Message on the topic of fish dishes. Creative project "fish dishes". Kitchen tools for fish

Rivers flow on the territory of all countries, the coasts of many are washed by the waters of the seas and oceans. And, of course, river, sea, and ocean fish in a variety of forms fall on the tables of all peoples: boiled, fried, baked, battered, stewed.

The Danes, Finns, Swedes, Norwegians serve fish dishes almost daily. Herring, mackerel, eel, flounder, salmon are popular in Denmark. They are eaten boiled and salted. Smoked and dried fish are less common.

In Holland, herring is fried, stuffed with finely chopped dill, parsley, mixed with butter. The fish is served with rice. And the eel is fried on a spit mixed with cucumbers.

Norwegians prefer cod, salted herring with potatoes, fried cod, halibut and flounder. The national dish - klipfiks - headless cod dried on the rocks. They love smoked and dried fish here. And in Norway they cook fish bugs in white sour cream sauce, with a lot of greens. And since, according to a Norwegian proverb, a fish likes to swim in its stomach, a lot of beer is served with this dish.

According to Finns, meat cannot be compared with fish. Fish is much better than any meat and butter. Fish is cooked in a variety of ways. Gam zucchini serves simple and tasty food - herring with potatoes, fish stewed in milk, herring in sweet and sour sauce, salmon salad and Finnish fish pie.

In Bulgaria, it is customary to season all dishes with garlic and nuts, stuff them with fish, even bony carps, which are distinguished by tender meat. Carps are served with fried onions and rice.

And if you ask the Poles which dish is considered the most delicious, they will. without hesitation, they will answer: "Herring." Herring is cooked with sour cream and always with lots of onions. And it is difficult to say what appeared in Poland earlier - herring or wolf, but now they are inseparable: either herring is served with vodka, or vodka is served with herring. And, of course, everyone revered dish - carp in Polish. The fish is first marinated, and then stirred into a boiling vegetable broth (with carrots, celery, parsley). But that's not all. Beer, gingerbread, raisins and almonds are added to the pan, boiled, and red wine is poured in at the end. The most honored guest will also get the largest piece - the head of a carp.

Greece is a coastal country and. Naturally, from time immemorial, gamblers ate fish: both for the first, and for the second, and for ... no, no, as an appetizer. Greek fillet is prepared from fish, stewed, fried. And, they say, only water and fish can make Greek fish soup. Well. maybe add some onions, herbs, peppers, garlic and tomatoes. The soup is ready. Please come to the table.

In Israeli cuisine, stuffed fish is prepared. Minced meat is fish pulp, white bread, onions, eggs, vegetable oil and sugar. Stuffed pieces of fish are boiled in vegetable broth and served with horseradish. You can also stew fish.

Chinese cuisine is very unique. The Chinese connect seemingly incompatible. They can cook broth from fish, beef and poultry at the same time. Moreover, food, including fish, is still raw, cut into small pieces to be immediately sent to the mouth. After all, knives do not shed when serving.

Among the fish that the Chinese use are Chinese perch, flounder, saber fish, as well as marine invertebrates - shrimp, crabs, squid, octopus, cuttlefish, oysters, etc.

Japan is an island country. And they love fish there. Perhaps, the fish takes the first place in the menu. The Japanese prefer not boiled, but whole fried fish. Almost all. what the sea gives, the Japanese eat. In addition to fish, this is an exotic food - shark fins, from which a pate is prepared, reminiscent in taste of something between liver sausage and marzipan. These are all kinds of shells, crabs, crispy white meat of cuttlefish, trepangs - sea cucumbers. Rice can be served with zashimi, the famous raw fish. Carp fillet go carp put in the freezer, then cut into thin slices. Such fish is served with a special spicy sauce made from soy, horseradish and various greens.

In Cambodia, fish is the staple food. Since it is very hot in the countries of Southeast Asia and the fish quickly deteriorates, it does not even take an hour for it to reach the market or on a spit in the kitchen of a house or restaurant. Fish is eaten here fresh, fried or boiled, dried in the sun or salted. In Thailand, fish and rice are served on the table every day. Sometimes they feast on pickled lobsters and crabs.

In France, dishes from sea and freshwater fish are very popular: cod, flounder, halibut, mackerel, pike, carp, as well as seafood - oysters, shrimps, lobsters, scallops. When cooking fish, the French put a small bunch of herbs from parsley and savory into the pan. bay leaf. Before serving, the bunch is taken out.

In Georgia, fish dishes occupy a very modest place, and even then only in areas located near rivers. Carp species are typical for the Transcaucasus - barbel, khramulya, etc., which are distinguished by tender, fatty meat. Exquisite trout is common in the highlands. In Georgia, they prefer to boil or stew fish, seasoning it with sauces.

In Turkmenistan, fish dishes are cooked according to the Central Asian technology (fried on a spit or in calcined oil, in cauldrons), combined with rice, sesame seeds, apricots, raisins, pomegranate juice, which, according to European concepts, are hardly combined with fish. The result is unexpected flavor effects. The close location of the Caspian also determined preferences - sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, as well as such fish as vobla, pike perch, carp. Prepared from fresh fish

The Caspian is a long-standing supplier of sturgeon fish. Even in Ancient Russia, carts with sturgeons were sent to the Mother See, which sometimes did not go crazy on one cart. To bring them fresh, they put hay or algae, richly moistened with vodka, in their gills.

Let's talk a little about how it is still better to cook fish.

Medium-sized fish is boiled whole or, if the fish is large, then in large pieces. Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon are cut into links. Pike perch, salmon, trout, mullet, perch, crucian are boiled whole. Fish carcasses are tied with twine so that they do not lose their shape during cooking.

The fish, cut into portions, is placed in a saucepan in one row with its back up, poured with hot water, spices, vegetables, and salt are added. When boiling, the heat is reduced and the fish is brought to readiness without boiling, otherwise the meat will be tough and the broth cloudy.

Some species of oceanic fish (flounder, halibut, horse mackerel, etc.) have a specific taste or smell, so it is recommended to add a little vinegar, dry white wine or cucumber pickle when cooking. The duration of cooking, depending on the size of the fish, is from 5-10 to 30-40 minutes.

Boiled fish goes well with potatoes, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, cauliflower, green peas. Sauces are also served: Polish, Dutch, white with capers, tomato and horseradish for sturgeon.

You can fry fish in several ways: on an open stove, in the oven, deep-fried, on a spit, on a grill. Small fish are fried whole with or without a head, large fish are cut into pieces.

The fish prepared for frying is salted, peppered, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour. Fry from two old ones until a ruddy crispy crust is formed. Fried fish is good with various side dishes: fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, vegetable stew, etc. Greens are served with fish, and in a gravy boat - various sauces: mayonnaise with gherkins, sour cream, tomato.

For stewing, small bony fish, salted, lean (cod, pollock, oceanic crucian carp, sometimes fish fillets) are used. Salted fish is pre-soaked.

Prepared fish is placed in two or three rows in a bowl, alternating with layers of vegetables, poured with broth or sauce, vegetable oil, a little vinegar is added and stewed for 40-50 minutes, tightly covered with a lid. The fish acquires a sweet aftertaste of vegetables, roots, tomato, becomes juicy and fragrant.

Various vegetable side dishes are served with stewed fish: boiled potatoes, vegetable stew, green salad, boiled cauliflower, etc. Pour the fish with sauce with vegetables, in which it

When preparing minced fish, fish fillets are used. Prepared pieces of fish, along with soaked white bread, are passed through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper, eggs are placed in the resulting mass and mixed well. Cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, rolls, schnitzels, meatballs are prepared from minced meat.

Before frying, the products are breaded in breadcrumbs, meatballs - in flour. Rolls, meatballs, quenelles are not breaded.

When serving, chopped products are poured with butter. Garnish can be both complex and homogeneous: fried potatoes, vegetables stewed in oil. The dish is sprinkled with fresh herbs. Sauces are served separately: tomato, sour cream or onion.

Russian International Academy of Tourism

Hospitality Institute RMAT

Faculty of Hospitality and Food Technology

Department of hospitality management

Course work

By discipline:

"Technology for the production of catering products"

On the topic "Dishes of Russian cuisine from fish"

Work completed

Student 203 group

Buzdenkova E.V.

Work manager:


Moscow 2007


“Oh, bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! You are glorified by many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, locally revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clear fields, marvelous animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God ... - wrote the ancient chronicler . - You are full of everything, the Russian land! .. ”Here in the vast expanses - from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, Russians live next to other peoples - a single nation in language, culture and life.

Cuisine is an integral part of the culture of every nation. It is not for nothing that ethnographers begin their study of the life of any nation by studying its cuisine, because it reflects the history, way of life and customs of the people in a concentrated form. Russian cuisine is no exception in this sense, it is also part of our culture, our history.

The first meager information about Russian cuisine is contained in the oldest written sources of the 11th-17th centuries, chronicles, lives, words, teachings, etc. The most complete information about ancient Russian cuisine can be found in Domostroy, a literary monument of the 15th-16th centuries, which summarized the previous experience and regulating the conduct of affairs within the framework of domestic life. Old Russian cuisine began to take shape in the 9th century and reached its peak by the 15th century. Naturally, the natural and geographical conditions had the greatest influence on the formation of the cuisine in the first place. The abundance of rivers, lakes, forests contributed to the appearance in Russian cuisine of a large number of dishes from fish, game, mushrooms, wild berries.

The originality of the dishes of Russian national cuisine was determined not only by the set of products from which the food was prepared, but also by the peculiarities of their preparation in the Russian oven. Initially, Russian stoves were made without chimneys and were heated "in a black way". Later, stoves with pipes appeared, and then stoves began to be added to the stoves and ovens were built in. Food was cooked in the Russian stove, bread was baked, kvass and beer were brewed, edible stocks were dried on the stove. The stove heated the dwelling, old people and children slept on the stove, and in some areas they steamed in a large firebox of a Russian stove, like in a bathhouse.

The food cooked in the Russian oven had excellent taste. This was facilitated by the shape of the dishes, the temperature regime and uniform heating from all sides. In the Russian stove, food was cooked in clay pots and cast iron. Both had a narrow neck, a small bottom and large convex sides. The narrow neck reduced evaporation and contact with air, thereby contributing to a better preservation of vitamins, nutrients and aromatics.

Food in the Russian oven was cooked almost without boiling due to the fact that the temperature in the oven gradually decreased, because the oven was first heated and then cooked in it. Thus, the food in the Russian oven steamed more, or, as they said before, languished. Fish dishes, soups, etc. were especially tasty.

From time immemorial, Russians settled along the banks of rivers, lakes and seas, which abounded in fish at that time. The abundance, cheapness and availability of all kinds of fish determined the abundance and variety of the fish table. There were no special prohibitions on fish from the church: on most fasting days, fish was allowed to be eaten, with the exception of only some days of strict fasting. The fish was boiled, steamed, baked, stewed, stewed, fried, stuffed, watered with various broths, brines, gravies. River, lake and anadromous fish, that is, those that spawn in rivers, were especially valued. But sea fish were not uncommon on the Russian table: cod, herring, navaga, haddock, saury, smelt, flounder and others. To this day, the favorite fish of Arkhangelsk residents is cod, and the inhabitants of the Black Sea region - horse mackerel and mackerel.

