How and how much to cook pasta in a saucepan. Everyone should know how to cook pasta deliciously! How much to cook pasta in different ways: in a saucepan, for frying, in milk, in soup

Macaroni is a versatile product. It is eaten as a main course, a side dish for meat and poultry, added to salads, soups. Italy is considered to be the birthplace of the product, but, oddly enough, China is fighting for the right to be considered the birthplace of pasta with a European country. Nowadays, pasta is an integral part of the diet. But these products are delicious when cooked correctly. After reading the article to the end, you will learn how to cook pasta.

Pasta is divided into groups and types. In Russia, it is customary to divide products into three groups (according to the type of flour that is part of the product).

  1. Group A: durum wheat flour of all varieties.
  2. Group B: soft wheat flour of the highest, first grade.
  3. Group B: baking flour of the highest and first grade.

The most common are products of the first group. Hard varieties are long-term carbohydrates that do not provoke sharp spikes in blood sugar, take longer to digest and do not turn into fat. They are also lower in gluten, making them ideal for allergy sufferers and health conscious people.

Pasta is divided not only into groups, but also into types according to shape and size.

  1. Long: bavetti, cappellini, vermicelli, spaghetti, spaghettoni, spaghettini, bucatini, makeroncini, fettuccini, tagliatelli, mafaldine, linguini. Subspecies differ in length and width. The longest are spaghetti, according to the standard, their length is half a meter, but for convenience, the length was reduced to 25 centimeters. The thinnest - capellini, translated as "hair", diameter - 1.2 mm.
  2. Short: cellentani (spirals), fusilli (three twisted spirals), girandole (small fusilli), maccheroni (shell), penne (tubes with carved sides), pipe rigatti (snails).
  3. For baking: canelloni (large tubes), lasagne (rectangular sheets).
  4. Soup: anelli (rings), stelline (stars), filini (noodles).
  5. Curly: different shapes ranging from butterflies to letters.

The composition of pasta may include spinach, tomatoes, eggs, greens.

According to the degree of readiness, pasta is divided into two types.

  1. Aldente: in Russia - undercooked pasta, cooked on the outside, hard on the inside. Al dente pasta is suitable for main dishes.
  2. Pasta cooked to full readiness is fully cooked.

Cooking times for pasta vary by group. Products of group A are cooked two minutes longer than B and C. Cooking time for baking products is 25 minutes, for soups - 12. Long ones are cooked until al dente - 7 minutes, until cooked - 9. Short ones are cooked until half cooked for 5 minutes, if desired cook until fully cooked, then keep the products in boiling water for 7 minutes.

How to cook pasta correctly - the main ways

Cooking pasta is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the basic rules and cooking time. Traditionally, the product is cooked in a saucepan, but with the advent of new technologies in the life of housewives, new types of cooking have appeared.

in a saucepan

The first step is to bring the water to a boil. You need twice as much water as pasta. When the water boils, the pasta is thrown into the pan. Cook until the first boil, then reduce the heat and cook further for the required time.

Stir the pasta several times to prevent sticking.

Before boiling again, cover the pan with a lid, then cook without it. At the end of time, the water is poured through a colander. Macaroni is ready.

In a slow cooker

First, pasta is poured into the bowl, poured with water. Set the mode "Pilaf", "Cooking", "Pasta", "Steamed". Two minutes are added to the standard cooking time. For example, long al dente pasta will cook for 9 minutes.

in the microwave

Cook pasta in the microwave only in glassware. First you need to boil water - pour the required amount of liquid into the dishes, put in the oven at full power for 10 minutes. Pour pasta into boiling water. There should be a little more water than when cooking on the stove. Turn on full power, set the timer for 7 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, leave the pasta to “cook” in a non-working oven for 5-10 minutes.

In a double boiler

Cook pasta not in the usual cooking compartment, but in the container itself with water. Pasta is immersed in cold water, set the temperature to 80-85 degrees, close the lid. Cook for 5-10 minutes longer than on the stove.

Do I need to rinse pasta after cooking?

It is believed that pasta must be washed in order for it to be crumbly. This method appeared in Soviet times, when pasta was of poor quality and quickly boiled. A modern product does not need additional washing.

But if the pasta is accidentally overcooked, or they are of inadequate quality, you can correct the situation in a proven way. Cooked pasta is poured into a colander, and then washed under running cold water. But there is one minus - the side dish will cool down under water, you will have to eat a cold dish, or reheat it additionally.

