How to bake thick pancakes recipe. Yeast pancakes on the water - delicious recipes for thin and thick pancakes. Thick fluffy pancakes - recipes with photos

How to cook a recipe for thick pancakes - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Thick pancakes, as well as thin or openwork pancakes, have an impressive audience of loyal admirers who prefer the lush and impressive size of the products and their soft, rich taste. Especially for them, we will offer options for delicious thick pancakes prepared on a different basis, which can be milk, whey or just water in a lean version of a dish without eggs. These pancakes can traditionally be served with sour cream, honey, jam or any other flavoring addition of your choice and taste.

Recipe for thick pancakes with milk and yeast

  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 515 g;
  • whole milk - 595 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • chicken large egg - 1 pc.;
  • live pressed yeast - 20 g;
  • table salt - 1 pinch;
  • vegetable oil without aroma - 65 ml.

We start preparing the dough for thick pancakes with dough. To do this, we dissolve live yeast in milk, preheating it to forty degrees. We also put granulated sugar and two hundred grams of sifted flour in the yeast mixture, mix so that all flour lumps dissolve and place in heat for thirty minutes.

We introduce eggs beaten with a pinch of salt to the dough that has approached, sift and add wheat flour there, pour in vegetable oil, stir thoroughly and achieve a uniform and lump-free texture with a slightly thinner density than for pancakes. We place the bowl with the dough in a warm and cozy place and let it rise twice. Once, respectively, the dough will need to be kneaded.

Now we collect the ripened dough with a ladle, pour it into a thoroughly heated and slightly oiled pan, level it and bake under the lid until a beautiful blush on both sides.

How to bake thick pancakes with whey?

  • wheat flour - 480-520 g;
  • serum - 495 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 45 g;
  • baking soda - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil without aroma - 70 ml;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

We heat the whey to a temperature of 50-55 degrees, dissolve salt and sugar sand in it and sift the flour a little into the mixture, stirring it intensively with a whisk. We achieve a homogeneous and smooth consistency of thin sour cream, and then we introduce baking soda, vegetable oil without aroma, stir again and let the dough brew for sixty minutes.

Now we oil a well-heated pan, pour the prepared whey dough with a ladle, level it along the bottom and let it bake under the lid and brown on both sides.

Delicious thick yeast pancakes on the water

  • wheat flour - 480-520 g;
  • purified water - 680 ml;
  • vanillin (optional) - 1 pinch;
  • granulated sugar - 125 g;
  • live pressed yeast - 45 g;
  • table salt - 1 pinch;
  • refined vegetable oil without aroma - 70 ml;
  • unflavored vegetable oil for greasing the pan.

In this case, we do not need dough, since we will be preparing lean yeast dough. This time, we dissolve live yeast and granulated sugar in purified water heated to forty degrees, add all the sifted wheat flour, vanillin at once and stir everything intensively with a whisk until all flour lumps are completely dissolved and density is obtained like thin sour cream. Then we also mix in odorless vegetable oil and put the bowl with the cooked dough in heat for the approach, covering it with a cloth.

When the mass has doubled at least, add some salt, stir and start baking thick pancakes. Pour the ripened yeast dough into a well-heated frying pan, level it over the entire bottom and let it brown and bake under the lid on both sides.

How to cook pancakes on kefir thick, lush? The recipe for this delicious dish is quite simple, and even a novice cook can handle it. From our article you will learn some of the secrets of preparing this delicious dessert.

Pancakes on kefir. Recipe

Thick, fluffy and hearty pancakes are loved by adults and children. They can be served at the table as an independent dish, or you can wrap delicious fillings of ham, eggs, meat and other products in them. So, we cook pancakes on kefir. The recipe is given below.

  • Thick, lush pancakes will turn out if you mix three eggs and one glass of kefir in a deep bowl.
  • After that, add a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of soda and stir until bubbles appear on the surface.
  • Sift 300 grams of white flour into a bowl and make sure your dough is as thick as sour cream.
  • Preheat a frying pan, pour a small amount of odorless vegetable oil into it and start cooking a delicious treat.

Put the finished pancakes in a pile on a dish, lubricating each with a small amount of butter.

Pancakes on kefir yeast. Recipe

Thick fluffy pancakes can be prepared for Sunday breakfast and cheer up all family members for the whole day. How to bake pancakes on kefir thick, lush? You can read the recipe below.

  • Put 70 grams of yeast in a bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a little salt and a tablespoon of dry yeast to it. Pour the products with a glass of warm kefir, mix, cover the dishes with a towel and put it in a warm place.
  • Whisk two chicken eggs with a whisk and combine them with the approached dough.
  • Add another 80 grams of flour, mix it with the remaining products and pour 100 grams of hot water into a bowl.
  • Leave the dough alone for half an hour, then mix it with three tablespoons of vegetable oil and start baking pancakes.

