Milk fat stabilizer. How to distinguish real chocolate from substitutes? Rules for consuming chocolate if you have high cholesterol

Increasingly, Russian consumers on the shelves of grocery stores began to notice products with the abbreviation ZMZH - milk fat substitute. What it is? Some people are wary of new products, while others, on the contrary, prefer such products. They are especially popular among people who care about their health. Our article will discuss products containing ZMZH. Let’s try to answer the question of why milk fat substitute is harmful to the human body.


What does milk fat substitute mean? This is a mixture of several vegetable oils that are pre-purified and well processed. The production process is carried out under the influence of high temperature and using a catalyst. As a result of their interaction, olein is formed, which can replace milk fats.

For this purpose, traditional products are used: rapeseed, soybean, corn, etc. However, exotic varieties can also be used: palm, coconut, etc. Each component has an individual fatty acid composition. Therefore, the quality characteristics of the product depend on the choice of oil. That's what milk fat replacer is. The combination of components directly affects the properties of the product.

According to statistics, products containing milk fat substitute are regularly consumed by the adult population of the following countries: France - 7%, Spain - 9%, Italy - 15%, Germany - 18%.

Difference from natural product

Milk fat substitute - what is it? What are the similarities and differences between breast milk and natural milk fat? The products have different composition and quality characteristics. These indicators determine the extent of their use in some areas of the food industry. The properties of products can be visually analyzed using a table.

As can be seen from the table, products have different fat-acid balances. The composition of the milk fat substitute is stable and does not contain cholesterol, which in excess quantities can cause chronic pathologies in the human body. However, it has a high proportion of fatty acids. These indicators indicate that ZMZh is more nutritious than a natural product.

The melting point of the product is higher, which makes it possible to use it for the production of ice cream. It is able to retain flavor, aroma and texture for longer under a variety of conditions. Natural products quickly deteriorate and are a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes. The shelf life of products containing PMF is longer. In addition, such products have a stable oxidative balance.

Reasons for production

Why did they start producing milk fat substitute? What is this from the point of view of a modern manufacturer? Why buy exotic polysynthetic oils to make traditional products? There are some reasons:

  1. Lactose intolerance. Some people cannot tolerate this component, which is included in dairy products. Chronic diseases of the food system are considered an additional condition in the development of such pathology. Component intolerance may develop with age. There are known cases of congenital pathology, which is associated with the absence of certain enzymes in the body.
  2. Compatibility. ZMZH is considered a product that can replace milk fats contained in natural products by 85%.
  3. High content of vitamins. Food products that contain milk fat are well supplied with vitamins A and E. According to the technical standard (GOST), the milk fat substitute contains a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for the human body.
  4. Low calorie content. Experts allow products containing ZMZh to be used for hypertension and in cases of problems with excess weight. Healthy fats are perfectly absorbed and do not settle on the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Biological value. Food products that contain ZMZh have a positive effect on the human body.
  6. Low cost. Nutritious, vitamin-rich products at an affordable price can save the population from hunger for a long time.
  7. No contraindications. Food products containing PMF do not cause allergic reactions in consumers.

According to the latest data, lactose intolerance is observed in the adult population: CIS - 19%, Europe - 39%, Africa - 80%, Asia - 95%. The closer people live to the equator, the more they suffer from this pathology.

Harm caused

Is milk fat substitute harmful? And what is this harm? Despite a number of advantages, there are some negative aspects that expose milk fat substitute. The harm of a product depends on the factors that make it dangerous for consumption:

  1. Recently, many myths have arisen about palm oil, which in excess amounts is considered a carcinogen and clogs the body with toxins. According to the RF Land Code No. 163, this product is prohibited for use in its pure form in Russia. ZMZh does not contain palm oil, but olein, which is safe for use. However, it is better not to use products that contain it in children's diets. The product helps remove calcium from the body.
  2. Harm is observed when products containing PMF are abused. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a restriction has been introduced on its permissible amount in products: no more than 50%. Experts recommend carefully reading the ingredients of the products. Excess fatty foods in the diet will not benefit the body. However, the same can be said about butter.

In what areas is it used?

ZMZh is used in the food industry to produce products that previously traditionally included milk fats. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery, dairy products and baked goods. Their list can be continued again and again. For example, the following products contain it:

  • ice cream;
  • margarine;
  • pasta;
  • condensed milk;
  • chocolate products;
  • cheese products;
  • sour cream.