Pasta can be washed when the main dish is not yet ready, and the side dish has already been cooked - this will stop the process of their further cooking. The longer the hot product is on the stove, the higher the likelihood of overcooking.

Overcooked, sticky pasta is the worst thing to serve on the dinner table. You can prevent sticking by knowing simple rules.

  1. Boil in enough water. The approximate ratio of pasta and water is ½, you can also calculate by the formula for 100 g of pasta - a liter of water.
  2. Throw products only into boiling water. If you throw it in earlier, the pasta will boil and stick together.
  3. Add salt to water until it boils. How much seasoning is needed is determined by taste. The approximate ratio is half a teaspoon per 100 g of products.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the saucepan with pasta after boiling again. One or two teaspoons per liter of water will be enough.
  5. Choose pasta made from durum wheat, they are much harder than other varieties.
  6. Constantly stir the garnish during cooking. Be sure to stir immediately after the pasta enters the water.

If the pasta is still stuck together, a few simple ways will help fix the situation.

  1. Add a few tablespoons of melted butter to the cooked pasta and mix well.
  2. Fry the side dish in a skillet, separating the pasta.
  3. Add sauce or broth, stir.

Pasta Cooking Secrets

Macaroni - good as a side dish and as an independent dish. A few simple rules will help make pasta even tastier.

  1. Cook products only in purified, drinking water. The product absorbs from 25 to 30 percent of the liquid. Eating pasta boiled in plain tap water runs the risk of introducing an infection into the body.
  2. Macaroni will taste better if boiled in milk.
  3. After cooking, the product must be immediately discarded in a colander and drained of unnecessary water. But in the pan you need to leave a little broth in which the side dish was cooked. The water will prevent the pasta from drying out. How much water to leave - decide on the amount of pasta.
  4. Ready-made pasta is usually mixed with a piece of butter - the side dish will not dry out even after a while. It is tastier not just to mix pasta with a piece of butter, but to pre-melt it in a saucepan and add a side dish to the already melted butter.

TOP 3 recipes for an unforgettable side dish

In addition to answering the question of how to cook pasta, a real hostess should know the recipes for delicious side dishes.

  1. Tomato and basil will help diversify the usual dish. Diced tomatoes are mixed with vegetable oil in a frying pan. Add some water. Simmer until the tomato gives juice. Add seasonings. Mix cooked pasta with sauce.
  2. Sprinkle finished pasta with grated cheese and mix well. It is best to add the cheese directly to the pot where the pasta was cooked. The cheese will melt a little and you will get a delicious viscous independent dish that goes well with all types of meat.
  3. Cut vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, tomato. Slightly stew with vegetable oil. Add pasta, pour over soy sauce, add spices. Great option for an Asian style dinner!


Now you know how to properly cook pasta of different groups and types. This product goes well with various sauces, vegetables, and is suitable as a side dish for fried and stewed meat. Do not be afraid to experiment - sweet pasta with the addition of milk, sugar or jam is a favorite dish for those with a sweet tooth. Enjoy your meal!

My first attempt at cooking pasta ended in failure. I poured a large pack of pasta into cold water, put the pan on the fire and waited ... As a result, I got a viscous pasta mass that stuck together in one lump, besides, this mass burned tightly to the bottom of the pan. I had to throw everything away.

Now I know how to boil and how to make them not stick together. Pasta is poured only into boiling salted water, and there should be a lot of water. Even if you decide to boil only 100 grams of pasta, take at least a liter of water.

Italians, experts in cooking pasta, advise adding a little olive oil to boiling water before throwing pasta. Oil is added to prevent noodles, spaghetti and other pasta from sticking together.

At the end of cooking, the contents of the pan are filtered through a colander, oil, sauce, etc. are added to the boiled pasta.

Cooking steps:


Water 3 l, pasta 400 g, butter 30 g, salt 1/2 tbsp. spoons.

Why does pasta either undercook or, on the contrary, stick together, boil, stick to the pan and lose its attractive appearance? To avoid this situation, you need to read the recommendations on how to properly cook pasta.

For many, pasta is the first step to weight gain. However, in Italy this dish is consumed daily, along with various sauces and gravies. And yet, the Italians look great.

The secret lies in the quality of the pasta. Useful is the pasta, which is made from durum wheat.

