Pickled apples in jars for the winter. Pickled apples for the winter in jars without sterilization are a fragrant snack. Pickled apples for the winter: sweet, sour, ranetki

Apples are one of the most beloved and numerous fruits in the world. They are very popular with hosts. These fruits are good not only fresh, but also preserved for the winter, in particular, pickled. Many people love the spicy taste of such fruits. This is a great addition to your winter table. They perfectly complement the taste of poultry, meat. The fragrant fruits are good on their own.

Features of cooking pickled apples for the winter

This fruit, despite its apparent simplicity, still has some features that you need to know about:

  • you need to choose small apples so that they easily pass into the neck of a glass jar;
  • you can pickle small fruits in whole jars;
  • for this method of harvesting, it is necessary to select whole fruits without damage. They should not have wormholes or spots. You can pickle large apples by cutting into slices;
  • fruits should be firm.

Overripe fruits are not suitable for pickling.

Product selection and preparation before starting the process

You need to thoroughly wash the fruit, then let them dry or wipe with a towel.

Tails can be removed or left as desired.

If it is supposed to pickle fruits of sour varieties, then more sugar is added to the marinade than to sweet ones.

Pickled apple recipes at home

There are many ways to marinate. Next, we will talk about the most popular.

simple recipe

Peeled and chopped fruits are poured over with boiling water, put in sterilized glassware and poured with hot simple marinade. It is prepared very simply: for 2 liters of water, you should take two kilograms of these fruits and a pound of sugar. Banks are sealed immediately.

All in banks

They take small fruits, the so-called paradise apples are also good.

The step by step recipe is as follows:

  1. Prepared fruits are pierced with a sharp skewer or knife.
  2. Prepared fruits, if they are cut, it is advisable to lower them into water, where 2-3 grams of citric acid is dissolved, or into a weak salt solution.
  3. Next, whole fruits are dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  4. Then they pull it out, put it in prepared jars.
  5. The water in which the fruits were sterilized is used to prepare the marinade. To prepare it, for every liter of water, take an incomplete glass of sugar, 50 grams of salt, 150 g of vinegar, as well as spices to taste (cumin, cloves, cinnamon, allspice). All these products are poured into hot water and stirred until they are dissolved.
  6. The resulting solution is poured into the fruits, the containers are closed with sterilized lids and sterilized. Liter jars - 15 minutes, 3-liter jars 35-40 minutes, after which they roll up.

With vinegar

In this case, more vinegar is added to the marinade than in the traditional recipe, approximately 200-250 grams. The taste of such apples will be sharper than usual.

in Bulgarian

Many people remember the taste of Bulgarian-style pickled vegetables and fruits. They are remembered by many taste "as before". The fruits pickled in this way have an incredibly pleasant taste.

For this method of preservation, you need to do the following:

First, apples are blanched in boiling water for 4-5 minutes, then transferred to prepared sterilized dishes.

The blanks are poured with boiling marinade. For its preparation take:

  • 2 kg of fruit;
  • sugar 1 kg;
  • lemons 200 g;
  • apple juice 1 l;
  • 50 grams of walnuts are added.

Lemons are cut into circles, apples - into large slices. Then the fruit is poured with juice. The mixture is heated on the stove and boiled for 4-5 minutes, then sugar is added.

The resulting syrup is boiled for another 10 minutes, then citric acid and nut kernels are added. The jars are closed with boiled lids and rolled up.

Banks should be wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket and allowed to cool in this way for at least a day.

An additional advantage of this method is that it is done without additional sterilization.


Apples pickled with cinnamon have a very unusual taste. In this case, you need to pickle fruits according to the traditional recipe, and the spice is added along with others directly into clean jars.

In currant juice

Such pickling is less known than other methods, but the taste of such apples is incredible and fragrant.

Currant is an additional preservative. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamin C.

  • Apples are cut coarsely (can be cut into 4 parts).
  • Berries of red or black currant are washed, poured with a small amount of hot water for steaming.
  • After 20 minutes, rub through a sieve, resulting in a thick juice. It is poured into jars halfway.
  • Next, I immerse the prepared fruits in the containers so that the fruits are completely immersed in the juice. The containers are closed with lids, then sterilized (jars 0.5 l - 25 minutes, 1 l - 35-40 minutes).

