Blueberries what are its medicinal properties. Medicinal properties of blueberry leaves: an effective medicine or just a fragrant addition to tea. Is there blueberries in the basis of the claimed pharmaceutical drugs

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    Blueberries are a sweet wild berry that has not only a pleasant taste, but also beneficial properties. Not only the fruit is useful for the human body, blueberry leaves also have medicinal properties that are used even in modern medicine. Few people know, but it is this berry that is the first assistant in losing weight. In addition, the berry helps athletes recuperate after a grueling workout. And blueberries are an effective cosmetic product that has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, removes dark circles under the eyes and prolongs youth.

    Composition, BJU and calorie content of blueberries

    The calorie content of blueberries, as well as BJU, varies depending on the form in which the berries are: fresh, dried, frozen. The composition of the fruit includes a large amount of minerals, vitamins, free organic acids, as well as dietary fiber. With the right technology for freezing and drying berries, you can save all the value and useful properties of fresh blueberries.

    Nutritional value of the product per 100 g:

    Dried blueberries are high in calories due to the dehydration process, which makes the product more concentrated. To get 100 g of dried berries, it is processed from 1 kg of fresh fruits, which means that the concentration of nutrients and elements increases, as does the number of calories.

    Chemical composition of fresh wild berries per 100 g:

    • ash - 0.3 g;
    • vitamin B1 - 0.03 mg;
    • vitamin C - 11 mg;
    • vitamin PP - 0.5 mg;
    • vitamin E - 1.3 mg;
    • vitamin A - 0.04 mg;
    • organic acids - 1.31 g;
    • - 0.39 mg;
    • calcium - 17 mg;
    • magnesium - 7 mg;
    • sodium - 5 mg;
    • potassium - 52 mg;
    • phosphorus - 14 mg;
    • iron - 0.8 mg.

    Blueberry leaves contain such useful elements as:

    • vitamin C;
    • carotenoids;
    • triterpenic acids;
    • essential oil;
    • flavonoids.

    Frozen blueberries do not store a complete list of all vitamins, however, with proper freezing and proper defrosting, you can save most of the useful elements. It makes no sense to freeze the leaves, since they have medicinal properties only when fresh.

    Pay attention to the low calorie content of the product, which cannot but please all those who are losing weight, since blueberries can be eaten in large quantities, if we are not talking about dried berries.

    Useful properties of berries for health

    The beneficial properties of blueberries for human health are very extensive, since the product has not only medicinal, but also cosmetic qualities. It is suitable for adults and children, and if you use the product regularly, blueberries will not only saturate the body with vitamins, micro and macro elements, but also have a beneficial effect on some organs and life processes.

  1. Antioxidant properties. Antioxidants act at the cellular level, providing a preventive effect against malignant tumors, as well as destroying the foci of their appearance. Antioxidants in blueberries are often equated with anthocyanins, which can prevent cancer. In terms of the content of this element, blueberries are superior to apples and dark grapes.
  2. Blueberries improve vision and prevent the occurrence of diseases of the visual organs. All this is possible thanks to beta-carotene, which is part of the berry, which stimulates retinal tissue to renew itself and stimulates blood circulation in the eye, as well as relieves fatigue. Blueberries can be used medicinally to combat night blindness or conjunctivitis. However, it should be borne in mind that berries are only assistants in the treatment of eyes, the main therapy is carried out by a doctor.
  3. Wild berries are able to improve metabolism and cleanse the body of salts, metals and toxins, which directly affect the aging process and destruction of the body. Metabolism due to the pantothenic acid included in the composition.
  4. Bilberry has found wide application in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. By taking blueberries regularly, you can get rid of colitis and stomach symptoms. In the case of diarrhea, dried berries will come to the rescue, and fresh fruits will help against constipation. All due to the fact that blueberries improve the intestinal microflora, because of which you can not be afraid of the processes of food decay in the process of digestion. And also the berry has disinfectant properties.
  5. Increases endurance during sports. Low in calories and high in nutrients and fiber, it promotes weight loss.
  6. Reduces inflammation in the body. Due to this effect, blueberries are recommended for use in diseases of the liver or gallbladder. In addition, the berries are used as a remedy for headaches during colds or pneumonia.
  7. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Useful and healing properties are provided not only by sweet fruits, but also by blueberry leaves, with which you can lower blood sugar levels and normalize the work of the pancreas (the possible aggravation of diabetes depends on the work of this organ).
  8. Blueberries are a great helper in the treatment of colds and infections due to the fact. Berry is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. A decoction made from the leaves or fruits of blueberries helps during the treatment of a throat or wet cough.
  9. Helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary tract. You can use the berries in their pure form or buy preparations that contain blueberries.
  10. Blueberries strengthen the immune system.
  11. Regular consumption of berries strengthens the heart and reduces the risk of thrombosis.
  12. Thins the blood and prevents a heart attack. In addition, wild berries normalize the work of almost all vital organs.
  13. Has bactericidal properties. If you systematically drink juice from fresh blueberries, you can prevent the growth of harmful bacteria that cause diseases such as typhoid fever and dysentery.
  14. Due to the high calcium content, blueberries have a beneficial effect on the formation and strengthening of children's bones.
  15. It is recommended for use by pregnant women, but only on the condition that she does not suffer from a low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

