Gingerbread and banana cake recipe. Gingerbread cake with sour cream: recipes for making a delicious delicacy without baking

Sometimes you really want something tasty, sweet... But you don’t want to bother with baking in the kitchen. Store-bought treats do not bring proper satisfaction, and it is impossible to overcome your laziness.

Recipes for gingerbread cakes - without baking - will come to the rescue! It's not easy to prepare them, but very simple!

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How to make gingerbread cakes

The only one lack of such recipes- you still have to be patient and wait a few hours - such cakes should be thoroughly soaked.

If this circumstance doesn’t scare you, choose the recipe you like and go to the store to buy gingerbread!

Gingerbread and sour cream cake with pineapples

What you will need:

  • Chocolate gingerbread - 0.5 kg;
  • sour cream 15% - 0.6 kg;
  • canned pineapple - 0.5 kg;
  • walnuts (chopped) - 0.1 kg;
  • chocolate chips (for decoration).

What to do:

Cut the chocolate gingerbread cookies in half lengthwise. Pour or immerse each of the resulting halves completely in sour cream. The main thing is that the halves were completely covered with sour cream.

On a pre-prepared flat round dish, place part of the halves in sour cream in a circle in one row.

WITH canned pineapples drain the juice. If the pineapples are rings, then they need to be cut into small pieces. Place chopped pineapples and chopped nuts along the line of gingerbread cookies.

Shape the cake in the same order, in layers, reducing the diameter of each next layer, so that the resulting molding results in a slide.

When the cake is formed, pour sour cream over the entire surface from the top. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

Decorate the cake before serving chocolate chips and nuts, if there are any left.

Gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream

What you will need:

  • any gingerbread - 0.5 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream - 0.4 kg;
  • sugar - 0.1 kg;
  • walnuts (shelled) - 0.1 kg;
  • bananas - 3 pcs.

What to do:

In a separate container, mix cottage cheese, light sour cream and sugar. Beat with a blender or mixer until formed creamy mass. Set aside.

Gingerbread cut in half lengthwise in two. Set aside.

Process bananas. Wash and peel. Cut into circles or randomly.

Kernels in a dry hot frying pan for a few minutes. This way the nuts will reveal all the flavor notes that are not felt in unroasted nuts.

Line the prepared cake pan with a plastic bag. As a form, you can use a large glass salad bowl or a large bowl, tapering towards the bottom.

Immerse the gingerbread halves in curd and sour cream And lay out the first layer in the form. Spread a little cream over the surface of the first layer.

Next, spread the sliced ​​banana over the cream layer. Sprinkle a layer of bananas with chopped roasted nuts. Pour over the cream layer again. Further assembly of the cake goes in the same order until the food runs out.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least a few hours. Better - at night. Then turn the form over onto a plate and serve.

It is better to portion the cake immediately after it is removed from the refrigerator. This will make it easier to cut.

Gingerbread and marshmallow cake

What you will need:

  • gingerbread - 1 kg;
  • sour cream - 0.5 kg;
  • cream - 0.08 l;
  • cocoa powder - 0.05 kg;
  • sugar - 0.125 kg;
  • bananas - 7 pcs.;
  • marshmallows - 7 pcs.

What to do:

Prepare gingerbread cookies. Cut them into small cubes, preferably the same size.

Process bananas. Wash and peel. Then cut together with the marshmallows into the same cube as the gingerbread cookies.

In a prepared bowl, combine cream and sour cream. Using a mixer or blender, beat them until creamy. You can use a whisk.

Add cocoa powder and sugar to the resulting cream. If you want to make the taste of the cake completely unusual, you can add on the tip of a knife ground ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Read also:

Laying out the cake. The cake is formed on a large round dish. There are actually two molding options:

  1. Gently combine sour cream with chopped gingerbread, bananas and marshmallows. Mix carefully. Form the cake into a mound and pour the remaining cream over it;
  2. form the cake in layers. The first layer is gingerbread, then bananas, then marshmallows. Coat each layer with cream. Lay out the layers in the same order until the products are completed. Pour cream over the cake.

Once the cake is shaped, place it in the refrigerator for at least a few hours. Better leave it there until the morning. In the morning, take out the cake and serve.

Gingerbread cake with fresh fruit

What you will need:

  • mint gingerbread - 0.5 kg;
  • nuts - 0.125 kg;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • banana - 2 pcs.;
  • orange - 2 pcs.

For cream:

  • sour cream - 0.5 kg;
  • heavy cream - 0.1 l;
  • sugar - 0.23 kg
  • For the glaze:
  • cocoa powder - 0.04 kg;
  • sugar - 0.09 kg;
  • milk - 0.125 l;
  • heavy cream - 0.01 l.

