Sandwich ice cream, a delicious dessert of the summer season. Sandwich with peanut butter and jam. Making classic ice cream sandwich

What is good about sandwich ice cream is the convenience of eating - you can hold it in your hands without any wrapper, with full confidence that the delicacy will not spread and stain everything around. The sweet tooth is also captivated by the fact that the flour casing makes the dessert more satisfying, gives original flavor notes and, unlike wafer casings, is not prone to swelling.

Even those who are losing weight can afford an ice cream sandwich if they refuse to use flour, eggs and sugar in favor of grated sweet dried fruits. When pressed and frozen, dates, raisins, prunes and dried apricots are an excellent substitute for traditional cookies, and far exceed it in terms of benefits.

To your attention - 5 recipes for homemade "sandwich" ice cream, which please with a variety of flavors and an interesting form of serving everyone's favorite treat.

What will be required:

  • Chicken yolk (1 piece)
  • High fat cream (200 ml)
  • Greek yogurt (400 grams)
  • Sifted flour (1 cup)
  • Sugar (160 grams)
  • Ground cinnamon (1 tablespoon)
  • Hazelnut kernels (40 grams)
  • Vanilla sugar (a couple of sachets)
  • Butter (75 grams).

Cooking process:

  1. Mix heavy cream with yogurt. Pour 120 grams of regular and half vanilla sugar.
  2. Make a thorough whipping at low speed of the mixer - you need to work for about twenty minutes.
  3. Transfer the creamy yogurt mass to a container (you should choose one so that the thickness of the ice cream does not exceed one and a half centimeters). Level the surface well.
  4. While the ice cream is in the freezer, prepare the cookies. Mix soft butter with flour, adding the remaining white and vanilla sugar in parts.
  5. Add fragrant cinnamon and one egg yolk. After finishing kneading, collect the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and transfer it to the refrigerator - it will have to stay there for an hour.
  6. At the end of the specified time, the dough must be laid out on a spread parchment, covered with another piece of paper and rolled into a cake. The optimal thickness is 7 mm.
  7. Arm yourself with cookie cutters and squeeze out free-form cookies. Move the blanks to a baking sheet with parchment, sprinkle with chopped nuts and load into a preheated oven. Bake for about a quarter of an hour, maintaining the 180 degree mode.
  8. When the pastry has cooled, remove the dessert from the freezer and cut out the shape of the cookies. Assemble the sandwiches by sandwiching the ice cream between two pastry pieces and chill in the freezer for about an hour before serving.

Sandwich ice cream with orange and dates

What will be required:

  • Coconut oil (8 tablespoons)
  • Orange (half fruit)
  • Almonds (100 grams)
  • Seedless dates (6 pieces)
  • Raisins (140 grams)
  • Avocado (1 ripe fruit).

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the nuts until crumbly.
  2. Grind in a blender washed and dried raisins with 3 tables. tablespoons of melted butter - you should get a plastic mass.
  3. Combine mixture with almond crumbs. Divide the "dough" into 2 portions, tamp one into the mold in an even layer to make a cake.
  4. Cut the citrus half into several pieces (leave the orange in the peel). Put in a blender bowl, place the avocado, freed from the skin and stone, there.
  5. Attach the dates, pre-washed and dried. Add the remaining melted coconut oil and beat everything until smooth.
  6. Spread the fruit mass on top of the cake in the form. Put in the freezer.
  7. After one hour, "cover" the ice cream with the remaining portion of the almond-raisin mass. Carefully level, return to the freezer now for 3 hours. Leave to stand warm for five minutes before removing the treat from the mold.

What will be required:

  • Cocoa powder (3 tablespoons)
  • Egg yolks (7 pieces)
  • Soft butter (280 grams)
  • Milk (three quarters of a cup)
  • White chocolate (2 bars)
  • Sifted flour (350 grams)
  • Sugar (200 grams per dough + half a cup for ice cream)
  • Salt (incomplete teaspoon)
  • Heavy cream (2 cups)
  • Vanilla extract (1 teaspoon).

