Delicious low-calorie baked goods. Diet pie - how to cook low-calorie baked goods according to recipes with photos in the oven or slow cooker

Even when on a diet, at some point you want to pamper yourself and your household with delicious and aromatic pastries. But many people who are losing weight think that all flour is completely prohibited. However, there are recipes for diet pies that will not affect your figure and will not contribute to weight gain.

Carrot cake

(112 kcal/100 g, B-5.2 g, Zh-4, U-12 g)

  • Carrots – 300 g
  • Zero-fat yogurt, but with fruit additives - 200 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs. (three whites and one yolk)
  • Oat bran – 300 g
  • sugar - 25 g
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Milk – 180 ml
  • Butter - 10 g


  1. The yolks are separated from the whites, after which three whites, one yolk and sugar are beaten;
  2. Oat bran (can be replaced with regular flakes) is poured with milk. The carrots are peeled and finely grated, after which they are mixed with oat bran;
  3. At this moment, the oven is set to heat up (up to 180 degrees). Yogurt and baking powder are added to the dough with grated carrots. After which the resulting mass is mixed with whipped egg whites until smooth;
  4. The mold is covered with parchment paper and greased with sunflower oil. The dough is poured into it evenly and put in the oven for 50 minutes;
  5. You need to remove the finished carrot cake from the mold when it has cooled down a little.

Apple pie

(80 kcal/100 g, B-4 g, Zh-1.2, U-7.3 g)

  • Semolina - 1 glass
  • Two chicken eggs (whites only)
  • Kefir with fat content up to one percent - 1 tbsp.
  • Apples - 5 pcs.
  • Cane sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Vanillin pinch


  1. The semolina is pre-soaked in kefir for half an hour so that the cereal swells a little.
  2. Beat the egg whites with a whisk until strong, fluffy foam.
  3. Sugar and a pinch of vanilla are added to the mixture with semolina.
  4. Slowly add egg whites to this dough. It is better to do this with a wooden spoon.
  5. The oven needs to be preheated to 190 degrees. And while it is heating up, the washed apples are cut into thin slices. The peel is removed at personal discretion.
  6. For baking, it is better to take a springform pan, which is lined with parchment paper and sprinkled with a little semolina.
  7. Sliced ​​apples are placed on the bottom of the mold, and the dough is poured on top. You can also place several apple slices on the dough.
  8. The cake is baked for about forty minutes.

Pie in a slow cooker

(101 kcal/100 g, B-9 g, Zh-4, U-8.9 g)

  • Hercules flakes – 200 g
  • Rye flour - 140 g
  • Chicken proteins - 2 pcs. and one whole egg
  • Kefir (1.5% fat) - 1 glass
  • Honey - 3 tsp.
  • Pear - 3 pcs.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.


  1. In a separate bowl, mix oatmeal, flour and baking powder.
  2. In another bowl, mix kefir, honey and one egg.
  3. The egg whites are then whipped into stiff peaks. To do this, you can pre-cool them and add a little salt when whipping.
  4. After this, the dry ingredients are combined with the liquid ingredients, after which the protein foam is carefully and slowly introduced into the dough. The entire resulting mass is mixed and left for 15 minutes in a calm state.
  5. The pears must be washed, peeled and pulped, and then cut into cubes.
  6. The multicooker bowl is covered with baking paper, a pear cut into pieces is laid out there, and the prepared dough is poured on top of the fruit.

7 The multicooker is turned on to the “Baking” program, and the pie is cooked for about forty minutes.

Cottage cheese pie

(64 kcal/100 g, B-9 g, Zh-3.2, U-7 g)

  • Cottage cheese with zero fat content - 300 g
  • Ripe cherries (preferably fresh, but frozen can also be used) - 200 g
  • Egg
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp.
  • Soda (pinch)
  • Sour cream (15% fat) - 1 tbsp.


  1. Cottage cheese and semolina are mixed in a deep bowl, where an egg and soda are then added. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  2. The cherries are washed and dried. After which the berries are added to the curd mass.
  3. At the very end, sour cream is added to the dough.
  4. The silicone mold is greased with a little butter, then the entire curd mass is poured into it.
  5. The pie is baked in the oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

A pie with cabbage

(115 kcal/100 g, B-3.6 g, Zh-2.7, U-20 g)

  • Kefir 1.5% fat - 1 glass
  • Flour (oat or rye) - 1 cup
  • One egg
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • White cabbage - 300 g
  • Carrots and onions (one each)
  • A pinch of salt
  • Sugar - 5 g
  • Corn oil - 1 tbsp.


