In what kind of container can you salt volushki? Cold method in jars. Greenfinches in a jar for the winter at home

I love volushki very much, I deliberately collect them to preserve them for the winter. I like pickled mushrooms less than salted ones, but trumpet mushrooms are more suitable for the latter method of preservation.

I like the waves for their great taste(there are some nuances in preparation). But in general, I love collecting them in the forest - little pink heels, almost always not rotten, neat, growing in clearings, it’s very pleasant and convenient to collect them. This weekend I had such pleasure, deliberately collecting volushki, so that later I could prepare them for the winter. There are 2 ways to preserve volnushki: hot (which I’ll write about now) and cold.
Here it is my bucket with volnushki, literally from the forest.
First of all, we disassemble the mushrooms, clean them of dirt and leaves. This is not a difficult task, if the mushrooms are dry - everything is very simple. I collect volnushki up to medium size, I don’t take large ones - they are fragile.
The most important point in salting volnushki is soaking. They need to be soaked overnight so that later in the preparation they do not become bitter. Don’t forget and don’t be lazy - otherwise all your hard work will be in vain, and it will be difficult to appease the bitter taste. So we clean it from dirt, soak it, and then wash it. I wash each wave under the water tap - it’s a painstaking task, but I like everything to be clean.

After this, throw the volushki into boiling, slightly salted water to cook for 10-15 minutes. We remove the foam.

After boiling for 10-15 minutes, put the fritters in a colander, rinse with cold running water, and let drain.

Place in a bowl, pour water so that it covers the waves by 2-3 cm. Add 1 kg of waves (by weight fresh mushrooms):
- 2 bay leaves;
- 30 grams of dill (umbrellas);
- 15 grams of chopped garlic;
-10 blackcurrant leaves (I didn’t have that many - I put 5 pieces);
- 1.5 tablespoons of salt (I put 2 tablespoons, in any case, try the brine, it should be salty);
- peppercorns - to taste, you don't have to put them in.

Cook for another 15 minutes. We don't put vinegar!!! Skim off any foam if it forms; I stirred occasionally to make the brine homogeneous.

We transfer the finished mushrooms into clean, sterilized jars, fill them with brine (in which the mushrooms were boiled), seal them, wrap them in newspaper and under a fur coat. Keep it there until the jars cool down.

I leave it overnight, and after the jars have cooled, I take them to the cellar, or if there is room in the refrigerator, I put them there.

Bon appetit!

Mushrooms are nature's most unpredictable creations and appear differently every year. There are periods when there are no white milk mushrooms or mushrooms, mushrooms of the first category, but there can be a lot of mushrooms of the second and third categories. These include chanterelles, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and moths. To properly preserve mushrooms until winter, they are salted, pickled or dried. The recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter will be relevant for mushroom lovers.

How and where to collect

There are two types of waves. Both of these species are edible:

When collecting, it is correct to place the mushrooms with the cap down, if possible, separately from heavier mushrooms. They are usually found in birch and alder forests.

Only collected mushrooms They are not stored for a long time and can deteriorate, so it is necessary to process them. If for some reason this is delayed, the mushrooms enamel pan Can be refrigerated, but not longer than a day.

How to salt

Cleansing and soaking

How to soak properly : It is important to change the water in which the mushrooms are located several times to completely remove the bitter taste from them. Leaving mushrooms for a long time without changing the water will lead to their souring in the released juice, and if the water does not completely cover them, there is a possibility of mold formation.

First way

To pickle volushki in a cold way, you do not need to boil them. After processing and soaking, put a little of any spices into the prepared container (for 10 kg of mushrooms you will need allspice- 1 g, bay leaf - 2 g) dill umbrellas, cherry, oak leaves, horseradish root and leaves, several pieces of pepper and cloves. Each of these spices performs its own function:

Mushrooms 5-8 cm thick are placed on the spices, salt is poured (for 1 kg of mushrooms you will need 50 g of salt). The topmost layer is a layer of spices. Then close the container with a loose lid and put in a small weight that will not dissolve in the brine.

Over time, the salted mushrooms will settle; a new batch of mushrooms, salt and spices can be added to the free space. Volnushki salted using this method must be kept for 40 days, only then can they be eaten.