The finished dish is not very sweet, so serve it with homemade jam or condensed milk.

Any, even slightly sour kefir, is suitable for this dish. The finished treat looks very appetizing, and if you cut shapes out of it (for example, in the form of a heart), you can arrange a romantic breakfast in bed. How to make pancakes on kefir? Recipe:

  • Thick lush custard pancakes can be prepared by pouring one glass of boiling water into one glass of kefir in a thin stream.
  • After that, add four tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, baking powder and two chicken eggs to the mixture. Mix all products thoroughly.
  • Sift a glass of flour into a bowl and mix the ingredients again. As a result, you should get a fairly liquid dough.

Fry pancakes in a preheated pan until golden brown on both sides. After that, using a cookie cutter, cut out beautiful figures from them. Serve the dish with your favorite jam or sour cream.

This dish is perfect for a vegetarian menu, as well as for those who want to reduce the fat content of the finished product. Ready-made pancakes are tender, elastic and great for stuffing. What needs to be done to get thick, fluffy pancakes on kefir? The recipe without eggs looks like this:

  • Mix 400 ml of kefir with a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of soda and a little sugar (to taste).
  • Add 250 grams of flour to the bowl and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
  • To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan, pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the finished dough.

Fry the pancakes until cooked in a non-stick pan and serve them with hot drinks.

Pancakes with milk and kefir

Thanks to this unusual recipe, your dish will turn out tasty and tender. How to cook pancakes on kefir (recipe) thick, lush? You can see a photo and description of the dessert below.

  • Combine 500 ml of kefir with one glass of cold water and one glass of hot milk.
  • Add salt and two cups of sifted flour to the resulting liquid.
  • Mix the ingredients, and at the end pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into them and add salt to taste.
  • In a separate bowl, beat two eggs with two tablespoons of sugar and one teaspoon of salt. Combine the resulting mass with the dough.
  • Fry pancakes in a preheated pan, greased with vegetable oil.

Serve the finished dish with sour cream or condensed milk.

Pancakes on kefir and cottage cheese

What recipes do not exist in the notebooks of modern housewives! We invite you to try not quite familiar, but very tasty dessert. His recipe is quite simple:

  • Pour 200 ml of warm kefir into a suitable bowl and add 100 grams of vanilla curd mass to it.
  • Add two chicken eggs, salt to taste, a tablespoon of sugar to the products. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Sift 200 grams of flour into a cup, add soda and mix the products again.
  • At the very end, pour in 150 ml of boiling water and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cook the treat in a frying pan greased with oil.

Buckwheat pancakes on kefir

This hearty dish is made from wheat and buckwheat flour, looks very beautiful and turns out to be incredibly tasty. The recipe for making pancakes is simple, and you can see this if you read the text below:

  • Sift half a glass of wheat flour and the same amount of buckwheat into a large bowl.
  • Add to it a tablespoon of sugar, salt to taste, one and a half glasses of warm milk, two chicken yolks and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Mix all the products thoroughly, and then pour half a glass of warmed kefir and half a spoonful of soda diluted in it into them.
  • Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then carefully fold them into the batter.

Fry the pancakes in a hot pan, put them in a pile on a dish and serve.

Many housewives love to add zucchini to their dishes. Thanks to this vegetable, food becomes less high-calorie and enriched with useful fiber. How to make squash pancakes on kefir - thick, lush? The recipe can be read below.

  • Young zucchini (400 grams), peel and core. Grate it on a fine grater and squeeze out excess juice with your hands.
  • Add to it 350 ml of kefir, four eggs, 350 grams of sifted flour, soda and salt to taste.
  • Chop a small bunch of parsley and put it in a bowl with food as well.
  • Mix the prepared ingredients and let the dough rest for about half an hour.

When the specified time has passed, heat the pan and fry the pancakes on it.

We hope that you will like thick, fluffy kefir pancakes. You can choose the recipe for this beloved dessert according to your taste, then stock up on the necessary products and start cooking. Your family will definitely appreciate your efforts and will certainly ask for more.

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Thick pancakes from kefir dough - delicious and easy

Pancakes can be not only thin. The most delicious are thick pancakes on kefir or homemade sour milk. They can serve as a wonderful breakfast or lunch, they make an excellent pancake cake or an exquisite dessert. Read on and you will learn how to make wonderful pancakes in several ways.

Thick custard pancakes on kefir

Pancakes with boiling water according to this recipe are very tender, with numerous holes. The preparation is simple and quick, so you can easily bake such pancakes for breakfast for family and friends.