  1. In order to prepare such a pie, cabbage can also be used fresh if there is no time at all. Or you can simmer it a little. It needs to be finely chopped. Heat the frying pan and put it on medium heat, add a little olive oil there and start simmering the cabbage.
  2. The carrots are peeled, grated on a medium grater and added to the cabbage. You can add a little water to the vegetables to make them even softer. And at the end this assortment is salted.
  3. Kefir is poured into a separate container and soda is added there. At this point, bubbles should appear. You can add another pinch of citric acid to enhance the effect.
  4. Granulated sugar and an egg are then added to kefir. All ingredients are mixed well together, and then the sifted flour is carefully and slowly introduced into it.
  5. The baking dish is greased with a small piece of butter. Then a vegetable layer is laid out there, which is filled with dough on top. Then cabbage again and dough again, and so on until the prepared ingredients are finished.
  6. The oven is heated to 180 degrees. The pie is left for half an hour.

Oatmeal pie

(210 kcal/100 g, B-10 g, Zh-5, U-21 g)

  • Oat flakes - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Coconut flakes - 0.75 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 175 g
  • Rye flour - 150 g
  • Baking powder half a teaspoon
  • Low-fat milk - 80 ml
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.


  1. Mix oatmeal with shredded coconut.
  2. Add rye flour and baking powder on top, mix the dry ingredients together.
  3. Separately, beat the chicken egg with sugar. Add milk there.
  4. Combine the two resulting mixtures, dry and liquid. Then mix the dough well.
  5. The dough is poured into a silicone mold and placed in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Kefir pie

(120 kcal/100 g, B-6 g, Zh-4, U-22 g)

  • Corn flour - 80 g
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Zero fat kefir – 110 ml
  • Bananas – 100 g
  • Baking powder pinch
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g


  1. Mix corn flour with vanilla sugar and baking powder.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and then add kefir to them.
  3. Carefully add the dry mixture into the liquid mixture. In this case, it is tedious to constantly stir the dough so that lumps do not form.
  4. Take a silicone baking dish and pour all the dough into it. Cut the banana into pieces and place them on top in any order. Place the pie in the oven for 25 minutes (200 degrees)

Pie without flour

(80 kcal/100 g, B-7 g, Zh-3, U-13 g)

Even the most seasoned woman, who is strictly on a diet and does not give herself any relief during the period of losing weight, sometimes wants to allow herself a little weakness and eat something forbidden. Sweets and baked goods are that forbidden fruit to which the hand is so drawn. Buns, pies, cakes - all this is harmful to the figure and is contraindicated during the diet. There are dietary baked goods for weight loss that do not harm your figure, but have the same amazing taste as regular sweets. Anyone can prepare this pastry on their own at home.

Homemade baked goods are good for their taste, but you can bake such goodies that will not “sink to the sides.” At the same time, calorie content is not difficult to calculate. Actually, different baking recipes can become dietary if they are correctly and competently adapted to the process of losing weight. The use of certain products is important here. Replacing some products with others that are low in calories. True, it is also not recommended to use sugar in such dietary dishes, but there are many products that replace sugar.

You can read more about how to prepare delicious and healthy baked goods at home in this article. Here you will also find a lot of tips on how to make ordinary recipes dietary. Eating flour and not getting fat is not a fairy tale, but a reality that every housewife and losing weight woman can implement in her kitchen.

Secrets of preparing dietary baking

A delicious dessert is not always high in calories. Competent recipes allow you, even within the framework of proper nutrition, not to limit yourself in delicacies. And what kind of life is it without sweets and little joys?

Please note: Of course, we are not talking about consuming baked goods, even dietary ones, every day at every meal. Moderate consumption of a diet bun as a snack a couple of times a week will please your stomach and will not harm your figure.

You can eat baked goods without harming your waistline by applying the following rules:

  • The whole egg is replaced with whites only
  • Replace margarine with low-fat cottage cheese
  • Use non-standard flour for baking, give preference to oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, and corn.
  • You need to knead the dough without yeast, and it should also not contain sugar or fat.
  • Sugar can be replaced with stevia. But some people absolutely cannot tolerate this herb, then fructose, dried fruits or purees will come to the rescue.
  • The fat content of the dough should be kept to a minimum. To do this, the dough should not contain butter, but vegetable oil.
  • Cottage cheese is an excellent cream substitute

If a recipe calls for dairy products, keep them to a minimum fat content. Fruits that are low in calories should be used, for example, apples, citrus fruits, pears. The dough must be made lean; it must be either unleavened or biscuit-like. If special flour is not on hand, then three parts of regular flour can be mixed with bran powder. Another way: take oatmeal or buckwheat and grind it using a coffee grinder.