Second option

Hot pickling can be done differently: remove the boiled mushrooms with a slotted spoon and cool in a saucepan. Fill jars or wooden barrels with mushrooms and brine. The advantage of this method is that within a few days the mushrooms will be ready to eat.

Interestingly, salting recipes also differ depending on the area. For example, the Belarusian method: mushrooms are salted only raw, but before that they must be soaked, depending on the type, from several days to several hours. Volzhsky method - in this case, soaking is not used, it is believed that this way they lose their aroma and taste. Orlovsky - raw mushrooms are not salted at all, they must be boiled so that they become tender in taste.

In addition to the question of how to pickle volushki for the winter, it is important to think about their safety at home. The storage room should be cool and well ventilated, with an air temperature of 5-6 degrees, at more high temperature the pickles may go sour.

One of the most common mushrooms for pickling in our country is volushka (although in many countries this mushroom is not consumed at all). This can be explained by the fact that our people love to collect and cook various mushrooms: porcini, milk mushrooms, chanterelles...

And among the many types of mushrooms, the trumpet has honestly earned its place of honor!

If you were able to collect a decent amount of these mushrooms in the forest, do not be lazy to pickle them. This process is long, but it will pay off for you handsomely. In the winter season you will always have great addition to plain potatoes in the form of crispy mushrooms or great snack for a feast.

Features of preparing trumpets for cooking

This mushroom, in its external characteristics, may well resemble a toadstool; it is pinkish or white, has a terry appearance on the cap, and when cut, it releases a milky liquid.

The taste is also bitter. But if the wave is prepared correctly, it will turn into a very delicious product. There are many ways to prepare dishes based on this product. These mushrooms are especially tasty when salted!

It is important to know how to achieve maximum results. To do this, follow the following recommendations.

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the mushrooms from forest debris and adhering soil. The fringe from the hats is also removed. This is done simply: pry up the edge with a knife and pull it towards the center.

Before preparing according to the recipe, do not forget to inspect the mushroom for worms; very often insects are located in a hollow stem, which, in turn, must be cut off from the cap.

Advice: in order to get rid of the bitterness of Volzhanka or Volnyanka, as they are also called, they are soaked for a long time. On average, this process takes from two to three to 5 days.

The waves are flooding sufficient quantity water so that all the mushrooms are covered with it. It is optimal to use enamel containers.

Since mushrooms are lighter than water, they will rise to the surface and, as a result, soaking will be uneven. To avoid this, cover the top of the waves with a suitable sized dish.

The water must be changed at least once a day to avoid acidification of the medium. You may need to do this more often if you feel bad smell, and the liquid has become cloudy.

You can check the readiness of the mushrooms by removing the mushroom from the water. If it becomes elastic and does not break, the mushrooms can be drained.

There are several methods for salting volushki at home. You can choose either the cold or hot method at your discretion.

Cold method of salting Volnyanka in jars

When the mushrooms have passed preparatory stage You can go directly to the ambassador. In the case of cold salting, volnukha acquires a pleasant crunch, so many people resort to this particular preparation method.

You can limit yourself to just salt, but the product will be much tastier if you add other aromatic ingredients to it.


Servings: – +

  • waves 1.5 kg
  • rock salt 50 g
  • citric acid3 g
  • horseradish leaf 1 PC.
  • black currant leaves10 pieces.
  • dill (umbrella) 2 pcs.
  • garlic 2-3 cloves
  • pepper (peas) 6 pcs.

Per serving

Calories: 25 kcal

Proteins: 2.5 g

Fats: 0.75 g

Carbohydrates: 1.7 g

30 min. Video recipe Print

    It should be noted that lemon is added while soaking the mushrooms. This avoids the appearance of mold, pathogenic bacteria and fermentation products.

    The jars must be thoroughly washed with soda, sterilized and dried.

    The soaked fibers must be rinsed and the liquid allowed to drain.

    Dill, horseradish and currant leaves (if desired, can be supplemented with cherry leaves), as well as garlic are laid out at the bottom of the jar. Add a layer of mushrooms and generously sprinkle with salt. This algorithm is repeated until the jar is completely filled. 8

    Energy value of the product

    • calories - 35.7;
    • proteins - 5.3 g;
    • fats - 1.3 g;
    • carbohydrates - 0.8 g.


