili”. By the way, they generally had delicious ice cream. It was, however, quite expensive - 26 kopecks. But it was worth it Or on my annual trip to and from Ukraine, I always tried to get a chocolate ice cream lollipop at the Vilnius train station. Like everything Baltic, it was of high quality and tasty.

Something like this

If there was a difference in taste, then in terms of price categories and the range of packaged ice cream in general, the system throughout the country in those years was approximately the same.
The cheapest was the so-called fruit and berry ice cream - such as lemon, cranberry or raspberry. It was sold in a paper cup with a wooden stick in addition (of which there were often not enough) and it cost 7 and 9 kopecks. For 7 kopecks, to be honest, it was quite disgusting. True, while vacationing in Sevastopol, I somehow found that lemon was quite suitable for me. But at 9 it was very good.

Fruit and berry

Nowadays this is often called sherbet. A paper circle was placed on top of the ice cream indicating the manufacturer, price, GOST, and the stall selling ice cream could be seen from afar by these very circles, which usually covered the entire side wall.

Ice cream stall from the early 80s

Next was milk for 10 kopecks. It seems like it was called “Morozko”. Also in a paper cup, on which cherries were sometimes drawn, and I thought that there was fruit ice cream there - but no


Currants cost 11 kopecks, and ice cream and creme brulee cost 15 kopecks. These were the most expensive types of ice cream in a paper cup.

..or so

The perfect bestseller of our time was the ice cream in a waffle cup. I remember the delivery in Ukraine was at noon, and we all “grazed” near the ice cream stall, waiting to see what kind they would bring this time. If they brought a product from a local creamery, it was unhealthy - it was not very tasty. But if they delivered something from Lvov....oooo....that was cool!


I was guaranteed to receive one portion a day - my grandfather, a big lover of sweets, was just returning home for lunch, and always gave me money so that I could buy ice cream for myself and him. But if we had Lvov, we all opened our hiding places and fished out the treasured coins in order to get additional portions. It was possible to replenish the hiding place if there was some kind of wedding in the yard in the near future. According to a good Ukrainian tradition, the main groom walked around the cars with the newlyweds and guests 3 times and sprinkled them (the cars) with grain and coins. The younger friend "sowed" more candies - but I was disdainful of collecting them, but the coins were just the thing.

A portion of ice cream!

Moreover, if the wedding was rich, then 2 categories of the population were most happy - children, who could collect not coppers for 1-3 kopecks, but nickels for 15-20 kopecks, and alcoholics, who could get almost up to a box of vodka or “red”))

This is how ice cream was advertised back in our days... Just kidding. In the USA and much earlier

By the way, it was named ice cream not because of falling out dental fillings, but after the name of the French town of Plombières-les-Bains (Vosges department), which was famous under Napoleon III for its excellent ice cream recipe made from the freshest cream and butter.

Homeland of ice cream

But we digress a little. Let's get back to our tasty treats. In addition to ice cream in a waffle cup, for 19 kopecks you could buy chocolate and creme brulee.
Next we'll have popsicle. There were several types of this same popsicle. The simplest thing is milk on a stick, quite tasteless, but cheap. The package was 50 grams and cost 11 kopecks.


If not tastier, then more interesting was the popsicle with yellow glaze. Not for everyone's taste - but definitely brighter. It cost 16-18 kopecks. And the most delicious thing was in chocolate glaze. It was often called “Leningradskoe”, cost 22 kopecks and was really quite good. It melted quickly, but the chocolate didn’t break.

Similar to what we ate

Of the rest, I remember well a briquette, where there was milk ice cream between 2 waffles. Such a briquette cost 13 kopecks. There were also geese and swans painted on the packaging.


But I vaguely remember the sugar straw. It cost 15 kopecks, could only be bought in Leningrad and was in short supply.
I don’t remember “Gourmet”, “Chestnut”, “Golden Bomb” at all. Either it didn’t exist, or I just didn’t come across it.
There seems to be a small selection of ice cream, and it certainly cannot be compared with the current one. But you know, we somehow had enough. And in the second half of the 80s, I moved to sunny Chita for a while and for me this short product line seemed absolutely wonderful. Do you know why? Because there was almost no ice cream in the city. Sold only in 2 cafes (and expensive). And by weight - it was something with something))

And they demanded it!