  • kefir - 2 cups;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 2 cups;

Eggs Kefir Sugar

  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Cooking:

    Pancakes on kefir with yeast

    Pancakes with yeast are especially fluffy, because they rise very well when baking. Before starting the dough, you need to put a dough to revive the yeast. This, of course, takes some time, but the effort expended will certainly be crowned with an excellent result that will please everyone without exception.

    • kefir (any fat content) - 1 cup;
    • granulated sugar - 3 tsp;
    • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

    Flour Yeast Salt

  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • table salt - 1 pinch;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.
  • Pancakes on kefir with semolina

    You can cook thick pancakes on kefir with semolina. This dish is incredibly filling and delicious. Pancakes are porous with a delicate texture. Such a recipe does not take much time to prepare, and the ingredients used in it are very simple and affordable.

    • flour - 60 g;
    • semolina - 30 g;
    • baking soda - 3 g;
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
    • kefir - 250 ml;

    Semolina soda Vegetable oil

  • sunflower oil - 30 g;
  • table salt - 2 g;
  • granulated sugar - 5 g;
  • warm water.
    1. Pour warm yogurt into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar with salt, semolina and baking soda. You can also bake such thick pancakes with baking powder, replacing soda with it.
    2. Add the beaten egg, mix everything well.
    3. We introduce wheat flour in portions into the liquid base, constantly kneading with a whisk.
    4. We introduce warm boiled water into the dough with a stream. Do not pour all the water at once, so that the dough does not become too liquid.
    5. At the end, add vegetable oil to make pancakes tastier.
    6. To avoid the formation of lumps, mix the dough well with a mixer.
    7. Since it contains semolina, you need to leave the dough alone for 15 minutes so that the cereal can swell well and be completely cooked during baking.
    8. We fry pancakes with semolina in a special pancake pan, greased with vegetable oil. If there is none, then ordinary cast iron will do.
    9. We cook pancakes on low heat, frying each to a pleasant blush. Turn the pancake over when the dough thickens and stops being liquid, and the edges are a little golden.
    10. These pancakes can be served simply with sour cream or honey. And you can, having prepared a delicious filling of mushrooms, meat or liver, wind stuffed pancakes.

    Thick pancakes on kefir with filling

    To bake thick pancakes with filling means to heartily feed relatives. Such pancakes always diverge with a bang. This recipe is different in that the filling will be sort of sealed inside. The dish looks unusual and very impressive, and in shape it resembles a cheburek.

    • Chinese cabbage - 0.5 fork;
    • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • ham - 150 g;

    Ham Chinese cabbage

    Thick pancakes on kefir with milk

    This is a recipe for hearty delicious pancakes, because high-fat products are used. Such thick pancakes in milk are delicious served with caviar or red fish. We advise you to cook such thick pancakes in milk for Maslenitsa and treat them to your guests.

    We stack the pancakes in a pile and, while they are hot, brush with a piece of butter.

    Pancakes on kefir with salt

    Pancakes with salt are a separate issue. Pripek makes the dish hearty and full, replacing the filling. And it can be very different: mushrooms, meat, apples, sausage, cheese, etc. This recipe involves cooking pancakes with lard and onions.

    • wheat flour - 450 g;
    • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • butter - 100 g;
    • kefir - 750 ml;
    • salt - to taste;
    • fresh pork fat - 200 g;
    1. Pour the melted butter into a bowl. Let it cool down a bit.
    2. In a separate bowl, break the egg, shake it.
    3. Mix the egg mixture with butter.
    4. Add flour, salt, sugar, mix everything until the sugar crystals dissolve.
    5. Now we introduce kefir, stirring and bringing the dough to the density of sour cream. Make sure no lumps float.
    6. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave for 20 minutes for the gluten to swell. Then the pancakes will not tear and remain elastic.
    7. In the meantime, we are preparing the pie. We clean, finely chop the onion into half rings or quarters.
    8. Cut bacon or lard into small cubes.
    9. We spread the fat in a cold pan, put on medium heat.
    10. The fat should be well rendered, reddened, make sure that it does not burn.
    11. We throw back the cracklings in a colander, decanting excess fat.
    12. Pour a couple of tablespoons of pork fat into the pan. When it's hot, add the onion.
    13. We fry the onion for about 10 minutes. All this time, you need to stir it periodically, watching it so that it does not burn.
    14. We spread the ruddy onion on cracklings, add salt to taste, mix.
    15. Lubricate the pan with melted fat, spread 2 tsp. bacon with onions
    16. Top with a portion of pancake dough, fry pancakes, as usual, on both sides until golden brown.

    Using this selection of recipes for thick fluffy pancakes, you can delight your household with tasty treats every day. Such pancakes will be a great alternative to the long-familiar thin ones. Bon appetit everyone!