When baking your dish, use silicone molds, this will avoid the need to coat the mold with oil. If the recipe contains nuts, you can replace them with rolled oats. In the dough it has a pleasant crunch and adds zest.

Please note: Baked goods should contain a minimum of calories. When preparing a dish yourself, it’s easy to calculate the calorie content.

Even during a period of strict weight loss, such dishes cannot be excluded from the diet, because they contribute to the production of serotonin, which is the hormone of happiness and adrenaline. But at the same time, when prepared correctly, they are very easy on the stomach. In turn, oatmeal contains many vitamins and amino acids, rice flour does not contain gluten, which causes irritation of the stomach walls, buckwheat flour does not contain fats and sugar, it contains a lot of fiber, which is beneficial for any body. If you eat baked goods made with this kind of flour, you won’t gain weight, and your blood sugar level will drop. This is the best option for those who want to lose extra pounds, but cannot deny themselves delicious treats.

Diet baking recipes

Based on these simple rules, we can conclude that preparing such dietary baking is not difficult, and you can also come up with a variety of recipes for dietary baking without sugar that will please the whole family, and not just its members who are losing weight.


Delicious and tender diet cakes are very easy to prepare. This apple pastry, which is cooked in the oven, turns out delicious and melts in your mouth.


  • Medium-sized apples – 5 pieces
  • Bran – 1 spoon
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 200 gr.
  • Low fat milk – 100 g.
  • Oatmeal flour – 50 gr. You can use other flour if you don't have oatmeal on hand.
  • Baking powder
  • Cinnamon and stevia

Cooking method: Bake the apples in the oven until soft. After this, cut off the top of the apples and remove all their insides using a spoon. You need to puree the contents of the apple. Mix puree, cottage cheese, flour and other ingredients. The resulting mixture should be placed back into the apple. Cover the apple with parchment. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. For decoration, you can use cinnamon or low-fat cream. This sweet cottage cheese dish looks great and tastes amazing. Plus, it’s easy to prepare in a hurry.

Curd pastries

The next recipe is a dietary pastry made from cottage cheese, which can be made with dried fruits, pumpkin or carrots.


  • Cottage cheese – 0.5 kg
  • Semolina – 3 tablespoons
  • Flour (preferably corn) – 25 gr. But you can use other flour.
  • Egg white – 3 pcs.
  • Sweeteners to taste

Cooking method: The whites need to be beaten using a mixer. Add sweetener to them. Add flour and remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture. If desired, you can add spices or fruits and vegetables here for taste. They need to be finely chopped or grated. Pour the resulting mixture into a silicone mold and bake in the oven. This savory and tasty pastry made from cottage cheese is healthy and harmless to the figure during the period of weight loss. Various casseroles and cottage cheese buns, pies can also be made dietary and consumed as desired without denying yourself the pleasure.

Scottish scones

It's not just the name that sounds appetizing. The buns actually turn out very tasty, but at the same time they don’t spoil your figure.

It is important to follow the sequential addition of products in this recipe:

  • Take a tall bowl and add fermented baked milk, yogurt and kefir to it.
  • All with minimal fat content and one glass each. The buns will be more fluffy if the milk is at the acidification stage.
  • Add here half a teaspoon of soda, half a glass of vegetable oil, spices to taste, salt, pepper. You can use chopped herbs, and also grate a fresh cucumber here.
  • Fry the onion until golden brown in a frying pan with olive oil.
  • Add the onion here too.
  • Next is the time of torment. Flour should be added by eye.
  • When kneading the dough, make sure that the dough is not too elastic, so add flour in portions.

Wet your hands with water and divide the dough into small lumps, which you need to roll into neat buns.

Please note that the dough is considered perfect when it does not stick to your hands.

The buns should be placed on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment paper without oil. The buns should be baked at 180 degrees until a crust appears.


You can prepare a sweet and tasty pastry at home - charlotte, which contains a minimum amount of calories.