This is not a complete list of the possible therapeutic effects of berries on the body, but only the most common and important properties of the plant. The main thing is to use ripe berries in moderation and without fanaticism. Blueberries are only an assistant in the treatment of certain diseases, but by no means the only medicine.

Note: The best time to collect leaves is when blueberries are in bloom. The leaves are carefully cut with scissors and dried in a ventilated place. After they are folded into cloth bags and used all year round for medicinal purposes.

Cosmetic effects of blueberries

Blueberries have a beneficial cosmetic effect on the skin of women and girls, so wild berry extract is widely used in cosmetology, and not only at home.

Blueberries as a means of cosmetology:

  • saturates the skin with vitamins;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • helps with redness caused by irritation to the external environment (dust, dirt, etc.);
  • evens out complexion;
  • compresses from a decoction of blueberry leaves or masks from ground berries will help remove dark circles under the eyes;
  • reduces puffiness.

In addition, blueberry extract is wonderful in helping teenagers cope with acne on the face and places of dry skin. For an older generation, wild berries will help remove signs of fatigue and even out skin tone.

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Berry for weight loss

Blueberries are among the most effective berries for weight loss.

It has the following effects:

  • cleanses the body, in particular the intestines;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduces feelings of hunger.

With all of the above tasks, blueberries do an excellent job. And thanks to the fiber content, it prevents constipation.

In addition, due to the beneficial composition, blueberries saturate the body with essential minerals and vitamins, which are often lacking during a diet.

Blueberry juice deserves special attention, which tones the muscles after training. Without sports and physical activity, it is difficult to achieve sustainable results in losing weight. The juice from the berries not only tones the muscles, but speeds up the metabolism and reduces the feeling of hunger. It is useful not only for women, but also for overweight men.

Advice! For effective weight loss, you do not need to eat exclusively berries, it is enough to observe the daily calorie intake and include smoothies, low-fat yogurts and blueberries in the diet.

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Harm of blueberries and contraindications

Harm from blueberries and contraindications to use can most often occur due to individual intolerance to the product or an allergic reaction. In addition, there are a number of features due to which it is worth refraining from eating berries. The most common of them are described below.

  1. Abuse of berries or banal overeating. The daily intake of blueberries is no more than 0.5 kg. If you manage to eat more, such an oversight will lead to indigestion.
  2. During the use of blueberries, especially in cases of following a diet with berries, it is recommended to refrain from such berries as raspberries, strawberries, cloudberries and strawberries.
  3. For diabetics, use blueberries only with the permission of a doctor.
  4. It is contraindicated to eat berries for people suffering from pancreatitis or urolithiasis, since blueberries contain oxalic acid.
  5. It is harmful to eat berries for people who have diseases of the pancreas.

It follows from this that there are no large number of contraindications, and the consequences of overeating are minimal. However, remember that if you buy products containing blueberries, this does not guarantee their unconditional usefulness. This is especially true of store-bought blueberry juices, the benefits of which and the actual content of berries in the product are very doubtful.

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Blueberries are a tasty and healthy product that has medicinal properties and is excellently used in cosmetology. Wild berries are practically harmless, if you do not overeat and take into account the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, blueberries act as an auxiliary product for weight loss and are well suited for athletes. It increases vitality, endurance and helps to cope with heavy loads.