Without sterilization with garlic

This appetizer goes well with strong drinks. How to cook these apples step by step:

  1. Peeled and well-chopped garlic cloves are added to the jars where the apples are placed (4-5 cloves are on average per 2 kg).
  2. 1 bay leaf, 3-4 peas of allspice are also added there.
  3. Sugar (5 tablespoons per liter), salt (2 tablespoons), vinegar (7 ml) are placed in cold water. Mix everything well and pour into a bowl with apples.
  4. In this form, they should stand at room temperature for 24 hours. The next day, the jars are exposed to the cold. After 48 hours, apples can be eaten.

With bell pepper

Apples go well not only with other fruits, but also with vegetables. Their combination with bell pepper is unusual, but very tasty.

Spices are placed directly in a jar or in a container with marinade. It can be allspice, cumin.

Peppers of different colors are well suited for this pickling method. In this case, the appetizer will additionally acquire a very beautiful look.

It is better to pickle with pepper apples that do not have a bright color.

For 1 kg of fruit you should take:

  • 1 kg of bell pepper;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar and one - of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar;
  • allspice peas (4-5 pieces);
  • cloves (2-3 buds).

Apples and peppers are cut into large slices.

Salt and sugar are poured into boiling water, vinegar is added at the end.

Spices are laid out at the bottom of the jar, then prepared vegetables and apples. Pour boiling water over, cover with lids and let stand in this form for 20-25 minutes. Then the water is drained, and the workpieces are poured with hot marinade.

Banks are covered with sterilized lids and rolled up. Additional sterilization is not required.

With lemon and calendula

In this case, the prepared fruits are laid out in a clean, dry container, alternating apples with lemon slices and calendula flowers. Then a syrup is prepared from water and sugar, cooled and poured into the workpiece. Then they cover with gauze and put oppression. Pickle apples should be in the cold.

It should be remembered that the shelf life of such a blank is much less than that of those that are closed in jars. It should be used first.

With cranberries and pears

For this method, you will need 1 kg of cranberries, 0.5 kg of pears and apples. For the marinade, you should take the following products:

  1. Salt - half a teaspoon.
  2. Sugar - 8 tablespoons.
  3. Vinegar - 250 g.
  4. Water - 600 ml.
  5. Spices to taste.

Fruits are stacked in prepared jars, interbedded with lingonberries. Then they are poured with boiling marinade, closed with sterile lids and twisted.

Further storage

In order for apples to bring joy in winter, it is necessary to observe not only the pickling conditions, but also to properly store the blanks.

Canned apples should be stored in a cool place. If pickled in a quick way and were placed under pressure, then you need to make sure that mold does not appear on the gauze. To do this, it, as well as the board under oppression, must be periodically removed and washed.

Gardeners and gardeners grow a variety of fruit trees and shrubs in order to obtain a healthy crop that can be enjoyed not only right here and now, but also to do something for the future. So, pickled apples, which are offered to be rolled into jars, are an excellent solution. The original version of the preparation of such fruits is incredibly popular in Bulgaria, but it is also loved by hostesses in other countries. It is not surprising, because the fruits are spicy, sweetish-sour, and the benefits in them are the sea.

Cooking time - 2 days.

The number of servings is 4.


To make pickled apples for the winter according to a Bulgarian recipe, you will need to prepare:

  • strong apples - 1.5 kg;
  • currant leaf - 1 pc.;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% - 80 ml;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • star anise - 1 star;
  • salt - 1 dess. l.;
  • thyme - 1 sprig;
  • granulated sugar - 1 dess. l.;
  • allspice - 5 peas;
  • mustard seeds - 1 pinch;
  • cloves - 1 pc.;
  • coriander - 1 pinch.

On a note! It is optimal to pickle strong apples of varieties such as white filling or antonovka.

How to cook pickled apples in jars for the winter

Pickling apples in jars for future use is not as difficult as it sometimes seems. If you use a step-by-step recipe with a photo and watch thematic videos, then all questions will disappear on their own.

  1. The first step is to deal with the fruits themselves. Apples will need to be thoroughly washed, it is better to use a brush, since it is definitely not planned to cut off the peel. Fruits are dried with towels and cut into slices. All seeds and films are cut off from them so that the taste of pickled apples is pleasant and tender.

