Dried figs are the fruit of the fig tree. Figs: benefits and harm to the body

In pursuit of beauty, youth and longevity, we forget about what nature has generously rewarded us with. It’s not for nothing that people say that everything ingenious is simple. This phrase clearly characterizes dried figs. The benefits and harms of these fruits cause a lot of controversy. This is what we will discuss in today’s article.

This is what people call fig fruits. This amazing fruit grows on fig trees mainly in warm regions with a subtropical climate.

The benefits of dried figs for the body are undeservedly underestimated by people. Most often, dried products are found on our tables and store shelves. This is due to the fact that during transportation, fresh figs quickly deteriorate, which cannot be said about dried or sun-dried figs.

To improve your health, you need to eat dried figs. The caloric content of dried fig fruits is approximately 257 kilocalories per 100 g of product. Of course, if you eat figs in unlimited quantities, this will cause significant harm to your figure.

But everything is good in moderation, especially since figs can easily be called a vitamin treasury. A huge amount of potassium is contained in the fig tree. Only nuts can fight in this duel with dried figs. But bananas fade into the background.

You can find many vitamins in fig fruits:

  • retinol;
  • ascorbic and nicotinic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • folic acid.

The fig tree is rich in fiber, which makes this product very valuable for the digestive tract. It is impossible not to notice the presence of beneficial fatty acids in figs, in particular Omega-3 and 6. Fig fruits also contain glucose, micro- and macroelements. The amount of the first depends on the form in which you consume the fruits - fresh, dried or dried.

Dried figs: benefits and harm to the body

The fig tree has enormous benefits for human health. Its unique component composition allows not only to enrich the body with the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements, but also to cure a number of ailments. Of course, medical care and taking pharmacological medications cannot be ignored, but excluding dried figs from the diet is also stupid.

On a note! Dried figs, as already mentioned, are considered a high-calorie product, which cannot be said about fresh fruits. Their nutritional value is negligible and amounts to only 47-50 kilocalories per 100 g of product. You can eat such a dish without the slightest harm to your figure.

Some of the beneficial properties of the fig tree include:

  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • normalization of the functioning of the respiratory organs, in particular the lungs;
  • prevention of colds, acute respiratory and viral illnesses;
  • laxative effect;
  • protection from stress;
  • cleansing the body of accumulated harmful compounds, waste and toxins;
  • treatment for anemia;
  • expectorant effect;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration;
  • wound healing;
  • improving the functioning of the urinary system;
  • restoration of firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • elimination of unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • reducing the risk of developing diseases of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • prevention of the development of arterial hypertension.

Dried fig tree has the same properties. The fruits of the fig tree have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Due to the high concentration of dietary fiber, processes in the stomach and intestines are normalized. Figs help solve such a delicate problem as constipation. There is also an opinion that dried or dried fig tree fruits increase potency.

Note to women

What are the benefits of dried figs for women? It is the fairer sex who should pay close attention to this amazing product. Most women complain of brittle nail plates and excessive hair loss. Fig tree fruits will help solve this problem because they contain a high concentration of calcium.

During menstrual bleeding and premenstrual syndrome, figs should be on your table. The aroma and incredible taste of berries will help improve your mood, get rid of depression and irritability, and also relieve pain symptoms.

Important! Dried figs are especially useful during pregnancy, as well as during the period of planning conception. A large proportion of folic acid has a beneficial effect on the organs of the reproductive system.

Dried figs are no less useful during breastfeeding. During the lactation period, mothers follow a diet. That is why they often encounter disturbances in defecation processes. Fig tree fruits have mild laxative properties. In addition, the body can be saturated with vitamins, which is also beneficial for the baby.

Before introducing figs into your diet during pregnancy and lactation, you should consult a specialized doctor. Women suffering from diabetes mellitus are at risk, because the dried fruits described have a high concentration of sugar, which can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

The beneficial properties of dried or dried fig tree for women include the following:

  • elimination of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system;
  • preservation of the placenta;
  • prevention of the development of varicose veins;
  • preventing the development of anemia;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • normalization of water-salt balance;
  • promoting weight loss;
  • improvement of blood composition.

