The most expensive fruits in the world. The most expensive fruits and vegetables in Russia. The most expensive fruit in the world (photo)

When you come across such topics, you usually expect that they will now show some unknown fruit (or whatever the topic is about) and this fruit will cost a lot of money because one thing is truly unique. And the result is a slightly sweet fruit, which generally sells for 200 bucks, but here at an auction they sold it to some eccentric for 10 thousand bucks. Woohoo. Same topic as super expensive alcohol, why? But because the bottle is encrusted with diamonds and therefore is very expensive.

Melon Yubari

Yubari melon is grown in greenhouses on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, protected from the sun with special “hats”. This is a very sweet, perfectly round melon with a skin whose pattern resembles the cracks on ancient Japanese porcelain.

The average Yubari costs about $300, but the two most expensive ones were sold at auction for $27,000.

Black Watermelon Densuke

This watermelon, which has a “special type of sweetness,” grows only on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Its rind is dark green, almost black, without stripes or spots, which is why it is called black watermelon. Densuke is sold in special black boxes that highlight its color. The Japanese consider such watermelons to be a valuable gift.

The average Densuke watermelon costs $250, but the largest one was auctioned for $6,100.

Ruby Roman grapes

This red grape, bred by Japanese breeders, is the most expensive in the world. Each of the berries is the size of a ping-pong ball, and their taste is incredibly sweet - they contain 18% sugar.

The grapes cost about $65 per branch, but in 2016 a 700 gram bunch was auctioned for $10,900.

Mango "egg of the sun"

Mangoes of this variety weigh at least 350 grams and have increased sweetness. A pair of these mangoes was auctioned in Japan for $3,000.

Square watermelon

These watermelons were created by farmers on the Japanese island of Shikoku. To give them shape, they are placed in special cube containers. It is very difficult to care for such watermelons, and, having reached the desired shape, they do not have time to ripen. Therefore, square watermelons are bought mainly for decorative purposes - for example, to decorate shop windows. They cost from $200 to $800.

Strawberries from a fruit boutique

It looks like an ordinary strawberry. But these berries were selected from hundreds of others according to the principle perfect shape. They are sold at the luxurious Sembikiya fruit salon in Tokyo. They cost $69 per pack of 12.

Apples Sekai Ichi

These apples are the pride of Japanese breeders. They can reach a weight of 2 kilograms! The gardens in which they are grown are pollinated by hand using special sticks. The Japanese consider these apples a great delicacy and eat them mainly on holidays. Each apple costs $21.


Dekopon (or Sumo Fruit) is a hybrid of tangerine and orange, which was also bred in Japan. They say that this is the most delicious citrus in the world - sweet, with a slight sourness, with the thinnest partitions between the slices, it is larger and juicier than other citrus fruits. One decopon costs $13.

Thousands of types of fruits grow on Earth, but we are familiar with only a small part of them. There are quite rare ones in the world Exotic fruits, which are almost impossible to see in northern latitudes. If you have traveled to tropical countries, then you have seen how wide the range of local fruits is. In this article you will get acquainted with some of the rarest and most amazing fruits in the world.

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The fruits of this evergreen tree are the largest fruits grown on trees. They can reach a meter in length and weigh up to 34 kg. The thick skin of the fruit is dotted with small cone-shaped protrusions. Inside the fruit there is sweet fibrous pulp, divided into large lobes. Each lobe contains one seed up to 6 cm long.

Cutting ripe fruit is not a very pleasant job. The fact is that its peel has bad smell, similar to the smell of rotten onions. Also, the peel of the jackfruit contains sticky latex, so you need to cut the fruit either with rubber gloves or after lubricating your hands with oil. Delicious pulp The fruit has a short shelf life, so it makes no sense to export this fruit.

Jackfruit grows in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Northern Brazil, and eastern Africa (Kenya, Uganda). It is less common to see it planted on the islands of Oceania and in the tropics of the New World.

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11. Passion fruit

This tropical vine is cultivated in tropical areas mainly (Southern and Central America, South Asia, New Zealand, Australia, etc.). Its fruits contain juicy delicious juice, filled with lots of seeds!

Passion fruit is used in various dishes- from desserts to soft drinks, juice is also used as an aromatic flavor enhancer and added to other fruit juices. Passion fruit juice is very useful - it has sedative properties. It is also used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals.

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Ackee is a tree, 10 - 12 meters high, native to West Africa. The tree has pear-shaped fruits 7-10 cm in length, covered with an orange crust. After ripening, the fruit cracks and opens. Its pulp is edible and tastes like a walnut.

The only place where ackee is eaten is Jamaica. This fruit is even national dish, although it was brought by people to this island.

Unripe ackee fruits are very toxic, so they are used in many countries as antibacterial soap or fish poison.

Are you used to going to the store and not paying much attention to the cost of fruit? Here are eight exotic representatives of the fruit and vegetable market, to purchase which you will have to rob a bank.

When the Japanese division of Dole announced the sale of Gokusen bananas for $6 each for one day only, the overwhelming reaction was: “Oh my God, they're just bananas!” However, the high price tag is justified by the fact that the fruit was bred from best characteristics more than 100 varieties of bananas and grown at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level. In stores, these fragrant fruits appeared in special boxes, and each banana was equipped with a serial number.

