Storage conditions and shelf life of confectionery products. Confectionery products: quality requirements

Modern people have a contradictory attitude towards confectionery products. Someone declared them taboo for the purposes of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Someone cannot refuse a chocolate bar, considering it their little joy. We will not debate the extent of their harm or benefit here, but we will outline the requirements for the quality of confectionery products and the conditions for their storage.

What are confectionery products and their types

Confectionery products are products containing large quantities of sugar (or its substitutes - honey, xylitol, molasses), as well as other ingredients - fat, flour, eggs, nuts, berries, fillings, sweet masses, cocoa, nuts, starch, etc. . The main feature is their pleasant taste and high calorie content. Due to the increased sugar and fat content in them, the risk of spoilage and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms increases, so storage of confectionery products is no less important factor when purchasing them in a store than their appearance and quality.

Despite the huge variety of confectionery products, they are classified into two types: flour and sugar.

The recipe for flour confectionery products, in addition to a large amount of sugar, includes flour. They can be simple (cookies, gingerbread, waffles) or with a complex composition (cakes, pastries, filled products, puff pastries).

Sugary confectionery products are based on sugar; they may not contain flour at all. These include:

Jam, marmalade,

Marshmallows, marshmallows,

Candies (lollipops, candy bars, toffee, caramel and others),



How to choose quality confectionery products?

The quality of confectionery products directly depends on their ingredients and the quality of the raw materials. In the modern technology industry, there are a lot of substitutes that make the final product cheaper or less nutritious. Sometimes the quality suffers.

When evaluating a product, the following requirements for the quality of confectionery products are taken into account: hygienic standards and consumer properties. The last indicator depends on the type of product, determined by its technical regulations, technical specifications or GOST. Simply put, the appearance, shape, texture, taste and smell must correspond to how the manufacturer intended them to be.

There should be no foreign ingredients on the surface or inside, the shape should be correct, not wrinkled, not broken. Candies must be in individual, undamaged packaging and of the same shape. There should be no sticky or melted product, broken or out of shape. Often it is the incorrect storage of confectionery products that leads to the loss of their attractive consumer properties.

No less important are such hygienic requirements for the quality of confectionery products as their safety indicators. The packaging must contain data on testing for toxic elements, radionuclides, pesticides and microbiological indicators (food infections, mold, yeast).

It is the microbiological quality of confectionery products that determines the degree of their safety for humans and the elimination of the risk of poisoning and illness after consumption.

In addition to safety for humans, microbiological indicators determine the degree of freshness and shelf life, as well as the correct storage of confectionery products.

Shelf life of confectionery products

Sugary confectionery products, due to the preservative properties of sugar, can have a long shelf life - from 15 days to 10 months. These terms depend on the composition and presence of preservative ingredients in the recipe, which can be seen on consumer packaging.

Chocolate and caramel can have a shelf life of 1 to 12 months, depending on fillings and additives, marshmallows and marshmallows - up to 3 months, marmalade - from 15 days to 3 months.

Floury products with filling have a shorter shelf life due to the risk of microorganisms developing in an environment rich in fats and sugars. Confectionery products such as pastries and cakes can be stored for 36 to 72 hours. If it is included, then the cake will stand at a temperature of +20 degrees for 1.5 days without loss of quality.

The quality requirements for cupcakes allow them to be stored for no more than 7 days, waffle cakes - from 15 days to 1 month.

Dry confectionery products without perishable fillings and wet layers with preservative ingredients in appropriate packaging can have a shelf life of up to 3 months.

Storage conditions

Proper storage of confectionery products ensures their safety and taste. For caramel and high-sugar products, storage should be at a temperature of no more than 18 degrees Celsius and low humidity - in a dry and cool place. Pastille, marmalade, muffins, rolls should be stored at a humidity of no more than 75%, cookies, waffles, gingerbread - no more than 70-75% humidity.

Perishable cakes and pastries with fillings and layers should be stored at a temperature of plus 2 - 4 degrees Celsius, that is, in the refrigerator. You can place cakes at lower temperatures and freeze them - this increases the shelf life significantly, but the appearance may suffer. The microcrystalline structure is destroyed, and droplets of moisture appear on the inside of the cake packaging after defrosting.

When choosing confectionery products, you should pay attention not only to their composition and the integrity of the packaging, but also to the storage conditions in the store. If all the subtleties and nuances are correctly observed, then the quality of the confectionery products will be at the highest level and will not interfere with getting pleasure and joy from their taste.

GOST 32741-2014


Semi-finished products


General technical conditions

Semifinished products. Fruit and vegetable fillings and podvarki. General specifications

MKS 67.080.10

Date of introduction 2016-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Canning and Vegetable Drying Industry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GNU VNIIKOP of the Russian Agricultural Academy)

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated June 25, 2014 N 45-2014)

The following voted for adoption:

Short name of the country by
MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body


Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia





4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 9, 2014 N 773-st, the interstate standard GOST 32741-2014 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2016.


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to semi-finished products - fruit and vegetable fillings and preparations, packaged in transport packaging and intended for use as additives in products of the dairy, bakery, confectionery and other branches of the food industry (hereinafter referred to as fillings and preparations).