The other side of figs

Dried fig fruits have a high calorie content, so this product should be consumed with extreme caution by people who are overweight. You should pay close attention to figs if you have allergic reactions. Intolerance to certain ingredients or hypersensitivity can provoke the development of unpleasant symptoms.

Such a product should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution in the presence of the following pathological conditions and ailments:

  • gastritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout;
  • colitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the stomach.

Rules of culinary etiquette

We have already found out how dried figs are beneficial. How to eat these dried fruits correctly? First, let's pay attention to the rules for their selection. Fig fruits should be approximately the same size and have a flattened shape. Color - from beige to light brown.

Before consumption, fig fruits are thoroughly washed with running water to eliminate the presence of small particles of dust, dirt or chemicals. It is recommended to soak dried figs in warm water for several minutes.

As a rule, dried fig trees are eaten in their pure form or added to various desserts. But do not forget about the calorie content of the product being described.

Both ripe and dried figs are extremely tasty. But the significant advantage of the second one is that it contains all the same beneficial properties as fresh fruits, but it is stored much longer and can be easily transported to many countries around the world.

In addition, figs are available for sale all year round, and you can enjoy their extraordinary taste regardless of the season.

What are the benefits of dried figs?

It must be taken into account that the properties of dried fruits differ from those of fresh ones. The fact is that dried figs retain a minimum of water, but at the same time the sugar content increases to about 70%. Otherwise the composition is very similar. The fruits contain beta-carotene and B vitamins (PP, B3, B6, B1). They are also high in fiber, protein, pectin, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The effect of figs on the body is invaluable due to the substances it contains.

  • It has a positive effect on intestinal function, removes toxins and waste from the body and cures constipation. The pectins contained in figs restore and heal connective tissues in the body. Antioxidant substances normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanse blood vessels and strengthen them, increasing the elasticity of the walls.
  • Potassium, magnesium and iron improve hematopoiesis and increase hemoglobin, therefore, dried figs are useful for anemia in order to get rid of this disease. As a result, this strengthens the cardiovascular system as a whole, which means it normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Thanks to the presence of B vitamins Figs improve the condition of the nervous system, activate the brain, increase efficiency and improve mood.
  • A decoction of dried figs has antipyretic and diaphoretic effects., therefore facilitating and accelerating the treatment of colds. Figs are also boiled in milk and this drink is consumed for bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.

Calorie content of dried figs

As for energy value, 100 grams of dried dates contain about 250 kcal. In principle, this is a lot, so you should not abuse this product, despite the fact that it is very tasty.

Contraindications and harm of figs

No matter how useful dried figs are, in some cases it is worth discarding them. First of all, this applies to patients with diabetes due to the fact that figs contain a lot of sugars. Due to the high content of oxalic acid, it is not recommended for use by those suffering from gout. The presence of fiber requires that figs be excluded from the diet during periods of exacerbation of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since fig fruits are quite high in calories, they are recommended to be used with extreme caution by overweight people, as they can aggravate the problem. A temporary contraindication is consuming figs before long trips. This is due to its laxative effect. Although much depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

When eating figs for the first time, people who suffer from asthma should be especially vigilant. The fact is that before transportation, figs are treated with sulfites so that they are well stored, but asthmatics are especially sensitive to this chemical and its entry into the body can cause irreparable harm.

How to select and store dried figs

In most cases, dried fruits are treated with chemicals so that they are not damaged during long-term transportation and are stored longer, so appearance is not the best indicator of quality. However, the fruit should be light beige or brownish in color. They should be approximately the same size and should feel soft to the touch.

The flattened shape is one of the indicators that you are seeing a quality product. If there is a light white coating on it, then this is glucose, thanks to which the fruits become especially sweet, so you should not pass them by. If possible, you need to taste it. The presence of a sour-salty taste as well as a rough peel indicate that the shelf life of such fruits has already passed and it is not worth buying them.

As for storage, like most dried fruits, figs should be stored in a dark and cool place. A refrigerator is suitable for this. But in order to extend the shelf life of fruits, they must be protected from air. Therefore, a glass jar with a tight lid is ideal for it - it will not dry out and will be protected from insects.