    Lush thick pancakes made of air dough, hot and fragrant on your table, will surely bring together the whole family, and at the same time guests. What could be better for breakfast than freshly baked pancakes? What could be more beautiful than butter melting on their hot sides, sweet jam with berries or amber honey, airy snow-white sour cream, or maybe even condensed milk or chocolate in the company of lush fried pancakes. Forgive me people who are fasting or dieting, but there can be nothing better for breakfast, despite the high calorie content.

    We can cook or, but I don’t advise you to refuse thick lush pancakes either.

    When, if not in the week of Shrovetide, it is worth trying them. In my family, for example, there is a tradition of having a pancake marathon for the entire Shrovetide week with a big feast at the end. This is not very useful for the figure, but this is a real family holiday. We always get together and eat fresh pancakes, it can be breakfast or even dinner, but always together. Tradition.

    But on any other day, thick pancakes are a real belly feast!

    Fluffy pancakes with dry yeast and milk

    Thick pancakes have their undeniable advantages, you can get enough of 1-2 pieces. They are very satisfying and tasty, there are not as many of them as thin pancakes, which means that it will take less time to cook them. But at the same time, the family is fed and happy. If desired, you can wrap the filling in thick pancakes, but thin ones are still more convenient. With lush pancakes, it is better to use those fillings that are placed on top or added immediately to the dough. I will tell you how to cook thick pancakes, but at the same time fluffy and even with holes.

    You will need:

    • milk - 1 liter,
    • flour - from 2 glasses,
    • egg - 1 piece,
    • dry yeast - 1 sachet,
    • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
    • salt - 0.3 teaspoon,
    • vegetable oil for frying.


    1. In order to cook yeast pancakes, of course, first of all, you need to start dissolving the yeast. In our case, the yeast is dry packaged, which means it will take some time to dissolve and start playing. It is better to wait, but end up with airy pancakes. Pour about half a glass of milk into a bowl or mug and heat it slightly, pour dry yeast into it and stir. Now set aside in a warm place to dissolve the yeast. At least for five minutes.

    2. Heat the rest of the milk in a saucepan. You can put it on the stove until it reaches a temperature of 36-38 degrees. Hot and even more so boil milk is not worth it. Pour the prepared milk with yeast into the milk heated in this way. Pour in the sugar and salt.

    3. Now sift the flour into the same pan. It is best to add it gradually, because it is difficult to tell the exact amount of flour in advance. The quality of the flour and the type of wheat determine how thick the dough is obtained from it. Sifted about one glass, mix with a spoon or mixer on the lowest speed and look for a batter or thick. The result should be a dough in consistency resembling a slightly watery sour cream, not the one in which the spoon stands, but the one that drains.

    4. Break one egg into the stirred dough and mix a little more so that it completely disappears in it. Now the dough needs to be put in a warm place so that it rises.

    5. In order for the dough to rise, heat is needed. In the cold season, I put a pan with a dough, covered with a lid, next to the battery or even on it. And when the heat and heating are not working, I briefly turn on the oven at the lowest temperature, literally for a few minutes, so that it just starts to heat up. The inside of the oven should be comfortably warm if you put your hand in it, no heat, we are not going to bake our dough into a pie. Literally in 15-30 minutes, depending on the temperature and the quality of the yeast, our dough will rise, possibly doubling.

    6. Now is the time to bake thick pancakes. DO NOT stir the dough, otherwise it will fall off and all the airy effect will be lost. It is in this form that it must be poured into a pan and fried. Take a large ladle for this, because the pancakes will be large.

    Do not forget to add vegetable oil to the pan, because we did not add it to the dough and pancakes can burn. It is very convenient if you have two suitable frying pans, the main thing is that the temperature of the burners is the same. Pancakes are baked on medium heat.

    7. As soon as the first side of the pancake becomes a little matte and distinctly thickens, that is, not raw and not liquid, and a blush appears around the edges, then it's time to turn our lush thick pancake over. Take a large, handy spatula and carefully turn it over. If the pancake is torn, then it may not be baked yet. A baked pancake will not tear, because it is quite dense and elastic.

    By the first pancakes, you can judge whether the temperature at the burner is correct, if it is too hot, then the pancakes will turn black on the outside, but they will not have time to bake inside. Turn off the fire if you see this. If the pancake is golden and dense, then everything is fine.

    Stack ready pancakes. you can put a piece of butter on each pancake and it will melt and be absorbed on it. The taste of this pancakes will turn out simply amazing!

    According to this recipe, pancakes are thick, fluffy, delicious, like a grandmother in the village. Real Russian pancakes.

    Eat for health and pleasure!

    Recipe for thick porous pancakes on kefir

    Kefir is great for baking fluffy thick pancakes. Earlier, I already talked about how to bake very plump air pancakes using kefir. Now I will tell you how to make pancakes from kefir, large, thick and with holes. Yes, with holes there can be not only thin pancakes, but also solid and plump ones.

