Stewed zucchini in a frying pan with tomatoes recipe. Stewed zucchini with tomatoes. The most delicious recipes. Original recipe for stewed vegetables in tomato juice

We have collected the best recipes for zucchini baked in the oven with tomatoes. Add minced meat, eggplant or mushrooms to them and it will turn out even tastier!

  • 1 zucchini (preferably young, so that it does not have a loose center with grains);
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 100 g cheese;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, black pepper.

Wash the zucchini, peel the skin and cut it into slices. The thickness of each circle should be approximately 1 cm.

Wash the tomatoes, cut out the dark center and cut them into circles. The thickness of a tomato circle is 0.5 cm. To prevent the tomatoes from bruising and the juice leaking out of them, you need to cut them with a sawing motion, without pressing on the tomato.

Peel the garlic and chop it using a press.

In a dry, hot frying pan, fry the zucchini slices on both sides until lightly browned.

Moisten a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the fried zucchini on it.

Place crushed garlic on top of each zucchini slice.

Place tomato slices on the garlic. Salt and pepper them.

Grind the cheese using a coarse grater.

Place on a baking sheet.

Place the pieces in the oven (t=180°C) for 20-25 minutes.

Zucchini with tomatoes baked in the oven under a cheese crust is ready! Serve them with greens. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: how to bake zucchini and tomatoes in the oven (with photo)

Baked vegetables perfectly highlight the taste of almost any meat dish. You can also supplement them with garlic sauce or sour cream. Enjoy an incredibly tasty, satisfying and at the same time dietary dish.

  • Young zucchini 2 pieces
  • Tomatoes 3–4 pieces
  • Onion 1 piece (small)
  • ½ teaspoon ground pepper mixture (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon dried herbs (optional)
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil 4 tablespoons

Rub the onion in your hands to make it easier to remove the skins later. Then remove the remaining roots and tops. Wash the onion and cut into rings or halve and chop into half rings, whichever is more convenient for you.

Place the tomatoes in the sink and rinse with warm water one by one, wiping each one with your hands. Make cuts near the place where the stalk used to be and remove its remains. Cut the tomatoes peeled in this way into thick rings, since thin ones can simply fall apart during cooking. Cut the vegetables carefully with a sharp knife so as not to crush the pulp.

Rinse the zucchini with water and remove any adhering dirt with a brush. Since we chose young vegetables, there is no need to peel them, but if you are preparing this dish out of season and you only have stale ingredients on hand, then you will definitely need to remove the thick peel from them by simply cutting it off with a knife. Cut the washed and peeled zucchini into rings of medium thickness.

Carefully place all the vegetables in a deep bowl and preheat the oven to 230 degrees Celsius. Salt and pepper the vegetables and add dried herbs. Carefully mix all ingredients together. Grease a heat-resistant baking tray with olive oil, and then place the vegetables in it one after another so that they alternate.

Keep in mind that there is significantly less onion, so distribute it evenly among the other ingredients. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil on top of the dish formed in this way and place in the oven. Cooking vegetables according to this recipe takes 15-18 minutes. After this time, the zucchini will become softer, and the onions and tomatoes will release juice.

Recipe 3: zucchini baked with tomatoes and minced meat in the oven

  • Zucchini - 3 pcs.
  • Minced meat - 100-150 g
  • Rice - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 150 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon

Boil the rice and mix with minced meat, add salt, pepper and stir. Cut the zucchini into slices 5 mm thick. Cut the tomatoes into thinner slices.

Place 1 tbsp on each zucchini circle. spoon of minced meat, place a slice of tomato on top. In this form, place the zucchini tightly on a baking sheet with the side surfaces up.

Place tomato paste in a separate bowl.

Add sour cream and water (200 g) to tomato paste. Add salt and mix.

Pour the prepared mixture over the zucchini with minced meat and tomatoes. Place in preheated oven for 35 minutes.

5-7 minutes before it’s ready, sprinkle the zucchini casserole with grated cheese and put the pan back in the oven.

Zucchini baked in the oven with minced meat, rice and tomatoes is ready.