Live, fresh, frozen and salted fish get on the home table.

Live fish is considered the most delicious. In order to keep the fish alive for several days, in old cookbooks it was advised to pour a glass of vodka into the fish’s mouth, cover it with wet moss and put it in the cellar, or put a piece of bread dipped in water into the fish’s mouth and place it in the snow. Live fish were recommended to be slaughtered, not letting it fall asleep, since sleeping fish was considered much worse than freshly slaughtered. To kill the fish, it was advised to make an incision behind the head, separating the brain from the spinal column. In modern books, on the contrary, it is recommended to make a deep incision in the throat so that the blood drains. We often buy fresh or frozen fish. In this case, you need to make sure that it is fresh. Fresh fish have bright red gills, bulging transparent eyes, smooth shiny scales, and an unbloated belly.

Frozen fish and fish fillets must be properly defrosted before cooking in order to preserve their taste and nutritional value as much as possible. Whole frozen fish is recommended to be thawed in salted cold water (for 1 kg of fish - 2 liters of water and 2 teaspoons of salt). Fish fillets, as well as decapitated, gutted fish, are best defrosted in the air. In any case, the fish should not be thawed completely. Defrosting ends as soon as the temperature inside the frozen fish reaches -1-0°C.

Salted fish should be soaked in cold water, changing the water several times.

Characteristics of fish, nutritional value

The ratio of nutrients in fish depends on its species, sex, stage of development, period of fishing, nature of nutrition, as well as on how deep the post-mortem changes occurred during storage. The content of individual substances in different organs and muscles of the same individual is not the same. For example, dark muscles contain more chromoproteins (myoglobin, hemoglobin, cytochrome C), fats, fatty acids, lecithin, methionine, vitamin B12, iron, sulfur and less total nitrogen, unsaponifiable substances and cholesterol than light muscles.

The mass fraction of water in the muscles of fish depends on the species, fatness, physiological state and can range from 53% (common eel) to 89% (blue catfish). The main part of the water contained in the tissues is associated with a hydrophilic substrate (protein) due to capillary and osmotic forces.

The water-holding capacity of the muscle tissue of fish and seafood changes during post-mortem biochemical processes, during refrigeration. This property affects the juiciness, tenderness, consistency of the finished product, and to a large extent determines the loss of muscle juice during cooking and canning of aquatic organisms.

During curing and drying of aquatic organisms, steam blanching of a canned semi-finished product, the mass fraction of water in the tissues decreases sharply, while the nutritional and energy value of the products increases.

The mass fraction of protein and hydrobionts ranges from 7-8% (trepang, cucumaria, smoothhead) to 22-23% (tuna, chum salmon, bonito, yellowtail snapper, whale meat). The proportion of complete proteins (with the exception of holothurians) is 95-97% of their total amount, the digestibility of proteins reaches 97%.

The taste properties of fish products are largely due to non-protein nitrogenous extractive substances, among which free amino acids and gaunidine derivatives (creatine, creatinine, creatine phosphate, methylguanidine) are the main ones for a long time.

Trimstilamine, from the group of nitrogenous volatile bases, is the key substance that determines the typical "herring" smell of salty foods. Along with low molecular weight nitrogenous substances, carbonyl compounds, organic acids and sulfur compounds are involved in the formation of flavoring properties. In particular, hydrogen sulfide, which is formed during the heat treatment of fish, is the main component of the smell of sterilized canned fish. Amino acid-lipid complexes play an important role in creating the characteristic aroma of dried fish.

Anchovy, herring, salmon and some other fish families are distinguished by the presence of active proteolytic ferts (pepsin, trypsin, erepsin of the digestive organs and muscle cathepsins), which play an important role in the maturation of salted fish products.

The mass fraction of lipids in the muscles ranges from 0.2-0.6% (haddock, squid, pollock, cod, crustaceans) to 30-34% (common eel, Siberian sterlet, Caspian lamprey, herring during the feeding period), cod liver reaches 70%, in sturgeon and salmon caviar - 10-17%.

lean (up to 2% fat) - perch, cod, pike, etc.;

medium fat content (from 2 to 8%) - sea bass, Caspian sprat, etc.;

fatty (over 8%) - sturgeon, mackerel, whitefish, saury;

especially fatty (more than 15 to 34%) - Pacific and Caspian lampreys, herring during the feeding period, cyprinids, salmon.

In many bony fish (cyprinids, herring, salmon, etc.), the connective tissue located between the skin and muscles is the main place for fat accumulation. In cartilaginous fish (sharks, honeycombs), cod, macrourid and some others, fat accumulates in the liver (25-72%), and in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles, its content does not exceed 0.2-1%. In sea bass, halibut, tuna, fat deposition occurs both in the liver and in muscle tissues. In lampreys, fat is deposited in the thickness of the mouse, in myosepts and subcutaneous tissue.

The distribution of lipids in the body also depends on the fatness of the fish. For example, if during the feeding period the bulk of lipids is concentrated in the tissues of the internal organs and in the subcutaneous tissue, then during the spawning period this category of lipids is practically absent. For example, capelin during the feeding period contains 10-11% lipids, during the spawning period - 2-3%. In the migratory Caspian herring in the sea, the content of lipids and meat is 17 - 22%, and in the Ufa region after spawning - 1.5 - 2%. In the Pacific herring during the fattening period, the mass fraction of lipids is 25-33%, and they accumulate both in the subcutaneous tissue and in deposits on the stomach and intestines (fats). As the gonads develop and mature, fats disappear in herring, and by the spawning period, the lipid content in the muscles decreases to 2-3%. Significant lipid losses are observed during spawning migrations and starvation of Far Eastern salmon. For example, in the Amur autumn chum after spawning, the mass fraction of lipids in meat drops to 0.1%.

The fat content varies significantly depending on the species of fish. For example, among halibuts, the most fat are arrow-toothed (up to 21% fat in muscles), and the least fat are white-skinned (up to 6% fat in muscles). In marine invertebrates, the fat content in the tissues is low (0.1 - 2.5%), with the exception of the liver (6-16%) and caviar (4-16%).

A feature of the composition of fish lipids is the predominance of unsaturated fatty acids, including pentaenoic and hexaenoic acids, which determine the instability of fats to oxidative deterioration. The fats of marine and ocean fish are characterized by a higher degree of unsaturation compared to freshwater fish. Therefore, frozen fish products and fillets from sea and ocean fish have a shorter shelf life compared to freshwater fish products.

Due to the low melting point (22...35 °C), fish fats and non-fish aquatic organisms are well absorbed by the body (by 95-97%). Along with high energy value, they serve as a carrier of biologically active substances, including vitamins A, D and essential fatty acids that perform vitamin-like functions. The occurrence of duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, dental caries, eczema, dry skin, and impaired cholesterol metabolism are associated with a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. In terms of the content of essential fatty acids (especially the so-called linoleic type), fish lipids are inferior to vegetable oils (with the exception of cocoa and coconut oils), but superior to butter. Fish fats have been found to play an important role in lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Phospholylides are a valuable building material for cellular structures. As a structural element of phospholipids, essential fatty acids are part of very complex liporiboprotein complexes, including a complex of various cell membranes.

The content of carbohydrates in hydrobionts is low. The meat of marine fish contains from 0 to 1.5% glycogen, freshwater fish - from 0.9 to 1.8; invertebrates - from 0.1 to 5%, In the muscle tissue of a calm, well-fed fish, about 0.03% of glucose was also found immediately after death. With biochemical post-mortem changes, the amount of carbohydrates in fish decreases rapidly.

Marine fish oils contain vitamin A1, which is biologically more active than vitamin A2. The content of vitamins of group A in the muscles of different fish species is rather unstable, but exceeds its content in the meat of cattle. The highest mass fraction of vitamin A is in the liver of cod and many other fish, in the caviar of sturgeon and salmon fish, in the muscles of fatty and especially fatty fish (eel, halibut, sardine, etc.). The content of B vitamins in fish muscles is relatively low, but dark muscles can accumulate 10 times more vitamin B2 than light ones, and fish liver accumulates vitamins B6 and B,12.

The presence of mineral substances in the tissues of hydrobionts depends on the physiological and anatomical purpose of the tissues, as well as on the biochemical characteristics of the species. Unlike representatives of the terrestrial world, hydrobionts live in an environment saturated with salts (from 50 to 290 mg / l fresh and from 15,000 to 38,000 mg / l - sea water).

The content of some elements in the tissues of hydrobionts can be hundreds and even tens of thousands of times higher than their concentration in the aquatic environment, while the content of other elements can be lower than in the hydrosphere. For example, selective concentration of sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and other elements occurs in the tissues of marine fish, but the content of chlorine, magnesium, and sodium is much lower than in water. Some types of brown algae, on the contrary, are able to selectively accumulate potassium, sodium, chlorine, iodine, bromine and a number of other elements. Specific for fish is the accumulation of iron in the blood, for crustaceans and molluscs - copper.

The concentration of sodium ions in sea water is the highest. However, in the tissues of gilrobionts, the content of sodium salts is low - from 30 to 160 mg per 100 g in fish muscles and up to 380 mg per 100 g in mollusk meat. The mass fraction of potassium salts in the muscles of fish ranges from 60 to 520 mg per 100 g. There are several times more sodium and potassium salts in seaweed.

The main depot of calcium salts in the body of animal hydrobionts is the bone tissue of fish, shells of mollusks and the shell of crustaceans. Magnesium is also an essential component of bone tissue. In muscles, most of the calcium and about 10% of magnesium are bound to the proteins actin and myosin.

The mass fraction of phosphorus in the tissues of hydrobionts varies from 50 to 500 mg per 100 g. About 85% of phosphorus is concentrated in bone tissue. The main part of phosphorus in muscles is associated with creatine and adenosine. Phosphorus is one of the most important elements: it is part of a variety of organophosphorus compounds - nucleoproteins, phospholipids, coenzymes, ATP, ADP, etc. Mass fraction of other macronutrients (mg per 100 g): sulfur -25-450, iron - 0.3- 20, aluminum - 0.1-20.

The content of trace elements in the tissues of aquatic organisms will vary considerably. The richest in iodine are brown algae (kelp), in which there is hundreds of thousands of times more iodine than sea water. The presence of iodine in fish depends on the type of fish and the physiological characteristics of tissues. In the tissues of freshwater fish, the content of iodine is insignificant (from 0.002 to 0.07 mg per 100 g), in marine and oceanic fish it is dozens of times higher (from 0.01 to 0.8 mg per 100 mg), in caviar and liver of marine fish, the iodine content reaches 2 and 3 mg per 100 g, respectively.

The content of copper salts in fish tissues is low - from 0.001 to 0.09 mg per 100 g, in shellfish meat - from 0.1 to 15 mg per 100 g, and in the edible part of crustaceans - up to 1.6 mg per 100 g. Others microelements, including manganese, cobalt, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, are present in hydrobionts in a well-balanced ratio, and their content in marine and oceanic fish species is usually higher than in freshwater, and in non-fish objects - in 5- 10 times more than in fish.