    By the way, I recommend baking thick pancakes smaller in diameter, it is more convenient, because one such pancake is very satisfying, and if it is also huge, you won’t eat many of them. Yes, and medium-sized thick pancakes look better than large ones.

    For such pancakes, it is good to use a small frying pan or pour less dough onto a large one so that the pancake lies in the middle and does not reach to the edges. A good thick dough will not let it spread, the main thing is to regulate its volume, for example, with a suitable ladle.

    You will need:

    • kefir - 500 ml,
    • flour - 2 cups (approximately depends on the density of the dough),
    • egg - 1 piece,
    • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
    • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
    • boiling water - 250-300 ml,
    • soda - 2/3 teaspoon,
    • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.


    1. Traditionally, we start with an egg, which is mixed with sugar and salt to a light foam. It is not necessary to beat strongly, we do not bake biscuits.

    2. Add kefir to the egg, stir everything well, and then set this mixture to heat up. To do this, do not forget to pour into a suitable dish, ladle or saucepan, if initially kneaded in a plate. You need to heat up quite a bit, up to 50 degrees no more, it should not boil. Should be slightly hot.

    3. Now stir the heated kefir mixture with two glasses of flour. The dough should be very thick, thicker than for pancakes. I will explain why, this is not yet the final version, but only a blank. We will also add boiling water, which will significantly dilute the dough. Therefore, feel free to stir the thick dough and do not be afraid.

    4. Boil a kettle of water. Pour baking soda into a mug, and then pour boiling water there, the soda will foam and hiss. Stir it with a spoon so that it dissolves completely.

    5. Feel free to pour boiling water into our dough and immediately stir it well. Don't worry, the dough won't cook, it will cook and become even better than before. And soda in water and kefir in the dough will begin their chemical game and will release bubbles.

    6. In order for our pancakes to turn out really thick, the dough should turn out thick, like condensed milk. If you are not sure about the result, then pour the water gradually, stir and add more if necessary. Add a little more liquid in the face of vegetable oil, just one tablespoon. This is necessary in order for the pancakes to lag better when frying. Stir the oil well.

    7. Preheat a frying pan, cast iron is best because it has a thick bottom and the heat is evenly distributed. When it's hot, turn the heat down to medium. You can start baking pancakes. Scoop up the dough with a large ladle and pour it into the middle of the pan. Help spread a little to the desired size and bake. You will immediately see how the holes appear.

    8. Flip to the other side as it browns and bake a little more. The other side should also brown. After that, you can remove the finished thick pancake.

    9. Place each finished pancake on its hot counterpart and spread butter on top. It will just be a meal. As soon as the dough is over, you can call everyone to the table.

    How to cook pancakes on kefir thick, lush? The recipe for this delicious dish is quite simple, and even a novice cook can handle it. From our article you will learn some of the secrets of preparing this delicious dessert.

    Pancakes on kefir. Recipe

    Thick, fluffy and hearty pancakes are loved by adults and children. They can be served at the table as an independent dish, or you can wrap delicious fillings of ham, eggs, meat and other products in them. So, we are preparing the following.

    • Thick, lush pancakes will turn out if you mix three eggs and one glass of kefir in a deep bowl.
    • After that, add a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of soda and stir until bubbles appear on the surface.
    • Sift 300 grams of white flour into a bowl and make sure your dough is as thick as sour cream.
    • Preheat a frying pan, pour a small amount of odorless vegetable oil into it and start cooking a delicious treat.

    Put the finished pancakes in a pile on a dish, lubricating each with a small amount of butter.

    Pancakes on kefir yeast. Recipe

    Thick fluffy pancakes can be prepared for Sunday breakfast and cheer up all family members for the whole day. How to bake pancakes on kefir thick, lush? You can read the recipe below.

    • Put 70 grams of yeast in a bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a little salt and a tablespoon of dry yeast to it. Pour the products with a glass of warm kefir, mix, cover the dishes with a towel and put it in a warm place.
    • Whisk two chicken eggs with a whisk and combine them with the approached dough.
    • Add another 80 grams of flour, mix it with the remaining products and pour 100 grams of hot water into a bowl.
    • Leave the dough alone for half an hour, then mix it with three tablespoons of vegetable oil and start baking pancakes.

    The finished dish is not very sweet, so serve it with homemade jam or condensed milk.

    Custard pancakes

    Any, even slightly sour kefir, is suitable for this dish. The finished treat looks very appetizing, and if you cut shapes out of it (for example, in the shape of a heart), you can arrange a romantic one. How to make pancakes on kefir? Recipe:

    • Thick lush can be prepared by pouring one glass of boiling water into one glass of kefir in a thin stream.
    • After that, add four tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, baking powder and two chicken eggs to the mixture. Mix all products thoroughly.
    • Sift a glass of flour into a bowl and mix the ingredients again. As a result, you should get a fairly liquid dough.

