How to bake shortbread. Sand cake with custard. Sand cake with cottage cheese

Dry shortbread cakes are used in many forms - the basis for soufflé cakes, fruit desserts, ordinary multi-layer cakes soaked in cream, pastries. The dough is unusual - dense, crumbly, dry. Any cream is used according to your desire - custard, chocolate, condensed milk. You will learn how to cook the simplest sand cake in a matter of minutes.

Little tricks

To make a homemade sand cake really tasty, of the right consistency, not too dry and “clogged”, it is important to follow some recommendations:

  1. The dough turns out to be especially tender and crumbly if only yolks are used in its preparation.
  2. Be sure to add a pinch of salt.
  3. Margarine can be used in dough, but only high-quality natural butter will give it a unique aroma and delicate texture.
  4. The dough is beaten by hand. It is important not to "interrupt" it - it should be soft, smooth, shiny.
  5. After beating, the dough should rest for at least 1 hour in the cold.
  6. Cakes, while they are hot, are very fragile and tender - transfer them to the table carefully or let them cool on a baking sheet. After cooling, the dough becomes very tight - don't let that bother you. After impregnation with cream, they will become softer.
  7. Impregnate cakes rarely, as they can get wet and spread. However, you can use, as in a biscuit, syrup, juice or aromatic alcohol.

Classic recipe

The standard recipe for making a sand cake will come in handy for all occasions. According to this recipe, you can cook a quick cake for tea or a festive masterpiece. Cooking time - 1 hour 15 minutes.


  1. Oil - 200 grams;
  2. Flour - 2 ½ cups;
  3. 2–3 eggs;
  4. Half a glass of sugar;
  5. Baking powder (soda + vinegar) - 5-6 grams;
  6. Vanilla - according to your taste.
  1. Butter - 220 grams;
  2. Condensed milk - 2/3 banks;
  3. Jam from raspberries, currants - 100 milliliters;
  4. Cocoa - 3 tablespoons.
  1. Butter - 50-60 grams;
  2. 200 grams of powdered sugar;
  3. 120 milliliters of milk;
  4. Cocoa - 3 tablespoons.

Cooking process

We start, as always, with kneading the dough and baking the cakes:

  1. Sift flour. Pour sugar, vanilla and baking powder into it. Add the whisked eggs to this dry part of the dough.
  2. Chop the soft butter and place on top of the flour.
  3. Chop all the ingredients with a knife, gradually mixing them until they turn into crumbs. You can grind everything with your hands, only very quickly so that the oil in the dough does not melt.
  4. Shape into a round, shiny ball, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
  5. Take out the dough and divide into 3 parts. Roll out 3 cakes from them. The thickness of each should be at least 0.5 centimeters (very thin cakes will simply break when removed from the baking sheet).
  6. Take a fork and prick the cakes in several places.
  7. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. The cake is baked quickly - 5-10 minutes is enough, depending on the thickness of the dough and the power of the stove.
  8. The cakes must be leveled (cut off the uneven edge) while they are still hot.
  1. Condensed milk in this recipe is used mainly boiled. You can cook it at home or buy it already boiled in the store.
  2. The oil is taken out of the refrigerator in advance. When it becomes soft, cut it into pieces and transfer to a deep bowl.
  3. Start whisking a little, adding cooled condensed milk with spoons.
  4. At the end add cocoa. The consistency of the cream is a smooth mass without lumps. Try to whip the cream for a short time, otherwise the oil in its composition may exfoliate.

  1. Cakes, when they are completely cool, layer each one separately with jam.
  2. Then smear them with cream and stack them on top of each other. Trim the sides and lightly press on top with your hands to stick.
  3. Pour homemade chocolate icing: mix sugar with cocoa, pour into boiling milk, boil, stirring constantly, at the end put a piece of butter into the mass.
  4. You can decorate the cake with crumbs from dough scraps, crushed peanuts or walnuts, coconut flakes. The decor is attached to the glaze that has not yet cooled down.

On sour cream

This shortbread cake recipe can be classified as a holiday dessert. It uses a rich component composition: sour cream is added to the dough, two types of creams are used - protein and custard - and real chocolate. Sand cake in this design will become a real center of the festive feast. Cooking time - 75 minutes.


  1. 100 grams of butter;
  2. 2 cups white flour;
  3. Half a glass of thick sour cream;
  4. 2/3 cup regular sugar;
  5. A pinch of salt;
  6. Soda (0.5 teaspoon) and vinegar (1 tablespoon).
  1. Half a liter of milk 3.2%;
  2. 2 eggs and 1 yolk;
  3. 170 grams of sugar;
  4. 70 grams of butter;
  5. 2 and ½ tablespoons of flour;
  6. Extract - vanilla, rum or other.
  1. Half a glass of powdered sugar;
  2. 1 protein from a large egg.

You will also need 70 grams of pure chocolate for decoration.

Cooking process:

  1. Sift the flour into a wide bowl or immediately on the table in a slide.
  2. Cut butter into it, you can not even too soft.
  3. Quickly grind the butter with flour to crumbs with your hands.
  4. Dilute soda with vinegar and pour into the dough.
  5. Add sour cream.
  6. Without using a mixer, quickly mix the ingredients with your hands to the state of a soft shiny ball. Wrap the ball in cling film and put it in the fridge for an hour.
  7. Then take out the ball, divide it into 6 parts, roll out the cake from each and bake for 7 minutes each in the oven (190 degrees).
  1. Separate one yolk and mix with two whole eggs. Whisk until foamy.
  2. Add milk, sifted flour, sugar, vanilla and mix everything so that there are no undissolved lumps.
  3. Brew in a water bath, do not forget to stir the mass regularly. The consistency is like a thick jelly.
  4. Cool, also stirring, add oil and beat with a mixer.
  1. Beat the remaining one protein with a mixer. You should get a stable mass.
  2. Add powdered sugar and manually combine with protein foam.
  1. Layer the cakes with custard. The thickness of the layer is at least the same as the cake itself, or more if the cream is thick enough and does not spread.
  2. So collect all the cakes, coat them with cream on all sides, trim them.
  3. Grate the chocolate and sprinkle over the sides and top of the cake.
  4. Transfer the protein cream to the cornet, put on a narrow nozzle, squeeze the sides or flowers from the cream along the top.
  5. Put the product in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

Sand cake filled with fruit and covered with a layer of jelly is a very sophisticated dessert that can be prepared in any season. As a filling, in addition to fruits, you can use cream, sour cream filling, soufflé. There is very little shortcrust pastry used in it - only a thin “substrate” with sides in the form of a bowl for filling is made from it. Cooking time - 1.20 hours.


  1. One egg;
  2. A glass of flour;
  3. Butter - 75 grams;
  4. 60 grams of sugar.
  1. One egg;
  2. 30 grams of flour;
  3. 60 milliliters of milk;
  4. 30 grams of gelatin and sugar;
  5. Vanilla;
  6. 40 grams of butter.
  1. Fruits (orange, kiwi, strawberries) - only about 200 grams;
  2. 30 grams of gelatin;
  3. 100 milliliters of water;
  4. Powdered sugar for sweetening the jelly - optional.

Cooking process

Substitute shortcrust pastry:

  1. Let the butter soften, chop it into pieces.
  2. Sift the flour on top of the butter and chop the mass with a knife to crumbs.
  3. Break an egg into seven and add sugar.
  4. Stir first with a spoon and then very quickly with your hands.
  5. Form a tight ball, wrap with cling film and refrigerate for a while.
  6. Take it out, roll it into one layer, put it in a mold so that you get the bottom and sides.
  7. Put in the oven (190 degrees) and bake until golden brown (no more than 15 minutes).
  1. Soak gelatin (15 grams) in water, and when it swells, melt it in a steam bath, constantly stirring with a spoon.
  2. Beat the yolk with sugar. Add milk and flour to it. Boil over low heat for 3 minutes.
  3. Cool the mixture and beat with butter.
  4. Whisk the yolk into foam. Combine all 3 masses: protein foam, boiled yolk mixture and cooled gelatin, beat.
  5. Pour into a cake basket and refrigerate.
  1. When the cream freezes a little, cover it arbitrarily with fruit slices.
  2. Soak the remaining 15 grams of gelatin in water, let it swell. Melt, add powdered sugar to taste.
  3. Pour over fruit and refrigerate to set.

The recipe is not to say that the original, shortbread cake does not look as impressive as modern desserts. And yet, love at first bite is guaranteed. Because this is an ageless culinary classic, adored by many sand cake with custard, a recipe with a photo step by step, it is very easy to repeat it at home. In the distant Soviet times, where the delicious sand cake comes from, almost all recipes were developed in accordance with GOST for mass production. They were quite simple and cheap. At the same time, the taste of the cakes is excellent, whatever recipe you take is a masterpiece. And we will cook one of them today.

Shortbread Ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 2.5-3 cups + 0.5-2/3 cups for rolling cakes;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sour cream 10% fat - 150 g;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp with a small slide;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.

For the custard you will need:

  • eggs - 6 pcs;
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. l;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet (weight 2 g);
  • butter - 100 g.

How to make shortbread custard cake

The cooking process consists of three stages: we need to bake the cakes, cook the custard and assemble the cake. It doesn't matter what you do first - cakes or cream, in this shortbread cake recipe with custard, the sequence of actions can be any. I sometimes cook a cream in the evening, the next day I bake cakes. Or vice versa. Do what is more convenient for you.

Cooking shortbread cake

Sift three cups of flour, add sugar. Mix everything with a spatula. With regards to flour, we come across it in terms of quality, each time the proportions are slightly different. My advice - first sift 2.5 cups, then, as the dough is prepared, it will be clear: you need more or enough.

Butter should be very, very cold, not frozen, but well chilled. You can put it in the freezer for half an hour, as I do. We plan cold butter into a mixture of flour and sugar.

Now we quickly grind all the components with our palms to get an oily crumbly crumb. The faster you do this, the less flour the dough will take. When the butter under your hands begins to melt, the dough will become sticky, you will have to add flour. If everything is done quickly, then it will not have time to melt, it will take less flour.

Add chilled sour cream. I take not very thick, 10% fat.

Sprinkle sour cream with crumbs and add soda quenched with vinegar.

We begin to mix with a spoon so that the butter melts less. Add vanillin or vanilla sugar.

We knead with our hands, quickly, rolling the dough into a bun. If it sticks, add flour, but a little, so that it remains soft and rolls out easily. We tighten the bowl with cling film, remove the dough for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

On a floured board, cut the dough in half and then each half into three pieces. We leave one piece for rolling, put the rest in a bowl, return it to the refrigerator.

Pour a little flour on the board, roll the dough into a bun so that it is soft, but not sticky. We flatten and roll out with a rolling pin into a thin circle about 1 cm thick, with a diameter of just over 20 cm. You don’t need to cut the workpiece, I do it on the finished cake as soon as I take it out of the oven. Trimmings go to sprinkle the top or sides.

Sprinkle the baking sheet with a thin layer of flour. We fold the workpiece in half and transfer it to the flour. Unfold, pierce the cake with a fork. Be sure to do this, otherwise the dough will swell during baking.

Shortcakes for a sand cake are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 8-10 minutes. Their color remains light, you can slightly gild, but not to a ruddy color. We cover with a suitable dish (plate, lid or put a baking dish), circle with a knife. We put the scraps in a bowl, transfer the blank for the shortcrust pastry cake to a flat surface (on a table, board). We leave to cool. We bake the rest of the cakes in the same way.

Cooking custard for sand cake

I advise you to cook custard with a margin, because someone will want to try it, but it’s very difficult to stop - I know from myself. That's why I cook for a liter of milk. I break six eggs into a cauldron, pour a full glass of sugar there.

Beat with a whisk until foam appears. You can use the mixer, I can manage without it. Two minutes - and a lush foamy mass is ready.

Add flour, after sifting through a sieve. All at once or in portions - there is no difference. Well proportioned, this is a classic custard recipe from an old cookbook. Never failed.

Beat thoroughly, very thoroughly. So that even the smallest lumps of flour are not observed. Otherwise, when heated, they will brew and the finished cream will become dense lumps.

Pour in a liter of cold milk, stirring with a whisk.

We put the cauldron on a fire slightly weaker than average, the same one on which you boil milk. Stirring constantly, cook the cream until the cream thickens. I used to mix with a spoon, but somehow I tried it with a whisk - it turned out to be much more convenient. Long handle, more grip of the cream, breaks all the lumps that begin to form when the mass thickens. Cooking time is about 12-15 minutes, also focus on the time it takes to boil a liter of milk. If you stop stirring the cream, it will burn, the sweet thick mass will instantly stick to the bottom.

To cool the custard faster, place the cauldron in a large bowl of water or in the kitchen sink. When warm, add room temperature butter and vanilla. Stir until smooth. Let cool or leave until the next day.

Assembling and decorating a shortcrust pastry cake

When the cakes and custard have cooled to room temperature, you can start assembling the cake. The sand cake will be soaked for at least 12 hours, but it is better to leave it for a day. We take a flat dish, lay the first cake, shaking off the remaining flour from it with a brush. We spread a portion of the custard, spreading it in an even layer. For each cake will take 3 tbsp. l. cream or more. Do not forget to leave for coating the sides and top of the cake.

So we coat all the cakes. Smooth the cream on the top layer of the cake with a spatula or the flat side of a knife. On the sides of the cream we apply with a brush, filling all the voids. And then we go over with a knife or a culinary spatula to level and remove excess. We pass the scraps of cakes through a meat grinder so that there are pieces of different sizes. Sprinkle the sides of the cake. Cover, leave for a day, give time to soak the sand cake.

How to decorate the top of the cake is a matter of taste. You can just sprinkle with crumbs like the sides. Sprinkle with grated chocolate and lay out pieces of fresh pineapple, cocktail cherry, as I did this time. Cook chocolate icing for a homemade sand cake, beat whites with sugar - choose any option or come up with your own.

Well, our handsome cake is ready! As you can see, making a delicious shortbread cake with custard at home is quite a doable task. There is nothing complicated, and not so much time is spent. I would be glad if you prepare a sand cake and share your impressions or photos. Have a delicious cake and bon appetit! Your plush.

And now, after reading the recipe, you can watch a shortcrust pastry video that I found on the Internet.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Cakes are different - festive and everyday, multi-tiered with decorations and simple ones, sprinkled with icing or sprinkled with nuts, difficult to prepare and those that even a child can handle. In any case, the cake is sweet cakes smeared with cream or jam and decorated in some way. When and by whom this dessert, beloved by many, was invented is still unknown, and there is no reliable information even about the country in which it once appeared.
Be that as it may, the cake has been and remains the most popular holiday dessert, and dessert, as you know, is a worthy end to any feast. We offer you a recipe for shortcrust pastry cake with custard - very tasty, moderately sweet and not very high-calorie. Grated chocolate and protein cream are used to decorate the cake, but you can decorate it to your liking with other creams or. Don't be confused by the large number of steps in the recipe - the cakes are baked quickly, the cream will be ready in half an hour, but it needs time to cool. The cake should be soaked with cream for at least 12 hours, but it is better to leave it in the refrigerator for a day.

Ingredients for shortcrust pastry:

- wheat flour - 2 cups (faceted glass);
- butter - 100 gr;
- sugar - 2/3 cup;
- thick sour cream - 0.5 cups;
- fine salt - a pinch;
- baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
- vinegar - 1-1.5 tbsp. l (for soda).

For custard:

- eggs - 2 pcs. + 1 egg yolk;
- sugar - about half a glass (to taste);
- milk - 0.5 liters;
- wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l. with a slide;
- butter - 70 gr.

For protein cream:

- well-chilled egg white - 1 pc;
- icing sugar or fine sugar - 0.5 cups.

To decorate the top:

- 50 gr. chocolate.

Recipe with photo step by step:

From the amount of products indicated in the sand cake recipe, you will get 6 cakes with a diameter of 20 cm. Sift the flour into a spacious bowl. Cut into flour well-chilled butter.

With your palms, quickly grind the flour with butter until an oil crumb is formed (not small, but not large lumps).

Pour soda with vinegar. We wait 2-3 minutes until the soda stops hissing and pour it into the oil crumb. Add sour cream to it.

Now - attention! You don’t need to knead the dough, the longer you knead it, the harder and denser the cakes will turn out. What should be done? Mix all the products with a spoon, and when they are combined, just knead the dough with your hands for a minute so that all the flour is moistened and the dough can be collected into a lump. It will be loose and uneven - leave it as it is. Transfer back to bowl, cover with clingfilm and refrigerate for half an hour.

Cut the custard shortbread dough into 6 pieces. Sprinkle the table generously with flour. To prevent the dough from sticking to the rolling pin, sprinkle the surface of the cake with flour as well. Roll out one part of the dough into a circle of the desired diameter.

By the way, other pastries can also be prepared from such a dough, for example,.

Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour. Fold the rolled out dough in half and carefully transfer to a baking sheet. Flatten, prick the dough with a fork so that it does not swell during baking.

Place the baking sheet in the oven at 180 degrees. Cakes are baked quickly, in 5-6 minutes. No need to brown the cakes, they should remain light. Cover the still hot cake with a plate or lid of a suitable diameter and circle with a knife. Remove the trimmings, lay the cake on a flat surface. So bake all the shortbread cake layers.

While the cakes are cooling, prepare the custard. Divide one egg into yolk and white. The yolk and two whole eggs will be needed for the custard, one egg white will go into the protein cream (remove the protein in the refrigerator). If protein cream is not needed for decoration, use 3 whole eggs (both yolks and whites) for custard.

Beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy.

Add about 100 ml to beaten eggs. milk at room temperature (so that the egg mass is not very thick).

Sift flour. Add to the egg-milk mixture and beat immediately with a mixer. You need to beat carefully to break everything, even the smallest lumps. Then gradually add the rest of the milk, whipping the cream with a mixer or stirring with a spoon.

Add sugar to taste. If you follow the shortbread cake recipe with custard, the cream will be moderately sweet, so it’s better to focus on your taste here.

Beat the cream until the sugar grains dissolve.

Pour the cream into a bowl. Put on a very quiet fire and cook until thickened. Stir constantly, the sweet mass, when thickened, very quickly begins to stick to the bottom. Cool the finished cream to room temperature, add soft butter and stir until the butter dissolves.

Place the first cake layer on a plate or other cake base. Lubricate with cream, make a layer of cream no thinner than the cake itself.

Cover with a second cake, press down a little and also coat with cream. When the shortbread quiche is assembled, place it on the upside down pan. Coat the sides with cream (it is more convenient to do this with a culinary brush). Grind the scraps from the cakes, sprinkle the sides of the cake with crumbs. Cover the top with grated chocolate.

To decorate the cake, prepare a protein cream. Beat the cooled protein with sugar or powdered sugar until stable snow-white peaks. Fill a pastry syringe with cream and draw any pattern around the edge of the cake.

Move the cake to the refrigerator. It must be kept for at least 10-12 hours so that the cakes are saturated with cream, but it is better to let the cake stand for a day - it will be more tender and tastier. Before serving, leave the cake for a while at room temperature and then cut into portions.
And if you want to cook not only delicious, but also an interesting cake for children, then find out

Sand cakes are used for many desserts, they can be found in pastries, multi-layered cakes, fruit pies. It is not surprising that sand cake is universally loved, because it has a crumbly texture and is combined with a number of creams: custard, butter, sour cream.

It will take you a few minutes to prepare shortcrust pastry. You do not need to have a culinary diploma to cope with this task, all manipulations are extremely simple to perform.

Now I will teach you how to bake a cake under a romantic name, but you will appreciate its taste as soon as you reach the final goal. So, without delay, read this article from beginning to end, and you will find out the recipes for delicious cakes.

Cake Ivan da Marya

4 eggs; one and a half glasses of sugar; a tablespoon of mayonnaise; a small spoonful of soda; 160 g margarine; 350-360 g flour; a can of boiled condensed milk; 200 g of peanuts; pack of oil; 100 gram dark chocolate bar; 30 ml cream or milk; salt on the tip of a knife.

The cake recipe does not involve a lot of products, but despite this, you can quickly prepare a crumbly sand cake. It won't be too saturated, but it does have its own twist: lots of peanuts and condensed milk cream. This combination makes the cake look like the Snickers chocolate bars that children love so much.

If you are interested in homemade dessert recipes, start cooking without delay!

The classic recipe for kneading shortcrust pastry:

  1. Divide the eggs into two parts: yolks and whites. The second must be placed in a clean and dry dish without any trace of fat and put in the refrigerator.
  2. In the meantime, start whipping the yolks with granulated sugar (take half of the indicated amount). The mass should turn out light and lush.
  3. Add mayonnaise to the yolks, work the mixture again with a mixer.
  4. Enter the softened margarine, pounded before this with a spoon. To make the mass easier to whip, margarine must be of a soft consistency. Put it in the microwave if you don't have time, or leave it at room temperature for a few hours ahead of time.
  5. Extinguish soda with vinegar or lemon juice, pour into the dough.
  6. Add flour in parts, but first sift it through a sieve. Mix the dough with a spatula or spoon. You don't want the mass to end up being steep and rolling into a ball. It is enough that it becomes homogeneous.
  7. Put the dough in the refrigerator, as soon as the margarine hardens, it will no longer stick to the palms.

You have half an hour, use this time to prepare other components:

  1. While you were kneading the dough on the yolks, the whites have cooled enough and are now easily whipped into a lush mass. You can add a pinch of salt to speed up the process.
  2. Pour in the rest of the sugar and continue beating until you achieve the desired result: the mass will not spread and will keep its shape perfectly.
  3. Take out the shortcrust pastry from the refrigerator, you have to bake the cake for the cake.
  4. Take a metal baking sheet and grease it with oil.
  5. Put the dough in the center, flatten it and, pressing with your fingers, spread it over the entire surface.
  6. Put the protein mass on top and level it. Form “waves”, to do this, press a spoon against the protein mass, and then tear it off sharply.
  7. Heat the oven to 140 degrees and send the sand cake and meringue to bake. This temperature is optimal for cooking meringue, if you increase the heat, it will spread or stick together.
  8. After one hour, the protein waves will brown, this is a signal that it is time to turn off the oven. 9 Leave the cakes to cool without removing them from the oven (so the recipe calls for).

Prepare the filling:

  1. Dry the peanuts in the oven or fry in a dry frying pan.
  2. Rub the nuts between your palms, this way you will get rid of the husk and chop them into halves. If desired, cut the peanuts into smaller pieces.
  3. Soften the butter and beat well, add boiled condensed milk and again work the mixture with a mixer.

Assemble the sand cake directly on a table covered with parchment paper:

  1. Divide the cooled cake into three equal parts.
  2. Lay the first part with a sand layer down and carefully, so that the meringue does not crumble, grease with cream.
  3. Sprinkle with peanut halves.
  4. Lubricate the second part with cream and, turning over, lay on the first cake. The result is a cake, where there are cakes along the outer edges, and meringues inside, between which there is a layer of cream and nuts.
  5. Apply cream to shortbread dough.
  6. Cover with the third cake, but already so that the meringue is on top.
  7. Apply a layer of cream, sprinkle with peanut halves.
  8. Top the cake with melted chocolate mixed with cream. Paint chaotic lines to make the cake look more attractive.
  9. Grease the sides of the cake with the rest of the cream and sprinkle with peanuts, as recommended by culinary recipes.
  10. The most elegant and mouth-watering cake, Ivan da Marya, is almost ready, but before tasting, he must spend two hours in a cool place.

There are also recipes by which you can make cakes for tea, namely a shortcrust pastry cake mixed with sour cream.

Cake on sour cream (sand)

Sand cake, which you will now learn how to cook, claims to be holiday desserts. Judge for yourself, it consists of two types of creams (protein and custard), chocolate, and the dough will require one more component - sour cream.

It will take you one hour and a quarter to prepare. I think that you do not mind spending this time on a chic dessert.

You will get the dough kneading from the following ingredients:

320 g flour; half a pack of oil; 170 g of fine-grained sugar; 0.5 cups of fat sour cream; 5 g of baking soda; 10 ml of vinegar and a pinch of salt.

There are various recipes for protein cream, in our case it consists of: one protein and half a glass of powdered sugar.

The custard recipe calls for availability of the following products:

one yolk and two eggs; 2/3 cup granulated sugar; slightly less than a pack of butter; 500 ml of high fat milk; 2-3 tbsp. spoons of white flour; add vanilla sugar to taste.

It is proposed to decorate the cake with chocolate (see photo), it will take 70 g.

Almost all dough recipes start by sifting flour. Then you need:

  1. Place it in a bowl and cut the chilled butter into small pieces there.
  2. Chop the mass with a knife, and then grind between the palms. It turned out a crumb, in which you need to add sour cream and slaked soda.
  3. Quickly, so that the butter does not have time to melt, knead the dough with your hands and roll it into a ball.
  4. Wrap it in food wrap, put it in the refrigerator and leave it undisturbed for 60 minutes.
  5. After the time has elapsed, take out the dough and, dividing it into 6 parts, bake the cakes.
  6. The baking temperature is 180-190 degrees, then after 7 minutes the cakes can be removed.

Make delicious custard:

  1. The custard recipe calls for eggs and milk. In our case, this is one two eggs and one yolk. Take fat milk, so the cream will turn out tastier.
  2. So, mix eggs and yolk, beat with a mixer.
  3. Pour sugar, vanilla, flour, grind and dilute with a little milk.
  4. Once you have a smooth mixture, pour in the rest of the milk and place on the stove.
  5. Keep the cream on low heat, stirring constantly. When it acquires the consistency of a thick jelly, remove to the table and refrigerate.
  6. Cut the butter into cubes, put in a warm cream and beat.

With protein cream, everything is simple: the recipes advise to cool them before whipping the proteins, and only then take up the mixer. When the mass can be held on the whisk without any problems, pour in the powdered sugar and beat again.

Assemble the sand cake:

  1. Form the cake on a platter or wide plate, any dish of a suitable size will do. Put the first cake, apply a layer of custard. Its thickness should be no less than the cake itself, and maybe even more. Recipes allow you to do this if the cream is thick and does not spread.
  2. Stack all the cakes in a pile, also grease the top and sides with cream.
  3. Grate a chocolate bar and decorate the cake.
  4. With a protein mass, make bumpers on the surface by filling a confectionery syringe with it.
  5. If you wish, change the nozzle and form small snow-white roses.
  6. A delicious cake is considered ready to eat when it spends 8-10 hours in the refrigerator.

Now for another recipe:

Fruit cake

For shortcrust pastry in this dessert, the role of the base is assigned; it is on it that fruits and seasonal berries will be laid. A light summer dessert will help you out when you need to meet guests and treat them to tea.

For the test, take the ingredients: egg; 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar; 75 g sl. oils; 160 g flour.
Soufflé recipes are very different, we have it consists of: 4 tbsp. spoons of milk; one egg; 30 g flour, sugar, gelatin; 40 g cl. oil and vanilla extract.
In addition, you will need: fruits (200 g each of kiwi, oranges and strawberries), they offer dessert recipes to decorate the surface; 100 ml of water; 30 g instant gelatin. Use powdered sugar as desired.

First, start kneading the dough, the recipes recommend:

  1. Soften butter.
  2. Chop it up with flour.
  3. Add egg and sugar.
  4. Quickly knead the dough and send it to a cold place.
  5. Bake cakes in a round shape, forming the sides.

Soufflé recipes:

  1. Soak the gelatin and then melt over low heat.
  2. Rub the yolk with sugar and flour. Dilute the mixture with milk and boil for a couple of minutes.
  3. After cooling, beat with butter.
  4. Whisk the protein.
  5. Combine the three masses in one bowl.
  6. Pour the resulting soufflé over the cakes and let set in the cold.

Assemble a delicious homemade cake:

  1. Place fruit slices on the frozen soufflé and fill with a clear gelatin solution.
  2. To make the cake finally ready, the recipes advise leaving it alone for another one and a half to two hours and garnishing with fresh mint leaves (as in the photo).

Enjoy your meal! Make cakes as often as possible!

All about shortbread dough. Tips, mistakes. 21 cake recipes.

Shortcrust pastry is prepared with a lot of butter (26%) and sugar (18%); the dough is very thick, and its moisture content does not exceed 20%. Under such conditions, yeast cannot develop, and it is impossible to use it as a baking powder for this type of dough. The main baking powder in shortcrust pastry is butter. It gives the dough friability, envelops the flour particles and prevents them from connecting. Flour for shortcrust pastry is taken with an average amount of gluten (28-36%). If you take flour with a small amount of gluten, the products turn out to be too crumbly and it will be difficult to mold them, if with a large amount, then the products will be tightened.

For greater loosening of the dough, chemical leavening agents are added to it - ammonium carbonate and baking soda, which, when heated, decompose with the release of gases.

In a well-kneaded dough, there should be no lumps of flour or butter. It should be a homogeneous, dense, elastic oily mass of gray-yellow color. The moisture content of the dough is 18.5-19.5%. The main components of shortbread dough are wheat flour, butter or margarine, egg or egg yolk, sugar, dough baking powder. Sand dough products are characterized by a pleasant taste. You can bake pies, cakes, pastries, cookies and other products from shortcrust pastry. Sometimes, when making shortcrust pastry, part of the flour is replaced with starch, ground nuts, mayonnaise or sour cream, cocoa or other components are added. Sugar is best added to the dough in the form of powdered sugar.

shortcrust pastry

1 pack of butter or margarine, 1 cup of sugar or powdered sugar, 1 egg, 8 tablespoons of premium flour, salt, soda on the tip of a knife.

The disadvantages that may arise during the manufacture of the dough and the reasons for their occurrence are given below.


Causes of deficiencies

The dough is non-plastic, crumbles when rolling, and when baking, fat comes out of it

The dough is kneaded

with melted or

Heavily mashed butter

Or with other warm


Baked products are rough, crumble

The dough is warm

Dough is tight and shrinks when rolled out

Lots of flour and liquid, little fat

When baking, the products are small in volume, hard

Fat is added last to the dough. Long kneaded dough

Layers burnt out

Unevenly rolled layer. The baking sheet was not turned in the oven in a timely manner

Product is very loose

Instead of eggs, only egg yolks or a lot of butter are added

Rigid products, vitreous

Instead of eggs, egg whites are added or a lot of caxapa, little oil

shortcrust pastry cake recipes

Cake "Leningradsky"


shortbread dough

Flour - 500g

Butter - 280g

Sugar sand - 200g

Soda - 1/2 tsp + vinegar

Butter - 200g

Powdered sugar - 100g

Condensed milk boiled - 400g

Cocoa - 2 tablespoons

Orange liqueur - 2 tbsp. (not necessary)

Apricot jam - 350g

Walnuts - a handful

Form 25x25, oven 180


Cooking the dough

With a mixer, beat the butter and granulated sugar for about 5 minutes, add the egg and beat for another 5 minutes. to pomp. Add flour with soda (+ vinegar), change the nozzle on the hook (for dough) and knead until smooth. The dough is not tight, very elastic. We divide it into three equal pieces and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

We are preparing the cream at this time.

Beat butter, powder, cocoa, condensed milk and liquor with a mixer until fluffy, about 5-7 minutes. We remove the finished cream before assembling the cake in the refrigerator.

For the convenience of rolling out the dough, we take a 25x25 form, trace its outline on parchment, turn the parchment over and give the dough the desired size (I first distributed it with my hands and then helped with a rolling pin). Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 20 minutes. (until golden brown) We do the same manipulations with the rest of the dough. While the cakes are warm, carefully trim the edges, cutting off about 1 cm, then to make a crumb. Cool down.

Let's start assembling the cake. Spread a thin layer of jam on 1 cake, 1/3 of the cream on it, the second cake, etc. Coat the top and sides of the cake with jam and cream. Sprinkle the sides with crumbs from scraps, top of the cake with chopped walnuts. It would be necessary to make the inscription "Leningradsky", but some have hooks in their hands)

All! Ready! Keep it in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.

Cake "English"

Starch - 160 g, butter - 125 g, sugar - 125 g, flour - 1 cm. spoon, eggs - 3 pcs., almonds - 2 cm. spoons, candied cherries - 3 cm. spoons, raisins - 2 cm. spoons, chopped candied fruits - 2 cm. spoons, rum - 2 cm. spoons, lemon zest - 1/2 teaspoon, vanilla sugar - 1/2 sachet, soda - 1/2 teaspoon, a pinch of salt.

Beat butter, sugar, lemon zest and vanilla sugar, add starch, flour, salt, soda, eggs. Put peeled and crushed almonds, washed and dried raisins, candied fruits into the dough. Cut the cherries, sprinkle with flour and add to the dough along with the rum. Place the mass in a greased mold and bake for 40 minutes at medium temperature.

Cake "Alyonushka"

1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup sour cream, 100 g butter, 2 yolks, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon soda, 4 cups flour, vanilla sugar.

For cream: 2 proteins, 3 teaspoons of sugar.

For filling:

Sour cream, sugar, butter, egg yolks, salt and soda, vanilla sugar and flour mix gently until fine crumbs. Pour half the dough on a dry baking sheet with a layer of 1 cm. Put the filling on top: raspberry, strawberry, cranberry or lingonberry jam, grated apples with sugar, raisins or pitted prunes, ground through a meat grinder, or you can take a little of all this. Top with the remaining dough. We also bake in a non-hot oven for 30 minutes. While the cake is in the oven, beat the remaining whites into a strong foam, gradually add three teaspoons of sugar. Quickly cover the finished cake with whipped proteins and put it in the oven again until they are reddened.

Cake "Viennese"

Flour - 350 g, butter - 250 g, powdered sugar - 250 g, eggs - 8 pcs., fruit jam - 200 g, vanilla or lemon peel, candied fruit.

Rub the butter with eggs, pour in powdered sugar mixed with wheat flour, add spices.

Divide the prepared dough into 2 parts, roll out, bake 2 cakes. Cool down. Lay fruit jam between the cakes, grease the cake with it on top, decorate with candied fruits.

Cake "Cherry"

Roll out the shortbread dough in the form of a round cake, put in a round shape with corrugated edges, prick in several places with a fork, bake until slightly golden and cool.

For the filling: pit the cherries, pour over chilled sugar syrup, boiled from 150 g of sugar and 1 glass of water, and soak the berries in the syrup for about an hour. Drain the berries in a sieve, drain the syrup into a bowl and use it to make jelly.

For cherry jelly:

Syrup from cherries, sugar and swollen gelatin warm to a boil, remove from heat, cool slightly, not bringing to solidification. Place the berries in a baked and chilled sand mold. Glaze the cherries with chilled jelly with a brush, let them harden slightly. Pour a layer of the remaining jelly over the berries and cool the cake for 2-3 hours.

Cake "Gorka"

2-3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 250 g margarine, 1/2 teaspoon soda, 3 cups flour, 1 cup crushed walnuts, 2-3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 250 g margarine, 1/2 teaspoon soda, 3 cups flour, 1 cup crushed walnuts.

Grind eggs with sugar, crush margarine and mix with eggs, add soda and flour, knead the dough and put in the cold. Scroll the dough in a meat grinder and mix with a glass of chopped nuts (raisins). Bake with several balls.

Cream: 800 g of sour cream, beat with sugar (1 cup), dip the ball into the cream and lay in a slide, sprinkle with grated chocolate on top.

Cake "Alena"

Roll out shortbread dough in the form of a round cake with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm, put in a prepared form, crushing the dough so that a cavity forms. Bake in a hot oven until golden brown, cool, remove the mold and transfer it to a dish.

For cream: beat thoroughly (preferably with a mixer) 250 g of 30% cold cream or thick sour cream with 2-3 teaspoons of powdered sugar.

Fill the form with slices of tangerines and pour sour cream. Decorate the cake in the form of an ornament along the edge and small flowers on the surface of the cake, made from thick jam or marmalade. Serve the cake well chilled.

Cake "Karakul"

2 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, 1/2 pack of margarine, 6 tablespoons of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of soda (slaked), 3.5 cups of flour, a little salt.

For cream: 200 g butter, 1 can of condensed milk.

Grind eggs with sugar, melt margarine, add milk to it, then pour this mixture into eggs, put soda, salt and flour, knead the dough, divide into eight parts and freeze, then grind on a coarse grater and bake.

Pour the flakes with cream, mix well, shape and put in the cold. You can add nuts to the cream.

Cake "Prince Igor"

For finishing the cake: 500-600 g of fresh strawberries, a few leaves of lemon balm.

For cream: 250 g of 30% fat cream or thick sour cream, 2 teaspoons of powdered sugar.

Roll out the dough in the form of a round cake with a thickness of 1.2 cm, put in a round form with a corrugated edge, pressing the dough into the depth of the form to form a cavity (like a “basket” cake in miniature). Prick the dough (bottom) with a fork to avoid swelling during baking. Bake at 180-200°C until golden brown. Cool, remove from the mold, fill with fresh strawberries.

Whip cream (thick sour cream) with sugar, flavor with vanilla. Decorate with cream in the form of an ornament (border) around the edge of the cake. Between the strawberries, make several small elegant flowers from the cream, using a carved “rococo” tube, beautifully place the leaves of lemon mint (melissa). Put the cake in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

cake basket

200 g butter, 400 g flour, 1 glass of rum, 1 cm spoon of sour cream, 1 egg, 1 glass of sugar, 1/2 lemon.

Mix together butter, flour, rum, egg, sour cream, sugar and lemon zest, mix thoroughly. Prepare a deep pan, grease it with oil, sprinkle with sugar, spread the dough on the bottom and sides of the pan, brush with egg and bake. Transfer the finished dough form to a round dish, fill with fresh berries or apples baked with sugar and cover everything with whipped cream with sugar.

Cake "Natasha"

3 eggs, 1.5 cups of sugar, 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 pack of margarine, 2 cups of flour.

For cream: 250 g sour cream, 150 g sugar, 1 cup nuts

Beat eggs with sugar, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda quenched with vinegar. Separately grind 1 pack of margarine with 3 cups of flour. Put everything together, knead the dough. Divide the resulting mass into four parts. Cakes can be baked both in the oven and in a pan on the stove. They just need to be rolled out well.

Cream: sour cream is whipped with sugar and nuts are added to it.

Sand cake (quick)

150 g butter, 200 g wheat flour, 130 g powdered sugar, 100 g grated almonds or nuts, 4 whole eggs and 1 yolk, 200 g vanilla cream.

All products for the dough mix, knead, divide in half, bake 2 cakes, cool. Lubricate the cakes and the top of the cake with marmalade or cream. Decorate with candied fruits.

Sand cake with cottage cheese

350 g wheat flour, 2 eggs, 200 g sugar, 100 g butter, a pinch of baking soda, 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar.

For the filling: 2 eggs (yolks), 200 g sugar, 300 g cottage cheese, a pinch of vanilla.

Whipped egg whites: 2 eggs (whites), 200 g sugar.

The yolks are rubbed with sugar, softened butter, soda quenched with vinegar are added, everything is thoroughly mixed, flour is added and a not very thick dough is kneaded. The latter is laid out in a cake up to 1 cm thick and baked in the oven at a temperature of 230 ° C for 20 minutes.

The filling is prepared: the cottage cheese is rubbed with yolks, vanilla and sugar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The filling is placed on a baked cake, topped with whites whipped with sugar and put back in the oven (temperature 200-220 ° C) so that the cream is slightly browned.

Cake "Gift for Grandma"

Prepare shortcrust pastry, roll it into a round cake according to the size of the mold or pan (it is better to use a mold with a split bottom and corrugated edges), pre-greasing it with oil and sprinkling with flour.

Gently and evenly, pressing the dough into the mold with your fingers, fill it to the brim, making a recess inside and piercing the dough in several places with a fork. Bake the dough in a hot oven until golden brown and cool.

For jelly: 1/2 cup fruit syrup, 3 full tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 cm. spoon of gelatin, 1/2 cup of water.

Pour gelatin with warm water and leave for 1-2 hours to swell. Add sugar to fruit syrup, heat to a boil, add prepared gelatin, stir until it is completely dissolved and, without boiling, remove from heat and strain through a strainer. Cool the jelly to a viscous state.

Transfer the dough form to a dish, fill with fruit filling (600-700 g of canned or fresh fruit to taste) and glaze the fruit with semi-hardened jelly using a brush.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Cake spicy "Pyramid"

400 g butter, 15 eggs, 1 lemon, 12 clove buds, 1/2 nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 500 g sugar, 800 g jam or marmalade.

Beat softened butter into foam with egg yolks, add in turn, without ceasing to stir, lemon zest, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, sugar, flour. Carefully fold in the beaten egg whites and mix everything from top to bottom. Transfer the dough to the prepared pan and bake in a low oven for about an hour.

Transfer the cooled cake to a dish, select a piece of crumb in the middle with a round shape or a glass and fill the resulting recess with jam or marmalade. The cake can be baked in different sizes by stacking ready-made cakes on top of each other in a “pyramid”. Cover the surface of the cake with plenty of powdered sugar and decorate with whole toasted almond kernels.

Cake "Rhapsody"

Prepare 2 cakes from shortcrust pastry, bake them in a hot oven and cool.

For the filling: 400 g grated cottage cheese, 3 egg yolks, 120 g sugar, 40 g ground nuts or almonds, 4 egg whites, vanilla sugar to taste.

Stir the egg yolks well with dry, non-acidic cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve, add ground nuts and vanilla sugar and carefully introduce the whites whipped into a stiff foam into the filling.

Separate 2/3 of the prepared shortcrust pastry, roll into a layer, lay on a sheet and cover with a layer of filling. From the remaining dough, roll out the flagella and lay them on top of the filling in the form of a grid. Bake the cake in a medium-heated oven until cooked, transfer it to a dish, let it cool and cover it with plenty of powdered sugar.

Curd cake "Special"

50 g flour, 110 g butter, 60 g sugar, 1 yolk, vanillin to taste.

From butter, pounded with sugar, flour, yolk and vanillin, prepare shortbread dough. Roll out 2/3 of the dough into a layer, place in a greased and floured form and cover with stuffing.

For the filling: 400 g of grated cottage cheese, 3 egg yolks, 120 g of sugar, 40 g of ground walnut kernels or almonds, 4 whites whipped into foam, vanillin to taste.

Mix the yolks well with cottage cheese, sugar, vanillin, ground nut kernels and add egg whites whipped into a strong foam to this mass. Roll up flagella from the remaining dough, lay them on the filling in the form of a grid and bake the cake in a medium-heated oven until cooked. Cool the finished cake and, slightly warm, sprinkle with powdered sugar and grated chocolate. You can cover with milk glaze instead.

For glaze: 250 g sifted powdered sugar, 5 cm. tablespoons of full-fat milk or low-fat cream, 1 teaspoon of rum or a few drops of rum essence.

Mix hot milk with powdered sugar and grind to the desired mass density. At the end of cooking, add rum or essence.

Cake "Tsarskoye Selo"

Shortbread dough (basic recipe) - 1 serving.

For cream: 200 g butter, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 3 tablespoons cognac.

For glaze: 150 g powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons melted butter, 3 tablespoons hot water.

Divide the dough into 3 equal parts, roll out 3 round cakes, bake at a temperature of 180-200 ° C, cool, glue them with cream, leaving part of the cream for decorating the cake. Glaze the surface of the cake with chocolate icing. When the glaze has completely hardened, use a pastry bag or a parchment bag with a carved tube to apply a pattern of cream in the form of small flowers.

To prepare the glaze, sift cocoa powder and powdered sugar through a fine sieve, add hot water, melted butter, mix everything thoroughly until a shiny homogeneous mass is obtained.

Cake "Cheburashka"

2 eggs, 1 cup for dough and 5 teaspoons for cream of fine sugar, 100 g butter, 3 cups flour, soda on the tip of a knife.

Thoroughly grind the yolks, granulated sugar, butter, add a little flour mixed with soda, mix everything to get a large crumb.

Lubricate a heated deep frying pan or mold with oil, pour half of the resulting mixture on it in an even layer, carefully put a layer of any jam or fresh apples grated on a coarse grater, mixed with sugar, on top of it. Pour the remaining mixture on top, level the surface and place the cake pan in the oven.

Beat the remaining two proteins into a strong foam, add gradually 3-5 teaspoons of sugar. When the cake is almost ready, put whipped whites on top of it (with a wire rack, stars or balls) and put back in the oven on low heat so that the whites dry and brown. Serve the cake slightly warm.

Cake "Apple Tree"

210 g flour, 140 g butter, 140 g sugar, 4 eggs, 50 g raisins, 750 g peeled apples.

Knead shortbread dough from flour, 70 g of sugar, raisins and 1 egg, roll out 2 identical layers from it, put them in a cake mold and bake. Spread cakes with sweet applesauce. Add 70 g of sugar to the foam of 3 eggs and cover the applesauce with this mass. Put the cake in a hot oven for 5 minutes to brown the foam.

Cake from Verochka:

I'll share my cake. Any shortbread dough + 1 egg. Only yolks are in the dough, and sugar can be put less. Beat egg whites with sugar and refrigerate. We bake the "basket" until almost ready. We spread the berries (the most delicious strawberries are whole), you can ice cream immediately from the refrigerator. If the berry is sour, you can sprinkle with sugar. Spread egg white on top and bake. The wave from the "alignment" of the protein with a spoon is very beautifully baked in color. Everyone loves this cake so much.

My husband's favorite cake

German sand cake "Baumkuchen"

The cut of this cake resembles a cut of a tree with annual rings, hence it got its name. This effect is given by a special baking technology - a wooden roller is dipped in batter, browned over an open fire, then dipped again in the dough and browned again, and so on several times.
Of course, real Baumkuchen is prepared only in an industrial way, but I will share with you an equally delicious homemade recipe. And by the way, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted)) Baking this cake turned out to be much easier than expected))


For the test
250 grams of butter at room temperature
200 grams of sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt
5 eggs
125 grams of flour
125 grams starch
75 grams ground almonds
a pinch of ground cinnamon and cloves
2 sl cognac or rum
do not add baking soda or baking powder

For impregnation
8-10 s.l. orange liqueur (I use orange juice)
100 grams of apricot jam or confiture (without pieces)

200 grams of marzipan
75 grams of powdered sugar
200 grams of milk chocolate (or chocolate icing)
optional white chocolate for decoration


Turn on the oven at 250 degrees.

Sift flour with starch and combine with ground almonds and spices.

Beat butter, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt until fluffy.

Add eggs one at a time, whisking constantly. Each egg should be well connected to the mass before adding the next.

Continue whisking until you get a fluffy light mass.

Add the flour mixture and cognac and gently knead the dough with a spatula.

Cover the bottom of the springform with parchment.

Put two tablespoons of dough on the bottom and spread it evenly over the entire surface of the bottom.

Place in preheated oven for 3-5 minutes.

The cake is baked on the upper level of the oven, you can also use the "grill" function.

Open the oven and spread two more tablespoons of dough on top of the baked cake.

Continue until all the dough is gone.

Release the cake from the ring and put on a dish.

Poke holes with a wooden skewer and soak with liquor/juice.

Leave until completely cool.

Warm up the apricot jam and rub it through a sieve to break up the pieces of fruit, if any.

Lubricate the cake with jam.

Knead marzipan with 50 grams of powder until smooth and roll out on the rest of the powder into a layer of about 30 cm.

Using a rolling pin, transfer the layer to the cake and gently press down and smooth over the entire cake.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour it from the top, spread with a spatula over the entire surface and sides.

Let cool completely and garnish with melted white chocolate if desired.

This cake will keep in a dry, cool place for up to two weeks.
