Pickling small cucumbers with tomatoes. Is it possible to pickle cucumbers and tomatoes together? Yes, and very tasty! Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter

I prepare an assortment of medium-sized cucumbers and tomatoes to fit into the neck of the jar. In recent years, I have been rolling not 3-liter, but 1-liter jars. It’s more convenient - you take it out in winter, eat it, it doesn’t cost anything in the refrigerator and it doesn’t go sour.

Ingredients for one 3-liter jar:

- medium-sized cucumbers 6-7 pieces
- medium sized tomatoes 3-4 pieces
- squash size slightly smaller than average – 2 pieces
- dill umbrellas (its upper part) 2-3 pieces
- celery leaves – 3-4 pieces
- bay leaf - 3-4 pieces
- garlic – 4-5 cloves
- pepper – sweet peas – six peas
- horseradish leaves – 1 piece
- salt (coarse, non-iodized) – 2 tablespoons
- sugar – 3 tablespoons
- 70% vinegar essence.

So, a step-by-step recipe for pickling assorted cucumbers and tomatoes:

1) Step one.
Preparing the ingredients.

Soak cucumbers in cold water for one hour. During this time, they will get wet, the dirt will be soaked away from them, and it will be easier to wipe them off from the dirt. In addition, if the cucumbers are bitter, some of the bitterness will escape into the water.
Wash the tomatoes and squash thoroughly with a sponge (no need to soak them first).
After the cucumbers are wet, they should also be thoroughly washed with a sponge and their ends should be cut off.

2) Step two.
Boil water.

In a large saucepan, preferably more than 3 liters, enough for one jar, put the water to boil.

3) Step three.
Place ingredients in jars.

At the bottom of a sterilized jar (read how to properly sterilize jars) we place our ingredients in the following order:

Greens - dill tops (i.e. umbrellas), celery (leaves), bay leaf, garlic cloves, pepper (sweet peas), and one horseradish leaf.
- place cucumbers in columns on top of the greens in one layer (as in my photo).
- place squash on top in one layer. If the squashes are large, they need to be cut and laid in one layer, if they are small, there is no need to cut them (we lay them whole) - see photo.
- place tomatoes on top up to the very neck of the jar (but not higher than the neck - tomatoes should not protrude above the edge of the jar).

4) Step four.
Fill the jar.

After we have put everything in place, we wait for the water to boil and pour boiling water over our assortment - right up to the very neck of the jar, so that even the tomatoes are covered with water. Let our assortment brew for five minutes and pour the water back into the pan.

5) Step five.
Prepare the brine.

For pickling, add the following to the pan, where we again poured water from the jar:

Salt at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 3-liter jar
- sugar – 3 tablespoons per 3-liter jar

That is, if you filled a jar and there was some water left in the pan, you can use small heaped spoons to account for the excess water in the pan.
Attention: there should be a small amount of water left in the pan after you fill the jar. Otherwise, when boiling again, some of the water will evaporate and you won’t have enough to re-fill the assortment with brine up to the very neck of the jar (and this is very bad).

6) Step six.
Let's boil again.

Put the pan on the fire again and bring our brine to a boil.
Once it boils, pour 70% vinegar into the brine at the rate of 2 teaspoons of 70% vinegar per three-liter jar and turn off the heat.

7) Step seven.
Fill the jars.

Fill the jars with the resulting brine to the very top.
We close the jar with a metal lid and tighten it using a seaming machine. You can use jars with screw-on lids - they will be stored in the same way, and they will be easier to close and open.

Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes is a favorite pastime of Russians at the end of the summer season. It is at this time that zealous housewives try to replenish their supplies of canned vegetables in order to delight their loved ones with original snacks and salads all year round. From our article you will learn how to do it correctly. The recipes are quite simple and you can easily cope with them.