    Fry pancakes in a preheated pan until golden brown on both sides. After that, using a cookie cutter, cut out beautiful figures from them. Serve the dish with your favorite jam or sour cream.

    Pancakes without eggs

    This dish is perfect for a vegetarian menu, as well as for those who want to reduce the fat content of the finished product. Ready-made pancakes are tender, elastic and great for stuffing. What needs to be done to get thick, curvy? The recipe without eggs looks like this:

    • Mix 400 ml of kefir with a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of soda and a little sugar (to taste).
    • Add 250 grams of flour to the bowl and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
    • To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan, pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the finished dough.

    Fry the pancakes until cooked in a non-stick pan and serve them with hot drinks.

    Pancakes with milk and kefir

    Thanks to this unusual recipe, your dish will turn out tasty and tender. on kefir (recipe) thick, lush? You can see a photo and description of the dessert below.

    • Combine 500 ml of kefir with one glass of cold water and one glass of hot milk.
    • Add salt and two cups of sifted flour to the resulting liquid.
    • Mix the ingredients, and at the end pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into them and add salt to taste.
    • In a separate bowl, beat two eggs with two tablespoons of sugar and one teaspoon of salt. Combine the resulting mass with the dough.
    • Fry pancakes in a preheated pan, greased with vegetable oil.

    Serve the finished dish with sour cream or condensed milk.

    Pancakes on kefir and cottage cheese

    What recipes do not exist in the notebooks of modern housewives! We invite you to try not quite familiar, but very tasty dessert. His recipe is quite simple:

    • Pour 200 ml of warm kefir into a suitable bowl and add 100 grams of vanilla curd mass to it.
    • Add two chicken eggs, salt to taste, a tablespoon of sugar to the products. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
    • Sift 200 grams of flour into a cup, add soda and mix the products again.
    • At the very end, pour in 150 ml of boiling water and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Cook the treat in a frying pan greased with oil.

    on kefir

    This hearty dish is made from wheat and buckwheat flour, looks very beautiful and turns out to be incredibly tasty. The recipe for making pancakes is simple, and you can see this if you read the text below:

    • Sift half a glass of wheat flour and the same amount of buckwheat into a large bowl.
    • Add to it a tablespoon of sugar, salt to taste, one and a half glasses of warm milk, two chicken yolks and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    • Mix all the products thoroughly, and then pour half a glass of warmed kefir and half a spoonful of soda diluted in it into them.
    • Whisk the egg whites until stiff and then carefully fold them into the batter.

    Fry the pancakes in a hot pan, put them in a pile on a dish and serve.

    Pancakes from zucchini

    Many housewives love to add zucchini to their dishes. Thanks to this vegetable, food becomes less high-calorie and enriched with useful fiber. How to make squash pancakes on kefir - thick, fluffy? The recipe can be read below.

    • Young zucchini (400 grams), peel and core. Grate it on a fine grater and squeeze out excess juice with your hands.
    • Add to it 350 ml of kefir, four eggs, 350 grams of sifted flour, soda and salt to taste.
    • Chop a small bunch of parsley and put it in a bowl with food as well.
    • Mix the prepared ingredients and let the dough rest for about half an hour.

    When the specified time has passed, heat the pan and fry the pancakes on it.


    We hope that you will like thick, fluffy kefir pancakes. You can choose the recipe for this beloved dessert according to your taste, then stock up on the necessary products and start cooking. Your family will definitely appreciate your efforts and will certainly ask for more.

    With the onset of cold weather, you increasingly want something solid, satisfying. For example, pancakes. You can make thin, lacy ones, but if you show patience, you can cook real thick and lush pancakes with yeast - fragrant, unimaginably appetizing. They are also called sour. Delicious pancakes can be cooked with any ingredients, but the main ones, of course, are flour and yeast. So, let's begin.

    Thick pancakes with yeast - a recipe for milk, or a recipe for cooking in a sponge way

    Thick and fluffy pancakes are obtained when the dough has passed all the stages of fermentation, filled with air, became porous and light. Just let the pancakes stand well, sour, and there is the main secret of successful pancakes. In addition, yeast pancakes in milk are well obtained from a fairly thick dough. Therefore, do not worry that according to the recipe below, you will get a thick mass.

    The calculation is made for a large portion of pancakes, but if you need a smaller number of pancakes, just halve the amount of food.

    Let's cook:

    • 0.6 kg of flour (ordinary flour is suitable, but excellent products are also obtained from buckwheat);
    • a couple of eggs;
    • 40 g of granulated sugar;
    • 1 liter of milk;
    • 50 g melted butter or melted butter;
    • salt - 15 g;
    • yeast (if dry, then you need 15 g, if fresh pressed, 40 g).