Imagine a plastic bag, exclusively one and a half kilograms (no more and no less) filled with frozen and frozen SOMETHING, which in the price tag was proudly called “Milk Ice Cream”)) Moreover, the taste was extremely disgusting - inedible powdered milk was covered with sugar and butter and voila... .. Brrrrrrr.
I remember one of the brightest holidays was when they were able to give me a box of ice cream from Moscow near NG and DR. The real one - and not a Chita surrogate. It was a feast))

Dry ice

Concluding the topic of ice cream, I cannot help but remind you of how this very product was stored. Nowadays it’s simple - install a generator, and that’s it. But back then they used huge blocks of dry ice, which didn’t hold much cold in the heat, and most importantly, it was a great achievement to get ice cream that wasn’t wrinkled or deformed.

Chewing gum and other things to chew

I don’t know what this is connected with, but in the mid-80s, the presence of chewing gum significantly influenced the status among children
there really wasn't any variety. Chewing gum of 4 modifications was widely and widely distributed: Orange, strawberry, mint and coffee flavor. Raspberry could also be much less common.

This is something like this

It consisted of a bud and 5 records wrapped in wax paper or foil (similar to today's Wrigleys juicy fruit). This type of chewing gum lost its taste after about 5 minutes (the Orange one was felt a little more in the mouth), and when chewed for a long time, it fell apart.


It had nothing in common with modern chewing gum, and let's be honest, it was disgusting. Often, in order to “throw fingers” and show off, the kid would stick a piece of crayon lead into the chewing gum and try to convince others that since the “gum” was, say, purple, it was definitely imported.

Sort of....

But since the lead stained not only the chewing gum, but also the tongue, such a “pontor cutter” was quickly exposed

Well, or like this

The product was not cheap - as much as 50 kopecks, and despite its inelasticity and rapid destruction, they tried to stretch out such chewing gum for several days.
In addition to the above, I remember the pioneer of all Soviet chewing gum - “Well, wait a minute” for 15 kopecks. I remember chewing one of these, but I don’t remember the taste at all.

Wait for it

Baltic chewing gum deserves special mention. In Soviet times, everything there was of better quality. And especially the products of the Estonian factory “Kalev”. In Estonia, some types of chewing gum were made not in strips, but in pads, and they were highly valued for their shape alone and were always ordered if someone traveled to the Estonian SSR)) For some reason we were convinced that the Kalev pads were soaked in Coca-Cola and they have a special taste. However, the quality was really much higher.

Kalevsky pillows were in such packaging

I was on vacation in Western Ukraine in the summer, and lived in the family of a military man and communicated with peers from military families, whose parents had previously served in Hungary, the German Democratic Republic and Poland, and therefore could often see other types of chewing gum. Round Gdrov chewing gum shaped like a soccer ball, or like colored balls in a transparent pack, which for some reason we called “cowboy balls.”

Cowboy balls

They were both brighter and tastier than ours. Well, the first chewing gums with inserts were especially loved. Turkish bestsellers like Turbo, Laser, Donald, Final, Love is...appeared later, but at the very beginning I remember only the Czech Pedro and the Polish Lolek and Bolek.

Inserts for chewing gum "Final"

I really loved the cartoon with them, and when they brought me a whole block of these chewing gums from Warsaw, I was very pleased.

Lelik and Bolek

Many had a happy childhood, but sometimes a little extreme. Let’s not forget that in addition to purchased “bugs,” we happily chewed the hardening sap of some trees, tar and even roofing felt :-))) It happened


Even today I want to remember such a delicious delicacy as straws and corn sticks. Moreover, I remember the division of cash by region. I couldn’t find high-quality and tasty straws in Ukraine, and there was a problem with sweet corn sticks in Leningrad.


And, by the way, if there are now a lot of those delicious straws, then there is tension with glazed corn sticks. I remember there was such a square pack, on the side there was also Dunno drawn in a balloon. This pack cost 28 kopecks and the sticks were fantastically tasty. Sweet, juicy, but light. I was ready to consume tons of them, and the only problem was washing my sweet hands after them. And the books were also inconvenient to read - my fingers were sweet, sticky - I couldn’t turn the page)) Honestly, I still miss these particular sticks.

