Dumplings with cherries are a summer treat on a winter day. Dumplings with frozen cherries: recipe. How to cook dumplings with cherries

This amount of ingredients is for approximately 3-4 servings.
First, let's deal with cherries. This time we are talking about frozen berries. Do they need to be defrosted? I would say it's better to do this. Is it possible to make dumplings with frozen berries? Yes. But here we must take into account that during the defrosting process the berries will release water, which will simply soak the dough and the dumplings will “flow.” Hence the conclusion: if you want to make things with frozen berries, then you can’t store them; make a quick batch and cook them right away. In general, it’s easier to defrost and calmly sculpt for yourself, without rushing or worrying.

You can select the berries in advance, place them in a colander or sieve, place a bowl underneath where the juice will drain, and leave them on the kitchen counter, for example, overnight.
Personally, I rarely think about something far in advance, so I just chose the berries and threw them in the microwave. A couple of minutes in the “defrost” mode - and you’re done.
That's it - I put the cherries on a sieve and set them aside (a bowl under the sieve). Do not accidentally pour out or drink the juice that forms; we will still need it for the sauce.

Let's make the dough. A medium-sized egg is approximately 65 grams.

No tricks. Sift flour into a bowl (take 200 grams first), beat in an egg, add a pinch of salt, a couple of pinches of sugar, pour in kefir and knead the dough.

After the dough has come together, I turn it out onto the table and knead further. I add a tablespoon of flour, a little vegetable or olive oil and knead until the dough stops sticking to your hands and becomes smooth enough.
It took me exactly 250 grams of flour.

And now we definitely (!) need to give our dough a rest. Just put it in a bag (or cover it tightly) and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. There is no need to put it in the refrigerator. After this period, you will see the difference - the dough has become plasticine and smooth. You can roll it out.

I don’t like to roll out a large lump of dough, so I divide it into two halves (the second into a bag) and roll it out in two passes.
Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough quite thinly (2 millimeters), but not transparent. After all, cherry is a juicy berry, and too thin dough We don’t need it - it will simply float.

Using a glass or ring, cut out circles of the desired size. The larger the circle, the larger the dumpling, and the less time you will spend on modeling.
It’s quite possible to simply tear off small pieces of dough and roll them into circles (1 circle - 1 dumpling), but personally, I find it more convenient to roll out half at once.

Place a few berries in the middle of each circle and sprinkle with about a third of a teaspoon of sugar. Of course, you can sprinkle the berries in advance, but I like it this way. Do you think there is not enough sugar? Don't forget what you can always do sweeter sauce.

Seal the edges well. If you were slow or had a lot of extra flour and the edges of the circles are dry and don’t want to stick together, run wet fingers over them and then sculpt.
I make additional tucks - both more beautiful and more reliable.

Collect all the remaining dough, mix it with the second portion of dough and repeat everything - rolling and shaping.
Be sure to throw the dumplings into boiling water. Salt it a little.
After the dumplings float to the surface, cook them over low heat for another 10 minutes.

Let's make a very light sauce. Easy - not in terms of calories, but in preparation.

Pour approximately 100-150 grams of cherry juice, which was formed after defrosting, into a saucepan, a piece butter, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and add 150-200 grams of sour cream. Mix thoroughly with a whisk until completely homogeneous. The sauce is ready. I took low-fat sour cream, fifteen percent.

Adjust sweetness to taste. Optional, Cherry juice can be mixed with orange (if the first is not enough), adding a little zest for more flavor. In my opinion, cherry and orange go very well together. But here it’s whatever you want.

That's all. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the dumplings from the pan, place on a plate, pour a generous amount of sauce over them, and serve immediately!
Bon appetit everyone!

The cherry season, alas, is very short. A couple of summer months - that's all. But For those who adore dumplings with cherries, there is no reason to deny themselves even when there is snow outside the window. I got used to cooking delicious dumplings from frozen pitted cherries. And today I’ll tell you how to make dumplings from frozen cherries and prepare a delicious sweet sauce for them.

Since cherry dumplings are usually eaten cold, it is very important to choose correct dough so that when cooling it does not become tanned, does not become rubbery, and does not crawl when cooked. This is exactly the dough in these dumplings. It remains soft, holds its shape perfectly and does not fall apart.

