Cigarettes with nut filling. Cookies "cigarettes with nuts". Salted biscuits "Cigarettes"

This delicacy is so popular in Dagestan that it seems that its homeland is here. In fact, no one will remember where and who invented the Cigarette cookies - but without it it is difficult to imagine at least one Dagestan holiday table, and the name of the dessert here has long become a household word.

No cigarettes?

The owner of the Timur confectionery in Makhachkala, Sabigat Aliyeva, suggests that cigarettes could well have been prepared in mountain houses in the old days: the products for the dough are the most ordinary, and the filling - that’s how much ingenuity is enough.

Now it can be dried apricots, lemon, prunes, boiled condensed milk. Women prefer cigarettes with lemon: they can be conditionally called dietary. But the most popular ones are with nuts.

Every day, pastry shop workers knead dough for cookies several times and roll hundreds of cigarettes. Only with nut filling, six to seven kilograms of goodies are sold daily. And orders for weddings start from ten kilograms.

Cigarettes with nuts are generally the most popular dessert. For the Eid al-Fitr holiday, we buy more than 400 kilograms of nuts. It takes literally a week. Most of it goes to cigarettes, says Sabigat.

The popularity of cigarettes in Dagestan is simply explained by the culinary specialist: flour is very popular here.

They try not to change their taste habits even when they are far from their homeland.

More than once I sent cigarettes in boxes of several kilograms to Moscow, - the owner of the confectionery recalls. - Shelf life allows: at least a week they can be stored in a sealed package in the refrigerator. But, of course, no one keeps so many of them, they are eaten instantly.

Sabigat says that visitors from other regions often come to her establishment - the confectionery is located near the bus station.

They are very interested in what we offer. They may ask: “What kind of bagels do you have?” Many take the box with them after the test. They often ask for the recipe.

And for 13 years of managing the sweet business, Sabigat tried a lot of recipes for cigarettes. I settled on the simplest and most delicious.

Recipe for cigarettes with nuts

To prepare the dough, you need flour, sour cream, butter, salt and vanillin.

Sour cream choose the highest fat content, preferably homemade. The oil must also be of good quality. Use at room temperature or slightly chilled. And the flour must be sifted, - Sabigat shares his secrets.

Pour flour into a deep bowl. Add oil, salt, vanilla to it and mix. Then sour cream comes into play. After a few minutes, the dough starts to crumble in your hands.

The higher the fat content of the dough, the more crumbly and tastier it is. The calorie content of cookies is very high and it is difficult to eat more than two or three pieces even on an empty stomach, - Sabigat explains.

The dough loves hands and a good mood, the owner of the confectionery is sure, but she still does not recommend kneading it for a long time - it can become coarse.

After the mass becomes homogeneous, the dough must be divided into equal parts. Professional chefs weigh each "bun". For cigarettes with nuts, the mass of one piece should be 170 grams, for other fillings - 200-220. But at home, you can simply divide the dough by eye into balls with a diameter of about eight centimeters. "Koloboks" send for half an hour in the refrigerator.

There the dough will “ripen up” and become more obedient, plastic, - Sabigat promises.

While the dough is cooling, prepare the filling. If it is lemon - scald two lemons with boiling water, cut, pit, pass through a meat grinder together with a peel and add a glass of sugar. In the case of dried apricots, the fruits must first be prepared: soak overnight, then grind in a meat grinder and mix with sugar in the proportion of one kilogram of dried apricots per 800 grams of sugar. But today we are preparing the most popular, one might say classic, cigarettes - with nuts.

Our filling is walnuts. We love to cook from local - the fattest. Grind a kilogram of nuts in a blender. The degree of grinding is medium. We mix them with sugar, we take 800 grams of it. To add viscosity to the filling, add the protein of one egg. This will make it easier to form cigarettes, explains Sabigat.

Now let's start rolling out the dough. Each "bun" should turn into a layer about two to three millimeters thick. We cut the circle into eight wedges. If the edges are uneven, this can be corrected with a knife.

We put the filling on the eye, but so that it is not less than a full teaspoon, - the culinary specialist shows. - We twist the cigarettes from the wide side to the sharp corner. As if we are wrapping cabbage rolls, according to the same principle.

Then the cookies are sent to the oven for about 20 minutes. The temperature is 180 degrees. The degree of readiness is checked by color - cigarettes should be browned. Cookies work best in a convection oven: they bake evenly on all sides.

Once you have taken the cookies out of the oven, let them cool. After that, you need to perform the last manipulation: sprinkle cigarettes with powdered sugar. This will give the sweets a finished and more elegant look.

Now the dessert is ready to serve. Enjoy your meal!

Step 1: prepare the cookie filling.

We take our chopped nuts and pour them into a bowl, add sugar there and mix everything very carefully. In principle, our filling is ready. Move on.