  • Flour (you can use any) – half a cup
  • Egg (white) – 2 pcs.
  • Oatmeal – 0.5 cups
  • Kefir – 200 gr.
  • Apples - to taste
  • Leavening agent, sweetener.

Preparation: Kefir is mixed with flakes. You need to leave the flakes to swell for 20 minutes. Add flour and all other ingredients here. Cover the mold with paper to prevent the charlotte from sticking, sprinkle the mold with semolina. Place pre-sliced ​​apples on the bottom; sprinkle vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon and any other spices as desired on top of the apples. Everything is filled with dough on top. Cook for 30 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

Please note: These recipes are direct proof that any baked goods: pies, pies, buns can be dietary and healthy even during a diet.

These recipes are very simple to prepare; they do not require a large list of ingredients; however, you can also use a slow cooker to prepare them. The result is delicious baked goods that will definitely please those who have been holding back for a long time, eating right and trying to maintain a beautiful and slim figure.

Hello! I am the man who loves to cook delicious, healthy sweets for weight loss and more! Today we have diet baking as planned! Do you have a sweet tooth? Well, what a question you ask! Of course!

Baking is everything to us! But sweets are harmful, and it’s no longer funny. I think more than once you have had to give up sweets and go on some kind of diet. A diet of some kind consists of proper nutrition, but when you eat right, your diet should not include sweets, because. our pancreas works in the red zone and is very tense!

Have you even heard of the existence of dietary baking?

In order to somehow remove the desire to eat sweets, I decided to make substitutes, so to speak, that will help make your life at least somehow easier, and thus I wrote similar recipes for losing weight!

Diet baking. Does it make sense?

Simple dietary products are very healthy, such as buckwheat flour, eggs, milk, fructose, etc.

What we are about to prepare is far from the taste of real sweets.

Honestly, if you have started eating properly and are taking care of yourself, then I still recommend giving up this pastry, because... it will still contain, for example, fructose, it is a kind of sweetener, by the way, it makes you gain fat quite well, so what you leave is what you come to!

As for various sweeteners, yes, they are sugar-free, but it turns out that scientists have proven that they also increase blood sugar levels by deception! Why? Because when we eat sweets, the body thinks that we are eating sweets, but in fact, no!

The pancreas begins to plow and produces insulin, that’s the whole answer! But sometimes you can, to make your life easier.

If you know that you cannot refuse, then only dietary baking can come to your aid; it will protect you, but not much.

Let's study our recipes with photos, you will see for yourself that dietary baking is not a death sentence for losing weight!

There is not a drop of sugar in this recipe! This is simply amazing! How can baking be without sugar?! Cool! Let's find out with you what products do we need to buy for the recipe:

1 glass of buckwheat flour, 4 eggs, half a glass of milk (skim milk is possible), half a kg of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 table. a spoonful of fructose, 2 bananas, if you have berries, then 1 glass, a teaspoon of soda or baking powder.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Add the eggs to the bowl and beat them well with a mixer, add buckwheat flour, soda, fructose, skim milk and knead the dough.
  2. The dough should be poured into a greased pan and baked for about 20-25 minutes. The oven temperature should be 180 degrees.
  3. While the baked goods are preparing, we will make the cream. Grind the cottage cheese well with a fork, add bananas and berries, and beat with a blender.
  4. When the cake is completely ready, let it cool, then cut it into 2-3 parts and brush each layer with curd cream.
  5. You can decorate with fruits and berries!

Let's explore the following recipes!

Dietary baking (oatmeal pie with fruit)

I think you will find this recipe amazing! Few people make such pies, and many don’t even know that you can make a pie from oatmeal!

To prepare we need to buy the following products:

1 glass of oatmeal, preferably half a glass of oat bran (if not, add a little oatmeal), half a glass of flaxseed flour, 1 glass of water, 1 table. a spoonful of fructose, half a teaspoon of soda, a couple of pinches of cinnamon. The filling can be made from one apple, and also add 50 g of prunes.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Mix oatmeal and bran in a bowl, add flaxseed flour, fructose, soda and mix the mixture well with your hands.
  2. Pour in preferably warm water and knead the dough.
  3. 15 minutes before preparing the dough, the prunes need to be washed and soaked in water. Grind the peeled apple in a blender along with prunes; if you don’t have a blender, you can finely chop everything with a knife.
  4. Roll out half of the dough into a layer and place it on a baking sheet, lay out and smooth out the filling, sprinkle with cinnamon if you want, roll out the second half of the dough and cover our pie.
  5. The pastries are baked for about 20-25 minutes, set the oven temperature to 180 degrees.