Similar...but not the same.

Sweets, etc.

Naturally, there was no such variety of forms and content as there is now among dissimilar sugar or chocolate products united under a name derived from the Latin word “made” in the mid-80s. And by the end of this era, for various reasons, candy was classified as a scarce product. But there is still something to remember. Shall we try? ) As always, I’ll be happy to read your memories, and some other types of sweets that I forgot, missed, or simply didn’t list.

Variety of childhood wrappers

As far as I remember, the most accessible and cheapest in those days was the so-called dragee. Multi-colored round candies of several types. For 1 ruble 10 kopecks you could buy a whole kilogram of multi-colored dragees called “polka dots”. An alternative was single-color strawberry or cherry. It was tasty, but it was necessary to take into account the freshness of the product, because... At one time, in the late 80s, in the glorious city of Chita, dragees were sold, which could be classified by the Hague Convention as a weapon of mass destruction, since in order to dissolve them in your mouth, you had to have salivation from the Alien, jaws from the Nibbler and patience from the Little Buddha. I don’t know how many years before they hit the counter they spent in the bins of their homeland, but these candies were really made of reinforced concrete. For the sake of experiment, we threw them onto the asphalt from the balcony. Well, they were shattered only from the 4th floor and above

Polka dots

A slightly more expensive variety of "peas" was a large dragee with a softer shell and sugar on it. I personally remember, for some reason, lemon ones. When they were fresh, it was a very tasty thing. They cost more - somewhere in the region of 1 ruble 30 kopecks - 1 ruble 40 kopecks.

Dragee "lemons"

Well, the most expensive and desirable were either dragees with peanuts - the domestic version of M&M s, or the so-called “sea pebbles” - glazed raisins. I really loved the last ones. They cost about 1 ruble 70 kopecks per kilo.

"Sea Pebbles"

An alternative to dragees that were cheap and tasty were the so-called pillows. Under the caramel shell there were various jams. Delicious, by the way. And they were inexpensive - about 1 ruble 30 kopecks. After the adoption of the “semi-prohibition law,” they instantly disappeared from store shelves and became an acute shortage. The reason for the post is that cheapness and quality allowed them to become a bestseller of raw materials for the production of moonshine. And since everyone began to “drive” (at least in Ukraine), finding them for food became problematic.

"Cool" pads

Eighty rubles was the lowest limit for purchasing a kilogram of numerous caramels, which were perhaps the most common type of candy in the USSR. Not all of them were to my taste. I liked the ones where there was delicious jam under the caramel shell. "Strawberries and cream" or "Plum", for example. But some “Cancer necks”, “Baltika” or “Snowball” did not evoke any emotions in me. I also remember the “Cherry” caramel, which cost some exorbitant money (either 4 or 5 rubles per kilo), but was delicious.

Caramel wrapper "Plum"

Although my favorite variety in this segment has always been (and perhaps still is) caramels called “Lemonchiki”. True, they almost played a fatal role in my life. Since childhood, I have had a huge sweet tooth, and when I go to bed, I’ve become addicted to taking a couple of candies with me, throwing them under my pillow, savoring their taste, and falling asleep. And then, apparently, he fell asleep too early and the candy went down the wrong throat. In general, I began to choke and if I were a minute or two late, my parents, who literally shook me by the legs upside down, pulled out this most unfortunate “lemon” from me, then I wouldn’t have written these lines now. And yet I love “lemons” to this day, although I chew them furiously - like all caramels. Apparently a defensive reaction

Those same "Lemons"

Well, my favorite among this type of candy was lollipops, or, to be more correct, “candy caramel.” I still use this cheap, but practical and tasty product with great pleasure. In Soviet times, No. 1 was “Vzletnye”, which were not only distributed on board Aeroflot airliners, but were also available for free sale. These lollipops cost about 2.30-2.50. And my love for them was determined by several circumstances. Firstly, the Tu-154 was depicted on the wrapper, and from a young age I was drawn to aviation. Secondly, my grandmother’s friend, who constantly treated me to them, told me that these were real aviation candies and all the pilots loved them))) And thirdly, they were really tasty. With sourness. I love these. More than just sweet candies, such as Duchess.