Useful properties of blueberries

Common blueberry is a low shrub of the lingonberry family. The berries are juicy, sweet and sour, black in color, the seeds are small. Blooms in May - June. Ripens in July-August. Blueberries and leaves are used.

Medicinal (healing) properties of blueberries have long been used in folk medicine. Berries and blueberry leaves help a person get rid of many diseases. Maybe that's why blueberries are one of the most beloved berries in Russia. In the people it is called "blueberry", affectionately "blueberry" or "shrub". Blueberries received popular love for their extraordinary taste and the invaluable benefits that they bring to our health.

Blueberries are a generous gift of nature to us, the inhabitants of the northern latitudes. In southern countries, as in the southern hemisphere, it does not grow.

Blueberries are considered to be "Russian" berries. And this is not surprising. Most of the world's blueberry reserves are located in Russia. This shrub especially loves the Russian North. Here, in the swampy area, blueberry thickets stretch for many kilometers. Perhaps that is also why we love this forest “healer” so much.

In Russia, blueberries have always been a favorite remedy for shamans and healers. They considered it a "miraculous" berry. As one Siberian sorceress said: “Blueberry protects against all kinds of diseases, removes illness from the stomach, heals the liver and kidneys, makes the head clear, and cleans the blood.” Better not to say.

Blueberries grow, usually in coniferous-deciduous forests. Blueberries are widespread in the European part of Russia, in Karelia, and in Siberia. Prefers moist and even marshy soil. "Blueberries" usually occupy huge areas, reminiscent of plantations. Blueberries bloom in May-June. Ripens in July-August. The yield of blueberries varies from year to year. It depends on many factors. In the "fruitful" years, from good "blueberries" it is possible to collect up to a ton of berries from one hectare.

Blueberries are good honey plants. During blueberry blossom, bees bring up to 2 kg of honey per day to each hive. Blueberry honey is unique. It is very fragrant, transparent with a reddish tinge.

Modern medicine uses, basically, only one healing quality of blueberries. Its therapeutic effect on the retina of our eyes. In fact, blueberries are a versatile medicinal plant. No wonder shamans and healers idolize her. Blueberries have collected a huge amount of useful for our body, active microelements. The systematic use of blueberries in food, significantly improves memory.

Composition of blueberries

Blueberries contain essential organic acids. Such as, citric acid, lactic acid, quinic acid, oxalic acid, malic and succinic acids. It is this unique acidic composition that largely determines its unique healing properties. In addition, blueberries contain many minerals that we need for normal life.

These are salts: iron, potassium, manganese, copper, sulfur, phosphorus, chromium and zinc. According to the content of manganese, blueberries have no equal among plants. In addition, blueberries contain: carotene (vitamin A), B vitamins, vitamins C and PP. Blueberries also contain tannins, alcohols and essential oils. The composition of blueberry leaves is no less useful and unique. Their use is also effective in the treatment of certain diseases. For example, diabetes.

Medicinal properties

A folk proverb says: "Where they eat blueberries and strawberries, doctors have nothing to do." What is the secret of such a healing effect of these berries on the human body? The main and most important beneficial property of blueberries is its beneficial effect on our digestive system. Blueberries help normalize digestion. That is why, it is used, both for diarrhea and constipation. In addition, blueberry juice has a bactericidal effect. It has a detrimental effect on pathogens of dysentery and typhoid fever.

The benefits of eating blueberries are invaluable for diabetics. While there is such an opportunity (July-August), diabetics need to consume as many fresh blueberries as possible and drink a decoction of its leaves. The rest of the time, it is useful to brew dried leaves and berries. This lowers blood sugar and stimulates the pancreas. In combination with the use of Jerusalem artichoke, you can gradually give up insulin.

Due to the high content of antioxidants, eating blueberries reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. The use of blueberries and blueberry jelly and fruit drinks is recommended as a prevention of thrombosis and myocardial infarction. Thanks to a special substance (anticoagulant), which is part of blueberries, blood clotting decreases. Due to its bactericidal properties, blueberries are useful for inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys. In case of urolithiasis, it is useful, in addition to eating blueberries, to drink a decoction of its leaves.

