Currant jam without cooking. Blackcurrant without cooking - summer freshness and benefits in preparations. What delicious things to cook from black currants without cooking for the winter

Not a single berry can compare in health benefits with black currants. You can write multi-volume treatises on its benefits, but it is better to think about how to preserve these benefits for the winter. For many years, housewives have been improving their recipes for making compotes, jams, jelly and other delicious supplies, so that in winter all the most valuable things that blackcurrants contain are always at hand.

Like any other berry (red and white currant, cherry and raspberry), black currant loses part of its useful properties during heat treatment. Because the most useful ways Preparations for the winter invariably remain drying and freezing.


The first and most important rule for freezing blackcurrants is not to wash the berries. During washing, currant berries take on water, so they can become deformed when frozen. So it’s enough to sort the currants from spoiled berries and leaves and place them on a board or tray. Freeze in the freezer at -12–19°C for 24 hours. After decomposing into plastic containers or packages. Now on any winter day you have fresh and tasty berries.
For drying, it is advisable to pick currants on a dry, sunny day, because berries picked on a rainy day will take a long time to dry and have little shelf life. You can dry currants with brushes without separating the berries from the stalks. Suitable for drying conventional oven. Cover a metal baking sheet so that it does not crush the berries. unpleasant bitterness. Place the berries on it so that they are not too close to each other, and dry at a temperature of 50–70°C. The oven door must be left ajar.
If you want to save time and you have a microwave in your house, you can dry the berries in it. To do this, the berries are laid out in small portions on a plate between two layers. natural fabric and place in the microwave for two minutes. If the berry is not cooked during this time, you need to place it again, but it is better to divide the time into intervals of 30 seconds. and check the readiness of the berries every time so as not to dry them out. Currants can be considered sufficiently dried when, when squeezed, they do not release juice that stains the fingers.


The recipe for one of the most useful options Blackcurrant preparations for the winter are jam that does not need to be cooked. It is thanks to the lack of heat treatment that currants will retain all their beneficial properties until next summer.

1 kg currants;
1.5 kg sugar;
1 orange.
Wash the currants, sort them and grind them into puree in a blender or meat grinder.
Also chop the orange without peeling it.
Mix everything in one bowl, add sugar and leave for several hours until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir occasionally.
When the sugar has completely dissolved, pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.
ADVICE. Jam without cooking is stored in the refrigerator or cold cellar, otherwise it can quickly spoil.


Five-minute is also considered one of those recipes that allows you to preserve the maximum of nutrients due to short heat treatment. And the berries in this jam do not fall apart, as when preparing according to classic recipe, but remain intact.

1 kg currants;
1.5 kg sugar;
1.5 glasses of water.
Five-minute jam is prepared very quickly, but it turns out just as tasty as traditional jam
How to cook.

Sort the currant berries, separate them from the stalks, rinse with running water, and dry on a paper towel.
Pour sugar into water, put on fire and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Place the currants in boiling syrup and cook for 5 minutes.
Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and close the lids.


This jam can be stored for a very long time and has a rich, absolutely non-acidic taste.

1 kg currants;
1.2 kg sugar;
1.5–2 tbsp. water.
The berries need to be sorted, washed, and separated from the stalks.
Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil.
Pour the berries into boiling water and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.
Add sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil.
Pour into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.


The process of preparing jelly for the winter is more labor-intensive than making jam. And there is less finished product at the end, but prepare this tasty and fragrant dessert still worth it.

10 tbsp. black currant;
3 tbsp. water;
juice of one lemon;

The jelly will be very soft if you remove the seeds from the berries.
Sort and wash the berries. Pour into a large saucepan and crush with a wooden masher.
Pour into berry puree water and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
Line a colander with gauze, place it over the pan and transfer the berry mixture into it.
Leave until the juice has drained. You can speed up this process a little with your hands, but then the juice will lose transparency.
Add sugar to the juice obtained in this way in a ratio of 2:2.5 to the resulting juice.
Bring to a boil, switch to low heat.
To check readiness, drop a tablespoon of jelly onto a cold saucer and put it in the refrigerator for two to three minutes. If during this time the jelly begins to “set”, then it can be turned off and poured into steamed jars.
The jars should be rolled up with lids and sterilized for 20 minutes in a pan of water.


When you open a jar of compote in winter, it’s as if you momentarily find yourself in summer. It’s simply impossible not to stock up on this miracle for the winter.