Assorted vegetables “Summer in jars”

Vegetables prepared according to our recipe will help you out more than once in a variety of situations. With their help, you can prepare a delicious salad or serve them as an independent snack for the holiday table. How to prepare assorted pickling:

  • Sort the cucumbers and tomatoes, wash and keep in clean water for half an hour.
  • Sterilize liter jars in the oven or over a boiling kettle.
  • When the container has cooled, place dill umbrellas, bay leaves and allspice peas on the bottom.
  • Place the vegetables in jars, add three or four cloves of garlic to each of them, pour boiling water over them and let sit for half an hour.
  • When the specified time has elapsed, drain the water into the pan and prepare the marinade. For one and a half liters of liquid, add two tablespoons of salt and four tablespoons of sugar.
  • Place the pan on the fire and bring the water to a boil. After this, remove it from the stove and pour in 20 grams of vinegar.
  • Mix the marinade and pour it into jars.

Screw on the dishes with sterilized lids, turn them over and wrap them in blankets at night. After this, place the jars in a cool place.

Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter

How nice it is to open a jar of canned vegetables prepared with your own hands in winter! Such a treat is in no way inferior in taste to factory-made preparations, and often surpasses them in all respects. Below is a recipe for assorted pickling.

  • Wash a medium-sized bowl and soak in cold water for one hour. After this, wipe them again with a sponge and remove the stalks.
  • Pour water into a large saucepan and place it on the stove.
  • Place dill umbrellas, celery leaves, garlic cloves, bay leaves, sweet peas, and one horseradish leaf at the bottom of sterilized jars.
  • Place the vegetables in the prepared container - place the cucumbers “standing” and place the tomatoes on top. If you wish, you can put whole or cut squash between them.
  • Fill the jars with boiling water to the very top, let them stand for five minutes, and then pour the liquid back into the pan.
  • To prepare the brine, add two tablespoons of salt and three tablespoons of sugar per three liters of water to the drained water.
  • Bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat and pour two teaspoons of 70% vinegar into it (also for three liters of water).
  • Pour the marinade into the jars, screw each with a metal lid using a special seaming machine, turn it over and cover with a fur coat.

Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes in this way allows you to store vegetables for two years and practically eliminates their souring.

Salt cucumbers and tomatoes together

If you like salted vegetables, then pay attention to this recipe. With its help, you can quickly prepare your favorite savory treat and safely store it for a whole year. Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes in jars is carried out as follows:

  • Sort and wash the vegetables. Cut large cucumbers in half, make cuts in the tomatoes around the stalk and place garlic and chopped herbs inside. Peel the carrots and cut into rings, cut the onion into rings, and cut the sweet pepper into slices.
  • Place the vegetables in a jar in layers, then pour boiling water over them and let sit for five minutes. After this, the water should be poured into a suitable pan.
  • For the marinade, you will need to take a tablespoon of coarse salt, two tablespoons of sugar and one and a half vinegar per liter of water (we will add it at the very end). Bring the liquid to a boil and then pour it back into the jars.

Cover the vegetables with clean lids, let them stand for 20 minutes, and then roll up. Keep the assortment upside down and covered with a blanket until it cools down.

Salting for the winter

In this recipe we will tell you how to make them acquire a special taste and unique aroma. Read how to pickle cucumbers and tomatoes and get down to business with us.

  • Sort, wash and soak the cucumbers in clean water for a couple of hours. Wash the tomatoes and use a toothpick to make several punctures near the stem.
  • Cut the hot pepper and horseradish root into small pieces.
  • Peel the carrots and cut into rings.
  • Process the sweet pepper, cut into several parts and remove the seeds.
  • Separate the cauliflower into florets.
  • Wash the cucumbers again and cut off the ends with a knife.
  • Boil the required amount of water and dissolve salt in it (one tablespoon is enough for one liter).
  • Place the prepared vegetables in layers in three-liter jars, adding garlic and a stalk of celery.
  • Pour boiling water over the assortment, cover with sterilized lids and put in a place where they will not interfere.
  • On the evening of the third day, drain the water from the jars into a suitable pan. For convenience, secure a piece of gauze to the lid using an ordinary rubber band.
  • Add a little more liquid and salt to the pan (half a teaspoon per liter).
  • Boil the brine and pour it into the jars.

Cover the assortment with newly pasteurized lids and turn it over until it cools. Prepared vegetables turn out very tasty and crispy, so they are a great addition to any meat, fish or poultry dishes in winter.