It contains a large amount of nutrients and vitamins:

  • cellulose;
  • amino acids;
  • potassium, iron;
  • complex carbohydrates;
  • vitamins B, E;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese.

What types and varieties of pasta are best to choose?

Products marked "group A" are most valued. There can also be group B, C. In this case, in all cases, the highest grade of flour can be used.

In the homeland of pasta, several of its varieties are distinguished in form:

  • long (vermicelli, spaghetti, spaghettini, tagliatelle, etc.);
  • short (fusilli or spirals, foam are tubes, cannelloni, etc.);
  • small for soups (stelline - stars, anelli - rings, ditalini orecchiete);
  • figured (farfalle, conchile, gemelli, campanelle, gnocchi, etc.);
  • stuffed pasta (capelets, tortelloni, agnolotti, etc.).

There is not much difference which pasta to take: small, large, long, nests.

The main features of quality products are:

  • the surface must be smooth;
  • all elements must be the same;
  • the color should be uniform cream or light yellow;
  • small black dots - the remains of milled shells of wheat grains, which are useful for the body, should be present in a small amount;
  • the pack should not contain flour, broken pasta elements.

Recommendations: how long do you need to cook so that they do not stick together

How much to cook:

  • noodles - 5-7 minutes;
  • nests - 5 min;
  • tubules - 13 min;
  • horns - 10-15 minutes;
  • lasagna sheets - 5 minutes until half cooked;
  • fettuccine - 10 min;
  • ravioli - 3-7 minutes depending on the filling;
  • bows - 10 min;
  • spaghetti - 8-9 min.

The right way to cook pasta

  • We take a suitable pan, pour in water, put on fire. Until the water boils, it is not recommended to take the next step.
  • Salt the water only after boiling. Otherwise, the diffuse reaction will not take place in full, which can lead to pasta sticking together.
  • Pasta is added to boiling salted water. It is recommended to reduce the fire, but the water should boil throughout the entire cooking process.
  • Cooking time is recommended depending on the shape and type of pasta.
  • To check the readiness of the product, it is enough to catch one or two elements and check for softness.
  • After that, a colander is taken, and the pasta leans back on it.
  • It is recommended to rinse the product under running cold water. This will wash away any remaining starch.

Fast cooking method in 4 minutes

Unlike the usual method, this one differs not only in capacity, but also in time. It only takes 4 minutes to cook in a deep frying pan.

Pasta is poured into the selected container, fried over a fire until browned. Next, 30-40 g of butter is added, other ingredients are optional (for example, tomato paste, tomatoes, chicken fillet, etc.).

Boiling water is added to the pasta until the liquid covers the pasta. Spices and salt are added. A small fire is set, the pan is covered with a lid and stewed until the liquid evaporates.

The advantage of this method is that you can immediately add chicken fillet, vegetables and other ingredients along with pasta.

Cooking method with milk and water

Macaroni with milk is one of the favorite children's dishes. This dish is easy to make:

  • Water is poured into a saucepan (capacity at least 2.2-2.5 liters) and brought to a boil.
  • After that, the liquid is salted and the paste is added.
  • Boil for 7-15 minutes, depending on the shape.
  • The water is drained, the pasta is thrown back into a colander.
  • Milk is added to the saucepan, heated.
  • Thereafter. boiled pasta is added to milk.
  • Add sugar, bring the liquid to a boil.
  • After boiling, the fire is turned off, a small amount of butter (25-35 g) is added.

For tips on how to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together, see the video.

Features of cooking whole grains or spaghetti

When cooking pasta, it is worth remembering that the recommendations may vary, depending on its shape and purpose (in which dish it will be used). It is worth taking note of the following tips:

  • Spaghetti is cooked without a lid. They are laid out in a pan with a fan. Then, after a minute, they themselves will sink completely under the water. If the pasta is too long, it is best to break it in half.
  • The nests are carefully laid out in boiling water in a frying pan or in a saucepan. It is important to ensure that they do not touch each other. At the same time, it is worth remembering that they will need to be turned over during the cooking process, which means that there must be enough space for this. The nests are not thrown into a colander, but laid out with a slotted spoon.
  • Horns, spirals and shells are boiled in about 7-9 minutes after boiling water.

After the time has elapsed, it is important to check the readiness. If the pasta is soft and elastic, then it is ready.

  • Al dente pasta.

To obtain such a result, the cooking time must be reduced by 20-30%.