Recipe 4: zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes in the oven

Zucchini and eggplant baked in the oven with cheese is a simple and quick, but no less tasty appetizer (maybe even a main course), which will give you a lot of pleasure and will also benefit your body, because dishes baked in the oven retain healthy substances and vitamins.

The spices in the composition help the dish to open up, making it more piquant. Control the amount and composition of spices at your discretion, making the dish spicier or milder to taste.

  • Eggplant - 2 pcs. (young, medium size)
  • Zucchini - 2 pcs. (young, medium size)
  • Tomato - 2 pcs. (large)
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.
  • Mozzarella - 120 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Greens - to taste (for serving)
  • Red hot pepper - to taste
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Coriander - 1 pinch(s) (ground)

For this dish, it is better to take eggplants and zucchini that are young, medium in size and approximately the same thickness, so that the “turrets” are even.

Cut the eggplants into circles of at least 1 cm. I did not cut off the skin from them, as it is very tender. If your eggplants have a thicker skin, remove it.

Place the eggplants in a bowl and add salt (about 0.75 tsp) - this will get rid of the bitterness. Leave the vegetables for 15 minutes.

Rinse the eggplants with cold water and dry with paper towels.

The zucchini should also be chopped, but there is no need to add salt.

Blanch two large ripe tomatoes. Simply put, treat the vegetables with boiling water to remove the skin. To do this, use a sharp knife to make cross-shaped cuts: the first near the attachment of the stalk, and the second on the opposite side of the tomato.

Place the tomatoes in boiling water for 40 seconds - 1 minute, remove and rinse with cold water. Pry the skin with a knife and easily remove it.

Mash the peeled tomatoes into a paste with a fork (you can crush them in a blender), add red and black pepper, a pinch of ground coriander, a little salt and chopped garlic cloves.

Cut the mozzarella into circles according to the size of our “towers”. I found a large head of mozzarella cheese, so I cut out the circles I needed using a mold of a suitable diameter, and used the remaining cheese on the pizza.

Place most of the tomato dressing in a ceramic or glass dish.

Assemble the vegetable “towers”: eggplant ring - add a little salt - tomato dressing - zucchini ring - a little salt - tomato dressing - eggplant - zucchini. Tomato dressing between vegetables will add juiciness to the dish (you can make a layer of tomato ring).

The “turrets” can be made not so high, for example, you can arrange the vegetables in a fan, as is done in the famous ratatouille dish.

Don’t rush to add the cheese, it will melt quickly, and the vegetables will still be raw.

Bake eggplants and zucchini for 25-30 minutes at 180" (the time may increase slightly depending on the characteristics of the oven). After 25 minutes, remove the dish from the oven, carefully arrange the cheese and leave for another 7-10 minutes.

When serving, add tomato dressing to the bottom of the plate, then baked vegetables and garnish with herbs. Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: zucchini with tomatoes and garlic in the oven

A simple way to bake not only zucchini, but also eggplant and pumpkin. The expenditure of time, labor, and food during preparation does not raise doubts about the practicality of this dish.

  • Young zucchini – 1 kg
  • Fresh tomatoes – 0.5 kg
  • Garlic – 5-6 cloves
  • Green onions - 5-6 feathers
  • Dill and parsley – 1 bunch
  • Sour cream – 1 glass
  • Egg – 1-2 pcs
  • Vegetable oil – 5-6 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - to taste

For this dish, it is better to choose medium-sized zucchini with small grains. Peel the zucchini and cut into slices 1 cm thick.

Wash the garlic, green onions, dill and parsley and chop finely.

Mix all the greens with the zucchini, add salt, pour oil, and place on a small baking sheet.

Wash the tomatoes, cut into circles.

Place tomatoes on top of zucchini.

Place the baking sheet with vegetables in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees, for 15-20 minutes.

Beat sour cream with eggs (to taste, you can beat with herbs, ground breadcrumbs, grated cheese, feta cheese, chopped garlic).

After 15-20 minutes, remove the baking sheet from the oven and pour this mixture over the vegetables.

Place back in the oven until browned.