Step 2: Knead the dough.

Put softened margarine in a deep bowl (important, not melted margarine, namely softened), add sour cream and mix. Here you can make an amendment about what we mix. Of course, you can take a spoon or spatula, but it should be noted that neither one nor the other you still knead the dough. Therefore, my advice to you, feel free to mix margarine and sour cream with your hands. Then, without ceasing to stir, carefully and slowly pour in the flour. As soon as a dense mass is formed, we begin to slowly knead the dough. Knead until the dough stops sticking to your hands. After you have kneaded the dough, divide it into three equal parts and let it stand for five minutes. At this time, you can turn on the oven.

Step 3: Roll out the dough.

Each part of the divided dough, gently and carefully roll out with a rolling pin about 5-7 millimeters. With a knife, cut out the triangles as in the photo above.

Step 4: make the cookies themselves.

We put the filling at the base of each triangle with a teaspoon, wrap two corners and just roll it up. All these actions are again shown in the photo.

Step 5: Bake cookies.

We grease a slightly heated baking sheet with vegetable oil, put cookies on it and send it back to the oven, where we bake our “cigarettes” 25 - 35 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Step 6: serve to the table.

As soon as our cookies are baked, we transfer them to a tray, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. Enjoy your meal!

I advise you to take flour of the highest grade.

When choosing margarine, do not save on money, because the taste of the biscuit itself directly depends on what quality and taste it has.

I really like shortbread cookies, such that they melt in your mouth - you press it a little with your lips, and it breaks up into a hundred fragrant pieces, enveloping you with its creamy taste. This cookie is just that.

I think that this recipe became Armenian because of its nut filling and the way the cookies are formed, and the dough recipe has long been known to everyone.

It's a bit fiddly to form cookies by hand, but the taste is worth it.

Lubricating the cookies with an egg is not at all necessary, this is done to obtain a more ruddy color of the finished product.

To prepare cookies "Cigarettes" with nuts in Armenian, we will take the following products.

We also need liquid honey. If the honey has hardened, you can simply melt it in a water bath or in the microwave, as I did.

Sift flour and mix with vanilla and salt. Chop the butter and rub with flour with your hands until fine crumbs are obtained.

Make a well in the center and add sour cream.

Mix the dough with a spoon. You will get a crumbly mass, as in the photo. Then use your hands to collect the dough into a single lump and lightly knead so as not to delay the process.

Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate while you prepare the filling.

Lightly fry the walnuts in a dry frying pan and grind in a blender until fine crumbs. It is undesirable to grind nuts to a homogeneous paste.

Mix nuts, sugar and honey. The filling is ready.

Cut off a piece from a common piece of dough, about a third. Keep the rest in the fridge and take out as needed. Roll the dough into a sausage and cut as shown in the photo.

The dough is very tender, and therefore you can use flour for sprinkling. Dip each piece in flour and flatten it out.

Then quickly roll into a thin cake, literally a couple of movements back and forth. Not difficult at all. Put the stuffing in the center.

Slightly tuck the edges of the dough inside and roll up the "cigarette". Do this for all tests.

Place cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and brush with a lightly beaten egg.

Bake in the oven until golden brown at a temperature of 180 degrees, the approximate time is 15 minutes. The baking time depends on your oven.

Sprinkle the finished cookies with powdered sugar.

Cookies "Cigarettes" with nuts are ready. Very tasty!

The recipe for this cookie has been known to many since early childhood, it got its name because of its shape. Cookies "Cigarettes", despite the spectacular appearance, are extremely easy to prepare.

There are a lot of options for the test and filling of Cigarette cookies, but experienced chefs warn that the filling for such cookies must be thick so that it does not leak out during baking and does not burn on the baking sheet. Burnt filling can significantly spoil the taste of the finished cookie.

Classic Cigarette Cookie Recipe

Many housewives prefer to use this particular recipe, believing that the resulting cookies are the perfect combination of filling and dough. All components of Cigarette cookies are quite affordable for the budget of every family, while even an inexperienced cook can cook it.


  • butter - 200 gr;
  • wheat flour - 3-3.5 cups (600 gr);
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar (you can cane) - 3 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 200 gr;
  • walnuts - 300 gr;
  • honey - 200 ml.


  1. Soften the butter and mix with sour cream. Add sugar.
  2. Add soda and knead not very stiff dough, gradually pouring flour into it. The dough should be kneaded until it easily falls off the hands.
  3. Divide the dough into four parts.
  4. Grind the nuts with a blender, gradually add honey to them. It is important to ensure that the filling does not become too liquid, it should grab into the total mass. If you chop the nuts by hand, then you should pay attention to the fact that with larger pieces, the honey will connect worse and the filling may leak out.
  5. Roll each of the four pieces of dough into a circle, and then cut into triangular segments.
  6. Put the filling on the wide part of the triangle and close it a little from the sides, and then twist it into a tube.
  7. Spread the cookies on a baking sheet, put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 170-180 degrees and bake for half an hour.
  8. Remove the baking sheet, cool the finished cigarettes, sprinkle with powdered sugar for decoration.