  • For pickling, use only special varieties of cucumbers with thin skin.
  • Do not forget that pickling cucumbers and tomatoes is a creative process, and you can always change the composition of the assortment to your taste. For example, you can add beans or pieces of eggplant to these vegetables.
  • Standard spices for pickling are dill, garlic, horseradish root, as well as currant, cherry or oak leaves.


We hope that you find the recipes we described in our article useful. Cook with pleasure and delight your loved ones with new dishes.

The gifts of the fields in all their diversity are vitamins and minerals in their natural embodiment. But how to preserve this usefulness in order to treat relatives and guests in the cold season, when the “fresh” food costs a lot of money, and besides, it was grown somewhere in a greenhouse, and not on the soil? Pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, a sort of vegetable assortment that includes both products (plus additives in the form of onions, garlic and other goodies), is a popular preservation in our area; almost all housewives who make preparations try to implement it. And not without reason: pickling cucumbers and tomatoes is a real joy for a gourmet. Juicy tomato and crispy pimply cucumber lift the state of mind both on weekdays and on holidays, especially New Year's, delighting with their summer aromas. And eating pickled cucumbers with tomatoes is very pleasant, serving it at the table in any case, and having a strong drink is just the thing. And it doesn’t take much time to make it. Well, are you ready yet? Then let's get started!

A little about the ingredients

Looking at the name of the recipe - pickling cucumbers with tomatoes, you, of course, understand that the main ingredients in various variations on the theme are tomatoes and cucumbers. Both the first and second components must be carefully selected. Some housewives prefer small tomatoes (such as cherry tomatoes), some take brown, slightly unripe ones. Other options: cream variety or halves of large tomatoes. In general, show your culinary imagination on a full scale. The main thing is that the tomatoes are free from blemishes, mold and rot - this will completely ruin the final result. Also, the ingredient must be thoroughly rinsed in running water (or doused with boiling water) to get rid of bacteria as much as possible. As for cucumbers, we choose only pickling varieties.

About sterilization

Some housewives, especially those who take on pickling cucumbers and tomatoes for the first time, are intimidated by this procedure (although in practical terms the matter is not too difficult). But it was precisely this necessity that more than once stopped “home cooks” who wanted to learn how to preserve. By the way, did you know that you can do without it! How? And here it is: see the following recipes below. It’s easy to start your “path in preservation” with them - for example, by pickling cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter! It is also important to understand: the main rule for the safety of your workpiece is the purity of the ingredients in the containers. If not, then there will be no quality product, and the contents of the cans will have to be thrown away.

Pickling tomatoes and cucumbers “Assorted”

To implement it, we will need a bag of black peppercorns, a small handful of sweet peas, several cloves (buds), a head of garlic, bay leaf, dill umbrellas, vinegar (it is better to take apple or wine - natural), salt and sugar. And, of course, your chosen cucumbers and tomatoes in a one to one ratio.

It's all in the marinade!


Due to the significant amount of sugar and salt plus the vinegar added to the jars, this marinade for pickling Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers turns out rich, so it’s easier to store such jars (you can even in the kitchen mezzanine, but it’s better if you’re not one hundred percent sure, then in cooler places, for example in the cellar). And another additional product that will ensure the safety of canned food without thorough sterilization is vodka (if, of course, you don’t mind using it). For every 3-liter bottle you will need fifty milliliters of this most valuable product for many representatives of the stronger sex, so think for yourself...

And now it’s more difficult!

That is, recipes for pickling tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with sterilization. It is the main method in cooking to preserve the contents of your canned food without changing the appearance, internal contents, and taste of the sealed product. Sterilize jars with contents in large containers with boiling water or in a special sterilizer. The preserved containers are kept and then sealed with lids, also pre-treated with boiling water. Sterilization also allows you to ensure the required tightness of the product - a vacuum in a jar of vegetables - and is an almost complete guarantee for long-term storage.

Pickling recipe: cucumbers with tomatoes

By the way, in this case both cucumbers and tomatoes should be taken small, for example gherkins and cherry tomatoes. We prepare the products, clean, wash and sterilize the jars. Some housewives carry out preliminary sterilization before adding the ingredients using a microwave. This is quite convenient if such a device takes pride of place in the kitchen. The process is not complicated: place jars with liquid poured into them (a couple of spoons are enough) in a switched off microwave and turn on at maximum power for a few minutes. If the jar is 3-liter, then we put it on its side so that it fits. But we pour water in any case - due to it, steam sterilization occurs.