Can be served as a side dish or as an independent dish. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6, simple: zucchini and tomatoes covered with cheese crust

  • tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 200-250 g;
  • sweet bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 20 g;
  • milk - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 25-30 g;
  • spices, ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

Serve hot with sour cream or your favorite sauce. Be sure to prepare the most delicious, very tender zucchini baked with tomatoes and cheese!

Recipe 7, step by step: cherry tomatoes and zucchini in the oven

An ideal dish for those who watch their figure.

  • Zucchini squash - 300 g
  • Cherry tomatoes – 200 g
  • Carrots – 60 g
  • Onion - 60 g
  • Fetaxa in cubes - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Wash the zucchini and cut into slices about 1 cm thick, place in a refractory dish, lightly salt and pepper.

Fry grated carrots and chopped onions in a frying pan with vegetable oil until golden brown.

Place fried onions and carrots on the zucchini.

Cut the tomatoes into 2 parts and arrange.

Top with cubed fetax, salt and pepper to taste. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 8: zucchini with potatoes and tomatoes (with photos step by step)

  • Zucchini - 1 piece
  • Tomato - 2 pieces
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. spoons (preferably low-fat)
  • Cheese - 150 Grams
  • Salt - To taste
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Greens - To taste (Parsley, dill, can be added to the finished dish for beauty.)

Cut the tomatoes, potatoes and zucchini into thin and, if possible, small circles.


To prepare zucchini stewed with tomatoes and garlic, we will need:
2 tomatoes;
1 onion;

1 young zucchini;
1 clove of garlic;
1 tbsp. l. sour cream (or mayonnaise);
1/2 tsp. khmeli-suneli;
a pinch of oregano;
salt pepper;

vegetable oil.

Cooking steps

Using a paring knife or regular knife, cut the zucchini (young zucchini can be cooked with the skin on) into thin slices and add to the onions and garlic, stir and simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the zucchini becomes soft and easy to stir ( This will take approximately 2 minutes).

Cut the tomatoes into cubes and place in a frying pan with the zucchini, onion and garlic, simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 3 minutes (until the vegetables are slightly soft).

Add salt, pepper, oregano and suneli hops to the zucchini stewed with tomatoes, onions and garlic.

At the very end, add sour cream, stir, simmer for 1-2 minutes and remove from heat.

Zucchini stewed with tomatoes and garlic is good both hot and cold.

Bon appetit!

Zucchini with tomatoes - cooking zucchini with tomatoes

We suggest you cook zucchini with tomatoes. Dishes made from zucchini and tomatoes are very easy to prepare, but they turn out very tasty.

Zucchini is a unique product that can be combined with almost all known ingredients. Zucchini is able to absorb the aroma and taste of those products that are prepared with it. The best option is a combination of products such as zucchini and tomatoes.

Zucchini and tomatoes can be combined in any dish. Be it a salad, fried zucchini, stewed zucchini, some soups or pies. In general, we can say that these are universal products that can bring any culinary whim to life.

Zucchini must be carefully prepared before preparing any dish. If young vegetables are used, they do not require peeling or removing seeds. This is due to the fact that their skin is thin and the seeds are very small. If we are talking about large zucchini, then before cooking they must be thoroughly peeled and seeds removed. Their skin is very thick and the seeds are large, which can have a negative effect on the dish. In addition, large zucchini is more watery, so it is necessary to cut them into large pieces to avoid limpness during the cooking process.

A classic version of cooking zucchini with tomatoes “nothing extra”

This dish is so easy to prepare that even the youngest and most inexperienced housewife can handle it. It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, healthy. After all, it contains only vegetables and nothing extra.

First you need to decide on the ingredients. Everything is very simple. For preparation you will need:


- one medium zucchini;

- three tomatoes;

- two cloves of garlic;

- salt, pepper to taste;

- vegetable oil.

How to cook zucchini with tomatoes according to the classic recipe:

You should start with the dressing, that is, by preparing the sauce. For this you will need a little mayonnaise and garlic. Garlic is crushed to form a paste and placed in mayonnaise. In principle, this is quite enough, but if desired, you can add herbs or seasonings.