1 kg black currants;
600 g sugar.
Compote can be prepared only from currants or add other berries
Sort the currants, separate them from the stalks, wash and dry.
Pour currants into jars about a quarter full.
Pour boiling water over the berries in the jars and leave for 10–15 minutes.
Pour the water back into the saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil.
Pour the syrup into jars and close the lids.
The jars should be placed upside down and wrapped in a blanket. After cooling, store in a cool place.


When all the compotes and jellies are placed on the shelves in the pantry, and there are still berries left, you want to try something new and unusual. Something that can surprise your loved ones and guests. This blackcurrant chutney recipe is just what you need. Chutney will become a great addition meat or poultry dishes, and will also add zest to toast and sandwiches.

300 g black currants;
3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
50 ml water;
1 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar;
1 tsp. balsamic vinegar;
1 PC. star anise;
3 pcs. carnations;
0.5 tsp. ground black pepper;
0.5 tsp. salt;
2 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Add berries to heated olive oil and keep on the stove, stirring, for several minutes.
Pour in the vinegar, add all the other ingredients and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Add water, boil and cook over low heat for about half an hour until thickened. Stir occasionally.
Place in sterilized jars and close with lids.


Blackcurrant wine is incredibly fragrant and rich. Its ruby ​​color and stunning aroma can turn your head even before the first sip. This wine recipe will help you brighten up cold winter a fragrant breath of summer.

3 kg black currants;
2 liters of water;
0.5 kg sugar.
Sort currants from spoiled berries, twigs, and leaves. Do not wash.
Place the berries in a saucepan and mash with a wooden pestle or any other method.
Dilute with a liter of water, stir, leave for 4 days. Stir several times during this time.
Strain through a sieve and dilute with another liter of water.
Add sugar and pour into large, clean jars. Put a rubber glove with a pierced finger on each jar.
After one and a half to two months, drain the wine from the sediment, bottle it for storage and put it in a cool, dark place.
Blackcurrant preparations for the winter will add a fresh summer taste of berries to your life, because they provide access to a huge number recipes These include pies with currant fillings and cocktails from fresh berries, and all kinds of desserts. And just for tea, you can always open a jar of “five-minute” or fresh jam without cooking. Currant preparations have only one drawback - they are eaten so quickly that by the middle of winter you think that you should have prepared more.

I wish everyone great summer mood, joy and everything you want mentally. Have a delicious summer and excellent health!

How can you cook blackcurrants with sugar? Of course, making jam is tasty and fragrant. Currant jam good for everyone, except for one nuance. It is no secret that during cooking, many vitamins (C, A, E) are almost completely destroyed.

There are also delicious ways candied berries without cooking - such currant preparations for the winter are not only tasty, but also healthy. Blackcurrant, grated with sugar, completely retains all vitamins. And also - wonderful aroma, thanks to which even in winter evening You will be able to remember the hot, green summer.

Proportions for 1 liter jar:

  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg of berries.


Step 1. Wash the berries and remove leaves, twigs and debris.

Step 2. Weigh, measure out 1 kg.

Step 3. Then we transfer the berries into a ceramic bowl and begin to crush them - with a wooden spoon or a potato masher, adding sugar in small portions (gradually).

It is advisable not to use metal containers and devices when grinding currants, since contact with air and metal useful material the berries begin to actively oxidize – i.e. collapse. This means that in order to receive maximum benefit It is necessary to use ceramic, wooden, enamel or plastic utensils.

Step 4. After this, put it into jars.

The jars must first be sterilized. This can be done traditional ways(10-15 minutes over steam, i.e. over boiling water, or in the oven at a temperature of 180 o C). Another option is to sterilize in the microwave (hold in the oven for 3-4 minutes, turned on at full power).

You can use different lids, including screw-on metal ones. They are also sterilized.

And one more important point– do not fill the berry mixture to the top. A small space must be left. The fact is that sugar will increase in volume as it dissolves, so the mass level will rise slightly.

Grated currants with sugar are ready in just a few days.

Black currants with sugar (prepared for the winter)

You can store pureed currants in the refrigerator, in the cellar or even on the loggia. That is, it does not require cold as such, but slight coolness and shading are required. Such berries are stored without cooking for one season, and after opening the jars are stored only in the refrigerator for a week.


There is no need to fanatically chop every currant. Firstly, it is very long and tedious. And secondly, it’s always nice to bite into a sour berry to feel fresh taste against the background of general sweetness. And of course, whole berries can be used to decorate cakes and pastries.

