What to cook from ranetki for the winter recipes. Transparent jam from ranetki with a tail - delicious and original recipes for amber delicacy. A simple compote recipe to keep at home

Original and non-banal recipes are very much appreciated in my family and everyone is waiting for the winter to finally open their favorite preparations and enjoy incredible goodies. My grandmother also prepared ranetki for the winter, I have already described a simple recipe with a photo below. She could ferment cabbage with ranetki in large oak barrels, she could also simply fill the jar with small ranetki, pour in a spicy marinade and the winter joy is ready. My grandmother used slightly different, simpler spices, but I still remember the taste of marinated ranetki, just like now. New spices have been added to my recipe, and this is also good, because new recipes have the right to life. If you cook ordinary large apples in three-liter jars for the winter, then this stage has already been passed. Today I will share with you a new interesting, and most importantly delicious and unusual recipe. Look at this one too.

Required products:

- 500 grams of ranetki;
- a small handful of spicy cloves;
- 1/2 tsp. l. cinnamon;
- 3-5 grains of black pepper;
- 10 grams of salt;
- 10 grams of granulated sugar;
- 15 grams of vinegar;
- 500 grams of water.

I sort through all the ranetki, cut off the tails so that they do not interfere later, cut off the stalk a little and the place where the flower was.

I fill the jars with small apples to the very top. Since they are small in size, they fit a lot. If you closed ordinary apples for the winter, then you know that they can hardly be placed in a jar.

I boil water for a spicy marinade, add salt, granulated sugar. I stir it several times at the bottom so that the salt and sugar dissolve completely. I also often prepare this one.

Then came the turn to add all the spices. They go very well with ranetki and these little apples absorb all the spices well.

I also pour table vinegar into the marinade so that the wounds are as fresh in winter.

After the marinade boils for 7 minutes, I remove it from the stove and carefully pour the apples in the jar.

I put ranetki in a jar to be sterilized for 10 minutes, the water in the sterilization dish should not be cold or hot. I want to show you the recipe that I cook.

After that, I roll up the jars with tight lids and cover them with a blanket so that the jars cool slowly.

Marinated ranetki are ready for the winter!

Bon Appetite!

Confiture is a delicious preparation for the winter, which is a mixture of jam and jam. This is a very useful thing, since it is almost always prepared without adding water, or with small amounts of it.

So fruits, berries and other valuable components that make up the confiture retain more useful properties, since they are actually steamed in their own juice.

How to use confiture?

The only drawback of confiture recipes is the large amount of sugar that appears in it. However, you can adjust this moment to your own preference, since the finished dish does not have to be sweet at all.

Many people use it as sauces, marinades and dressings for savory meat and fish dishes. By the way, jam can also be successfully used as a preliminary marinade - it will soften the meat, make it juicy, soft and tender. Well, today we’ll talk about what are the technologies for preparing confiture from ranetki.

There are many recipes for making ranetki confiture, and they all have their own charm. Someone leaves the taste of the workpiece actually pristine, that is, sour, someone, on the contrary, prefers to sweeten it. Jam and marmalade from ranetki for the winter is not only tasty, but also a very useful preparation. Its aroma is able to conquer even small children, who usually treat "adult" dishes without much inspiration and enthusiasm. You can use such a blank in any way.

Some people like to eat it with white bread for breakfast, others drink it with hot tea, and still others even season meat with it to make it delicious and spicy. One way or another, preparations from ranetki for the winter are nutritious and healthy, and this cannot be argued with. Let's start preparing such a delicacy and choose its perfect recipe!

The classic recipe for apple confiture

Any wild apple varieties will work for this recipe. Feel free to experiment with the ingredients if you like, and add something of your own as we offer you a traditional one-component recipe. It is known that apples in all forms are best combined with cinnamon, so it can be safely added to any version of jam or jam, despite the original technology.

The resulting workpiece will be guaranteed tasty and healthy. It will be the perfect addition to a winter tea party with family or friends.

To prepare a standard ranetki confiture for the winter, you will need:

  1. Apples (wild ranetki) - 1 kg;
  2. Sugar (white or brown) - 1.5 kg.

Cooking instructions:

  • The first step is to prepare the apples themselves. They must be thoroughly washed under running water using soap, and cut off all twigs and leaves;
  • The skin of apples can be left, because it is very tender, and during cooking it is guaranteed to dissolve in syrup. Neither you, nor your guests or household members will definitely feel the presence of apple peel in the workpiece. The cores of the fruits can be cut out or left in their places at the personal discretion of the hostess. Remember that apple seeds are sometimes healthier than their pulp;
  • Cut the apples in any way convenient for you (it is better to chop more carefully, but you still should not turn the fruits into puree);
  • Pour the prepared ranetki into a thick-walled refractory dish and gradually cover with an even layer of sugar;
  • Put the container on fire. "Experienced" housewives claim that it is best to supplement the resulting apple-sugar mass with ½ cup of boiling water. This way you get more syrup, and besides, you can get distracted and not constantly monitor the jam - it is almost guaranteed not to burn to the walls of the container;
  • If you took wild ranetki, and not garden ones, then you should cook them for at least 40 minutes, since they are quite hard compared to their own. "domesticated" analogues. Half an hour will be enough to prepare confiture from garden ranetki;
  • Pour the cooled jam into a pre-prepared sterilized container and roll up. Your confiture is ready, and now you can enjoy real forest flavors throughout the fierce winter!

Wild ranetki do not darken when cooked.

Thanks to this advantage, you can safely add sugar to the mass if it seems to you not sweet enough, and you do not have to worry about spoiling the finished product.

And, as we already mentioned, you can diversify this basic recipe with spices and spices at your discretion. Cinnamon and cloves will fit most harmoniously here, however, as in any other apple blanks.

It should be noted that some housewives prefer not to cut apples at all. That is, leave the fruits in their entirety, freeing them only from twigs and leaves. You can also use this cooking technology if you prefer whole fruits in jam.

Recipe for apple confiture with citric acid

In this recipe, in addition to sugar, citric acid will appear, which will help you make the confiture even more saturated, “caramel” in taste.