  • The gossamer is placed in boiling salted water and the fire is turned off almost immediately.

The pot is covered with a lid. After 10-15 minutes, the pasta will be ready. It can be thrown into a colander and served at the table.

  • Whole grain pasta can be cooked just like regular pasta. Cooking time after boiling is 7-9 minutes. To keep them from sticking together, you can add a small amount of olive oil.

"Tools" for cooking: saucepan, microwave, slow cooker

When cooking in a saucepan, it is important to ensure that the pasta does not stick to the walls and bottom. To do this, you need to stir the pasta during cooking, or add a small amount (20-30 g) of butter (or olive oil).

To cook in the microwave, you need to pour the pasta into a deep plate, add boiling water, with a margin of 1-2 cm above the top level of the pasta. Then 1 tbsp. l oil, a pinch of salt. The container is covered with a plate. Power - 800 W, time - 5 min. After the expiration date, the pasta leans back into a colander.

For boiling in a slow cooker, you will need the “Pilaf” or “Steaming” mode. Pasta, a spoonful of butter are placed in the bowl, water is added. The liquid should be 1-2 cm higher. Cooking time in this case is 12-13 minutes.

Take note

When cooking, constant stirring is recommended, because starch will come out of the pasta during cooking, which helps the pasta stick together. Frequent stirring prevents sticking together and prevents the pasta from burning.

Washing pasta is done if they are made from soft wheat varieties.

If the paste is still stuck together, you can correct the situation. To do this, after washing the product, add a small amount of oil.

If you know about the peculiarities of choosing and cooking different types of pasta, its preparation will be an easy and enjoyable process. Moreover, interesting dishes can be prepared from it, the taste of which can be varied with added sauces, vegetables, herbs.

Cafes and restaurants all over the world prepare a variety of pasta dishes. At home, housewives also cook them with the addition of all kinds of sauces, vegetables, meat, preservation and other things. To prevent pasta from sticking together, it is important to cook them correctly. The result also depends on the choice of product, but otherwise cooking pasta is easy.

In fact, it has been observed that pasta in Russia is eaten more often than cereal products. This circumstance is influenced by: the ease of their preparation, relative cheapness, excellent combination with a large number of other products.

Today, a lot of pasta products are presented on store shelves: some are devoid of any useful properties, while others are of high quality and healthy. So, unlike products made from white flour, products made from durum wheat are considered the most delicious and valuable. They contain starch, which is not destroyed during heat treatment, but is transformed into protein.

The shape of the pasta is also very diverse. Thanks to this, from them you can cook a huge number of any dishes both for the festive and for the everyday table.

For a simple side dish, spirals or spaghetti are perfect, and shells and other large items can be used for stuffing. Milk porridge is boiled with small vermicelli, it is added to soups. Tubes are great for casseroles. Small bows complement various salads. You can cook many dishes by combining two or three varieties of pasta, but they must be of the same quality.

How to cook

There is nothing easier than cooking pasta in a saucepan, but even in this simple matter there are subtleties that will help pasta become even more appetizing and tastier:

It is advisable to leave a small amount of the liquid in which they were cooked in the pasta. But it is better to add butter to the pan, after melting it naturally.

In the microwave

Pasta can be easily cooked in the microwave. Ease of cooking is the main advantage of the oven, which is due to the fact that pasta does not stick together and remains elastic. Depending on the type of product, the cooking time is selected at the maximum mode. Pasta such as shells or spirals require longer cooking, and 11-16 minutes will be enough for spaghetti.

Fill a suitable glass container with boiling water. Add pasta, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil and salt to taste. Mix everything and send it to the microwave for up to 15 minutes at a power of about 300-500 watts. Then fold in a colander - and you can serve.

Using a multicooker

When using this pasta cooker, pour water into the multicooker bowl 2-3 cm higher than the pasta level. The cooking time is approximately 12 minutes in the "steam cooking".

Many housewives at the same time as pasta, in order to reduce the time for preparing dinner, use a special tray and steam, for example, meatballs, chicken or sausages.

Cooking in a steamer

To cook pasta in a double boiler, you need to pour a sufficient amount of water into its lower part. Pour pasta into a special bowl, which is designed for rice. Fill them with water about three centimeters above the level of pasta. Immediately add oil and salt. Cover and cook for 17 to 21 minutes. If the pasta consists of durum wheat, then after cooking it is not necessary to wash it, but products of other varieties can be washed to drain excess starch. Serve pasta on a beautiful plate with ketchup and greens or other products.