Currants pureed with sugar for the winter: five-minute recipe

Of course, the described process can be accelerated by using labor mechanization tools - a meat grinder, a juicer or a regular blender. In addition, currants twisted into a meat grinder or blender are prepared very quickly.

So, a blender literally turns berries into a homogeneous mixture in 20 seconds. In addition, it contains practically no metal parts with the exception of the knife (the blender bowl is usually made of plastic).

In the five-minute recipe, the ratio of currants and sugar is exactly the same: for 1 kg of berries we take 2 kg of sugar.

Recipe instructions:

Step 1. As always, wash and sort the berries, removing all excess.

Step 2. Grind them in a blender or turn them in a meat grinder.

Step 3. Add part of the sugar (half) and mix. Then you can go about your business for an hour, after which you add the remaining sugar and put it in again - then it will dissolve much better in the mixture.

Then pour the mixture into pre-sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator or on the loggia.

Of course, sometimes it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Therefore, in addition to the description, you can see the process in the video - how to prepare currants, pureed with sugar, for the winter.

Black currants for the winter with sugar: recipe with lemon

Some gourmets may find such a treat tasty, fragrant, although somewhat sweet. To interrupt the obvious dominance of sugar shades, you can add finished product lemon or orange juice.


For 1 kg of berries you can take 1 small lemon or 2 small oranges.


Step 1. First, sterilize the jars and prepare the berries as usual.

Step 2. Then crush it with a wooden spoon or potato masher. Again, a meat grinder or blender comes to the rescue: pour the berries, half the sugar into the bowl, and grind.

Step 3. After an hour, add the remaining half of the sugar to the twisted currants and mix again. And as soon as the sugar crystals completely disintegrate, add freshly squeezed juice of a couple of oranges or 1 lemon. It wouldn’t be a mistake to mix these ingredients - take 1 lemon and 1 orange.

The result is not just currants twisted with sugar, but a very aromatic dessert that will smell not only of currant aromas, but also of citrus fruits. Tasty and healthy.


Of course, everyone will be happy to just taste a spoonful of this preparation for the winter and just like that, but black currants, pureed with sugar, can also be used in tea. But you shouldn’t put this delicacy in boiling water (again, to preserve vitamins) - it’s better to fill it with warm water.

Another option is to use a mixture to prepare fragrant pie with currants. True, heat treatment will reduce the benefits of the product, but pleasant taste the fragrant berries will definitely remain.

Finally, berry mass Can also be used to decorate a cake. By the way, for these purposes it is better to leave several berries whole and freeze until better times.

Bon appetit!

Black currant is a miracle berry that has no even approximate analogues. chemical composition. It is maximally saturated with vitamins B, E, D, K, glucose, fructose, organic acids, pectin, and tannins. Currants do not lose their beneficial properties during processing and tolerate freezing well. This berry can have an inhibitory effect on infections and viruses, strengthen the immune system and provide gastronomic pleasure both raw and as a preserve.
Unfortunately, the fruiting period of currant bushes is quite short. The same applies to the shelf life of the berries themselves. The collected fruits begin to dry out or turn sour already 4-5 days after collection. Fortunately, there is an excellent opportunity to preserve tasty and healthy treat for a long period. "Live" blackcurrant jam - great alternative frozen Currant jam, cooked without heat treatment, is perfectly stored in a city apartment for at least 5-7 months.
Blackcurrant jam for the winter without cooking differs from other types of preservation. With this type of processing, the berries do not lose their fresh taste and aroma. The thick jelly-like consistency allows you to use this delicacy as a separate dessert for tea or as an important ingredient in a more complex dish.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • White sugar - 1.5 kg

How to make pureed blackcurrant jam without cooking

Wash the currant berries thoroughly, remove branches and roots. Next, place them in deep container and using an immersion blender, blend until nearly smooth. If you don’t have a blender, you can grind the currants using a meat grinder.

Add to currant mass required quantities granulated sugar and beat thoroughly again with a blender. Leave the jam “under the towel” for 24 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir the mixture from time to time with a clean spoon.

Rinse glass jars (half a liter capacity) with detergent or soda and sterilize for at least 5-7 minutes.

Place the grated currants and sugar into the prepared container. Place a 1 cm layer of sugar on top of each jar. Cover the “live” jam with clean plastic lids.

It is better to store currant jam in a dark, cool place (cellar, refrigerator or cold pantry). The treat can be consumed immediately after preparation or wait until cold. winter period.
If you don’t have space in the refrigerator and don’t have a cellar either, you can store this jam at room temperature, in a dark place. In this case, take 2 kg of sugar for 1 kg of currants.