2. Range and technology of cooking

Pomakuha Pskovopcherskaya

boiled fish

poached fish

Fish poached in milk

Sterlet or other fish poached in white wine

baked fish

Moscow baked fish

Fish a la Neva

Fish in Yaroslavl

Pomeranian cod casserole with cottage cheese

Far Eastern fish casserole with seaweed

Suzdal fish with buckwheat porridge

Braised fish

Fish stewed in Novgorod style

Fish stewed peasant style

Calamari stewed in sour cream

Fish baked with fried horseradish and onions

Fish baked in foil

Fish baked with mayonnaise

Fish baked under the egg

Fish baked in an omelette

Solyanka from fish in a pan

Fish Stuffed Perm

Choryg Tver

Carp fried in sour cream

Fish fried in Northern Russian style with cranberry juice and honey

"Chestnuts" fish Ryazan

Fried fish stuffed with sprats

Cutlets "Goldfish"

Fried fish stuffed with cabbage

Fish "Pie"

Pomeranian zrazy

Body fried fish

Fish fried in dough

spicy fish

Fish in pork fat

Fish in South Russian

Severodvinsk cutlets

Technology of preparation of the most interesting dishes:

"Suzdal-style fish with buckwheat porridge"

Products included in the recipe:

Fish - 800 g

Buckwheat - 2/3 cup

Dried mushrooms - 50 g

Eggs - 4 pcs

Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.

Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.

Salt - 1 tsp

Cooking technology

Mushrooms soak, boil and finely chop. Cut the fish into pieces, salt and fry in butter, fry onions and mushrooms separately. Cook crumbly buckwheat porridge, add chopped eggs and mix. Grease clay pots or a frying pan with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put buckwheat porridge with eggs, onions with mushrooms, fish, pour sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven.

"Squid stewed in sour cream"

Products included in the recipe:

Squid fillet - 600 g

Sour cream - 200 g

Onions - 2-3 pcs.

Flour - 2 tbsp. l.

Butter - 50 g

Salt - 1 tsp

Pepper - ½ tsp

3. Processes that occur with the main food substances during heat treatment. Formation of taste, smell, aroma, mass change

Various types of fish differ in taste and nutritional content. Therefore, when preparing fish dishes, it is necessary to choose a cooking method that allows not only to make the dish tasty, but also to preserve valuable nutrients in it. Depending on the methods of heat treatment, fish dishes are divided into boiled, stewed, fried in the main way, fried in a large amount of fat, stewed, baked.

In the process of heat treatment, the fish undergoes complex physical and chemical changes. When cooking and frying fish, proteins coagulate, collagen protein, fat, vitamins and extractives change, water is released, and the mass and volume of the fish change. As a result of heat treatment, the digestibility of fish increases, tissue fibers soften and bacteria die, which can be seeded with fish semi-finished products. In sturgeon fish, spores of pathogenic bacteria and harmful substances released by them - toxins - can sometimes remain. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the thermal process and complete bringing the fish to readiness.

Fish contains albumin proteins, soluble in water, globulins, soluble in salt solutions, as well as complex phosphorus-containing proteins, which, when heated to 35 ° C, begin to coagulate (denature). This process ends when 65 °C is reached. Coagulated proteins in the form of light foam appear on the surface when cooking fish. The fish contains from 1.6 to 5.1% collagen, which almost completely consists of its connective tissue. Fish collagen is less stable than meat collagen. At a temperature of 40 ° C, it coagulates and turns into glutin, which is a sticky substance that is easily soluble in hot water, due to which saturated fish broths form jelly when solidified. Fish glutin can retain water to a greater extent than meat glutin, so fish loses less weight when cooked than meat. When fish is boiled, the proteins of myofibrils are compacted, as a result of which the volume and weight of the fish decrease.

The change in fish weight is 18-20%, i.e. half that of cattle meat. The main part of these losses is water separated by proteins. When cooking and frying, the mass loss is almost the same, the difference is 1-2% in one direction or another. The mass of breaded fish pieces varies less than unbreaded ones. When frying in the field of infrared radiation, weight loss is reduced by reducing the heat treatment time.

The total amount of soluble substances passing from fish to broth is 1.5-2% of its mass, including extractive and mineral substances - 0.3-0.5%. During cooking, extractive substances turn into a decoction, giving the broths a good taste and the ability to excite appetite.

4. Development of recipes, cooking technology and preparation of regulatory and technological documentation for the dish "Fish in Yaroslavl"

fish - 800 g

potatoes - 5-6

bulbs - 3-4

pickles - 1-2

dried mushrooms - 50 g

cups of sour cream - 2/3

mayonnaise - 100 g

cheese - 30 g

vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking technology

Clean the fish, gut, wash, cut into pieces and fry. Chop and fry the onion. Finely chop the cucumbers and put them in a little water. Peeled potatoes crumble and put on a greased frying pan, on top - fish, mushrooms with onions, poached cucumbers. Then pour mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven.

4.1 Calculation of gross and net weight of raw materials

According to Table. 4 Collection of recipes to obtain 125 g net fish Caspian salmon, special cuts, carcass, fillet without skin and bones, 147 g gross is required, and for 800 g gross - X g net. We make a proportion:

147 g (gross) - 125 g (net)

800 g (gross) – X g (net)

Calculation of the gross and net weight of potatoes

According to tab. 1 Collection of recipes to obtain 100 g net potatoes (weight of 1 potato 100 g) requires 167 g gross, and to obtain 600 g net (6 potatoes) - X g gross. We make a proportion:

167 g (gross) - 100 g (net),

X g (gross) - 600 g (net),

Calculation of onion mass

According to tab. 1 of the Collection of recipes, the net weight of onions is 180 g (3 onions), the percentage of waste is 16%, and the gross weight is X g. We make up the proportion:

X \u003d (180 g (net) / (100-16%)) * 100%,

Calculation of the mass of pickled cucumber

According to tab. 1 Collection of recipes, the net weight of a cucumber is 100 g (1 cucumber), the percentage of waste is 10%, and the gross weight is X g. We make up the proportion:

X \u003d (100 g (net) / (100-10%)) * 100%,

Calculation of the mass of cheese

According to table 19 of the Collection of Recipes, the net weight of cheese is 33 g, the percentage of waste is 8%, and the gross weight is X g. We make up the proportion:

X \u003d (33 g (net) / (100-8%)) * 100%,

Calculation of the mass of products given in volume measures:

Using the table "Information on the mass of food products in the most commonly used measures of volume", we accept:

4 tbsp vegetable oil \u003d 4 x 15 \u003d 60 g,

* sour cream = 134 g.

We summarize the obtained data in a table:

4.2 Calculation of losses during cooking of a dish

The mass of the raw set of the main dish - 1937.3 g

Loss during heat treatment (19%) - 368.6 g

The mass of the dish after frying and baking - 1568.7 g

Drawing up a recipe for a given dish yield

We adjust the output of the main dish by 300 g:

Name of products Gross weight, g Net weight, g
Fish 160 136
Potato 200,4 120
Onion 42,8 36
Salted cucumbers 22,24 20
dried mushrooms 9,6 9,6
A glass of sour cream 26,8 26,8
Mayonnaise 20 20
Cheese 7,18 6,6
Vegetable oil 12 12
Semi-finished product weight - 387
Mass of the dish after heat treatment - 300
Output of the main dish - 300

4.3 Development of technology and drawing up a technological scheme for preparing a dish

Clean the fish, gut, wash, cut into pieces and fry. Chop and fry the onion. Finely chop the cucumbers and put them in a little water. Peeled potatoes crumble and put on a greased frying pan, on top - fish, mushrooms with onions, poached cucumbers. Then pour mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven. The layout of products for cooking is given for 4 servings.

5. Development of a recipe, cooking technology and preparation of regulatory and technological documentation for the dish "Pomakuha Pskovopcherskaya"

Products included in the recipe:

Harbusha - 600 gr

Potatoes - 8 pcs

Parsley - 10 g

Dill - 10 g

For sauce:

Onion - 2 pcs

Flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Fish broth - ½ l

Salt - 1 tsp

Cooking technology

Divide the salted salmon into fillets, soak, pour over the sauce and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with herbs and serve with hot boiled potatoes.

Sauce. Fry flour until slightly creamy. Gradually pouring in the broth, knead until a homogeneous mass is formed, put finely chopped onion, salt and cook for 20-25 minutes.

5.1 Calculation of gross and net weight of raw materials

Calculation of gross and net weight of fish:

According to Table. 4 Collection of recipes to obtain 125 g net of salmon fish, special cutting, carcass, fillet without skin and bones, 181 g gross is required, and for 600 g gross - X g net. We make a proportion:

Evaluation of the good quality of meat, its labeling, quality requirements, energy value. Storage conditions and shelf life of meat. Nutritional and culinary qualities of fish. Features of frying different types of fish. Technology of cooking fried fish.

The importance of eggs in human nutrition, cooking dishes from eggs. Cold fish dishes and snacks, canned fish: quality requirements and storage. Seafood and their preparation. Preparation, release, quality requirements for poultry dishes.

The family of the most important commercial fish. Sturgeon family: Beluga, Kaluga, Russian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, sterlet. Their difference from the salmon family. Carp and cod families. Drying, salting, freezing, balyk products. Nutritional value of fish meat.

Designing a calculated menu for the production program of a cafe and a pizzeria. Development of technical and technological maps for cooking, a list of necessary raw materials, a recipe, a description of the technological process, nutritional and energy value.

Microbial contamination of the surface of the fish, which is directly dependent on the quantity and quality of the microflora of the reservoir. The chemical composition of fish meat. Microflora of freshwater fish. Ambassador is a way of preserving fish. Features of canning fish with st

General characteristics of pickles, components of the dish. Technological process and scheme for the preparation of pickle. Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of Leningrad pickle. Technical and technological map for the dish "Rassolnik Leningrad".

The recipe for the preparation and calculation of raw materials for dishes of Russian cuisine: "beef jelly", "broth with meatballs", "fried fish with green butter, french fries", "glaze coffee". Organization of the workplace in the preparation of these dishes and labor protection requirements.


The role of vegetables in human nutrition. Preparation of raw materials for the preparation of vegetable dishes of Russian folk cuisine. Primary and thermal processing, assortment development and preparation of vegetables. Boiled, poached, fried, stewed and baked vegetable dishes.

SOUPS. COTTAGE. Pushtyyo shyd* (soup with beaten egg) This soup is also called “pushtem”, “gurshyd”, “kureg puzen shyd”. Prepare a broth from corned beef or fresh meat. Peeled potatoes cut into slices and put in a boiling broth, bring to readiness. Before the end of cooking, add the onion to the soup and beat ...

Fish dishes at catering establishments are in demand and are sold in large quantities. Fish baking technology, assortment of dishes. Recipes for cooking dishes from baked fish. Safety engineering. Fish and diet food.