Place cucumbers and tomatoes in containers sterilized in this way (or any other way): the smaller the better, garlic, spices - everything turns out in miniature and looks very elegant. Fill with the prepared brine (but without vinegar, and to be completely sure, you can add a spoonful of vodka to each of the jars). Then we roll up the treated lids (screw-on lids are popular among people today), turn the dishes upside down, cover them with a blanket and leave them overnight. And in the morning, having checked whether our canned goods are leaking, we send them for longer storage, until the holidays or before guests arrive. Bon appetit and delicious preserves!

Hello, friends!

“Friendship is strong, it will not break, will not fall apart from rains and blizzards...” Why would I say this? These beautiful words from the song remind everyone of the September garden at a visit to grandma, when the tomatoes are full and the cucumbers have not yet left. So I want something original. So that the jar contains the sun, a green leaf, an orange piece, and a white petal. Yep, these are tomatoes, greens, carrots, cabbage and peppers.

I took the jar out to the table, and it contained all the colors of the rainbow - wonderful memories of summer, warm rain, running barefoot on the grass and... Well, so did they reveal my secret? Let's talk about an interesting preparation for the winter - an assortment of cucumbers and tomatoes.

This is a very beautiful pickle, which at a holiday pleases not only the eye, but also the taste. But only the best and delicious recipes, which will be waiting for you in today’s article, will allow us to make it exactly like this.

I think that right now is the time for pickles and... So, I think it’s just faster to read these recipes and run to the kitchen and create.

I think I’ll start this post with probably the simplest and most common cooking option. Still, it is better for novice housewives to start with these simple descriptions. The main thing is to find a larger jar and place all the vegetables in random order, but so that there are few empty spaces.

It is most convenient to work with a 3-liter jar, because this size allows you to subsequently feed not only your family, but also serve such a snack at a feast when guests are on the doorstep.

As you might have guessed, the main culprits are tomatoes and cucumbers. Moreover, it is best to take them in small sizes. And if these are greens, then they should not be longer than 10-15 cm, and it is also preferable to take smaller tomatoes. Agree, it will turn out so beautiful.

There is not much preliminary work here, the main thing is to wash everything very thoroughly. And don’t forget that in addition to vegetables, boiling water is poured over leaves and seasonings; do not neglect these important steps, otherwise the consequences may be bad, the jars will fly up or become cloudy.

I think this set of products will be acceptable to everyone. Take a look at the composition. We saw vinegar, and when canning it is recommended to use it, but if you don’t want it, then in one of the following descriptions you will find its analogue, that is, you can replace it with citric acid.

In this recipe, the marinade turns out delicious, you can drink it and get a hangover), I’m kidding, of course. It is sweet and aromatic, and the vinegar only emphasizes this.

We will need:

for a 3 liter jar:

  • tomatoes and cucumbers - take as many as will fit in the container
  • coarse table salt - 3 heaped tablespoons
  • water - 1.5 l
  • granulated sugar - 9 heaped tbsp
  • vinegar essence 70% - 1 tbsp (or 6 tbsp if it is 9%)
  • dill or umbrella - 1 pc.
  • parsley - a couple of leaves
  • garlic - 1 head
  • black and allspice peas - 10 pcs.
  • horseradish leaves - 1-2 pcs. maybe the root


1. In order for the cucumbers to marinate better and faster, cut off the tails before putting them in the jar. This should be done after all the vegetables have been washed in running water.

Pour boiling water over the greens and shake in a colander to remove excess moisture.

2. Next comes the preparatory work again. You need to take the jar and sterilize it. Which method will you use? I prefer the steam method, while others prefer to heat glass containers in the oven or microwave. There is no fundamental difference here, the main thing is that the dishes are clean and sterile. Boil the lids for 10-15 minutes in water.

3. And now proceed to the main activity. Take a jar and place it on the bottom in order: an umbrella of dill, then whole horseradish leaves. Peeled garlic cloves and peppercorns for added flavor.