Importance in the commodity market

ZMZh recently appeared on store shelves, but has already gained popularity among nutritionists and people leading a healthy lifestyle. In developed European countries and the USA, the product has long been used and welcomed by ordinary people. The secret of its popularity lies in its availability, low cost and nutritional value.

The food industry is no longer directly dependent on the livestock industry. This allows you to increase the range and volume of products, which are no longer affected by seasonality or transportation conditions. The shelf life of products has increased. All this is of great importance for the Russian food industry and has a positive effect on the development of the industry.

But why is there so much talk around ZMZ? The reason is the lack of awareness of the population. Everything unknown seems dangerous. In addition, the media is creating fear. There are many unscrupulous manufacturers who deceive consumers.


Chocolate strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels from bad blood, does not harm the figure and slows down aging. But all this only if he is real. As a study conducted by the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights and the independent laboratory of the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Quality” showed, we have chocolate mercilessly.

Let me make a reservation right away, we are only talking about dark chocolate. The “milk” and “white” varieties were not considered. By definition, they contain less valuable cocoa beans than fats and sugar, so this chocolate is not considered healthy.

Employees of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights bought ten tiles from the most popular brands in the capital's stores and sent them for examination. Only three samples passed the test: “Bitter chocolate 80% cocoa” - Red October company; “Chocolate “Babaevsky” elite bitter 75% cocoa” - confectionery concern “Babaevsky”; “Bitter dessert chocolate “Vernisage” 70% cocoa” - confectionery factory named after. N.K. Krupskaya.

It turns out that instead of expensive cocoa butter, manufacturers have gotten the hang of adding cheap vegetable ones to their products - most often shea butter, coconut butter, etc. They just forget to inform the buyer about this. The substitution was found even in the three best samples. True, they are within the limits allowed by chocolate GOST, less than 5%.

The situation has reached the point of absurdity: in Moscow, for example, you can find supposedly dark chocolate on sale for 12 rubles. 40 kopecks per tile. “We are dealing with an unprecedented reduction in the cost of products,” says Marina Tsirenina, head of the department of instrumental methods of analysis at ANO Soyuzexpertiza. “This is falsification, which borders on theft.”

In a good way, even the allowed 5% of “foreign” oils is too much for dark chocolate. “Firstly, this is reflected in,” Marina Tsirenina explained to me. “Secondly, on quality - the more chocolate is diluted, the less cocoa products remain in it.” And the less cocoa in chocolate, the less flavonoids - substances that strengthen our body. It is a little consoling that the plant equivalents in chocolate are not harmful, but natural plant ones.

The Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights now promises to monitor chocolate. Every few months the results of the examination of the most popular brands will be published. But only the buyer can radically improve the situation. If we vote with rubles for quality chocolate, the fake one will disappear by itself.

Here is a brief educational program for an enlightened buyer.

Sugar or cocoa comes first

In the first place in the composition, the ingredient that is most abundant in the product is indicated. If it's cocoa, it's good, if it's sugar, it's bad.

Dark or bitter

Dark can contain less cocoa raw materials (40% cocoa and 20% cocoa butter), so bitter is preferable. If both names are indicated on the label, the chocolate is probably actually dark.

33%, 55% and 80%

The composition of the correct chocolate should contain two numbers: 55% (the content of total cocoa solids) and 33% (the amount of cocoa butter). The higher the first number, the better. Ideal - 75-80%.

Vegetable equivalent (VEE)

The same cheap vegetable fat instead of cocoa butter. You most likely won't see this information on the label. If you see it, don’t take it, it means you’ve definitely been deprived of cocoa.


“Real chocolate is simple - grated raw cocoa and sugar,” says Lyudmila Skokan, deputy director for scientific work at the Research Institute of the Confectionery Industry. The longer the list of ingredients, the less healthy the treat is. E476 (egg lecithin), E322 (soy lecithin), flavoring identical to natural (most often vanillin) - a conscientious chocolatier can easily do without these additives.


Real dark chocolate cannot be cheaper than 40-50 rubles. “The average price of a bar of dark chocolate in Moscow is 50-100 rubles,” says Igor Nazarov, deputy director of Moscow Quality. — The cheapest one we came across cost 12 rubles. 40 kopecks, the most expensive is 275 rubles.”

Appearance, smell and taste

Brownish red, not black. It breaks with a subtle crunch. It immediately begins to melt in your hands - chocolate melts at a temperature of 32 degrees, which is 0.2 degrees lower than the normal temperature of our palms. It naturally smells like chocolate and cocoa. But if you allow a slice and inhale deeply, you can also discern the aroma of toffee, (plum, raspberry, citrus), hot spices, caramel and even noble tobacco. On the contrary, bad chocolate has a metallic and sugary taste and a slight burning sensation in the mouth.


If you want to get serious about chocolate, learn more about how it's made. For example, I was very inspired by the story of the Mast chocolate brothers from New York. For them, chocolate is not just a business, but high skill and an exciting adventure in the spirit of Mark Twain (see video). Cocoa beans come by sea from familiar farmers from Venezuela, Madagascar and the Dominican Republic. Then the grains are processed almost manually, without adding in progress nothing but sugar. It takes 37 days for the delicacy to “ripen”. Anyone can watch this magical transformation and take a sample. After this, one cannot dare to call dark chocolate bitter, and milk chocolate seems like a primitive fake.

Since 2011, when purchasing dairy products, our compatriots began to pay attention to a strange abbreviation - ZMZH. It means “milk fat substitute” - the appearance of this component in lactic acid products immediately caused fierce controversy: some consumers claim that these are very dangerous additives that lead to serious diseases, while others claim that neither the taste nor the nutritional properties from the use of such substitutes suffer.

Natural component

Milk fat of animal origin is found everywhere in cheese, as well as cottage cheese, kefir and other similar products. Let us dwell in more detail on the structure and consumer characteristics of milk fats.


MF is very well absorbed by the human body due to its special chemical composition. The structure of the component is based on unsaturated fatty acids (in particular, oleic and linoleic acid, which is similar in composition), the quantitative indicator of which largely depends on the characteristics of the animal’s diet and the time of year. So, in summer their concentration is 35-45%, and in winter it is much lower - only 25-34%.

The structure of the component also includes saturated acids that are important for the body - such as lauric, palmitic, myristic, and stearic.

MF contains low molecular weight substances that can accumulate only in milk fat, these are:

  • capric acid – 2.7%;
  • nylon – 1.9%;
  • caprylic – 1.4%.

Milk fat is rich in various beneficial vitamins A, E, K and B, in addition, it contains the minerals Mg, R, Ca and P. By the way, natural fat is rich in cholesterol and ergostyrine, which, when exposed to sunlight, are easily converted into vitamin D2, which significantly improves the absorption of calcium from milk and milk-containing products.

How is it useful?

Many people believe that if you frequently consume milk fat, a couple of unnecessary kilograms will certainly settle on your hips and sides, but this is a very common misconception. It has been proven that lactic acid products contain components that direct all the biochemical processes of the adult body in the opposite direction - these are fatty linoleic acids. They effectively resist obesity, and in addition, strengthen the immune system and help successfully fight gastrointestinal and many other dangerous diseases. In addition, milk fats are rich in calcium, and scientists have long confirmed the theory that this element promotes the removal of waste and toxins from the body, and also leads to weight loss.

Calcium, present in significant quantities in the product, strengthens bone and muscle tissue, helps normalize nervous activity, and also improves the process of protein synthesis, which is the main building material of all tissues and organs of the human body.

And, of course, milk fat is the main source of energy for humans, so it is recommended for consumption by people weakened after a serious illness or due to heavy physical exertion.

Contraindications and harm

At the same time, opponents of milk fats do not stop talking, claiming that they are the main cause of high cholesterol, which leads to serious problems in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. That is why products containing breast milk are not recommended for consumption by people suffering from atherosclerosis, chronic blockage of blood vessels, as well as people prone to heart attacks.

However, it should be noted that in moderate dosages, cholesterol is not only not dangerous for the human body, but is even beneficial. It regulates metabolism, promotes the production of sex hormones, and in addition has a beneficial effect on brain activity. The substance is dangerous only if consumed in excess, so if you do not exceed the recommended dosages and maintain a balanced diet, then milk fat will not cause harm.

Milk fat substitutes

In recent years, a healthy lifestyle has become a real trend. Young and old people flocked to gyms en masse and became concerned about proper nutrition, which is why many removed fat-rich milk from their diet.

Taking up this trend, manufacturers began to use fat substitutes en masse., which not only make products “lighter”, but also significantly reduce their cost. Substitutes contain up to 50% oils; most often they use corn, as well as rapeseed, sunflower, cottonseed or soybean. At the same time, the concentration of the saturated component balances with the unsaturated fat-containing components. The relevance of the production of dairy products with substitutes is great. According to statistics, about 30% of the world's population suffers from milk intolerance due to the inability to digest lactose. This pathology has been formed for more than one century and is directly related to the specific food preferences of a particular people. So, in the CIS countries this problem occurs in 19% of the population, in Europe the figure is higher - 39%, in African and Asian countries it is extremely high and amounts to 80 and 95%, respectively. Moreover, the closer people are to the equatorial belt, the more often they encounter a similar problem.

And, of course, the absence of cholesterol, which tends to be deposited in blood vessels, also to a large extent led to the creation of milk fat substitutes.

Thanks to new technology, ZMZh is a product that has properties and features completely similar to the natural component. Moreover, the component does not contain lactose, so it can be safely consumed by allergy sufferers.

The calorie content of products based on substitutes is much lower than those containing natural milk fat, and therefore it is recommended to include it in the diet of those who are trying to lose excess weight.

Well, in addition, the structure of the substitutes includes polyunsaturated acids, which have the most beneficial effect on the functioning of all vital human organs and tissues.

What are they made of?

Perhaps the most controversial oil in the structure of ZMZ is palm oil. It is rich in saturated fatty acids, includes vitamin A and all B vitamins, but in large doses it has a carcinogenic effect, and in addition, under the influence of high temperatures it begins to release waste and toxins that clog the human body. That is why, since 2014, the use of natural palm oil for the production of dairy products has been prohibited in Russia.

Soybean oil is also quite often used as a substitute for milk fat. It includes vitamins A and E, as well as various healthy fats, which significantly minimize the risk of developing atherosclerosis and also improve brain activity.

Palm oil

soybean oil

At the same time, some consumers have a severe allergy to a specific soy protein; it is not recommended for pregnant women, and if consumed in significant quantities, it can provoke a severe headache.

Rapeseed oil has a light taste and fresh aroma, therefore it significantly improves the consumer characteristics of the dairy product. It contains oleic, as well as linoleic and linolenic acids, which are considered essential for the body. It contains vitamins A, B and D, thanks to which the product optimizes heart function and even has antitumor properties.

At the same time, certain types of rapeseed oil contain high doses of erucic acid, which has an adverse effect on the hormonal levels of adolescents, and in addition, in significant quantities leads to an exacerbation of cholelithiasis and often causes allergies.

The use of sunflower, flaxseed, coconut and corn oils, as a rule, has no contraindications. In addition, these substances are well known and familiar to our compatriots, and therefore, the organisms of people living on our territory are familiar with this component.

Advantages and disadvantages

ZMZh can replace natural fats that are part of dairy products by 85%. They contain a large number of vitamins and nutrients, but at the same time have minimal calorie content.

The advantages of the substitute are obvious:

  • they do not contain “bad” cholesterol, which means they do not pose a threat to the health of the heart and blood vessels;
  • contain high concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids, due to which they have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • the substitute has a creamy taste and pleasant consistency.

Products based on milk fat substitutes can be safely consumed by patients suffering from any form of diabetes, lactose intolerance and hypertension.

However, nutritionists are confident that all the beneficial properties of the product are manifested only when consumed in moderation. Excessive intake of such substitutes can quickly lead to slagging in the body and the deposition of harmful substances on the walls of blood vessels.

Eating products made from milk fat analogues is contraindicated for children, since the olein present in it can leach calcium from the growing body. For the same reason, its use should be minimized for people with musculoskeletal problems.

Thus, to the complex question of whether a milk fat substitute is dangerous, a simple answer can be given - no, the product itself is not harmful, however, in its use, as in everything else, moderation is needed.

Most nutritionists and nutritionists speak out unequivocally in defense of various milk fat substitutes, arguing that the benefits of consuming them are great. Products based on it are rich in nutritious fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements that are important for health.

In addition, the components included in these products resist fat deposition, so doctors recommend them to consolidate the effect of diets.

Phosphorus and calcium in the structure of the product reduce the need for sweets.

However, it is very important not to rush from one extreme to another - and completely replace natural products with their analogues. You should not throw cottage cheese out of the refrigerator, buy a cottage cheese product, or buy low-fat yogurt - in this case, you will not be able to get the dose of calcium necessary for normal growth and development, which is responsible for the strength of teeth, bones, hair and nails.

The list of products in which ZMZh is used today is very impressive. The component is found in margarine, cheeses, condensed products, as well as ice cream, pasta, fermented milk products and sour cream.

You should not be afraid of foods produced with milk fat substitutes. Moreover, for those who are on diets, vegetable oils are much healthier than animal oils. However, this only applies to oils of the highest quality, which are manufactured without any violations of established standards. Therefore, when purchasing a dairy product, you should definitely study the composition of the product and its compliance with GOST.

See the following video about the benefits and harms of milk fat and its substitutes.

Contains natural cocoa products and more than other tested milk fat samples. There are more toxic elements than in other samples, but within acceptable limits. Taste, color, appearance and consistency are good.

The sample contains natural cocoa products, and its fatty acid composition corresponds to a proportional mixture of cocoa butter and milk fat. Taste, color, appearance and consistency are good.

The sample contains the most sugar compared to others (59.5%), the amount of cocoa products corresponds to GOST, but is the least among the studied samples. Taste, color, appearance and consistency are good.

Milk chocolate question

For reference:

Milk chocolate: a confectionery product made from cocoa products, sugar, milk and (or) products of its processing, containing at least 25% of the total solids of cocoa products, not less than 2.5% of the dry non-fat residue of cocoa products , not less than 12% milk solids and (or) products of its processing, not less than 2.5% milk fat and not less than 25% total fat.

  • According to GOST, the milk fat content in milk chocolate must be at least 2.5%. In the tested samples, this figure exceeds the percentage required by the standard by 2-3 times (and not to the detriment of cocoa butter).

Most milk fat is in the sample Lindt(7.8%). However, experts have questions about this chocolate. After all, the Lindt label claims a milk fat content of 10%! For other samples, the actual data and the data in the labeling coincided.

Least milk fat in "Alenke" And Ritter Sport(5.6 and 5.7%, respectively), however, this value corresponds to GOST.
However, at the same time Ritter Sport boasts the highest mass fraction of protein - 7.7%. This indicates the high biological value of the product. "Alenka" slightly inferior - 7.4%. At the sample Milka mass fraction of protein - 6.7% (while the labeling states 5.7%).

  • As with any chocolate, the most important and most expensive ingredient for milk chocolate is cocoa. According to GOST, the content of cocoa products in milk chocolate should not be less than 25%. And again, all samples are at their best, the cocoa content in them is almost 40% more than the minimum permissible value according to GOST. Became a leader Lindt(35.3%). Minimum cocoa in chocolate Alpen Gold(28.8%), which, nevertheless, corresponds to GOST.

All samples contain natural cocoa products - this is confirmed by chemical analysis!

For reference:

  • The fatty acid composition, according to the results of the study, corresponds to a proportional mixture of cocoa butter and milk fat.

At the same time, the mass fraction of cocoa butter in all samples ranges from 22.9 to 28.7%. This indicator is not standardized in milk chocolate.

However, according to the actual content of cocoa butter samples "Alenka" And Lindt almost reach the requirements for dark chocolate (33%). This characterizes the products as very high quality.

What should real milk chocolate be like?

Real milk chocolate contains cocoa mass, cocoa butter, milk powder and sugar. For different manufacturers, the ratio of these ingredients may be different, which affects the taste parameters of chocolate, some make it more milky, others have more chocolate notes, others have more sweetness (sugar), if you compare several milk chocolates from market leaders, you can feel the difference, but it's all milk chocolate. For the end consumer, it is important to pay attention to the composition (the presence of the above ingredients is required), and you can also rely on GOST or TU for making chocolate.

For lovers of the classic taste of milk chocolate, it is better to choose chocolates made in accordance with GOST. Also, one of the important parameters of real chocolate is its price.

The consumer must understand that real chocolate today cannot cost less than 60 rubles per hundred-gram bar on the shelf. If the price is lower, then you should carefully study the composition; most likely it will not be real chocolate, but chocolate made with cocoa product substitutes. They give the chocolate a “plasticine” consistency.

Fake chocolate does not melt in your hands and has a viscous texture, which means that it contains substitutes for cocoa products. This chocolate is a confectionery bar.

Without husk

Trans fats and sugar: how much is there really in chocolate?

For reference:

Why is there practically no sugar-free milk chocolate on sale? There is dark bitter, but milky - only sweet...
Milk chocolate is the most popular among Russian consumers; 70% of those with a sweet tooth choose milk chocolate rather than bitter and white. Chocolate manufacturers also know these taste preferences, which is why the vast majority make milk chocolate according to the classic recipe with a fairly high sugar content.

  • Testing chocolate for trans fat content showed that the mass fraction of trans fatty acid isomers in all samples was 0.3%. This is a very low value, at background level. It can be assumed that there are no trans fats in the tested samples.

Important! Natural chocolate does not contain trans fats, unlike confectionery products made with cocoa butter substitutes. When buying products with substitutes, it is worth remembering that the consumption of trans fats leads to an increase in cardiovascular diseases and mortality. From January 1, 2018, trans fats in amounts greater than 2% will be prohibited for use in the public diet.

  • However, danger awaits the milk chocolate consumer on the other side. We are talking about sugar content. Milk chocolate cannot be called low-calorie. And, although its calorie content is lower than that of dark and bitter chocolate, keep in mind that in comparison with them, it is sugar that is “to blame” for the calorie content of milk chocolate. The sugar content in the tested samples is approximately the same. There is a little less of it, compared to other samples, in the chocolate bar Ritter Sport- 56.3%. Manufacturers did not spare sugar Alpen Gold — 59,5%.

Without germs, but with toxins

For reference:

The reason for the presence of toxic elements in chocolate may be the high level of their content in the soil in which the cocoa beans were grown. Indeed, during the growth and ripening of cocoa beans, their shell (cocoa shell) tends to accumulate harmful substances. Therefore, the presence of toxic elements is an indirect sign of the use of low-quality raw materials in the production of chocolate, including those containing cocoa shells.

In addition to microbes, the chocolate was tested for toxic elements, including heavy metals. Experts in the laboratory determined how much arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury were in each chocolate bar.

  • Mercury was not found in any of the samples, cadmium was found in insignificant quantities.
  • But there was quite a lot of lead and arsenic. In a product such as chocolate, no more than 1 mg/kg of lead and 1 mg/kg of arsenic are allowed. Compared to other types of products, the maximum permissible levels of these toxic elements for chocolate are quite high. The lead content is close to the critical level Lindt and Alpen Gold, and in terms of arsenic content - Lindt and Milka. Total contamination with toxic elements is highest in chocolate Lindt.

Although all indicators for all tested samples are within the maximum permissible concentrations, keep in mind that the same lead, for example, tends to accumulate in the human body and have a negative effect on the nervous system, blood cells, the condition of bones and internal organs. If you eat 50 grams of chocolate every day, you will get up to 18 mg of lead in a year. At the same time, according to research, the average city dweller already receives about 20 mg of this heavy metal per year from all other products containing lead and from the polluted atmosphere. This dose is already enough for the first signs of toxic effects to appear: decreased mental activity, high blood pressure, headaches and memory impairment. That's why you shouldn't get too carried away with chocolate.

In general, the tested samples turned out to be up to par - according to the results of the test, milk chocolate "Alenka", Milka, Lindt, Alpen Gold and Ritter Sport were recommended for purchase.

Roskontrol regularly conducts research on popular products. The examination of milk and dark chocolate showed that, in general, the situation with the quality of these product categories is favorable. However, testing the quality of cocoa powder revealed many serious irregularities in the samples examined.

How to avoid such examples and motivate manufacturers to improve the quality of their products? Regular independent control of products sold and informing buyers about the results of the examination is a real market tool for protecting consumers and stimulating fair competition.

Introduced at the end of 2016, it is built precisely on these principles. In this way, we will be able to ensure that the quality of products circulating on the Russian market is stable.

An independent quality control system is useful not only for the consumer. Manufacturers who voluntarily take part in regular monitoring of the quality and safety of their own products can generally count on the trust and loyalty of customers.



The nutritional value

Name Mass fraction of total cocoa solids, % Mass fraction of milk fat, % Degree of grinding, %

It is estimated that the average person eats approximately 2.5 kg of food per day, which amounts to almost 1000 kg per year. Today, about 7 billion people live on planet Earth. Every day the population of our planet is increasing.

In order to feed such a huge number of people with high-quality and energy-rich food, food manufacturers have to find a way to reduce the cost of raw materials.

One of the substances that act as a surrogate for popular and frequently consumed products are milk fat substitutes.

Today we will try to answer the question, what is a milk fat substitute and is it harmful to human health?

Dairy fat replacer is obtained from processed vegetable oils. This type of oil is obtained from plants and plant materials. In the global milk fat substitute industry, several types of vegetable oils are used:

  • Palm;
  • soy;
  • rapeseed;
  • sunflower;
  • coconut;
  • corn

While sunflower and corn oils are familiar to our region, exotic tropical oils still cause mistrust. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

This vegetable oil is obtained from the fruits of the oil palm. It has a pronounced taste and smell. When manufactured, it has several fractions depending on the melting point (oleic and stearic). There are categories of oil:

  1. Category I - stearin (used for making margarine and instant noodles);
  2. Category II - classic palm oil, very similar to butter;
  3. Category III - palm olein - creamy consistency.

In addition to the food industry, it is used in cosmetic production, soap making, and for the preparation of stearin.

Positive traits:

  • contains carotenoids, precursors of vitamin A;
  • contains vitamin E;
  • contains saturated fatty acids.

Negative qualities:

  • in large quantities it is a carcinogen;
  • the melting point is higher than the human body temperature, so it clogs the body with toxins;
  • unacceptable in baby food (in the child’s body it binds to calcium and removes it from the body).

To replace milk fat in the food industry, the so-called olein is used, which is the basis of all substitutes. Through deep processing, exposure to high temperatures and the addition of other vegetable oils, pure palm oil becomes suitable and safe for consumption.

By the way, environmentalists are sounding the alarm: the fact is that the tree from which palm oil is made, the oil palm, can be completely destroyed in order to extract valuable raw materials. Around the world, the share of palm oil production is ahead of all other types of oils.

Extracted from soybean seeds. It has a pronounced taste and smell. The color varies from greenish to light yellow. It is obtained by mechanical pressing and the second method is extraction by using an organic solvent.

There are two types of oil:

  1. Unrefined (only goes through the filtration stage).
  2. Refined (subjects to filtration, hydration, neutralization, bleaching, deodorization).

Positive traits:

  • contains healthy fats and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • activates the brain;
  • When applied externally, it softens and nourishes the skin.

Negative qualities:

  • may cause an allergy to soy protein;
  • It is undesirable for women to use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in large quantities causes migraine attacks.

Rapeseed oil

This is a vegetable oil with a pleasant aroma and taste of a nut; people like to add it to salads and baked goods. Rapeseed oil is extracted using mechanical pressing and chemical extraction.

There can be two types:

  1. Unrefined.
  2. Refined.

Useful qualities:

  • contains linoleic, linolenic, oleic fatty acids (essential fatty acids);
  • vitamins A, D, E;
  • antioxidants;
  • improves heart function;
  • lowers cholesterol levels, thereby preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of cancer cells.

Harmful qualities:

  • unrefined oils of some varieties of rapeseed oil contain harmful erucic acid, which can negatively affect the hormonal levels of a growing organism;
  • causes exacerbation of cholelithiasis and chronic hepatitis;
  • may cause allergic reactions;
  • unrefined oil may contain thioglycoside; this substance improves appetite, but can also cause severe headaches.

By comparison, natural milk fat also has a number of beneficial substances.

A dairy product made from cow's cream, milk is animal fat.

It has a delicate aroma and creamy delicate taste. Melting point 34 degrees.

There are several grades and categories, depending on the percentage of fat content from 85% to 50%. Very high in calories.

Beneficial features:

  • contains cholesterol (building cell membranes, producing hormones);
  • contains saturated fatty acids;
  • contains vitamins A, D, E;
  • trace elements iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, manganese, potassium;
  • essential fatty acids for healthy hair, skin, nails;
  • antioxidant property.

Negative qualities:

  • good breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria;
  • excess in the diet leads to an increase in normal cholesterol content and its deposition on the walls in the form of atherosclerosis;
  • high risk of complications of atherosclerosis (myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, gangrene of the extremities);
  • obesity;
  • allergic reactions to milk proteins;
  • lactose intolerance.

The list of products and culinary products that use a milk fat substitute can be continued endlessly:

  • margarine;
  • cheese products;
  • confectionery and bread;
  • ice cream;
  • pasta;
  • condensed products;
  • sour cream products;
  • dairy products.

The milk fat substitute appeared on the shelves of the CIS countries relatively recently, but it has boldly gained the trust of nutritionists and fighters for a healthy lifestyle. Several years ago, it was legally prohibited to use pure palm oil as the main raw material; it is only allowed in a mixture with other vegetable oils.

Why use a milk fat substitute?

It would seem, why complicate your life so much by purchasing tropical semi-synthetic oils for the production of familiar food products.

There are several reasons why milk fat substitutes are preferable:

  • Cheaper food products.
  • Balanced nutrition for people suffering from lactose intolerance.
  • Reducing the level of harmful fats and cholesterol in commonly consumed foods.
  • Increased storage time.
  • Increasing the amount of vitamin content.

Lactose intolerance, symptoms and prevalence

Features of climate, living conditions and cultural and religious differences have shaped the principles of nutrition and the human enzymatic system for centuries.


According to statistics, among adults, lactose intolerance is registered in a large percentage of the population:

  • Among residents of Russia and CIS countries - 19% of residents.
  • Northern Europe - less than 4%.
  • England and France - 35%.
  • Southeast Asia - more than 95%.

The closer people live to the equator, the more adults suffer from the inability to digest milk. Chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines are an additional factor in the development of such pathology.

With age, in a person who has not previously suffered from this enzymatic disease, the intestinal mucosa atrophies, and signs of lactose intolerance may appear:

  • flatulence;
  • chronic constipation;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ache.

The main reason for these symptoms is the lack of a specific enzyme, lactase, in the human digestive tract. Once in the stomach, milk fat transits into the intestines, where it is abundantly absorbed by human microflora.

The final product of lactose metabolism by microorganisms is a mixture of gases. In addition to gases in the intestinal cavity, milk fat creates a difference in osmotic pressure and attracts water from the body, thereby causing diarrhea.

Cheaper food products due to ZMZH

Despite the developed civilization and infrastructure, the modern world has global sociological problems that are currently not resolved. Starvation, as a manifestation of extreme malnutrition, occurs in Africa and Central Asia.

According to WHO, malnutrition and a diet poor in vitamins cause the death of three million children under 5 years of age per year. On average, 840 million people suffer from malnutrition to varying degrees, which is more than 12% of the world's population. Thus, high-calorie, vitamin-rich food at an affordable price can be a solution to the problem of hunger on earth.

Reducing the level of harmful fats and cholesterol in consumed foods

In developed countries, the problem of obesity and vascular diseases is becoming a serious problem for people's health.

Real milk fats are made up of saturated fats. These fats are a source of cholesterol in the human body. It should be recalled that cholesterol performs very important functions in normal human functioning such as:

  • structural function - an integral part of the cell wall, the cell membrane becomes elastic, flexible and strong;
  • hormonal function - sex hormones of men and women, as well as hormones of the adrenal cortex, are synthesized from cholesterol;
  • digestive function - special substances are synthesized from cholesterol - bile acids, which are directly involved in the digestion of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. A, D, E, K.

Therefore, you should not think that cholesterol can only harm the body. However, its excess intake provokes the appearance of such severe chronic pathology as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis affects all arterial vessels, including the vessels of the heart and brain. Death from myocardial infarction and acute cerebral circulatory disorders ranks first among all causes of death in every country in the world.

Milk fat substitutes have a number of significant advantages over milk fat:

  1. Does not contain cholesterol.
  2. They contain unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to the body.
  3. The content of vitamin E and A is higher than in natural milk fat.
  4. They do not contribute to obesity and hypertension.
  5. Does not cause food allergies.
  6. Improves the taste and consistency of products.

Increasing the storage time of products with ZMZH

Every year, about 30% of food products are thrown into the trash. Of this mass, half is completely usable, and only half is thrown away due to expired or spoiled.

When using milk fat substitutes, the shelf life increases, but the taste does not change. Natural dairy products quickly go rancid and can serve as a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

Products with fat substitutes can be stored much longer, and they are absolutely not susceptible to bacterial spoilage.

Is it worth eating foods with MM?

Like any innovation, the use of milk fat substitutes instead of traditionally familiar milk met with a lot of bad responses in the press. An ordinary person who buys butter and pasta every day does not even know what is in their composition.

Is it difficult for an ordinary buyer to figure out what is bad and what is good? Unscrupulous manufacturers can talk a lot about the dangers of their competitor's products. It is important to be competent and scrupulous in the matter of choice. One thing is certain: if even the healthiest product is consumed in large quantities, it can become poisonous. Everything is good in moderation.


Should you become an adherent of a healthy lifestyle and change your eating habits or leave them the same? Each person decides this for himself. Natural milk and products made from it have been with man since the beginning of history.

But the current state of health of the prevailing number of people makes us think about ways to reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis and death from its complications.

Education: Donetsk National University, Faculty of Biology, Biophysics.

Petrozavodsk State University Faculty of Medicine

Specialty: general practitioner
