Apricot jam: the best five-minute recipes, for the winter, with and without pits, slices, thick, jam, in syrup, without cooking. How long to cook apricot jam, how much sugar to add, calorie content? Apricot jam “Five Minute”

If you love apricot jam, then July is the time to make five minutes of apricots. I love him very much - s delicate aroma, transparent as amber, it is always appropriate for tea, and any baked goods with it turn out very tasty. Apricot is very useful for hearts, thanks to high content potassium In general, this fruit is a real storehouse of useful substances. In addition, even the seeds of cultivated varieties are edible, containing a lot healthy oil, carotene and B vitamins. I will tell you about several recipes for preparing delicious and healthy treats from these wonderful berries.

Pitless apricot jam: five-minute recipe

We have already told you how to cook. Now let's try to cook five-minute apricot jam. We want to preserve as much as possible all those useful material, which they contain, so there is no need to keep the workpiece on the stove for a long time. Both cultivated varieties, which are popularly called kalirovka, and zherdel - semi-cultivated - are suitable for cooking. Only very small unvarietal berries are not very suitable, which are good fresh, but when boiled they can spoil everything with a bitter aftertaste from the skin. It is better to take berries at technical ripeness, while they are quite hard, but already quite ripe. Well, one more nuance - the bone must be well separated from the pulp so that the result is not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful.

First, wash the apricots and let them dry on a towel. We cut the berries along the dividing line of the halves (it is better to cut, not break, to get an even cut line) and remove the seed. We don't throw it away.

After all, even the bitter bones of the poles - excellent remedy cancer prevention, thanks to the content of amygdalin, which is also called vitamin B17. An adult can consume approximately 10 nucleoli per day, a child - up to 5 pieces.

And the sweet kernels of cultivated apricot kernels can be used when making jam, which I will talk about later, or added to salads or other dishes instead of sweet almonds. Amygdalin is also contained in them, but in much smaller quantities.

Let's continue cooking apricot jam, five-minute recipe suggests that the fruits should be divided into halves, and if the berry is large, then cut the halves in half, add sugar in the container in which we will later cook, and mix gently, shaking. In the meantime, prepare the jars.

We wash them thoroughly with soda, and then either heat them over steam or sterilize them in some other way: in the oven or microwave. The lids can be boiled for a short time or simply poured with boiling water in a clean container. 3-4 hours are enough for the juice to appear. Place the dishes on the stove and heat, stirring, until the granulated sugar dissolves, to a boil. Let it simmer slowly for 5-7 minutes.

How larger pieces apricots, the longer, but this time is enough. Pour the resulting product hot into jars, seal, place on the lid and wrap. After complete cooling, you can remove the workpiece for storage. Now about the amount of sugar: you can take from 400 to 800g per kilogram of peeled berries.

Believe me, even with a small amount sugar, the workpiece can be stored at room temperature, if everything is done very carefully. The main thing is the sterility of the jars and lids. If in doubt, use more of the specified amount of granulated sugar. Ingredients:

    pitted apricots 1000g;

    white sugar sand 400-800g.

Apricot jam "Pyatiminutka"

Apricot jam with pits "Pyatiminutka" It is cooked in a completely similar way. That is: wash the berries, cut them, remove the seeds, add sugar as in the previous version.

We break the extracted seeds of cultivated varieties and extract the kernels. There is no need to remove the skin from the kernels; it also contains useful substances. Add required quantity seeds into sugar-filled slices.

If the seed is sweet, then you can add everything you got, but if it is bitter, then 5-6 pieces per kilogram of peeled berries will be enough to feel pleasant aroma. Then, after three to four hours of proofing, we proceed as in the previous recipe - cook for 5-7 minutes and package in sterile jars. As you can see, this cooking method will not take you too much time.

And now I’ll tell you about another cooking method, which is quite labor-intensive, but allows you to get very beautiful and, of course, tasty jam. And although the process is quite lengthy, the heat treatment of the berries is also minimal, so the beneficial substances are sufficiently preserved in this preparation. In general, also five-minute apricot recipe which I will give you, is prepared with or without kernels at your discretion. Ingredients:

    apricot 1 kg;

    white granulated sugar 1000g;

    water 200ml.

As usual, first wash the apricots and let them drain thoroughly. Then we take a sushi stick or a regular pencil and push the seed out of the berry from the side of the stalk. This method of cooking allows us to leave the berries whole.

The berries are peeled; if you want to use the seeds in jam, remove the kernels. Whether or not to peel them is at your discretion. If you are not afraid of extra work, you can clean it. After all, such jam is usually served to guests. But if the peel remains, nothing bad will happen. Next, use the same stick to insert the nucleoli inside the fruit.