    1. To dissolve the yeast - to do this, take a glass of milk (from a common measure), heat it to a slightly warm state, add yeast and leave it to swell for ten minutes.
    2. The rest of the milk is also a little warm, literally a little warmer than body temperature. Add sugar and salt, stir and add yeast dissolved in milk.
    3. Whisk in the eggs and gently fold in the flour.
    4. The final touch is to pour oil into the dough. Stir.
    5. Leave everything to rise. Like any yeast dough, it needs to rise three times to be saturated with carbon dioxide. Therefore, periodically the dough needs to be kneaded when it begins to rise. Usually in a warm place, the entire climb takes about three hours or a little more.
    6. Pancakes are baked in a frying pan well heated and greased with vegetable oil on both sides.

    Important: do not overdo it with yeast! With an increase in their rate, the dough will rise faster, but the pancakes will acquire an excessively yeasty taste and smell. It is better to wait for a natural rise. If you want yeast filled pancakes, then bake thinner from the dough recipe above. If you want thick and fluffy pancakes, then slightly increase the amount of flour.

    Yeast pancakes on the water

    Sometimes there is no milk in the house. This means that you need to make pancakes with yeast and water. By the way, some people do not like to bake yeast pancakes in milk; they deliberately do not add it to the dough. On the water, the dish under discussion turns out to be a little “rubber”, it does not tear well, and this has its own taste and charm.

    For this recipe you need to cook:

    • a couple of eggs;
    • a glass of flour (two hundred grams);
    • 10 g of pressed yeast;
    • half a liter of water and oil for frying;
    • add sugar and salt to taste.


    1. Beat eggs until even.
    2. Dissolve yeast in a small amount of warm water.
    3. Add eggs and yeast to the rest of the liquid.
    4. Pour in salt and sugar.
    5. Sift the flour and mix thoroughly so that the dough does not have lumps.
    6. Cover the pan with the dough with a lid or towel and leave for an hour to rise.
    7. As the dough begins to rise, knead, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix.
    8. Wait to get up again. After that, you can bake thick and porous pancakes on the water.

    Lean recipe without adding eggs

    This recipe is good because it does not contain animal products, which means that it can be used on fasting days. Pancakes are thick, porous, quite tasty. True, there are them, like most products, you need to immediately.


    1. we take a minimum of products - a couple of glasses of flour, 40 ml of water, salt and sugar to taste, yeast 20 grams;
    2. we prepare a dough, for which we pour a glass from the total volume of water, heat it up a little and dilute yeast in it, a little sugar (about a tablespoon) and a little flour;
    3. We leave the resulting dough for fifteen minutes until air bubbles appear on the surface of the dough. Soon the surface will be covered with a cap of bubbles. This means that live yeast is running, you can continue to cook lean dough;
    4. slightly warm the rest of the water, add the brew there, then a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, stir;
    5. add a couple of tbsp to the dough. tablespoons of vegetable oil and leave in a saucepan under a towel to rise. If the room is warm after an hour, the dough should rise repeatedly. Each time we crush it to saturate it with oxygen and continue fermentation;
    6. finally, we take the dough with a ladle and carefully pour it into a hot and oiled frying pan. We bake pancakes on both sides, avoiding overdrying.

    Lubricate ready-made lean pancakes with fragrant vegetable oil or jam. Delicious pancakes on the water and without eggs are ready!

    Lush pancakes with sour milk or curdled milk

    Pancakes are baked from the same yeast dough as always, the difference is in the presence of a fermented milk product. It can be sour cream, and fermented milk, and ordinary yogurt. Thanks to them, pancakes are more porous and airy.

    To make just such a treat, prepare:

    • half a kilo of flour;
    • granulated sugar 70 g;
    • 700 g of sour milk or curdled milk;
    • 30 g of pressed yeast;
    • three medium-sized eggs;
    • salt - to taste;
    • clarified sunflower oil for frying, and 50 g of butter - in the dough.

    We do this:

    1. Add yeast diluted in a small amount of water to warmed milk. Wait for the milk to froth.
    2. Beat the egg and sugar, but not too hard.
    3. Add a mixture of diluted yeast to the eggs, salt, mix well.
    4. Pour the flour according to the recipe, mix until the dough is smooth.
    5. Let rise well, kneading the dough a couple of times.
    6. Bake pancakes in a pan greased with any fat.

    Fold the finished pancakes in a pile, after brushing each with melted butter or ghee.

    A quick recipe for kefir and dry yeast

    Yeast pancakes on kefir are prepared quickly and quite simply. In principle, this is a variation of the previous recipe, but kefir is taken instead of sour milk.


