Millet porridge - calories. Millet porridge viscous on water

Probably, for many of us in childhood it was a discovery that millet porridge, despite the name, is not cooked from wheat at all. It is prepared from millet groats, which, in turn, are obtained from the seeds of a universal cereal crop called millet.

In Southeast Asia, from where millet spread throughout the world, it is one of the oldest crops. Before rice appeared in ancient China, it was millet that was one of the main food products.

They made flour from golden-colored cereals, prepared desserts and drinks, first and second courses, including millet porridge, the benefits of which have also been known since ancient times. And today, in many Asian countries, millet bread is baked and various dishes are prepared from millet, so it is not surprising that millet is figuratively called the “bread of the East”.

The benefits and harms of millet porridge, calories

Millet, which is obtained from millet, has a pleasant taste, is quickly boiled soft and has high nutritional properties. It contains up to 70% carbohydrates, 11.5% proteins, 3.3% fats, as well as fiber, amino acids and a large number of macro and microelements. It contains vitamins A, PP and E, and in terms of the content of B vitamins, millet is the champion among other cereals.

The amount of protein in millet is almost the same as its content in wheat, and in terms of the presence of fats useful for the body, millet groats take third place after corn and oatmeal. In terms of the amount of phosphorus, millet surpasses even meat, and the potassium content in it is much higher than in any other cereals.

Fans of millet porridge who monitor their own weight are undoubtedly interested in the question: how many calories are in this dish? It should be noted that the calorie content of millet porridge depends on whether it is cooked in milk or water. Also, this indicator is affected by the addition of sugar and other products: pumpkins, raisins, prunes, dried apricots. The calorie content of the most common types of millet porridge is as follows:

  1. Millet porridge boiled in water - 90 kcal;
  2. Millet porridge boiled in water with pumpkin - 50.6 kcal;
  3. Millet porridge cooked in milk - 120 kcal;
  4. Millet porridge boiled in milk with sugar and pumpkin - 158 kcal.

The use of millet for weight loss - fact or fiction?

A significant content of nutrients in millet porridge, with its low calorie content, did not go unnoticed by nutritionists. This dish is included in diets and nutrition programs. Such diets are gentle for the body, do not harm it and have no contraindications.

From millet, the body receives all the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for its health and full functioning. A diet that includes millet is not rigid, extreme, and does not cause digestive disorders. The benefit of millet porridge for losing weight is that such a diet does not lead to a sharp weight loss, which negatively affects health, but rather accustoms the body to proper nutrition.

The millet diet is much easier to tolerate, since it does not require a sharp restriction in food and is not accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should pay special attention to it. Another plus of this diet is that it is not expensive.


The health benefits of eating millet porridge cooked with both milk and water are undeniable. However, there is still some harm that this product can cause. Excessive passion for this tasty and healthy dish can be a likely cause of constipation.

In this case, for true connoisseurs of millet, a recipe that has already become traditional will come to the rescue: millet porridge with pumpkin. This vegetable, known for its laxative effect, harmonizes perfectly with millet, giving the dish a taste loved by many.

Millet porridge for complementary foods should not be given to young children under the age of two years, since this product is difficult to digest in the children's intestines. Doctors recommend refraining from eating millet during an exacerbation of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as kidney diseases.

delicious wheat recipes

Before cooking, millet is sorted and thoroughly washed in cold water until it becomes clear. The last time it is better to rinse with hot water. Millet porridge can be cooked both in water and in milk. Crumbly millet porridge on water is obtained by observing the following proportion: one glass of cereal to two glasses of water.

To prepare milk millet porridge, the grits are first poured with a small amount of boiling water, salted and put on the stove. After boiling, remove the foam and quickly evaporate the water until the millet has time to boil. After that, hot milk is poured in and boiled over low heat until tender. Before serving, ghee or butter is added to a plate with porridge.

Each housewife has her own secrets of cooking any dish, including millet porridge, the health benefits of which are beyond doubt, as well as its excellent taste. Using a few simple tips, you can cook delicious porridge from ordinary millet groats:

  1. When buying millet, pay attention to its shade: the yellower the groats, the better the taste of porridge will be.
  2. From millet of bright yellow color, porridge will turn out to be very crumbly, and millet groats of a pale shade are perfect for making slurry porridge.
  3. Pay attention to the expiration date of cereals. Millet is not subject to long-term storage and after a while begins to taste bitter. You can remove bitterness by scalding millet groats with boiling water.
  4. If you cook millet porridge on water, use clean, soft drinking water for its preparation: artesian, spring, purified or filtered. Hard chlorinated tap water will spoil the whole taste of the dish.
  5. In order to cook crumbly porridge, millet is poured with boiling water, and if you want to get porridge-slurry, then the water should be cold.
  6. The ratio of water and cereal also affects the viscosity of porridge. For crumbly porridge, one part of cereal and two parts of water are taken, and for liquid, viscous porridge, one part of cereal and three parts of water.