If the hostess knows how to cook pasta correctly, then it will not be difficult for her to cook many original dishes that go well with cheese, meat and vegetables. And if we consider pasta as a separate dish, then adding all kinds of sauces will make it amazingly tasty and ideal for any table.

Boiled spaghetti with sauce

So that the spaghetti does not cool down and does not have to be reheated, it is necessary to prepare the sauce for them in advance, and for this you need to act like this:

This simple dish will please the whole family. Enjoy your meal!

For lunch, you can cook one of the most delicious dishes revered by us - pasta (horns) in a naval style with minced meat, while spending a minimum of time and products. The result is an unusually satisfying and aromatic dish. Ingredients needed:

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Skip the meat through the meat grinder, which must first be boiled until tender.
  2. Boil water in an enameled pan, salt and throw in the horns. Cook until half cooked, do not forget to stir. Then you should throw them in a colander. After the water drains, you need to add a little butter so that the horns do not stick together.
  3. Pass the garlic through a press, grate the carrots, chop a bunch of greens and onions.
  4. Mix vegetable oil with butter and heat in a pan. It should fry carrots and onions. Then add minced meat, pepper, salt and fry for 6-8 minutes.
  5. Add garlic and tomato paste to minced meat, mix and fry for 3-4 minutes.
  6. Add boiled horns to all ingredients. Fry under the lid for three minutes and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Serve hot pasta with vegetables and herbs.

homemade noodles

This dish is very popular and is cooked all over the world. The cooking recipe remains the same, but each hostess can add her own zest to it. Before ready-made pasta appeared, our ancestors prepared this dish on their own from eggs and flour. To prepare a nutritious, healthy and tasty noodles, you need:

  • The flour for the dough should be sifted. At the same time, it will be saturated with oxygen.
  • Add beaten egg.
  • Then knead the dough well. It should be tight. How much flour is needed for the dough, the cook determines for himself.
  • The dough must be divided into several parts, which are sprinkled with flour on top and left for 30 minutes to dry.
  • After the time is up, each part should be rolled into thin pancakes and cut into very thin strips on a cutting board. The noodle is ready.

For breakfast, it will not be difficult for children to cook milk noodles in a slow cooker. This process is easier because you do not need to stand near the stove and make sure that the milk does not boil away, because it boils evenly and there is no risk that it will overflow.

The multicooker must be set to the “Steam cooking” mode. Pour one glass of water into the bowl and add 3 more glasses of milk. Wait for the contents of the bowl to boil, but do not close the lid. Then you should pour a glass of vermicelli into it, salt and add sugar to your liking. Stir and only then close the lid.

Then leave in heating mode for 10 minutes. After this time, the dish will be ready. Then pour into plates and add butter, you can add a few tablespoons of sweet jam, fruit syrup or fresh berries. This dish will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Bon appetit everyone!

All housewives are sure that they know how to cook pasta properly. But in order for them to be not only tasty, but also healthy, it is necessary to follow the secrets of their proper preparation.

Attention, only TODAY!

Pasta is both simple and delicious. But in order for them to be really tasty and look beautiful, you must follow a number of recommendations when preparing them.

Today, pasta is loved in many countries of the world, not to mention the fact that they are easy and quick to prepare. Cooking them is quite simple, but how to do it correctly, so that they do not lose their taste and original aesthetic appearance, this needs to be analyzed in more detail.

Every hostess needs to know the standard rules!

So, it is necessary to adhere to simple but precise cooking rules that have existed since ancient times, namely:

  • In order for the pasta to boil well and not stick together, they need to be cooked in a large saucepan, taking into account the fact that 1 liter of water should go for every 100 g of the product. Otherwise, they will not have enough space, they will become sticky and take longer to cook;
  • A cooking pot should be taken high and, preferably, its walls should be thicker than that of a regular one;
  • Boiled pasta should be thoroughly stirred, a wooden spoon is ideal for this;
  • You need to salt the water after it boils until the moment when the vermicelli is lowered into it, with the calculation of 10 g of salt for each individual liter of water. Salting the water when pasta is already boiled in it is highly discouraged;
  • When choosing the size of the pan, you need to take into account the fact that during the cooking process, the amount of the dish increases by about 2 times;
  • One of the main rules for successful cooking is that they need to be poured into the pan at the moment the maximum boil is reached, and in its center, where it is the strongest;
  • Cooked pasta should be soft. The taste of flour should not remain on the teeth. But if you still have it, you need to turn off the fire and leave the dish to stand under the lid for about 3 minutes, after draining the water;
  • Do not wash pasta, especially with cool water. This procedure makes the amount of useful trace elements much less;
  • When the vermicelli is ready, it is necessary to drain the water from it, throw it into a colander and shake it several times. Then return it back to the pan, season with sauce, if any, or add 2-3 tablespoons of the broth in which it was boiled (it must be left before draining) to prevent drying out.