Blueberries promote the renewal of retinal cells and improve blood circulation. This is due to its beneficial effect on our vision. Eating blueberries is useful for everyone whose profession is associated with prolonged eye strain. According to recent studies, the systematic use of blueberries in food helps keep the brain young and avoid Alzheimer's disease. It is useful to introduce blueberries into your diet for everyone whose activities are associated with great mental stress. This has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and mental abilities. Northern peoples drink tea from a decoction of blueberry leaves and berries for colds, coughs and headaches. In-depth scientific studies of the beneficial properties of blueberries have shown that blueberries and leaves restore many functions of our body and actively prevent aging.

Blueberries are an inconspicuous berry that grows mainly in forests and swamps, on tall bushes. By itself, this plant is resistant to temperature extremes, therefore it feels quite normal both in heat and in cold.

Blueberries have long been considered unique. As well as the health benefits and harms of blueberries. Therefore, it is used almost everywhere - not only for food, but also in cosmetology and the treatment of many diseases. Many people are interested in its effect on the body before they start eating.

The main known characteristics of the berry

Blueberries cannot boast of significant size. For example, in the middle lane, the height of a bush can reach half a meter, and the further north, the lower it becomes. But at the same time, a very modest size is perfectly compensated by an elongated creeping root system, which helps the formation of many young trunks.

The leaves are light green in color and have a sharp shape and a long groove - through it rainwater enters directly to the roots. Towards the end of autumn, the leaves change their color from green to brown and soon fly around.

In the last month of spring, flowers bloom on the bush with rounded petals and a very weak aroma, which, nevertheless, is able to attract insects for pollination.

A hint of the first berries appears in early summer, and they ripen by early August. Blueberries may appear bluish at first, but that's because of the layer of wax on them. If the blueberries are thoroughly washed, they take on their true jet black appearance.

Forest birds just love blueberries. And given that the seeds of these berries are not digested by their stomachs, then birds are able to spread them over very long distances. By the way, the reproduction of this berry is possible both by vegetative and seed methods.

For this reason, many owners of their own plots grow blueberries at home. If you prefer to collect it in the forest, then you need to look for it near the pines or swamps.

The composition of blueberries and their caloric content

Since ancient times, people began to call blueberries a rejuvenating berry. And such benefits of blueberries for the human body are really undeniable, because the berries contain many antioxidants that help the body fight not only malignant tumors, but also various age-related changes.

In abundance there are such substances as:

  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Nickel;
  • Phosphorus.

All of them have the most positive overall effect on the activity of all systems in the human body.

Among other things, biologists managed to find out that blueberries are rich in organic acids. And it also contains almost all existing vitamin groups and substances that can gently and efficiently cleanse the body of everything harmful.

Speaking of vitamins, in particular, a huge amount of vitamins B1, B2, E, as well as ascorbic and nicotinic acids are isolated.

It is the bioactive compounds contained in this berry that endow it with healing qualities. So, for example, the benefits of blueberries for the human body are expressed in tannins, the action of which is aimed at maintaining stable heart function.

The black color of this berry is given by anthocyanins. In addition to them, blueberries include antioxidants, such as prontoanthocyanide, tannin and flavonoid. They protect the tissues of the body from damage and the bad influence of harmful substances.
The pulp of this berry, as already mentioned, is rich in organic acids.

Among them:

  • Lemon;
  • Dairy;
  • Cinchona;
  • sorrel;
  • Apple;
  • Amber.

Among other things, there are proteins necessary for the body, fiber pectin and, of course, carbohydrates.

To all of the above, it is worth adding carotenoids, which have a positive effect on human vision, as well as glycosides, di- and polysaccharides, and essential oils.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that the calorie content of this berry is only 43 kilocalories per hundred grams of blueberries.

Why is blueberries so useful?

The balance of the vitamin composition of the berry will become almost a panacea for immunity. In this case, you can not worry about the fact that quite by accident an allergic reaction may occur.

Another benefit of blueberries is that they are hypoallergenic. That is why both children and adults can eat it without any fear.

If a person suffers from mild diabetes, blueberries may well be used as the main medicine to cure this disease. And all thanks to inulin - an organic analogue of insulin, which is part of the berries.

Tannins stabilize the activity of the digestive system, easily and quickly relieve diarrhea.

Dried blueberries

Anti-inflammatory, as well as antiseptic qualities, make it possible to treat various colds with the help of blueberries, as well as get rid of problems in the oral cavity. For example, a decoction of dried berries cleanly destroys microbes that cause tonsillitis and even typhus.