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the chocolate into small pieces, or grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour the milk into a small saucepan. Pour in granulated sugar (adjust to taste, taking into account that chocolate will be added) and throw a pinch of salt, warm over moderate heat with occasional stirring.
  3. Whisk 5 egg yolks. Slowly add warmed sweet milk, whisk again.
  4. Pour the milk-egg mixture back into the saucepan. Increasing the power of the fire, boil until thick (stir with a spatula throughout the process).
  5. Place the chopped chocolate in a large bowl. Fill with hot mass, passing it through a fine strainer.
  6. Stir until the chocolate is completely melted. Then add cream.
  7. Transfer the cooled mixture to an airtight container. Put in the refrigerator for several hours, and preferably all night, then cook in an ice cream maker (for lack of a unit, you can freeze in a freezer, and every 40-45 minutes the sweet mass should be loosened with a fork or mixer).
  8. Grind the remaining yolks with sugar. Add some salt and vanilla extract (vanillin can be substituted).
  9. Combine flour with cocoa powder. Mix with soft butter - the consistency should be as homogeneous as possible.
  10. Combine the butter mixture with the yolk. Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands, divide into 2 parts and roll both into a layer.
  11. Cut out 12 rectangles / squares / circles from each blank. Spread them on a baking sheet covered with parchment (a silicone mat is also suitable), send them to bake in the oven at 175 degrees. Cooking time for cookies is only 12-15 minutes.
  12. Cover half of the cooled cookies with ice cream. Put the rest on top, forming a kind of sandwiches.
  13. Wrap the sandwiches in cling film and place in the freezer to chill.

What will be required:

  • Frozen blackberries (10 berries)
  • Almonds and dates, pitted (1 cup each)
  • Cinnamon (quarter teaspoon)
  • Frozen banana (1 piece)
  • Cocoa (75 grams)
  • Vanilla extract (2 teaspoons).

Cooking process:

  1. Put the washed and dried dried fruits in a blender. Add nuts, one teaspoon of fragrant vanilla extract, cinnamon and cocoa powder.
  2. Thoroughly grind the mixture, achieving a pasty consistency. Form 16 rounds from the sweet mass - they need to be flattened, giving the shape of a cookie, and then hidden in the freezer for the duration of the ice cream preparation.
  3. Now all the remaining ingredients are sent to the blender bowl - frozen berries and a banana, as well as a spoonful of vanilla extract. Beat until completely smooth.
  4. Take the blanks out of the freezer. Make "sandwiches" by sandwiching small portions of ice cream between two cookies. Transfer the finished products to the freezer immediately.
  1. Separate 50 ml of milk to pour over cornstarch. Leave to swell.
  2. Pour the remaining three-quarters of a glass into a saucepan with cream. Add granulated sugar, mix everything well and put on low heat.
  3. Heat the milk-cream composition until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Then add cocoa and keep the mixture on the stove for a couple more minutes, without ceasing to stir with a spatula.
  4. Break the chocolate bar into cubes. Put in a saucepan set aside from the stove; stir until the chocolate is completely melted.
  5. Place the saucepan over medium-low heat again. Enter the starch, boil the mixture until thickened with vigorous stirring.
  6. Attach the tender cream cheese by once again sliding the container off the burner. Stir the resulting mass, cool to room temperature, and then hide in the refrigerator for the whole night.
  7. In the morning, the chocolate-cream mixture should be rearranged in the freezer. Every half an hour, until completely frozen, take it out and mix vigorously with a spatula.
  8. Divide the cookies into halves. Cover 1/2 part with ice cream (use a glass to squeeze mugs out of the frozen dessert), place the remaining products, pressing slightly, on top.

On a note: if desired, part of the cookies can be crushed into crumbs and mixed into ice cream on the eve of freezing.

Before serving, sandwiches should be kept in the freezer.

Enjoy your meal!

Many of you probably like to combine your favorite products with each other. We are sure that some of you dreamed of combining a delicious cookie or biscuit with fragrant ice cream and getting a delicious cold ice cream sandwich. Sandwich ice cream, it seems to us, is just an ideal dessert in the hot summer season, this is not some boring cone with ice cream, but an original and quite satisfying dish!

This dish has two variations. The first recipe is suitable for lazy people, all the necessary ingredients are purchased, the cook just needs to put everything together. The second option, more complex, is the classic one. Here, almost everything is prepared independently. We will tell you how to make an ice cream sandwich in two variations. So, our simple recipes.