Mix water with sugar and cook the syrup, bringing it to a boil. You can boil for 4-5 minutes. Remove the bowl from the stove and carefully pour the prepared apricots into it.

Using a slotted spoon, remove the berries into a clean bowl, and place the pan or bowl with syrup on the stove and bring to a boil, cook for 3-4 minutes, then remove from the stove and carefully immerse the apricots in the hot syrup again.

The procedure can be repeated once or twice after the contents have completely cooled. The last time, we first prepare sterilized jars and lids, then bring the syrup with apricots to a boil, boil for about 5-6 minutes and put them in jars. Next, everything is as usual: turn them over onto the lids, wrap them up and leave them until they cool completely. This preparation turns out tasty and very beautiful, the berries float in a transparent amber syrup, but you have to spend a lot of time.

Five-minute apricot stew: recipe

Not all apricots have a distinct taste and aroma, this especially applies to imported ones. It always smells fragrant. For fresh and not very fragrant fruits suitable option"Five-minute" apricots with citruses. For 1 kg of pitted apricots we need:

    white sugar sand 1 kg;

    lemon or orange with thin peel 1/2 pcs.

So we dry the kernels and put them in a tightly sealed container to use for other purposes.

Wash the lemon or orange thoroughly, cut it in half, and cut the half into smaller pieces. small pieces and grind with a blender. Place the prepared apricots, citrus mass into a bowl for making jam and add sugar.

Mix, shake and leave for three to four hours until the juice appears. Next, heat the container and bring to a boil. It should boil slowly for 5-7 minutes, and then pour everything into prepared sterilized jars.

You can also bring the mass to a boil, set aside and let stand until completely cooled, and then bring to a boil again, boil for 5 minutes and package. The orange does not need to be chopped.

Apricot halves with quartered orange rings also work quite well.

Can be cooked with the addition of citrus fruits Apricot jam "Pyatiminutka", even if your apricots are substandard. They may be too soft or off-grade with bitter skin or sour flesh.

Amount of ingredients as in the previous recipe. Cover the pitted apricot berries with a few tablespoons of sugar and set aside for 2-3 hours. Then we heat them over the fire almost to a boil and place the dishes with apricots in a container with cold water to cool quickly. This can be a basin, or you can put water in the sink and close it with a stopper.

You can change the water a couple of times once it warms up.

We rub the lukewarm, but not hot mass through a sieve. Add the citrus mass and the rest of the sugar to the resulting puree, mix well and put on fire.

Check the taste to see if there is enough sugar, if so, you can add a little more. Do not use in this case enamel cookware, since there is a high risk of burning.

A thick-walled cauldron or copper basin will do, but be careful here: you need to stir our jam often. Bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes while stirring.

We pack the hot mass into prepared sterile jars. This puree is perfect for layering pancakes and can also be used for baking. By adding pectin at the end of cooking, you can get thick jam. Required amount pectin is calculated from the conditions indicated on the pack.

Five minutes of pitted apricots

It turns out to be very pleasant to the taste and has an unforgettable aroma. pitted apricot jam "Pyatiminutka" with the addition of ginger. Let's take:

    1 kg apricot halves;

    granulated sugar 1/2 kg;

    fresh ginger root 30-40g.

Wash and cut the apricots in half. If the fruits are very large, we take quarters if desired. Grate the ginger root onto fine grater, add to apricots.

Add the mixture granulated sugar, shake slightly so that the sugar is evenly distributed, and leave it like that overnight. In the morning, bring our jam to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 5-7 minutes.

My family loves it very much various jams and jams. But our favorite is apricot jam. I call it “Five Minute” because it cooks very quickly, which is very suitable for us working housewives. The recipe is very simple, but I took a few photos, and the process will be clear even to a novice cook.

Apricots are harvested in the summer, or more precisely in the hottest months: July and August. Picking apricots is a real pleasure, but for preparations and long-term storage you need to use fresh fruits that have recently been picked from the tree. Such fruits are stored for a long time and are best suited for harvesting.

Apricots are good for both compotes and jam. What can we say about how delicious apricot baked goods are. Pies baked in the oven are fragrant, as well as yeast pies with apricot filling.

Required Products:

  • 800 grams apricot,
  • 700 grams of granulated sugar.

How to make apricot jam, recipe with photo

Wash all the apricots, carefully halve them and remove the pits. It’s good when the pit comes off easily, so choose apricot varieties with these qualities. If the pit is difficult to separate from the pulp, then problems will arise - you will simply have to cut the pulp from the pit.