It is no coincidence that porridge, including millet, was one of the main dishes in the diet of our ancestors. And today millet is considered an important part of a balanced diet. It is a tasty, satisfying dish that gives the body all the necessary nutrients and provides energy.

In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to eat right. occupies one of the main places in the menu of a healthy diet. Millet porridge recommended by doctors and nutritionists. It is often compared with rice or buckwheat, but millet porridge is usually served with dried fruits. Thus, the porridge tastes more pleasant. Therefore, many children love millet porridge with milk.

As you know, wheat porridge is considered as a dietary product, since it does not contain many calories. Despite the fact that wheat is rich in its beneficial components, the diet of this dish is considered dietary. This method of nutrition contributes to rapid weight loss.

The composition of millet porridge

Wheat comes in a variety of colors. Millet seeds are divided into yellow, white, gray and red. Grains contain a lot of fat. It is not recommended to hide wheat for a long time, as the smell changes. The calorie content of millet is approximately 340 kilocalories. According to the read data, the following statistics were carried out.

The ratio of the food substance of the product contains:

  • Starch- up to 65%, fat - up to 3.6%, sugar up to - 2%, protein - up to 15%, fiber - up to 0.8%.
  • It also includes the following vitamins: B9 folic acid - 40 mcg, A - 3 mcg, E - 0.3 mg, B2 - 0.04 mg, B1 - thiamine 0.42 mg, PP - 1.6 mg.
  • The composition of macronutrients: potassium - 210 mg, magnesium - 83 mg, sulfur - 77 mg, calcium - 27 mg, chlorine - 24 mg.
  • Composition of trace elements: titanium - 20 mg, iodine - 4.5 mg, chromium - 2.4 mg, tin - 9.8 mg, nickel - 8.8 mg, aluminum - 100 mcg, iron - 2.7 mg.

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Nutritional value and calorie content of millet porridge

Many oatmeal lovers are wondering. Is it better to cook porridge with milk or is it better with water?! Everyone has their own methods. However, we will consider both options.

In general, the calorie content of this dish is about 86 kcal per 100 grams. Thus, oatmeal is considered the best dish for effective weight loss. It is worth noting that porridge, which is cooked in milk, adds calories to this dish. It depends on the fat content of the milk.

People who eat vegetarian food always suffer from a lack of protein. Therefore, many nutritionists advise their patients to add milk porridge to their diet.

You don't have to worry about the high calories, as they aren't that high in dairy products. For example, if you cook millet porridge in water, then the total calorie content will be approximately 86 kcal per 100 grams. But if you cook porridge with milk, you get about 100 kcal per 100 grams. The ratio has increased, but not by much.

Please note that the content of proteins and fats in porridge cooked with water is approximately 3 g and 100 g of fat, 1.7 g and 100 g of proteins. Carbohydrates are 1.7 g and 100 g.

The benefits of millet porridge

Millet porridge is quite useful for everyone.

Due to the beneficial properties of grain, oatmeal is good for the treatment of certain diseases. For example, such as: ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis and others. Millet porridge improves complexion, accelerates hair growth, and also increases efficiency, gives energy to a person and provides effective resistance to various infections.

As stated above , millet has vitamins: A, B, H, E, F, etc. The benefits of porridge bring an effective result. Some take various cereals for diet, weight loss or treatment. In all cases, the process turns out to be quite positive.

Harm of millet porridge

There are times when people cannot take millet porridge due to certain medical conditions. It is quite rare to find a category of people who do not digest this wonderful product, as they suffer from stomach diseases. Such patients are contraindicated to eat grains and various types of cereals.

Millet porridge is also not recommended for people suffering from low acidity. Porridge, as useful for many people, however, in turn, is quite harmful. Therefore, every person suffering from diseases should definitely consult a doctor. Since, only the attending specialist has the right to give the correct prescription to his patient and prescribe the correct diet.

Dietary properties of millet porridge

Professional nutritionists say that you can sit on a millet diet for one week. Thus, the result will be 100% effective. Oatmeal cooked with milk contains many useful components, such as biologically active substances.