A modern version of a children's bestseller

However, take-off ones were not always in the store, but almost everywhere you could buy “Mints” in a blue wrapper. There was also “barberry” almost everywhere. But unlike modern ones, with sourness, that “barberry” was almost always sweet.

Remember these candy wrappers?

I really loved the Start caramel. Remember lollipops in the form of pucks (or large tablets). It was very tasty.
And of course, a wonderful monpensier in a round tin.

A box from Monpasier...

They were miniature, of different colors, shapes and tastes. The only trouble is that most often they stuck together and it was necessary to tear off a separate “monpasie” using brute physical force. But it’s tasty) Such a tin cost about 20 rubles and was used very actively in the farmstead.

The candies themselves

And we were all probably drawn to buy poison-colored cockerels on sticks for 15-20 kopecks, which were sold by gypsies in the markets. Our parents, of course, didn’t buy them for us, saying that they were made in unsanitary conditions. But forbidden fruit is known to be sweet, right? )) And there were also sweet sticks - beautiful, but strange in taste

Cockerel from the gypsies (c) ))

And a couple of times from Poland, Hungary and the German Democratic Republic they brought me real hand-made candy caramel, which, in addition to taste, also looked wonderful. It was fun!

Rarely has there been such beauty

And we will end today’s story with a memory of “taffy” - or fondant mass boiled from condensed milk or molasses. The name was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by the French confectioner Morna, working in St. Petersburg, who for some reason decided that the final product was very similar to iris petals. Why he decided this way is difficult to understand.

Kitty Kitty.

All toffees could be divided into several subspecies. The most common was the so-called viscous toffee, which never existed. Representatives of this subspecies were the Kis-Kis and Tuzik brands. The first ones were usually made of steel and an attempt to chew would cost broken teeth and broken fillings, while the second ones were too soft and would immediately disintegrate on the teeth.

They are the most

More pleasant was the “Golden Key”, which can be classified as a cast semi-solid iris.

Well that was it

Well, the queen of toffees was, of course, “Milk Cows” - soft candies with condensed milk inside.
I also remember that toffees were sold in large pieces by weight. However, they were not particularly loved.

Hello dears!
Last time we started a story about sweets: I suggest we continue

Candy for the most spoiled boys and girls (note the shape of the hut roof)))

The lower price level for chocolates also started at 1 ruble 80 kopecks. From 1.80 to 3.80 you could buy chocolate ones with “white” filling. I never liked them. All sorts of “Swallows”, “Apples”, “White Acacia”, “Mask”. The only exception, perhaps, was Citron. I didn't like the others in this category. The same goes for “Natalka-Poltavka”, “Stolichnye”... Just as I didn’t like the more expensive Grillyazh.

Variant of wrapper "Swallows"

But I loved sweets with dark filling
"Kara-kum", for example, although it was very expensive - 5 rubles per kg. Or “Squirrel”.

Numerous variations of "Kara-Kum"

Candies with jelly “Jelly”, “Rowan chokeberry” or “Southern Night” were also very pleasant.
But the main delicacy of childhood and universal adoration is waffle-based candies. They were small in shape, such as “Pineapple”, “Our Brand”, “Clubfooted Bear”, “Tuzik”, medium - “Little Red Riding Hood” and large - “Gulliver” and “Bear in the North”. The latter are my sweet and tender childhood memories. Especially how they allowed me to pick up candy in the store...Mother let me into the warehouse, and knowing that I was a modest child, I wouldn’t take much. And I typed directly from the boxes. It was such happiness)) The candies were not cheap - they also cost 4 rubles somewhere.

One of the main joys of childhood

Well, the most expensive, as far as I remember, were truffles. They were often sold in gift boxes and cost from 7 to 11 rubles. That's why I set up home production of them - and I still play around with them sometimes)))
True, there was a simpler option - it was called “Golden Niva”. There, along with cocoa, the truffle was sprinkled with wafer crumbs. These sweets cost 6 rubles and were quite popular.

Candies "Zolotaya Niva"

Since we're talking about boxed candies, it's worth noting that they have always been a success. The ideal gift is a bottle of wine or Soviet champagne and a box of chocolates. They cost, depending on the brand, from 3 to 12 rubles. Particularly popular here in Leningrad were the Assorted Factories named after. Krupskaya. I especially liked the one with the fudge inside. And accordingly there were shortages.

