How to cook balychok from chicken fillet. Balyk from chicken breast at home. How to choose the right ingredients

Today we will learn how to cook chicken fillet balyk at home. This savory cured meat is much tastier than store-bought. Yes, and you can be completely sure of its quality. The main thing is to choose a fresh fillet, since it will not be subjected to heat treatment.

Delicious chicken appetizer

According to this recipe, chicken balyk turns out to be fragrant and tender, and sandwiches with it have not left anyone indifferent. You can add any spices to the recipe, and the jerky will sparkle with new flavor notes.


  • 2 pcs. chicken fillet;
  • 250 g of table salt;
  • 3-4 leaves of laurel;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • 1 st. l. ground black pepper;
  • ½ tsp minced ginger root.


Spicy and fragrant balyk

And now let's cook a spicy chicken breast balyk at home, which will be the perfect appetizer for any holiday menu. In general, the process of curing meat according to this recipe takes four days, but in order to get a more saturated and fragrant salmon, you should wait a week.


  • 1 kg chicken fillet;
  • 3 art. l. table salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 10 garlic cloves;
  • 30 g ground paprika;
  • 2 tbsp. l. brandy or cognac;
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 1 tsp hot red pepper.


Dried breast is a real delicacy!

We offer another option for drying delicious chicken salmon at home. We will not regret the spices and add spicy and fragrant notes to our dish. And soy sauce will give the salmon not only a piquant taste, but also a beautiful shade.


  • 1.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • 3 art. l. coarse sea salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. adjika;
  • ½ st. l. saffron
  • ½ st. l. dried paprika;
  • 1 st. l. seasoning sumac;
  • 1 tsp seasoning mixes for chicken meat;
  • 1.5 st. l. cognac;
  • 1.5 st. l. soy sauce.


  1. We only need large pieces of chicken fillet. Carefully cut off the film from them, then rinse and dry.
  2. Mix sea salt with sumac seasoning and saffron. Add soy sauce, adjika and cognac. Stir and coat the chicken in the mixture on all sides.
  3. Put the breasts in a deep container, cover with a plate, and put any load on top.
  4. Keep the chicken meat in the refrigerator for a day. Attention: every 5-6 hours the fillet must be turned over.
  5. At the end of the day, the meat is washed and dried.
  6. Seasonings for chicken combine with paprika.
  7. Rub the mixture of spices into the breasts. If desired, you can add garlic cloves squeezed through a press and other spices.
  8. We leave the chicken fillet for 30 minutes so that the spices, as they say, dry to it.
  9. Now we need to separately wrap each piece of meat with clean gauze.
  10. We hang the meat in a cool room that is well ventilated, and wait five to six days.
  11. Ready balyk to the touch should be dense.

A dish of Belarusian cuisine with the mysterious name polendvitsa is the same balyk, only it takes much longer to cook. So, the whole process will take you 3-4 weeks, but believe me - the result is worth it. Try it and you will definitely become a fan of this dish.


  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • 1.5 liters of purified water;
  • ¼ st. table salt;
  • 2-3 leaves of laurel;
  • 3 pcs. dried cloves;
  • 0.5 tsp dill seeds;
  • 0.5 tsp mustard seeds;
  • 2 tsp horseradish;
  • 25 g dried parsley;
  • 25 g dried dill;
  • 0.5 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves.


  1. Rinse and dry the chicken meat.
  2. Let's prepare the brine: pour the specified amount of purified water into a deep saucepan, add bay leaves, table salt, cloves, mustard seeds and dill.
  3. Mix and boil the brine.
  4. Then cool it, put the chicken breasts in a saucepan and cover with a lid.
  5. Let's leave the meat for 6-7 days in a well-ventilated place, preferably on the balcony.
  6. After the specified period, we take out the breasts and wipe them with a kitchen paper towel.
  7. Peel the garlic cloves and finely rub. We combine them with granulated sugar, dried dill and parsley, horseradish.
  8. With the resulting mixture, rub the breasts on all sides and wrap them with parchment paper.
  9. Leave the meat overnight at room temperature.
  10. Then we put the salmon in a colander, without removing the parchment, and press it with a load. We are waiting for another day.
  11. During this time, all the juice will flow out of the breasts. Now we need to wrap them with gauze, making at least five layers.
  12. We bandage the meat and hang it in a dry room.
  13. We dry the breasts for two weeks.