Transfer the apricot halves into a saucepan for making jam, sprinkle the fruit with granulated sugar. We forget about fruits for 5-6 hours, and it’s most convenient at night. In the morning, the apricots will release juice and it will be time to start making jam.

Bring the apricots to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. If foam appears, remove it from the surface of the jam. Remove the foam from the hot apricot jam to the side from the stove and let the jam sit while the apricots absorb the syrup. We repeat the procedure of cooking and completely cooling 3 times, and between breaks we cool completely. We do not overcook the jam, but check the time so that the apricot slices do not become overcooked.

We steam the jars in advance, let them cool and pour the jam from apricot slices. It is better to pour it over so as not to touch the slices again, they have become very tender. Thanks to the short cooking time, we retained their shape.

Immediately seal the hot jam, screw on the lids and wrap it in a “warm coat” from any blanket.

Delicious jam apricot is ready! We enjoy not only its taste, but also its presentable appearance.

Fragrant, extremely tasty pitted apricot jam is similar in color to amber. The fragrant delicacy goes well with pancakes and pancakes and is found in almost every cellar. zealous housewives. Thanks to the natural acid of apricot, such jam never turns out too cloying, and its consistency can be adjusted using different cooking technologies and a certain amount of sugar.

There is absolutely nothing complicated about how to make jam from pitted apricots. The most labor-intensive process will be preparing the fruit, and then you just have to trust the kitchen assistant-stove, not forgetting to stir the brew from time to time.

It is worth noting that slightly beaten apricots, that is, those that have fallen off the tree (provided that they have retained their shape), can also be used to make jam. The main thing is that the fruits are ripe and sweet. If the recipe stipulates that the dessert should consist of whole apricot halves, then in this case it is better to use intact fruits with dense pulp and preferably the same size.

To prevent the apricots from falling apart and maintaining their shape, the jam is cooked in two or three batches over several days, without stirring it, but only shaking the cauldron.

An excellent filling for pies is made from pitted apricot jam, if you add gelatin to it, which must first be diluted in water. Of course, the fruits will lose their integrity, but the dessert will acquire a rather thick consistency and will not leak out of the pie or pie.

Apricot jam, cooked in three batches

To get a sweet and sour dessert you will need ripe apricots and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. If desired, the amount of sugar can be increased. It is more convenient to start preparing jam in the evening, so that by morning the apricots will release juice. Despite the fact that the whole process will take about two days, such jam from pitted apricots is also called “five-minute”. This is due to the fact that the workpiece is boiled in several passes for the same amount of time.

How to make five-minute jam:

If you used very sweet varieties of apricots, you can add a little to the jam at the end of cooking. citric acid(1-2 g for every kilogram of fruit).

Grinded apricot jam for pies

This recipe for pitted apricot jam is more reminiscent of jam - the delicacy is quite thick, so it can be used as a filling in pies or pies. The highlight of the recipe is the preliminary boiling of the fruits and their further chopping.

The amount of sugar depends on taste preferences. To make the jam sour, you will need:

  • 2 kg apricot;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • some water.

For sweeter jam, add 1.8 kg of sugar. By the way, in this case it will boil down faster.

Step-by-step preparation:

Apricot jam with kernels

Enough original dessert it turns out if you add these same seeds directly to the seedless for the winter, but previously peeled. You can also use almonds or walnuts instead.

In the process of “extracting” nucleoli, you should act very carefully and carefully. Firstly, the kernels must remain intact, and secondly, they must be carefully sorted. A few bitter kernels can ruin the entire preparation.

For jam you will need:

  • 1 kg of sugar and apricot;
  • half a lemon.

So, to make jam with a light almond flavor:

Jam containing apricot kernels, can be stored for no more than one season.

Certainly, fresh fruits Always tastier than any conservation, but what to do if their season is very short? In this case, you can and should use them for a variety of winter preparations. Pitless apricot jam is not only a filling for pies, but also an independent delicious dessert. Such a roller will never be superfluous on the shelves in the cellar! Bon appetit!

Bright sunny fruits filled with the living energy of nature attract the eye and evoke an irresistible desire to enjoy their unsurpassed taste. All this positivity, as you may have guessed, comes from apricots.

The first to ripen are the fruits, which are popularly simply called “kalirovka”, although among them there are different varieties. These apricots are distinguished by their size, fleshiness and sweetness. Their size in some varieties reaches the size of a peach.

We eat them with all our hearts and, if possible, stock up on this delicacy for the winter. Making apricots in the form of jam is a long-standing tradition of our people. Each family prepares it differently, often passing the recipe down from generation to generation.

But for those who have decided to make jam from sunny fruits for the first time, we want to offer the easiest and simplest recipe - pitted apricot jam “Five Minutes” for the winter.