Like that...

Another candy that I really liked came from Ukraine. Either the Vinnitsa factory or the famous Lviv “Svitoch” is considered the inventor of the “Strela” sweets. But I know for sure that they first appeared at the Lutsk candy factory and receiving a pack of arrows as a child was a great holiday for me))) Very tasty candies.


By the way, I recently saw a glimpse of their Belarusian production - I have to try it - maybe they’re delicious
Speaking about “Assorted” from the factory named after N.K. Krupskaya, we cannot pass by bars with chocolate or creamy milk filling. The price was 55 kopecks, and it was far from the cheapest option.


Chocolate medals cost the least - 10-15 kopecks. The smallest 20 gram chocolate bar cost 20 kopecks. "Tales of Pushkin", for example.

"Tales of Pushkin"

The legendary “Alenka” had the lowest price among large chocolate bars (80 kopecks per 80 grams). All others were noticeably more expensive. “Children’s” and “Jolly Guys” - 1.20, “Troika” - 1.30. “Aurora” went for 1 ruble 50 kopecks, and “Special” - 2 rubles. The most expensive was the “Golden Label” - about 2.50.

The abundance of overseas sweets does not cancel our love for desserts from childhood.

Are you nostalgic for bird's milk, chocolate sausage, potatoes, sour cream, Kiev cake, honey cake or Napoleon and dream of learning how to cook Soviet desserts yourself?

10 recipes for the most popular GOST pastries and cakes

bird's milk

Ingredients needed to make bird's milk:

  • Butter - 150 g
  • Condensed milk - 150 g
  • Vanilla extract - 2 g
  • Granulated sugar - 300 g
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Flour - 210 g
  • Agar - 7 g
  • Water - 200 g
  • Yolk - 105 g
  • Protein - 160 g
  • Lemon juice - 10 g
  • Molasses - 200 g
  • Black chocolate - 100 g
  • Butter - 30 g

Bird's milk recipe:

  1. Cream. Separately, beat the butter, vanilla extract and condensed milk. Mix everything together.
  2. Prepare the crust separately: Cream the butter and powdered sugar. Then add the yolk, water and flour. Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
  3. Chocolate glaze. Melt butter and chocolate. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Souffle. Soak the agar in a small amount of water.
  5. Add water, molasses and sugar. Boil the sugar syrup to 118 degrees to brew the whites.
  6. Beat the egg whites with lemon juice. Brew the protein with sugar syrup. Let cool a little. Add the prepared cream and place the soufflé on top of the crust.
  7. Cool. Glaze. Remove from mold.

Chocolate sausage

Ingredients needed to make chocolate sausage:

  • Butter - 170 g
  • Powdered sugar - 130 g
  • Cocoa - 40 g
  • Condensed milk - 90 g
  • Wheat flour - 100 g
  • Almonds - 70 g
  • Shortbread cookies - 130 g

Chocolate sausage recipe:

  1. Grind the almonds in a blender into crumbs. Roll out the cookies with a rolling pin. Mix flour with ground almonds and cookies.
  2. Place butter at room temperature, powdered sugar, condensed milk, cocoa in a mixer bowl and beat until smooth and fluffy. Add dry ingredients to cream and mix.
  3. Divide the finished chocolate mass in half (365 g each). Place on cling film, wrap and roll the sausage. Place in the freezer for 2 hours.
  4. Remove the sausage from the film and cut into pieces.

Cookies "Nut"

Ingredients needed to make peanut cookies:

  • Butter 82.5% - 325 g
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs
  • Table salt - 5 g
  • Powdered sugar - 205 g
  • Premium flour - 575 g
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Pecan nut - 3 pcs per serving

Cookie Nuts recipe:

  1. Beat the egg with sugar until white. Separately, beat the butter and flour. Mix gently and add the remaining ingredients.
  2. Mix everything in a mixer at low speed, about 5 minutes. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  3. Then roll it out to a thickness of 3 mm, put it in a mold and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  4. Separately, cook the condensed milk for 6 hours. Open the cooled condensed milk, place nuts in each half, add pecans (1 piece).
  5. Glue the two halves of the nut together. Serve on real walnuts.