For a festive table, balyk does not have to be bought in a store - it can be made at home. Although be sure: the family will like such meat so much that you will cook it on weekdays. It is good to put a piece of homemade balyk on a sandwich at breakfast or eat it with a vegetable salad at dinner - in general, such a product will certainly not lie in the refrigerator.


  • chicken fillet - 2 pcs.
  • sweet paprika - 1 tablespoon
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • peppercorns - 1 teaspoon
  • seasoning for salting lard, fish, meat - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 250 g
  • vodka - 1/4 cup
  • balm - 1/4 cup


1. Alcohol in this recipe is a mandatory component. It acts as a disinfectant, so if there is no vodka, pour in cognac, rum or any other alcohol. Don't worry, the salmon will not smell like them.

Tip: be sure to buy fillets for homemade salmon from trusted sellers.

Rinse the chilled chicken fillet and let it dry. In a deep bowl (it is better to take a glass or plastic one), mix the seasonings with salt.

2. Break the bay leaf first, knead the black peppercorns a little with a rolling pin or pestle - they will become more fragrant. If you are planning to cook homemade balyk for the first time, use our recipe and put the indicated spices, they are universal, so, most likely, absolutely everyone will like it. And already with subsequent cooking, you can start experimenting with seasonings, adding your favorites.

Pour alcohol into a bowl, mix.

3. Dip the fillet into the marinade and rub it thoroughly.

4. Gently place the meat in the odorous mixture and leave it in it for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Pre-close the bowl with a lid, foil or wrap with cling film. The bottom line is to minimize the ingress of air inside.

After a day, we take out the meat, rinse thoroughly under running water. The fillet should already be firm.

5. Then we tightly twist it into a clean gauze or cotton cloth, put it in a dry plate and put it in the refrigerator again for 24 hours.

6. After 2 days, you have tasty, fragrant, soft meat, which is no different from the purchased one.

Note to the owner

1. For the preparation of balyk, the least suitable is the chicken fillet, which, albeit for a short time, was frozen. Chilled is an acceptable option, fresh, steamed is the best.

2. Many markets have specialized spice pavilions, and they often sell freshly plucked, still soft and elastic bay leaves. When marinating chicken according to the above recipe, it is recommended to use just this one - the aroma will turn out amazing.

3. Kneading allspice, the hostess experiences difficulties: the peas are very naughty, they scatter around the kitchen and jump out even from a deep mortar. They should simply be covered with a linen napkin and then crushed, then they will not slip out.

4. Before putting pickled meat on the shelf of the refrigerator, it is advisable to check if there are any strong and sharp-smelling dishes or products nearby, such as herring in an open container, grated radish, etc. Balyk, which has absorbed a foreign smell, is unattractive.

5. An original pilaf based on bulgur or rice is made with finely chopped chicken balyk, only a little less seasoning is put into it than prescribed by the classic recipe.

6. If it is possible, after washing the meat, not to put it flat in the refrigerator, but to hang it between the shelves, it will be great: the substances absorbed by it from the marinade will be more evenly distributed over the fillet.

This recipe for dried chicken breast will allow you to cook the most delicious meat, reminiscent of fish balyk. Therefore, this dish is often called "chicken fillet salmon". Cognac and salt, which are used in the cooking process, are preservatives that kill bacteria dangerous to humans in meat. Paprika gives both a great taste and a nice pink color. The dish is perfect for a festive table, and it will decorate an everyday table. Dried chicken breast is in perfect harmony with bread and butter. It is very tasty and worthy of your attention.


To prepare chicken balyk, we need:
500 g chicken breast;
250 g of sea salt or 200 g of regular salt;
50 g of cognac;
pepper, paprika, favorite spices.

Cooking steps

Wash the brisket and dry it with a towel, roll in spices. You can take absolutely any spices, I used only salt, pepper and paprika. It is good to roll the brisket in salt and pour everything with cognac. Place the brisket in a bowl, cover it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. You should not keep chicken meat in saline for more than the specified time.

After 10-12 hours (depending on the desired degree of salting of the breast), remove the meat, rinse from spices and dry with a towel.

Wrap the chicken breast in cheesecloth and refrigerate for at least a day.

If you want the chicken breast to dry better, you can keep it in the refrigerator a little longer. I liked the resulting chicken fillet balyk most of all on day 4, but this is a matter of taste.

Enjoy your meal!