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 21-94 Granulated sugar. Specifications

GOST ISO 750-2013 Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Determination of titratable acidity

GOST ISO 762-2013 Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Determination of the content of mineral impurities

GOST 908-2004 Food grade citric acid monohydrate. Specifications

GOST ISO 2173-2013 Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Refractometric method for determining soluble solids

GOST 5717.2-2003 Glass jars for canned food. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 5981-2011 Metal cans and lids for canned food. Specifications

GOST 8756.1-79 Canned food products. Methods for determining organoleptic characteristics, net weight or volume and mass fraction of constituent parts

GOST 8756.18-70 Canned food products. Method for determining the appearance, tightness of containers and the condition of the internal surface of a metal surface

GOST 10444.12-2013 Microbiology of food products and animal feed. Methods for identifying and counting the number of yeasts and molds

GOST 10444.15-94 Food products. Methods for determining the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 19360-74 Film liner bags. General technical conditions

GOST 25749-2005 Metal screw caps. General technical conditions

GOST 25555.5-91 Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining sulfur dioxide

GOST 26181-84 Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining sorbic acid

GOST 26313-84 Products of processing of fruits and vegetables. Acceptance rules, sampling methods

GOST 26323-84 Products of processing of fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining the content of plant impurities

GOST 26669-85 Food and flavoring products. Preparation of samples for microbiological analyzes

GOST 26670-91 Food products. Methods for cultivating microorganisms

GOST 26671-85 Processed products of fruits and vegetables, canned meat and meat and vegetable products. Preparation of samples for laboratory analysis

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 26935-86 Canned food products. Tin determination method

GOST 28038-2013 Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining the mycotoxin patulin

GOST 28322-2014 Processed products of fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. Terms and Definitions

GOST 28467-90 Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Benzoic acid determination method

GOST 29186-91 Pectin. Specifications

GOST 29270-95 Products of processing of fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining nitrates

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST 30349-96 Fruits, vegetables and their processed products. Methods for determining residues of organochlorine pesticides

GOST 30425-97 Canned food. Method for determining industrial sterility

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 30669-2000 Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Gas chromatographic method for determining benzoic acid content

GOST 30670-2000 Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Gas chromatographic method for determining sorbic acid content

GOST 30710-2001 Fruits, vegetables and their processed products. Methods for determining residues of organophosphorus pesticides

GOST 31227-2013 Food additives. Sodium citrates E331. General technical conditions

GOST 31628-2012 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 31659-2012 Food products. Method for detecting bacteria of the genus Salmonella

GOST 31747-2012 Food products. Methods for identifying and determining the number of coliform bacteria (coliform bacteria)

GOST 31895-2009* White sugar. Specifications

* GOST 31895-2012 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST 31904-2012 Food products. Sampling methods for microbiological tests

GOST 32049-2013 Food flavorings. General technical conditions

GOST 32065-2013 Dried vegetables. General technical conditions

GOST 32161-2013 Food products. Method for determining the content of cesium Cs-137

GOST 32163-2013 Food products. Method for determining strontium content Sr-90

GOST 32164-2013 Food products. Sampling method for determination of strontium Sr-90 and cesium Cs-137

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST 28322, as well as the following term with the corresponding definition:

3.1 heat-stable fillings: Fillings that do not spread on a horizontal surface and retain their shape after heating above 170°C.

4 Classification

4.1 Depending on the raw materials used, the following are produced:

- fillings - homogeneous and heterogeneous (with pieces of fruit and/or vegetables);

- welding - homogeneous.

4.2 Fillings and fillings are made of the following types:

- fruit;

- vegetable:

fruit and vegetable;

vegetable and fruit.

4.3 Fillings, depending on the additives used, may be heat-stable.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Fillings and fillings are made in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological instructions and recipes in compliance with the requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

5.2 Characteristics

5.2.1 In terms of organoleptic indicators, fillings and cooking must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name



Filling is a thick mass having a spreadable or jelly-like consistency with or without fruits and/or vegetables or parts thereof evenly distributed in it.

Podvarok is a thick mass with a spreadable or jelly-like consistency.


The presence of single berry seeds, which include berry puree;

The presence of hard cells in the pulp of pear, quince and chokeberry, which contain these fruits.

Sugaring is not allowed

Taste and smell

Well expressed, the taste is sour-sweet, characteristic of the components from which the semi-finished products are made.

Foreign tastes and odors are not allowed


Thick, homogeneous (for poaching) or heterogeneous spreadable or jelly-like mass (for fillings).

For thermostable fillings - a thick mass that does not spread when heated to a temperature of 170°C-220°C

Characteristic of fruits and/or vegetables that have undergone heat treatment, from which fillings and poaching are made

5.2.2 In terms of physical and chemical parameters, the filling and cooking must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Indicator name

Indicator value

Mass fraction of soluble dry substances, %, not less:

For fillings


Mass fraction of titratable acids, %

Mass fraction of sorbic acid, %, no more

Mass fraction of benzoic acid, %, no more

Mass fraction of total sulfur dioxide, %, no more

Mass fraction of mineral impurities, %, no more

Impurities of plant origin (not included in the recipe), foreign impurities

Not allowed


1 Mass fractions of sorbic and benzoic acids are determined in fillings made using these preservatives, or from raw materials and semi-finished products made using them (containing these preservatives).