Now you can do the vegetables. It is necessary to wash the zucchini and cut it into thin slices, but in such a way that they do not fall apart during the cooking process. Then all the plates need to be dipped in flour on both sides. After this, all the plates are placed in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fried on both sides until a crust forms.

Tomatoes must be cut into rings. Finished zucchini plates are greased on one side with garlic and mayonnaise sauce. A tomato ring is placed on the edge. Now the plate can be rolled up. The result is a roll. The same actions are done with the remaining plates.

That's basically it. The rolls are ready. You can serve them on the festive table so that each guest can appreciate their taste and aroma.

Zucchini salad with tomatoes

Yes, indeed, zucchini and tomatoes go well together in a salad. This dish has been known for quite a long time. It is perfect for gourmets and light food lovers.


- three small young zucchini;

- four tomatoes;

- two medium onions;

- fifty grams of hard cheese;

- two hundred and fifty grams of mayonnaise;

- three cloves of garlic;

- vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste.

Recipe for zucchini and tomato salad:

The salad will be flaky, so you will need to spend a little more time than usual. First you need to cook the zucchini. To do this, they are washed, peeled and cut into rings. Then they need to be placed in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fried on both sides. After this, they can be left to cool. While the zucchini is cooling, you can cut the onion into rings and the tomatoes into cubes, after removing the skin.

Now the onions and tomatoes are also fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil. They are cooked until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then they are also sent to cool.

The garlic must be crushed to a pulp using a crusher or spoon, and then mixed with mayonnaise. Now you can begin to form the layered salad. To do this, take a flat vessel.

The first layer will be zucchini. They must be thoroughly coated with mayonnaise and garlic on top. Tomatoes are placed on top of them; they do not need to be coated. Next, a simple alternation of layers is performed one after another. There are about three or four of them in total. After the last layer is laid out, grated cheese is sprinkled on top of the salad. The salad is best served chilled, although it can also be served warm. It will be a wonderful decoration for the holiday table.

Zucchini baked with tomatoes and cheese

This is quite a tasty appetizer that will decorate any holiday table and will not leave any of the guests indifferent.

To prepare you will need the following Ingredients:

- half a kilo of tomatoes;

- half a kilo of zucchini, preferably fresh;

- three cloves of garlic;

- vegetable oil for frying;

- salt, pepper to taste;

- one hundred grams of hard cheese.

Preparing zucchini with cheese and tomatoes:

You should start by cooking zucchini. They need to be washed, peeled and cut into slices about one centimeter thick. Then each circle must be fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. After this, the zucchini is laid out in a baking dish.

Next, the cheese is grated on a fine grater and sprinkled on top of the zucchini. Now everything can be put in the oven and baked at 200 degrees for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. The dish is basically ready. Now you can sprinkle it on top with herbs and serve.

Zucchini soup with tomatoes and onions

A very simple and very tasty recipe. The soup cooks very quickly.

To prepare you will need the following Ingredients:

- eight hundred grams of uncut tomatoes in a jar;

- four hundred grams of zucchini;

- it is a medium-sized bulb;

- a little fresh parsley;

- two cloves of garlic;

- one hundred and twenty milliliters of white wine;

- one tablespoon of olive oil;

- two drops of Worcestershire sauce;

ground black pepper, salt to taste.

Making soup with zucchini and tomatoes:

Now you can proceed to the cooking process. It's best to start by chopping vegetables. Finely chop the onion, and the garlic, on the contrary, into large pieces. Chop the parsley. Now you can cut the zucchini lengthwise and cut it into slices.

Next, heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Then add the onion and garlic and fry until the onion becomes transparent. After this, add zucchini, salt, and ground pepper to the pan. All this is fried until the zucchini becomes soft. Now you can add wine and chopped tomatoes to it.

Zucchini goes well with many vegetables. They can create one of the most harmonious unions with tomatoes. Zucchini stewed with tomatoes has a pleasant, slightly sour taste and looks appetizing and elegant. Depending on the recipe used, the dish can be prepared for a family lunch, dinner, or served at a holiday table. It is quite satisfying without any additions, but this does not prevent it from being offered as a side dish to various meat and poultry dishes.