  • chicken breast - 1 piece (700-800 g);
  • coarse kitchen salt - 1 tablespoon (with top);
  • a mixture of peppers - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground bay leaf - 1/3 teaspoon.
  • Preparation time: 00:40
  • Time for preparing: 48:00
  • Servings: 4
  • Complexity: light


Chicken balychok is prepared very simply and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. So this self-made dried delicacy will help you out in the situation of unexpected guests. We offer to try the method of drying in room conditions

  1. Separate the breast into two halves, wash well and cut off all excess pieces, veins, fat. Trim on all sides, the result should be two perfectly even fillets.
  2. Pour salt and ground bay leaf into the bowl. Add a mixture of peppers, this seasoning is sold ready-made, it includes black, white and red ground peppers. Thoroughly mix all the spices together.
  3. Pour ½ tablespoon of the prepared spice mixture into a bowl. Thoroughly dip one fillet in it on all sides. Transfer it to a plastic container or an enamel bowl. Do the same with the other half of the breast.

    Note! It is necessary to lay the fillet in the container with the denser side down (which is with the film), the soft and tender meat side should be on top.

  4. With the remaining mixture of spices, rub the fillet on top and distribute evenly over the meat pieces with your hands so that there are no gaps anywhere. Place the container in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  5. After the required time has passed, remove the meat from the refrigerator, a lot of liquid should form in the container (under the influence of salt, the meat lets juice). Rinse the fillets thoroughly under running water and pat dry with a cloth or paper towel.
  6. Make holes in the halves of the breast, stretch the threads and hang them to dry in ordinary room conditions. It is best to do this in the kitchen, choose a place so that neither you interfere with the balyk to dry, nor it to you. Drying time depends on what result you want to get. If you like tender meat, then after 1-1.5 days you can take a sample, the salmon will turn out with a dense dryish crust, but soft inside. For those who like drier balychok, so that it goes well with beer, we advise you to keep it for at least 2-3 days.
  7. That's all. It is so easy and simple to prepare balyk from chicken breast at home. When serving, cut it thinly with a sharp knife.

Chicken balyk (drying method in the refrigerator)


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • coarse salt - 250 g;
  • cognac - 50 ml;
  • bay leaf - 6-8 pieces;
  • black and red ground peppers - ½ teaspoon each;
  • turmeric, paprika, curry, dried garlic, oregano - ½ teaspoon each.


  1. Prepare the chicken meat - wash, dry and cut off any excess pieces.
  2. In a bowl, mix salt and all spices except bay leaf. Pour cognac into the resulting dry mixture and mix everything well until a homogeneous consistency. Spread this mass on the breast on all sides, place in a container and cover with bay leaves on top. Store in a cool place for 24 hours.
  3. After the required time has passed, rinse the fillet from spices in running water, dry with a paper towel, wrap in gauze and put it back in the refrigerator for another 24 hours.
  4. Tender, moderately salty, perfectly dried chicken breast balyk is ready.


Today we will learn how to cook chicken fillet balyk at home. This savory cured meat is much tastier than store-bought. Yes, and you can be completely sure of its quality. The main thing is to choose a fresh fillet, since it will not be subjected to heat treatment.

Delicious chicken appetizer

According to this recipe, chicken balyk turns out to be fragrant and tender, and sandwiches with it have not left anyone indifferent. You can add any spices to the recipe, and the jerky will sparkle with new flavor notes.


  • 2 pcs. chicken fillet;
  • 250 g of table salt;
  • 3-4 leaves of laurel;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • 1 st. l. ground black pepper;
  • ½ tsp minced ginger root.


  1. Rinse and dry the chicken fillet, cut off all excess from it.

  2. Laurel leaves break and mix with salt, chopped ginger and black pepper.

  3. Add vodka to the spices and mix. It can be replaced with cognac, and then the salmon will turn out to be more fragrant.

  4. Now we need a deep pan of such a diameter that the breasts fit in it in one row. When choosing dishes, we take into account that the fillet will give a lot of juice during the drying process. We spread half of the mixture of salt and spices with vodka on the bottom of the pan.

  5. Lay the chicken breasts on top.

  6. Cover the meat with the remaining spice mixture.

  7. We cover the pot with meat with food film and send it to the refrigerator.
  8. If you like salmon that is not too salty, then keep the meat in the refrigerator for 12 hours. To get a more salty balyk, you need to dry it for 17 hours.
  9. We take out the balyk from the refrigerator. See how much juice the chicken breasts gave.

  10. Rinse the meat thoroughly with running water and put it on a kitchen paper towel to dry it. The breasts should have become stiffer during this time.
  11. Now we need a clean cotton towel. We spread the breasts on it and wrap them. We make sure that the balyk is in contact with the towel on all sides.