Figs for weight loss

It seems that such a high-calorie fruit is unlikely to benefit those who want to lose weight, but this is not so. Along with calories, it contains ballast substances that suppress appetite and fiber, which improves intestinal motility and thereby helps cleanse it.

To lose weight, it is recommended to replace one meal a day (preferably dinner) with dried figs. To do this, you need to pour 3 fruits with cold water for half an hour and then eat the softened fruits and the resulting liquid. Thanks to this, the feeling of hunger will subside and the body will receive nutrients.

Figs are also useful to use as a substitute for sweets. For example, if you have a sweet tooth, then train yourself to eat dried figs instead of just candy. Of course, if you eat a lot of fruits, you are unlikely to be able to lose weight, but in this way you will make sure that your body receives useful substances.

Dried figs are a dried fruit that contains a wide variety of substances, so it is worth paying attention to and including in your daily diet. This way you will strengthen your immune system and saturate your body with what it needs.

Among the abundance of dried fruits on store shelves, figs are given less preference. But in vain! Many people do not know that the fig tree is simply a storehouse of useful substances and helps to organize the work of many processes occurring in the body. Let's figure out the benefits and harms of dried figs, which have been known for a very long time, and have gained leadership among dried fruits. What is contained in dried wine berries that grow on fig trees in the subtropics?

Beneficial properties of dried figs for the body

Let's look at the main valuable qualities of dried figs:

  • useful for colds. They are boiled in milk to get rid of cough. In addition, dried figs have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.
  • Helps cope with constipation due to its high fiber content.
  • The properties of dried figs are useful for gastritis.
  • Stimulates brain function, helps cope with accumulated fatigue and stress.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver and has a diuretic effect.
  • Removes harmful toxins from the body. It is useful to eat a fig tree after poisoning; it will do a very good job of restoring strength.
  • Due to its high potassium content, it has a beneficial effect on heart function.
  • Promotes the resorption of blood clots, thinning the blood. Strengthens blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

Composition and calorie content of dried figs

The calorie content of dried figs is 5 times higher than that of fresh ones, and is about 250 kcal per 100 grams.

The glycemic index of dried figs is 45-55 units.

The BJU of dried figs per 100 grams is: proteins - 3.1 grams, fats - 0.8 grams and about 57 grams of carbohydrates.

Dried figs retain almost all the beneficial substances that are present in fresh fruit, only the concentration is different. For example, dried figs contain 3 times more sugar than fresh ones. There is also more dietary fiber, but 4-5 times. And in terms of fiber content, figs are the leader among dried fruits - about 10%.

Also, dried figs contain vitamins: A, PP, vitamins B, C.

Minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese.

In addition, wine berries are rich in fatty polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, tannins, antioxidants, beta-carotene, rutin, and the enzyme ficin.

Dried figs: benefits for children

Dried figs can be included in the diet of children from 1 year of age in the absence of personal intolerance to the fruit. Figs generally do not cause allergies. Due to the large amount of glucose, you should give no more than one fruit per day. It’s better to divide one dried fruit and give it one piece at a time.

Dried figs are considered a worthy alternative to sweets and vitamin complexes. All children love sweets, and the fruit also contains a large amount of vitamins.

Figs will help your baby overcome cold viruses faster. For a sore throat, a decoction of figs helps, and for a cough, fig fruits boiled in milk. In addition, dried fig tree has an antipyretic effect and strengthens the immune system.

It is useful for children to eat dried fruit to strengthen bones. Since kids are very active, mobile, and are not immune from injuries. Therefore, having a strong skeletal system is very important for a growing child’s body.

If a child suffers from constipation, then dried figs will help improve intestinal function, having a laxative effect and normalizing the functioning of the digestive system.

What are the benefits of dried figs for women?

In eastern countries, women's homes traditionally had vases of dried figs on their tables. And for good reason. Even then, ladies understood that dry figs were very useful for them.

During menstruation, eating dried fig fruits can relieve pain, improve mood, and eliminate nervousness.