Its main advantage, of course, besides the taste, is that it is easy to prepare and does not take much time.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Apricot fruits – 1 kg;
  • White sugar– 0.5 kg (more if the apricot is sour)

To make jam we will use stainless pan with a wide bottom.

How to make apricot jam Five minutes without seeds

When buying apricots at the market, be sure to taste them and at the same time determine whether the pit is easily separated from the pulp. And one more thing, there are apricots that look attractive, but when you eat them, you feel unpleasant, hard veins in your mouth. Such fruits will spoil any jam, no matter how long you cook it. It is better to avoid them altogether.

Apricots can taste more sour or sweeter, so the amount of sugar you need to make the jam will depend on what you choose. Think for yourself what is best for you to do.

We bring the purchased apricots home and pour them into a bowl, fill them with water, and leave them for a few minutes. We do this in order to better wash the fruits, since they have a slightly fleecy surface and the dust eats deep. After this, it is advisable to wash the apricots under running water individually.

Remove the seeds from clean fruits. The easiest way to do this is to use a sharp knife.

Place the prepared halves in a bowl or pan with the cut side up. Sprinkle with granulated sugar. Thus, the pulp of the fruit, in direct contact with sugar, will quickly release its own juice.

Lay out all the halves in layers, sprinkling with sugar.

At this point our actions are suspended. Apricots must stand for some time (different for each variety) so that a lot of juice is released. Of course, all the sugar will not melt.

Time passed, and we got this result. Our halves of apricots drowned in own juice, which is exactly what needed to be proven.

The time has come for the actual cooking of the jam. We send the saucepan to small fire. We arm ourselves with a wooden spatula and stir gently (so that the sugar dissolves faster and does not burn).

We wait until it starts to boil. As soon as this happens, immediately turn off the fire. Let our jam cool completely.

Once it has cooled, we begin the final cooking period. Heat the pan (low heat) and cook for five minutes from the moment it boils.

That’s all our pitted apricot jam “Five Minute” is done. All that remains is to immediately pour it into prepared (hot sterile) jars, close the lids and put it in the pantry until winter.

Today I want to talk about how to cook thick jam from apricots into slices for five minutes. Five-minute ones are good because they retain more vitamins, but they often turn out to be too liquid in consistency. Some people add more sugar or use sugar with pectin to avoid this. I will tell you how to make jam from pitted apricots, using a standard fruit-to-sugar ratio of 1:1, so that our five-minute jam will have a good thick consistency.
The most important thing is to choose the right apricots. The fruits should not be overripe and firm. We choose dryish varieties, usually they are oblong in shape. This is important not only for a thick consistency, but also so that the apricot jam turns out into slices, and our five-minute jam does not turn into jam. Overripe apricots will become soft and will not hold the shape of the slices.

Apricot jam, pitted in slices, five minutes

Apricots - 1 kilogram (take the weight of peeled apricots, pitted)
Granulated sugar - 1 kilogram
1. Wash the apricots, remove the pits. It's not difficult, you can just break it in half with your hands, or you can use a knife. Now the peeled apricots need to be weighed. We measure out 1 kilogram. When purchasing, you need to take into account that the weight of the seeds will be approximately 100-150 g per 1 kg of fruit, and you may even get spoiled ones, so you need to buy with a reserve.

3. When the syrup has formed and all the sugar is wet, put it on the fire and heat it constantly, stirring carefully; when it boils, turn the heat down to the lowest setting, but so that the boiling does not stop, and cook for exactly 5 minutes, removing the foam.

4. Remove from heat and cool. After cooling completely, cook again for 5 minutes and cool. And we repeat the whole cycle again. In this way, the jam is cooked 3 times for 5 minutes. It may well be that you won’t have time to finish cooking this jam in one day, but don’t worry, leave it overnight at room temperature until the next time you cook it.
5. Before the last five minutes, you can add apricot kernels, they will add a special aroma, will be saturated with syrup and will be very tasty. But you can also make it without seeds.
6. Boiling jam should be immediately poured into clean, dry jars and closed. A temperature change can cause the jar to burst, so first pour the jam a little at a time and wait for the jar to heat up, and then you can top it up faster. It’s better to put the jar on a plate and put a spoon in the jar. The plate is there in case of failure, so that hot jam with fragments does not spread all over the table. A spoon has better thermal conductivity than a jar, and if you pour jam onto a spoon, it will take away a little of the excess heat, and the temperature will be distributed more evenly. You can close the jars with twist lids or use tin lids and a seaming machine. The necks of the jars must be free of chips and the lids must be free of scratches and damage.