This is not the first time that Japan is ahead of the rest in the “fruit issue”. In fact, the country is famous rich history supplies of luxury fruits. There's even a fruit boutique in Tokyo called Sembikiya, where each strawberry costs $3 and square watermelons sell for $212. However, Sembikiya and Gokusen bananas are just the tip of the iceberg of absurdly expensive fruits. Here's a unique harvest of fruits from around the world that will make you realize that a $6 banana is just a banana.

Top 8 most expensive fruits

Densuke watermelon

Where: Japan

Why so expensive? Sold at the Sembikiya flagship store and throughout Japan, these stripeless black watermelons are renowned for their special type of sweetness. Grown exclusively on Japan's northernmost island, Hokkaido, only about 100 units of this melon berry are born each year. The most expensive watermelon ever sold was an almost eight-kilogram watermelon, which was auctioned in 2008 for $6,100.

Sekai-ichi apples

Where: Japan

Why so expensive? Yes, $21 per apple. These apples, the variety of which are Japanese language Translated as “best in the world,” they are drizzled with honey as they grow, and then the brand name is hand-pasted onto each fruit. This also allows you to check that not a single apple has natural defects. The gardens where they are grown are pollinated by hand using tiny sticks, which are not uncommon in Japanese culture, obsessed with growing fruit. As BuzzFeed writes: “These apples have apparently been drizzled with honey, angel urine, and Donald Trump's tears.”

Royal Yubari melons

Price: $225 for two pieces

Where: Japan

Why so expensive? In fact, the value of this variety of melons is even higher: they were once sold for a record amount of $23,500, making them the most expensive fruit in the world. Another product from Hokkaido, a hybrid melon with pulp orange color, which is valued for its special sweetness. As Gourmet writes: “The taste of this melon is perfectly balanced and maintained in unique proportions.” Melons are grown in greenhouses and are said to have special “hats” placed on them to protect the fruit from sunburn.

Pineapple from UK

Where: Cornwall, England

Why so expensive? These unique pineapples are grown in the Lost Gardens of Heligan for two years under a layer of straw, manure and horse urine - a "Victorian technology" that allows the exotic fruit to be grown in the cold climate of Albion. (If you're not sold on the idea of ​​growing urine-soaked fruit, don't worry: pineapples don't come into direct contact with organic fertilizers). Due to the long cultivation time and the impressive labor required to obtain the final result, the fruit was never released for public sale. Instead, the grown pineapples are given to staff to "thank them for the hard work they put into bringing the pineapple to life," garden officials told popular publications.

Strawberry Arno

Price: $1.4 million

Where: New Orleans, Louisiana

Why so expensive? A plate of strawberries for $1.4 million? Hell no! Even though the berry is decorated with a ring with a 4.7-carat pink diamond. Still no. But that's exactly what was served at the old Arnaud restaurant in New Orleans' French Quarter. Of course, for your money you get not only strawberries and a ring - the “set” also includes a jazz ensemble.

Ruby Roman grape variety

Price: $6400

Where: Japan

Why so expensive? The world's most expensive grapes were sold at auction in 2011 in (surprise!) the Japanese city of Kanazawa. Each berry was the size of a ping-pong ball, and since the bunch contained 25 berries, it is easy to calculate that each of them cost the new owner $255. To meet the variety's strict parameters, each grape must have a sugar content of approximately 18% and weigh exactly 20 grams.

Citrus variety Dekopon

Price: $79 for 6 pieces

Where: Japan and now California

Why so expensive? A hybrid of tangerine and orange, dekopon is considered the most delicious citrus in the world. It is similar in appearance to an orange, except for the dome-shaped bump on top, but is larger and sweeter. Until 2011, when these citrus fruits moved to California and were renamed "Sumo", the dekopon variety was only available in Japan. The LA Times writes that "the seedless fruit feels hard when you first bite it, but then simply melts in your mouth."

Mangoes from the Northern Territory of Australia

Price: $50,000

Where: Sydney, Australia

Why so expensive? In 2012, at an auction in Sydney, a box of 12 mangoes sold for $50,000. The proceeds were donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, the New South Wales Cancer Foundation and the OzHarvest charity. By the way, Australia is one of the leading exporters of mangoes, only in 2013-2014. 7.2 million boxes of Australian mangoes were shipped around the world, so such an exorbitant cost is most likely justified by charitable purposes.

The most expensive berry in the world is considered to be the Densuke variety of watermelon, originally from Japan. This one is gigantic Japanese fruit black, weighing 8 kilograms, was put up for auction in northern Japan and sold for $6,100 or 650,000 yen. With this record price, it became the most expensive watermelon ever sold in the country, and probably in the world.

Incomparable durian

Durian is called the Asian “king of fruits”. It has a pervasive, heavy odor similar to rotten meat. The Thais recognized it as the most delightful and delicious fruit, and among Europeans its “aroma” discourages any appetite. Durian has a unique combination of smell and taste. Ordinary sweet and sour taste Durian is combined with a nauseating odor, which is why durian is prohibited from being exported.