2 When sorbic acid and sodium benzoate are used simultaneously, their total mass fraction in products should not exceed 0.1%.

3 The mass fraction of total sulfur dioxide is determined in fillings made from puree-semi-finished products preserved with this preservative. However, the presence of other preservatives in the fillings is not allowed.

5.2.4 Microbiological indicators of fillings and preparations must comply with the requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

5.3 Requirements for raw materials

5.3.1 The following raw materials are used for the manufacture of fillings and poaching:

- fresh fruits;

- fresh vegetables;

- quick-frozen fruits and vegetables;

- dried fruits;

- dried vegetables according to GOST 32065;

- semi-finished fruit purees, canned aseptically or by the “hot filling” method;

- semi-finished vegetable purees, canned aseptically;

- frozen fruit purees;

- semi-finished fruit purees, preserved with chemical preservatives;

- granulated sugar according to GOST 21, GOST 31895 or other natural sugary substances: glucose syrup, liquid sucrose, invert sugar syrup, fructose syrup, liquid cane sugar, glucose, fructose or sweeteners;

- starch syrup;

- sodium citrate (sodium citrate trisubstituted 5.5-aqueous) E331 according to GOST 31227;

- calcium citrate (calcium citrate 4-aqueous) E333;

- pectin E440 according to GOST 29186;

- modified corn starch;

- carrageenan E407;

- guar gum E412;

- xanthan gum E415;

- maltodextrin;

- sorbic acid E200;

- food grade citric acid according to GOST 908;

- lactose;

- sodium benzoate E211;

- potassium sorbate E202;

- food flavorings according to GOST 32049;

- food dyes;

- food gelling agents,

- food stabilizers;

- food thickeners;

- drinking water.

It is allowed to use other types of raw materials intended for use in the food industry.

The raw materials used for the manufacture of fillings and fillings must meet the safety requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

5.4 Packaging

5.4.1 Fillings and fillings are packaged in transport packaging.

5.4.2 Transport packaging and closures must be intended for use in the food industry and comply with the requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

Transport packaging and closures must ensure the safety of the product and its compliance with the requirements of this standard throughout the entire shelf life, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

Recommended types of packaging for filling and packing fillings and toppings are given in Appendix A.

5.4.3 The limit of permissible negative deviations of the contents of the transport package from the nominal quantity must comply with GOST 8.579 or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

5.4.4 The use of other materials and types of packaging is permitted, subject to compliance with the regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard for materials used in contact with fillings and fillings, and ensuring the preservation of the integrity, quality and safety of the product during transportation, storage and implementation.

5.5 Marking

5.5.1 Marking of transport packaging - in accordance with the requirements or regulations in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, and GOST 14192 with the following addition:

Handling signs are indicated on the packaging (label): “Top”, “Temperature limitation”.

Examples of recording names:

1 Semi-finished product. The apple filling is heat-stable.

2 Semi-finished vegetable product. Pumpkin stew.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Acceptance rules - in accordance with GOST 26313 and this standard.

Fillings and toppings are taken in batches. A batch is considered a certain quantity of products of the same name, identically packaged, manufactured by one manufacturer according to one document in a certain period of time, accompanied by shipping documentation that ensures product traceability.

6.2 The quality of fillings and fillings according to organoleptic and physicochemical indicators (except for indicators: mass fraction of sorbic acid, mass fraction of benzoic acid, mass fraction of sulfur dioxide, mass fraction of mineral impurities), net weight of the transport packaging unit, quality of packaging and labeling are checked in each parties.

6.3 The frequency of testing of toxic elements, mycotoxin patulin, pesticides, nitrates, radionuclides, sorbic and benzoic acids, sulfur dioxide, mineral impurities is established by the manufacturer in the production control program.

6.4 Microbiological control of fillings and fillings is carried out in accordance with the requirements in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

7 Control methods

7.1 Sampling - according to GOST 26313, sample preparation for determining organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters - according to GOST 26671, sample mineralization for determining toxic elements - according to GOST 26929, sampling for microbiological analyzes - according to GOST 31904, sample preparation - according to GOST 26669 , cultivation of microorganisms and processing of results - in accordance with GOST 26670, sampling and preparation of samples for the determination of radionuclides - in accordance with GOST 32164.

7.2 Determination of organoleptic indicators, net weight - according to GOST 8756.1.

7.3 Determination of the appearance and tightness of packaging - according to GOST 8756.18.

7.4 Determination of physical and chemical parameters:

- mass fraction of soluble dry substances - according to GOST ISO 2173;

- mass fraction of titratable acids - according to GOST ISO 750;

- mass fraction of sorbic acid - according to GOST 26181, GOST 30670;

- mass fraction of benzoic acid - according to GOST 28467, GOST 30669

- mass fraction of sorbic and benzoic acids in their joint presence - according to regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard;

- mass fraction of sulfur dioxide - according to GOST 25555.5;

- mass fraction of mineral impurities - according to GOST ISO 762;

- the presence of impurities of plant origin - according to GOST 26323;

- presence of foreign impurities - visually.