The role of fish dishes and rice side dishes in nutrition, their design, release, classification, heat treatment, basic quality requirements and shelf life. Peculiarities of the development of normative documentation for the custom-made dish "Fish in batter with a side dish of rice".

Mechanical processing of scaly fish and its cutting depending on the mass. Commodity characteristics of the main types of raw materials, sanitary and hygienic requirements for its storage. Characteristics of equipment, inventory, utensils. Operation and labor protection.

The study of the chemical composition of fish meat, characterized by the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water, as well as the presence of amino acids necessary for humans and their quantity. Energy and biological value of fish.

Chemical composition of nutrients: properties of water, macro- and microelements, mono-, oligo- and polysaccharides, fats, lipids, proteins and non-protein nitrogenous substances, organic acids and vitamins. Chemical composition and nutritional value of food.

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fish food workshop

1. Main body

2. Commodity characteristic

3. Cooking technology

4. Equipment

5. Organization of workshops

6. Sanitation

7. Helpful tips


1. Main body

The history of the origin of fish dishes

Many experts in the field of nutrition claim that the fish table is healthier and more hygienic than meat. Especially useful is the alternation in the diet of fish meat with the meat of warm-blooded animals. Fish dishes are widely used in the daily diet, but are especially valued in the diet. This is due not only to high nutritional value and taste, but also to easy digestibility and beneficial effects on the body. . There are many legends about the history of fish dishes. Fish is a very ancient food. It is known that due to the lack of fire in ancient times, our ancestors ate it raw. The fire appeared relatively late. Fish dishes, which the body of every creature living on the planet needs to eat, are one of the main components of the diet. They are enriched with natural nutrients and vitamins (calcium, phosphorus). Since we live in a modern civilized world and society, we have the opportunity to eat dishes prepared in various ways: steamed, grilled, baked in foil, fried. The abundance of fish dishes in Russian cuisine is due to natural conditions, the richness of reservoirs. In the old days, traditional fasts also contributed to the widespread use of fish (fresh, salted, smoked, dried, dried). Fish was allowed to be eaten during many periods of fasting, and dishes from it were called "half-fast". During the period of all fasts, the use of meat and dairy food was forbidden, and then fish dishes acquired special significance. In general, fish dishes were the decoration of the festive table on fasting days, and therefore their decoration at feasts was given great importance. There is another reason for the widespread use of fish dishes in our cuisine. The fact is that the Slavic tribes settled not in the steppes, like the Central Asian peoples, not in the mountains, like the Caucasian tribes, but along the banks of the rivers, which were for them both transport arteries and a source of food. The range of hot fish dishes in the ancient cuisine was so great that one would have to confine oneself to describing the methods of heat treatment of fish and describing the most interesting dishes. Cooked fish boiled, fried, poached in the dough, steam. Large pieces of fish (links) were lightly fried before frying in a Russian oven. Any large fish was fried in the oven, sprinkled with oil, and small fish in frying pans, breaded in flour. Other small fish were fried in a large amount of fat. Modern interpretation - deep-fried fish nuts. Fried fish was served under onion broth from berries (cranberry) or watered with vinegar, lemon juice, brine, etc. Examples of such ancient dishes were: sturgeon link with onion broth, minnows fried with vinegar or lemon juice, sturgeon fried in chunks with juice or cabbage boiled, boiled bream with berries, fried barrel pike, etc. The methods of frying were very diverse. For example, fried fish on a spit. Frying fish in dough was also used. True, frying in dough was not always similar to modern deep-frying methods - rather, these dishes resembled fish baked in dough, or modern "fishmen". In addition to the usual frying, wicking was also used, but without sauces. Steam-cooked fish was widely used. They cooked it in frying pans, covered with a lid. Fish boiled in salt water was sprinkled with lemon, cucumbers, herbs. They also used stuffing with porridge. Such dishes were called "mended", and fish stuffed with minced fish was called "telny". For stuffing, they used buckwheat porridge, millet with the addition of caviar, milk, fried onions. A delicacy and highly valued dish in Russia was "fish prrokh". It was prepared from offal of sturgeon fish. Solyanka occupied a special place among fish dishes. Initially, they were cooked only with stewed cabbage seasoned with onions, flour, butter, pepper and pieces of fried or salted boiled fish. They were baked in pans in the oven, sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Solyanka was seasoned to taste with kvass or vinegar. Then the recipes for saltworts became more complicated, they began to introduce salted mushrooms, olives and lemon. Some of the fish dishes were difficult to prepare, they made flesh from pike perch and pike, they formed pies (zrazy) from it. Finishing the review of fish dishes of pre-Petrine Russia, it should be noted that many now forgotten traditions of Russian cuisine for cooking fish dishes deserve to be restored. Such good traditions include a wide range of fried fish.

2. Commodity characteristic


Fish is the oldest food. Man has long valued fish for its nutritional qualities. It occupies an important place in the cuisines of many peoples in our time. Any fish contains a lot of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, as well as a variety of minerals: iron, calcium, manganese, zinc.

1. Chemical composition and nutritional value of fish.

The chemical composition of fish is not constant. It significantly depends not only on its species and physiological state, but also on age, sex, habitat, fishing time and other environmental conditions.

Nitrogenous substances in fish meat are represented by proteins and non-protein nitrogenous substances, the ratio of which varies in different fish. So, in bony fish, nitrogenous substances are approximately 85% composed of proteins and 15% of non-protein substances; in cartilage - the amount of non-protein nitrogenous substances, as a rule, is much larger and can reach 35 - 45%, and sometimes 50% of total nitrogen. The proteins of fish meat are not inferior in value to the proteins of the meat of warm-blooded animals, their amino acid composition is in optimal ratios for human nutrition. Among them are all the essential amino acids, including those that are especially important for the human body: lysine, methionine, tryptophan, the presence of which depends on the completeness of the assimilation of food and all proteins.

Fish fat is represented mainly by unsaturated fatty acids (up to 84%). Fish fat is easily digestible, characterized by high nutritional value and vitamin activity, is a valuable source of linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids that are not synthesized in the body, which help to remove excess cholesterol from the body and give blood vessels elasticity.

The mineral composition of fish meat is characterized by exceptional diversity. Most of all, fish meat contains phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, trace elements, such as iodine, copper, bromine, zinc, cobalt, etc., are found in significant quantities.


In total, there are about 30 genera and 650 species of onions in the world. Onions grow wild all over the world. And only in Australia they are not. No matter how the plant of this family looks, one property will always distinguish it from others - a special onion smell. The following types of bows are most common and known:

Onions are the most common in this group. According to its chemical composition, it is conditionally divided into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. Acute is distinguished by a high (up to 15%) content of dry substances, including sugars (up to 12-15%), essential oils (up to 155 mg / 100 g) and glycosides. A less pronounced sensation of sweetness of onion varieties with a high content of sugars is explained by a smaller amount of water in them and a significant amount of glycosides, the bitter taste of which reduces the sensation of sweetness. The chemical composition of onion vegetables depends on the variety, place of growth, conditions and terms of storage. Onions are eaten fresh, boiled, fried, canned and dried, and are also used for medicinal purposes. It has been known in culture for over 5 thousand years. Many varieties have been bred that differ in taste and number of bulbs, as well as precocity. In Russia, onions are very popular.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is a product of everyday nutrition, on the quality of which our health depends. It is not only a building and energy material, but also exhibits functional properties. Vegetable oil occupies the main share of the domestic market of oil and fat products. Recently, the assortment content of the oilseed segment has expanded significantly. Manufacturers have mastered the production of oils from various fruits, nuts and cereals. When assessing the quality of vegetable oil according to physical and chemical indicators, the most important are: color number, acid number, mass fraction

The quality indicators of oils of the same name are closely related to the degree of their purification. For example, unrefined oils are intensely coloured, have a distinct taste and smell, and "have a haze and a noticeable amount of sludge due to accompanying substances. In contrast, refined oils are clear, devoid of sludge, less colored, and lack their characteristic taste and smell. in the case of deodorization.According to the standard, vegetable oils are divided into varieties according to their organoleptic and physicochemical parameters.Vegetable oils of the same trade name, but isolated from plant seeds, grown in different regions, differ in physicochemical parameters: iodine number , saponification number These indicators characterize the fatty acid composition of the oil, which does not change significantly during isolation and processing.


The flour milling industry is the largest branch of the food industry, which produces flour for retail trade, as well as for baking, confectionery and other industries. Flour is the main product of grain processing, it is of paramount importance in supplying the population with essential products, as it is used to make baked bread. Wheat flour is flour obtained from wheat grains.

Wheat flour is perhaps the world's most popular baking flour. It comes in several types. High-grade flour (some packages say the word “extra”) has quite a bit of gluten, and it looks completely white. Such flour is ideal for rich products, it is often used as a thickener in sauces. First grade flour is good for non-rich pastries, and its products become stale much more slowly. In France, it is customary to bake bread from wheat flour of the first grade. As for second grade flour, it contains up to 8% bran, so it is much darker than first grade. It is used in our country - it is from it that lean products and ordinary white bread are made, and mixed with rye flour - black.


Table salt is an inorganic substance containing 97-99.7% pure chlorine. Table salt among spices ranks first in terms of volume. Its significance is not limited to the effect on the taste properties of food. Salt also affects the physiological processes in the body. The intake of sodium chloride in insufficient quantities can lead to violations of water-salt and other metabolic processes in the human body. The daily share of salt intake for an adult is 10-15 g. According to the origin and method of production, rock salt, boiled water, self-planting and garden salt are distinguished. Extraction of evaporated salt is about 40% of the total production of table salt. Depending on the nature of the occurrence of layers in the bowels of the earth, it is mined either by the mine method, or by the open pit method, if the salt layers rise to the surface of the earth. Rock salt contains few impurities and water, its hygroscopicity is minimal, and the content of pure sodium chloride is the highest - 98-99%. Evaporated salt is a product of evaporation of natural or artificial brines extracted from the bowels of the earth. Edible table salt in a package is stored in dry warehouses at a temperature of 20C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. At the same time, the shelf life of salt packed in packs with an inner bag is 2.5 years; in a pack without package 1 year; in plastic bags no more than 5 years, in paper bags 1 year. Guaranteed shelf life of table iodized edible salt is 2-3 months, after this period such salt is sold as ordinary salt. When salt is stored under conditions of high relative humidity, the crystals partially dissolve, the crystals become sticky, and the salt begins to "flow". Sometimes, during storage, salt can cake, forming a monolith, cementing. To prevent loss of salt during storage. decrease in its quality, various additives are introduced into it.

Salt is transported by rail and water in well-washed and dried wagons or ships with closed doors and hatches so as not to contaminate the goods.


Peppers are sweet and bitter. Pepper fruit is a pod or a fleshy 2-3 nested multi-seeded false berry. Pepper fruits are cone-shaped, cylindrical, prism-shaped, pyramid-shaped, rounded - flattened, and in color at different stages of maturity - light and dark green, yellow, cream, red, dark red. Varietal and commercial characteristics of peppers are precocity, fruit size, pulp thickness, taste, transportability, storability and use. The fruits should be fresh, clean, healthy, with a stalk, the taste is sweetish, with a slight sharpness. Hot pepper to taste should be hot, bitter. Varieties of sweet pepper: Bulgarian, Gift of Moldova.