Such cookies can be baked both for the everyday table and for a solemn occasion. It goes well with tea, coffee and even light sparkling wine.

Cookies "Cigarettes" with dried fruits

This biscuit, made from soft sour cream dough, which is a bit like puff pastry, will appeal to both adults and children.



  • butter - 150 gr;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sour cream - 200 gr;


  • dried apricots - 150 gr;
  • prunes - 150 gr;
  • chocolate - 50 gr;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • nuts - 200 gr.


  1. Sift wheat flour into a large bowl, add sour cream and softened butter to it, knead the dough. Too viscous dough can be briefly put in the refrigerator.
  2. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 mm, and then cut into rectangles measuring 10x5 cm.
  3. Grind dried apricots, prunes and nuts. Experienced chefs advise using a meat grinder for this, as the mass is too thick and the blender may burn out.
  4. Add sugar to the filling. Those who like very sweet cookies can increase the amount of sugar given in the recipe because it is rated for a medium sweet taste.
  5. Lay the filling on the rectangles in thin strips and roll them into cigarettes.
  6. Spread the cookies on a baking sheet, place them in the oven and bake for about half an hour at 180 degrees.
  7. Take out the cookies and let them cool.
  8. Melt the chocolate (it is best to do this in a water bath), cover the cookies with it about a quarter of the length and let the chocolate cool. You can use white chocolate for a change, then the cigarettes will turn out to be multi-colored.

There are enough cookies made according to this recipe to be enough for a large family or a friendly company. These crunchy and mouth-watering cigarettes will please everyone without exception.

Simple nut cookies "Cigarettes"

This cookie uses a nut filling with sugar that will definitely not leak out during baking.


for the test

  • table margarine - 250 gr;
  • wheat flour - 4-4.5 cups;
  • low-fat sour cream - 300 gr;
  • cookie powder (optional) - on the tip of a knife;

For filling

  • chopped nuts - 1 cup;
  • white sugar - 2-3 teaspoons.


  1. Mix nuts with sugar.
  2. Soften margarine and mix with sour cream. Gradually add flour to the resulting mixture and knead the dough. Properly kneaded dough should not stick to your hands: it should not turn out steep, but plastic and soft.
  3. For ease of rolling out the dough, it is recommended to divide it into three parts. Roll out each part of the dough one by one and cut out triangular blanks for cookies with a knife.
  4. Place a teaspoon of nut filling on the base of each triangle and roll the cookies into a cigarette shape.
  5. Bake cookies for half an hour at an oven temperature of 180-200 degrees.

The finished cookies should be slightly browned. For beauty, it can be sprinkled with decorative culinary powder or powdered sugar.

Original cookies "Cigarettes" with raisins

This cookie will delight your family and guests as it uses a very original filling in its recipe.


for the test

  • butter - 150 gr;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sour cream - 200 gr;
  • honey - a teaspoon;

For filling

  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • nuts - 250 gr;
  • raisins - 250 gr;
  • prunes - 250 gr.


  1. Mix all the ingredients and knead them into a dough.
  2. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut into strips 7x10 cm.
  3. Skip all the ingredients for the filling, except sugar, through a meat grinder or grind with a blender.
  4. Add sugar to the filling, mix well.
  5. Put the filling on the narrow edge of the strip and roll the cookies in the shape of a cigarette.
  6. Bake cookies in the oven until fully cooked and browned dough.

Ready-made cookies have an incomparable taste and aroma. It is enjoyed by both adults and children.

Children's "Cigarettes"

This recipe got its name for the fact that even young chefs can cook these cookies.


for the test

  • flour - 4 cups (800 gr);
  • sour cream - 1 cup (200 gr);
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • margarine - 250 gr;
  • salt - a pinch;

For filling

  • sugar - 1 cup (200 gr);
  • ground nuts - 1 cup (200 gr);
  • protein - 1 pc.


  1. Knead the elastic dough from all the listed ingredients.
  2. Divide the resulting dough into 12 parts and roll into circles.
  3. Divide each circle into 8 parts.
  4. Make the filling by mixing all the above ingredients together.
  5. Put the filling on the wide part of the obtained cookie blanks and wrap it up to make a cigarette.
  6. Spread the cookies on a baking sheet, grease its surface with the yolks left after preparing the filling.
  7. Bake cookies for 20 minutes at 160-180 degrees.