Also a very interesting and very unusual pancake recipe! I'm sure you haven't tried them either! What products do we need to buy:

1 glass of oatmeal, 2 eggs, 1 table. a spoonful of fructose, 1 teaspoon of baking powder or soda, a pinch of cinnamon.

Let's start preparing the recipe:

  1. Oatmeal should be finely ground in a blender, or best of all, in a coffee grinder.
  2. Now beat the eggs into a bowl, add fructose, baking powder, a little cinnamon, and beat with a mixer. If your dough turns out to be thick, it doesn’t matter, you can add dark water.
  3. Now you can bake pancakes in a non-stick frying pan without adding oil.

Bon appetit! Let's explore the following recipes!

Very interesting recipe! To prepare it we will need to buy the following list of products:

3 eggs, cocoa powder, a little cinnamon for flavor.

  1. Take cold eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Beat the whites well until they form a very thick foam; if you turn the bowl over, the whites will not spill out, but will remain in place.
  3. When everything is done, cover the baking sheet with pastry paper, and use a spoon to spread the white cream onto the paper, or best of all, pipe it with a pastry bag.
  4. Sprinkle with fructose, cocoa and cinnamon, cook in the oven until completely hardened at a temperature of 100-120 degrees, no more.

The baking dough consists of:

2 cups whole grain flour; 50 ml refined vegetable oil; half a glass of sugar; pinches of salt; two teaspoons of baking powder and a teaspoon of cinnamon.

For the filling you will need:

a kilogram of sweet pumpkin of bright orange color; 5 dried dates; a teaspoon of ground dry ginger; a tablespoon of potato or corn starch and 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon.

Start cooking by peeling the pumpkin from the skin and seeds and cutting into large cubes. It must be brought to a soft state in boiling water or in the oven.

Moreover, the second method of temperature treatment is preferable, since the pumpkin will not be so watery and all the beneficial substances will be preserved in it.

Then knead the pie dough:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients in one bowl.
  2. Pour in vegetable oil. As I already said, it must be refined so that dietary baked goods do not acquire an extraneous odor.
  3. Rub the mixture between your fingers, you will get an oily, aromatic crumb, to which you need to add a little water.
  4. Knead soft dough and roll it into a ball.
  5. Wrap the resulting mass in film to prevent it from airing in the air, and let stand aside for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, make the filling:

  1. Puree boiled or baked pumpkin using an immersion blender.
  2. Add starch, spices and stir.
  3. Also grind the dates, washed and pitted, into a puree and add to the main mass.
  4. Taste the filling and add granulated sugar if necessary.

Now let's form the cake:

  1. On a work surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm.
  2. Roll the layer onto a rolling pin and place it in a baking dish. Make sides of the dough and press them firmly against the inside sides of the pan.
  3. Spread the pumpkin cream onto the base and smooth the surface of the pie with a spatula.
  4. Turn on the oven in advance so that it has time to warm up to 180 degrees, and bake the cake for half an hour.

To prepare this dietary dessert, you will need fresh cottage cheese without excess water and foreign odors. If you managed to buy such a product in a store, good.

If you are used to making fermented milk cheese with your own hands and you have supplies in the refrigerator, then this makes the task easier.

The peculiarity of the casserole is its soft, delicate consistency, because instead of flour and semolina, I suggest adding a little starch to the dough.

So, what you will need for baking:

half a kilo of cottage cheese; 4 eggs; 2 large spoons of sour cream and starch; 6-7 tbsp. spoons of fine-grained sugar and half a glass of raisins. To flavor a dietary dessert, use vanilla extract or ground cinnamon.

I want to immediately warn you that egg whites are beaten with sugar separately from the yolks. After:

  1. In a separate bowl, beat the cottage cheese with the yolks and the remaining ingredients for the dough.
  2. Carefully, so that the whites do not settle, fold them into the curd mass.
  3. Grease the mold with butter or cover it with baking paper (if you have a silicone mold, you don’t need to do anything like that with it).
  4. Bake this airy delicacy at 180 degrees until done (30-35 minutes).

Pumpkin pie with oranges for those on a diet

Pumpkin baked goods are distinguished by their special delicate taste, plus they are low in calories. This recipe is universal.

The pie can be prepared both for a festive feast and for a simple tea party at home, without even fearing that the delicacy will harm your figure.