Making “live” blackcurrant jam is a real pleasure. The process is incredibly simple, and the result is truly amazing. With this jam, everyone can enjoy the fresh berry taste and aroma throughout the whole year.

Recipe No. 2. Blackcurrant and blueberry jam without cooking

Raw jam is one of the ways to preserve berries and fruits for the winter without losing their benefits. This jam has a different taste from regular jam. high content vitamins and more in a simple way preparations. No need to stand at the stove and watch the foam, no need to put it in jars, no need to roll up the lids. However, you only have to store it in the refrigerator. But you can get it at any time, even for New Year and taste summer again. Blackcurrant jam with blueberries without cooking will be especially useful to you if you have children in your family. As you know, black currant contains a lot of vitamin C. This means it is an excellent remedy for colds and acute respiratory infections. Well, it’s difficult to overestimate the benefits of blueberries. But its most important quality is the protection of our eyes. It’s not for nothing that ophthalmologists always advise eating blueberries if you have vision problems. Of course, there are many eye vitamins containing blueberry extract in pharmacies, but they are expensive. This jam will cost you several times less.

So, to prepare it you need to take:

  • 500 g black currants,
  • 500 g blueberries,
  • 1 lemon,
  • 900 g sugar.

Recipe healthy jam blueberry and black currant

Pour over the berries cold water, wait a couple of minutes, collect all the leaves and twigs that float to the surface. Drain the water, stir the berries and repeat the procedure again until you get rid of all the debris. Then place the berries in a blender bowl.

Beat thoroughly, add sugar. Alternative way Grinding berries involves grinding them through a meat grinder.

Teaser network

Stir. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice out of it, being careful not to get the seeds into the jam. Lemon juice serves as a natural preservative in the recipe. Together with sugar, it will prevent the jam from spoiling and extend its shelf life.

Mix again and transfer to suitable sized jars. There is no need to sterilize them, just wash them well. Close tightly nylon covers and put it in the refrigerator, or maybe in the cellar. Take it out as needed and help yourself.

Black currants prepared for the winter, without cooking - tasty, bright and useful source vitamins and microelements that can strengthen the immune system.

Black currants without cooking - general principles of preparation

Collecting and then storing berries for the winter is a widespread tradition in our country. And in order to preserve all the benefits of currants for all year round, it is best not to heat-treat the berries.

You can make jam, jelly, and jam from blackcurrants without cooking. In addition, the healthy berry can be dried and frozen. All this can be done by any housewife, even without much culinary experience.

The main thing is to stock up on berries, sugar and the utensils necessary for the preparation process: a stainless steel saucepan or basin, sterilized jars and lids, big spoon for mixing. The utensils must be clean, dry and sterile.

For drying and freezing, as well as for jam, use unripe, whole berries. Of course, many are accustomed to using crushed and broken berries when preparing preparations from various berries, but black currants are not subject to heat treatment without cooking, so they must be free of traces of rot and dirt, otherwise your preparation will simply turn sour.

Another important point is sugar. Since you don’t have to boil black currants, make sure that the granulated sugar is clean, without crumbs or impurities. It is best to use the product freshly removed from store packaging.

1. What to make from blackcurrants for the winter without cooking: drying and freezing

Who doesn’t want to enjoy delicious food on a cold winter evening? fresh jam from the garden, only cooked compote, pies, pancakes with aromatic black currants. But here’s where to find the product, except in expensive stores, where not everyone can afford them. Great option will be drying or freezing berries. These procedures do not require cooking, a long preparation process or special effort.

Freezing. The main thing to remember and take into account is that the berries do not need to be washed. The fact is that during washing, water remains in the currants, which leads to deformation of the berries during freezing. Therefore, you should sort out the currants, remove leaves, twigs and spoiled berries and place the berries on a board or tray. Freeze berries in freezer during the day at a temperature of -18°C. Then transfer the berries to a bag or container, as convenient for you.

Drying. To prevent dried berries from spoiling and remain tasty, it is recommended to pick them in sunny, dry weather. Wet berries do not dry well. Currants can be dried either individually or in bunches. Sort the currants, place them on a metal baking sheet so that they do not fit tightly to each other. Dry in the oven for an hour at 60 degrees without closing the door oven. Store dried currants in dry tightly closed banks in a dark place.