  1. The next step in harvesting pickled apples for future use is the packaging of fruit slices in sterilized jars. The slices must be packed tightly. Then the fruit slices are poured with boiling water and left in this form for an hour. After a specified amount of time, this water is drained into a saucepan - on its basis it is necessary to make a marinade for pickled apples. The liquid is put on fire. Sugar and salt must be dissolved in it. All spices and spices specified in the recipe are also introduced here. When the brine boils, you need to boil it for 3 minutes. Then vinegar is poured into the marinade, after which the mixture is cooked for exactly a minute.

  1. Based on the proposed recipe for pickled apples in jars for the winter, you will have to fill in the blanks again. At this step of preparing fruit for the future, you will need to close the jars with lids. The containers are turned over and wrapped in blankets. In them, the jars must be kept until completely cooled, after which they can be removed to the basement or cellar for storage.

  1. These pickled apple slices are so appetizing!

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Video recipes for pickled apples for the winter

It is much easier to make pickled apples in jars for the winter if you get acquainted with the videos below:

Pickled, spicy-flavored apples can be prepared on the principle of cucumbers and tomatoes in jars and end up with an excellent side dish for meat or an appetizer on the festive table.

For pickling apples, I use any fruits that are at hand, but it is believed that the best preparation is obtained from antonovka, white filling and pepin, that is, from sour varieties. I cooked with them too - well, it’s delicious, but I would say “also delicious”, and not tastier.

The most intriguing thing about pickled apples is the marinade. It can be made different, emphasizing the sharpness, spice or softness of the workpiece, but the main thing is that it contains vinegar. As you can see from the list of ingredients, my marinade is quite rich, and the apples are very expressive - sour-spicy-sweet-spicy. I think that you will like this marinade for “winter” apples with vinegar, especially since not only fruits are edible in my preparation, but also the marinade itself - I preserve apples not in water, but in apple and grape juice. And my neighbor, for example, makes a filling only from water, vinegar, lavrushka and pepper - she says that there is nothing better than such an “economical”, spicy recipe for apples for the winter.

Another controversial point on which we do not agree with a neighbor is what kind of apples in jars should be: is it better that they float whole or in pieces in the marinade? Well, it's a matter of taste. I prefer them in pieces: it still doesn’t affect the taste, but they are already cut and ready to eat.


To pickle apples for the winter in your own juice, you will need:

  • large apples 5-6 pcs.
  • lemon 1/3 1/2 piece
  • currant and cherry leaves 1 pc.
  • apple juice 150 ml
  • water 0.5 tbsp.
  • wine light vinegar 0.5 tbsp.
  • cardamom 1 pc.
  • star anise 1 star
  • pepper mixture 1 tsp
  • Sichuan pepper 0.5 tsp
  • carnation 3 pcs.
  • saffron stamens 5 pcs.
  • sugar 4 tbsp. l.
  • salt 1 tsp
  • How to cook pickled apples for the winter

    To keep pickled apples in shape, I always use only hard fruits.

    I start by washing the fruits and cutting them into quarters or, if they are large, into several slices. I remove the core according to my mood, it is not necessary to do this. Then I drizzle with lemon juice so that the apples don't darken while I'm fussing over them.

    To give apples a little extra crunch, I put currant and cherry leaves in jars - usually a washed leaf at the bottom of each prepared, sterilized jar is enough.

    Pour apple slices with freshly squeezed apple juice, put on medium heat and boil for 5-10 minutes. Instead of juice, you can use purified water, but such a marinade is not very good and certainly not very edible.

    In the next step, I lay out the apples in jars or jars and cover each with a lid. I'm about to start making the marinade.

    Making an apple preserve marinade is quite simple: I mix apple juice, white wine vinegar, a little water in a ladle and bring the mixture to a boil. Then I add sugar and salt, season with spicy spices and simmer the marinade over low heat for about 5 minutes.

    Among the ingredients, if you notice, there are saffron stamens. I do not send them to the marinade, but put them directly in jars of apples. The presence of saffron in the harvest (as well as other spices) is voluntary. I like the light floral aroma that appears in the workpiece due to saffron.