    1. A couple of eggs are stirred in a container with kefir.
    2. Salt is added to the mixture to taste, a couple of teaspoons of sugar, a couple of tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar.
    3. Dry yeast (1 teaspoon), water (about two-thirds of a glass) and vegetable oil are also poured there.
    4. Next, it remains to add flour - it will take a little more than a glass to make a medium-thick dough.
    5. Leave it to rise for forty minutes or an hour.
    6. After the dough has risen, you can start baking pancakes.

    Yeast pancakes with semolina

    Pancakes come out very beautiful, satisfying, interesting. How do we cook? Very simple - like regular yeast, only with the addition of semolina.

    We take:

    • a glass of flour;
    • one and a half glasses of semolina;
    • 150 g of water and 500 g of milk;
    • a couple of fresh eggs;
    • three st. spoons of sugar;
    • vegetable oil in the dough will need 3 tbsp. spoons, in addition, prepare a little for baking pancakes;
    • salt a small spoon and the same amount of dry yeast.

    From this calculation of products, a pretty decent stack of pancakes comes out, which you can feed a large company. If you need less volume, cut proportionately.

    1. Sift flour and mix with semolina.
    2. We prepare a dough from a small amount of milk, sugar and yeast.
    3. As soon as the dough foams, we drive eggs into it, mix with a fork or whisk.
    4. Add vegetable oil to the liquid, then add salt and flour. At the last moment, add warmed milk or water and mix well again.
    5. Let's go up, crush and immediately bake from the finished yeast dough.

    Yeast on a bottle

    This is not a recipe, but rather, the original form of working with dough. Any dough from the above methods is suitable for it. Choose any recipe - kefir or sour cream. The bottom line is that the dough is prepared in a plastic bottle and bottled from it. It's handy when baking.

    You will need a bottle with a capacity of one and a half or better two liters. First, the dry components of pancakes (flour, dry yeast, salt and sugar) are gradually introduced into it, and then liquid ones are added - eggs, milk, kefir or water. For convenience, it is better to use a funnel with a wide neck. After adding the liquid, shake the bottle thoroughly and for quite a long time to obtain maximum uniformity. Having prepared the dough, the bottle is opened and kept in this form until the approach. Next, they begin the baking process, pouring the desired portion onto a hot oiled frying pan. This method is convenient because you can store leftover dough in the bottle for some more time.

    Shrovetide week continues. Today I baked thick pancakes on kefir according to my mother's traditional recipe. Traditional, because, as far as I can remember, my mother bakes only these pancakes. If I bake a stack of thin pancakes in about an hour, for the same stack, but from 5-6 pancakes, my mother spends less than half an hour! That's the beauty of it ;-). Such pancakes can be baked with sour milk, curdled milk, fermented baked milk or kefir.

    Thick pancakes on kefir - recipe with photo

    For pancake dough on kefir you will need


    • 0.5 l of kefir,
    • 3 eggs,
    • ½ teaspoon salt
    • 3 tablespoons of sugar
    • ½ teaspoon soda
    • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil
    • 2.5 cups of sifted flour (without a slide).

    Cooking process:

    Using a mixer or whisk, all ingredients are mixed, except for flour. Gradually, half a glass is added flour. You should get a dough of medium density, a little thinner than for pancakes.

    Lubricate a well-heated pan with what you are used to lubricating. Someone greases with sunflower oil, I grease a pan for baking pancakes with a piece of lard. For this thick pancake recipe A medium sized frying pan will do. So pancakes will be convenient to remove. I have a frying pan with a diameter of 22 cm. So, we begin to bake our pancakes. Dough is poured into the center of the pan and spread evenly over the surface. The thickness of the dough is approximately 5 mm. The first side of the pancake is baked under the lid.

    When a windy crust forms on the upper surface of the pancake (i.e. the dough stops being liquid) - it's time to turn the pancake over.

    This can be done with a spatula or quickly turn the pancake over with your hands.

    The second side is baked without a lid until golden brown.

    The finished pancake is laid out on a plate and poured with melted butter.

    From this amount of dough, 6 thick pancakes are obtained. The top of each pancake is sprinkled with sugar. Here is a photo of my stack of thick pancakes, which is baked in almost half an hour.

    My baking was not without experiment! I made a few pancakes in the slow cooker! I will cover this in the following recipe: "

    I baked my mother's thick pancakes again, only this time sweet snow went into the recipe,

    but, as I said, you can use yogurt, sour milk or fermented baked milk to make pancakes.

    my photo report

    Yeast pancakes with unleavened milk or kefir take much longer to cook due to the fact that the dough has to distance there. That's the whole point of mom's quick sour pancakes.

    Anyuta's notebook wishes you delicious pancakes!