How to cook different types of pasta in a pot

To date, varieties of vermicelli in shape and size are very different. Accordingly, the cooking method and the cooking time are slightly different.


Nests are considered one of the most beautiful and elegant types of pasta. But how to cook them correctly so that they do not lose their shape and do not become ordinary noodles after cooking? Let's try to figure it out!

So, you will need the following kitchen utensils:

  • Large saucepan with a lid, preferably wide;
  • Boiling water;
  • Skimmer for pulling out finished nests.


  • A few pieces of nests from the package (as many as fit in the pan so that they fit freely in it, about 5-7 pieces);
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • Salt (to taste).

To prepare the nests, you need to lay them loosely in a wide-diameter pan. Pour gently boiling water so that the edges of the pasta are completely covered with it.

Then you need to pour olive oil into the water, salt. Then all this is covered with a lid and cooked over low heat until tender.

Carefully remove the nests with a slotted spoon and put on plates.

Horns, shells, spirals and feathers

Today there are many different forms of pasta! Some of the most famous are: shells, horns, spirals.

Their cooking time depends on what kind of flour they are made of (on average it is about 7 minutes, but it is best to look at the pasta package for cooking time).

The recipe for cooking horns, shells and spirals is standard, but it should be borne in mind that, depending on the type of pasta, their cooking time is different. So, how much to cook pasta in a saucepan, you ask. We answer: the horns should be cooked for 12-15 minutes, shells - up to 10 minutes, spirals - 10-12 minutes.

The pan should be taken enameled or made of stainless steel, as pasta tends to stick to the bottom and walls.

Stages of proper cooking of horns, shells, spirals:

  1. Pour water into a deep saucepan and bring it to a boil;
  2. Pour a measured amount of pasta into the center of the maximum boiling of water and bring to a boil;
  3. After the water boils, make a small fire and, gradually stirring, cook (see the cooking time on the package);
  4. After making sure that the pasta is ready to eat, carefully drain the water from them and add oil or sauce;
  5. Then spread on plates and eat hot with the rest of the meal.

Let's see how the process of cooking spirals looks like in a video clip:


The process of cooking spaghetti is quite peculiar and has a number of features. The main secret of delicious and crumbly long pasta is that they do not need to be brought to full readiness on fire. They tend to come out after they are drained of water and left for a few minutes in a saucepan with a lid.

Steps for cooking spaghetti in a pot:

  1. This type of pasta likes to use a lot of water for its preparation. Spaghetti is cooked according to the principle of all other types, with the peculiarity that you should not break them, just put them in a pan with a fan and, as they soak in water, slowly lower the tips remaining outside with a spoon;
  2. Stir occasionally to keep spaghetti from sticking together. Spaghetti should not be covered when cooking. So that they are well separated from each other, it is useful to pour 1 tablespoon of oil (olive) into the water. If they are already almost ready, but not quite, you should not be afraid to turn them off, drain the water and throw them into a colander. Then throw the spaghetti back into the pan and let it reach full readiness on its own for 2-3 minutes;
  3. Spaghetti should never be washed, especially with cold running water! They are seasoned with sauce or oil, served only hot in deep plates, it is desirable that their bottom be warmed up.

Ways to cook pasta in gadgets

Every year, the latest technological developments are able to surprise us more and more.

Today, you can cook dishes not only on the stove, but also with the help of modern household appliances, for example: multicookers, microwaves, double boilers.

In a slow cooker

The recipe for making vermicelli in a multicooker is quite simple, you only need to know the correct proportions of the ingredients, as well as setting the multicooker modes.

Required components:

  • Pasta of any favorite variety, except for spaghetti - 0.5 kg;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon butter.