    • mushrooms - 1 kg (this quantity is indicated after heat treatment);
    • salt;
    • currant and cherry leaves;
    • laurel;
    • dill seeds - 5 g;
    • carnation;
    • peppercorns;
    • vegetable oil.

    Cooking method

    1. First of all, the mushrooms are boiled. This process may take 15 to 25 minutes. The product will be ready for subsequent use when it settles to the bottom of the container.
    2. The following steps are the same as in the case cold pickling. Spices and salt are placed in jars; you can add garlic or cumin, which alternate with mushrooms.
    3. The contents of the cans are filled with the remaining mushroom broth, and also pour a small layer of oil, which will prevent mold from appearing.

    How to deal with excess salt

    If, upon opening a jar of pickles, you realized that you’ve over-salted the volushki, don’t despair. It’s quite possible to cook fried or stewed potatoes without adding salt during cooking. Or you can wash the mushrooms in boiled, cooled water and season olive oil, to sprinkle onions with dill and feel free to serve.

    By preparing mushrooms in the fall, you can provide your family with such tasty, and at the same time simple, dishes for the whole winter period, and also save your financial resources.


We need to fix it

How to salt volnushki

Volnushki in the forests of the middle zone usually grow from June to October. That is, all summer and half of autumn you can safely collect them and store them for the winter, although the main harvest still occurs in the second half of August and early September. It is then that the mushroom comes into its own and has a high taste. It is not difficult to distinguish tremors from other mushrooms. They have a characteristic cap that cannot be confused with any other mushroom. Along the edges it is shaggy and woolly. Fans of “silent hunting” for mushrooms know very well that the mushroom is considered conditionally edible mushroom

. That is why before use it must be thermally treated for a long time and very carefully. Actually, our article today will be devoted to this issue. In most cases, volushki are salted the most different ways . We will tell you about the most delicious recipes

, thanks to which the volushki acquire a special taste and aroma. They go well with almost any side dish, just with bread or in salads with onions and sour cream. Lunch!

General principles for salting tremors In fact, there are a great many ways to pickle mushrooms. According to some mushroom pickers, before salting, the mushrooms must be soaked in cold water . Others pour boiling water over them, others boil them altogether, and still others consider this all unnecessary. As for spices, opinions diverge even more, although all hosts and hostesses are right in their own way. In fact, you can salt not only trumpet mushrooms, but also any other mushrooms, with the exception of russula, morels and strings. In salting, russula never loses its bitterness, but morels become loose and lose their.

taste qualities wooden barrels and tubs. Meanwhile, if you don't live in rural areas, this is unlikely to be possible. Where to get wooden tub in a city apartment? So if you live in the city and don’t have wooden utensils at hand, use glass or enamel utensils to pickle the fried eggs. The enamel should not be damaged. Salting mushrooms in galvanized tin dishes is unacceptable - as well as in clay pots. In many cookbooks You can find such recommendations, but they do not have any objective basis. The fact is that during the fermentation process salts and acids can form, which destroy the glaze covering the pottery. Since the glaze contains lead, it dissolves and can cause severe poisoning.

Before pickling glassware wash well with washing powder or any other detergent. This is done until all foreign odors are removed. Then the dishes are rinsed several times hot and cold water, scald with boiling water, dry in the oven.

How to salt volushki using the cold salting method (with soaking)?

First, we will learn how to salt volushki in cold and salted water. By the way, milk mushrooms, serushki, some types of russula, and other mushrooms are usually salted using the same method.

So, you will need to clean the mushrooms from debris, soil and sand, which are present on the mushrooms in fair quantities. Rinse them thoroughly and fill them with salted cold water at the rate of 0.5 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. It is recommended to change the water about 2-3 times a day, and best of all every 4-5 hours, so that the mushrooms do not sour. Volnushki are usually soaked for 1-2 days. For comparison, mushrooms such as valui can be soaked for 5 or even 6 days.

After soaking, you will need to clean the mushrooms again with a brush or nylon cloth. They fit into the necessary dishes caps down in layers about 5-7 cm each, sprinkle with salt coarse(necessarily not iodized). Do not skimp on salt - take about 30 grams for every kilogram of mushrooms. Why can't you use iodized salt? It causes rapid souring of the waves.