    Pour apples with boiling marinade, cover with lids.

    And I sterilize pickled apples in a saucepan with water over low heat (10 minutes - 500 ml). I twist the jars with lids, turn them over and cover with a blanket. In this form, I keep them until completely cooled.

    If you want to eat pickled apples without waiting for winter, immediately, you can not sterilize them, but rather keep them in the refrigerator for several days. Or rather: pour hot marinade, twist the tops, cool and put in the refrigerator. In a few days, the snack will be ready.

    Such blanks are well stored in a cool place.

    How to pickle apples so they just melt in your mouth? To do this, you should read our tips. They will allow you to cook the most delicious preparation!

    pickled apples

    Wash 2 kg of apples, chop into slices with a knife. One slice should be approximately 1/8 of the fruit. Make sugar syrup: pour half a kilogram of sugar into 2 liters of water, boil. While your mass is being cooked, add apple slices to it, cook for three minutes. Take out the pieces, put them in sterilized containers, fill the jars with the same syrup, cork with metal lids.

    Such an appetizer can be safely used as an independent dish or as a filling for desserts. In addition, they can be included in a fruit salad along with tangerines, kiwi and bananas.

    Pickled apples: recipe

    Select 2 kg of apples, wash each fruit, chop into small pieces. Cut the washed lemons into slices. The skin should not be removed, as it contains a large amount of nutrients. In addition, you can also leave the bones. Pour fruit pieces with apple juice, which should cover them. Put the resulting mass on a tile, cook until the fruit has a pleasant softness. Strain the contents, add 1 kg of granulated sugar. Boil the syrup until it thickens. Add 40 g of nuts, a teaspoon of citric acid. Pack fruit slices in clean containers, pour in syrup, cork with plastic lids.

    Useful advice. Before starting the pickling process, the dishes must be washed and sterilized. This will get rid of such an unpleasant surprise as the bitter aftertaste of the finished workpiece. However, this is the most innocuous thing that can happen to the workpiece. Much more dangerous if you get poisoned by it.

    Try also . An unusual combination of flavors will please even the most fastidious gourmets.

    Pickled apples for the winter

    Cut 1.5 kg of clean apples into slices, transfer to jars. Add 4 medium garlic cloves to a jar, add black peppercorns and bay leaf here. Boil the marinade: add 5 tbsp to a liter of water. l. acetic acid, add 2.5 tbsp. spoons of salt and 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. Fill with apple slices, leave in the room for one day. After that, rearrange the jars in the refrigerator for the same time.

    Pickled apples in jars

    Rinse 1 kg of apples, chop into slices. 120 g of Bulgarian pepper also crumble into pieces. Mix water with a tablespoon of salt and 3 tbsp. sugar. Add 1 tsp. vinegar. Place spices (allspice peas, a couple of cloves) on the bottom of the containers, add slices of bell pepper and apple slices on top. Pour the marinade, cover with a lid on top, let stand for 7 minutes. Strain, boil again. Pour the marinade over the fruits, cork with metal lids. Turn upside down, let the preservation cool.

    A variant of sour fruits.

    Scald 3 kg of apples, leave them alone until completely cooled in water. After that, drain the liquid, put 420 g of sugar, half a cinnamon stick, cloves and allspice. Send apples to jars, add 100 ml of vinegar, pour in syrup, cover with sterilized lids. Pasteurize in a large saucepan, roll up.

    "Paradise Apples"

    Dip the fruits for a couple of minutes in boiling water, pull them out with a slotted spoon and immediately dip them in cool water. From 1 liter of water, 200 ml of acetic acid, a whole clove and a gram of ground cinnamon, make a marinade. Put the fruits in jars, add the marinade, pasteurize.

    "Merry assorted".

    From 1 kg of fruit, remove the stalks and the middle. Leave the fruits themselves whole. Peel 1 kg of medium carrot and 320 g of onion. Cut half a kilogram of sweet pepper in half, remove the seeds. Wash 1 kg of tomatoes, in each of them make several punctures with a toothpick or fork. Blanch all vegetables (except tomatoes) for a couple of minutes. Make a filling: mix 3 liters of tomato, 3 tsp. vinegar essence, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt, 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Add spices to taste. Use cloves, cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom. Boil the resulting mass.