The amino acid components contained in millet porridge have a good effect on skin cells, thus promoting muscle building. Millet cereals contain a lot of vegetable fat. Due to the excess amount of fat, the human body receives vitamins A and D.

Millet grains eliminate fat deposits. It removes harmful toxins, toxins, products, etc. For people who live in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions, it is often recommended to take millet porridge.

Properties of millet porridge:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • for people with diabetes
  • for those suffering from nervous symptoms
  • a category of people working in difficult and dangerous jobs, it is advisable to take millet porridge daily
  • for the growth of hair, nails and for strengthening teeth

The ration looks like this:

  • For breakfast oatmeal cooked in water is taken, always without the addition of oil or any dried fruits. Next, you can eat a fruit, such as a banana, apricot or plain yogurt, which in turn does not contain fat.
  • For lunch porridge is cooked again. However, after that, you can eat some vegetable salad.
  • During the afternoon, you need to treat yourself to a variety of fruits to give yourself extra strength.
  • For dinner cook porridge again and drink fresh kefir.

According to doctors, if you act according to the above rules, then in a week you can safely lose weight.

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Millet porridge with milk

For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • Millet(it is advisable to buy a German company, as they have selected grains) - 1 glass.
  • Water- one and a half glasses. You can use two, but if you do not like thicker porridge, you can add a little more water.
  • Fresh milk(preferably low-fat, for those who are losing weight) - one and a half glasses.
  • Sugar- two tablespoons.
  • A little olive oil you can also add butter.

Ingredients and calorie content of the recipe

Product - Measure - Weight, gr - Proteins, gr - Fats, gr - Carbohydrates, gr - Calories, kcal:

  • milk:
    190 gr - 190 - 6.2 - 7.2 - 9.4 - 125
  • millet groats:
    1 tbsp - 20 - 2.3 - 0.66 - 13.79 - 68.5
  • salt:
    2 gr - 2.9 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
  • butter:
    4.2 gr - 4.6 - 0.03 - 4.13 - 0.04 - 37.4

Total: 219 8.7 12 22.9 235
Total for 1 serving: 218 8.7 12 22.8 235
Total per 100 grams: 100 3.8 5.3 10.1 102

Before adding millet to the pan, it is necessary to rinse it well. Until you see that the water in the pan is clear, do not put it on the stove. Then pour one and a half glasses of water and wait until this water boils in a saucepan. It only takes 2.3 minutes to do this. Next, milk is added.

To prevent the mixture from burning, it is necessary to reduce the fire on the stove. The porridge takes approximately 15-18 minutes to cook. Dried fruits or walnuts can be added to cooked porridge. Nuts will add a delicious taste and aroma to your dish. And everyone knows how useful it is to eat a small amount of walnuts a day.

Thus, your breakfast will be tasty and satisfying. You will be able to feel confident and cheerful. Since oatmeal energizes a person. Bon Appetit everyone.

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In the menu of a healthy diet, cereals occupy one of the central places, and millet is among the five recommended for the most frequent use. Unlike rice and buckwheat, it is served with dried fruits or sea kale, as well as with pumpkin and walnuts. Millet does not interfere with mushrooms, meat and fish. Rich in silicon, iron and magnesium, as well as fluorine and copper, it is indispensable for regulating the activity of the cardiovascular system, with anemia and low blood pressure, and with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Although it is worth making one reservation here: with gastritis with high acidity, millet porridge should be excluded from the menu. This cereal is even credited with the ability to remove antibiotics and salts of heavy metals from the body; slags and toxins can not be mentioned at all. And, what is very important for those who follow their figure: millet does not allow fat to settle in the wrong places.

As a result, those who care for harmony become interested in how many calories are in millet porridge, and in what combinations it is best to use it in order to reduce weight.

How many calories in millet porridge

The easiest option is millet porridge boiled in water without adding salt and sugar. The calorie content of such a dish is only 90 kcal per 100 g, of which 78% is occupied by “fast” carbohydrates that are not processed into excess fat, 14% is given to proteins, and only 7% to fats. With such an energy value, it is difficult not to call millet useful for those who want to lose weight. Due to the presence of vegetable fats in it, which contribute to the absorption of vitamin D and carotene, this cereal is an ideal ally for carrots and pumpkins.

As for the calorie content of millet porridge in milk, it will increase and decrease depending on the fat content of milk. But usually this value is kept within 107-120 kcal per 100 g of the finished product. If there are any additives, of course, the calorie content of millet porridge will increase, but there are several important points that will help ensure maximum safety of the dish even with a high calorie content.