Cooking features

Cooking zucchini stewed with tomatoes is not a difficult task. Knowing a few points allows you to get an impeccable result even for a cook who is just starting to master the basics of culinary skills.

  • Both young and mature zucchini are suitable for preparing vegetable stew, but from small fruits it turns out to be more delicate in taste and appetizing in appearance.
  • Mature zucchini must be peeled and seeded before cooking. Remove the peel with a vegetable peeler. The pulp and seeds are removed with a spoon, after cutting the vegetables in half. Young zucchini does not need such serious preparation. It is enough to wash them thoroughly, dry them, and cut off their ends.
  • When stewing zucchini, tomatoes can be used to make tomato sauce or as a self-sufficient component of a stew. In the first case, the vegetables must be peeled. To do this, cross-shaped cuts are made on their skin, after which the vegetables are immersed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Afterwards, the tomatoes are transferred to a container with cold water to cool and peeled. When you want the tomato pieces to retain their shape, they are not peeled; they are added to the dish shortly before it is ready.
  • Often, zucchini and tomatoes are stewed with the addition of garlic. If you add it at the beginning of cooking, it will acquire a pleasant aroma, but will not be spicy. If you add garlic 5 minutes before the stew is ready, it will become more piquant in taste.
  • Vegetables can be fried before stewing. This will increase the calorie content of the food, but its taste will become much more pleasant.

Zucchini stewed with tomatoes can be prepared according to different recipes. The technology may also differ. To obtain the expected result, follow the recommendations accompanying the specific recipe.

Zucchini stewed with carrots, onions and tomatoes

  • zucchini – 1 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • onions – 0.3 kg;
  • carrots – 0.3 kg;
  • fresh herbs – 50 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the zucchini and pat dry with a napkin. Remove the peel with a vegetable peeler. Cut off the ends of the fruits. Cut the vegetables in half lengthwise, remove the pulp with large seeds. Cut the zucchini into cubes about 1 cm in size.
  • Peel the carrots, wash them, dry them with a napkin. Grind on a grater with large holes.
  • Peel the onion and chop it into small pieces.
  • Cut the tomatoes crosswise. Boil water and place tomatoes in it. Blanch for 2-3 minutes. Cool by transferring to a container with cold water.
  • Peel the tomatoes, cut out the seals around the stems. Cut the pulp into small cubes.
  • Heat the oil at the bottom of a cauldron or thick-bottomed pan.
  • Add the onion and fry it for 2-3 minutes.
  • Add zucchini. Fry them with onions for 7-8 minutes.
  • Add carrots.
  • After a couple of minutes, put the tomatoes in the pan along with their juice.
  • Turn down the heat. Cover the pan with a lid.
  • Simmer the vegetables until done.
  • Finely chop the garlic and herbs. Sprinkle them over the vegetables and stir. Leave on fire for another 5 minutes.

The stew prepared according to this recipe has a spicy taste and seductive aroma. Zucchini dominates in it, the rest of the vegetables act as a sauce.

Zucchini stewed with tomatoes and garlic

  • zucchini – 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • hops-suneli – 5 g;
  • dried herbs (basil, parsley, oregano) – 5 g;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the zucchini, cut into thin long slices. It will be convenient to do this using a vegetable peeler.
  • Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and peel them. Cut out the dense areas of pulp in the area of ​​the stalks. Cut the remaining pulp into small cubes.
  • Remove the skins from the bulbs. Cut them into thin half rings.
  • Finely chop the garlic.
  • Heat the oil at the bottom of the saucepan and add the onion.
  • Fry the onion over medium heat until it turns golden.
  • Add garlic, fry for a couple more minutes.
  • Reduce heat, add zucchini and tomatoes.
  • Simmer the vegetables covered for 20 minutes.
  • Add salt and seasonings, stir. Simmer for another 2-3 minutes, remove from heat.

The seductive aroma of this dish is unlikely to leave you indifferent. The exquisite appearance of this dish allows it to be served even on a festive table.

Zucchini stewed with cherry tomatoes

  • young zucchini – 0.5 kg;
  • cherry tomatoes – 0.25 kg;
  • fresh basil – 20 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • soy sauce - to taste;
  • olive oil – 40 ml;
  • water or vegetable broth – 40–60 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the zucchini well and dry with a paper towel.
  • Cut off the ends. Cut the vegetables into quartered circles 7–8 mm thick.
  • Wash the tomatoes and let them dry. Cut into halves.
  • Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add zucchini to it, brown them on all sides.
  • Mix soy sauce with broth or water and pour over zucchini.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and reduce heat.
  • Simmer the zucchini for 20 minutes.
  • Add finely chopped garlic, basil leaves and tomato halves. Simmer the dish over low heat for 5–10 minutes, remove from heat.

Zucchini stewed with tomatoes according to this recipe looks bright and appetizing. There is no shame in offering this dish to guests. If there are vegetarians among them, they will certainly appreciate it.

Zucchini stewed with tomatoes and cheese

  • young zucchini – 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • onions – 150 g;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise – 50 ml;
  • sour cream – 50 ml;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, fresh herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the carrots. Rub finely.
  • Remove the skins from the onion and cut it into small pieces.
  • After thoroughly washing and drying the zucchini, cut into circles about half a centimeter thick.
  • Wash and pat the tomatoes dry with a napkin. Cut them into circles the same thickness as the zucchini. You can chop tomatoes only with a sharp knife so as not to squeeze out excess juice from them.
  • In a separate container, mix mayonnaise, sour cream and garlic passed through a press.
  • Combine carrots and onions, add a spoonful of sauce to them, stir.
  • Grease a baking dish with oil. Place zucchini in it. Season them with salt and pepper and cover with a mixture of carrots and onions.
  • Place tomato slices on top.
  • Dilute the remaining sauce with water and pour it over the vegetables.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the dish with vegetables in it.
  • Simmer the zucchini and tomatoes for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the oven, sprinkle the vegetables with grated cheese and finely chopped herbs.
  • Return the pan to the oven, increase the temperature to 200-220 degrees. Continue cooking vegetables for 10 minutes.

Zucchini stewed with tomatoes and cheese is a self-sufficient appetizer worthy of a holiday table. It can be supplemented with pasta, rice, mashed potatoes. The appetizer itself can be a complement to meat, chicken breast.

Zucchini goes well with tomatoes; they are often stewed together. Despite the availability of ingredients and ease of preparation, zucchini stewed with tomatoes can often serve as a decoration for the holiday table.

Cutlets or sausages. Even a novice cook can prepare such a dish on his own.

Let's look at a few recipes in more detail.

Cooking zucchini stewed with tomatoes and onions

In fact, there is nothing difficult in preparing such a dish. You just have to strictly follow all prescription requirements.

So what ingredients do we need to make stewed zucchini with tomatoes? For such a vegetable dish we need the following ingredients:

  • fresh fleshy tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • small young zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - about 2/3 cup;
  • sea ​​salt, ground pepper - use to your taste;
  • large sweet onions - 2 heads;
  • vegetable oil - about 35-45 ml;
  • full-fat sour cream of maximum freshness - approximately 100 g.

Preparing vegetables

The stewed zucchini with tomatoes should be prepared in stages. First, wash the main product thoroughly. After this, the zucchini is dried with paper towels, the skin is cut off and chopped into slices about 0.7 cm thick. If you use young and soft vegetables, you don’t need to peel them.

Having processed the zucchini, begin preparing the remaining ingredients. Fleshy tomatoes are washed, blanched and peeled. Subsequently, they are finely chopped with an ordinary kitchen knife.

As for sweet onions, they are peeled and chopped into small cubes.

Pre-frying ingredients

To make zucchini stewed in sour cream and tomatoes as tasty as possible, they should be fried first. To do this, slices of vegetables are rolled in a dry mixture consisting of wheat flour, ground pepper and sea salt. Next, all the vegetables are fried one by one in a very hot frying pan with vegetable oil (on both sides).

Extinguishing process

As soon as all the zucchini slices are thoroughly fried, add onion cubes to them. After this, all the ingredients are covered with finely chopped tomatoes.

Covering the ingredients with a lid, simmer them over low heat for about ¼ hour. After this time, the vegetables are thoroughly mixed and tasted. If they don't have enough salt or pepper, they add it.

Thick and fresh sour cream is also added to the pan with vegetables. After mixing the ingredients, cover them again with a lid and simmer in the same mode for another 5-8 minutes.

How to present it to the dinner table?

Stewed zucchini with tomatoes is often served as a delicious vegetable side dish. To do this, the dish is placed hot on a plate, and meat, cutlet or sausage is placed next to it.

If you do not want to use stewed zucchini with tomatoes as a side dish, then it is recommended to cool it at room temperature, place it in a container with a lid and place it in the refrigerator.

As soon as the vegetables are cold, they are placed in a beautiful bowl and served for lunch along with a slice of bread. If you follow all the described steps, you will get a very tasty vegetable salad. By the way, by applying it to a slice of toasted toast, you will make a flavorful and nutritious snack that can be safely served even for a holiday dinner.

Cooking stewed zucchini with peppers and tomatoes

There are many ways to stew vegetables at home. If you are a summer resident and you have had a rich harvest of zucchini, then you can use them to make very tasty dishes for meat or fish.

It should be especially noted that this product is universal. It goes well with other vegetables and is also quickly heat-treated. To see this from your own experience, we suggest buying zucchini and making a delicious side dish for the dinner table.

So, to implement this recipe we may need the following components:

Step-by-step processing of ingredients

How to cook stewed zucchini? With carrots and tomatoes, this dish turns out especially tasty. Before you start cooking it, you need to prepare all the ingredients.

Fresh and young zucchini is thoroughly washed, the ends are removed, and then chopped into medium cubes. Also peel the onions separately and cut them into large half rings. Sweet peppers are chopped in the same way. However, before this, it is cleaned of the stalk, partitions and seeds.

As for large carrots, they are grated using a coarse grater. In addition, fresh herbs are chopped.

In order for stewed zucchini with tomatoes, which are not very high in calories, to turn out especially tasty, fresh tomatoes need to be minced through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender to a homogeneous puree.

The process of cooking a vegetable dish

It is advisable to prepare this side dish in a thick-walled pan. A little sunflower oil is poured into it, and then grated carrots and onions are added. After thoroughly mixing the vegetables, fry them over medium heat for about 6 minutes. This time should be enough for them to become as rosy as possible.

After the described steps, sweet pepper half rings and zucchini cubes are added to the sautéed onions and carrots. After salting the ingredients to your taste, mix them thoroughly.

After frying the food for about 3 minutes, add a little water and cover with a lid. In this form, vegetables are stewed for about 5-8 minutes. After this time they are interfered with again. Next, puree made from fresh tomatoes is added to them. Along with it, add ground pepper and finely chopped herbs to the ingredients.

After mixing the vegetables in the tomato pulp, cover them with a lid and continue to simmer for 10 minutes. During this time, all ingredients should be completely cooked. After tasting them, additional spices and seasonings are added to them. Also, not very fatty mayonnaise is added to the side dish.

After keeping the dish on the stove for about two more minutes, remove it from the heat and leave under the lid for ¼ hour.

How and with what to serve it at the family table?

A side dish of stewed zucchini, carrots, onions, peppers and tomatoes should only be served hot. The dish is placed on a plate, and any meat or sausage product is placed next to it.

It is advisable to present such a lunch to the family table along with a slice of black bread and homemade marinades.

As you can see, there are many ways to stew zucchini and tomatoes at home. The recipes presented are not the only ones. For example, some housewives add potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, as well as green beans, white beans, chickpeas, celery, etc. to this dish. Cooks also often stew zucchini and tomatoes along with chicken breasts or pork.

To get a more flavorful lunch, add grated garlic cloves, dried thyme and basil to this dish. However, they do this only after removing the side dish from the stove. Only in this way will the aroma of these components be revealed, making your lunch more rich and tasty.
