Compote of grapes and apples, recipe for fresh compote. Compotes from grapes and apples are a beautiful and aromatic miracle. Be sure to stock up on grape and apple compote for the winter

I really want to enjoy homemade grapes all year round. To fulfill this dream and enjoy the amazing gift of nature, you can prepare a compote for the winter from grapes.

The first preparation option assumes an apple-grape composition of the drink. The second, on the contrary, for true connoisseurs ripe grapes, without fruit additives. Homemade preparation includes a sterilization step. This reliable way will help preserve delicious drink during the whole year. Sugar in compote is mandatory ingredient. Its amount depends on the variety and taste of the grapes. Usually, sour varieties require more sugar, and sweet ones need to add citric acid. The preservative will prevent the product from fermenting. A fragrant and refreshing drink from homemade grapes will not disappoint you. Grape compote will decorate and complement any feast and will delight the most dear and demanding guests.


  • apples 250 g
  • grapes 700 g
  • sugar 300 g

How to make grape compote

You don't have to be an expert, a sommelier, or even an advanced amateur. soft drinks to understand what a delicious fruit compote is best addition under Tasty food. Moreover, you can eat delicious food almost everywhere, while not everyone prepares appetizing and aromatic drinks. Do you know how to cook, for example, simple and tasty compotes from grapes and apples or other berries?

This recipe for grape compote and several simple recommendations will be useful to you for preparing an amazing drink. It turns out that there are no difficulties and in 30 minutes you are ready healthy compote from grapes and apples, which is much more valuable and healthier than sweet soda etc. In addition, such drinks can be given to children, since you yourself see and can control the quality of the products and water used.

Ingredients for the drink “Compote of grapes and apples”:

  • - blue grapes – 300 g;
  • - apples of any variety – 200 g;
  • - water – 5 l.;
  • - sugar - to taste;
  • - mint – 1 sprig.

How to make compote from grapes and apples:

Fruits must be washed before preparing compotes, even if they are collected from your own garden. For convenience, use a regular colander.

Meanwhile, place water in a large saucepan over heat. While it is boiling, you can sort out the grapes; if they are firmly attached to the bunches, then do not tear them off, but if they “fall” from the branch, then it is better to tear them off. Add blue grapes into boiling water.

Next, immediately add the apples, which have previously been cut into slices, and cut out the heads. By the way, the slices should turn out to be quite large, since thin and small ones will boil quickly. There is no need to peel the apples, the main thing is to wash them well. Cook the grape-apple drink for 15 minutes.

Add sugar to your boiling compote of grapes and apples to your taste. Please note that grape compote slightly sour, so you will need more sugar than for compote of raspberries, apples, etc. Along with sugar, washed mint is added to the compote, as well as, if desired, cinnamon, vanilla and other spicy spices.

Cool the finished compote and strain (you can even strain it twice).

Serve with apple slices, ice, straws, etc.

Store grape compote in a glass carafe in the refrigerator, as plastic bottle- not the most suitable container for storing drinks, because it is still disposable and absorbs foreign odors (even if washed with soda). By this recipe you can make the same compote, but for the winter, you just have to pour it boiling into hot sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

For a 3 liter jar
Grapes - 4 bunches (1 kilogram)
Apples - 4 large apples (1 kilogram)
Sugar - 3 cups
Water - 1 liter

How to make compote from grapes and apples
1. Place prepared apples (peeled and cored) and washed grapes into a three-liter jar.
2. Fill cold water fruits in a jar. Pour this water into a saucepan, add 1.5 cups of sugar, stir and bring to a boil.
3. Pour boiling syrup over grapes and apples in a jar, cover with a lid.
4. Sterilize the jar of compote for 10 minutes. To do this, place the jar in a pan, into which pour hot water to three-quarters of the height of the jar. Heat over low heat.
5. Take out a jar of grape-apple compote, roll up the lid and turn it over (put it on the lid). Wrap in a towel and let cool.
Place the cooled jar in a pantry or cellar.