So, you will need:

  1. Ranetki - 1 kg;
  2. Sugar (preferably white) -1.3 kg;
  3. Citric acid - ¼ teaspoon;
  4. Water - 1 glass.

Cooking instructions:

  • This cooking recipe involves the use of whole fruits about 1.5-3.5 cm in diameter. Moreover, it is desirable that apples of the same size appear in each batch of confiture;
  • So, wash the ranetki thoroughly with water using laundry soap. Go through them - make sure that there are no scratches and wormholes on the fruits, otherwise the finished jam will be hopelessly spoiled! Also cut off the twigs and leaves from the fruit;
  • After the apples are ready, pierce each along the axis with a toothpick;
  • Start making sweet caramel syrup with sugar, citric acid and water;
  • Without waiting for the syrup to thicken, immerse your prepared ranetki in it (this must be done at the beginning of its boiling);
  • Now it is impossible to interfere with the resulting mass, otherwise the apples may fall apart. Therefore, carefully scoop the syrup around the edges of the pan with a ladle and periodically water them from above;
  • Next, you should find a dense plate, approximately equal in diameter to the saucepan. Set it on the surface of the apples and press down with a not too heavy press (a filled half-liter jar is optimal as a mini-weight). In this state, your jam should stand for a day;
  • After a day, remove the load and the plate, and boil the resulting transparent jam again for 5-10 minutes over low heat;
  • To check the readiness of the dish, remove the largest apple from the saucepan and cut it in half. If it is cut easily, and its internal structure resembles marmalade, then your confiture is ready. If the fruit is not completely saturated with syrup, put the jam under the press again and wait 5-6 hours. Then again boil the mass over low heat for 5-7 minutes;
  • Carefully pour the finished confiture into sterilized glass jars with screw caps. It's best to do it hot. And try not to break the integrity of the apples. Keep this delicious jam in a cool place. Ideal if you have a cellar in your house. But if you don't have one, place the jars in a dry, dark place, like a kitchen cabinet or pantry.

Even your children will not refuse such a tasty and healthy transparent jam with a golden-honey tint. Serve it with tea, toast, or use it as a filling for pies. And of course, eat whole candied fruits in winter - it's healthy and very satisfying.

If you are a fan of various preparations for the winter, be sure to treat yourself and your household to ranetki confiture. And of course, treat them to your dearest guests. This dish is guaranteed to please even the most sophisticated gourmets.

It can also be used to make sauces and dressings for other dishes. And do not be afraid of its "sweetness" - even spicy meat dishes turn out great with such a sauce. Enjoy your meal!

The peculiarity of the ranetok apple trees is that they, as a rule, bring a rich harvest. The fruits are not only beautiful in appearance, but also juicy and fragrant. And jam from ranetki for the winter is unusually tasty and just melts in your mouth. There are several options for its preparation. Including you can make such a delicious treat with the help of a multicooker home assistant. This is what our article will tell you.

Recipe for ranetki jam: the main option

To make jam we need:

First of all, when preparing marmalade from ranetki for the winter, we are processing the fruits themselves. To begin with, we carefully examine the apples, remove the worms and wash them thoroughly. After that, put it in a colander so that the water runs away. We fall asleep clean ranetki in a saucepan, add water at the rate of 2/3 cup per kilo of fruit. We put on a small fire, cook for 40-50 minutes. At the end of cooking, the ranetki should become soft, you can verify this by piercing them with a toothpick.

When the apples are well steamed, that is, they become soft, we take a metal sieve (preferably with large cells) and wipe our wounds with a wooden pusher. This process will help get rid of ponytails, skins and seeds, and the jam will be very tender.

Add sugar to the result. Mix everything in a saucepan and put on low heat, stirring the mass regularly. Jam is cooked to the desired consistency. That is, you can make it liquid or thick - one that will keep its shape. Follow your preferences in this case.

In order not to waste time while the jam is boiled, we sterilize the jars. When it reaches the desired consistency, put it into jars. Roll up or close with screw caps, turn upside down, cool in a dark place. The banks have cooled down - the jam is ready. Help yourself!

Another variation of the recipe

How to make jam from ranetok? This recipe assumes that mashed potatoes (kilo) and granulated sugar (0.8-1 kg) will be used to make jam.

The cooking process goes like this. We take our little ones, wash them well, wait for the water to drain. We clean from the core. We spread the apples on a baking sheet and steam them in the oven at 150 degrees. We take already soft ranetki, prepare mashed potatoes by rubbing them through a sieve or grinding them in a blender. Weigh the finished puree. We fill it with sugar (with the calculation of a kilo of puree \u003d 0.8-1 kg of sugar), mix, bring to a boil. We cook the puree until it is so thick that when it is dropped onto a plate, it does not spread. Here is jam from ranetki for the winter and you're done.

Jam with orange peels and nuts

How to cook marmalade from ranetki? We take:

  • a kilo of ranetok;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 25 g orange peel;
  • 25 g walnuts (hazelnuts).

Wash the apples thoroughly. We bake them in the oven and rub them through a sieve. We heat the resulting puree, add sugar, cook, stirring occasionally, until the desired density. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add nuts (pre-roasted and chopped) and orange peel. This jam is stored in a cool place.

Jam from ranetki in a slow cooker

Such jam can, of course, be prepared with the help of a slow cooker. This is done very simply. Peel and cut apples, chop with a food processor or meat grinder. Add sugar to the resulting puree and leave for an hour and a half - until it is completely dissolved. Then mix the mass well and put in a slow cooker. Set the mode "Toasting". When the apple mass boils, select the “low pressure” mode. After 15-17 minutes. let off steam, put the jam in jars.

Jam with whole fruits

Jam tricks

If, when preparing jam from ranetki for the winter, someone does not like to mess with a sieve, then they can not be wiped. You just need to clean the fruits from the tails, stalks and seeds before steaming. And after steaming, scroll through them in a meat grinder. The big advantage of this method is its simplicity. But unfortunately, there is also a drawback. The taste of jam is not so tender, but that's all, because the peel does not leave. So it's up to you what you choose: saving the possible time spent or losing the delicate taste.

Having collected a generous harvest of ranetok, you can prepare various types of marmalade, jams for the winter, and even close the compote. This conservation will delight your family all winter and remind you of such a long-awaited summer.

There are several ways to prepare ranetki for the winter - in the form of compote, jam, jams.