Millet porridge for weight loss

So, now that we have managed to find out how many calories are in millet porridge, depending on its basis, it will be useful to learn how to cook it, preserving the benefits and increasing the positive effect on the figure and the body as a whole. It makes no difference whether the dish is cooked in the oven, in a slow cooker or just in a saucepan on the stove: the calorie content of millet porridge will remain unchanged. But various combinations can not only affect the energy value, but also serve as an additional catalyst for weight loss.

One of the best "duets" in this area, no doubt, millet and pumpkin. This is truly a striking tandem, since the first prevents the deposition of fats, and the second improves metabolic processes in the body - it is even prescribed for obesity and diabetes. Naturally, those who want to lose weight for a long time should not pass by and should include such a dish in their diet at least once every two weeks. What becomes a pleasant bonus is the calorie content of millet porridge with pumpkin on water: some 70 kcal per 100 g. And it tastes best in the oven, in a pot with thick walls: so all the beneficial properties of both products will be preserved as much as possible.

Sweet tooth can be occasionally pampered by combining millet, cottage cheese, raisins and honey. True, in order to reduce the number of calories in millet porridge with such additives, it is better to take fat-free cottage cheese. Then the total "weight" of the dish will be within 180 kcal. And if such millet porridge is cooked in milk, its calorie content will be 220 kcal, but you can lower this figure by choosing milk with a minimum percentage of fat content. If you remove the cottage cheese and reduce the amount of raisins, the calorie indicator of millet porridge will become completely ridiculous, given its sweetness: only 91 kcal. Despite the fact that this is already calculated for the option cooked in milk.

In addition to low-calorie recipes for this dish, there are also unloading days on millet, which, however, should not be made a habit. Arranging such a day more than once a week is fraught with negative consequences for the body. But if you urgently need to lose a kilogram, then you need to boil 100 g of millet in water without salt and distribute it over four main meals. If desired, millet porridge can be supplemented with vegetables that are not subject to any cooking method. And also in the menu you must include at least one and a half liters of green tea.

There are also various variations of the millet diet, designed for a week. The most severe implies the same fasting day, only it is repeated seven times. But in order to arrange something like this for your body, you need to have a firm confidence in the absence of serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if you really really want to lose weight urgently, it is better to give preference to more gentle options. For example, to millet porridge and herbal teas, add a couple of egg whites to breakfast, stewed vegetables for lunch, and unsweetened fruit in the evening - kiwi, apple or citrus.

In modern life, full of worries and characterized by a catastrophic lack of free time, not everyone is able to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle, in particular, a balanced diet. Often, many manage snacks, fast food, pastries. However, becoming a supporter of a healthy lifestyle is not so difficult - it is enough to at least start your day with the right breakfast.

Kashi is a primordially Russian dish; since ancient times, our ancestors included various kinds of cereals in their daily diet. Today, we cook porridge in most cases for our children, however, such a dish will be very useful and valuable for people of absolutely any age. This article will focus on millet porridge cooked in milk and its nutritional value.

Beneficial features

Cooked in any way (using milk, water or butter) millet porridge has a number of useful qualities and components.

  • Vitamins. Millet is enriched with vegetable fiber, vitamins A, E, group B (B1, B2), folic acid, and also differs in the content of P (phosphorus), Mg (magnesium), Fe (iron).
  • Amino acids. The acids contained in porridge with milk and butter added are necessary for athletes and children, as they help build muscle tissue and are involved in the formation and regeneration of skin cells.
  • Vegetable fats. The fats contained in millet porridge help more successful absorption of vitamin D, which a person needs for normal cell regeneration and reproduction.
  • Purification. Millet porridge contributes to the harmonious removal of harmful substances (toxins), poisons (toxins), heavy metals from the body, and also helps to quickly recover after taking antibiotics.

  • Help with diseases. Cooked millet is recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes, intestinal obstruction, gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as patients with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
  • dietary properties. Numerous studies have shown that millet (namely, millet is obtained from it) has a low calorie content. Cooked millet is useful for people who have problems with weight, who are obese. It prevents the appearance of fatty deposits, while eliminating existing ones.

Surprisingly, at the same time, sweet millet porridge cooked in milk is quite satisfying, so one serving for breakfast is enough to last until dinner without additional snacks.


It is noteworthy that with such a rich list of useful properties, millet porridge belongs to low-calorie and easily digestible dishes. People seeking to control their weight, adherents of a healthy diet, as well as athletes, are probably familiar with the abbreviation KBJU. In modern dietology, special attention is paid to a harmonious and balanced diet. K - daily calorie intake, which is calculated individually for each person: it all depends on gender, age, lifestyle.