Quick compote of grapes and apples

For a 3 liter saucepan
Grapes - 2 bunches (half a kilogram)
Apples - 3 fruits (half a kilogram)
Sugar - 1.5 cups (300 grams)
Water - 2 liters

Food preparation
1. Wash the grapes and apples and place on a towel to dry.
2. Remove core and seeds from quartered apples.
3. Remove the grapes from the branches.
4. Place apples and grapes in a saucepan, add one and a half cups of sugar. Pour two liters of water over apples and sugar.
5. Bring the compote to a boil, cook over moderate heat for 5 minutes.
The finished compote can be served hot or cooled and poured into glasses. For a more refreshing effect, it is recommended to add ice cubes to the compote.

Compote made from grapes and apples is a drink that can be prepared for the winter. The fruits go well together, complementing each other. Sealing compote does not take much time. The process is simple, and even a person who has never dealt with twisting before can handle it.

Experienced housewives know that an important stage in preparing the twist for the winter is the cleanliness and sterility of the jars. A lot of detergents allow you to wash glass containers without additional hassle. Best option - cold water and soda. The product will perfectly remove all dirt and will not leave streaks on the jar.

After washing, the jars are sterilized over hot steam. This can also be done in any convenient way:

  • using a kettle;
  • multicookers;
  • a special device - a lid.

You can buy a lid at a hardware store that has a hole in the middle. It is put on the pan, and a jar is placed on top. Hot steam enters the jar through the hole, and thus the sterilization procedure takes place. 3-5 minutes are enough and the jar will be clean.

How to choose apples for compote

Any variety of apples is suitable for making this drink. They can be white, yellow or red. If these are sour varieties, more sugar is added when cooking the syrup to even out the taste. Because apples have little color sugar syrup, the compote may turn out light. You can add blue grapes to it, and the drink will become rich. If the grapes are green or pink, then the compote will have a delicate shade.

Not everyone loves dark color, and the lightly colored drink looks great in a can.

In addition to the variety and color, attention is also paid to the size of the fruit. If it is large, it needs to be cut into 4 parts and the core removed. If the apples are medium, they are thrown into the jar whole. At the same time, they make sure that they fit through the neck without any problems.

Preparing the grapes

To prepare compote, take grapes of any variety. It can be white, green, yellow or blue. The shade of the grapes will affect the richness of the drink. The whole bunch is placed in the jar or the berries are picked off.

The grapes must be washed thoroughly. As a rule, the bunches are covered with dust and small midges. Running water will not completely clean the fruit. To do this, place the twigs in a bowl and pour big amount water. After 30-40 minutes, the contamination will disappear on its own.

Cooking recipes

There are many ways to prepare aromatic drink for the winter. The chosen method affects the taste of the compote. Some take longer to cook. Everyone chooses what they like best.

A simple recipe for the winter

For the compote you will need:

  • apples;
  • grape;
  • water;
  • sugar.


  1. Wash the apples and cut into 4 parts. Remove the core with seeds.
  2. Wash the grapes and pick them off the grapes.
  3. Pour a glass into the prepared jars grape berries and 4 apple slices.
  4. In a saucepan, mix sugar with water, 1 tbsp. sugar per 3 liters of water.
  5. Stir the water until the sugar dissolves.
  6. Bring to a boil and leave over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour the boiling syrup into the jar in small portions, first lowering a wooden spatula into it. This will prevent the container from bursting.

After the jar is full, you can cover it with a lid and roll it up with a key. The containers with compote are covered with a blanket and left to cool completely. At first the color will be light, but gradually it will darken. The drink can be enjoyed not only in winter. It will become drinkable 3 weeks after seaming.

Without sterilization

This method is slightly different from the previous one:

  1. The prepared apples will have to be finely chopped - a prerequisite for the recipe.
  2. Divide the bunch of grapes into several small ones, and put all the fruits into a clean, but not sterilized jar. The jar should be 1/3 filled with apple and grape contents.
  3. Place the lids for rolling in boiling water and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Prepare boiling water and pour it into jars, covering the top with lids. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Then drain the water from the jars into a saucepan and put it on the fire to boil again. Add sugar to it and cook syrup.
  6. Pour the liquid into the jar and seal.

When all the cans are rolled up, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket. This action is necessary for further pasteurization. When the drink has cooled completely, take it to a cool place for storage. As a rule, on the 2-3rd day you can turn the jars over and take them away.