7.5 Determination of the content of toxic elements:

- lead - according to GOST 26932, GOST 30178, GOST 30538 or regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard;

- arsenic - according to GOST 28038.

7.10 Determination of microbiological indicators - according to GOST 10444.15, GOST 10444.12, ...*

* Defect of the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

7.11 Determination of industrial sterility - according to GOST 30425.

8 Transportation and storage

8.1 Transportation and storage - in accordance with regulatory documents in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

8.2 The expiration date is set by the manufacturer; the recommended expiration dates for fillings and toppings are given in Appendix B.

Appendix A (recommended). Recommended transport packaging for filling and packing fillings and toppings

A.1 Fillings and toppings are packaged:

- in polymer packaging with a capacity of no more than 20 dm;

- packaging with a capacity of no more than 50 dm3 made of polymer materials for food products with plastic liner bags in accordance with GOST 19360;

- cardboard drums with a capacity of no more than 50 dm;

- polymer and metal barrels with a capacity of no more than 200 dm3, with plastic liner bags in accordance with GOST 19360;

- aseptic packaging made of combined materials such as "Bag-in-Box"*;


* This information is recommended and is provided for the convenience of users of this standard.

- metal cans with a capacity of no more than 10.0 dm according to GOST 5981;

- glass jars in accordance with GOST 5717.2, with a capacity of no more than 10 dm3, sealed with metal varnished lids in accordance with GOST 25749;

- semi-finished products for aseptic canning - in three-layer aseptic bags with a capacity of no more than 200 dm.

It is allowed, by agreement with the consumer, to package semi-finished products in other types of packaging approved for use in the food industry.

B.1 Recommended shelf life during which fillings and preparations retain their quality at a relative air humidity of no more than 75%:

- unsterilized, packaged in non-hermetic packaging, with a preservative, at a temperature from 0°C to 25°C - no more than 6 months from the date of manufacture;

- unsterilized, packaged in non-hermetic packaging, without preservatives, at a temperature of 2°C to 6°C - no more than 1 month from the date of manufacture;

- unsterilized, packaged in glass jars, sealed with metal varnished lids at a storage temperature of 0°C to 25°C - no more than two years from the date of manufacture;

- unsterilized packaged in metal cans at a storage temperature from 0°C to 25°C - no more than 12 months from the date of manufacture;

- packaged in aseptic three-layer bags at a storage temperature of 0°C to 25°C - no more than 12 months from the date of manufacture.


Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of food products"

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "Technical Regulations for Oil and Fat Products"

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "Safety requirements for food additives, flavorings and technological aids"

Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On Packaging Safety"

Technical regulations of the customs union "Food products regarding their labeling"

UDC 664.859:006.354 MKS 67.080.10

Key words: semi-finished products, fruit and vegetable, fillings, poaching, homogeneous, heterogeneous, with pieces of fruit and/or vegetables, heat-stable fillings


Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2014

Pastries and cakes high-calorie flour confectionery products containing large amounts of fat, sugar, eggs (melange) or only sugar and eggs, of various shapes and with beautiful external decoration.

Range. Cakes. Based on the type of dough, cakes can be divided into the following groups: sponge cakes, shortbread, puff pastry, custard, protein-whipped, almond-nut, crumb cakes .

Sponge cakes can have the shape of a rectangle, rhombus, cube, roll. They consist of two or three layers of sponge cake, soaked in flavored sugar syrup and layered with cream or fruit and berry filling. Their surface is decorated with cream, nuts, candied fruits, jelly, fondant, etc. These products are named after the creams or fillings that were used to prepare them. For example, sponge cakes with butter or creamy chocolate cream, fruit-jelly, and fondant-glazed cakes. Round shaped sponge cakes consist of two round or oval cakes soaked in flavored sugar syrup and glued together with a fruit filling. The surface is covered with lipstick and decorated with cream, nuts, marmalade, etc.

Shortcakes consist of two round or rectangular cakes glued together with fruit filling or cream. The surface is glazed with lipstick and then decorated with cream (Sand-cream, Jelly, Fruit, etc.).

Layered cakes they have the shape of a bow, tube, horn, muff, rectangular, etc. They produce puff pastries with cream (rectangular, top sprinkled with powdered sugar), with fruit filling, with cheese and cream.

Custard cakes (Eclair) are made in the form of a tube or ring, inside they are filled with cream or cheese mass. Their surface is glazed with lipstick or sprinkled with crumbs.

Protein - whipped (air) cakes They are two round fluffy flatbreads in the shape of hemispheres, baked from protein-whipped dough and glued with butter cream (Mushroom, Dahlia, Double).