But in order to lose or, conversely, gain weight, simply counting calories is not enough. Studies have confirmed that losing weight on the principle of “burning more calories than you consume” subsequently leads to the fact that instead of the departed fat comes flabby, saggy, unhealthy skin, a slow metabolism, and multiple health problems. Therefore, the balance of BJU - proteins, fats, carbohydrates - components involved in the construction of muscle mass, cell regeneration, the functioning of the immune system, energy production, and so on, comes first in the preparation of an individual diet.

As for the calorie content and nutritional value of milk millet porridge, the average values ​​per 100 grams are as follows:

  • calorie content - 93 kcal (with butter - 115 kcal, with sugar - 125 kcal, with fruit - up to 130 kcal);
  • proteins - 4.3 g (with sugar), 3.4 g (with butter), 3.0 g (with fruit);
  • fats - 2.5 g (with sugar), 5.2 g (with butter), 4.6 g (with fruits);
  • carbohydrates - 21 g (with sugar), 14 g (with butter), 18 g (with fruit).

If desired, you can add jam from berries, nuts, dried fruits, pieces of pumpkin to the porridge.

For people diagnosed with diabetes, the glycemic index of foods is of no small importance when compiling a diet. This is an indicator of the effect of carbohydrates on changes in blood sugar levels. Patients with diabetes are forced to adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet. Millet porridge helps to reduce glucose levels, its glycemic index (GI) varies from 45 to 60 points, which is the norm. It should be noted that the thicker the porridge, the higher its GI.

Due to its beneficial properties, millet also helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, improves digestion, normalizes blood pressure, accelerates lipid metabolism, which makes it a favorite not only among diabetics, but also among adherents of proper nutrition.


In addition to the above useful characteristics of millet porridge, it is also worth noting its low cost. Millet porridge dishes are a healthy and fairly budget option that every housewife will like. Moreover, it is quite easy to cook milk millet porridge at home and the process will take quite a bit of time.

product calories squirrels fats carbohydrates
millet porridge on the water 90 kcal 3 g 0.7 g 17 g
millet porridge with milk 120 kcal 3.9 g 3.5 g 10.5 g
millet porridge in milk with pumpkin and sugar 158 kcal 4.2 g 8 g 18.5 g
millet porridge on water with pumpkin 50.6 kcal 1.8 g 0.5 g 10.6 g

Loose and fluffy millet porridge is made from millet, which is also called millet. Millet has a bright yellow color.

The composition of millet porridge

Millet porridge contains essential amino acids, which are the building material for the muscles and cells of our body, healthy vegetable fats, without which vitamin D and carotene cannot be absorbed in the body, as well as complex carbohydrates that remove toxic substances and toxins from the body. In terms of amino acid content, millet porridge is second only to oatmeal and buckwheat. In addition, it contains a huge amount of fiber.

Of the micro and macro elements in millet porridge, there are phosphorus, silicon, iron, fluorine, magnesium, manganese and copper. From vitamins - E, PP, A, thiamine (B1), B5, B6, B2, folic acid and beta-carotene.

Useful properties and harm of millet porridge

Millet porridge is recommended for those who have health problems - diabetes, atherosclerosis, diseases of the liver, pancreas, cardiovascular and nervous systems. It is able to remove toxic substances, heavy metals, toxins and antibiotics from the body, therefore it is recommended for everyone who lives in areas with unfavorable ecology.

Especially millet porridge is useful for those people who suffer from heart disease: due to the high content of potassium, millet is able to restore heart function. Copper gives elasticity to bones and muscles, while fluorine and silicon strengthen hair, nails, bones and teeth. Also, millet porridge has a tonic, invigorating and warming effect, therefore it is indispensable for weakened people and children.

Millet porridge has contraindications for use. It is not recommended for people with a tendency to constipation and low acidity of the stomach, thyroid diseases. With frequent constipation, millet porridge can be consumed no more than once a week, adding fermented milk products and vegetables to it.

Recipe for millet porridge with milk


  • one glass of millet;
  • two glasses of water;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • butter to taste.

Sort and rinse the millet in hot water until the water is clear. Take a saucepan, pour washed millet into it, fill it with hot water and put on fire. After boiling water, remove the foam, salt and quickly evaporate the water so that the millet does not boil. Add hot milk and cook over low heat until thickened. Season the porridge with oil, mix and enjoy its taste.