Flavonoids, which have already been discussed, expand and strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation throughout the body, and reduce the risk of plaques and blood clots.

Iron deficiency is known to lead to blood disorders. Blueberries successfully compensate for iron deficiency in the blood, and at the same time prevent the development of anemia.

Blueberries are often prescribed for those suffering from kidney or gallstones. A decoction made from fresh or dried berries will help to quickly remove stones and sand from the body. The effect of a healing drink will be enhanced if you add leaves from a blueberry bush to the decoction.

Blueberries rank first among all foods that can improve or maintain vision at a sufficient level. Regular consumption of blueberries will help reduce the risk of cataracts, strengthen the eye muscles and moisturize the mucous membrane, and improve metabolic processes.

What diseases do blueberries prevent?

The benefit of blueberries is that it prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis and bleeding of varying severity in the intestines. In addition, the berry maintains normal blood pressure and does not allow salts to be deposited in the joints of the limbs.

Blueberries absorb and then remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body, including old waste. Including therefore, blueberries save from chronic constipation and completely stabilize the digestive tract.

The fruits from the blueberry bush are used, among other things, to make medicines for the treatment of a disease caused by radiation exposure. Blueberries are able to cleanse the human body from the effects of radiation and even prevent oncology.

Fresh berries can treat a wide variety of skin problems. For example, psoriasis or eczema. And this is done, by the way, very simply. You just need to grind a small amount of berries in a puree and apply for one hour to the inflamed skin.

These fruits are very useful for those people who suffer from severe pulmonary diseases. Such as bronchitis, pneumonia or even tuberculosis. A decoction of fresh berries will help in the fight against them. A handful of blueberries should be poured with a glass of hot water and let it stand for a couple of hours. Drink this decoction should be about 3.5 tablespoons four times a day.

Blueberries are a special antibiotic that perfectly tidies up the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system as a whole, if there are problems of any kind with it. From the destruction of microbes to the restoration of microflora.

Blueberries will provide all possible assistance with rheumatism, and will also be an excellent additive specifically for pharmaceutical preparations that have been prescribed to patients suffering from diseases of the liver or gallbladder.

The main list of internal organs that blueberries can help also includes the genitourinary system. In addition to affecting the kidneys and urea, blueberries help women to normalize the cycle of menstruation.

The constant consumption of blueberries brings immunity to a new level, reduces the risk of the occurrence and development of vascular and heart diseases to zero, and removes all accumulated harmful substances from the body. Thanks to all this, the body is rejuvenated not only externally, but also from the inside.

In addition, nutritionists advise eating this berry for those who suffer from any form of obesity or simply want to lose some excess weight.

What damage can blueberries cause to the body

It is forbidden to collect blueberries in areas with an unfavorable level of ecology. Otherwise, the body will be completely transferred to all those toxic substances that have accumulated in the berries.

The harm of blueberries can affect people who suffer from pancreatic dysfunction, oxalaturia, or urinary stones.

It is difficult for children's ventricles to cope with this berry. Therefore, it is important to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before giving blueberries to your child.

The abuse of berries can even cause constipation. The same applies to a decoction of berries, leaves and twigs of blueberries.

Personal intolerance to this berry also belongs to the warnings, but it actually occurs extremely rarely.

However, the list about the dangers of blueberries fades against the background of all the positive properties that blueberries can transfer to the human body.

The vitamin composition and caloric content allow blueberries to be used in various areas of human life. But most often, blueberries are prescribed to pregnant women or women in labor, men with reproductive disorders, and children with diarrhea.

Blueberries: benefits for men

The benefits of blueberries for males are mainly in the effect on the genitourinary system. Blueberries improve the quality of sperm, due to the overall effect on the activity of the testicles.

The fruits of this shrub are useful to eat for men who have not been able to conceive a baby for a long time.

In particular, blueberries help in normalizing sexual activity, increasing potency and restoring reproductive function.

Scientists for many years conducted the most thorough studies of this berry, and thanks to them it was proved, among other things, that flavones provide all possible assistance in maintaining male strength.

The valuable qualities of this small but very useful berry allow it to be used to cure diseases associated, among other things, with the prostate.

Blueberries: benefits for women

Since ancient times, women have used berries from the blueberry bush for their own rejuvenation.

After all, blueberries have a whole complex of vitamins that are able to maintain the skin in an elastic state, with the proper level of moisture. Blueberries promote the active production of collagen and elastin, which prevented the formation of wrinkles.