Fruit of the cupuaçu tree

There are not many food products on earth that have caused an interstate scandal. The fruit of the cupuacu tree is just such a fruit. It is the most expensive fruit in Latin America.
Here is how it was. A rare plant grew in the Brazilian jungle, the fruits of which were eaten with pleasure by the natives. By some miracle, the local delicacy found its way to the Japanese, who are distinguished by their entrepreneurial spirit.

Potatoes La bonnotte

The price of potatoes can be a fortune if it french potatoes La bonnotte, fertilized seaweed. One kilogram of this sea potato, which grows on the west coast of France, on the island of Noirmoutier, sells for about five hundred euros. Local farmers affectionately call this fruit “La bonnotte”. It has a slightly salty marine flavor with a subtle lemon aroma.
The divine tubers of this potato are so delicate that they are harvested by hand, since only human hands cannot damage them.


Rambutan is considered a Malaysian fruit. Its name comes from the Malaysian word meaning "hair". Rambutans began to be grown several centuries ago in some South Asian countries. For example, in Sri Lanka. Ripe rambutan has fruits reaching four to five centimeters in diameter. They resemble lychees.
This fruit grows on trees in large clusters.

Oddly enough, some people are willing to pay 500 euros per kilogram of potatoes of a “special” variety. Why pay more, you ask? Are the sky-high prices of some delicacies justified? INK invites you to find out which dishes are the most expensive in the world and why they cost a fortune.

The most expensive seafood

Do you think that the price of red caviar is too high, and it’s only worth buying it for the holidays? Once you find out the price of albino beluga caviar, you will be confused: from two thousand dollars for a hundred-gram jar. The rare albino beluga fish, which is found in the waters of the Caspian Sea, must reach an age of about 100 years before it begins to lay “golden” caviar (in young individuals it is gray). Alas, apart from its rare color, this delicacy has no other advantages.

The most expensive mushroom

French gourmets consider this mushroom to be a real diamond among foods. Truffle, which is what we are talking about, has an exquisite musky aroma, and also increases potency in men. The most expensive sample, weighing 1.5 kg, was sold for $330,000.

The most expensive meat

Oddly enough, the most valuable meat in the world is beef. Only not an ordinary one, but a marble one, made from Japanese Wagiu cows. Previously, this breed was bred only in Japan, but now precious cattle are also raised in Australia. To ensure that the meat is first-class, the cows are fed wine and rubbed with sake. Revenue per 1 kg of gourmet beef is almost $1000 .

The most expensive cheese

Among cheeses, the record holder for price was the golden Stilton cheese: 100 grams for $100. And “golden” in his case is not a colorful metaphor. This luxury product contains real gold flakes. According to manufacturers, the gold with which the cheese is infused is completely harmless. Although the benefits unusual ingredient I didn’t give him any extra either.

The most expensive fruit

For birthdays, weddings and anniversaries in Japan they give... melons. Just not ordinary ones, but Yubari varieties. Such a gift is considered a real delicacy, because it costs at least $500. And the first melons of the season are sold at auction for $16,000.

The Yubari melon is perfectly round, and due to the volcanic ash in the soil, it is very sweet and juicy. The Japanese treat this fruit as expensive wine, or whiskey.

The most expensive berry

An equally expensive Japanese fruit is the Densuke watermelon. The “black” berry grows on the island of Hokaido and does not bear much fruit - the Japanese harvest no more than 60 watermelons in one harvest. The taste of Densuke is not much different from a regular watermelon, but it costs a little, $6,100.

The most expensive seasoning

The most expensive spice in the world is dried saffron flowers. They not only have an amazing smell, but also spicy taste, and dishes prepared with them can be stored for a long time without refrigeration. Saffron blooms only 7 days a year, and from 1 hectare you can collect only 6 kg of plant flowers, and this is done only by hand. The cost for 1 kg of seasoning can be about $1000 .

The most expensive dessert

Those with a sweet tooth would definitely not refuse the dessert served in the New York restaurant Serendipity 3. But the price is “prickly” - 25 thousand dollars. For that amount, you will be served ice cream in a glass with a gold rim (literally), decorated with diamonds with 25 varieties of cocoa with pieces of edible gold. Well, at least you can take the glass with you.

The most expensive potatoes

It turns out that potatoes can also be a delicacy. The La Bonnotte variety, which is grown on the island of Nurmuatie in the Atlantic Ocean, is fertilized only with seaweed. Thanks to this technology, dishes made from royal potatoes turn out very tasty. The cost of such pleasure is 500 euros per kilogram.

The most expensive pizza

Italian pizza is not only the most delicious, but also the most expensive. Renato Viola, a chef from the city of Agropoli, makes a super expensive Louis XIII pizza, which costs 8,300 euros. To prepare the base, he uses a special type of flour, and uses tuna, lobster and lobster caviar as filling. All this is seasoned with very expensive and rare buffalo mozzarella cheese and filled with Louis XIII Remy Martin cognac. Even the salt for this dish is special - Austrian red.