What to do:

Cut gingerbread lengthwise into three parts.

Grind the cream with sugar into homogeneous mass. Combine with sour cream and beat into foam with a mixer.

Coat every third of the gingerbread with the resulting cream. Place in a layer on a large round dish. Sprinkle the gaps between the gingerbreads with gingerbread crumbs and cover with cream.

Place a layer of sliced ​​bananas on top of the gingerbread layer. Apply cream again. Finish the cake in this order until all products are consumed.

After assembling the cake prepare the glaze. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar, cocoa powder, and boil over medium heat. When it boils, add oil. Leave on the stove until the sugar has completely dissolved. Remove from heat, cool. Pour glaze over the surface of the cake.

Decorate the cake with kiwi slices, orange and walnut.

It's hard to find a person who doesn't love cakes. A special place is occupied by homemade cakes, which are prepared from famous products, with great love and soul. Certainly home cooking Making cakes takes time, and in most cases also baking skills. However, today we will look at the recipe and prepare a gingerbread cake with sour cream. Its main difference is that this cake is without baking and is very simple to prepare, but it turns out indescribably delicious. We will make gingerbread cake with banana. And thanks to sour cream, the cake is perfectly soaked and turns out tender, even reminiscent of a sponge cake. Gingerbread cookies for the cake must be chosen carefully so that they are delicious and chocolatey. So, let's prepare everything you need and start preparing the gingerbread cake.

  • 2 bananas;
  • 300 grams of gingerbread;
  • 130 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 350 grams of sour cream;
  • 60 grams of milk chocolate.

From the list of products it is clear that all the ingredients are very simple, but this cannot be said about our future cake of gingerbread and bananas with sour cream; it will turn out to be unusual and tasty. Let's start the cooking process.

Step by step recipe

  1. First of all, we take our main ingredient, namely gingerbread. Cut them in half into 2 parts, lengthwise. Don't worry if some pieces break, we will still need them when we form the treat itself.
  2. Now we take a banana, peel it and begin to cut it into small circles, the thickness of which should be about half a centimeter.
  3. Let's continue cooking gingerbread cake with bananas. Let's start making the cream. To do this, take a convenient bowl and add sour cream into it. After this, add the prepared powdered sugar. We need to mix the resulting mass, or better yet lightly beat it. Beat the sour cream for about three minutes, we do this in order to powdered sugar completely dissolved. You will notice that after some time of whipping, the sour cream will become more liquid, but do not be alarmed, by the end it will return to its consistency again. So, our cream is ready.
  4. We begin to assemble a chocolate gingerbread cake, or rather transform it and create the appearance of a real, delicious homemade cake. To do this, we take a wide dish on which we will lay out our gingerbread cake without baking. Thus, take a piece of gingerbread and dip it in the cream. We follow the same pattern with other pieces of gingerbread and lay out the first layer in a circle. We can fill the empty spaces between gingerbread cookies with small pieces. Lubricate the resulting circle-shaped layer with cream.
  5. We continue to study the recipe for a gingerbread and banana cake and begin to lay out the second layer of the dish. This layer will be the banana itself. This is how we continue. A layer of gingerbread, which we dip in cream, a layer of banana. Don't forget to coat the gingerbread layer with cream. This is how easy it is to repeat layers. We form the cake in the form of a slide. If you need to adjust or fill something in the cake, you can always use small pieces gingerbread
  6. We should get a charming slide, which we generously coat with sour cream.
  7. We continue to look at the recipe for a cake made from gingerbread and sour cream and make tasty dish. Now we need to melt the chocolate. Look at the consistency of the resulting chocolate, it depends on its quality, so it may vary. If the melted chocolate is thick, then you can safely add a tablespoon of cream or milk to it, you can also use a piece of butter here.
  8. Next, pour chocolate over the cake to make it attractive and appetizing.
  9. After this, we need to put the gingerbread and sour cream cake in the refrigerator. According to the rules of the recipe, it needs to stay in the refrigerator for about ten hours so that it is thoroughly soaked. However, as a rule, such homemade cakes do not last that long in the refrigerator, since children and adults simply do not allow it. So, our delicious and easy-to-prepare cake is ready. You can invite guests to try your new delicious delicacy.

Now we know how to do delicious treat, which does not require complex actions in terms of preparing the dough, kneading it, and the main difficulty for baking housewives.

When making a gingerbread cake with sour cream, the recipe may vary slightly. The main change you can make is in the filling, depending on your taste preferences. Of course, banana filling- it is very tasty and always suitable option, however it can be easily replaced with canned pineapple. It turns out even more unusual and the taste changes significantly. If the banana brought some sweetness to the cake, then the pineapple, on the contrary, brought a pleasant sourness.

Gingerbread cake recipe is great option for welcoming guests when you want to treat them to something delicious, but at the same time demonstrate your culinary skills. The kids are simply delighted with this dish and will definitely ask for more.

How sometimes you want to treat yourself to something sweet. But sometimes there is simply not enough time to spend a long time in the kitchen. What should I do?

There is an exit! You can make a wonderful gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream; the photo and recipe will help you do this. This dessert does not require baking, and it turns out very soft, tasty and not at all cloying. Gingerbread cookies soaking sour cream, become unusually tender, simply melting in your mouth.

To make a gingerbread cake with sour cream, the recipe for which we offer you, you do not need any special culinary talents, but step-by-step instruction will help you cope even an inexperienced housewife. In addition to bananas, you can add any seasonal fruits. I added strawberries.

No-bake gingerbread cake: recipe with photos

Ingredients for making the cake:

  • sour cream 21% fat – 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • chocolate gingerbread– 500-600 g;
  • bananas - to taste;
  • seasonal fruits - to taste.

Cooking steps:

To make a no-bake gingerbread cake with banana, it is better to use chocolate gingerbread cookies. Then the dessert will turn out with a rich chocolate taste.

Cut the gingerbread cookies in half lengthwise. We try to ensure that both parts are approximately the same.

Peel the bananas and cut them into rings. We wash the strawberries under running cool water and also cut them into slices. Depending on the season, you can use any other favorite fruits or berries: kiwi, orange, raspberries, cherries. You can take any one product or in combination. IN this recipe strawberry and banana are selected. The cake turned out to be tender banana flavor, and the strawberries added a slight sourness. The dessert does not taste cloyingly sweet.

We cover the bottom of a suitable shape cling film. You can also use a special springform bowl or an ordinary medium-sized bowl as a form. In the second option, the future cake made from gingerbread and sour cream will have rounded edges and look like a slide.

Let's start forming the cake. Place the gingerbread halves on the bottom of the prepared dish, dipping them into pre-whipped sour cream and sugar. You don’t have to skimp on the cream, then the no-bake gingerbread cake will be softer and more tender.

Place sliced ​​banana slices on the resulting first layer.

After the fruit layer comes another gingerbread layer, carefully flavored with sour cream. And a layer of berries. In this recipe it is strawberries.

Thus, alternating layers of gingerbread and fruit and berry, we fill all the dishes to the very top. Season well with sour cream.

Received sweet preparation Cover the top with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After the time has passed, remove the bowl from the refrigerator and turn it over onto a plate. We carefully lift the empty dishes up and put them away.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Have you ever tried gingerbread cake? If your answer is negative, then you are welcome - for your attention, just incredible recipe– gingerbread cake with bananas, kiwi and sour cream. The cake takes literally ten minutes to prepare, but it turns out so delicious that an ignorant person would never guess what the cake is made of, and this is true, it has been tested more than once. When I made this cake for the first time, I didn’t have any special illusions or hopes, but after trying the result, I was simply impressed. The simplest thing you can do is to use fruit for the filling, and use it as a cream. regular sour cream, but sometimes you can go further, prepare your favorite cream, make a richer filling - your guests will be delighted. The cake definitely needs to sit, the longer it sits, the more it soaks in, and in the end it will be tender, soft and simply incomparable. Be sure to save my simple recipe with step-by-step photos. This one is no less tasty.

- gingerbread cookies – 1 package,
- sour cream – 1 glass,
- banana – 1 pc.,
- kiwi – 1 pc.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Choose the most ordinary gingerbreads, without filling. Cut the gingerbread into slices, preferably not thick.

Peel the banana and kiwi. Cut the banana and kiwi into slices, also try to make them thin.

Prepare a cake pan - it should be any deep shape, you choose the diameter and depth for yourself. Cover the inside of the mold with cling film. Now start assembling the cake - place the sliced ​​gingerbread cookies in the first layer on a plate, brush them with sour cream.

Place a layer of gingerbread and sour cream again, then cover the gingerbread with bananas.

Cover the banana layer with gingerbread, layer them again with sour cream. Now add the kiwi.

In this order, fill the mold to the very top. Finally, lay out a layer of gingerbread and cover it with sour cream. Seal the mold with cling film, compact the cake a little and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Beat the remaining gingerbread cookies in a blender bowl until fine crumbs form.

After a while, remove the pan from the refrigerator, turn it over onto a plate, and remove the cling film.

Grease the top of the cake with sour cream. If desired, you can pour melted chocolate over the cake.

Sprinkle the cake with crushed gingerbread crumbs. Decorate the cake to your taste, let it brew for a few more hours and you can safely serve it. Also be sure to prepare this very beautiful and tasty

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