Solyanka soup calorie content per 100 grams. Recipe: Solyanka mixed meat. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value. Composition and beneficial properties of meat solyanka

This is the first dish for meat eaters. But real rich meat solyanka is not a very dietary dish. Let's just say that on a low-carbohydrate diet, a large amount of fat is forgiven, but from the point of view of benefits for the body, there should not be a lot of animal fats, a lot of vegetable fats can be used.

I cook food with such complications that it’s time to twirl your finger at your temple. Sometimes I’m embarrassed to show how meticulously I pick and choose products. Only those who count the calories in each spoon will understand me, well, let there be a recipe for such.


  • Pork tenderloin – 200 g
  • Sausages only 200 g:
    • Milk sausage – 50 g
    • Low-fat ham - 50 g
    • Beef sausage – 50 g
    • Cervelat granular – 50 g
  • Onions - 70 g
  • Olives - 70 g
  • Potatoes – 250
  • Pickled cucumbers – 150 g
  • Olive oil – 5 g
  • Spices for soup (pepper, bay leaf)
  • Lemon

How to cook solyanka

  1. I clean the pork tenderloin from the films and fat that are always on it (and here the hungry dog ​​licks its lips).
  2. I fill a 1.5 liter pan with water halfway and put it on the fire along with the meat.
  3. At this time I peel the onions and potatoes.
  4. I chop onions, potatoes and cucumbers with a shredder, everything is equally fine: strips 3-4 mm thick.
  5. I sauté the onion in a dessert spoon of olive oil.
  6. When the water with the meat boils, I skim off the foam and immediately add all the vegetables to the soup.
  7. I also cut the sausages into strips and set them aside.
  8. I render fat from smoked sausage. Cervelat is initially distressingly fatty! But so delicious...

    To do this, I cut the sausage into rings, place it on napkins and put it in the microwave. The time depends on the power, but approximately 30-45 seconds. You can hear the sausage begin to “shoot”.

    I take it out and blot it with napkins. If you need another 5-10 seconds in the microwave. As a result, out of 50 g of cervelat, 35 g remain. Therefore, I recalculate the fat content of cervelat! Of course, all the fat won’t be rendered, and oh well, smoked sausage definitely adds flavor to the soup!

  9. I cut the olives into rings.
  10. After boiling and adding vegetables to the soup, cook for exactly 20 minutes. Afterwards I start all the sausages, cut into strips and olives.
  11. Add water to the top of the pan (if necessary).
  12. Add bay leaf, salt and spices to taste.
  13. I continue to cook the soup for another 5 minutes and turn it off.
  14. I pour the finished soup into bowls and add a circle of lemon. Can be served with fresh herbs and grain bread.

The soup turns out very thick, and, as you can see, it contains potatoes. Potatoes are not added to the traditional solyanka recipe, but they make the soup more satisfying. There is only a little less than a liter of water in the soup. I selected the sausages with intention - everything except the smoked sausage had the same nutritional value. There were a lot of them on the counter, and there were sausages and ham with the same KBJU.

Nutritional value of products:

Products Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Lean pork tenderloin 19,4 4 0 113,6
Sausages, low-fat ham 12 18 0,47 106,5
Cervelat granular 10,6 46 2,8 482
Cervelat granular melted 14,2 27,4 3,7 319
Potato 1,3 0,1 10 47
Olive oil 0 100 0 900
Onion turnip 1,4 0,2 8,2 41
Olives 0,8 10,7 3 111
Pickles 0,3 0,2 2,3 12,4

Solyanka meat, nutritional value.

veal 63.0 (gram)
beef, category 1 81.0 (gram)
boiled-smoked ham 40.0 (gram)
beef kidneys 104.0 (gram)
sausages 40.0 (gram)
bulb onions 100.0 (gram)
pickled cucumber 60.0 (gram)
capers 20.0 (gram)
olives 50.0 (gram)
tomato paste 50.0 (gram)
butter 24.0 (gram)
water 750.0 (gram)
lemon 10.0 (gram)