Ingredients for sweet pastries: 270 gr. pumpkins; 230 gr. flour (whole grain); 15 gr. honey; 90 gr. sl. oils; 1 piece each chickens eggs and orange; 0.5 tsp baking powder; 0.5 tbsp. ground cinnamon; salt - just a pinch.

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. I sift the flour several times, saturating the composition with oxygen. I add words to it. butter, honey, baking powder, chicken. egg and salt. Sl. The butter should be given time to melt a little before cooking. I bring the mass to a homogeneous structure and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour, wrapped in food. film.
  2. I cut the pumpkin into small slices, making sure to remove the skin. I also peel the oranges and cut them into two parts. I chop one into circles, and squeeze the juice out of the second.
  3. I will bake the cake at 200 gr. in the oven, so I preheat it in advance. Place the dough covered with pumpkin on a baking sheet. I sprinkle the surface with cinnamon.
  4. Then I put in the orange and fold the edges of the dough inward. I bake for 20 minutes. I take out the pie and pour orange juice on it, and then bake it in the oven for another 10 minutes.

I grease the finished baked goods with honey.

Curd pie with apples in a slow cooker

Don't worry that cottage cheese pie will harm your figure. This recipe can easily be classified as a healthy dish that promotes fat burning.

This is due to the fact that the baked goods contain special products.

Components: 250 gr. low-fat cottage cheese; 5 pieces. apples; 2 whispers of crushed ginger and cinnamon; 1 PC. chickens testicle; 1 kg of sour cream with a fat content of 10 percent.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I wash the apples, take out the seeds, remove the peel and remove the stalks. I crush the curd with a fork, crushing any large lumps.
  2. I cut the apples into slices and place them on the bottom of the bowl, greasing the melt. oil
  3. I mix cottage cheese with honey and chicken. egg, sour cream, ginger and cinnamon. I pour the mixture over the apples. I bake in a slow cooker on the “Bake” mode for 30 minutes.

Recipe notes: can be used instead of honey 1 pc. sweetener in tablets. You should not add sugar, because this product blocks the properties of ginger and cinnamon, which help reduce the calorie content of the pie.

Every woman on a diet periodically dreams of baked goods: buns, cakes, muffins, pastries and other delicacies. As you know, when losing weight, these products are strictly prohibited because they are rich in carbohydrates. However, you don’t have to deny yourself tasty treats, because you can prepare dietary baked goods that won’t harm your figure and will even benefit your losing weight.

What is dietary baking?

Surely, those who have not encountered such a concept are wondering: what is dietary baking? Oddly enough, these are ordinary confectionery products made from low-calorie products. The safety of such desserts for weight loss lies in their low energy value.

As you know, baking requires flour. Also, everyone knows about its high calorie content. In this regard, in dietary baking, wheat flour should be replaced with corn, buckwheat, or another type in order to reduce the calorie content of the dish. Even ordinary rolled oats are quite suitable for preparing dietary baked goods while losing weight.

In addition to flour, dietary baking for weight loss requires replacement of other products:

  • chicken eggs are not used completely, but only the whites;
  • Instead of margarine, it is advisable to prefer low-fat cottage cheese;
  • It is better to prepare unsweetened flour products by adding spices and herbs to the dough;
  • in sweet baked goods, it is better to replace sugar with honey;
  • Diet baking will be healthier if you mix chopped fruits and vegetables with flour.

Guided by these principles, you can prepare healthy dishes without harming your figure. Fortunately, diet baking recipes for weight loss allow you to do this.

Recipe 1: cottage cheese-apple pie in a slow cooker

Thanks to the competent selection of ingredients, the curd apple pie prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty. In addition, it not only prevents you from gaining excess weight, but, on the contrary, promotes weight loss by burning fat.


To prepare a diet pie, you will need the following ingredients:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • unsweetened apples - 5 pcs.;
  • sour cream with a small percentage of fat content - 800 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • ground cinnamon and ginger - 2 pinch each;
  • natural honey - 1 teaspoon.

Having prepared all the necessary products, you can begin the process of preparing the diet pie. Its benefits partly lie in the absence of sugar. It is replaced by honey, which gives the cake its sweetness. It is worth noting that flour is not used in this case.

Cooking method

To prepare a diet pie, you need to do the following:

Set the “Baking” mode and turn on the multicooker. Half an hour is enough to prepare the pie.