Ice cream sandwich for the lazy

Now we will tell you how to quickly prepare our cold lazy dessert at home with your own hands.

Ice cream sandwich ingredients

  • A pack of biscuits. You can choose chocolate or vanilla. By the way, the biscuit can be replaced with shortbread, oatmeal cookies or Viennese waffles. The best shape for our sandwich would be a rectangle or square, so try to choose pastries in this shape.
  • Ice cream of absolutely any kind. Feel free to choose your favorite version of this cold sweet, there are no restrictions.
  • Nutella, chocolate paste, thick jam, fruit. All this can be further combined with our unusual combination of pastries and ice cream.

Making sandwich ice cream

The cooking instructions are very simple.

  1. First you prepare the baked base. If you chose the biscuit option, then you need to cut the biscuit lengthwise into two identical plates, and then cut rectangles from two plates.
  2. For those who decide to combine the ice cream sandwich with some other filling, it's the turn to spread the first biscuit or spread fruit on it.
  3. Now it's the turn of ice cream, it also needs to be cut into thin rectangular plates and laid on a biscuit substrate with filling.
  4. From above, our composition is covered with a second biscuit and the dessert is sent to the freezer to freeze a little.

Whoever decides to replace lush pastries with square cookies and waffles will be even easier, put ice cream and your favorite additive, voila and yummy is ready!

Classic cold dessert

Now we will tell you how to make a classic ice cream sandwich step by step. Here the scheme will be a little more complicated, the most important thing is to follow our recommendations step by step and you will succeed.

Ingredients for the dish

  • 350-400 grams of wheat flour of the highest grade (the highest grade of flour will provide you with the best quality of baking).
  • 1 sl. with a slide of cocoa powder, try to choose a quality cocoa powder, only a quality product will convey a unique chocolate flavor.
  • 285-290 grams of butter, the use of a spread product is unacceptable.
  • 250 grams of sugar, it can be white or brown.
  • A pinch of finely ground salt.
  • 2 chicken yolks.
  • 2 tsp vanillin

Filling for a sandwich

  • Any kind of ice cream, our ingredients are enough for four servings, which means you will need a bar of 1 kg - no less!
  • Filler, if you decide to combine fillings (chocolate paste, jam, peanut butter, etc.).

Making classic ice cream sandwich

This sweet dish will take about an hour to prepare. Your cooking should begin by preheating the oven, set the temperature on it to 175 degrees. Take two baking sheets and line them with parchment paper.

  1. In a bowl, mix cocoa powder and sifted flour.
  2. Put the butter, sugar, a pinch of salt and the “powder” of cocoa and flour into a bowl, beat it all with a whisk or a mixer. Now we put vanillin and 2 chicken yolks into the mass and work again with a whisk or mixer.
  3. The resulting mixture may be watery, so spread cling film on the table, you need two sheets. For each canvas, dump an equal share of the flour mass, pack and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Time for half an hour, during which time the dough will harden and it can be rolled into two rectangles, and then cut into small rectangles.
  5. Spread the dough on parchment and put the baking sheet in the oven for 15-18 minutes. We cool the baked blanks.
  6. We place ice cream on the remaining unused baking sheet and put it in the freezer to completely harden. We also cut the frozen ice cream into equal rectangles so that they beat the same, use stencil molds or your baked substrate.
  7. We spread the ice cream and additional filling, if it is on our cookies, and then we roll each sandwich ice cream into a bar with cling film and put the resulting dessert in the freezer.

This is how you prepared an original summer dessert for yourself, it remains only to wish you bon appetit!

Video: master class on making sandwich ice cream

Frozen treats go great with cookies. In the summer heat, an ice cream sandwich will be simply indispensable! If you want to experiment in the kitchen but don't know where to start, check out the combination ideas from this list!

Sandwich with peanut butter and jam

For such a dessert, you can use both homemade ice cream and homemade cookies, as well as store-bought ingredients. Pair popsicles with peanut cookies and top with crushed potato chips. It will turn out a very unusual combination of tastes that will conquer both children and adults.

Chocolate Stout Sandwich

Use crushed pretzels to add texture and contrast to your homemade chocolate stout cookie ice cream. This is an interesting combination inspired by the food you can try at a bar. An alcoholic milkshake goes well with this ice cream.