Horseradish leaves will give this unforgettable snack crunchiness; cucumbers and tomatoes will in any case be soft and juicy.

As you do this, take the gherkins and sort of stick them around the jar. They should be positioned vertically. Next, start laying the tomatoes so that they remain safe and sound; it is recommended to pierce them in the place where the stalk was with a toothpick.

Now boil water on the stove and then pour boiling water over the workpiece. Leave on the table for 15 minutes, just put on the metal lid. Next, remove and put on another lid with holes, pour the brine into the pan. Add salt and sugar in the proportions specified in the composition. Don’t forget to look at how much marinade you get in liters. It is better to take pots with such special marks.

In general, you can cheat from the beginning: prepare 1.5 liters of water, and even if all the water does not fit in the jar, then there will be nothing terrible about it, it’s better to have some left over than not enough.

Well, boil the drained water, the salt and sugar should dissolve. Pour vinegar into the jar with the vegetables and immediately fill it with boiling sweet marinade to the very brim. Take the seaming machine and the lid and pack it.

Be sure to turn the jar over and check for leaks, nothing should leak. Wrap upside down under a blanket and let cool to room temperature. Take it down to the cellar, and eat to your health in winter!

And also, you know, among other things, some unimaginable thoughts came over me today, so to speak. You can easily go with our red and green vegetables, I’m talking about cucumbers and tomatoes). Put, for example, zucchini or carrots with bell peppers, and you can put them in any proportions.

But you can do it cool. Yes, you can cut the greens instead of putting them in the jar whole. I found a few ideas online that might be useful to someone. Suddenly, you go to the market and sell such pickles, ah-ha.

In general, be creative for your health. Wow, I signed something). Thoughts haunt me, I need to stop them.

So take a curly knife and go ahead and make masterpieces. These could be flowers.

Or maybe funny funny faces.

As well as decorative petals.

Or something else, let your imagination run wild here.

Assorted cucumbers and tomatoes for a 2 liter jar - the recipe is to die for

If you want to make a two-in-one preparation, then I hasten to please you. It’s so convenient, I immediately opened the jar, and there was both. I remember when I was a child at my grandmother’s, my brother and I sat down at the table, he ate gherkins, for some reason I didn’t like them then, but I devoured tomatoes on both cheeks. In general, everything was fair, and the bank was emptied immediately.

I would like to immediately give you a little hint on all the measurements. Look at the ingredients, I have prescribed the quantities for different ratios. So that you can easily and without unnecessary calculations choose and find your option. Since, of course, for a 2-liter jar, you will need approximately 1 liter of marinade. But a three-liter one will take around 1.5 liters.

We will need:

If you have three-liter jar, then take for the marinade:

  • water - 1.5 l
  • salt and sugar - 3 tbsp each
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml


1. Wash all vegetables in running water. Cut the peeled fresh carrots into discs, as shown below here.

2. Cut off the “spouts” from the greens. They won't be needed anymore. Since they contain all the bitterness, and if they are also purchased, then nitrates.

3. Now take a two-liter jar and rinse it with baking soda in advance and sterilize it in a convenient way. But you can simply pour boiling water over the lid and leave it to float for 5 minutes.

Place horseradish leaves (washed) on the bottom of a glass container. 4 currant leaves, 2-3 sprigs of tarragon, wow, this will make the taste more concentrated. If you don't find it, don't add it. Then 4 cherry leaves and an umbrella of dill for aroma.

4. Now arrange the cucumbers; while laying, cut the garlic cloves in half. And then carrots.

By the way, fill jars with vegetables without effort.

5. Next, be sure to pierce each tomato in several places, where the stalk is, with a sharp stick. Just don't do it too deep so that the juice doesn't leak out. And start styling. Get them small or medium to fit more.

This is an important step so that the tomatoes are perfectly salted and do not burst.

6. Place an umbrella of dill on top, fill the remaining space with cucumbers, garlic and carrots. Throw in 5 allspice peas and 5 black peppercorns.

7. Fill the filled jars with boiling water. Once filled, immediately replace the lids. Wait 15 minutes.

8. Then pour the liquid into the pan and we won’t need this water. Pour in a new portion of boiling water. Leave to stand again for 15-20 minutes with the lid closed. After this time period, drain the water and measure its value; if necessary, add more boiling water to make 1 liter.

