Meat with apples - a wonderful ensemble! Recipes for amazing meat with apples in the oven, in pots, in a pan. Brief cooking instructions

Such kitchen utensils as pots are one of the most useful inventions of man for cooking. The necessary products are placed in a pot, closed in any way and sent to the oven, where they languish on their own without the intervention of the cook. Pork in pots in the oven is difficult to spoil, it always turns out soft, tender, fragrant and very tasty. The main principle of cooking pork in a pot: the meat cut into pieces must first be fried. Usually, the preparation of such a dish with all the preparatory operations takes no more than an hour.

The vegetables that are used in this dish should be finely chopped and also fried. If this process is neglected, this will lead to an increase in cooking time, as well as to the fact that the pork in the pot will turn out to be not juicy enough and not so flavorful. Even fries are better. Pork with potatoes in a pot is a complete independent main dish for any table. The same products are used to make roast pork in pots, which can decorate the most sophisticated holiday table. Yes, and at home, at a family dinner, no one will be against a pot of pork. It's delicious and satisfying. In general, pork with potatoes in pots in the oven is almost the most popular dish on our tables, and therefore has many different options and varieties. However, the principles of its preparation have not changed for many centuries. According to these principles, any roast is made. Pots, pork, and other products of your choice are the basis for this dish.

You can safely improve the recipe for pork in pots in the oven, the dish will only benefit from this. Recipes give only directions for the efforts of the culinary specialist, and he can think over the details himself. It is also useful to study photographs of finished dishes, incl. and pork in pots. Photos indicate the correct ways and means of preparing products, cooking the dish as a whole. Only by studying the theory of the issue, applying your imagination and desire to this, you can ensure that you get real pork in pots. Recipes with photos from our site will help you with this.

Practice, improve, and let the recipe for pork in pots with potatoes become your signature recipe for any occasion.

Our tips will also help you with this:

Purchase and use only clay pots in the kitchen, they are more resistant to temperature changes;

When washing pots, do not use detergents, clay easily absorbs odors;

Each piece of meat, as well as accompanying vegetables (separately), must be fried in a small amount of fat;

The pot must be placed in a cold oven so that they heat up at the same time;

You can speed up the preparation of the dish, as well as make it more juicy, if you put a leaf of unleavened dough on top of the food;

The pot must be covered with a lid or foil;

The lid can be made by yourself from simple unleavened dough;

Any dish in a pot is considered a portion. It can be decorated with herbs and sour cream.

Tricks of proper cooking and a step-by-step recipe for roast pork. Plus a few tips on how to make this potted meat less unhealthy.

You know, sometimes I am so lazy in the kitchen! At such moments, I go to the stove for 15 minutes (the mood improves dramatically due to the understanding that I won’t stay there for a long time) and I start collecting everything that goes well in baking pots. Meat in pots is just such a recipe.

I send it to the oven for an hour and ... I get a culinary masterpiece that my family gobbles up on both cheeks (and I, along with them).

Pot dishes can be called easy, because the main thing is to properly prepare and collect the ingredients in order to end up with a good and satisfying lunch or dinner. You can use any meat like veal, pork or chicken, it will only affect the cooking time.

Brief preparation instructions:

    Fry the meat over high heat for five minutes.

    Add finely chopped onion and spices.

    We lay out thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes in pots, and on top - the resulting meat with onions and a spoonful of sour cream.

    We put slices of apples on sour cream and pour water, bake for an hour and a half.

To cook pork for 4 servings, you need the following products:

    potatoes (4 pcs.);

    vegetable oil for frying;

We cut the meat into pieces. Do not grind too much - the pieces should be medium in size.

We send the meat to the pan to fry in vegetable oil until golden (about 5 minutes over high heat). Don't forget to flip.

Finely chop the onion and send it to fry for 2-3 minutes to the meat, stirring constantly. Add salt and pepper to taste, given that we will not salt the potatoes.

This is how the meat with onions should look at the end of frying.

Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into medium-sized rings (about 1 cm).

Divide the potatoes into 4 pots.

Spread the fried meat with onions on top.

Add 2 tbsp. sour cream in each pot.

On top of the meat, cut into pieces of 2 apples in each pot. Fill the pots (more than half) with water or broth.

We send the pots to the oven for 1-1.5 hours (depending on the type of meat and potato variety chosen).

Such meat in pots will be an independent dish on your table, as it combines some potatoes, some apples and a lot of fragrant meat.
The apples in this recipe add piquancy and tenderness to the meat, and neutralize the fat that is rendered. A good addition would be sour cucumbers, tomatoes, ketchup or sour cream.

If instead of water you add broth, then try to keep it not very greasy.

Keep in mind that vegetables and meat release their juice, so there should not be too much water or broth. Fill the pot halfway, no more, otherwise the dish will turn out to be very liquid.

Instead of lids, you can make cakes from ordinary unleavened dough. The serving of the dish will look more original and spectacular.

It is better to remove the pots from the oven 5-10 minutes before they are ready. The heat in earthenware is retained for a long time and the products themselves will reach readiness.

Choosing the right products

Apples go well with any kind of meat. They make it softer, improve the taste and give a piquant sourness. By adding apples, you can not waste time pickling meat. But it is important to know that sour apples are suitable for fatty varieties, and sweet ones for low-fat ones.
It is better to take lean meat: lean beef, veal, chicken or turkey. Boneless pulp or fillets work well.

