Teas that lower blood pressure. Strong black tea raises or lowers blood pressure

Health problems associated with high or low blood pressure (BP) are a common occurrence in modern life. Moreover, these diseases today affect not only the elderly, but also many members of the younger generation. The reason for this is frequent stress at work, domestic troubles, bad habits, poor ecology and other negative factors.

Even by the appearance of a person, one can guess the nature of the ailment pursuing him. A red swollen face, nosebleeds, sweating, irritability indicate hypertension (high blood pressure). Paleness of the skin, lethargy, apathy, depression, indifference to everything around are signs of hypotension (low blood pressure). Of course, you can normalize the pressure with the help of medications, but people with such problems also need to monitor their diet and the fluid they drink. This article will focus on the effect on blood pressure levels of tea, one of the most popular drinks in the world.

Black tea

This drink, beloved by all the inhabitants of our country, is believed to increase blood pressure. This biased attitude has been ingrained in people's minds since Soviet times. At that time, Georgian, Indian or Ceylon tea of ​​very low quality could be purchased in stores. Therefore, in an effort to achieve at least some flavor, they put more tea leaves in the teapot. The result was a drink stronger than usual, which could indeed lead to an increase in blood pressure. In addition, every Russian is well acquainted with such a term as "chifir". After consuming this highly concentrated boiled tea, which is mainly common in places of deprivation of liberty, pressure indicators not only increase, but go off scale all permissible norms.

Why is this happening?

An increase in blood pressure occurs due to the fact that the blood vessels narrow and the pressure of the blood flow on their walls increases. The heart has to pump more blood. In hypertension, the vessels are generally thin tubes due to depletion and loss of elasticity of their walls. Therefore, the main drugs for hypertensive patients are vasodilators. In turn, a decrease in blood pressure is caused by the fact that the vessels are in an expanded state, due to which the speed of blood circulation in the body slows down. With hypotension, this situation becomes permanent, which leads to disruption of oxygen supply to the heart and brain.

Substances in black tea that affect blood pressure

Black tea contains in its composition a large number of various chemical elements that have a direct effect on the tone of blood vessels. Among them, compounds such as tannins, catechins (tannic acids of the phenol group) and theine (tea caffeine) should be distinguished. They have the ability to reduce the lumen of the vascular walls, which causes an increase in heart rate and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure. The concentration of these substances in tea leaves is quite significant, because of which, after drinking a cup of strong black tea, a vasoconstrictive effect occurs and pressure is kept at an elevated level for some time. Nevertheless, everyone drinks this drink with pleasure: both hypertensive and hypotensive patients.

So who is black tea more useful for - people with high or low blood pressure?

There is no single answer to this question. Two or three cups of a weak drink a day with the addition of a slice of lemon will not only not harm hypertension, but also calm, cheer up, and relieve fatigue. But hypotensive patients should slightly increase the usual rate of consumption of black tea when brewing. To normalize low blood pressure indicators, it is recommended to drink a drink with the addition of a few drops of cognac. A small fraction of high-quality alcohol will not have a negative impact on health, and in combination with tea biologically active components, it will only invigorate, increase the tone of the body, and eliminate the depressive state.

Green tea

Due to established traditions, this drink is less popular among Russians. If we talk about its effect on blood pressure, then the situation is more complicated. First of all, it should be noted that compared to black tea, it contains an increased content of caffeine. Of course, it is much less than in such a tonic drink as coffee. Nevertheless, this alkaloid still has its specific effect on the state of blood vessels. The caffeine (theine) of green tea not only causes vasoconstriction and an increase in the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle, but also activates the release of hormones that excite the central nervous system - adrenaline and cortisol. All this leads to an increase in blood pressure. However, this tonic effect does not last long. After a short time, the effect of caffeine is neutralized by purine compounds, which are its antagonists - xanthine, theobromine, theophylline, etc. As a result, vascular tone returns to normal and blood pressure decreases.

The second important point: there are several hundred varieties of green tea. Each of them has its own unique effect on the body. Some contain only 2% caffeine, others as much as 5%, somewhere more tannin and catechins, somewhere less. Therefore, if we consider the consumption of this drink in terms of its effect on blood pressure, then it is best to opt for varieties grown and fermented in China. It's no secret that Chinese green teas are considered the most refined and elite in the world.