Salted biscuits "Cigarettes"

This cookie is very popular in Bulgaria. Despite the fact that it is not intended for the sweet tooth, nuts fit quite well into its flavor ensemble.


  • flour - 250-300 gr;
  • grated cheese - 1 cup (200 gr);
  • butter - 100 gr;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • nuts - 100 gr.


  1. Grind the butter and add an egg, half of the cheese, chopped nuts as much as possible, and then gradually pour in the flour.
  2. Knead not too hard dough.
  3. Grind the remaining cheese with a tablespoon of butter and add the whites of the remaining two eggs.
  4. Roll out the dough like you would for homemade noodles.
  5. Lubricate its surface with a mass of cheese, cut the dough into rectangles and roll it up in the form of cigarettes.
  6. Put the cookies on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil, grease the surface with the remaining yolks.
  7. Bake cookies in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 150-160 degrees.
  • the filling of the Cigarette cookies can be any, but not too liquid so that it does not leak out during baking. For example, such cookies with cottage cheese mixed with sugar and vanilla are very tasty;
  • in oriental cuisine, there is another filling that is great for these cookies: a mixture of finely chopped dates with chopped nuts and seeds, seasoned with powdered sugar and cinnamon;
  • another very interesting filling recipe: beat 4 egg whites into a stiff foam, while whisking, combine them with two glasses of sugar and a glass of chopped nuts;
  • both in the filling and in the dough, experienced chefs often add orange zest, since its aroma goes well with the taste of nuts;
  • as a filling for cigarettes, any sufficiently thick jam can be used: for example, strawberry or apple. If the jam does not have a thick enough consistency, crushed nuts or crushed almonds can be added to it;

if you want to treat a large number of guests, you can make different “Ciga-retki”, which will differ not only in appearance, but also in filling;

  • margarine for the preparation of almost any cookie dough should not be completely melted: it is enough to soften it a little at room temperature or even just chop it with flour;
  • experienced chefs believe that it is better to mix margarine and sour cream not with a spade-point and not with a spoon, but with bare hands, so that during the introduction of flour into the dough it would be easier to control its consistency;
  • to make the dough better shaped, it is recommended to let it stand for several minutes after the end of the kneading;
  • you should carefully monitor the dosage of the products added to the dough and the filling; for this cookie, the ratio of the tastes of the filling and dough is very important;
  • to make the finished cookies easier to remove from the baking sheet, it is recommended to slightly warm the baking sheet in the oven and grease it with vegetable oil before spreading the cookies;
  • it is best to warm up the oven for making "Cigarettes" in advance: in a hot oven, the filling will immediately bake and will not leak out;
  • flour for kneading dough should be only the highest grade;
  • when choosing margarine for cookie dough, one should not get carried away by economic considerations: its taste and quality directly depend on the price of margarine, which cannot but affect the quality and taste of the finished cookie;
  • in the absence of a blender, you can pass the nuts through a meat grinder, but it is better to put them on a sheet of paper or a clean cotton towel, cover with paper on top and top with a pestle or even a hammer;
  • if desired, nuts can also be added to the composition of the cookie dough;
  • to make the cookies crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, let them cool before serving;
  • ready-made cookies "Cigarettes" are perfect for serving with tea or coffee. It can be served for breakfast for the whole family, or it can be prepared for a festive table;
  • it is important to remember that nuts are a fairly strong allergen, so people who are prone to allergic reactions, as well as the elderly and children, are not recommended to get involved in nuts.

Similar recipes:

Favorite since childhood cookies are cigarettes with nut filling. In fact, the filling can be absolutely anything, the one you like. But I prefer walnut. She is special.... From the first bite of cigarettes, you will fall in love with them... they melt in your mouth... tender, crumbly and very tasty. The recipe for cigarettes is a family, old, proven and very tasty recipe. Unlike bagels, cigarettes are longer and narrower in shape. Try cigarette biscuits according to a very tasty recipe, your family will appreciate it! Guaranteed! The recipe is designed for 128-144 cigarettes.

Cigarette cookies:

What you need for cigarette cookies:

  • Margarine 400 gr
  • Flour 5 tbsp
  • Sour cream 400 gr
  • Eggs 3 pcs
  • Soda 1 tsp
  • Vinegar 1 tbsp
  • Walnuts 2 tbsp
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.

How to cook

Chop margarine and flour well with a knife, collect in a hill, make a recess in it and pour in sour cream, eggs, soda and vinegar, extinguish, continue to chop. You can chop everything at once in a mixer. Knead the dough. divide into 16-18 pieces. Roll each piece into a circle and divide into 8 triangles. On one side of the triangle we lay out the filling, distribute it and turn it into a bagel.
Filling: twist the nuts in a meat grinder or finely chop and mix with sugar
We bake at 170 degrees. Cigarettes are ready! Enjoy your meal!