Add salt and sugar, plus bay leaf and boil this decoction. As soon as bubbles appear and the bulk ingredients dissolve, turn off the stove and pour in vinegar. Pour the hot marinade into the prepared jars with the preparations.

9. Quickly roll up the jars, or use twist lids. Turn it over to the other side and put it on in a coat or fur coat. Leave it overnight, and in the morning or 24 hours later, place it in a cool place. For example, in a closet or cellar.

10. Chic and classy, ​​each ingredient complements each other. Good luck!

Pickled cucumbers with tomatoes - recipe for 1 liter of water

Now let's move on to another old recipe. It also turns out fantastically delicious, because no fancy additives are added. Only cloves are used, and for piquancy, cinnamon and another storehouse of vitamins. In any case, this sweet and salty snack reminds everyone of the taste of childhood, and it is also low in calories.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 2 tbsp
  • cloves - 2 pcs.
  • cinnamon - a pinch
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • allspice - 3-4 pcs.
  • dill with umbrella - 3 pcs.
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp
  • garlic -3-4 cloves


1. Rinse vegetables in running water. If cucumbers have been picked a long time ago, soak them in a bowl of cold water for an hour. Then pierce each tomato at the base with a toothpick in two or three places.

Cut off the tails of the gherkins, or if they are straight, you can leave them that way. If you risk pruning, then salting will also happen faster. And if you open the jar in the spring, you don’t have to trim it. It is advisable to choose varieties with pimples; under no circumstances take edible varieties.

Rinse the jars and then sterilize them along with the lids. And start packing, put literally equal amounts of cucumbers and tomatoes in each container, you can take more or less of something, be guided by your taste.

2. So, push the vegetables into the jar, and throw in peeled cloves of garlic, cloves, bay leaves, dill umbrellas and peppercorns at random at any stage.

If you have horseradish and currant or cherry leaves, also add 2-3 of them.

3. And now, a magic trick, non-standard preparation of brine, or marinade. Immediately put the given amount of sugar and salt into the jar. And on top of that, pour some vinegar.

Boil water and fill the jars with boiling water, quickly put on the lids and screw on the key. Yes, salt and sugar will not dissolve immediately; to do this, after closing the jar, gurgle from side to side. Then put it with the lid down and put it in a fur coat. Let stand overnight until completely cooled. Voila, eat in about 3-4 months. Store in a dark place in the apartment or directly in the cellar. Enjoy!

Tomatoes and cucumbers with citric acid (the most delicious preparation)

And so we got to another wonderful preparation, a recipe I would say for centuries. Which should be in the stash of every cook or aspiring housewife. Dedicated to all healthy food lovers. In this case, canning will not take place with vinegar essence, but rather with lemon juice. It is much healthier and tastier.

We will need:

For a 3 liter jar:

  • cucumbers and tomatoes
  • head of garlic
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • horseradish and cherry leaves - a couple of pieces each
  • sugar - 3 tbsp
  • salt - 2 tbsp
  • citric acid - 1 tsp


1. Place all the greens on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Rinse it thoroughly in water and pour boiling water over it. It will be horseradish, bell pepper pieces and cherry leaves. And also garlic cloves. Then there are cucumbers and tomatoes on top.

2. Now in a 3-liter jar, put 2 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, as well as 1 level teaspoon of acid. Pour boiling water over it. It is convenient to do this using a funnel. Cover the assortment with a lid for 10 minutes. Then pour the brine into the pan and bring it to a boil.

3. Now return the marinade back to the container and roll the jar under the metal lid. Wrap your hands and a towel around the workpiece and turn it over from top to bottom. Throw on warm clothes and cool down.

Only 2 days will pass and you can safely put it in your cellar for long-term storage. Eat for your health!

In general, you know that there is another option with lemon. Yes, you heard right about this citrus fruit. Cool, really. Try it too. Watch this video and learn.

Pickled assorted vegetables - a simple recipe without sterilization

Another similar option, but it is slightly different from the previous one. But what, look at these instructions and remember. Overall a good recipe too. Take note.