Cooking method

Solyanka is prepared with a variety of meat and fish products, as well as fresh and dried mushrooms. For fish solyankas, fish broths are used, which are cooked from food fish waste or heads of fish of the sturgeon family (heads). The composition of solyankas includes pickles, onions, tomato puree, capers, black olives or black olives. Pickled cucumbers are cut into slices or diamonds. Cucumbers with rough skin and mature seeds are peeled and seeded. Thin-skinned cucumbers are cut together with the skin and seeds. Prepared cucumbers are allowed to simmer. The onions are chopped and sautéed with the addition of tomato puree. Tomato puree can be sautéed separately. The pits are removed from the olives and the olives are washed. The lemon is peeled and cut into slices. Meat products (meat, ham, kidneys, heart, poultry, etc.) are boiled and cut into thin slices. Fish of the sturgeon family (with skin without cartilage or without skin and cartilage) are cut into 1-2 pieces per serving, scald for 1 minute, then washed. Fish with a bone skeleton is cut into fillets with boneless skin, cut into 1-2 pieces per serving and simmered in broth. For hodgepodge, you can use commercially produced fillets (sea bass, cod , spotted (variegated) catfish, etc.) Place sautéed onions and tomato puree, poached cucumbers, capers (along with brine), prepared meat or fish products, spices into the boiling broth and cook for 5-10 minutes. When on holiday, add olives or olives and a slice of lemon to the hodgepodge; sour cream to the meat hodgepodge and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Solyanka can be served without lemon. To add a sharper taste to the solyanka at the end of cooking, you can add strained cucumber brine. When making solyanka, instead of butter, you can use ghee or table margarine. If olives are unavailable, they can be replaced with capers.

  • beef 300 grams
  • chicken 150 grams
  • smoked meats 150 grams
  • onion 1 piece
  • pickled cucumbers 3-4 pieces
  • tomato paste or tomatoes 150 grams
  • olive oil 50 milliliters
  • greens to taste
  • spices to taste
  • olives 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon 2-3 slices

Recipe for making meat solyanka

  • First, prepare the meat for the hodgepodge. Rinse half the beef and cut into thin slices. The other half is made into straws. Cut the chicken and smoked meats into strips or just small pieces.
  • Now the vegetables: cut the cucumbers into strips, cut the onion into rings (if the onion is medium-sized, then you can use half rings). By the way, if you are not using tomato paste, but fresh tomatoes, then remove the peel and grind them in a blender to a paste.
  • Heat a deep frying pan, add olive oil, fry the first half of the beef. There is no need to fry it too much. Then add the chicken and lightly fry everything together. Now you can add the onion. Important: remember that the onions and meat must be sautéed, not fried. Keep stirring, the onions should not burn, they should become translucent and not golden. Then it’s time for tomato paste (in my case, crushed tomatoes). Mix everything.
  • Again: do not let the roast burn, reduce the heat, stir constantly. Let the excess liquid evaporate, but no more. Now you can add the pickles and the rest of the chopped beef. Immediately fill the contents of the frying pan with one and a half liters of water, add the remaining smoked meats to it.
  • Reduce the heat, let the hodgepodge cook for about 30 minutes. At the end you can add spices, chopped herbs and olives, cut into rings. By the way, you can add olives just before serving. Let the hodgepodge brew for another 15 minutes. Serve with lemon slices and sour cream.

Depending on what products the hodgepodge was prepared from, the calorie content of this dish may vary. To calculate the exact calorie content of the prepared soup, you need to know the quantity and energy value of all products used in cooking.

Composition and beneficial properties of meat solyanka

Combined meat solyanka is prepared from meat (veal, beef, pork can be used), smoked meats, sausages or frankfurters, pickles, tomato paste, onions, olives and lemon. If desired, capers, champignons, celery, tongue, and kidneys can be added to the soup. There is a fish option, which includes fish and seafood. It is also possible to make soup from poultry meat; The calorie content of hodgepodge with chicken is lower than with beef or pork.