Varieties of green tea used for high blood pressure

For people suffering from high blood pressure, it is recommended to use teas that have a relaxing and calming effect. Among the many such drinks, the following premium varieties should be distinguished:

  • "Feng Yan" ("Eye of the Phoenix");
  • Moli Yu Long Tao (Dragon Jasmine Peach);
  • "Hua Lung Zhu" ("Jasmine Dragon Pearl").

You should also pay attention to green teas from the category of oolongs:

  • "Tie Guan Yin";
  • "Nai Xiang Jin Xuan" ("Golden Daylily");
  • "Da Hong Pao" ("Big Red Robe").

All these varieties have the ability to cleanse the vessels of cholesterol deposits, increasing the lumen and improving the elasticity of their walls. They contain a number of natural substances with complex names that stimulate the brain structures responsible for relaxation. These drinks have a mild diuretic effect, which is very important for hypertensive patients who, together with antihypertensive drugs, are forced to take diuretics. Green teas with a calming effect relieve nervous tension, fatigue, improve concentration, eliminate headaches, normalize sleep and, accordingly, lower blood pressure.

Green tea under pressure

With hypotension, it is better to give preference to green teas with a high content of caffeine (theine) and phenolic compounds (tannin, catechins). These varieties include:

  • "Shen-Puer" and "Shu-Puer" (teas from Yunnan Province);
  • "Longjing" ("Dragon Well");
  • "Kudin" (a drink made from the leaves of the holly tree).

These varieties contain a large amount of tannins and a variety of aromatic compounds that have a tonic effect on the body, as well as antioxidants that fight free radicals, which allows you to keep blood vessels in good shape. Invigorating green teas have mild stimulating properties, activate vital processes, saturate the brain with oxygen, clarify consciousness, eliminate depression and slightly increase blood pressure, which is what hypotensive patients need.

Tea from the petals of a Sudanese rose (hibiscus) of a beautiful bright red color is considered an exotic drink for most residents of our country. However, there are also many lovers of the “drink of the pharaohs”. With someone's light hand in print and Internet publications, information is “walking” that hot hibiscus increases blood pressure, and iced tea, on the contrary, lowers blood pressure. Conducted biochemical studies have shown that this is an erroneous judgment. Firstly, regardless of the temperature, the drink quickly becomes warm after entering the stomach and is absorbed by the body in this form. Secondly, when discussing the effect of any tea on blood pressure indicators, one should rely on the biologically active substances contained in it.

In the hibiscus plant, a large number of various natural compounds have been found that have a beneficial effect on the vascular system. Among the many useful components, flavonoids (anthocyanins), amino acids (as many as 13 items), pectin, potassium ions, vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and P (rutin) predominate. Due to the presence of these substances, a hypotensive effect is exerted on the body: the vessels expand, the elasticity of their walls improves, blood circulation is stimulated, blood pressure rises and the cardiovascular system is generally strengthened. In addition, this drink has a diuretic effect, reducing the level of sodium in the blood. Therefore, according to herbalists and even cardiologists, hibiscus tea is more suitable for people suffering from high blood pressure.

Herbal teas for hypertensive patients

Someone may object that any brewed drinks based on medicinal herbs are not tea, but infusion. But if we put aside nit-picking, it is obvious that the principle of their preparation is identical to traditional tea: when brewing, all these drinks are accompanied by an infusion process.

In hypertension, it is recommended to use herbal teas that have a relaxing, sedative effect. The useful components that make up the plants should perform the following functions: dilate blood vessels, thin the blood, activate blood circulation, strengthen the vascular walls, remove excess fluid from the body, and improve the contractility of the heart muscle.

In herbs that lower blood pressure, tannins, coumarins, tannins, organic acids, vitamins C, E, P, polyphenols, flavonoids, potassium, and magnesium should be present in sufficient quantities.

First of all, all these requirements are met by drinks brewed on the basis of narrow-leaved fireweed (willow-herb), hawthorn, lingonberry leaves. It is also very useful for hypertensive patients to drink drinks from soothing herbal preparations. Herbal combinations can be very different, for example:

  • Option 1: fennel, valerian, mint, chamomile, cumin.
  • Option 2: hawthorn, hop leaves, motherwort, cudweed.