But, probably, the most delicious of them is ranetki apple jam, which is loved by both children and adults.

Ranetki are small-fruited varieties of apple trees obtained by crossing Siberian berry apple trees (or its hybrids) with European varieties or plum-leaved apple trees and its hybrids (“Chinese”). Ranetki have an average fruit weight of no more than 15 grams and represent, as a rule, the first generation from the original wild species.

The classic ranetki jam recipe includes apples and sugar, and you will also need a little water so that the jam does not burn.

Jam from ranetki for the winter recipe with photo

How to make marmalade from ranetki

Ranetki is a very juicy and fragrant variety of apples, which is why jam from them turns out to be unusually tasty and literally melts in your mouth.


  • per 1 kg of apples
  • 500 g sugar
  • some water

How to cook marmalade from ranetki:

1. Wash the ranetki. They need to be cooked whole.

2. Pour into a saucepan, if there are a lot of apples, then it is better in an enamel basin, and add 100-150 ml of water per 1 kg of fruit.

3. Put on a small fire to evaporate for 40-50 minutes, until the ranetki become soft. Checked by piercing.

4. After that, take a strong metal sieve, preferably with large cells. Rub through it with a wooden pusher. The most delicious marmalade from ranetki is obtained in this way.

5. Put the mashed apples into a saucepan. Add all the sugar, mix thoroughly and reduce over low heat, stirring regularly until the desired consistency is obtained. You can leave it thinner, or you can have a jam that keeps its shape.

6. When harvesting, pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. Cool on lids.

If you have a lot of apples or you don’t want to rub them through a sieve, then to make jam from ranetki, you can cut the fruits before steaming, remove the seeds and stalks. And skip the steamed apples through a meat grinder.

But with this method, how to cook jam from ranetki for the winter, the amount of waste increases significantly. And it turns out the workpiece is not so tender because of the peel.

Jam and ranetki jam can be cooked in a slow cooker-pressure cooker.

To do this, chop the chopped and peeled ranetki in a food processor or in a meat grinder, add sugar to this puree and leave to dissolve for 1-1.5 hours. Then mix well and transfer to a slow cooker.

Cook on the "Frying" mode until boiling, and then the multicooker can be switched to the low pressure mode. After 15-20 minutes, release the steam and spread the apple marmalade from the ranetki over the jars.

Such a tasty and juicy fruit as an apple is mentioned in many fairy tales and legends, and for good reason, because trees with juicy fruits appeared so long ago that today no one will remember their origin. Probably, few people know that small-sized apples that ripen before everyone else are called ranetki.

This hybrid of apple trees is common in Siberia and the Far East. It is from these miniature apples that many housewives like to cook amber jam for the winter. But the most common variety of ranetki, from which they prepare a sweet treat for tea, is the Yantarka Altai variety. A surprisingly tasty ranet jam is prepared from it according to the old recipe of many grandmothers.

Paradise apple jam, or rather from whole ranetki with a stalk


Apples (ranetki) - 2 kg,

Sugar - 2.5 kg,

Water - 2-3 tbsp.,

Citric acid - 1/2 tsp


Apples need to be sorted out, to select only whole fruits of ranetki, or rather, without wormholes, dents and darkening. Then the ranetki are washed under running water and slightly dried on a towel without removing the stalks. The lower part of each apple needs to be pierced with a wooden toothpick to the middle, so that later, when cooked, they are quickly saturated with sugar syrup and give up their juices. Dishes for cooking jam must be taken only enameled, because. aluminum cookware can oxidize during cooking and release harmful substances.

How to cook jam from whole ranetki:

Water is poured into enameled dishes, sugar and citric acid are added and put on fire. The syrup is boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then washed and dried apples are immersed in it and the fire is reduced. You can’t mix syrup with apples, because. they can fall apart, it is best to pour the syrup over them, scooping it carefully around the edges. Boil ranetki in syrup for 5-10 minutes, and then remove from heat.

The most important stage in the preparation of paradise apple jam is their complete immersion in syrup after boiling. To do this, you need to choose a plate or bowl that is suitable for the diameter of the dishes where the jam was cooked. With a bowl, lightly immerse the apples in the syrup and set a light weight in the form of a cup or jar of water. Jam should stand under load for about a day at room temperature.

At the end of the day, a bowl is taken out of the dish with jam and put again on a slow fire for 5-10 minutes. The readiness of jam, or rather, apples, is checked by looking at the cut of the largest apple, if its pulp is easily cut and looks like marmalade, then the grandmother’s jam is ready, and if the apple is cut with difficulty, then the jam must be cooked for another 5-8 minutes .

Jars for jam must be prepared in advance. They must be thoroughly washed in warm soapy water and sterilized. Jam is laid only in dry jars and closed with screw caps. Whole ranetki jam is stored either in the refrigerator or in the cellar. They serve jam for tea on cold winter evenings, when the whole family gathers at the table. This delicacy will appeal to many sweet tooth, and thanks to the stalks, a spoon is not needed at all.

No less tasty with a special forest aroma is jam from wild-growing ranetki. The taste of this jam is more sour and astringent - this is its highlight. Wild-growing ranetki are much smaller in size than garden apples, so apples are also boiled whole.

Jam from wild ranetki


Wild ranetki - 1 kg,

Sugar - 1.5 kg,

Water - 250 ml.


Ranetki must be washed under running water and the stalks removed with scissors. The peel of apples does not need to be peeled, because. when cooked, it becomes very soft and dissolves in syrup, and the bones are removed if desired, only then the apples will need to be cut in half and the core removed.

How to make jam from wild ranetki:

Water is poured into an enameled cup, washed ranetki are laid out, and sugar is sprinkled on top. Apples are simmered over low heat, and as soon as a small amount of syrup is formed, you can time it, you need to cook for about 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly. Wild ranetki are much tougher than garden ones, so the cooking time is many times longer. If necessary, if the ranetki are hard, were harvested early and not ripe, the cooking time can be increased up to 1 hour.

Glass jars for jam must be prepared in advance, washed with soap and then sterilized for about 15 minutes. Then, still hot jam is placed in sterilized jars so that the jars are filled with apples and filled with a small amount of syrup.