For those who are planning a child or have already become pregnant, it would be very good to consume the fig tree. It contains a large amount of folic acid, which is necessary for the intrauterine development of the fetus. If the expectant mother gets sick, then it will be easier to recover with the help of dried figs, and there is no need to take medications that are undesirable.

Dried figs are full of antioxidants that improve and rejuvenate the skin, strengthen nails and hair. It is believed that only 2-3 fruits up to 5 times a week can protect the legs from varicose veins, which affects many women.

Although there are a lot of sugars in dried figs, in a diet with proper nutrition you are allowed to eat 1-2 fruits every other day before lunch. This will help those with a sweet tooth who find it difficult to limit their consumption of sweets and cakes, because figs themselves are very sweet, and they contain many times more benefits.

How to select and store dried figs

Fig fruits, like many other dried fruits, are subjected to various processing methods, which can be unsafe for health. It is best to dry or dry fresh fruit yourself. But, as you know, fresh fruits have a very short shelf life, up to a day. Therefore, if you do not live in the southern regions, then it is important to know how to choose good, dried figs.

  • All fruits should be approximately the same size, slightly flattened.
  • When you press with your fingers, the fruit is pressed. If it is too hard, then this indicates overdried fruits or violation of storage conditions.
  • If possible, taste the fruit. It should be sweet. A sour taste indicates that the dried fruit has spoiled, or it has already been dried and is no longer fresh. The more seeds inside the fruit, the higher the grade of that fruit.
  • The color should be light, matte, without any stains. Only a white coating on the surface is allowed. This indicates a large amount of sugar in the fruit that has come out.
  • To get rid of the sulfur dioxide that is often used on dried fruit, soak the figs in cold water twice: for an hour and for 30 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with running water, removing dirt and sand that stuck to the fruit during the drying process.

Dried figs should be stored in a dry, cool, dark place. For short-term storage, you can pour the fruits into a jar lined with cotton cloth, close the lid and place it in a kitchen cabinet. Periodically check for accumulated condensation and for pests.

For longer storage, you can choose a refrigerator in the fruit compartment. Transfer the dried fruits to any food container or jar and close the lid. You must remember that you should not allow moisture inside, because the fig will simply become moldy, and also, in its dried form, it can absorb all the extraneous odors of the refrigerator. In such a place, wine berries are stored for about six months.

And the last way for long-term storage is to freeze dried figs. They will last for a year, but when thawed they will lose up to half of their beneficial properties.

Dried figs contain more moisture than dried ones, so they should only be stored in the refrigerator, in small portions, in jars with tightly closed lids. After all, it begins to deteriorate faster, rot, and various insects can appear.

Dried fruits can be found on store shelves all year round, so it is better to buy them before consumption.

Use in cooking

In cooking, dried figs can be combined with both salty and sweet foods. It fits perfectly into salads, as a stuffing or sauce for poultry and lamb. It can be added to sweet cereals, muesli, cottage cheese, smoothies, desserts, and cake creams. You can make fig-nut butter to eat with biscuits, or make healthy candies from it.

Dried fruits have long won universal recognition, and therefore do not need additional advertising. Dried figs are included in this number. Its benefits and harms must be studied based on the chemical list of substances. Figs are also called fig trees and figs; they are common in Crimea, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the Caucasus. When it is not possible to enjoy fresh fruits, people use dried ones to prevent serious illnesses.

Dried figs - benefits

No. 1. Provides comprehensive detoxification

Figs contain many compounds with antioxidant properties. They remove toxic substances from the blood and cleanse the most important human systems and organs. The product also expels fluid, reducing swelling. But it must be taken in doses, since it contains a lot of carbohydrates.

No. 2. Improves the activity of the reproductive system

Figs are an ancient plant that has been used for centuries as a natural aphrodisiac. It makes a person more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, and also increases fertility and eliminates possible problems with conception. On this basis, the entire reproductive system begins to work better.

No. 3. Protects the heart muscle

Dried figs are a true record holder for the accumulation of antioxidants, which results in enormous benefits and harm in minimal quantities. Compounds with antioxidant qualities are very important for the body, since these are the substances that protect the heart. If you eat figs often, you will prevent ischemia, heart attack and hypertension. Elderly people should consume figs to reduce the likelihood of seizures.

No. 4. Removes “harmful” estrogens

With increased production of estrogen, metabolic processes slow down and the body functions poorly. Headaches and severe migraines begin, a person quickly gains weight, mood swings and difficulties in the functioning of the reproductive system are noticed. The woman's health is deteriorating. To solve this problem, you need to eat foods that remove excess estrogen. This list includes figs.

No. 5. Conducts cancer prevention

Dried fruit protects human DNA from the action of free radicals, neutralizing and removing them. It is these compounds that lead to the development of cancerous tumors, which subsequently grow and lead to more serious consequences. Doctors recommend consuming dried figs systematically, despite the fact that the benefits and harms in the fight against cancer have not been fully studied.

No. 6. Treats hypertension

People who suffer from constant increases in blood pressure need to monitor their readings. Since figs help remove salts and saturate the body with potassium, blood pressure noticeably decreases. Partly for this reason, hypotensive patients need to be careful.

No. 7. Fights constipation

Dried fruit contains a lot of dietary fiber, which acts as a brush for the intestines. Thanks to the systematic intake of figs, the peristalsis of the internal organ improves, and congestion comes out of its cavity. There are many folk remedies using figs that are aimed at solving digestive problems.

No. 8. Helps you lose weight

Due to the ability to cleanse internal organs of toxic phenomena and toxins, body weight is reduced. Also, volumes melt before our eyes due to the normalization of water-salt balance and the expulsion of excess fluid. You need to know that without cleansing it is simply impossible to gain decent weight.

No. 9. Increases hemoglobin

Dried figs contain much more iron than fresh ones. It is constantly used by people whose hemoglobin is greatly reduced. Against this background, prevention of iron deficiency anemia is carried out, which usually affects pregnant girls and the elderly.

No. 10. Strengthens teeth and bones

Calorie content of dried figs

Dried figs are definitely a medicinal product. The benefits and harms to the body are obvious; valuable properties clearly prevail. However, the calorie content of dried fruits is higher than fresh ones. Per serving weighing 100 g. accounts for 257 Kcal. For this reason, doctors do not advise overweight people to lean on figs. As for diabetics, the daily dose is prescribed by the doctor.

Benefits of dried figs for women

1. Antioxidants included in the composition prolong youth and cleanse the female body. These qualities have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system, intestines, circulatory system and heart.

2. During menstruation, girls experience severe pain and a sharp decrease in hemoglobin, because most of the iron comes out in the blood. When taking figs, the balance of the mineral is restored, which helps relieve spasms, dizziness and fatigue.

3. The dried fruit contains B vitamins, which are responsible for a stable psycho-emotional background. If a woman is systematically exposed to stress, she should drink tea with figs or eat the fruits in their own form.

4. Dried figs are endowed with enormous benefits and harm in small quantities. If you follow the subtleties of intake, then, despite the relatively high calorie content, you will be able to lose weight. Weight loss is achieved through comprehensive detoxification (removal of waste, water, toxins, etc.).

5. Fig acts as a natural aphrodisiac and increases fertility. It is necessary to eat figs in preparation for conception in order to get every chance of successful fertilization and correct development of the fetus in the womb.

6. Figs support the beauty of a woman. It contains a lot of tocopherol, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, and antioxidants. In combination, these substances prevent early aging, heal hair and nails, and improve skin condition.

7. Due to the fact that dried fruits improve the composition of the blood and its circulation, and also make the blood channels elastic, it is useful to eat figs for varicose veins and heaviness in the legs.

Benefits of dried figs during pregnancy

Dried figs are famous for their rich composition. The benefits and harms exerted on the body directly depend on the amount of the product eaten. In order not to encounter the negative side, follow the daily norm.

1. The fig tree contains an abundance of various enzymes that have a positive effect on the condition of the expectant mother and the intrauterine formation of the fetus.

2. Dried fruit eliminates severe cough, so there is no need to resort to medications. Along with this, the female body is saturated with missing vitamins. You will forget about vitamin deficiency and anemia.

3. Dried figs help maintain normal weight, have a positive effect on hematopoiesis, fight colds, eliminate intestinal disorders and constipation.

Benefits of dried figs during breastfeeding

1. Systematic consumption of figs has a positive effect on the production and composition of breast milk. For this reason, many experts recommend including the product in the diet of new mothers.

2. Dried figs are good for mother and baby. To prevent benefits and harm from changing places, do not overuse dried fruit. It enriches mother's milk with vitamins. Due to this, the child’s immune system is properly formed.

3. You will be able to control your own weight; girls often gain extra pounds after childbirth. Be sure to consume dried fruit to avoid the common problem of constipation.

4. Including figs in your daily diet will increase vascular tone and improve blood flow. Dried figs have good antioxidant effects. Therefore, with regular eating, the body will gradually get rid of toxins and waste.

Benefits of dried figs for men

1. It is worth understanding that the product under discussion is useful not only for the female body, but also for the male one. The active composition of figs has a positive effect on potency.

2. When consuming dried fruit, the development of prostatitis and other ailments associated with the genitourinary system is prevented.

3. Figs improve blood circulation throughout the body. Active enzymes break down fat layers, reducing the volume of the abdomen. Blood pressure also stabilizes.

How to eat dried figs

Dried figs have both benefits and harms. If you only want to extract value, consider the subtleties of use.

1. Rinse the fig thoroughly with running water. It is better to soak it in chilled water for half an hour. This will get rid of stuck dirt.

3. If you decide to consume figs for medicinal and preventive purposes, follow the recommendations of traditional healers. Otherwise, replace other sweets with figs.

4. Fig tree goes well with porridge. To do this, finely chop 2-3 fruits and add to the dish. It is also used with homemade yogurt and kefir.

Dried figs in folk medicine

Dried figs are famous for their healing properties. Therefore, we continue to consider its benefits and harms, only in folk medicine. We'll tell you how to take figs to improve your health.

No. 1. For constipation

To get rid of constipation, grind 100 grams in a blender. raisins and figs. Mix with 0.5 tsp. ground ginger. Roll the prepared pulp into balls with a diameter of 1 cm. Take as needed, but no more than 2 pieces. per day. Store in an airtight glass jar.

No. 2. Against cough

Finely chop 8 fruits. Pour in 0.25 l. water and place on the stove. Wait for it to boil and cook over medium heat for another quarter of an hour. Remove and add 0.2 kg to the broth. granulated sugar, 0.2 l. water. Boil the syrup until the crystals dissolve. Add the juice of half a lemon and 1 tsp. ground ginger. Turn off the burner and pour the liquid into a glass container. Once cooled, store in the refrigerator. Give children 10 ml, adults - 20 ml. (three times a day).

No. 3. For edema

To prepare a diuretic, add 50 grams to a thermos. dried fruit and 1 l. boiling water Leave for 4 hours. Divide the drink into 4 doses and consume throughout the day. Continue taking the product for no more than 3 days. Prepare a new infusion every day.

Dried figs are harmful

There is no doubt that dried figs are valuable for the human body. Therefore, to ensure that the benefits and harms remain in place, consider when the consumption of figs is prohibited.

1. Due to the high content of natural sugars, dried fruit is prohibited for diabetes.

3. Due to the high amount of oxalic acid, figs should not be included in the diet for gout.

4. If you have been diagnosed with oxalate kidney stones, then you will have to forget about consuming figs.

Like any natural product, figs boast a rich composition and great benefits for the human body. But do not forget that abuse of the product does not lead to anything good. To avoid harming yourself, be sure to consider contraindications before including dried fruit in the main menu.

All dried fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, perfectly satisfy hunger and contain many useful substances. But today we propose to talk about dried figs, the benefits and harms of which have been known since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians, Romans and residents of many eastern countries feasted on the fruits of dried figs. This fruit is often mentioned in the Bible, where it is called a fig, and many interesting legends and traditions are associated with it.

Composition and beneficial properties of dried figs

Dried figs contain beta-carotene and many B vitamins. Dried fruits are also rich in protein, mineral salts of potassium, magnesium and iron. Dried fig fruits also contain fiber and pectins. But why do doctors recommend their patients eat dried figs? This product has quite a lot of useful properties. Here is just a small list of diseases that many people’s favorite dried fruits can help cope with:

  1. Treatment of colds. Dried fruits boiled in milk are an excellent cough remedy. This medicine also has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.
  2. Eliminates problems associated with digestion. Traditional medicine recommends eating dried fruits for constipation and gastritis. Figs are known to help with bowel function due to their high fiber content.
  3. Dried figs are recommended for use by people whose profession involves mental work. It turns out that the trace elements contained in dried fruits have a positive effect on brain function and help relieve accumulated stress.
  4. This useful product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The enzymes contained in figs help quickly remove toxic substances from the body. Dried figs, about the benefits and harms of which we will tell you many more useful facts, have a rich mineral composition. Thanks to this, dried fruits can help a person regain strength after poisoning.
  5. Regular consumption of dry figs has a beneficial effect on heart function. This effect is due to the presence of a large amount of potassium in the product. A deficiency of this element can lead to disruption of the heart muscle.

Dried figs contain serotonin, which is often called the hormone of happiness. If you are in a bad mood or feel low on energy, eat one or two dried fruits. Just don’t forget to go outside after that and walk for at least half an hour. The fact is that serotonin is released in our body only under the influence of sunlight.

It should be noted that dried fruits are not medicine. In some cases, they really help to cope with ailments, but they cannot cure serious illnesses.

Dried figs and women's health

In many eastern countries, dried fig fruits were traditionally served for dessert to women. Since ancient times, people have noticed that they help relieve physical ailments during menstruation. Also, the consumption of dried fruits contributed to the normalization of mental balance during this period.

What other benefits are dried figs for women? Modern doctors recommend using it for those who are planning to become pregnant or are expecting a child. This recommendation is based on the fact that fig fruits contain large amounts of folic acid. This substance helps maintain the integrity of the placenta and has a beneficial effect on the intrauterine development of the unborn baby.

Modern research has proven that it is beneficial for women to include dried figs in their diet in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. It turned out that their contractions were easier, and the total labor time was reduced by one hour. In addition, for women giving birth for the first time, dilatation occurs faster and easier.

Figs for men

There is a widespread legend that dried fig fruits have a positive effect on potency. But, unfortunately, there are no magic products to get rid of this problem. However, dried figs are just as beneficial for men as they are for women. A large amount of vitamins and microelements helps maintain health for people of any age and gender.

Figs for children

Pediatricians do not recommend including dried fruits in the menu of children under one year of age. After reaching this age, you can give one dried fruit to your child, but it is better to divide it into small portions. A large amount of fast carbohydrates contained in any dried fruits can harm the baby’s health. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, choose fresh ripe fruits for him.

How else do dried figs affect the health of children? The benefits for children can be indicated by the following points:

  1. Dried fig fruits can help relieve constipation. But if crushed dried fruits do not bring the expected result, then you should use medications.
  2. Use dried fruits to make desserts. The natural sweetness of these products will help eliminate sugar and sweets from your baby’s menu.

Why are dried figs dangerous?

First of all, remember that dried fruits contain very little water. Because of this, the amount of sugar in fruits increases to 70%. This fact does not negate the benefits of dried figs for the body, but it should be taken into account by people suffering from certain diseases and excess weight.

Healthy people should also not indulge themselves too often in delicious dried fruits. Dried figs, whose calorie content does not exceed 50 kcal per 100 grams, are perfectly absorbed by the body. But the high carbohydrate content in it should give you pause.

Dried figs, the benefits and harms of which we described in detail in this article, can often be seen on the shelves of Russian stores. Unfortunately, fresh fruits rarely reach us intact and rarely have a marketable appearance. But if you want to supplement your family’s diet with a healthy and tasty product, then you can safely purchase dried figs.

The benefits and harms of figs for diabetes - video