2. Black currants without cooking for the winter


One and a half kilograms of black currants;

One and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully remove the berries from the branches, remove all the leaves and grass that got caught during picking, and throw away the spoiled currants.

2. Rinse the selected berries in water and divide into approximately equal three parts.

3. Grind two thirds of the currants in a meat grinder.

4. Mix currant puree with whole berries and sugar.

5. Carefully, so as not to crush whole berries, stirring the jam with a spoon, wait 30-45 minutes until all the sugar is completely dissolved.

6. Pour the prepared jam into sterile jars and close the lids tightly.

7. Store in a cool place.

3. Blackcurrant jam without cooking with orange


Two kilograms of black currants;

Three kilograms of sugar;

Two large oranges.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the blackcurrants, separate the berries from the branches, remove spoiled fruits and leaves. Place the berries in a colander, rinse thoroughly, and allow excess liquid to drain.

2. Place the currants in a saucepan and chop with an immersion blender. You can also grind the berries in a meat grinder through a fine sieve.

3. Rinse the orange thoroughly and rub with a sponge if necessary. Cut without peeling into several pieces and also chop.

4. Mix the currant mass with the orange mass in one large container, add sugar.

5. Leave the jam for several hours until all the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Stir occasionally.

6. As soon as the sugar has dissolved, transfer the jam into sterilized jars and seal the container with lids.

7. Store the product for no more than a year in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place.

4. Blackcurrant jelly without cooking for the winter


A kilogram of black currants;

Kilogram granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. To make the jelly have a delicate texture, you need to use it when preparing it. powdered sugar. You can purchase a ready-made product or make your own powder from granulated sugar.

2. Pour sugar in small portions into a coffee grinder and grind until powdered.

3. Grind the thoroughly washed and sorted berries in a blender, then place the mixture on a sieve with small holes. Grind the berries so that any large skins or seeds do not get into the jelly.

4. Pour into currant jelly powdered sugar in small portions, stirring constantly.

5. Rearrange the most delicate jelly roll up into clean, pre-sterilized jars.

5. Black currants without cooking for the winter with raspberries


Half a kilo of raspberries;

1 kg black currants;

1.8 kg granulated sugar;

Glass of water.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and rinse the currants. Pour for 2 minutes boiled water. Place the hot currants in a sieve and pass the berries through it.

2. Sort the raspberries and grind them in any convenient way until pureed.

3. Prepare sugar syrup: Pour water over the sand, bring to a boil, remove from heat and mix thoroughly. Wait until the syrup cools completely; you can stir the mixture periodically so that all the grains are completely dissolved.

4. Pour the jam into sterile hot glass containers and close the lids tightly.

5. Leave the blackcurrants for a couple of days at room temperature, then transfer them to a cooler place for storage.

6. Assorted jam. Strawberries, black and red currants without cooking


A kilogram of strawberries;

Half a kilo of red currants;

Half a kilo of black currants;

A packet of citric acid (15 grams);

One and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Sort all the berries thoroughly, separate the currants from the branches, and tear off the stems of the strawberries.

2. Place the strawberries in a blender bowl and puree them.

3. Place black and red currants in a large glass container and pour boiling water over them for 1 minute, then immediately drain the water and grind the berries themselves through a sieve.

4. Mix the currant mass with strawberry puree, add granulated sugar and citric acid.

5. Set the container with jam aside for half a day. This time is enough for all the sugar to dissolve. Don’t forget to come up and stir the berries once or twice an hour.

6. Pour the finished blackcurrant jam into a sterile container without cooking, sprinkle the top a small amount sugar, roll it up.

7. Store in any convenient cool place.

Black currants without cooking for the winter - secrets and little tricks

You can diversify the taste of your winter preparations and cook according to these recipes not just blackcurrants, but various assorted berries. For example, currants with gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, as well as a mixture of black currants with red and white currants. The cooking principle does not change, the main thing is to maintain the proportions of berries and sugar: one to one. You should not put less sugar, since the berries cannot be heat-treated; due to an insufficient amount of granulated sugar, jam, jelly or marmalade may spoil and not survive until winter. And too much sugar can lead to sugaring of the product.

If you don't like seeds in jelly or jams, don't forget to grind the berries through a sieve. And so that this does not pose any particular difficulties, it is recommended to pre-chop or blanch the berries.

Place ready-made blackcurrants in clean, dry, sterilized jars. Jars can be easily and quickly sterilized by placing them in a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

In our family Bell pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. Varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, will be discussed further. I live in central Russia.

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