Now let's go over the spices. The following spices are placed on top of the mushrooms and on the bottom of the dish: 2 grams of bay leaf, gram of allspice per 10 kg of mushrooms. You can also use cloves, blackcurrant and horseradish leaves, cherries, etc. to your taste. If you salted the volushki in a wooden bowl, then it is covered with a wooden lid or circle that fits freely into the bowl. Some kind of pressure is placed on top of it. For comparison, if you salt volushki in a 50-liter barrel, the weight of the oppression should be at least 8 kg. Be sure to wash the lid and bend before salting.

The brine usually forms within 2-3 days. Then the mushrooms begin to settle. You drain off the excess brine and add a new portion of mushrooms that have gone through all the processing described above. If after 3-4 days the brine does not appear, your pressure is too weak and you need to increase its mass. Also make sure that the top layer of the waves is constantly covered with brine.

How to salt volushki using the cold salting method (without soaking)?

You clean the mushrooms of debris in the same way, rinse them twice in cold water - preferably salted or acidified. Mushrooms are placed in layers in a container at the rate of 1 kilogram of mushrooms per 30-40 grams of cooking oil. iodized salt. With this type of salting you do not need to use any spices. As for the timing of the readiness of the mushrooms (the so-called fermentation period), they are the same as in the first case. True, the preliminary soaking of the waves lasts 40 days. It is noteworthy that some mushrooms (for example, saffron milk caps, russula) are salted without soaking. Mushroom pickers limit themselves to just washing them in salt water. Salts are added to 5% of the total mass of fresh mushrooms. That is, about 50 grams of salt are taken per kilogram of mushrooms.

How to salt volushki using the hot salting method?

If you don't want to wait delicious mushrooms weeks, if you simply don’t have time, you can try hot pickling mushrooms Within a day or two after hot salting, you will be able to eat russula. As for the waves, you will have to wait 6-7 days. But it’s still much faster than cold salting.

Volnushki are scalded with boiling water, but not boiled, but simply kept in hot water about half an hour. Then the boiled mushrooms are placed in a colander, allowed to drain, washed in cold water and salted in the same sequence as for cold salting. It is extremely important that all pickled mushrooms are stored exclusively in a cool place at a temperature not below zero and not above 10 degrees. So, storing mushrooms at elevated temperature will invariably lead to souring of the mushrooms. If mold appears on the brine, do not be alarmed. Just remove it and rinse the oppression with the circle thoroughly in boiling water. If the temperature is below zero, the mushrooms will simply freeze and begin to crumble, which is also not good.

What can be prepared from salted trumpets?

From the volushki, salted and chopped together with onions, you can prepare delicious salad, delicious mushroom sauce or filling for pies. You can also cook mushroom soup, prepare hodgepodge or mushroom pickle. If you wash the salted mushrooms in several waters, boil them in milk or water, then they will taste like fresh ones. After this treatment, the mushrooms are fried and then used to prepare both first and second courses.

How to store salted trumpets?

Mushrooms such as tremors are stored in a cool and well-ventilated area at a temperature of 5-6 degrees, but not below zero. Make sure that your mushrooms are constantly in the brine. If it evaporates and does not cover the mushrooms, it is advisable to add cooled water to the bowl. boiled water. If mold appears, wash the fabric and circle in hot, slightly salted water. Mold that has appeared on the walls of the dishes is wiped off with a clean cloth soaked in hot water.

Please note that mushrooms are not completely preserved in a salt solution, since in such an environment the activity of microorganisms is limited, but it does not stop. The thicker the brine, the better the mushrooms will be preserved. Meanwhile, in this case, the mushrooms become so over-salted that they completely lose their value.

Another important point. If you do not want mold to appear on the surface of the mushrooms, place them in hermetically sealed containers and be sure to store them in a dry and cool place. Under no circumstances is it recommended to cover jars with cellophane or parchment paper. In a damp, warm room, the water in the jars will begin to evaporate, causing the mushrooms to simply become moldy.

Edible or not? That is the question.

Volnushka grows in mixed and birch forests, belongs to the Russula family and comes in two types: white and pink. At first glance, it very much resembles two mushrooms: milk mushroom and saffron milk cap.

They can be distinguished from the above-mentioned mushrooms by their small stem, which gives the impression that it is simply lying on the ground. The stem is shaped like a cylinder, it is smooth, breaks easily and has an almost identical color to the cap.