Cake "Potato"

Ingredients needed to make Potato cake:

  • Chicken egg - 125 g
  • Sugar - 75 g
  • Wheat flour - 63 g
  • Starch - 12 g

For cream:

  • Butter - 175 g
  • Powdered sugar - 90 g
  • Condensed milk - 60 g
  • Cognac - 10 g

For sprinkling:

  • Cocoa - 40 g
  • Powdered sugar - 40 g

How to make potato cake:

  1. Prepare a sponge cake. Divide the processed eggs into yolks and whites. Separately, beat the yolks with sugar (75 g) and the whites with sugar (75 g).
  2. Mix wheat flour and starch. Add flour and starch to the yolks, stir until smooth.
  3. Gently fold in the beaten egg whites in two additions. Cover a baking tray with baking paper. Pour the dough onto the baking sheet and smooth it out to a thickness of 1 cm.
  4. Bake at 170°C until golden brown (10-15 minutes). Remove from the baking sheet, cool, and grind in a blender.
  5. Place butter at room temperature, powdered sugar, and condensed milk in a mixer bowl and beat until smooth and fluffy.
  6. Place part of the cream (45 g) in a cornet (for the antennae). Add cognac, stir until smooth.
  7. Combine biscuit crumbs with cream. Divide the mass into 50 g portions and make potato-shaped pieces.
  8. Mix cocoa with powdered sugar.
  9. Roll the blanks in sprinkles, place on a plate, and plant tendrils from the cornet.

Cake "Smetannik"

Ingredients needed to make Smetannik cake:

  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Eggs - 6 pcs
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Baking powder for dough - 8 g
  • Vanillin - 3 g
  • Powdered sugar - 180 g
  • Sour cream (30%) - 1175 g
  • Strawberry - 66 g
  • Strawberry syrup - 20 ml

Smetannik cake recipe:

  1. Place eggs and sugar in a mixer bowl. Beat with a whisk at high speed until smooth, fluffy and thick foam.
  2. Sift the flour and mix with baking powder and vanilla.
  3. Add the sifted flour into the eggs and sugar in 2 additions, stirring gently with a silicone spatula (so as not to settle) until smooth and without lumps.
  4. Pour the resulting mass into a round pan, level it with a spatula and bake for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Let cool.
  5. Prepare the cream. Add sour cream to a mixer bowl and, adding powdered sugar, beat until fluffy.
  6. Using a pastry ring (d = 6.5 cm), cut out 9 cylindrical cakes, 4 cm high, from the baked dough.
  7. Then cut off the upper and lower crusts from each cut-out circle, and cut the biscuit itself lengthwise into 3 plates.
  8. Cut strawberries (1/3 part) into small cubes 0.2 x 0.2 cm and mix with syrup. Cut the remaining berries into thin slices 0.1-0.2 cm thick.
  9. Each portion is designed like this. Take 3 biscuit plates. Place strawberries and syrup on 1 cake layer, then a layer of cream. Cover with the second cake layer, again strawberries with syrup and cream.
  10. Coat the top cake with cream, smooth the surface and decorate with strawberry slices.
  11. Before using, place portions in the refrigerator for 4 hours so that the cakes are soaked in cream.

Napoleon cake"

Ingredients needed to make Napoleon:

  • Puff pastry without yeast - 600 g
  • Milk - 415 ml
  • Sugar - 140 g
  • Vanilla bean (can be replaced with vanillin) - 5 g
  • Yolks - 5 pcs
  • Flour - 50 g
  • Cream (33%) - 300 ml

Napoleon cake recipe:

  1. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut into 5 equal squares.
  2. Place the dough on a baking sheet and pierce with a fork. Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Bake the dough scraps too and crumble them finely (for example, using a rolling pin).
  4. Mix milk and 70 g sugar, add vanilla and bring to a boil.
  5. Grind the yolks with the remaining sugar, add flour, mix.
  6. Add the yolk mixture to the hot sweet milk and vanilla. Beat.
  7. Whip the cream and fold into the custard. Mix.
  8. Assemble a five-layer cake, coating it with cream.
  9. Coat the top layer and sides with cream and sprinkle with dough crumbs.


Ingredients needed to make rum baba:

  • Yeast - 25 g
  • Water t 30 - 150 ml
  • Flour - 500 g
  • Sugar - 25 g
  • Salt - 10 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Water - 80 g
  • Rum - 20 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Lemon zest - 5 g
  • Orange zest - 5 g
  • Protein - 50 g
  • Sugar - 200 g

Baba recipe:

  1. Prepare the dough. Combine yeast, water t 30° and flour and place in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  2. Put sugar, salt, eggs and 300 g of flour into a mixer. Knead the dough, at the end add melted butter 0.150 (if you don’t have a mixer, beat by hand).
  3. You can also add pre-soaked and squeezed raisins, dried apricots or candied fruits.
  4. Place the finished dough in a warm place for 1 hour. Place into 250 gram molds and let stand for another 30 minutes. Bake at 180° for 20 minutes.
  5. Soak hot babas in syrup and cover with glaze. Beat lemon juice in a mixer until white. Glaze the baked goods and sprinkle with millet.
  6. Another taste nuance: you can put whipped cream, custard or curd cream through a syringe inside the woman, then it will be even tastier.

Wafer rolls

Ingredients needed to make waffle rolls

  • Egg - 8 pcs
  • Sugar - 280 g
  • Butter - 560 g
  • Flour - 560 g

Custard cream:

  • Chicken egg - 8 pcs
  • Sugar - 160 g
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Dark chocolate - 100 g
  • Boiled condensed milk cream:
  • Butter - 250 g
  • Boiled condensed milk - 860 g

Wafer rolls recipe:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar, add melted butter. Add flour and beat until smooth.
  2. In a medium saucepan, bring milk to a boil. Without cooling, add small portions to the egg mixture, whisking constantly.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a clean saucepan and place over high heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture bubbles and thickens.
  4. Remove the mixture from the stove and 1 tbsp. add butter, stirring well after each addition.
  5. Add finely chopped chocolate. Stir until dissolved and smooth.
  6. Transfer the cream to a bowl and cover the surface with cling film to prevent the cream from drying out. Cool completely. Fill waffle cones with cream. Decorate.
  7. Beat butter at room temperature, slightly melted, with boiled condensed milk until smooth, put in the refrigerator for a short time to harden, and then fill waffle cones.

Dessert “Kyiv” in a glass

Ingredients needed for the cream:

  • Cream 35% - 500 g
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g

Chocolate cream:

  • Kiev cream - 200 g
  • Cocoa powder - 20 g


  • Roasted hazelnuts - 170 g
  • Sugar - 235 g
  • Flour - 40 g
  • Protein - 200 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 g
  • Hazelnuts - 800 g
  • Sugar - 350 g

How to prepare dessert:

  1. Cream on Kyiv. Beat all ingredients until a pattern appears.
  2. Cakes. First chop the nuts. Beat the egg whites, add sugar little by little, beat until stiff, then add the hazelnuts.
  3. Bake at 130 degrees for 40 minutes.
  4. Chocolate cream. Take the basic Kievsky buttercream and add cocoa powder to it.
  5. First, put meringue in a glass, cream on top, and so on 5 times, the final layer is chocolate cream and hazelnuts in caramel.

Honey cake"

Ingredients needed to make Honey cake:

  • Honeycomb - 10 g
  • Cakes - 9 pcs
  • Honey - 180 g
  • Butter - 120 g
  • Sugar - 180 g
  • Salt - 1 g
  • Vanilla - 1 g
  • Soda - 10 g
  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • Flour - 500 g
  • Water - 100 g

Cream for honey cake:

  • Cream 35% - 500 g
  • Sour cream - 500 g
  • Sugar - 300 g

Honey cake recipe:

  1. Place vanilla, honey, butter, sugar, salt into a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil, then add baking soda and remove from heat, leave for 30 minutes at room temperature, do not stir, add egg and flour.
  2. Divide everything into 9 flat cakes, roll out the flat cakes and bake at 180 degrees until golden brown.
  3. Whip the cream, add sugar and sour cream. Stir, spread on 8 cake layers, assemble the cake, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.
  4. Make crumbs from 1 remaining cake layer by grinding it in a coffee grinder or blender. Sprinkle the honey cake and decorate it with honeycombs.

Bon appetit!