Almond-walnut cakes prepared from almond-nut dough, they have the shape of a flat cake (Almond, Waffle).

crumb cake obtained from crumb dough. An oval-shaped cake called Potato is made from crumb dough without baking. This cake is rolled in cocoa powder, powdered sugar (sprinkled) or glazed with fondant. The rectangular-shaped crumb cake, sold under the name Lyubitelskoe, is made from baked crumb dough. Piece cakes are baked on average 55-75 g.

Cakes. Cakes differ from pastries in their larger sizes and in more complex artistic decoration. IN depending on the type of test cakes are also subdivided for biscuit, shortbread, puff pastries and etc.

Sponge cakes consist of two or three sponge cakes soaked in sugar syrup (or without syrup) and glued together with cream or fruit filling: the top and sides are coated with cream, sprinkled with sponge crumbs or glazed with fondant. The following cakes are made from sponge dough: Vanilla with mushrooms - the layer and top are decorated with cream and mushrooms made from airy dough. Biscuit-cream - the top is decorated with fruits and candied fruits. The fairy tale top is decorated with rosettes made of butter and chocolate cream and candied fruits. Birch is made from white and black sponge cake (with the addition of coffee or cocoa powder), the surface is glazed with fondant and finished with cream and almonds. Carmen is a three-layer dry sponge cake, consisting of two layers of white sponge cake and one layer of black, the top is glazed with chocolate fondant and finished with chocolate cream. Moscow - the top is decorated with cream and mushrooms from aerated dough. Ring - a dry sponge cake in the shape of a ring, the surface is decorated with cream and chocolate. Biscuit-fruit - the top is decorated with fruits, candied fruits and filled with jelly. Cherry - soaked in cherry syrup, layered with cream, the top is decorated with cream, fruits, candied fruits and filled with cherry jelly.

From shortbread cakes the most famous are: Sand-cream - consists of two or three shortbread cakes glued together with cream, the top is decorated with cream and fruit; Sandy and fruity - the top is decorated with fruit and covered with jelly; Blackcurrant, Leningradsky - the surface is glazed with chocolate fondant and trimmed with cream and nuts.

Layer cakes made from puff pastry filled with buttercream. The top of the layer cakes is finished with cream and sprinkled with crumbs (Napoleon).

TO almond-walnut cakes include: Ideal - made of almond cakes and wafer layers layered with chocolate cream, the top is finished with chocolate cream, chocolate and sprinkled with powdered sugar; Kyiv - made from nuts with sugar and whipped egg whites, consists of two flat cakes layered with cream, the top is decorated with fruit, cream, and nuts. Sports, Chocolate and waffle. They are made from five to eight wafer sheets layered with praline made from nuts or peanuts; The top is covered with nut mass and decorated with nuts, while the Chocolate-Waffle Cake is glazed with chocolate and decorated with figured chocolate. The Popular cake consists of wafer sheets layered with chocolate cream, the surface is covered with chocolate cream and decorated with chocolate.

From whipped protein dough with the addition of crushed nuts prepare the Poljot cake. It consists of two puffed nut cakes layered with butter cream. The surface is covered with butter cream and decorated with large cakes made from airy gesta.

Requirements for the quality of pastries and cakes.

Organoleptic characteristics: shape, finish, taste. The dough should be well baked, not burnt, without traces of unkneading; puff pastries should not be hardened.

Packaging and storage. Cakes are placed in metal or wooden trays with lids coated with food varnish. The bottom of the tray should be lined with parchment. Molded cakes (baskets, crumbs, air cakes) are placed in paper capsules and then in trays. Laying cakes on edge without finishing is allowed. To avoid deformation, the cakes are placed in one row. Cakes - baskets filled only with fruit filling or fruit filling with fondant trim, are placed in cardboard boxes of 12 pcs. Cakes are packed in artistically decorated cardboard boxes. The bottom of the box is lined with a parchment napkin. Boxes of cakes must indicate the date and hour of production, price and shelf life. Store cakes and pastries with cream or fruit finishing in refrigerators at a temperature not lower than 0° C and not higher than 5° C. The shelf life of products with butter cream is 36 hours, with custard - 6 hours, with fruit finishing - up to 3 days. Waffle cakes can be stored for up to 30 days.

Tasting assessment of caramel quality.

Caramel quality is assessed using a 30-point system. It is recommended to set three quality levels: excellent, good, satisfactory, and express them in points. The scale for tasting assessment of the quality of caramel is given in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4 - Tasting scale for caramel quality

Quality indicators


Quality levels




Taste and smell

Clearly expressed, corresponding to the given name, without foreign tastes and odors

Pure tones. Corresponds to the name, but is less pronounced

Are expressed even weaker, or the aroma of the essence stands out unpleasantly

The aroma of the essence is weakly expressed or stands out sharply. Grey, rancid taste. Fruit fillings with a burnt taste.

15 points

11-9 points

Structure and consistency

Uniform thickness of caramel walls, filling and protective coating. The filling is of normal consistency and color.

Not quite uniform thickness of the filling and caramel walls.

Liquid or too thick filling. The apple filling is brownish.

The filling layer and wall thickness are not uniform. Open seams. Traces of filling on the surface. The apple filling is brown.