They also have characteristic caps, they are either convex or funnel-shaped with strongly drooping edges that wrap inside the cap. The wavy concentric zones stand out strongly.

Collecting them is quite a troublesome task. It tastes quite bitter and for this reason is considered poisonous in most countries. However, when proper preparation you can appreciate their unique, incomparable taste, which justifies all the effort expended.

First of all, I would like to note that most people are concerned with the question: “How long should you soak them before you start salting, pickling or freezing the products at home, and how to do it correctly” - there is no exact answer to this question, since every recipe carries its own data.

Volnushki, as a rule, are stored for the winter due to their late appearance. They begin to grow from the end of June and end closer to October. In addition to pickling, they can also be fried.

They fry very quickly, only a quarter of an hour, but before putting them in the frying pan, you need to soak them in water for two days, then cook for half an hour in salted water and only after that you can start frying.


They taste best when salted. However, not everyone knows how to properly and tasty pickle volushki. There are several ways to pickle them for the winter: you can do it hot or cold. These methods of pickling differ little from the methods of salting other mushrooms. They are considered conditionally edible, so recipes for their preparation must be carefully followed.

"Cold" method

Salting volushkas for the winter using a cold method is a very labor-intensive and lengthy process.

To prepare them in this way, you must first let them soak thoroughly in cold salty water for one and a half to two days. It is necessary to salt the water at the rate of 50 grams of salt per kilogram of volushki.

You can also replace salt citric acid, but instead of 50 grams add 2. The water for soaking must be changed at least three times a day. After the required soaking time, the mushrooms are washed and dried.

In a specially designated container for pickling, mushrooms, spices and spices are placed layer by layer as follows: A layer of salt, a layer of fritters (about 7 centimeters), caps down, a layer of salt with cumin, dill, garlic.

After the mushrooms are over, the mushrooms are covered with a clean rag, and the doused hot water a wooden circle and, last but not least, oppression. After two months, the volushki will have reached the required salting and can be eaten.

"Hot" method

Hot salting is much more quick way harvesting mushrooms for the winter.

This method does not require such a long procedure as soaking mushrooms. This is a much faster way. To begin with, the volushki are boiled and then salted in the same water.

To salt the tremors in a hot way you will need following ingredients: trumpets, peppercorns, cloves, Bay leaf, garlic, currants and, of course, salt.

First point of preparation: sorting the mushrooms. It is necessary to leave only good, undamaged mushrooms. They should be cleaned and then rinsed thoroughly under running water.

The volnushki should be immersed in boiling, barely salted water, then add four peppercorns, three cloves and four currant leaves. Keep on fire for fifteen minutes, then rinse in a colander under running water.

They are transferred to a container specially designated for salting, four bay leaves are added and filled with hot brine, followed by salt in the proportions of one and a half large spoons per liter of water. Garlic, pre-cut into thin slices, is added last.

Sterilization is carried out as follows: the jars must be thoroughly washed and wiped, the oven must be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius, the container must be inserted and held for 3-4 minutes. Mushrooms are rolled into hot jars.


Salting volushki for the winter at home for the winter is quite simple and does not require special effort. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and carefully monitor the time. Changing the water when salting in a cold way is very important for several reasons: as the tremors remain in the water, the excessive and rather unpleasant bitterness disappears from them.

If you do not change the water in time, they will begin to sour. own juice. It is very important that the water completely covers the mushrooms, otherwise mold may appear on them. Of course, it is quite easy to remove it by rinsing it with lightly salted water, but there is always the possibility that some of the mold remains in the water and then you will have to go through the entire procedure of preparing for salting again.

Recipes for cooking different mushrooms are very similar to each other, and it’s quite easy to get confused in the small nuances famous recipes. Each type requires special treatment in terms of cleaning, washing, pre-harvesting before marinating.

Usually it is enough to rinse the Volzhanka thoroughly to remove dirt, leaves and bugs; it is most convenient to do this with some kind of toothbrush. As a rule, they do not have a film, which is why special troubles the cleaning process does not deliver. However, you should remember that you need to handle these mushrooms with extreme care, because they break very easily.

When washing Volzhanka (Volnushka in common parlance), you should follow the standard procedure: you need to wash them in cool running water, since if you wash a whole bunch of mushrooms in some container, there will be almost nothing left of them and a trip to the forest will be wasted time and effort .