The antioxidants included in the berry do not allow tissues to age prematurely, and also contribute to tissue repair, improve blood circulation. All this has a very positive effect on women's appearance and health.

Doctors recommend that women consume blueberries during their period. In this case, the benefit of blueberries for women is that it eliminates muscle spasms that often haunt girls and women at this time. And also removes all other menstrual syndromes.

For women who have already entered the menopause period, it is highly desirable to eat berries in order to significantly reduce the number of so-called hot flashes.

These berries will be useful for improving the condition of the hair. Of these, it is useful to make various nourishing masks. But you can do without them - just eat blueberries regularly for about four to five weeks. Dandruff, if it was, will go away, and the hair will acquire a healthy shine and become noticeably thicker.

As you know, women are much more likely than men to face problems with varicose veins. Blueberries will help to cope with it.

What are the benefits of blueberries during pregnancy

Expectant mothers need a whole complex of minerals and vitamins that must be ingested with food. This is easy to explain by the fact that a woman now has to answer not only for herself, but also for the body of the unborn baby.

Blueberry in this case is a great helper. It helps to maintain hemoglobin at the proper level, participates in the formation of the child's skeleton, its central nervous system, and also does not allow the expectant mother's blood pressure to rise.

Rinsing your mouth with fresh blueberry juice is an excellent prevention of dental problems. But this is most often experienced by many pregnant women.

Pregnancy and childbirth take away a lot of strength from the female body. But if you eat blueberries regularly, you won't experience problems like hair loss, peeling nails, and skin problems after giving birth.

It's no secret to anyone that pregnancy threatens with edema. A decoction of dried blueberries will eliminate this problem.

Why blueberries are good for kids

Children's doctors recommend regularly giving fresh blueberries to children. Especially during the seasons of the spread of viral colds. They will not only be able to protect the child from the disease, but also make his immunity even stronger. This is both a treatment and a prevention of colds.

Blueberries are rich in calcium, which directly affects the child's skeleton. If you periodically eat blueberries during the ripening season, then the bones will become stronger, and the baby will grow faster.

The benefits and harms of blueberries for the health of children are as follows. In addition to the advantages already mentioned, blueberries can also be useful in that they can cure children's diarrhea, solve all problems with the child's digestive system, strengthen his central nervous system, improve sleep and brain activity.

But at the same time, it is only worth giving the baby berries from a year and a half, when the child's ventricle is already able to digest these fruits. And then introducing the baby to blueberries is in the form of mashed potatoes from a small handful of berries.

As you get older, you can increase the portions. If blueberries are given earlier, there is a risk that the ventricle may simply not be able to cope. Cause colic and other harmless, but unpleasant consequences.

Benefits of blueberry leaves and branches

Blueberries - not only its berries, but the whole bush as a whole - have long been in demand in folk medicine. So, for example, experienced healers use all this to treat the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of blueberries really also lie in its twigs and leaves:

  • Antioxidants repair tissues and cleanse internal organs. Prevent the occurrence and development of cancer;
  • A drink from the leaves will help calm the central nervous system, overcome insomnia, remove nightmares, if any;
  • Regular consumption of the decoction will improve the condition of the liver, remove stones from the kidneys and pancreas;
  • The same decoction is good for bringing down the heat. If you combine it with eating their fresh berries, the disease will go away faster.

How else can blueberries be used?

Of course, it is best to eat these berries. Freshly picked from the bush and thoroughly washed. But that's not all. The taste of blueberries is simply adored by lovers of baking and preservation.

Simply breathtaking, jams, compotes and all kinds of fillings for pies and buns come out of this berry. And in combination with any other berries and fruits - especially.

Blueberries are also added to some wines or liquors to give them a beautiful shade and incomparable aroma and taste.

But blueberries are popular not only in the food industry. Hundreds of years ago, people learned to use the bark of this bush for tanning leather. Amazingly, already in those days it became known how to make a decoction with which it was possible to dye leather and even yarn brown or yellow.

And pomace - squeezed berries - were used to dye silk and any other fabric. The paint changed its color to the desired one, depending on the number of components in the recipe.

Healers from the people considered fresh blueberries the best way to treat diseases that affected the eyes, kidneys and some other internal organs.