Apples in this jam on top taste very sweet soaked in sugar syrup. At the same time, having bitten through them, you can feel the spicy sourness, this gives the jam a special aroma of the forest. Interestingly, wild ranetki do not darken when cooked, but acquire an even more saturated color in amber-pink syrup.

Ranetki jam with ginger

In order to protect themselves from colds and flu in winter, many often prepare various drinks or decoctions that help boost immunity. But there is a tastier and more pleasant way to invigorate the body in the winter: prepare ranetki jam with lemon slices and ginger, drinking it with tea once a day stimulates the human immune system.

So, ranetki jam with a twist is prepared very simply from garden ranetki of light varieties, lemon and ginger.


Ranetki light varieties - 1 kg,

Sugar - 500 g,

Water - 150-200 ml,

Lemon - ¼,

Ginger is a small root.


Ranetki of light varieties must be thoroughly washed, the stalks and cores removed, leaving only the pulp in the peel. Apples should not be chopped too finely, otherwise they will completely dissolve in the syrup when cooked.

Then, in advance, it is necessary to peel a small ginger root and cut it into thin translucent discs. A quarter of a lemon, along with the peel, is also cut into thin slices.

How to make ranetki jam with ginger and lemon:

Sugar is poured into an enameled pan and the required amount of water is poured. Put a saucepan with sugar and water on fire, bring to a boil and reduce. Then, pre-cut ginger root and lemon slices are placed in the pan, boiled for 10-15 minutes, stirring slightly so that the sugar syrup does not stick to the bottom and edges of the pan.

After 10 minutes, sliced ​​\u200b\u200branetki are added to the syrup, mixed and the syrup is brought to a boil. As soon as the syrup boils and slightly grabs the apples, the pan is removed from the heat and allowed to cool - this is the first stage of heat treatment. The next two stages are repeated in the same way - the jam is brought to a boil and cooled. After the third stage of cooking jam from ranetki, it is placed in washed sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.

Jam from light varieties of ranetki turns out to be amber or even golden, it is soaked with ginger and lemon, with such jam for tea for every day you definitely won’t get sick, because even with heat treatment, ginger and lemon retain their beneficial properties.

Another of the most popular ranetki jam recipes is jam made with apple, orange and cranberry juice. The process of making this jam is very painstaking and rather complicated, but the result is worth it. More ginger jam recipes in this article:

Recipe for ranetki jam and assorted fresh juices


Freshly squeezed apple juice - 1 tbsp.,

Freshly squeezed orange juice - 1 tbsp.,

Cranberry juice - 1 tbsp.,

Sugar - 2.5 kg,

Ranetki small - 3 kg.


Rinse the apples under running water, and then prick each apple in several places with a toothpick or fork. Lightly moistened apples are rolled in sugar and left to dry to form a sugar crust.

How to make ranetki jam with juice:

The apples rolled in sugar are placed on a baking sheet, previously covered with foil, and put in the oven, heated to a temperature of about 100-120 degrees, for 10-20 minutes, so that each apple caramelizes.

Assorted juices are poured into an enameled basin, mixed, put on fire and brought to a boil. Then the fire is reduced and sugar is poured in a thin stream, as soon as it is completely dissolved, the syrup is brought to a boil. Caramelized apples are thrown into boiling fruit syrup for 30 minutes.

Then the apples are taken out of the pan, rolled in sugar and put back in the oven for 15-20 minutes so that they acquire a caramel shell, and then they are thrown back into the pan. For the fourth time, apples from the oven are placed in a basin, boiled in fruit syrup for 10 minutes, and only after that the jam is laid out in dry sterilized jars and closed with nylon lids. Thanks to the caramelization in the oven, the apples are soaked and candied. It is necessary to store such jam in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Despite such a laborious recipe, the jam turns out to be very tender, the apples in it are soft and transparent. In many parts of Russia, ranetki jam prepared according to this recipe is called royal.

Scientists believe that all varieties of red ranet are hybrids and selection, real ranet has only a green color. Ranet was obtained by crossing a Chinese with a Siberian apple tree or large varieties of the European part of Russia. It is the ranetki of green varieties that are considered less allergenic for humans, in addition, it has been proven that they have the ability to relieve stress and nervousness.

Ranetki are frost-resistant, and in comparison with large varieties of apple trees, bear fruit every year until November. Thanks to the grafting of apple trees of this species, the fruits of the trees can have a different taste and shape. The smallest varieties of ranetki are slightly larger than cherry fruits, and the largest are the size of an ordinary garden apple.

Compote from ranetki is a drink that will conquer any gourmet with its taste. It is characterized by tenderness and richness. If you are lucky enough to get a few kilograms of these wonderful fruits, be sure to use our recipes.

Compote from ranetki for the winter: useful tips

1. Before preparing a drink, it is necessary to carefully sort out the fruits. If there is at least one big flaw on the surface, you must immediately get rid of the fruit, otherwise the taste of the workpiece will be spoiled.
2. Apples look prettier with twigs, but they often cause quick spoilage of preservation.
3. Wash the fruit thoroughly, and after washing, allow to dry thoroughly.
4. To maintain the integrity of the fruits, each of them must be pricked at the base. The process is tedious but very effective.
5. The container for conservation should be sterilized. Use metal caps for sealing.

Prepare and. In the winter cold, it will be especially pleasant to enjoy it.

Compote from ranetki for a 3 liter jar

The composition includes:

1 g citric acid
- three liters of water
- 1 g vanillin
- granulated sugar, apples - ½ kg each

Cooking steps:

Rinse the apples, tear off the stalks, pierce with a toothpick at the base. After the fruits have dried, distribute them in sterilized containers. Boil water: dissolve granulated sugar in it, add citric acid with vanilla, stir, continue boiling for three minutes. Pour the fruit, seal tightly, put on the lids. Wrap the containers, let stand for about a day. Transfer to storage after it has completely cooled down.

Consider and.

Ranetki compote recipe

Required products:

Two liters of pure water
- half star anise
- allspice peas - a couple of pieces
- sugar sand - ¼ kg
- a piece of cinnamon stick
- apples - 1 kg

How to cook:

Sort the apples, cut off the tails, make several punctures in the base area with a toothpick. Put the spices in a cloth bag. If it is not at hand, use a regular gauze cloth. Put the fruits in a multicooker container, cover with sugar. Add a little boiling water, dip the bag of spices. Cover the multi-cooker lid, set the "Extinguishing" program, note 20 minutes, and only then - lift the lid. Open it only for a while, take out the bag, put the fruit in jars, roll them up.

Appreciate the original taste.

Compote from ranetki for the winter: recipes

Variation with zucchini and sea buckthorn

You will need:

1 g lemons
- zucchini - 0.9 kg
- apples of paradise - 0.4 kg
- sugar sand - 0.3 kg
- one and a half liters of water

Cooking steps:

Sort, wash fruits and sea buckthorn. Tear off the branches from apples, pierce at the base with a pointed match. Free the zucchini from the peel, cut out the seeds. Cut off a small part weighing 100 g, chop into small cubes. Ignite the jar, put berries with apples, squash cubes in it. Boil some water, dilute granulated sugar, combine with citric acid, boil for just a minute. Distribute syrup into jars, seal.

Weld and.

Compote from ranetki and chokeberry


two liters of water
- chokeberry - 0.2 kilograms
- apples of paradise - 1.1 kg
- granulated sugar - about 1 kg

Subtleties of preparation:

Wash the fruits, leave to drain the water, pierce the base. Wash the rowan, dip in boiling water, blanch for three minutes. Pour berries on the bottom of the processed containers, distribute the apples. Make a sweet syrup and pour over the fruit and berry mixture. Roll up the lids, unfold.

Prepare and.

A simple compote of ranetki

Place a container for sterilization, carefully sort 1 kg of fruit. To prepare a drink, it is necessary to take fruits that have had time to lie down for at least a month. You do not need to cut them, they are completely included in the jar. Fill the prepared container 1/3 with fruits, fill the rest of the space with boiling water. Let the water cool slightly, and then pour it back into the pan. Bring the liquid back to a boil, add sugar. Do not let the syrup cool, but immediately pour it into jars and immediately screw them on with lids.

And another available cooking option:


Paradise apples - half a kilogram
- two liters of water
- granulated sugar - ¼ kg

How to cook:

Wash the fruit, cut off all unsightly places. Cut each fruit into 2 parts, remove and discard the middle. Fill the pan with water, add granulated sugar (150 g per two liters of liquid), boil and stir from time to time. Fold the apples into syrup, boil for a couple of minutes, remove from the stove, close with a heavy lid. Infuse the drink for a couple of minutes, and then distribute it into a container for seaming and prepare for winter storage.

Prepare and.

Compote from ranetki for the winter without sterilization

Required components:

2.1 liters of water
- 1 kg of paradise apples
- sugar sand - ½ kg
- pepper, cinnamon, anise

Boil water, pour into a multicooker container, sprinkle with sugar, add boiling water. Add to spice container. To do this, it is advisable to put them in a cloth bag. Set the "Extinguishing" mode, cook for a while. After 0.25 hours, turn off the equipment, but do not open it for another half hour.

Weld and.

Variation with plums


Apples, plums - 0.3 kg each
- three liters of water
- sugar sand - 0.75 kg

Sterilize the lids with containers. Wash fruit fruits, discard all unsuitable for canning. Divide the plums into slices, remove the nucleoli. Chop apples into pieces. However, they themselves are small, so you can leave them as a whole. Boil water, mix with granulated sugar, cook for 15 minutes. If you just want to serve a drink to the table, then just mix it with sugar and pour it into glasses. If you plan to prepare it for the winter, then use prepared containers for bottling, which are then sealed with lids and moved to the cellar for long-term storage.

Learn and Variations.

Another option with chokeberry

Liter of filtered water
- heavenly apples, sugar - 0.6 kg each
- chokeberry - 90 g

How to do:

Treat containers with lids. Thoroughly wash the necessary berries, remove those that have defects and a rotten part. Blanch the chokeberry: place on a sieve and dip in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Put it all in containers, roll up. Boil water, combine with sugar. Pour the contents with the finished syrup, screw on the lids. Unfold on lids, cool in this form, and then transfer to a suitable place.

Compote from ranetki without sterilization


Sugar with apples - 0.3 kg each

Pour water into a small container, let it boil. Rinse the apples, cut off the spoiled places. For beauty, you can leave ponytails. Fill hot sterilized containers with sorted fruit, one-third full. Fill the containers with boiling water to the very neck, let it brew for about 15 minutes. Pour the liquid back into the saucepan. For a three-liter jar, you will need about 1 cup of granulated sugar. Distribute the resulting syrup into jars, roll up.

Recipe for a slow cooker without sugar

A pinch of anise
- a few peas of black pepper (allspice)
- two liters of water

How to cook:

Transfer the washed apples to a slow cooker. Put the spices in a cloth bag, tie tightly. Pour boiling water into the bowl, set the mode on the “Extinguishing” device. Prepare a drink for a quarter of an hour, turn off and leave for 20 minutes with the lid closed. This is necessary for persistence. Take out the spices, filter the drink into liter containers, distribute the fruits. Roll up the filled container, wrap it with a warm blanket.

Recipe with citric acid

Paradise apples - ½ kg
- water - about 3.1 liters
- sugar sand - ½ kg
- a pinch of citric acid and vanillin

Wash the fruit thoroughly. Boil water, dilute sugar in it, add citric acid, add vanillin, cook for a couple of minutes. Divide fruit into jars, pour syrup on top. Sterilize filled rolls in boiling water for about 25 minutes, screw.

Consider some more interesting variations:

A couple of liters of pure water
- apples - 1.1 kg
- sugar - ¼ kg

Rinse the fruit, cut off all ugly places, cut each fruit into small pieces. Throw out the middle. Take water in a saucepan, add sugar, boil. During this time, the contents should be stirred several times. Add syrup to the fruit, boil for a couple more minutes, remove from the stove, cover with a heavy lid. Insist in a warm place.

Variant with anise and cinnamon

2.1 liters of water
- 1.1 kg of apples
- white sugar - 0.62 kg
- cinnamon with anise

Boil the liquid, put the prepared fruits here, crush with sugar, add boiling water. Place the spices in a bowl. It is better to do this in a linen bag. Start the "Extinguish" mode and let the contents cook. After ¼ hours, turn off the device, but leave the lid closed. Infuse the drink for exactly half an hour. Pour it into jars.

Plum variant

3.15 liters of water
- white sugar - 0.75 g
- plum fruits, apples - 0.3 kg each

Handle containers with lids. Wash the listed fruits, sort, remove the seeds. Pour sugar into warmed, but not boiled water, stir, cook for a quarter of an hour. Pour into a container, screw. If you plan to serve compote immediately to the table, then the amount of sugar can be reduced.

Ranetki are heavenly apples. They have a special, delicate taste that is difficult to confuse with any other fruit flavor. You can cook various preparations from them, but most often the housewives prepare delicious compote. To enhance the taste, you can introduce vanillin, star anise, cinnamon, anise, chokeberry, plums, pears into it. Its taste and aroma will delight you even more, so prepare a few jars this winter.

How to make compote

ranetki compote for the winter

3 l

2 hours

40 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Surely you, like me, strive to cook healthy dishes. But in summer and autumn, this is easy to do, because we have access to a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Even if you do not grow them yourself, everything can be bought at a reasonable price. But what about in winter? Vitamins are still essential. The answer is simple: you need to cook canned food. Although I am not a master of preparing multi-component salads for the winter, my compotes are excellent. And I can answer the question how to cook compote from ranetki for the winter . I like to make compote from ranetki, because they can be put in a jar whole. It looks very nice. You can also use larger apples, but they need to be cut into slices. Think, compote from ranetki for the winter without sterilization will be appreciated by your family.

Recipe for compote from ranetki for the winter

Kitchen appliances:


How to choose the right ingredients

To make the compote tasty and not ferment, carefully inspect each fruit. If there are slightly rotted places, they need to be cut off or just throw away such an apple. It is worth taking only good quality fruits. You also need to prepare a 3-liter jar in advance. To begin with, carefully examine if it is cracked, if there are any chips on the neck. It depends on whether the jar can withstand heating with boiling water, and how tightly the lid will stick. Then the jar needs to be washed well with soda and sterilized.

How to sterilize jars.

1 way- in the oven. Place one or more jars upside down in a cold oven. Then turn on the oven, setting the temperature to 120 degrees. Leave the jars like this for 15 minutes, then turn off the oven and let the jars cool.

2 way- over a saucepan with steam. Place a rack over a pot of boiling water. On the grate - jars neck down. When water drops appear on the walls, the jars can be removed and allowed to cool.

3 way- in the microwave. Small jars can be placed standing up, and large ones can be laid on their side. Be sure to put some water in the jar. Turn on the microwave, setting the power to 800 W and the time for 3 minutes.

4 way- in a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, rinse clean jars in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate.


1. Wash the apples. Let the water drain.

2. Then each apple needs to be pierced several times with a toothpick so that the peel remains intact when heated.
3. Fill the jar with apples. The more apples, the richer the taste of the compote will be. I fill about a third of the can.

4. Pour boiling water to the very top.

5. Close the jar with a clean lid and leave for 15 minutes.

6. Drain the water into a saucepan.

Add sugar, mix and put on fire, let it boil for 2 minutes.

7. The syrup boiled. Fill the jar of apples to the brim with hot syrup. Cover with a lid and roll up.

8. Check the lid for leaks by turning the jar upside down. Cover the jar with a warm blanket and leave to cool.

When the compote has cooled, it can be put away for storage.

Video recipe for compote from ranetki

If you still don't understand, watch the video. Shown here how easy it is to make compote from ranetki for the winter without sterilization, while retaining all the useful substances.

Apple compote from ranetki for the winter how to cook and close

Apple compote from ranetki for the winter is a question for housewives. In this video, we will learn how to cook and close apple compote from ranetki. We will learn how to choose the right recipe for apple compote from ranetki, learn how to cook apple compote from ranetki for the winter. After all, compote from ranetki for momentary use is different from apple compote from ranetki for the winter. With us you will learn how to make apple compote from the ranetki apple variety for the winter.




What is the best way to serve compote?

Such a compote wonderfully quenches thirst if you just wanted to drink. It also goes well with the dining table. Bake a pie, and ranetki compote will perfectly complement it. It also seems to me that homemade compote is a good alternative to the sweet soda that our children love so much. Take some time in the summer and you can treat your family to a wonderful drink all winter long.

Did you know?
Ranetki are rich in vitamins. They also contain ascorbic acid, which supports the body's defenses. And vitamin P and potassium help the cardiovascular system. So don't let the small size of the apple fool you. They have a truly rich composition.

If you want to prepare more apples for the winter, then the following recipe will be of interest to you.

Compote from ranetok and chokeberry for the winter

  • Time for preparing: 1-1.5 hours.
  • Servings: 3 l.
  • Kitchen appliances: saucepan, knife, jar with a lid, key for rolling jars.



1. At the bottom of a sterilized jar, lay the apples, cut into slices. It can be ranetki or another variety that is now available to you.
2. Pour rowan, about a third of the can.
3. Fill the jar with boiling water, cover with a lid and wrap. Let it steep for 20-30 minutes.
4. After 30 minutes, drain all the liquid into the pan and add sugar. We put on fire. After boiling, boil for 3-5 minutes.
5. Add citric acid to the jar at the tip of the knife.
6. Fill with hot syrup. Roll up. Turn over and wrap.
7. After cooling, the jar can be taken to the cellar.

Video recipe for making apple and chokeberry compote

Watch the video, which shows in detail how to prepare vitamin compote for the winter.

Compote of apples and chokeberry for the winter

Tasty and healthy compote for the winter from chokeberry and apples without sterilization.
3-liter jar: 1/3 chokeberry, 4-5 medium-sized apples, 300 gr. sugar, citric acid on the tip of a knife.




Compote of apples and plums for the winter

Alternatively, you can cook compote from ranetki and plums for the winter . But instead of ranetki, you can also use other summer varieties of apples.

  • Time for preparing: 2 hours.
  • Servings: 9 l.
  • Kitchen appliances: saucepan, knife, 3 jars with lids, jar wrench.



1. Wash the plums. Fill half the jar with plums. Not only the taste of the compote, but also the color depends on the amount of fruit.

2. Pour boiling water over the jars for 5 minutes. To cover with a lid.

3. Cut clean apples into slices.

4. Drain the water from the cans into the pan. Add sugar.

5. We send the syrup to the fire. We lay out the apples.

6. When the syrup boils, fill the jars to the top. So that the finished compote does not lose its bright color, you can add a pinch of citric acid to a 3-liter jar.

7. We roll up and wrap the banks. Leave to cool, after which you can put them in the cellar.

Transparent jam from ranetki with a tail is a delicacy. Many housewives will agree with this, because miniature tart apples, soaked in sugar syrup, with a wonderful aroma, are attractive in appearance, which allows you to enjoy them both as an independent sweet dessert and as a spectacular decor for cakes and pastries.

How to cook jam from ponytails?

Transparent paradise apple jam with ponytails is somewhat different from fruits cooked in the traditional way. The fact is that ranetki are devoid of juicy pulp, so they are pierced through with a toothpick, poured with sweet syrup and set aside for several hours to soak. Then, boil in three stages for 10 minutes, at intervals, and leave to cool.

  1. with ponytails will turn out only if there are quality fruits. It is better that the apples are the same size: this way they will evenly boil and look more appetizing when served.
  2. The amount of sugar for harvesting depends on the taste of the fruit. Traditionally, sugar and berries are taken in a 1:1 ratio, for very acidic fruits, the amount of sugar increases by 1.5 times.
  3. For the transparency of the jam, citric acid or juice is added, to improve the taste - citrus zest, ginger, cinnamon.

Jam from small ranetki with a tail

Ponytail jam is a popular delicacy in Siberia and the Far East. Local housewives are famous for their diameter from 1.5 to 3 centimeters, so they know that it is important to soak small wounds properly. To do this, they are boiled in syrup and left under oppression for a day, as required by the traditional recipe.


  • ranetki - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • citric acid - 1/4 teaspoon.


  1. Pierce each apple with a toothpick.
  2. Pour sugar and citric acid with water and boil until the crystals dissolve.
  3. Immerse the ranetki in the syrup and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Cover the apples with a plate and place under load for a day, after that, boil for 8 minutes and spread out from small wounds with a tail in sterile jars.

Fans of simple, but no less tasty delicacies, can cook jam from wild-eyed ranetki with ponytails. This variety of apples has a special forest aroma and contains a lot of pectin, which adds viscosity and density to the jam. It should be borne in mind that wild ranetki are much tougher than garden ones, so the cooking time is increased to 40 minutes.


  • wild ranetki - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 3.5 kg;
  • water - 700 ml.


  1. Pour the washed ranetki with water, add sugar and cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
  2. Sort by banks.

Those who want to welcome guests on a grand scale will need a recipe for paradise apple jam with royal tails, because in addition to the excellent combination of paradise apples with lemon slices and nuts, which give the jam a honey color and density, the delicacy is baked in the oven according to ancient technology, which makes it memorable, worthy the king himself.


  • ranetki - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • walnuts - 250 g.


  1. Pour sugar with water and boil until smooth.
  2. Put the prepared ranetki, peeled lemon slices, chopped nuts into the syrup and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Transfer to a pot and cook at 250 degrees for 20 minutes.
  4. Lower the temperature and cook the ranetki jam completely transparent for 3 hours.

Ranetki jam with cinnamon ponytail

Gourmets with a sweet tooth will definitely prefer paradise apple jam with cinnamon tails. First of all, this is a great way to simply and easily diversify the taste, and given that the spice is a classic addition to various apple desserts, there is no doubt that the jam will turn out even more aromatic.


  • ranetki - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.


  1. Boil the syrup from sugar and water, put the chopped ranetki into it and cook for 7 minutes.
  2. Leave the workpiece for 5 hours.
  3. Repeat the procedure twice.
  4. At the last boil, add cinnamon and arrange the clear ponytail jam in jars.

Each recipe for ranetki from jam with ponytails has its own characteristics. The fact is, paradise apples differ in varieties and, for this reason, differ in taste, structure and appearance. So, yellow fruits are characterized by juicy pulp, sun-colored skin and a very sour, tart taste, which a large amount of sugar will help to remove.


  • ranetki - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 350 ml.


  1. Prick the ranetki and blanch for 3 minutes.
  2. Boil the syrup from water and sugar and immerse the ranetki in it for 4 hours.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes and set aside again.
  4. Repeat the process one more time and arrange the jam in jars.

Lack of time is not a reason to refuse fragrant delicacies, because transparent jam from whole ranetki can also be cooked according to a “lazy” recipe. This method will allow you to avoid repeated heat treatment of fruits, which will reduce cooking to 2.5 hours, most of which will be required for infusion and cooling of the product.


  • ranetki - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 600 ml.


  1. Prick the ranetki with a toothpick and blanch for 5 minutes.
  2. Boil the syrup from water and sugar and dip the ranetki into it.
  3. Simmer fruit over low heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Infuse for 2 hours and arrange in jars.

Jam from whole ranetki with tails in a slow cooker will turn out no worse than in ordinary dishes. A modern unit will not only preserve all the nutritional and aesthetic qualities of fruits, but will also bring convenience to housewives: in traditional cooking, they had to rearrange the container with the delicacy from place to place, which is impossible when working with a slow cooker.

Ripe apples in the garden. The most ripe and bulk ones just ask in the mouth. Others - strong, intact - will be used for compote, in mari-nad. They'll last until winter. And what to do with the rest? One apple has a broken side, another has a wormhole, the third fell from the tree without ripening ... Why not throw them away?

After all, every garden apple is a real pantry of the most valuable substances. Unprepossessing ranetki to garden beauties are inferior only to sweetness - there are even more vitamins and other useful substances in them. Don't neglect them. True, you need to be able to harvest unripe apples or sour, forest apples—there are your own “secrets”.

First, some general advice. Wash the selected apples thoroughly. With a stainless knife, remove the damaged parts, the seed chamber. Cut into slices. So that the apples do not darken in the air, put them in a linen bag moistened with salt water (one tablespoon of salt per liter). Prepare glassware in advance: wash jars and bottles with soda, rinse them with hot water, boil lids, stoppers.

Juices from orchard apples, ranetok.

Transparent, without pulp, the juice can be drunk, slightly diluted with water to taste, with or without sugar. You can add it to kissels and compotes, use it when preserving non-acidic fruits (pears, peaches, apricots) and vegetables (cucumbers, squash). Juice that contains pieces of pulp - and it is more useful - is best used for preparing sauces, gravies for cottage cheese, pasta and cereal casseroles.

Juice obtained from juicers can not be pasteurized if certain conditions are met. Rinse well-washed bottles several times with hot water and pour boiling water to the top. Boil the tube to drain the juice, drain the first half a glass of juice. Then pour the hot water out of the bottle and immediately place it in the juicer—let the juice run straight into the bottle. When it is full, seal it with a cork taken out of boiling water, then, when the bottle has cooled, cover the cork with paraffin.

Be sure to boil the juice obtained from the juicer for a minute in an enameled saucepan and pour it hot into bottles prepared as described above.

The pulp that remains after getting the juice is suitable for preparing a very tasty sweet dish such as figs. While stirring, heat the pulp in a saucepan (if the pulp is very dry, add a little juice), rub it through a sieve or colander and put it back into the same saucepan. When the mass boils, add sugar (1 part sugar to 2 parts of the mass) and stir continuously with a wooden
spoon. When the mass begins to separate from the bottom of the pan and reach for the spoon, it must be laid out in a layer 1-2 cm thick on a sheet of parchment paper greased with butter, and dried on a baking sheet on both sides in an open, slightly heated oven. Cut the finished apple cake into slices, sprinkle with sugar and place in glass jars, covered with parchment. If you sprinkle the cake with crushed nuts and roll it into a tube, you get a wonderful roll.

Compotes from apples and assorted

Compotes from apples can be prepared both from whole and from halves and slices (with and without skin).

For compotes, apples of non-digestible varieties are chosen (cinnamon, Moscow pear, anise, etc.). Any fruits that are ripe by this time are added to them - there should be no more than one third of them in the compote. Cherries and dogwood are suitable only with intact skin, hard, slightly underripe. The fruit-leg is cut off at the last moment after washing. Remove the stone from plums, peaches and apricots, cutting the fruit in half. Pears (preferably hard) are processed in the same way as apples. You can put raspberries, strawberries, blackberries in compote.

The amount of sugar in the syrup depends on how acidic the apples are, about 200-300 grams per liter of liquid. Instead of water, it is better to take a decoction of apple waste (peel, core), compote will turn out even tastier if raspberry is added to the syrup. cherry or dogwood juice.

The first cooking method: triple hot filling. In large two- and three-liter jars, lay apples and other fruits in rows. Delicate berries, like raspberries, earthenware, blackberries, are unsuitable for this method. Boil the syrup in two pots. Pour boiling syrup from one pan into a jar of fruit - the liquid should reach the very edge of the jar - cover with a lid taken out of boiling water, cover the jar with a towel and soak for 3-4 minutes. Then remove the lid and put it back into the boiling water. Cover the neck of the jar with a slotted spoon (before that, it should also be in boiling water), pour the syrup into the same saucepan and immediately fill the jar with boiling syrup from the second saucepan. Do the same again—and only then roll up the lid. If the compote will be stored in the basement, double pouring is enough.

The second way: pasteurization and sterilization. Any fruits and berries are suitable. Boil and cool the syrup. Put sliced ​​apples into it and leave for 8 hours in a cool place. Then remove the apples from the syrup and put them mixed with other fruits in jars. Heat the syrup to 80 ° and pour into jars (the syrup should cover the fruit and not reach the edges of the jar by 2-3 cm).

Cover the jars with a lid and place them in a pot of hot, but not boiling, water. Pasteurization at 85 ° lasts 15 minutes for liter jars, 30 minutes for three-liter jars. If there is no thermometer, then sterilize the jars in boiling water for 5 to 15 minutes, then seal.

Chopped apples in their own juice

Grate sour forest and fallen garden apples on a grater with large holes, immediately mix with granulated sugar (100 g of sugar per kilogram of apples), put in half-liter jars, cover them with boiled lids and set to sterilize. When heated, the sugar in the jars will dissolve and the amount of mass will decrease - you will have to report to the "hangers". Sterilize at a low boil for 20 minutes, then seal the jars and leave in the same water until it cools.

Chopped apples are served with puddings, cottage cheese casseroles, cereals, pancakes and pancakes.

Fast harvesting

Boil the syrup (2 liters of apple juice or water per pound of sugar), dip 2.5 kg of apples into it, cut into slices. Boil for 1-2 minutes, then take the apples out of the syrup with a boiled spoon with holes and transfer to a scalded 3-liter jar. Fill the voids between the apples with boiling syrup to the top edge of the jar. Close the boiled lid and roll it up. Apples retain their flavor and are good not only in a pie, but also on their own, with milk, cream and sour cream.

A few more recipes for apple dishes that can be prepared not for future use, but for today, for dinner.

stuffed apples

From ten identical, ripe, preferably sour apples, remove the core with seeds and stuff with curd mixture (150 g of cottage cheese and 1 / ^ egg, beaten with a tablespoon of sugar and lemon zest), bake in the oven. Serve cold with tea or milk.

Rice porridge with apples

Boil a glass of rice for 5-8 minutes, then put it in a colander, put it in boiling milk (3.5 cups) and cook the rice over low heat until almost cooked. Then add salt, half a kilo of apples cut into slices, a tablespoon of butter, an egg beaten with sugar (a tablespoon), vanillin, mix. Bake in the oven.

Apple casserole

Mix a pound of cottage cheese, 2 egg yolks beaten with sugar (half a cup), 3 tablespoons of melted butter, 2 tablespoons of semolina, salt and vanilla. In this mixture, put a pound of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapples and egg whites whipped into foam. Put on a frying pan, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, put a grated apple on top, mixed with a tablespoon of butter and half a spoonful of granulated sugar, and bake.

In the casserole, you can put raisins, lemon zest

After cutting off the crust, cut the loaf into thin slices and fry in butter in a pan. Turn the toast over, brush it with sour cream, then put apple jam or stewed apples on it and another teaspoon of sour cream on top. Close the pan with a lid and fry the toast on the other side for five minutes. After extinguishing the fire, hold the croutons under the lid for a few more minutes. If you want crunchy croutons, cook them without sour cream.