  12. We keep the meat in this form in the refrigerator for another 12 hours. And now you can serve it to the table.

Spicy and fragrant balyk

And now let's cook a spicy chicken breast balyk at home, which will be the perfect appetizer for any holiday menu. In general, the process of curing meat according to this recipe takes four days, but in order to get a more saturated and fragrant salmon, you should wait a week.


  • 1 kg chicken fillet;
  • 3 art. l. table salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 10 garlic cloves;
  • 30 g ground paprika;
  • 2 tbsp. l. brandy or cognac;
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 1 tsp hot red pepper.


  1. Prepare the chicken meat: wash it and dry it.
  2. In a deep bowl, combine salt with granulated sugar and ground black pepper.

  3. Add brandy or cognac. We mix everything well.
  4. We place the chicken fillet in the container, immersing it completely in the resulting mixture.

  5. We close the container so that air does not get inside, and keep the meat in the refrigerator for a day.
  6. Then rinse the meat with running water and dry it.
  7. Pass the garlic cloves through a press and mix them with paprika and hot red pepper.
  8. Generously rub the chicken with this mixture on all sides.

  9. We wrap the chicken fillet in cheesecloth and dry it in the refrigerator for six days. Attention: after three days, the meat must be removed and the gauze changed to clean.
  10. This is the snack we got.
  11. Dried breast is a real delicacy!

    We offer another option for drying delicious chicken salmon at home. We will not regret the spices and add spicy and fragrant notes to our dish. And soy sauce will give the salmon not only a piquant taste, but also a beautiful shade.


  • 1.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • 3 art. l. coarse sea salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. adjika;
  • ½ st. l. saffron
  • ½ st. l. dried paprika;
  • 1 st. l. seasoning sumac;
  • 1 tsp seasoning mixes for chicken meat;
  • 1.5 st. l. cognac;
  • 1.5 st. l. soy sauce.


  1. We only need large pieces of chicken fillet. Carefully cut off the film from them, then rinse and dry.
  2. Mix sea salt with sumac seasoning and saffron. Add soy sauce, adjika and cognac. Stir and coat the chicken in the mixture on all sides.
  3. Put the breasts in a deep container, cover with a plate, and put any load on top.
  4. Keep the chicken meat in the refrigerator for a day. Attention: every 5-6 hours the fillet must be turned over.
  5. At the end of the day, the meat is washed and dried.
  6. Seasonings for chicken combine with paprika.
  7. Rub the mixture of spices into the breasts. If desired, you can add garlic cloves squeezed through a press and other spices.
  8. We leave the chicken fillet for 30 minutes so that the spices, as they say, dry to it.
  9. Now we need to separately wrap each piece of meat with clean gauze.
  10. We hang the meat in a cool room that is well ventilated, and wait five to six days.
  11. Ready balyk to the touch should be dense.

Belarusian chicken polendvitsa

A dish of Belarusian cuisine with the mysterious name polendvitsa is the same balyk, only it takes much longer to cook. So, the whole process will take you 3-4 weeks, but believe me - the result is worth it. Try it and you will definitely become a fan of this dish.


  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • 1.5 liters of purified water;
  • ¼ st. table salt;
  • 2-3 leaves of laurel;
  • 3 pcs. dried cloves;
  • 0.5 tsp dill seeds;
  • 0.5 tsp mustard seeds;
  • 2 tsp horseradish;
  • 25 g dried parsley;
  • 25 g dried dill;
  • 0.5 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves.


  1. Rinse and dry the chicken meat.
  2. Let's prepare the brine: pour the specified amount of purified water into a deep saucepan, add bay leaves, table salt, cloves, mustard seeds and dill.
  3. Mix and boil the brine.
  4. Then cool it, put the chicken breasts in a saucepan and cover with a lid.
  5. Let's leave the meat for 6-7 days in a well-ventilated place, preferably on the balcony.
  6. After the specified period, we take out the breasts and wipe them with a kitchen paper towel.
  7. Peel the garlic cloves and finely rub. We combine them with granulated sugar, dried dill and parsley, horseradish.
  8. With the resulting mixture, rub the breasts on all sides and wrap them with parchment paper.
  9. Leave the meat overnight at room temperature.
  10. Then we put the salmon in a colander, without removing the parchment, and press it with a load. We are waiting for another day.
  11. During this time, all the juice will flow out of the breasts. Now we need to wrap them with gauze, making at least five layers.
  12. We bandage the meat and hang it in a dry room.
  13. We dry the breasts for two weeks.