Since it contains a large number of meat components, this soup is a source of protein. It supplies the body with energy for a long time and creates a feeling of satiety. The products included also contain useful substances: vitamins, minerals.

Calorie content of hodgepodge and pickle

Rassolnik soup has less calories. It contains a large number of vegetables, the fat content of which is low. There are only 42 kcal per 100 grams. Protein is 1.4 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 5 g. The calorie content of pickle can vary depending on the characteristics of preparation.

The calorie content of meat hodgepodge is 69 kcal. Protein accounts for 5.2 g, fats - 4.6 g, carbohydrates - 1.7 g.

If the soup was made from seafood and fish, the values ​​will be lower. In this version, 100 g will contain only 25 kcal, 2.4 g of protein, 1.2 g of fat, 1.2 g of carbohydrates.

If fatty meat, sausage, or frankfurters were used for cooking, the dish will turn out to be more nutritious.

How to cook Solyanka dish - the best recipes

There are several recipes for preparing this dish. To make soup according to the classic recipe you will need:

  • 0.7 kg beef on the bone;
  • 1/4 chicken carcass;
  • 2 sausages;
  • 200 g smoked sausage;
  • 200 g beef balyk;
  • 3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • 100 g olives;
  • 7 capers;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • sour cream, herbs, lemon for serving.

Boil the meat over low heat. Remove, remove bones, cut into medium-sized pieces. Chop the onion and fry in a frying pan until golden brown. Add tomato paste to the onion. Cut sausages, balyk and sausage into small cubes and boil for 10 minutes in meat broth. Add beef, chicken and onions. Pour in the olive brine. Boil for 5 minutes. Add capers and sliced ​​olives and remove from heat. To cover with a lid. Leave for a while to let it brew. When serving, add a slice of lemon and sour cream.

The calorie content of hodgepodge meat is high. The fish version contains fewer calories. To prepare it you need to take:

  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 100 g olives;
  • 2 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • lemon - a few slices;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil - to taste;
  • greens for serving.

Defrost the fish. Cut off the head, remove the entrails. Wash, cut. Add salt. Pour 2.5 liters of water into the pan. Boil. Wash, peel and chop the potatoes. Wash, peel and finely chop the onions and carrots. Cut pickled cucumbers into cubes. Place potatoes in boiling water and boil for 1/4 hour. Boil olive oil in a frying pan. Fry onions and carrots with tomato paste for 2-3 minutes. Boil the fish in boiling water for 10 minutes. Add cucumbers to onions and carrots. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add 100 ml of broth to the pan. Simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.

Add the roast to the pan. Salt and pepper. To cover with a lid. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat, then add the olives with juice, remove the pan from the stove and simmer for 15-20 minutes with the lid closed. When serving, add sour cream, herbs, and lemon to the plate.

You can also prepare a vegetarian version. To do this you will need:

  • 100 g onion;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 200 g canned beans;
  • 250 g champignons;
  • 60 g bell pepper;
  • 30 g pickled cucumbers;
  • 50 g olives;
  • 3 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 20 g tomato paste;
  • greens to taste;
  • salt pepper.

Wash and peel the onions and carrots. Boil in 1.5 liters of water with bay leaf for half an hour, add salt and pepper. Cut the onion into small cubes. Chop the carrots. Simmer in a frying pan for 5 minutes. Add pre-chopped mushrooms and simmer for another 20 minutes.

Chop the cucumbers and chop the pepper. Add fried vegetables and gherkins with pepper to the broth. Add beans and tomato paste there. Boil for 10 minutes. Chop the greens and olives and add them to the pan. Pour in lemon juice. Cook for another 3 minutes. Add sour cream before serving. Add a few slices of lemon if desired.