Potato is a tuber. Tubers are modified shoots in which plants store nutrients, mainly starch. Of the tubers, potatoes, sweet potatoes (in tropical countries) are used for food, and Jerusalem artichoke (earth pear) is used for livestock feed. The main indicator of the quality and value of potatoes is its chemical composition, i.e. the content of essential nutrients in it. The chemical composition of tubers varies over a fairly wide range and depends on a number of factors: variety, degree of maturity, soil and climatic conditions, quantity and quality of fertilizers, etc. Thus, the water content in tubers ranges from 64 to 86%, respectively, the dry matter content is 14-36%. Approximately distinguish varieties of potatoes with a high content of solids. Starch makes up 70-80% of all solids of the tuber; it is found in cells in the form of layered starch grains ranging in size from 1 to 100 microns, but more often 20-40 microns. The starch content depends on the precocity of the varieties. During storage, the amount of starch in tubers decreases as a result of its hydrolytic decomposition to sugars. Sugars in potatoes are represented by glucose. There are few sugars in mature potatoes, but they can accumulate or disappear completely, which is observed during long-term storage.


Depending on the type of bird, chicken, duck, goose, and turkey eggs are distinguished. The main commodity products are chicken eggs. Waterfowl eggs are not used in catering, as they may contain microorganisms harmful to the human body.

The structure of the egg: A chicken egg consists of three main parts: the shell (approximately 12% of the mass of the egg), protein (56%) and yolk (32%). The surface of the egg is covered with an over-shell film, and under the shell there is an under-shell membrane, which prevent the penetration of bacteria into the egg. The shell is permeated with pores and contains carbonic and phosphate-acid calcium, magnesium, and organic substances. The egg white is covered with a white coat. In a freshly laid egg, the white and shell membranes are tightly adjacent to each other. Egg white has a viscous consistency and consists of alternating liquid and dense layers. The amount of dense protein is an indicator of egg quality. The yolk is covered with a yolk membrane and is supported in the center of the egg by hailstones (dense protein). The yolk consists of alternating light and dark layers. The embryo is located on the surface of the yolk. Chemical composition and nutritional value of eggs. The composition of a chicken egg includes proteins (12.7%), fats (11.5%), carbohydrates (0.7%), minerals (1.0%), water (74.0%), vitamins B1, B2 , PP, etc. The energy value of 100g of chicken eggs is 157kcal. The chemical composition of the protein and the yolk is not the same. The composition of the protein part of eggs includes proteins easily digestible by the human body (10.8%). From carbohydrates (0.9%), egg white contains glucose, from minerals - sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, iodine, zinc, lead, bromine and manganese were found. The protein is poor in fats (0.03%), of the vitamins it contains vitamins B1, B2, B12. Coagulation and compaction of the protein occurs at 60-65°C. Protein is digested by 98%. The energy value of 100g of protein is 47kcal. When beaten, egg whites form a thick, firm foam. The yolk of eggs is rich in proteins (16.2%), containing all the amino acids necessary for a person. The yolk contains a lot of fat (32.6%), which has a low melting point, as it contains oleic, linoleic and other unsaturated fatty acids. Of the saturated acids, there are palmitic, stearic, etc. Fat is in the yolk in the form of an emulsion. Of the carbohydrates, it contains galactose and glucose (1.0%). Minerals are the same as in egg whites. The yolk contains vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B3 and PP. Fat-like substances contain lecithin and cholesterol. The digestibility of the yolk is 96%. The energy value of 100 g of yolk is 370 kcal. Classification of eggs: Depending on the shelf life and quality of eggs, they are divided into dietary and table eggs. Diet eggs include eggs, the shelf life of which does not exceed 7 days, not counting the day of demolition. Kstolovy include eggs, the shelf life of which does not exceed 25 days from the date of sorting, not counting the day of demolition, and eggs stored in refrigerators for no more than 120 days. Categories, quality requirements for eggs. Dietary and table eggs, depending on the mass, are divided into 3 categories: selective - the mass of one egg is 65g, the first is 55g, the second is 45g. The categories of dietary and table eggs are indicated: selective -0, first - 1, second -2. and table eggs are determined by the state of the air chamber, protein, yolk. Diet eggs have a fixed air chamber no more than 4 mm high; the protein is dense, light, transparent; the yolk is strong, barely visible, but the contours are not visible, it occupies a central position and does not move.


Bread products - products of various shapes and sizes, obtained by kneading, fermenting, loosening, shaping, proofing dough and baking it. They belong to the main food products and are distinguished by an average calorie content and biological value, contain 33-50% carbohydrates, mainly starch; as well as 4.9-8.5% of proteins, which include all the essential amino acids (especially in rye bread and from low-grade flour); B vitamins and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, etc.). There are few sugars in bread (1-2%), only improved varieties of bread contain 3-5% sugars. Bread differs from the flour from which it is made, with a 3-4 times higher moisture content and a lower content (almost 2 times) of carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, the ash content in bread increases due to the addition of table salt and acids formed during fermentation.

3. Cooking technology

Primary processing of potatoes

Primary processing of potatoes can be done in the following ways: mechanical method. With this method, the process of primary processing of potatoes consists of the following operations: sorting, washing, cleaning and finishing. Potatoes are sorted by size, separating foreign impurities (stones, chips, lumps of earth), rotten, damaged potatoes and sprouted ones, since its eyes contain a poisonous substance - solanine. Sorted by size in order to reduce wastage during machine peeling, since large potatoes are peeled faster and by the time the whole potato is peeled, a valuable layer of pulp is removed from large tubers, which contains a large amount of nutrients. Washing potatoes promotes faster and better cleaning, improves sanitary conditions for further processing. At the same time, contamination is removed from the surface of the tubers, so that sand does not fall on the moving parts of the potato peelers, maintaining the rough surface of the grater discs and increasing their service life. A higher quality starch is obtained from the peels of washed potatoes. Wash potatoes by hand in grated tubs. At large enterprises, washing machines, potato peelers with a disc without a grater surface and washing and cleaning machines are used, in which the skin and part of the surface cells are peeled off in the upper compartment of the potato. Peel potatoes in potato peelers. When using a batch potato peeler, first open the water supply valve, turn on the machine and load the potatoes through the hopper. The potatoes are peeled by rubbing against the rough surface of the disc and the walls of the potato peeler. the duration of cleaning is 2-2.5 minutes; with longer cleaning, a layer containing a large amount of starch is removed. Peeled potatoes are unloaded without turning off the electric motor, to do this, open the door of the machine, and the potatoes are thrown into the substituted container.

Potato cleaning is carried out manually with rooted or grooved knives. When cleaning, eyes, cavities, dark spots, and remaining skin are removed from peeled tubers. The processed potatoes are washed in cold water.

Potato cooking technologyboiled

Peeled potato tubers of the same small size (large potatoes are cut into pieces) are placed in a dish with a layer of no more than 50 cm, so that the shape is preserved during cooking, pour hot water so that it covers the potatoes by 1-1.5 cm, put salt, close the dishes cover, bring to a boil and cook at a low boil until tender. Then the broth is drained, and the potatoes are dried, for this the dishes are covered with a lid and placed for 2-3 minutes on a less hot part of the stove.

Some varieties of potatoes are very boiled soft, soaked in water, resulting in a deterioration in the taste of the finished dish. Therefore, when cooking such potatoes, the water is drained 15 minutes after boiling, the potatoes are covered with a lid and brought to readiness without water - the steam generated in the boiler. In the same way, potatoes are boiled, turned into barrels.

Potatoes are boiled in small portions, since during prolonged storage its taste deteriorates, its nutritional value decreases, and the color changes. Boiled potatoes are used as an independent dish and side dish.

On vacation, boiled potatoes are placed in a lamb, on a plate or a portioned pan, poured with butter, sour cream or served separately, sprinkled with chopped herbs. You can serve potatoes with sauces: red with onions and cucumbers, tomato, sour cream, sour cream with onions, mushrooms.

quality requirements.

Boiled vegetables should keep their shape, potato tubers may be slightly boiled. The color of the potatoes is from white to yellowish, redness or darkening of the tubers is not allowed. The color of root crops is characteristic of their natural color. Potatoes and root crops, well cleaned of eyes, black spots and rotten parts; consistency - friable.

Pprimary processing of eggs

Processing of eggs used for cooking is carried out in a designated place in special marked containers in the following sequence: with a warm 1-2% soda ash solution, 0.5% chloramine solution or other detergents and disinfectants approved for these purposes, then rinsed with cold running water. A clean egg is laid out in a clean, labeled dish. Storage of raw eggs in cassettes, boxes in production shops is not allowed. Storage of egg mass is carried out no more than 30 minutes

Primary onion processing

Onions are valued for their content of sugar, essential oils, and phytoncides. The primary processing of onions is carried out in the vegetable shop. Onions are cleaned on tables with a fume hood. The worker's hands are behind the glass, inside the cabinet; essential oils are removed through the hood. In small canteens, they clean near the fan or pre-moisten it - this reduces the release of essential oils. Store peeled onions in mobile baths with a mesh bottom.

Primary processing of fish

The primary processing of fish includes the following processes: thawing frozen fish, freeing it from contaminants and inedible parts, as well as cleaning it from scales, separating parts from fish that have reduced nutritional value (head, fins, tail), gutting; flattening or giving the fish sizes and shapes that correspond to the type of culinary product.

Fish meatballs in tomato sauce

This recipe for fish meatballs is great because the sauce makes them more tender and perfectly complements any side dish you want to cook.


fillet of any fish - 500 g;

egg - 1 pc.;

bread - 70 g;

salt and black ground pepper;

onion - 1 pc.;

vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;

Cooking technology

Cut the fish into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Soak the bread briefly in water, then squeeze and crumble. Combine minced fish, bread, egg, salt, pepper and finely chopped greens.

Technology of preparation of fish meatballs.

Meatballs are prepared in the form of balls of 3-4 pieces. per serving, placed on a baking sheet, fried in the main way on both sides, poured with tomato or sour cream sauce and stewed for 10-15 minutes. This dish can be prepared by replacing bread with stewed rice, as well as baked.

When serving, boiled potatoes or rice, mashed potatoes are placed on a heated plate, ready-made meatballs are placed nearby, which are poured over with the sauce used for stewing. The garnish is poured with oil, the dish is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Quality requirement.

Dishes from fish cutlet mass should retain their shape, have no cracks, consist of a homogeneous, thoroughly crushed and mixed mass. The surface of fried products is covered with a well-fried crust. Color on a section - from white to gray; products are juicy, loose. Unacceptable defects are: irregular shape of the product, rolling of the breading inside the product, the presence of foreign odors, the taste of sour bread, burnt crusts, etc. On holiday, the products are placed on a plate, the garnish is placed on the side, only meatballs and meatballs are poured over the sauce, and the sauce is added to the other products on the side.