We will need:

for a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes 1 kg each
  • Horseradish - a couple of sheets
  • Dill – 3 umbrellas
  • Peeled garlic - 5 cloves
    For the brine:
  • Salt - 1 heaped tbsp
  • Sugar -3 tbsp
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp
  • Allspice black pepper - 2-5 pcs.


1. Place all of the above ingredients in a clean jar, except those for the brine. Of course, wash everything thoroughly first.

2. As soon as the jar is filled with cucumbers, but without tomatoes, fill it with boiling water so that the liquid covers all the gherkins. Put the lid on and let it sit for a couple of minutes, about 10. Then drain the water into the sink.

Now add the tomatoes and also pour boiling water over them. Pour into the center of the workpiece so that the can does not burst. Cover with a lid and wait 15 minutes.

3. Next, pour the water into the pan and put it on the fire. Put 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 heaped tablespoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of citric acid, sweet peas and black peas. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. And then fill the jar with this brine and roll it under the iron lid.

4. As always, let cool completely under any unneeded items. And voila, store it in a cool place so that no one steals it and eats it before everyone else. Happy discoveries!

How to prepare a marinade for assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter? Recipe for a 3 liter jar

I think this question has already been answered more than once, but it is very popular. I’ll give you another simple option in the form of a picture that you can easily take for yourself and copy to social networks. You can also add this page to your browser bookmarks so as not to lose it.

It turns out amazingly delicious, my mouth is already running when I see this picture. Sometimes you really want to lick your fingers, as if you quickly opened the preparation and immediately ate it all with potatoes and a young onion. But no, she needs to stand and the sample can only be taken in a couple of months.

I suggest you watch the cooking process itself in this short video. Cook without hassle and unnecessary fuss, and Irina will only help you with this.

These are the winter delicacies you can finish today, dear subscribers and friends. You will agree that such an assortment will always be an excellent snack on the holiday table, or just like that with or as an addition to.

Goodbye everyone and see you very soon. I look forward to your visit. Bye!

Summer is the end. And with it go rare sunny warm days, night walks with ice cream and, of course, gardening chores. Although there are still a lot of the latter. Yes?

And even those who don’t have their own garden beds try to stock up on vitamins for the winter. Last year we told you how to make jam, and this year we are sharing a recipe for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes and milk mushrooms (bonus).

Canning cucumbers and tomatoes

  • Jar;
  • metal lid and “snail” for canning;
  • pan for sterilization;
  • tomatoes and/or cucumbers (without a single hint of staleness or rot);
  • dill and currant leaves;
  • vinegar;
  • garlic (bell pepper - optional);
  • peppercorns, salt and sugar.

We put the jar to sterilize. We already mentioned that this is likely to happen in the microwave if the jars are small (pour about a centimeter of water into the bottom and microwave at 700-800 W, 2-3 minutes). But metal lids will have to be boiled separately. The classic option is to place the jar in a pan filled with water about a third (if it is shallow). It is better to place a cloth napkin under the bottom of the jar so that the neck does not come into contact with the metal and the jar does not crack. Boil for 5 minutes. Don't forget about the lid.

While sterilization is taking place, thoroughly wash the vegetables, peel the garlic, take out the preparations, and also boil the water.

We carefully take a sterilized jar, fill it tightly with vegetables, but they should not crush each other. Throw in cloves of garlic and peppercorns by eye. Fill with boiling water completely and leave to stand for 30-40 minutes.

Drain the water from the jar back into the pan. Add dill, currant leaves, salt and sugar (for a three-liter jar about 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar, only for tomatoes - 1.5 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar). Boil for 3-5 minutes.

Return the boiling water to the jar. Pour 1 tsp into it. vinegar and roll it up like a snail. If you store the jars at home and not in the cellar, then it is advisable to sterilize the jar again before rolling by placing it (already filled) in a pan of water on the fire and boil for a couple of minutes.

After rolling, the jar should be turned over to check for tightness and reliability. Store in a cool, dark place =)

How to pickle milk mushrooms

Properly salted milk mushrooms are a decoration for the winter table. Therefore, it is very important not to miss a single detail when preparing, otherwise bitterness and disappointment await us.

Soak the milk mushrooms in water for 5 hours so that they do not become bitter later.