Decoctions and teas help solve stomach problems, and blueberry compresses are great for treating burns and abscesses.

With the onset of mid-autumn, fresh blueberries are replaced with dried ones. And then they prepare tinctures that save patients from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as problems with teeth and blood.

The most common recipe is as follows:

Pour a couple of tablespoons of dried berries into two glasses of hot water. Let it brew for two hours and then strain.
This is the foundation. But depending on the disease, minor changes may be made to the recipe.

Blueberry decoction, in addition, eliminates hemorrhoids, helps in gynecological problems, as well as in diabetes. Leaves from the bush should be poured with hot water, insist, strain and cool. And then, depending on the nature of the disease, use it as a drink, douche or enema.

Many cosmetologists often advise grated fresh berries to be used as the basis for making masks or skin wraps. Thanks to the beneficial effect of berries, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth after several such procedures, and its tone is completely evened out.

Are there blueberries in the basis of the claimed pharmaceutical drugs?

Currently, many companies produce dietary supplements, which include blueberries. Usually they are prescribed to help with the main treatment for eye diseases. But is it really so?

Specialists from an expert center called "Test" tested the most popular dietary supplements for vision. Among them were:

Natural Factors super strength
Blueberry forte.

In almost all dietary supplements from the list, there was not even the slightest hint of the content of blueberries there. Only the first and penultimate positions from the list were able to withstand the test. But here, apparently, the fact is that one drug was manufactured in Canada, and the other in Denmark.

So, for example, in one capsule of Natural Factors there are 12.5 milligrams of blueberry plant glycosides. Thus, by taking four capsules per day, you can be completely sure that you have received the necessary dose of vitamins.

From this it should be concluded that it would be best to opt for fresh, dried or frozen berries collected in the forest, on your own plot or bought in a store.

Where to buy and how to store blueberries

Like all other products, blueberries are strictly forbidden to buy from the side of the road. No one can say exactly where these berries were collected. It is best to get to the nearest store and buy blueberries there if you do not have your own plot.

Before buying, be sure to make sure that there are no dents or white spots on the berries. The latter can be a signal that the berries are not ripe yet. A uniform black color and a slight wax coating, on the contrary, will help you make sure the quality of the berries.

Store blueberries in the refrigerator. Fresh, it will last no more than a month. If you want to keep it longer, then freeze or dry it.

Before you dry the blueberries, you need to carefully sort them out, place them in a weak vinegar solution for just a few seconds, and then rinse with cold running water, dry them and put them in a non-metallic dish with special ventilation holes. Lay a paper towel on the bottom of the dish.

Dried blueberries should be stored in a dry, dark place, in special paper or fabric bags, but not longer than a couple of years. After that, she will already lose all her useful qualities.

It is more convenient, and even easier, to dry the berries in an electric dryer. This will be faster and the blueberries will dry evenly.

If you decide to freeze the berries, they must also be sorted out well first, then laid out in a uniform single layer on a tray and put in the freezer for a maximum of three hours.

This is done so that the berries do not subsequently stick together and turn into blueberry porridge. When the time is up, blueberries can be transferred to a bag or a plastic container and returned to the freezer.

You should never deny yourself such a delicacy as blueberries. After all, it is not only tasty, but also extremely useful. It is advisable, of course, to grow it yourself - only then you can be sure of its 100% quality. But if this is not possible, you also already know how to choose high-quality blueberries in the store.


vitamins Quantity Norm
Vitamin A, RE 3 mcg 900 mcg
beta carotene 0.032 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B1 0.01 mg 1.5 mg
Vitamin B2 0.02 mg 1.8 mg
Vitamin B4 6 mg 500 mg

Blueberries, useful properties and contraindications for the use of which have been studied by healers and official medicine, are one of the precious gifts of nature. Berries are distinguished by a peculiar sweet and sour taste and a dark blue color with a blue bloom. Fresh and frozen blueberries are used to prevent, treat many diseases and restore human strength after viral diseases.

Rich chemical composition of blueberries

Healing berries have a unique taste and composition, which determines the beneficial properties of blueberries. The combination of vitamins A, E, C, K, PP and group B helps to strengthen immunity, improve fat metabolism, increase visual acuity and tone of the main body systems - cardiovascular, nervous, integumentary, digestive, immune, urinary.