Unusual recipe in a pot

Lamb with vegetables has an amazing taste. This is a dish of Georgian cuisine and it is interesting because it is prepared without potatoes. Lamb with vegetables (chanakhi).

For cooking you will need:

    tomatoes, 5 pcs.;

    oil 75 g;


    Cut lamb into large pieces, salt and pepper.

    Cut the onion and eggplant into cubes, tomatoes into slices, pepper into small strips.

    Fry the pulp in oil in a deep frying pan.

    Add vegetables to the meat and fry until half cooked.

    If you like spicy food, add some hot peppers. Pour the mixture into the pots and pour in the broth.

    Cover tightly with lids, place in the oven and bake for 1 hour. Sprinkle with chopped herbs when serving.

Is it necessary to pre-fry the meat before roasting it in a pot?

No, you don't need to fry, you can use raw. Just do not forget that the pots should be kept in the oven longer.

Do I need to close the pot with a lid?

Be sure to close tightly. If there are no lids, you can use foil or make unleavened cakes from the dough. You can open it only if you want to get a golden crust. But this must be done 5-10 minutes before readiness, otherwise the entire contents of the pot will turn out dry.

At what temperature should you bake a roast in the oven?

The most optimal temperature is 180-200 degrees. Put the pots in a cold oven. This will allow the dishes to warm up evenly and have a beneficial effect on the quality of the dish.

Can I add frozen vegetables to the pot? And do they need to be defrosted?

Oh sure. Vegetables are frozen in pots. In the same sequence as fresh vegetables. It does not affect the cooking time.

Nutritional value, benefits and harms

The dish has a high nutritional value. After all, the products are not fried or boiled, they slowly languish in their own juice and, thanks to this, retain all the vitamins and nutrients.

Calorie content of the dish

Calorie recipe "Meat in pots with apples"
(caloric values ​​are approximate)

Benefits and contraindications

The basis of the nutritional value of the dish is meat proteins, mineral complexes of vegetables and fiber contained in apples. Meat saturates the body with the necessary proteins and minerals and creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. Apples improve digestion and cleanse the digestive tract.

Cons can only be found if you follow a diet: this is the use of pork in the dish and the preliminary frying of products. For a diet menu, products can not be fried; replace pork with lean beef, veal, chicken or turkey, and add soy sauce instead of salt. Oil may not be used.

In this version, potatoes with meat are quite suitable for a non-strict moderate diet.

Recipe for meat with potatoes in a moderate calorie pot

For 6 servings of home-style meat, we need:

    Sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Grease a layer of cheese with sour cream.

    Close the pots tightly and place in the oven for about 60 minutes.

Pot roast food combination options

There are a lot of variations of combinations of products for roast.
The main ingredients are meat and vegetables. They can be baked in pots as an independent dish, or you can diversify and supplement with numerous ingredients.

Vegetables are used in a variety of ways. Carrots, sweet bell peppers, tomatoes, green beans, cauliflower, zucchini, eggplant, etc. can be added to pot roast.

The taste of meat with potatoes is well complemented by any mushrooms: from champignons to a variety of forest ones. Cheese is a great addition to baking in pots. It is laid on top and when molten, it forms a golden crust.

Garlic, celery, parsley, dill and other herbs and spices will add a spicy flavor to the dish.

The combinations of products are so diverse that it’s impossible to list everything.

I usually use several combinations, depending on the availability of products:

Imagine, try, look for your taste!

Pork belongs to the category of meat that is very easy to prepare and it is almost impossible to spoil it, especially if baked in an oven in ceramic pots. This type of meat is combined with many products, such as potato , eggplant, zucchini, prunes, nuts, etc. Today the time has come to participate in its preparation - apples, due to which pork becomes juicy and acquires an exquisite slightly sweet taste.

If you do not eat pork, then with a similar combination you can cook chicken, veal, beef or other meat or poultry. Since almost any meat goes well with pieces of juicy apples.

To bake this dish, you can use portioned ceramic pots, or one large pot. Preliminary preparation of dishes is absolutely not required, just put the products in it and send it to the oven. However, ceramic pots are very fragile to sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, they should be sent to the oven still cold, so that they gradually gain the desired temperature. This will keep them from cracking.

Ingredients for Braised Pork with Apples in a Pot

  • Pork - 1 kg (any part)
  • Apples - 5-6 pcs. (preferably sour varieties, like Antonovka)
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc. in every pot
  • Allspice peas - 2 peas in each pot
  • Ground nutmeg - 0.5 tsp
  • Refined vegetable oil - for frying
  • Ground black pepper


Wash pork or other meat and cut into 4-5 cm pieces.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and send the meat to fry. Turn on a large fire so that it is covered with a golden crust. Season with salt, black pepper and fry until half cooked.

Peel the onion, wash and chop into half rings.

In another skillet, sauté the onion in vegetable oil until lightly translucent.

Now start collecting pots. Put the fried meat and onions on the bottom.

Peel the garlic, wash, finely chop and send in pots.

Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into slices into 4-6 parts and arrange in pots. Put peppercorns, nutmeg, bay leaf, season with salt and pepper. Also pour literally 50 grams of drinking water to make a delicate sweet and sour sauce.

Send the pots to the oven, in which set the temperature to 200 degrees and bake the meat for 1 hour.

Then turn off the oven, but leave the pots in it, the meat will reach a little, it will turn out very juicy, tender and will be well saturated with the taste and juice of apples. For a side dish, you can boil friable rice, spaghetti or mashed potatoes. But you can eat this dish on its own.