Recipe 2: Oatmeal Cookies

Cookies prepared according to this recipe can be made in just half an hour. 100 g of product contains only 170 kcal, so it can be included in the diet menu when losing weight.


To prepare dietary cookies, you need a minimum set of ingredients:

  • oatmeal - 2 cups;
  • eggs - 2 pcs. (only whites can be used);
  • sugar substitute - 2 tablets;
  • vanillin - a third of a teaspoon;
  • dried fruits of your choice - a handful;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

According to this recipe, you don’t have to use flour or fat to make dietary cookies. The list of ingredients does not include butter or margarine, or sugar, which makes the baked goods low in calories. And the presence of oatmeal makes the product healthy due to its fiber content.

Cooking method

You can make dietary oatmeal cookies without flour according to the recipe with photo:

In order not to wait for the oven to warm up, you can turn it on in advance, before preparing the baking dough.

Recipe 3: Pumpkin and Orange Pie

There is hardly a person who does not like a pie with a crispy golden crust. At first glance, you can’t tell that simple low-calorie products are used to prepare it. Pumpkin and orange make the pie sweet and flavorful, so no sugar is needed.


To prepare the pie according to this recipe, use a little butter. However, there is so little of it that it will not affect the figure in any way.

To make a diet pie for weight loss, the following products are required:

  • pumpkin - 250 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • whole grain flour - 250 g;
  • natural honey - 15 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

If desired, you can include ground cinnamon in the list of ingredients. Sugar is not used, but this does not mean that the pie is unsweetened. Thanks to the orange, pumpkin and honey, it has just the right amount of sweetness. Due to the use of whole grain flour, the calorie content of the finished product is quite low.

Cooking method

Preparing a diet pie with orange and pumpkin is very simple, just follow the recipe with the photo:

  1. First remove the butter from the refrigerator so that it melts slightly. Then mix it with sifted flour, honey, soda, egg and salt.

  2. Knead the dough and then put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

  3. While the dough is cooling, you should start preparing the pie filling. To do this, the pumpkin needs to be peeled and chopped into thin circles, which are then turned into slices.

  4. Cut the orange into two parts. Grind one part into circles, and squeeze the juice out of the second.

  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper or sprinkle with flour. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and place it on a baking sheet. Place pumpkin on top and sprinkle with cinnamon. Then the orange is laid out. It is advisable to wrap the edges of the dough to keep the filling intact and prevent the juice that will be released from the orange slices from leaking out during baking.

  6. Place the diet pie in the oven and bake for 25 minutes. Then take it out and grease it with juice squeezed from an orange. After this, you need to keep the pie in the oven for another 5 minutes.

The finished dish is smeared with honey and served.

Recipe 4: Oatmeal-curd cookies

To prepare cookies according to the presented recipe, you will need no more than 50 minutes. It turns out tasty, soft and tender, so it is not a shame to serve it on the table during tea drinking. Oatmeal-curd cookies belong to dietary baked goods, since they contain only 169 kcal per 100 g.


To make the cookies more crumbly, it is recommended to add baking soda on the tip of a knife. In general, the list of ingredients is as follows:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • oat flakes - 1 kg;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar substitute - 30 g.

You can add sesame seeds and cinnamon to taste, and vanillin will help make the dough aromatic.

Cooking method

The recipe for making diet cookies is quite simple:

Recipe 5: diet pies with cabbage

While losing weight, you can enjoy pies if they are made from healthy dietary products. Such pastries will appeal to everyone, even those who never thought of going on a diet. To make cabbage pies, you only need to spend 50 minutes.


Using this recipe you can prepare delicious and aromatic pies. Moreover, the filling can be anything: meat, vegetable, and even sugar and fruit. But in this recipe we will talk specifically about pies with cabbage, for the preparation of which you will need the following:

  • cabbage - 200 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • whole grain flour - 100 g;
  • yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • milk - 40 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

The process of preparing diet pies consists of several simple steps:

Video: how to make dietary baked goods at home

Recipes for dietary baking for weight loss are presented in the following videos.

Many women periodically face the need to lose weight. But, it is worth recognizing that almost no one knows how to do this correctly. In fact, in order to permanently cope with extra pounds, you need little: organize a balanced and nutritious diet and moderate physical activity. And if you are losing excess weight, you can include a variety of dishes in your diet, including sweets and baked goods. But they need to be prepared in a special way and from special products. So, the topic of our conversation today will be low-calorie baking for those losing weight, recipes with calories to help them.