Color and appearance

The coloring is uniform, characteristic of this species. The drawing is clear. The surface is dry, not sticky, without cracks, smudges, or burrs. Glazed caramel is shiny.

Not big cracks. Insufficient clarity of the drawing. Slight translucency of the body from the bottom of the caramel, glazed with chocolate

Disadvantages of appearance are more pronounced, but within accessible limits.

Uneven or very bright or very pale coloring. The surface is sticky with cracks, the pattern is not clear.

Correct, corresponding to this product.

Not significant deformation. No more than 3% wrinkled and half-unfolded.

Form flaws are more noticeable.

Significant deformation, distortion of the seam.

Total points

Merchandising of food products: Textbook.
T.P.Lapina, Kovalevich T.I.

Flour confectionery products: expert quality assessment

2.1 Requirements for the quality of flour confectionery products

Quality requirements: Waffles are dry, crispy, light, finely porous products made from liquid aerated dough in the form of sheets or various thin-walled shapes (shells, glasses, tubes, nuts, etc.), with or without filling. Wafers are shaped like rectangular, round, shaped and stick-shaped. The wafers may be partially or fully enrobed with chocolate glaze or have other external finishing. Wafers with greasy, rancid, musty tastes and odors are not allowed for sale; dirty, damp to the touch, with mold on the surface, with filling protruding beyond the edges and smudges, glazed waffles with bubbles, stains and cracks, with fillings that are uneven in color and consistency, as well as waffles in oily packs and boxes. Wafers are packaged in packs or bags with a net weight of up to 250 g, boxes - up to 1.5 kg, followed by placement in boxes. Unpacked wafers are placed in boxes in rows, with the rows interleaved with paper; with a net weight of no more than 16 kg. Waffles are stored at a temperature no higher than 18C° and a relative air humidity of 65-70%. Guaranteed shelf life of waffles: without filling - 3 months, with filling - from 15 days to 2 months. (depending on their type).

Quality requirements: Unacceptable defects in cookies, crackers, biscuits are foreign tastes and odors, significant deformations, burntness, unbaked products, traces of improper mixing, large dents and depressions, broken products in an amount of more than 5%, mold and surface contamination, foreign inclusions, oiling packs, mold, infestation with barn pests. Requirements for the quality of cookies, crackers and biscuits. The shape of cookies can be square, rectangular, round, oval, or shaped. The form must be correct. Cookies must have a clear pattern on the front side, sugar cookies must have a more complex pattern, hard cookies, crackers and biscuits must have punctures, butter cookies have a surface finish in accordance with the recipe. For crackers and biscuits, unbroken bubbles are allowed on the upper surface, individual inclusions of baked dough, traces from the edges and seams of sheets and conveyor belt are allowed on the lower surface.

Quality requirements: The quality of gingerbread is assessed by shape (convex, oval, round or oblong); condition of the surface (not burnt, without cracks, swelling); color (custard - brown, raw - from white to cream); visible on the fracture (uniformly porous, without hardening or traces of unmixing); taste and smell (pleasant, with a clearly expressed aroma of spices in the absence of foreign substances). The standard provides for the norms of humidity, sugar and fat content for each type of gingerbread in accordance with their recipe and other indicators. Unacceptable defects of gingerbread cookies are cracks, swelling, depressions, deformation, staling, burntness, sticky surface and unglazed areas of glazed gingerbread cookies, the presence of hardening, lack of mixing and voids, unusual odors and tastes, including the taste of burntness in fillings.

Cakes and pastries, eclairs:

Quality requirements: Cakes and cakes must have the correct shape, without kinks or dents, the side surfaces are completely covered with finishing semi-finished products. The taste and smell are pure, characteristic of this product, without foreign tastes and odors. The dough is well baked, without traces of unkneading, the layer is uniform. In accordance with the recipes, the sugar, fat, moisture content, as well as microbiological parameters in cakes and pastries are standardized. Cakes and cakes that have the taste of poor quality raw materials or other foreign odors and tastes, or are deformed are not allowed for sale; smeared or blurred finishing pattern, with hardening, lack of mixing, foreign inclusions and contaminated.

Rolls are made from biscuit dough and fillings. A layer of filling (fruit, cream, poppy seed, etc.) is applied to the baked layer, rolled into a roll and cut into pieces. Rolls are prepared by weight and by piece. Cupcakes, babas and rolls are placed in cardboard boxes in one row, on wooden or aluminum trays with lids. Store at a temperature of 5-18°C and relative humidity of 70-75%. Guaranteed shelf life of cupcakes is 2-7 days; rum women - 10 days; rolls - 1-7 days.

Product range and quality indicators

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Storage is one of the stages of the technological process of commodity circulation from the production of finished goods to its consumption. The purpose of storing products is the preservation and stability of the original quality properties of the product or its minor changes.