Trace elements of selenium, manganese, zinc, which are rich in berries, are involved in all body processes and protect a person from the formation of tumors. Macronutrients calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, iron affect the processes of hematopoiesis, strengthen bone tissue and blood vessels, improve digestion and the functions of the nervous system.

The abundance of organic acids makes blueberries an indispensable product for women. Oxalic, malic, quinic, acetic and succinic acids have the following properties:

  • Improvements in metabolism.
  • Prevention of the formation of free radicals;
  • Slowing down the processes of skin aging and general aging;
  • Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action.

The benefits of blueberries are as follows:

  1. Restores the retina of the eye, improving the nutrition of blood vessels. The high content of ascorbic acid not only improves immunity, but also helps to strengthen the eye vessels, relieve fatigue, and improve visual acuity.
  2. Berries contain antioxidants, which are used to prevent cancer, strengthen heart vessels and nerve cells.
  3. Tea on the leaves helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improve metabolism.
  4. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, diuretic and choleretic action. Berries are used in the treatment of colds, sore throats, inflammation of the liver, gallbladder and bladder, cystitis, gastritis.
  5. Reduces blood sugar levels, normalizes the activity of the pancreas.
  6. It relieves chronic diarrhea due to the presence of tannic astringents.
  7. Keeps youth and health.

Not only a pleasant taste is valued, but also the properties of blueberries, fruits and leaves, to destroy pathogenic bacteria, accelerate tissue regeneration, reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, improve memory and stabilize brain function.

Tip: In order to prepare perishable berries for future use and preserve the maximum of useful substances, it is best to freeze the sorted fruits in plastic containers in portions of 300-500 g. This packaging is convenient for quick defrosting and eating.

Blueberries are an obligatory berry in the diet of men and women

When asked how blueberries are useful for men, doctors unequivocally answer that medicinal berries of a unique taste with anthocyanins, glycosides and astringents help in the treatment of gouty arthritis, which the stronger sex suffers 20 times more often than women. The beneficial properties of blueberries are to strengthen the capillaries and blood vessels of the brain, which has a beneficial effect on the prevention of early strokes.

The ability to improve hematopoietic functions and increase hemoglobin in pregnant women and children after illness clearly shows how great the health benefits of blueberries are. With cystitis, brittle hair, weakening of night vision, stomatitis, thrombosis in the diet of women, tea from leaves or dried berries is indispensable, which has an unforgettable taste and beneficial effect. Infusions from the shoots eliminate hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding. Fresh and dried fruits contain zinc and selenium. These minerals are necessary to adjust the hormonal levels in women, so tea, in which shoots and leaves are infused, will eliminate disruptions in the female body.

With increased eye strain, fresh and frozen blueberries eliminate the symptoms of fatigue and are used to prevent vision loss.

Valuable parts of the whole blueberry plant

The benefits of blueberries are maximum when eating fresh fruits, although a frozen berry loses no more than 10% of vitamins. The therapeutic effect to improve vision is ripe, intact fruits, which are consumed daily for a month, 2 tablespoons a day between meals. Frozen berries do not lose their properties and are also eaten to increase visual acuity, with reduced stomach acidity, putrefactive processes in the intestinal tract, and diarrhea.

If you add half a cup of frozen fruits or 400 ml of dried blueberry leaf tea to your daily diet, you can get rid of the symptoms of scurvy, stomatitis, gingivitis and increase the body's resistance to colds and viral diseases.

The amazing healing properties of blueberries also extend to the shoots, the dried leaf of this plant. Leaves and shoots are collected during the flowering period of the shrub and dried in a dark, ventilated room.

Decoctions and tea on leaves and shoots are used to relieve symptoms of the following ailments:

In what cases is it harmful to use blueberries?

The benefits and harms of blueberries are incomparable: there are much more healing properties than dangers to worsen health. Berries, shoots and dried leaves are contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • with dyskinesia of the gallbladder ducts;
  • individual intolerance to fruits;
  • with a tendency to constipation;
  • with oxalate stones in the bladder;
  • in acute diseases of the pancreas.

Scientists recognize the effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of many diseases when blueberries are constantly present in the diet. The benefits and harms for each case are considered individually, therefore, if you have chronic diseases or doubts about the use of black and blue fruits, a leaf in tea, you should consult your doctor. In the blueberry season, everyone can enjoy a ripe berry, but infused tea on the leaves with regular intake requires control.

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