With added lemon

Citrus fruits added to the drink saturate it fresh notes. The compote turns out sweet and sour. It is especially good to use lemon if the drink contains varieties of grapes and apples that contain too much sugar. For one jar you will need only 2 slices or 3 semicircles. It is necessary to boil the syrup, and then pour it into the contents of the jars. Before adding lemon to the rest of the fruit, wash it in hot water. This contributes to the exit essential oils onto the surface of the peel. Under no circumstances should it be removed. Some housewives add citric acid instead of lemon.

With the addition of honey and spices

TO fruit compote You can add various spices. The most popular are honey, cinnamon and cloves. They will give the drink an incredible aroma. If the compote is rolled up with the jars sterilized, the spices are poured directly into the jar with the fruit. The method without sterilization requires boiling them in sugar syrup.

Cloves are added to both fruits and vegetables. The spice allows the drink to be preserved better.

Storage Features

Jars of compote are taken to the cellar or basement. The room should be dry and cool. Glass containers are placed on shelves not very close to each other, so as not to break after contact. Compote can be stored for no more than 2 years. It is best to drink it in winter and spring, and in summer make preparations for the new season.

  • Grapes - several branches,
  • apples 1-2 pcs.,
  • granulated sugar – 7 tablespoons,
  • citric acid - on the tip of a tablespoon or 2 lemon rings.

Cooking process:

Additionally we will need:

  • Seaming key, if the lids are seamed,
  • circle or kettle for sterilizing jars,
  • a saucepan with a capacity of at least 3 liters.

First of all, let's deal with the grapes for harvesting.

The twigs with it need to be folded into deep container, for example, a saucepan or basin, fill it with water to the top and leave for at least half an hour. This will wash away dust from small berries and remove small midges.

While the grapes are in the water, you can work on the jars and lids for preservation.

It is best to prepare compote from grapes and apples in jars of maximum capacity, so that there is enough for the whole family. After all delicious compote there can never be too much.

You also need to put it in a saucepan clean water, volume of at least 3 liters and put on fire so that it boils and boils for a couple of minutes.

Place the tin lids in a bowl so that they do not fit tightly to each other. Fill with water and cover the surface of the lids. Boil and keep in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave them in the water until we need them.

Jars can be sterilized in any way convenient for you. You can place each jar on a circle and hold it over hot steam for 10 minutes. You can place the jars on the kettle by first closing the spout with a cloth stopper. You can sterilize jars in a slow cooker. Also keep it over steam for 8-10 minutes. Sterile jars are removed from the circle or kettle and placed on the table upside down.

Place the washed one in a clean jar.

Wash the apples in the compote and cut them into slices without removing the peel. We send apple slices after the grape branches into jars.

Place citric acid directly into the jar.

There's sugar there.

Pour boiling water over grapes and apples. You can pour boiling water into a jar from a saucepan using a small ladle, ladle or cup. There is no need to pour boiling water from a pan into a jar, it is dangerous.

We see that the apples immediately rose up from the hotness. Cover the jar of apple and grape compote with the already boiled lid and immediately roll it up using a key.

But that is not all. There is one more tip on how to make compote for the winter from grapes and apples without citric acid, using lemon.

Cut a clean lemon into slices.

Pour sugar into a bowl and add 2 slices of lemon. Pour boiling water in a volume of about 500 ml, stir the sugar until dissolved.

Pour the lemon-sugar mixture into a saucepan, add 2 - 2.3 liters. water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Remove the lemon and pour this liquid over the grapes and apples in the jar. Cover with a lid and roll up immediately.

Spread a warm blanket on the floor and place the jars on it with the lids down. Cover, wrap and leave to cool for a day. Upon opening, you will see that the color of the compote has become more attractive and rich.

All that remains is to check the sealed jars of compote for leaks and put them in a cool, dark place before the onset of cold winter days.

Having rolled up such homemade compotes, in winter you will never regret the time spent.

Behind step by step photo recipe for preparing apples and grapes, thanks to Svetlana.

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The site wishes you delicious preparations Notebook recipes!