4. Equipment

Equipment and inventory

Saucepan with a capacity of -1 liter, 2 liters, 0.5 liters

Pans for frying fish and potatoes-2

chef's knives

Wooden spatula

Cotton fabric for drying fish and potatoes

Dishes, small plates

Cutting boards "OS", "RS"

Principle of operation and technical characteristics of the IOC-250

The MOK-250 potato peeler is used at catering establishments to remove the peel of root crops - potato tubers, carrots, beets, as well as hard vegetables. It is installed in vegetable shops.

MOK-250 potato peeler: 1 - lid; 2 - working chamber; 3 - abrasive removable segment; 4 - working body (cone); 5 and 10 - pulleys; 6 - base; 7 - facing; 8 - electric motor; 9 - belt; 11 - loading tray

The working chamber is made in the form of a cylinder. The inner surfaces of the working chamber and the cone are covered with abrasive material: in the form of removable segments on the working chamber and in the form of a continuous coating - on the cone. On the side surface of the chamber there is a door for unloading peeled tubers. The door is sealed with a rubber gasket and closed with an eccentric lock. For better mixing of tubers, the bottom of the abrasive cone has three radial waves. On the outer side of the cone there are two blades (for removing pulp). Inside the chamber (in the upper part) there is a nozzle for water supply.

The driving device of the machine consists of an electric motor and a V-belt transmission consisting of pulleys and a belt. The electric motor is fixed on a movable plate. The working shaft is sealed with cuffs. The base of the machine is a plate through which the foundation bolts pass. The rotation from the drive device is transmitted to the cone. In the working chamber, potato tubers, making a complex movement, rub against abrasive surfaces. The principle of operation of the MOK-250 is that the rotation of the abrasive cone is transmitted from the electric motor through the V-belt transmission. Potato tubers entering the working chamber are pressed against its abrasive surfaces by centrifugal force, and are thrown up by the wavy surface of the rotating abrasive cone and fall back onto the rotating cone under the action of gravity. Thus, potato tubers make a complex movement and are cleaned due to friction on abrasive surfaces. The pulp is washed off with water continuously flowing into the working chamber.

Electric stove PESM-4Sh

Stove 4 burners with oven. Working and front surfaces are made of stainless steel, side - galvanized steel.

The electric cooker is intended for cooking dishes in stove-top dishes, as well as for frying semi-finished products at public catering establishments, both as a stand-alone device and as part of technological lines.

Food: 17/380 kW/V

Dimensions: 1000x800x850 mm

Weight: 125 kg

Working surface area: 0.48m2

Warm-up time of burners up to 400°С: 60 min

A 4-burner stove with an oven is made of stainless steel, the side lining is made of galvanized steel. Electric stove PESM has rectangular burners. The area of ​​the working surface of the burners is 0.48 m². The temperature of the burner in the heated state is at least 400 ° C. The burners are height-adjustable by adjusting bars, which allows you to install the working surface of the burners in the same plane with the countertop - this ensures convenient and easy movement of the cookware. Adjustment range of burners ±5mm. During maintenance/repair, the burners are installed and fixed in a vertical position, which facilitates the maintenance/repair process. Burner power regulators, made in three-position options, provide the ability to cook food in the required thermal mode. The model is equipped with an oven having four rows of guides for baking sheets or gastronorm containers of size GN1/1 (4 baking sheets are included in the delivery). The cabinet door is made of stainless steel and has reinforced hinges (made in Italy). The door is fixed in the open position to prevent closing during operation. To reduce heat loss between the oven and the door, a seal (made in Italy) is used. The heating of the cabinet chamber is carried out by 4 heating elements, located two at the bottom and two at the top, having separate regulators, the air temperature in the chamber is not less than 260°С. To prevent overheating of the cabinet in the event of failure of the control thermostat (temperature exceeding 320°C), an emergency thermal switch without self-return is installed.

Fish cleaning machine RO-1M

At public catering establishments, a fish cleaning machine is used to clean fish from scales.

The machine consists of a body, a cover, a working tool, a flexible shaft and an electric motor. An electric motor is installed on the body, covered with a lid on top, a bracket for attaching the device to the production table.

The working tool is a scraper made of stainless steel in the form of a cutter with longitudinal special teeth.

Characteristics of equipment, inventory, utensils. Rules of operation and safety precautions. Occupational Safety and Health

The use of technical equipment reduces the complexity of the primary processing of raw materials, reduces the percentage of waste, etc.

Selection of equipment is made based on the needs of the enterprise. The need for equipment is identified on the basis of technological calculations or evidence-based standards. These standards have been developed for mechanical, thermal, refrigeration, hoisting and transport, weight measuring equipment and cash registers.

MRZP frozen food cutting machine

The machine is designed for cutting frozen products of the following range: fish fillet blocks, boneless meat, offal.

It is a rectangular table, inside which there is an electric motor, a gearbox, a switching mechanism. Control board, crank and crank shaft. A cast-iron column is attached to the table at the back, with a tinned slider guide. A knife is attached to the slider. When the electric motor is turned on, the movement is transmitted to the crank, which in turn lowers and raises the slider with a knife and cuts the product.


Refrigerated cabinets are designed to store semi-finished and ready-made meals in production shops, as well as to store a supply of food at the workplaces of bartenders and waiters.

Refrigerated cabinets SHKH-0.56, SHKH-0.4OM, SHKH-0.8OM, SHKH-0.8OYU, SHKH-1.12.

Cabinets differ from each other in the number of doors, the capacity of refrigerating chambers and other parameters. Cabinets ShKh-0.56, ShKh-0.40M, ShKh-0.80M have a lower location of the engine room, which is closed with louvres. The temperature is controlled by a manometric thermometer, the scale of which is located on the front surface of the cabinet. When one of the doors is opened, the cabinet light comes on.

General rules of operation and safety when working on mechanical equipment

Before starting work, the cook must put his workplace in order, check the safety of work:

Check the idle speed of the equipment,

Check the presence and direction of the fences,

Availability and serviceability of electrical wiring and grounding,

The presence of an independent starting device - a knife switch, a batch switch, a magnetic starter,

Check the functionality of other equipment

Check idle operation.

While working, the chef must:

Load the machine only after it has been started,

Maximally fill the working surface of electric stoves with dishes,

Timely turn off the electric grill of the stoves or switch them to a lower power,

Do not allow the burners to turn on at maximum and medium power without loading,

Do not use kettles, pans with a deformed bottom and edges, handles that are not firmly fixed or without them,

Control the pressure and temperature in the apparatus within the limits specified in the operating instructions,

Monitor the presence of draft in the combustion chamber of gas equipment and the pressure gauge readings when operating pressure equipment.

After finishing work:

The car is turned off

It is partially disassembled and cleaned of product residues,

Then rinse thoroughly until the product residues are completely removed,

The outer surfaces of the machine are wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth,

The washed parts of the machine are dried, after which all rusty parts and surfaces in contact with food are lubricated with edible unsalted fat,

Wipe once a week with a dry cloth or flannel until the shine is restored,

The machine should be taken apart and inspected regularly to replace worn parts,

5. Organization of workshops

Organization of a fish shop.

The fish comes to the shop frozen, salted and chilled. In addition to fish, the workshop processes crabs, shrimps, spiny lobsters, oysters, mussels, and squids.

The fish processing line at public catering establishments is designed for the following operations: thawing frozen fish or soaking salted fish, cleaning fish scales, gutting, chopping heads and fins, washing and making semi-finished products.

Thaw the fish in air or cold water (2 liters of water per 1 kg of fish), adding 10 g of salt to 1 liter of water to reduce the loss of minerals. Salted fish is soaked in cold water for 4-6 hours in baths, periodically changing the water. For cleaning and gutting fish, special tables on wheels with small sides along the edges are designed. Sometimes tables with a chute at one end are used. The scales are cleaned with a knife, mechanical or manual scrapers or graters. To remove mucus, some fish species are rubbed with salt or scalded, sometimes they are simply skinned. Fins and heads are cut off by special machines or by hand. The processed fish is washed in tubs with two compartments. The workplace for the preparation of semi-finished fish products is equipped with a special production table, scales, a set of chef's three knives, various boards, a set of spices and seasonings. Finished semi-finished products are placed in special containers and transported on trolleys or racks to cold stores or to a hot shop. Fish waste (heads, bones and fins) is used for cooking fish broths and preparing marinades, caviar and milk - for casseroles. In the fish workshop of a small production, located in the same room, the lines for processing meat, fish and poultry, as well as inventory and tools, are strictly distinguished. Fish semi-finished products are perishable products, therefore, they require strict adherence to sanitary rules. The storage temperature of semi-finished products is from -4 to + 6 C. All work is performed by cooks of 3-4 categories, under the guidance of a cook - foreman or shop manager.

Organization of a hot shop

Hot shops are organized at enterprises that perform a full production cycle. The hot shop is the main shop of a public catering enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, broth cooking, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, hot drinks are prepared in the workshop and flour confectionery products (patties, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) are baked for transparent broths. From the hot shop, ready-made dishes go directly to the dispensing rooms for sale to the consumer.

The hot shop occupies a central place in the public catering enterprise. In the case when the hot shop serves several trading floors located on different floors, it is advisable to place it on the same floor as the trading floor with the largest number of seats. On all other floors there should be distribution rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. These distribution points are supplied with finished products using lifts. The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the blank shops and a convenient relationship with the cold shop, with the distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils. The hot shop is subdivided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. Sauce department equipment can be grouped into 2-3 lines. The first line is designed for heat treatment and preparation of semi-finished products from meat, fish, vegetables, as well as for the preparation of side dishes and sauces in a plate dish. The line consists of sectional modulated equipment and food warmers are installed in this line, designed for short-term storage of second courses in a hot state. The second line is intended for auxiliary operations and includes sectional modulating tables: a table with a built-in washing bath, a table for installing small-scale mechanization equipment, a table with a cooled slide are used in restaurants for portioning and decorating dishes

Organization of a vegetable shop

Vegetable workshops are organized at enterprises of large and medium capacity.

The vegetable shop is located, as a rule, in that part of the enterprise where the vegetable chamber is located in order to transport raw materials bypassing the general production corridors. The shop must have a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the finished product is completed. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, cutting.

Equipment for the vegetable shop is selected according to the Equipment Standards, depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment of the vegetable shop are potato peelers MOK-125, MOK-250, MOK-400, universal vegetable cutter MPO-50-200, MPO-350. The MOP-1 vegetable-cutting wiping mechanism is included in the set of interchangeable drive mechanisms for universal general purposes. In the vegetable shop, a line for processing potatoes and root crops and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs are distinguished. The equipment becomes in the course of the technological process. A washing bath and a potato peeler are installed on the processing line for potatoes and root crops. After machine cleaning, manual cleaning is carried out on special tables. The lid of the table has a recess in which peeled vegetables are placed, and two holes: for peeled vegetables and for waste. After cleaning, the potatoes are placed in a bath of water and stored for no more than 2-3 hours. Onions and garlic are cleaned on special tables with an exhaust device. Production tables and washing baths are installed on the cabbage and greens processing line. Peeled vegetables are washed and, depending on the purpose, some of them are used for cooking as a whole, and the rest are cut by machine or by hand. Peeled and chopped vegetables are covered with a damp cloth to protect them from contamination and drying out. Large-capacity vegetable workshops are organized in procurement enterprises, processing 1 ton of vegetables and more. These workshops operate on the basis of contracts concluded with other public catering enterprises. Specifications and technological instructions provide for the manufacture of semi-finished products: peeled sulphated potatoes that do not darken in air; fresh white cabbage, peeled, carrots, beets, peeled onions.