Cooking plan:

  1. In a special crock-pot from the multicooker, you need to put the pasta, then fill it with water according to the principle that they should be completely covered, and the water should be a few centimeters higher than them;
  2. You need to add butter to the water;
  3. Then you need to turn on the mode called "Steaming" or "Pilaf";
  4. Set the timer to 12 minutes;
  5. Drain the water, put the finished product in a colander so that the water escapes, and transfer the dish to plates.

In a double boiler

A double boiler with a slow cooker has a similar plan of action, but it is still somewhat different.

Required Ingredients:

  • 300 grams of pasta;
  • Water;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.

Cooking plan:

  1. First you need to fill the container of the double boiler with water;
  2. Pour pasta into the bowl, pour in water - so much so that they are covered, and the water level is several centimeters higher than their level;
  3. Add vegetable oil to the container;
  4. Cooking time is 15 minutes;
  5. Then the pasta is washed off with water, leaned back in a colander and ready to eat.

in the microwave

As you know, you can not only heat dishes in the microwave, but also cook some of them. This also applies to pasta.

Cooking principle:

  • Pour the required amount of the product into the container, taking into account the proportion: 100 g of vermicelli is covered with 200 ml of water. Moreover, the container must be either ceramic or glass;
  • Add salt to taste and 1 tablespoon oil;
  • Cook the pasta for the number of minutes indicated on the package, but add another 4 minutes to this time. To do this, set the timer to the desired time;
  • When the timer goes off, it's worth tasting the pasta. If they are not yet ready enough, put them to cook for a few more minutes;
  • Then drain the water from them, put them in a colander. The pasta is ready to eat.

We suggest you cook macaroni and cheese in a mug using a microwave oven as shown in the video below:

Easy and delicious recipes

Pasta is quite popular in cooking, they can not only be consumed in a boiled classic form, but also used to prepare interesting dishes.

Horns with stew

How to cook pasta with stew in a saucepan is a seemingly easy, but very common question for novice cooks.

The principle of cooking is to, as usual, boil the horns (use 2 liters per 200 grams of dry pasta), drain the liquid from them incompletely (leave about 50 grams).

Then put the stew in the pan to them, mix lightly and boil over low heat for several minutes.

After that, add the fried chopped onion.

Simmer everything together for about 2-3 minutes. The dish is ready to eat, you just need to put it on a plate.

While you are reading this article, our editors have already prepared new recipes for you. Here is the yummy!

Cooking delicious pork skewers in the oven is easy if you know. And you can also find a lot of cooking tips there.

For pasta, you can cook meatballs with rice in tomato sauce, the recipe of which is located. Together, these dishes will become a full meal!

Vermicelli fritters

This simple dish is prepared in a relatively short time and can be ideal for adults and children as a breakfast.


  • 3 fresh chicken eggs;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • 2 cups cooked pasta;
  • 50 grams of fat;
  • Greens (to taste).

The principle of making pancakes:

  • Taking a bowl, beat chicken eggs into it, add grated hard cheese, boiled pasta, a little greens to taste;
  • Then take the fat, finely chop it, fry in a pan over low heat and add to the resulting mass;
  • The mixture in a bowl must be thoroughly mixed and spread with a tablespoon on a preheated pan in which the lard was fried, and fry on both sides until a golden crust is obtained.

Put the dish beautifully on a plate and, if desired, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Fried shells

A rather unusual dish can be obtained from fried pasta. Ingredients:

  • A portion of pasta weighing 120 grams;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • Salt, pepper, curry, fresh herbs, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • Olive oil is added to the initially heated pan and spices are added, everything is fried for about 30 seconds;
  • Add pasta and fry over medium heat for about 3-4 minutes;
  • Then it is necessary to pour in the measured water, put a bay leaf and boil everything over high heat for about 10 minutes (the water should boil away);
  • The dish is ready to eat, you just need to put it on a plate and sprinkle with herbs.

In order not to hold the colander over the sink, you can put it in a saucepan - the water will run there, and during this time you can set the table.

In order for the pasta not to cool quickly on a dish, it can be preheated.

Spaghetti is best laid out on a dish with special tongs, and high above the plate so that they are well separated from each other.

Spaghetti nests can easily be formed with a fork. To do this, you need to install the plug in the center and scroll in one direction.

Macaroni can be boiled, fried, baked. It's easy to make them delicious. To make them beautiful and not stick together, you just need to follow simple but mandatory recommendations, then the result will definitely please you!

Now we invite you to watch a video recipe with a very intriguing Spanish pasta dish:
