Heihe salad with tree mushrooms. Salad "Hei He" (aka "Harbin"). Salad "HeiHe" from the chef of the Chinese restaurant "Sky"

Hi all!
Summer is in the yard, and I want something cold, light and unpretentious. Perhaps my recipe will be useful to someone.
Oriental cuisine, in our time, is no longer a curiosity, making something like that yourself is no longer a problem for anyone, I myself love Chinese cuisine terribly, one problem, it is not always possible to find suitable products.
So, let's start with the name... Heihe...
Many Chinese dishes that the Russians have adopted are given appropriate Chinese names. One of these dishes is Heihe salad, which got its name from the city of the same name. Heihe is an urban area in Heilongjiang Province, China. It is located on the banks of the Amur, opposite the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk, with which it is connected by regular river traffic.
This salad is very easy to prepare, which is why it has gained such popularity. In Blagoveshchensk and Heihe, you can order it in any Chinese cafe. Plus, due to the ease of preparation, the salad recipe has a low price, which is also a plus in making it at home.

1. We take tree mushrooms. (In Sochi, unfortunately, I have not yet found them for sale, if someone saw where they are, I would be grateful if you share)
If you didn’t find them, it’s okay, you can do without them, not just a little, but not very scary.

The Chinese tried to write in Russian ... it worked out a little.
This is how they look

Soak them in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

that's what happens.
2. Starch noodles (or, as it is also called funchose)
also pour boiling water for 2-3 minutes, it swells
(Sold in Magnet, for sure)
3. On such a grater, for oriental salads, we rub cucumbers and carrots

4. Squeeze out the garlic, or finely chop (as you like)

5. Mix all the ingredients, salt a little, then add soy sauce to taste and sesame oil, always Chinese (I found it in the central market)

6. Add seasoning "For carrots in Korean." Why her? It is spicy (not like pepper) to give the salad that very ... Chinese ...

And it would be great to add this seasoning
, but I did this time without her (I'm waiting for my mother to bring, but this time we'll manage)
7. Mix. That's all! You can add meat, for those who like it more satisfying, but my version today is so ... summer.

Enjoy your meal!

Having overcome natural laziness, and thanks to Helga (thanks for the idea of ​​​​plein air photos), I decided to submit a salad, let's say, from the locals to the competition. I saw a European parody called “Heihe salad” on Khulinar and then still firmly decided that it would be impolite of me not to acquaint people with the original. The salad is named after the Chinese city of HeiHe, which is located across the river, and is distributed throughout the northern province of Heilongjiang (although in the central city of the province, Harbin, this salad, with slight variations, is patriotically called "Harbin salad").

So, we will need:
Cucumber- 2 pcs. medium
Cabbage- the top of a small fork
sublimated packaging tree mushrooms
sheet tofu- according to taste and desire. I had 350-500 grams
Funchoza or thin starch noodles
Dry chilli

For frying and salad dressing, take:
Vegetable oil(soy or sunflower refined)
Sesame oil
Soy sauce(I have with the addition of crab extract)
Dark rice vinegar

Taking a look at all this, we understand that there is NO MEAT. The meat is located 10-15 km from me, in a store, in the city. But what is 10-15 km for a real hoolinar is mere trifles. We jump into a small, but very faithful car and go.
On the way, we stop by to see how “Smoothly Amur carries its waters”:

We see a sunken pier on the Chinese side and the beginning of the road to the ski base:

A little further away we turn our eyes to our shore. This is what the control lane looks like today:

Let's go further. And out of habit we drive up to what was once a bridge to the big world. The road (or rather, what is left of it) is blocked and people are crossing the overflowing river, who is in what much - who is on foot, and who is in transport

We come closer - only the tops of the railing and vague memories remain from the bridge.

Fish swim along the edges. Therefore, if the water does not go away, we will breed fish instead of vegetables

But time does not wait and we, turning around, begin to look for a detour through the hills.
In general, "where the tigers used to shit, we will build highways."

Having safely bought the meat and having overcome the way back, we start cooking.
First of all, we put water to boil and brew mushrooms and noodles (for some reason I don’t like the word “funchoza”)

We place a briquette of mushrooms in a cup:

And fill with boiling water. After 5 minutes we observe the following picture.

Noodles I took half the package. Those who love it can take more, but do not forget that it takes dressing well, so increase the proportion of vinegar and soy.

Place the noodles in boiling water and set aside next to the mushrooms:

We take vegetables.

Grind the cucumber using a simple device such as a grater. Fans of thoughtful masturbation and knife virtuosos can cut with a knife. But I'm not one of them.

We chop cabbage ... into cabbage!

In the next photo, sheet tofu or "kandoufu" in Chinese. It has nothing to do with contraception, but some Chinese themselves are still contraceptives - they keep this product for their own. And in relation to the white man there is uniform discrimination. Until you say hello in Chinese and ask "kandofu yu-ma?" you won't be happy.

Cut the tofu into strips and mix in a large bowl with already chopped vegetables. (there will be no photo. Because a wasp flew in, began to delve into the cooking process, and in horror I forgot to take a picture of the basin)

We wash the swollen mushrooms and cut into 2-3 parts.

We also wash the noodles and, cutting or dividing them with our hands into pieces 10-15 cm long, add together with the mushrooms to the bowl to the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything, season with black rice vinegar and a small amount of soy. We leave the salad alone and cool, so that "the ingredients make friends with each other."

Let's get to the meat.
In the original, the Chinese put pork in HeiHe salad, but I don’t really like it, so I had chicken breast this time. Although beef is also possible, this is not essential. in the process of roasting meat, we will change its taste.

Meat cut into strips.

In a frying pan, heat the oil to a wild temperature (half and half of both. But if someone cannot live without sesame, pour more sesame). We throw a few chili peppers into the oil that the Chinese have dried and wait for the appearance of a characteristic smell.

Then take out the pepper and set aside.
We throw the meat and fry, not forgetting to mix intensively. A wok would probably be more appropriate here, but I don’t have one.

Heihe salad is called so in honor of the settlement of the same name, lying on the Chinese bank of the Amur opposite Blagoveshchensk. The name is more common in Russia, and in China, as far as I understand, a similar recipe is associated with the city of Harbin. In general, whatever one may say, this salad is located just at the junction of Russian and Chinese cultures, and it is definitely to the taste of both people!

My impressions of the dish are the most positive (although normally I am afraid of Chinese cuisine because of its spiciness). A big plus of heihe salad is that it is made from fairly affordable ingredients. I also had Chinese seasonings available, but, in principle, they can be replaced with similar non-Asian components.

So, the basis of the salad is cabbage, carrots and cucumber, plus transparent noodles (it's also glass, it's funchose, it's also starchy).

To prepare funchose, you need a little water. If there is no such noodle, it is better to release this ingredient altogether - it does not affect the taste, it just adds calories to the salad. Well, it also looks more decorative and more interesting "on the bite."

Seasonings: sugar, chili, soy sauce, Chinese rice vinegar (can be replaced with any not too acidic, such as apple cider vinegar), vegetable oil with a fairly neutral taste and a drop of sesame oil. Sesame gives the dish a peculiar flavor. I think you can replace it with some walnut, for example.

Prepare funchose according to the instructions on the package. I took half a skein, i.e. I also cut the noodles along the way. Then drain the water, it is no longer needed anywhere else.

If you are going to serve the salad IMMEDIATELY after cooking, then you need to start stirring the granulated sugar in soy sauce and rice vinegar at the very beginning. It takes him five minutes to disperse. If the salad still has time to marinate, then you can take your time and combine all the dressing ingredients at the very end.

Cabbage cut into thin strips.

Cucumber cut into thin strips IN LENGTH. This is generally an interesting feature of heihe salad: a long cut gives it, in my opinion, a rather decorative look.

Cut the carrot into thin strips.

Mix all dressing ingredients: soy sauce with rice vinegar and sugar, plus oils.

Cut off the stem from the chili pepper and gut the seeds. If you like it spicy - cut it, if you don't like it - it's enough to put it in this, only slightly incised form. Combine all the components of the salad and mix well, you can even shake a little.

Heihe salad can be served both immediately and after several hours of storage.

A variety of salads today can not surprise anyone. People have learned how to combine a variety of ingredients, fill them with interesting dressings and sauces, and as a result they taste great. Today we will get acquainted with one type of salad, called Xe. We understand that the name is interesting, and most likely many of you realized that this is a Korean salad, the fashion for which has firmly entered our kitchens. Usually, Korean friends first introduced us to the technology for preparing such salads, after which our chefs have already begun to add a little of their fantasies, including ingredients that are more accessible to us. As for Heh salad, this is a great option for those of us who like to indulge in spicy dishes. In principle, Heh salad can be considered a salad and a good snack at the same time.

A modern classic, Hye is a spicy appetizer made from marinated pollock, tuna, or mackerel. To prepare it, you must first marinate the fish, but do not give in to heat treatment. Khe is also prepared from lamb, veal and poultry. Only pork is not used for this dish in any case.

If we talk about the modern interpretation of the recipes for preparing a Korean dish, then Russian culinary specialists in some cases subject the products to heat treatment, but in all other versions of the cooking technology, they adhere to traditional Korean technologies.

Recipe 1. Salad "He"

Required Ingredients:

- beef meat - 0.5 kg .;

- salt, vinegar, a little sugar and soy sauce;

- carrots - 5-6 pcs.;

- onions - 2 heads;

- garlic - 3-4 heads,

- black and red hot peppers.

Cooking methods:

We take a little frozen meat and cut it into strips. Prepare a marinade from a small amount of vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and salt. Mix everything and pour the straws of meat. We let the meat marinate in a cool place (not in the refrigerator) all night.

In the morning, peel the prepared carrot and chop it. Cut the onion heads into half rings and mix with meat. Add black pepper, a little hot pepper and garlic cloves passed through a press from 3-4 medium-sized heads. We mix everything well.

Pour 50 g of oil into a frying pan and heat it up to such an extent that smoke begins to appear above it. Pour our salad with hot oil, mix with a wooden spatula and let it brew until the evening. In the evening, Xe salad is already served at the table.

Recipe 2. Salad "He"

Required Ingredients:

- fillet of catfish, pollock, tuna or other fish - 0.5 kg;

- carrots - 2 pcs.;

- bow - 4 pcs.;

- garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;

- sweet pepper, coriander, spices, vinegar essence 1 tbsp;

- salt and sugar.

Cooking method:

First, we process the fish fillet, make sure that all the bones are removed and cut it into thin strips. Pour vinegar over and leave to marinate for 40-50 minutes. Peel the carrots and cut into Korean strips. Heat the oil in a frying pan and pass the carrots in it. When the carrot softens a little, salt. Remove from heat and lay the carrots on top of the fish in a layer.

We clean the sweet pepper and cut into strips - this will be the third layer of the salad. Next, you need to lay out a layer of onion rings, salt, pour vinegar, sprinkle with spices, salt, sugar and pour vinegar. Stir and add minced garlic cloves and cilantro. We remove the salad in a cold place for 24 hours.

Recipe 3. Salad "He"

Required Ingredients:

- beef - 800 g;

- orange juice (fresh) - 1 cup;

- bell pepper - 100 g;

- bow - 1 pc.;

- tomato paste - 3 tablespoons;

- greens of basil, dill, parsley, zira; ground black and red pepper; salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into strips, as in the case of beef stroganoff. In a separate bowl, mix orange juice (200 g), tomato paste and chopped greens. We rub the onion on a grater, and then beat it with a blender, add pepper, salt and beat again into the porridge with a blender. Add the prepared sauce to the orange juice and tomato paste. Add more chopped bell pepper and mix. Lay out foil on a baking sheet. Lay out a layer of meat strips, pour sauce and cover with a second layer of foil. We send to bake for 40 minutes in the oven, heated to 150 degrees.

Then put the salad on a dish, decorate with herbs and serve.

Recipe 4. Salad "He"

Required Ingredients:

- chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;

- carrots - 3 pcs.;

- bow - 3 pcs.;

- vegetable oil - 150 ml;

- vinegar 9% - 7 tablespoons;

- salt, pepper, seasoning for Korean carrots - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Slice the chicken breast into thin strips. We clean the carrots and rub them on a special grater for Korean carrots. Peeled onion heads cut into half rings. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Pour the hot oil over the ingredients, mix. Then add vinegar, add all the spices, mix again and put our Heh salad in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Please note that all the spices in this salad need to be added only after hot oil has been added to the salad. Only in this way you will be able to preserve their aroma and taste!

Recipe 5. Salad "He"

Required Ingredients:

- fresh pike, loin - 1 kg;

- vinegar 70% - 1 tablespoon;

- carrots - 2-3 pcs.;

- red hot pepper, paprika, onion - 1 head, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

We clean the pike, cut the fillet and cut the fillet into small steaks. Put them in a small bowl and pour 1 tbsp. 70% acetic acid. We mix. Leave in a cold place to marinate for a while.

Peel the onion and cut it into rings. Mix the fillets again and add the onion rings.

Now let's move on to carrots. We clean it, and cut it on a special grater. Send it to the fish, salt and add 2 tsp. vegetable oil. Stir, add paprika, hot pepper. Mix again, add 1 tsp. liquid soybeans, cover the dishes with a lid and leave to marinate for 2.5 hours.

Then mix the salad well and put in a salad bowl. This salad is the perfect appetizer for a glass of vodka!

- If you are not sure about the quality of the fish, then use the maximum marinating time - 24 hours

- When preparing Heh salad, use special spices, which today can be easily bought in supermarkets. This will shorten the cooking time of the salad.