The technological process of processing vegetables in large vegetable shops is the same as in medium-sized shops, only it is more mechanized.

In the vegetable shop of a large procurement enterprise, two technological lines are installed to speed up the process of processing vegetables: a mechanized production line for processing potatoes (PLSK-63) and a line for processing root crops (carrots, beets) LMO. The potato processing line uses equipment that ensures a continuous production process: inclined conveyors, a vibratory washing machine, a KNA-600M continuous potato peeler, an inspection and cleaning conveyor, a sulfitation machine, and automatic scales.

Potato cleaning and sulfitation line: container tipper cage; bunker; receiving trays; inclined loaders; distributing feeder; washing vibration machine; sump; stone trap; potato peeler; pulp collector; cleaning conveyor; chairs; sulfitation machine; weight automatic dispenser; capacity.

On this line, calibrated potatoes are fed into the vibratory washing machine, pass through the stone trap, are peeled by the potato peeler, enter the inspection and cleaning conveyor, then enter the sulphitation machine and weigher. Potatoes are peeled manually with rooted or grooved knives. The conveyor is completed with special chairs for roots.

Sulfitation of potatoes is carried out with a 0.5-1% solution of sodium bisulfite for 5 minutes. Potatoes treated in this way can be stored without darkening in air for 48 hours at a temperature of 2-7C.

Waste from the mechanical processing of potatoes (pulp with water) goes to the starch department to obtain starch. The LMO production line has a capacity of 300-500kg/h. A distinctive feature of the technological process is that after washing the root crops, they are subjected to thermal firing in an oven at a temperature of 1000C, and then the skin is washed off the surface of the root crops in shower devices. The remaining production processes (finishing, weighing, packing) are carried out at the workplace in the same way as on the PLSK-63 line, excluding the sulfitation process. Processing of onions on the LMO line begins with roasting, then the technological process is carried out similarly to that described above. In vegetable shops where the LMO line is not used, onions are processed manually. A workplace is organized for each employee, equipped with a special table with an exhaust hood. Manufactured vegetable semi-finished products are placed in containers, labeled and sent to the expedition. Organization of labor in the workshop. The work of small vegetable workshops is organized by the head of production; vegetable shops are headed by the head of the shop or foreman. Vegetable cleaners of the 1st and 2nd categories perform all operations in the processing of vegetables and the preparation of semi-finished products. According to the production program, a schedule is drawn up for the production of semi-finished vegetable products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day. At the end of the working day, the responsible worker of the shop draws up a report on the amount of raw materials used and semi-finished products produced.

6. Sanitation

Sanitary requirements for the cook

1. Wash your hands with soap before work.

2. Wear overalls correctly.

3. Remove hair under a headdress.

4. Tuck the sleeves of the clothes up to the elbows or fasten them with buttons.

5. Do not stab clothes with needles.

6. Do not keep pins and sharp objects in your pockets.

7. Tidy up your workplace.

8. Inspect the inventory, make sure it is in good condition.

During work

1. Cut frozen fish only after thawing.

2. When working with a knife, be careful, hold your hand correctly when processing food.

3. The surface of the cooker must be flat.

4. Avoid overheating fats, they can flare up from high temperatures.

5. When frying fish, place the product tilted away from you.

6. Take measures to clean up spilled liquid, food dropped on the floor.

7. Place cutting boards on a flat table surface.

8. Be careful - do not distract yourself and do not distract others from the business.


At public catering establishments, equipment, inventory, utensils and containers made from materials permitted by the Ministry of Health of Russia can be used. Equipment, inventory, utensils and containers must be resistant to temperature changes, the effects of permitted detergents and disinfectants.


1. Remove food residues with a brush or wooden spatula into special waste containers;

2. Degrease the dishes with approved detergents in the first slot of the washing machine;

3. In the second nest of the washing machine, wash dishes at a temperature of at least 40 degrees C;

4. Rinse the dishes in the third nest of the bath with hot (not lower than 65 degrees C) water, immersing the plates mounted on edge in metal grids with handles;

5. Dry the dishes in a drying cabinet or on a shelf - grate

Spoons, forks, knives are also washed with the addition of detergents, followed by rinsing with hot running water. It is recommended to bake in ovens or ovens for 2-3 minutes.

Glassware is washed in the first section in a 2-cell bath at a temperature not lower than 40 degrees C with the addition of detergents.

Glassware in restaurants is polished with clean, labeled towels or napkins.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for cooking

In the process of preparing and storing food, sanitary and hygienic requirements must be observed.

1. Cooking should be in special clothes.

2. When starting cooking, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and clean your hair under a scarf.

3. If there are scratches on the fingers, then these places must be protected with adhesive tape or put on a rubber fingertip.

4. Before cooking, the food should be thoroughly washed and then rinsed with boiled water.

5. Different types of food should be processed on different cutting boards with appropriate markings.

6. Do not cook food in dishes with damaged enamel.

7. Do not eat stale food. Perishable foods must be stored in the refrigerator.

8. Products and ready meals can be stored for no more than a certain period.

9. Ready-to-eat foods should be kept covered and separate from raw foods.

10. Various products and ready meals require a certain storage temperature, so they should be placed in the appropriate compartments in the refrigerator: products that do not require long-term storage, such as apples, vegetables, eggs, cooked meals - on the shelves; foods that require longer storage, such as meat, fish, etc., in the freezer.

Cooking requires impeccable frequency, careful observance of sanitary and hygienic rules. Very often, the cause of gastrointestinal diseases and food poisoning can be not only poor-quality products, but also the unsanitary state of the kitchen, kitchen utensils and appliances.

Sanitary requirements for the culinary processing of food products and the process of cooking.

Culinary processing of products is of great physiological and sanitary-hygienic importance. The physiological significance lies in the fact that during mechanical and thermal processing, taste, nutritional value and digestibility of food improve. Sanitary and hygienic significance is that contamination and contamination of food with microbes is reduced. Therefore, when cooking, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of cooking, the sequence of the technological process, the flow of the production process.

Inside the enterprise, products must be transported only in closed containers, on which they make an inscription corresponding to the product ("meat", etc.)

The quality of the processed raw materials depends on the sanitary condition of the cook's workplace, equipment, inventory. According to existing sanitary regulations, the table should be wiped with a damp cloth before work, and at the end of the working day, wash it with detergents and rinse with hot water.

To obtain high-quality products, it is necessary to strictly comply with sanitary requirements for the primary processing of products, as well as the preparation and storage of semi-finished products from them.

7. Byhelpful tips

To give the tomato sauce a sharpness, you can add garlic passed through a press.

From pollock you can cook very tasty meatballs with cottage cheese.

cooking potatoes

* When peeling potatoes, it is necessary to cut the peel as thin as possible, vitamins under the peel.

* It will be tastier potatoes boiled for 10 minutes in salted water, and then in milk. And so as not to burn, shake the pan and reduce the heat.

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Introduction. 3

1. Fish baking technology, assortment of dishes. four

2. Recipes for cooking dishes from baked fish ... 8

3. Safety precautions. ten

Conclusion. eleven

References… 12

Fish dishes at catering establishments are in great demand and are sold in large quantities. Fish contains 40 to 65% edible meat rich in proteins. The amount of proteins in soft raw fish ranges from 6.5 to 27%, and in boiled and fried fish - from 8 to 35%. About 90% of proteins are complete. The ratio of amino acids in them is close to optimal.

In dishes prepared from perch, pike, bream, roach, burbot, crucian carp and other fish in central Russia, there are a lot of proteins that are extremely necessary for the life of the body. Here are comparative figures that speak about the nutritional value of fish dishes. In 100 gr. beef contains 19% protein, 9.5% fat, 0.4% carbohydrates, calorie content is 166. And in 100 gr. river fish contains on average 15.9% protein, 2.5% fat, 0.1% carbohydrates, calorie content is 91.

The fish of central Russia are lean. In terms of taste, pike, pike perch and bream are in the first place. Burbot differs in that its liver reaches 7-9% of its own weight and it contains many nutrients.

Fish dishes are widely used in medical or sparing nutrition. Doctors recommend a fish diet for obesity.

Fish dishes are widely used in the daily diet, but are especially valued in the diet. This is due not only to high nutritional value and taste, but also to easy digestibility and beneficial effects on the body.

1. Fish baking technology, assortment of dishes

Baking fish is as follows. Fish products are placed in a shallow dish with a small amount of fat, but without preheating to a high temperature. Then the dishes with the fish are placed in the oven.

Bake mostly whole medium-sized fish or fish fillets. Especially tasty in baked form: carp, crucian carp, zuban, cod, halibut, notothenia, grenadier, merow, bluefish, butterfish, sole, sardine, mackerel, sea bass.

You can bake fish with sour cream sauce or mayonnaise, in dough.

In no case should you bake (or fry) sea fish in breadcrumbs. Wheat flour is best suited for these purposes, into which 1/4 potato flour is sometimes mixed.

Some housewives bake fish like this. A special grate or 3-4 wooden sticks are placed on a greased frying pan or in a stewpan (this simple technique allows you to avoid burning the fish from below). Boiled potatoes, slices of butter are placed on top of the fish, and then poured with sour cream (or white, sour cream or milk sauce), sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with melted butter and put in a very hot (up to 250-280 ° C) oven cabinet. Bake for 15-30 minutes, then reduce the heat in the cabinet. During baking in moderate heat, the fish is poured with broth from a baking sheet.

There is an old way of baking fish in parchment paper. The whole fish or cut into pieces is placed on parchment paper, greased with butter or vegetable oil, sprinkled with chopped herbs. Wrap tightly in paper, grease the outside with oil or fat. The fish wrapped in this way is placed on a baking sheet, which is placed in an oven. After about 20-30 min. the fish will be ready. Instead of parchment paper, you can use aluminum foil, the edges of which are folded up and squeezed.

The finished fish is taken out of parchment (or foil), beautifully laid on a dish and served hot with boiled potatoes or sour cream, and cold with vegetable salad.

The failures of housewives with the preparation of fried or baked fish are most often associated with a violation of thermal processes. It is often possible to notice that the hostess in a hurry fries the fish in a pan that is not hot enough. Often, in the process of cooking, such housewives blur the differences between frying and stewing, frying and sauteing, boiling and stewing. And this means that the fish dish, which should have been served fried, was cooked in stew.