City dwellers who do not have the opportunity to collect and harvest medicinal plants can purchase ready-made tea preparations from pharmacies. The most popular among hypertensive patients are such pharmaceutical herbal teas as:

  • "Hypotensive herbs" -(hawthorn, mint, blackcurrant, lemon balm, chokeberry);
  • "Monastic tea" -(motherwort, oregano, plantain, sweet clover, immortelle, coltsfoot, etc.);
  • "Taiga Doctor" -(valerian, panzeria, sweet clover, Kuril tea, horsetail, etc.).

Herbal teas for hypotension

According to statistics, there are much fewer people suffering from low blood pressure than hypertensive patients. However, hypotension patients also experience serious health problems: asthenia, loss of strength, chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased performance. Hypotension is characterized by a condition in which the tonometer fixes the level of blood pressure within 100/60 mm Hg. and below. The main tasks in the treatment of this disease are to invigorate a person, increase the tone of blood vessels, increase cardiac activity, stimulate the brain, restore strength and muscle activity. At the same time, drinks that increase blood pressure can provide significant assistance.

As already noted, the most effective tonic of natural origin is caffeine, which is present in coffee, strong green or black tea. Drinks based on caffeine-containing plants are no less beneficial for hypotensive patients. For example, Paraguayan mate tea or South American tea infused on the leaves or berries of the guarana plant (“Amazonian chestnut”).

However, such drinks are unusual and difficult for Russians, so it is better to opt for medicinal herbs that grow in the vast territory of our country. In particular, reliable natural remedies that stimulate and tone the body (adaptogens) are:

  • rhodiola rosea ("golden root");
  • Leuzea safflower;
  • lemongrass Chinese;
  • eleutherococcus ("Siberian ginseng").

They are famous not for the presence of caffeine, but for an effective vasoconstrictor effect, which is so necessary for hypotensive patients. These plants are rich in glycosides, alkaloids, essential oils, triterpene compounds that increase the tone of blood vessels.

Today, in the pharmacy network, you can buy not only alcohol tinctures and extracts from these plants, but also medicinal teas, which are produced in the form of prepackaged bags. This is very convenient, since the dose of raw materials used has already been calculated by specialists. Also, in the fight against hypotension, you can achieve a positive effect with the help of herbal tea collections.

Pharmacy fee No. 140

Pharmacy collection "Hypotonia"

Another popular pharmacy collection is made on the basis of medicinal plants of Altai. It's called "Hypotension". Its composition is diverse: Rhodiola rosea, calendula, eleutherococcus, wild rose, leuzea, St. John's wort, tartar, lemon balm, nettle, oregano, elecampane.

Summing up all of the above, the following should be noted: any tea, when properly brewed, is a natural and safe drink. Some teas lower blood pressure, others increase it, others have a double effect. At the same time, much depends on the individual characteristics of each organism, therefore, it is possible to evaluate the benefits of a particular tea for hypertension or hypotension only on personal experience.

Drink tea and be healthy!

One of the main signs of life is blood pressure, that is, the pressure exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels. There are several types of blood pressure: arterial, capillary, intracardiac, venous. Arterial pressure is an important parameter that characterizes the work of the entire blood system. It is determined by the blood volume that is pumped by the heart per unit of time and the resistance of the vascular bed.

It is believed that the arterial blood pressure in a healthy person should be 120/80 mm Hg. Art., however, it is more correct to say that its norm will be in direct proportion to the age, characteristics of the individual character, type of activity and lifestyle of a person. Today, most people have problems with high blood pressure. For a modern society that lives at a fast pace with frequent stress, this is not surprising. Medicines help to solve the problem, but you can use special teas that lower blood pressure.

Hibiscus tea - raises or lowers blood pressure?

Hibiscus tea can affect a person's blood pressure, and it can either increase or decrease it, depending on what kind of water it is brewed.

There is a misconception that it is believed that hot hibiscus tea increases blood pressure, and cold tea lowers it. This is an incorrect statement, since tea enters the stomach at about the same temperature. It is important not in what form you drink tea, cold or hot, but with what water you brew it!

Hibiscus tea brewed with hot water raises blood pressure! Therefore, if you, for example, buy cold compote from hibiscus (and compote is always boiled), then your pressure will rise! Since the temperature of the finished tea does not matter! Hibiscus tea raises blood pressure when brewed with hot water.

Hibiscus tea brewed with cold water lowers blood pressure! Of course, it will take an order of magnitude longer to brew it in cold water, but you will get the opposite effect, useful for hypertensive patients.

Contraindications: hibiscus tea is contraindicated in people suffering from gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer, as it increases the acidity of gastric juice.

Hawthorn tea for pressure

Popular among teas for lowering blood pressure is tea made from, the healing properties of which have been known in Europe for several centuries. As a result of scientific research, scientists have proven that the effectiveness of hawthorn in reducing pressure lies in the antioxidants it contains.

Hawthorn tea is especially useful for older people, as it helps to normalize blood circulation and strengthen the heart and vascular system. Hawthorn tea is useful for prevention purposes.

Green tea lowers blood pressure

Green tea is a natural pantry of antioxidants, trace elements and vitamins. With it, you can quench your thirst, prevent cancer, and also normalize blood pressure. For a long time, when hypertension occurs, knowledgeable people drink green tea. It contains flavonoids, their effect on the heart and blood vessels has long been known.

High blood pressure is a reason for an immediate examination by a therapist, because hypertension is fraught with serious consequences, up to strokes and heart attacks, leading people, at best, to a sharp decrease in the quality of life. But even regularly rising pressure can cause a lot of problems for a person: increased fatigue, unwillingness to work, loss of strength, pronounced tinnitus, weakness and headache - this is not a complete list of symptoms of hypertension.

To date, herbal medicine has a whole arsenal of tea recipes that regulate pressure. With tea, you can:

  • Remove fatigue.
  • Improve metabolism.
  • Normalize the work of the heart and digestive tract.
  • Lose weight.
  • Improve eyesight.

Meanwhile, each tea has a different effect on the body. What teas to pay attention to with high blood pressure? Which tea lowers blood pressure, and which, on the contrary, is able to increase it?

Green tea

In the East, green tea has been drunk for many centuries to reduce pressure. The fact that green tea lowers blood pressure has long been known. In addition, green tea is an excellent antioxidant that can remove harmful substances and excess fluid from the body. It has been proven that if you introduce green tea into your diet, it will make blood vessels more elastic, neutralize excess fats and cholesterol in the blood, thanks to the flavonoids that the drink contains. The optimal dose of green tea per day is at least 500 milliliters, that is, 2 large cups per day. True, you need to drink it without sugar. But honey and dried fruits, chosen as an accompaniment to a cup of hot aromatic drink, will help to enhance the beneficial effect.


But, if green tea has gained popularity in our latitudes, the effect of other tea has so far found worthy recognition among Russian gourmets. We are talking about tea from hibiscus flowers, that is, hibiscus. A drink made from hibiscus has an extremely beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system, improving blood circulation, killing harmful bacteria, and having a cleansing effect on the human body.

Please note: Hibiscus is very tasty both hot and cold, which makes it especially valuable in the heat. True, with a tendency to hypertension, it is recommended to drink it still warm, with a spoonful of honey. And no more than 4 cups of drink per day.


Hawthorn can be called another potential savior of hypertensive patients. Like green tea, it fights toxins in the body, besides, hawthorn berries are very useful for all diseases of the heart and blood vessels, being an excellent prophylactic for strokes and heart attacks.

Other useful teas for hypertension are recognized:

  • Valerian root.
  • Mint and Melissa.
  • Hop cones.
  • Chamomile.
  • Fennel and cumin.

Black or green?

Recently, some doctors believe that black tea increases blood pressure, and therefore is very harmful to hypertensive patients. There is a version that caffeine, which is contained in black tea, causes excitation of the nervous system, and substances such as nofilin, theobromine and xanthine increase blood pressure.

But a few years ago, scientists from Australia conducted studies that proved the opposite. According to new data, black tea stabilizes blood pressure and reduces it by several points. True, we are talking only about black tea of ​​exceptionally high quality and weak tea leaves. It is better to drink it to reduce pressure without sugar, mixed with honey or dried fruits, but strong black tea with sugar and lemon is really not worth drinking with hypertension.

So in the eternal dispute: does tea increase blood pressure, a reasonable approach wins and, of course, moderation in use.

Tea rules

  • Such teas must be brewed correctly: in no case do not pour boiling water over tender plants. It is better to brew tea with water at a temperature of 85 degrees and let them brew well, for example, in a thermos.
  • Be careful with dosages: do not abuse teas, especially from medicinal herbs, drink in moderation. Preferably before meals.
  • Remember: all teas that lower blood pressure do not act immediately, but gently and gradually, increasing their effect. What tea to drink at high pressure is up to you. You can choose any taste, you can mix teas, experimenting with tastes.
  • Any therapist will confirm: hypertensive patients should not drink tea with sweets, cakes or pastries. Firstly, the risk of obesity increases, and secondly, these snacks can cause fluid retention, which can trigger an increase in pressure.
  • And do not forget the golden rule: the main thing is not the amount of the drink, but the regularity. Switch completely to healthy teas, giving up strong and rich drinks, especially black coffee. Within a month you will notice how you feel better, your working capacity has increased, a good mood and vitality have appeared.

Drink tea with pleasure and be healthy!

A disease such as hypertension occurs in many people aged 40 to 65 years.

High blood pressure affects 20 to 50% of people of this age. And the older a person gets, the higher the risk of hypertension. Those who often encounter this disease constantly take the pills prescribed by the doctor.

But repeated doses of therapeutic agents can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the liver. Therefore, it is worth thinking about and starting to look for ways to stabilize blood pressure at home.

First we need to figure out which tea is better to drink with high blood pressure: black or. Both the first and second stabilize the human condition.

Weakly brewed tea at high pressure can even relieve symptoms such as migraines or headaches. If the pressure is lowered, then it is worth, on the contrary, to brew tea stronger.

But still, what kind of tea lowers blood pressure? Experts in Oriental medicine say that green tea works best for lowering blood pressure and improving the health of hypertensive patients. Although there is caffeine, it reduces blood pressure, makes blood vessels elastic and even helps to lose weight. For a visible effect, you need to drink at least 2-3 cups of the drink per day.

Black should be drunk with caution. Tea with increased pressure brew weak. But hypotensive patients, on the contrary, should make a strong drink.

If you don’t know which drink to choose and which tea you can drink with high blood pressure, green or black, then choose the one you like best and brew depending on the disease.


For a visible result, you need to drink green tea to reduce pressure over a long period.

The drink, due to the diuretic effect, the removal of harmful substances from the body and the strengthening of blood vessels, helps in the fight against hypertension.

Drinking tea alone will not cure you, but it will help improve your general condition and reduce the amount of chemicals you take.

A large number of positive properties of green tea due to the fact that it contains a large amount of beneficial antioxidants. With constant use, the possibility of disease is reduced by almost 50% and the possibility of developing hypertension in the future is reduced. But people with hypotension should stop drinking this drink.

If pregnant women have a question about which tea to drink with high blood pressure: green or black, then you should not abuse the first one, but it is better to minimize consumption or completely switch to black. Green tea, although healthy, contains caffeine, a powerful stimulant. This can affect both the mother and the development of the baby.


Considering the question of which tea reduces pressure, one cannot help but pay attention. To get a healing drink, brew hibiscus. If you drink it on an ongoing basis, then the walls of blood vessels are gradually strengthened.

Hibiscus has such useful properties:

  1. brings the pressure back to normal;
  2. reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  3. has cleansing and bactericidal properties;
  4. improves blood circulation.

In order to get a visible result, you need to drink 2 to 4 cups of hibiscus per day. . The composition of the drink includes anthocyanins and antioxidants. They help protect the heart and blood vessels from the effects of free radicals.

If a drink from hibiscus is brewed with hot water, then it is AD. Even if you drink hibiscus cold, it will help you correctly.

Many people confuse the state in which the drink is brewed and in which it is drunk. It doesn't matter if you drink warm or cold high blood pressure tea. What matters is how you brew it.

Hibiscus in a cold liquid is infused much more than hot. But on the other hand, such a drink can be taken with hypertension.

This tea for hypertensive patients is a good find for those who have constantly high blood pressure.

Hibiscus drink is contraindicated for people who have gastritis and ulcers, as the drink increases the acidity in the stomach.


To answer the question of which tea normalizes blood pressure, you can safely add this drink.

The leaves contain a large amount of menthol. This component is characterized by many useful properties, such as pain relief, anti-inflammatory effect.

If you constantly use mint leaves to make tea, then the blood vessels will expand.

With constant use, there will be low blood pressure. Menthol is a component of many drugs that are used to dilate blood vessels.

To prepare a tea that lowers blood pressure, you need to take 2-3 mint leaves and pour 200-250 ml of hot water. Ideally, grow a plant at home, but if this is not possible, then you can buy it at a pharmacy. One teaspoon of brewed mint is enough to make a tea that normalizes blood pressure.

Peppermint tea tastes good. If you drink it 3-4 times a day, then a person will not often remember high pressure.

From hawthorn

The medicinal properties have been known for a long time. Even our ancestors used it in therapy against hypertension.

Since after eating hawthorn, the pressure stabilizes.

Many doctors even now prescribe hawthorn tea for high blood pressure to their patients.

Put a few tablespoons of herbs in a thermos, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for at least 8 hours. Take one to two teaspoons 2 times a day.

herbal teas

With hypertension, you can use various teas that lower blood pressure, but based on herbal preparations.

Here are a few herbal compounds that work together to lower BP:

  1. take the same amount of mint, shamrock, valerian and hop cones. Mix all herbs and chop. Take one or two tablespoons of the mixture and pour boiling water over it. Wait at least half an hour for the herbal tea to infuse. Take the infusion twice, in the morning and in the evening, half a glass;
  2. mix equal proportions of chamomile, valerian root, fennel seeds, peppermint and cumin. Take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew and take 2 times a day;
  3. take such herbs: hop leaves, hawthorn and cudweed. Stir and take 4 tbsp. mixture to be poured with boiling water. Let it brew for at least 8 hours. After, strain the broth. Drink herbal tea 3 times a day for half a glass.

In order for pressure-lowering teas to begin to help, you need to drink a course. The improvement in the state of health did not come earlier than after 2 months of use.

Herbal teas for pressure are great - their composition is completely natural. But you need to pay attention to well-being and health, as some herbs, especially those bought at a pharmacy, can cause allergies. Ideally, you need to travel out of town and collect plants yourself. Or, at least, buy herbs in a pharmacy not in bags in the form of a powder, but in packs of large inflorescences.

Useful video

What is the most effective blood pressure tea? How to brew a drink? Answers in the video:

If you are still faced with the choice of which tea to drink for pressure: green or black, hibiscus or mint, hawthorn or herbal, then you should stop at which one you like best and suits you personally. The main thing is not to forget that you need to brew a drink with boiling water for hypertension, and cold water, on the contrary, for hypotension. The visible result from the use of tea will be noticeable after at least 2 months of use.

Last modified: February 14th, 2018 at 02:32 pm

Means for normalizing pressure at some period of a person's life become an important issue. Blood pressure is a biological characteristic, on the indicators of which a person’s well-being and even his health directly depend. The optimal values ​​\u200b\u200bare considered a medical indicator of “120/80”, since with them most people feel most comfortable. A healthy body is able to maintain this level without problems. To maintain normal well-being, a sick person needs pills to increase pressure or lower it. But there is another remedy that, although considered homeopathic, normalizes or, on the contrary, raises - strong tea.

Disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system that change normal blood pressure require a serious medical approach in their treatment. You should not expect, let alone argue, that tea is an effective blood pressure normalizing drink. Of course, to fully assert that it does not affect the pressure in any way is incorrect. But even the recommended black tea raises or lowers blood pressure depending on a number of factors: the strength of the drink, the amount of sugar, the volume of the mug, and perhaps even the temperature of the water.

Drinking tea in order to heal from problems with the cardiovascular system, or to cope with the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis is ineffective. At the same time, it is wrong to talk about the complete uselessness of the drink.

Depending on which black or green the patient has chosen, its effect changes. It is believed that green tea for hypertension can bring some relief due to its relaxing effect. Symptoms of hypotension can be partially alleviated by strong blood pressure-raising black tea. But remember that in each medical case, the combination of tea and pressure is individual. And the varieties that really help some people to lower or raise it are useless for others.

Tea leaves, even the most expensive varieties, are considered only as a drink or, as a last resort, a homeopathic remedy. And without professional targeted treatment of the causes that cause blood pressure to change dramatically, the clinical picture will gradually worsen.