Elvis Presley Sandwich

Homemade peanut flavored ice cream, banana cookies and crispy bacon are a combination that Elvis Presley would love. He liked to make sandwiches with this combination of products.

Sandwich with cinnamon bun

Cinnamon bun style cookies paired with sundae? This is a great solution! Get a traditional American-style breakfast, adapted for the summer heat and incredibly mouth-watering.

Strawberry Cheesecake Sandwich

Homemade ice cream with strawberries and cottage cheese will taste just like cheesecake. Just use heavy cream and cream cheese as a base for a really intense flavor. Pair with a cereal cracker and finish with a heart-shaped sugar sprinkle. This is a good option for Valentine's Day, but on any other day, all your loved ones will be happy with such a dessert.

Chocolate Chip Sandwich

Use ice cream sundae and chocolate chip cookies, then sprinkle chocolate chips around the edges. You will get the perfect dessert for a sweet tooth - the classic combination of flavors cannot disappoint!

Sandwich with chocolate and hops

This is an unusual dessert that uses milk with hops as the base. It turns out an unusual taste that can attract even the most demanding gourmet. The edges are decorated with cookies, which provide an even more original texture to the combination.

mint sandwich

Combine soft chocolate chip cookies with mint chocolate chip ice cream. It will turn out a very appetizing and refreshing dessert, ideal for the hottest summer days.

Sandwich with chocolate and coconut

This dish will remind you with its taste of Bounty chocolate bars. Combine coconut ice cream with chocolate chip cookies. Finished sandwiches should be rolled in coconut flakes for extra vibrant texture. The taste will turn out just perfect - you will want to make such a dessert again and again!

Strawberry Balsamic Vinegar Sandwich

Try to transform the flavor of fresh strawberries by roasting them in the oven with balsamic vinegar. Complement delicious berries with ice cream and eat with chocolate chip cookies. This is a very sophisticated combination of flavors that will suit even those who are usually indifferent to sweets.

Soda Flavored Sandwich

If you combine vanilla cookies with sparkling water ice cream, it will turn out very original. Garnish this dessert with sugar sprinkles. Bright design will delight even adults.

Sandwich with blueberry patties

Ice cream pie is always a great combination. Why not give this dessert a makeover and pair a few scoops of vanilla ice cream with blueberry tarts? The result is an amazingly tasty combination that is perfect for summer when berries are in season.

Churros Sandwich

The preparation of this dessert will require skill, because the combination of melting ice cream with hot churros is the highlight of the dish. Drizzle everything with chocolate icing to make it especially appetizing.

donut sandwich

If you love donuts, you will surely be attracted to the idea of ​​pairing them with ice cream. This delicacy is very appetizing and tasty. You can either use vanilla ice cream or look for a more unusual combination of flavors - as your fantasy tells you!

Oreo Sandwich

If you love these cookies, you will definitely like this dessert. You will need two chocolate chip cookies and a cookie crumb to mix with ice cream. It turns out to be an incredibly delicious treat! Vanilla, chocolate, cookies - a win-win combination.

Salted sandwich with thyme and peach

Sometimes you want something not too sweet to diversify your diet. In that case, you can try this unusual ice cream with thyme corn cookies. Peach ice cream perfectly sets off its taste, making the dessert moderately sweet and very refreshing. Having prepared such a dish, you will become an exquisite culinary specialist in the eyes of others.

waffle sandwich

This dessert is perfect for breakfast. Waffles with cinnamon and sugar, sprinkled with icing sugar and filled with ice cream, it is extremely appetizing. Of course, it turns out high in calories, but it is incredibly tasty, so you should treat yourself.

Cookie Dough Sandwich

If you make cookie dough without eggs, dessert can be made without baking. Combine this dough with ice cream for a unique dessert option. You can use different types of cookies. Feel free to experiment, this recipe allows you to create your own combination of flavors.

Brownie sandwich with chocolate icing

This is a gourmet version of the dessert, which is a combination of a traditional ice cream sandwich and glazed popsicle. This dish is definitely worth a try, especially if you are a fan of chocolate pastries!

marshmallow sandwich

Combine coffee, chocolate and vanilla ice cream in one dessert. Add cereal crackers and marshmallows for the perfect combo. This dessert is not only delicious, it also looks very elegant!