Classification of confectionery products and their characteristics

Most confectionery products include sugar or its substitutes (honey, sorbitol and other sweeteners); as well as fruit and berry fillings, molasses, vegetable oil, butter and dairy products, cocoa, nuts, flour and other ingredients. Despite the wide variety of confectionery products, they can be divided into two main groups:

  • sugary products, which include products that do not contain flour: candies, chocolate, caramel, marshmallows, halva, marmalade, etc.;
  • flour products, including cakes, cookies, rolls, gingerbreads, pastries, muffins, etc. Confectionery products of both groups contain a whole range of substances important for the human body: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, mineral elements, vitamins. Thanks to modern technologies for the production of confectionery products, it has become possible to increase the biological value of products, preserve vitamins, protein, and active enzymes. It is very important for the consumer to preserve the nutritional value of the product, for which purpose special refrigeration equipment is used during transportation, storage and sale of confectionery products: confectionery display cabinets, refrigerated slides.

Processes occurring in confectionery products during storage

Despite the wide and varied range of products, technological features of production and quality of raw materials, the shelf life of confectionery products depends mainly on one predominant factor. Eg:

  • In one case: chocolates, bars and cookies differ significantly in the production method, and the factor influencing the guaranteed shelf life of these products is the structure of the lipid complex.
  • In another case: with completely different manufacturing technologies for gingerbread, marshmallows, and fudge, the main factor determining shelf life is considered to be desorption, which causes drying (hardening) of the products during storage.
  • Maintaining the proper quality of such various products as waffles and caramel depends on a common indicator - absorption, the ability to absorb moisture from the outside.

What are the possibilities for increasing the guaranteed shelf life of confectionery products? In the first case, changes in the structure of the lipid complex primarily depend on the oxidative capacity of fats. Different degrees of oxidation (light or deep) cause changes in organoleptic and physicochemical parameters: from deterioration of smell and taste (food rancidity of fats) to the formation of harmful, toxic substances. To minimize the effect of factors causing fat oxidation, synthetic and natural antioxidants are used that oxidize faster than fats. The use of fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids, which are the last to undergo the oxidation process, inhibits the oxidation of fats in flour confectionery products. One of the most effective ways to slow down the oxidative reaction of fats is to create certain storage conditions for confectionery products (temperature, humidity) using refrigerated slides or display cases.

Sorption and desorption, which occur during storage of certain types of confectionery products, play a major role in determining the guaranteed shelf life. These processes depend on several factors:

  • physical and chemical composition of raw materials;
  • indicators of the structure of the finished product;
  • air humidity and temperature;
  • moisture activity in stored products.

The same product, under different environmental conditions, will either release or absorb (saturate) moisture. For example, caramel at high humidity (more than 80%) will absorb moisture and subsequently become soft and lose its shape. But at the same time, with a humidity of up to 70%, the caramel will eventually lose moisture and become sugary. When storing cookies without packaging in conditions of high humidity, the cookies will also become saturated with moisture and release it at low humidity. Even with a humidity of 75%, the average moisture content of cookies ranges from 8.5% to 9.5%, although the recipe requirements are 6% - 7%. Therefore, storing cookies without packaging at a relative humidity of 70% - 75% will lead to gradual moistening and loss of fragility.

Staleness is the main drawback of uncoated milk or fondant sweets, which can be eliminated through packaging and the addition of moisture-retaining raw materials during production, as well as inverting additives and enzyme preparations that convert sucrose into fructose and glucose.

Microbiological changes most often occur during storage of confectionery products, including creams: sweets with additives, pastries and cakes with cream, fruit and berry fillings. A sufficient amount of water included in such products provides a good environment for the development of microorganisms, which can be prevented in two main ways:

  • addition of preservatives (benzene, sorbic acid);
  • creating the necessary temperature conditions that slow down the development of microorganisms when storing products in refrigerated display cases.

It should be remembered that the conditions and shelf life of confectionery products must be observed with great precision, and methods of extending shelf life must be approached very responsibly - this is not wine and cognac, the quality characteristics of which increase over time. Freshly prepared confectionery products have the highest quality indicators.

Methods for storing confectionery products

Compliance with the rules for storing confectionery products guarantees not only the preservation of product quality, but also the reduction of commodity losses. The main parameters that determine storage conditions are:

  • ambient temperature;
  • relative humidity;
  • sanitary and hygienic conditions;
  • ventilation and lighting of the room.

Proper stacking and arrangement of products in accordance with the requirements of the commodity neighborhood also plays an important role. The storage temperature of confectionery products has the most significant impact on product safety. The majority of culinary products should be kept at low temperatures in cool rooms (pantry, utility room), refrigerated cabinets, and confectionery display cases.

Sudden changes in temperature negatively affect the quality of confectionery products, while a violation of the temperature regime activates physical and chemical processes, promotes the appearance of condensation on the surface of the product, and reduces its sales period.

In addition to temperature, relative air humidity is of great importance during storage. Exceeding this indicator can cause the development of microorganisms and mold. It is also mandatory to ensure natural or forced ventilation of premises where confectionery products are stored. Ventilation helps maintain the required temperature and humidity by removing gas and steam.