Low-calorie baking - recipes

Oatmeal banana cookies

Oatmeal cookies are very popular among those losing weight. This one is not at all difficult to prepare. To make such delicious pastries, you need to prepare a couple of very ripe bananas (or better yet), one hundred and fifty grams and a couple of chicken eggs. In addition, you will need two hundred and fifty grams of oatmeal, two hundred and fifty grams of flour, fifty grams of raisins, fifty grams of nuts of your choice, a pinch and a teaspoon of baking powder for the dough.

Grind the bananas in a blender until smooth. Melt the butter, combine with sugar and grated bananas. Beat the eggs with a mixer and also stir into the banana mixture. Combine flour, salt and baking powder. Add them to the banana mixture. Stir oatmeal into the dough (you can chop them first), nuts and raisins. Knead the resulting mass thoroughly and form cookies from it. Place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake cookies in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for twenty to thirty minutes.

One hundred grams of oatmeal cookies contain one hundred eighty-five kilocalories. It is best eaten in the first half of the day; this dish will saturate the body with complex carbohydrates and keep you full for several hours.

Pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese and semolina

Pumpkin casserole with semolina and cottage cheese is very easy to prepare. To make such a delicious dietary dish, you need to prepare six hundred grams of pumpkin pulp, three hundred grams of cottage cheese, a cup of milk, three tablespoons of semolina and a couple of eggs. In addition, you will need some salt and sugar, a bag of vanillin, a pinch of soda, a little vegetable oil and a teaspoon of sesame seeds.

Wash the pumpkin and chop it into cubes. Fill it with water to the top and boil until soft (about a quarter of an hour). Drain the pumpkin and mash it with a masher until smooth.

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork or blender and mix with pumpkin puree. Boil the semolina porridge in milk (bring to a boil and turn off immediately). Combine the porridge with cottage cheese and pumpkin.

Separately, beat the eggs with a blender along with sugar and other bulk ingredients: sugar and vanilla, until foam appears. Combine this mixture with the rest of the products in a saucepan, add soda there.

Grease a baking dish with butter and fill it with the resulting dough. Sprinkle a layer of sesame seeds on top. Place the casserole in the oven, preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees, for half an hour.

One hundred grams of pumpkin-curd casserole contains one hundred twenty-five kilocalories.

If you are interested, you can also see how it is prepared. Her recipe may also be useful to you.

Apple shortcakes

To prepare such a delicious dietary pastry, you need to prepare a couple of large apples, a certain amount of cinnamon, three tablespoons of liquid honey, a tablespoon of chopped nuts and the same amount of raisins.

Peel the apples, cut into fairly large rings - one to one and a half centimeters thick. Cut out the core from the rings. Cover the baking dish with parchment, place the prepared apples, a layer of nuts, raisins and honey on it. Sprinkle with cinnamon (optional). Place in the oven, preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees, for a quarter of an hour.

One hundred grams of this dish contains approximately eighty kilocalories.

Tart with cottage cheese and cherries

To prepare such a delicious dessert, you need to prepare two hundred and fifty grams of low-fat cottage cheese, three hundred and fifty grams of frozen cherries, seventy grams of honey, one hundred and ten grams of egg whites (three pieces), two hundred grams of oatmeal and eight tablespoons of plain water.

First, grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, combine it with water and a couple of egg whites. Knead to form an elastic dough. Leave it for about ten minutes, so the oatmeal will swell a little. Place the prepared dough in a baking dish, grease it with olive oil. Carefully level and form the sides. Pierce this base with a fork in several places to prevent bubbles from forming in it, and bake for a quarter of an hour in an oven preheated to one hundred and seventy-five degrees.

Melt the honey in a water bath or in the microwave. Mix half the honey and cherries (it is better to defrost them first and squeeze them a little). In a separate container, combine the rest of the honey, egg white and cottage cheese. To make the filling as fluffy as possible, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.

Cool the prepared base slightly, place the curd mixture on top and distribute it evenly. Carefully place the cherries on top. Place the tart in a hot oven and bake for about half an hour.

One serving of this tart contains approximately one hundred and sixty kilocalories.

Low-calorie baked goods are a good way for those losing weight to smooth out the difficulties of the process of losing excess weight. You can make a list of low-calorie dishes that will include low-calorie baked goods with calories indicated. Even if you follow a strict diet, you can indulge in delicious low-calorie desserts from time to time. But, of course, you shouldn’t get carried away with them too much.