To avoid such failures, you need to know the rules of heat treatment of fish. We remind them:

Low-fat types of fish can be subjected to any heat treatment (boil, fry, bake);

Oily fish should be well breaded with spices before frying;

It is recommended to dry the cleaned and prepared fish before frying with a napkin or paper;

For frying, fish is cut into pieces obliquely at an angle of 45 °;

so that the fish does not fall apart during frying, it is recommended to salt it 10-15 minutes before frying;

For frying fish, it is advisable to use a cast-iron frying pan, in which the fish is gradually browned and evenly brought to readiness;

The taste of fried fish improves significantly if you hold it in a mixture of vegetable oil, lemon juice, chopped onions, roots and herbs for 1-2 hours before heat treatment;

The taste of fried fish will also improve if it is held in milk before frying, and then breaded in flour and fried in vegetable oil;

fat will not splatter if the pan is covered with an overturned colander;

so that the fish does not burn in the pan, add a little salt to the oil;

so that the pieces of fish do not fall apart during frying, you need to salt them, bread them in flour and let them lie down for 10-15 minutes, then put them in a pan in hot oil;

fish can be fried in butter, although it loses many useful properties;

It is better to use vegetable, and just before serving, pour the finished fish with melted butter - it will give it a delicate flavor;

any products, including fish, must be fried or boiled first over high heat, and then the fire is reduced in order to fry, cook slowly, over low heat;

When baking fish in sour cream sauce, first pour some of the sauce into the pan, and then put the fried fish;

fish is baked in a very hot oven, then a golden crust forms on the surface of the sauce and the dish turns out juicy;

fish is best fried or baked just before dinner and immediately served on the table; after standing for some time after cooking and drying, fish dishes lose their taste and quality.

The fish is baked with or without sauce. Without sauce, I usually bake a whole fish. To do this, it is cleaned, sprinkled with salt, pepper and baked in ovens. More often baked fish with sauces. Portioned pans are greased, a little sauce is poured, a side dish is placed, prepared fish is poured, sauce is poured, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked at a temperature of 250 - 2800C. Fish, cut into portions, from fillet without rib bones, is baked under sauces. You can bake fish raw, poached or fried. Raw fish is baked with white sauce and boiled potatoes. Poached - under steam or milk sauce with boiled potatoes or pasta. Fried - with fried potatoes or crumbly buckwheat porridge with sour cream or tomato sauce with onions and mushrooms.

Fish baked in Russian. Pieces of raw fish without bones with skin are placed on a greased frying pan, salted, peppered, slices of peeled boiled potatoes are placed around, poured with white sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese or ground breadcrumbs and baked. After that, the pan is put on the stove and the sauce is brought to a boil, otherwise the fish may turn out to be raw; on vacation, I water the fish with vegetable oil and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Sturgeon fish is cut into portions without cartilage and skin, scalded and baked as described above.

Fish baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms (Moscow style). Portioned pieces of catfish, pike perch, sturgeon are fried with fat, then placed in a portioned pan, on which a small amount of sauce is poured. Sauteed onions, porcini mushrooms or champignons poached with oil, circles of boiled eggs are placed on the fish. Fried potatoes are placed around the fish, everything is poured with medium-thick sour cream sauce, baked and sprinkled with herbs.

Fish baked in sour cream sauce. The boneless fillet is cut into portions. Carp, tench, ide, flounder, bream can be baked whole carcasses or portioned pieces. The fish is fried with fat, placed in a greased pan, a side dish is placed nearby, poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked.

2. Recipes for cooking dishes from baked fish

Pike perch baked with milk sauce

Ingredients: Fish 125, butter or margarine cream 7, mushrooms 15, crabs 10, cheese 5, white sauce 25, milk sauce 100.

Preparation: Cut pike perch fillet into 3-4 pieces per serving and stew with chopped porcini mushrooms or champignons, crayfish necks or crabs.

Add a small amount of white sauce to the finished fish, mix gently and put in a slide in shells greased with butter or creamy margarine, pour medium-thick milk sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake.

Pour the finished fish with melted butter and decorate with pieces of crabs or caps of boiled mushrooms.

Perch baked

Ingredients: 4 pieces of perch fillet (175 g each), Salt, pepper, 2 tbsp. bite, 600 g of tomatoes, 1 bunch of green onions, 1 bunch of basil, 150 g of processed cheese, 3 tbsp. olive oil.

Preparation: Rinse the fish fillet with hot water, salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with a little vinegar. Cut the tomatoes into slices, wash the green onions and cut into thin rings. Wash the basil too, tear off a few leaves and set aside, chop the rest. Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Lubricate the form with fat, put 2/3 of the tomatoes, onions, basil in layers, salt and pepper. Put the fish on top and drizzle with a little oil. Cut the cheese into slices and, together with the remaining tomatoes, put on top of the fish. Bake 20-25 min. Decorate with basil.

Fish baked with mushrooms and potatoes

Ingredients: Fish fillet 600 g, Mushrooms 60 g, Boiled potatoes 3 pcs., Onion 80 g, Dill greens 20 g, Flour 24 g, Melted butter 80 g, Butter 20 g, Eggs 2 pcs., Grated cheese 2 tablespoons spoons, Sour cream sauce 1 cup, Salt to taste

Preparation: Cut the fish fillet into portions, salt, bread in flour and fry in melted butter until golden brown. Mushrooms cut into slices, onions into strips and fry in melted butter. Boil the eggs and cut into slices.

Pour a little sour cream sauce into the pan, put the fried fish, and around it - slices of boiled potatoes. Put fried mushrooms and onions on the fish, egg slices and pour everything with sour cream sauce. Then sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven.

Serve sprinkled with chopped dill.

3. Safety

The general requirements for labor protection and safety in fish shops are the same as in other shops. In addition, the following rules must be observed: during work, remove and recycle waste in a timely manner, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each workplace, thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines after work is completed, scald the cutting chair with boiling water and cover it with salt.

When operating any electrical appliances, machines, you need to know that they must be grounded, rubber mats must lie near them, all current-carrying parts are insulated.

The layout, dimensions of the premises of all production workshops ensure the safety of the work of cooks. Proper lighting plays an important role, the ratio of window area to floor area should be 1:6.


Fish is a valuable food product. In terms of nutrition, it competes with the best varieties of meat. But unlike the latter, it is easier and faster absorbed by the body, and for this reason it is widely used in dietary nutrition, on the menu for children and the elderly. The inhabitants of rivers, ponds and lakes contain trace elements, vitamins, fats and proteins necessary for our body. By the amount of proteins, for example, pike perch is superior to chicken, carp - beef. Also in the fish there is boron, lithium, iron, copper, potassium, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, bromine, phosphorus. Even gold has been found in the fish of the Voronezh River.

The fish is rich in nitrogenous extractive substances. Thanks to this feature, fish broths excite appetite, stimulate gastric secretion. The proteins of fish meat are better absorbed by the human body than the proteins of the meat of terrestrial animals. And fish oil contains fatty polyunsaturated acids with biological effectiveness. It is rich in vitamins A and D. Fish meat contains B vitamins - B1, B2, PP, B12, biotin and pantothenic acid, as well as small amounts of vitamin C.

The meat of marine fish is rich in valuable minerals, the bulk of which is represented by potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine. As well as iodine and fluorine.

Fish proteins are easier to digest and absorbed by the body. The calorie content of fish is slightly lower than that of meat. Fish oil is useful, it contains a lot of vitamin A and a large amount of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. The amount of fat in different types of fish is not the same. River predators like pike, perch, pike-perch have less than 1% fat. Bream, catfish, carp already have up to 2.5% fat.


1. Anfimova N.A., Tatarskaya L.L. Cooking. - M .: Education, 2002.

2. Bordunov V.V. Merchandising, 1987

3. Ermakova V.I. Cooking. – M.: Enlightenment, 1993.

4. Matyukhin Z.P. Fundamentals of nutrition, hygiene and physiology. – M.: Enlightenment, 1999.

The abundance of fish dishes in Russian cuisine is due to natural conditions, the richness of reservoirs. In the old days, traditional fasts also contributed to the widespread use of fish (fresh, salted, smoked, dried, dried). Fish was allowed to be eaten during the periods of many fasts, and dishes from it were called "half-fast". During the period of all fasts, the use of meat and dairy food was forbidden, and then fish dishes acquired special significance. These dishes are definitely

Generally fish dishes were the decoration of the festive table on fasting days, and therefore they were given great importance at feasts.

There is another reason for the widespread use of fish dishes in our cuisine. The fact is that the Slavic tribes settled not in the steppes, like the Central Asian peoples, not in the mountains, like the Caucasian tribes, but along the banks of the rivers, which were for them both transport arteries and a source of food. Russian settlements arose, as a rule, on the banks of the Volga, Volkhov, Dnieper, Dvina, Oka and other countless small and large rivers.

The range of hot fish dishes in the ancient cuisine was so great that one would have to confine oneself to describing the methods of heat treatment of fish and describing the most interesting dishes. Cooked fish boiled, fried, poached in the dough, steam.

Large pieces of fish (links) were lightly scalded before frying in a Russian oven. Any large fish was fried in the oven, sprinkled with oil, and small fish in frying pans, breaded in flour. Other small fish were fried in a large amount of fat - deep-fried. Modern interpretation - Deep-fried fish nuts.

fried fish served under onion broth from berries (cranberry) or poured with vinegar, lemon juice, brine, etc. Examples of such old dishes were: a link of sturgeon with onion broth, minnows fried with vinegar or lemon juice, sturgeon fried in chunks with juice or cabbage boiled, boiled bream with berries, fried barrel pike, etc.

The methods of frying were very varied. For example, they fried fish on a spit (pike "twisted"), etc.

Frying fish in dough was also used, for example: “herring in dough in walnut oil”. True, frying in dough was not always similar to modern deep-frying methods - rather, these dishes resembled fish baked in dough, or modern “fishmen”. In addition to the usual frying, baking was also used, but without sauces.

Very widely used steam cooking fish. They cooked it in frying pans, covered with a lid. Fish boiled in salt water was served with lemon, cucumbers, herbs. They also used stuffing with porridge. Such dishes were called “repaired”, and fish stuffed with minced fish was called “telny”. For stuffing, buckwheat porridge, millet with the addition of caviar, milk, and fried onions were used.

A delicacy and highly valued dish in Russia was “fish giblets”. It was prepared from offal of sturgeon fish.

Solyanka occupied a special place among fish dishes. Initially, they were cooked only with stewed cabbage seasoned with onions, flour, butter, pepper and pieces of fried or salted boiled fish. They were baked in pans in the oven, sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Solyanka was seasoned to taste with kvass or vinegar. Then the recipes for saltworts became more complicated, they began to introduce salted mushrooms, olives and lemon.

Some of the fish dishes were difficult to prepare, pike perch and pike were used to make flesh (cutting), pies (zrazy) were formed from it.

Concluding the review of fish dishes of pre-Petrine Russia, it should be noted that many now forgotten traditions of Russian cuisine in the preparation of fish dishes deserve to be restored. Such good traditions include: a wide range of fried fish.

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