It should be noted that when choosing refrigeration equipment for storing confectionery products, you need to pay attention to the type of cooling. There are confectionery display cases with static cooling, in which the cold air emanating from the evaporator is distributed naturally inside the display case, and display cases with dynamic cooling, where the circulation of cold air is carried out using a fan. The latter type of cooling allows you to reach the required air temperature inside the display case much faster and maintain it without significant changes (no more than 2°C - 4°C). However, the dynamic type of cooling has its drawbacks, in particular, chapping of some types of culinary products. This is especially true when storing flour confectionery products without packaging (cakes, pastries, muffins, rolls). When placing products in pantries or refrigeration equipment, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for the proximity of goods and the timing of their sale. Products must be placed in groups, on racks, shelves at a distance of at least 0.5 - 0.7 meters from the walls. You cannot store culinary products that have a pronounced odor that can be transferred to other products, and products that have high humidity (jam, fruit products, cream) next to hygroscopic dry products (gingerbreads, waffles, crackers).

Methods for storing confectionery products depend on the type of product:

  • Weight candies in wrappers are stored in bulk in cardboard boxes; unwrapped ones are covered with paper. The maximum weight per package depends on the strength of the candies.
  • Dragees are best stored prepackaged in boxes, packs or plastic bags. Prepackaged dragees are packaged in external containers (boxes, crates). Depending on the strength of the dragee, the maximum weight of one package is up to 10 kg (jelly type) and up to 20 kg (caramel type).
  • Pastries and cakes are stored in special cardboard or plastic boxes, the bottom of which is lined with paper. It is allowed to store cakes without packaging; in this case, they are stored on wooden trays lined with parchment.
  • Cookies, muffins, waffles and other dry flour confectionery products are stored in a cool room (no more than 18°C), with a relative humidity of 70% - 75% (with the exception of butter cookies and waffles, for storage of which the humidity should be 65% - 70 %).

Each batch of products must be labeled indicating the exact time and date of manufacture, as well as the period and storage conditions.

Equipment used for storing confectionery products

Considering that most types of confectionery products have a short shelf life, refrigeration equipment is used for their storage, designed simultaneously for storage and pre-sale demonstration of chilled products in the sales areas of stores, supermarkets, and catering establishments. Depending on its purpose, refrigeration equipment is divided into:

  • Refrigerated cabinets with refrigerated racks, which are used mainly in self-service stores. Such equipment is convenient both for displaying products by store staff and for customers.
  • Confectionery display cabinets provide the opportunity for a full demonstration of confectionery products, both in retail chains and in cafeterias, confectionery shops, and restaurants.
  • Confectionery display cases - used for selling and displaying confectionery products in sales areas. They are very convenient for service personnel and sales workers in that most models have a workplace for packaging products.

Among the wide variety of refrigeration equipment for storing confectionery products, you can choose a unit in accordance with the design of the retail space, dimensions, lighting requirements and functional features.

Terms and conditions of storage

Reducing substances have a significant impact on the shelf life of confectionery products; when their concentration increases, products that are highly hygroscopic can become waterlogged, or, conversely, a drop in the content of reducing substances can lead to drying out (sugarification) of the product. The storage periods and conditions for confectionery products vary depending on the type of product:

Marmalade and marmalade can be stored at sub-zero temperatures (about -18°C) without changing the quality characteristics much longer than the guaranteed shelf life. Moreover, with gradual thawing, these products completely restore their taste and nutritional qualities. The guaranteed shelf life of these products is:

  • 3 months (for marmalade based on pectin and agar);
  • 1.5 months - marmalade based on furcellaran and agaroid;
  • 2 months - other types of marmalade;
  • 3 months - for custard and chocolate-covered marshmallows;
  • 1 month - for glue marshmallows and marshmallows.

Jam, preserves and marmalade (unpasteurized) are stored in a dry, ventilated room where the air humidity is up to 75% and the temperature is +10°C...+20°C. The shelf life limits for jams, preserves and confiture are:

  • up to 2 years for sterilized products;
  • up to 1 year - unsterilized;
  • up to 6 months - for unsterilized, packaged in aluminum or polymer containers.

Waffles, crackers, gingerbreads, cookies are stored at a relative air humidity of up to 75% and a temperature of no more than +18°C. The shelf life limits for flour confectionery products of this type are:

  • cookies - up to 3 months flaky, about 15 days - containing more than 20% fat;
  • gingerbread - up to 45 days custard, about 10 days - raw (without brewing flour);
  • biscuits - about 21 days, dietary, high in fat, no more than 6 months - regular by weight;
  • crackers - about 1 month with vegetable fats, no more than 6 months - with fillers;
  • waffles - about 15 days, with fat filling, up to 3 months - without filling.

The shelf life of confectionery products with cream (cake, pastry, roll) is:

  • 6 hours - whipped cream or sour cream;
  • 18 hours - butter, custard or curd cream;
  • 36 hours - yogurt cream, cream cheese filling, potato cake;
  • 72 hours - whipped protein cream.

The air temperature during storage of confectionery products with cream should be maintained at +2°С…+6°С. At the same time, the shelf life is affected by the presence of other ingredients (berries, fruits, syrups, preservatives). Confectionery products containing whipped cream of vegetable origin can be stored for up to 5 days.