So let's get down to business. We start preparing dumplings with frozen cherries by preparing all the ingredients.

Products for dumplings with frozen cherries
Frozen cherries 1 package (400 grams)
Flour 250-270 grams
Yolk 1 piece
Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
Water 100 ml
Salt pinch
Sugar about 150 grams
Starch 1 tablespoon

Dumplings with frozen cherries recipe with photos

Before making the dough for dumplings, let's take care of the filling. Place the frozen cherries in a colander and place the colander on an empty pan. There, as the cherries thaw, cherry juice will collect, from which we will later prepare the sauce for the dumplings. We won't lose anything :).

Dough for dumplings with frozen cherries

We prepare everything for the test. We measure required quantity flour. To begin with, I take 250 grams of flour, and then, if necessary, you can add another 20-30 grams. Sift the flour into a bowl. We also need the yolk of one egg, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil and half a glass of warm (≈40 degrees) water. If it is important for you to receive Lenten dumplings, then you don’t have to add the yolk, but with it the dough comes out more beautiful and tastier.

IN warm water dissolve the salt, add the yolk and mix with a fork.

Add the mixture to the sifted flour, stir with a fork.

Pour in two tablespoons of refined vegetable oil.

Now mix everything first with a fork, then with your hand. Mix the dough on the table. The dough must be kneaded well. Check the consistency and add flour little by little if necessary. The dough should be soft, but at the same time elastic and not stick to your hands.

I recently heard about an interesting chef’s way of determining the desired consistency of dough for dumplings, dumplings, and lagman. You need to feel your earlobe. The dough should feel the same way.

Wrap the finished dough cling film or put it in plastic bag and put it in a cool place for 1 hour. You can keep the dough in the refrigerator for a day, sometimes this is convenient.

Filling for dumplings with frozen cherries

Our cherries have thawed and the juice has collected in the pan.

Place the cherries in a bowl, add starch and stir. When I cook dumplings with fresh cherries, I usually don’t use starch. But when preparing such dumplings with frozen cherries, starch is very desirable. Because defrosted cherries are too wet, and starch will help bind excess juice. As a result, it will be easier to make dumplings.

Now we just have to prepare another bowl of sugar, a bowl of cold water and two teaspoons. That's it, you can start the main action - making dumplings.

How to make dumplings with cherries

Take the dough out of the refrigerator. Lightly dust the table with flour and begin rolling out the dough. This dough does not stick to your hands or to the rolling pin, and we just dust the table to make it easier to roll out. Roll out the dough not too thin, to a thickness of about 2 mm.

Cut out the blank circles. Dumplings with cherries are quite large, so for cutting we use not a glass, but a mug with a diameter of about 8 cm. The best way to make such dumplings is in the usual way without being tempted by quick methods. The reason again is that the filling is too juicy. Roll the scraps of dough into a ball again, knead a little, roll out and again cut out circles for dumplings.

Place a circle of dough on your palm, place a few cherries (3-5 pieces depending on size) and half a teaspoon of sugar in the middle. It is often advised to immediately cover all the berries for the filling with sugar, and then lay out the ready-made filling. But it's better not to do that. The berry covered with sugar begins to actively release juice, the filling flows, and the dumplings do not stick well in those places where it sweet juice hits.

Since we cut out many circles at once, the dough may dry out slightly in the air, so we put the filling on the side that was at the bottom. If the dough is still difficult to form, then lightly run a finger moistened with water around the circumference. Don’t forget to wipe your fingers after this, because you need to make the dumplings with absolutely dry hands. Pinch the edges of the dumplings well. I usually go back and forth along the seam.

We make dumplings, placing the finished ones on cutting board, lightly dusted with flour until all the cherries are used. Do not pour out the remaining juice with starch.

Bring water in a large saucepan (about 5 liters) to a boil. The dumplings should not be crowded during cooking. One by one, place all the dumplings into boiling water and stir gently from bottom to top with a wooden spoon. After surfacing, cook for about 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of the dumplings.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

This recipe is one of the most successful for preparing everyone’s favorite sweet dish, such as dumplings with cherries. As you know, a dish requires only two main components - dough and filling. But this is where the fun begins. The fact is that there are many dough recipes, but it is not always possible to prepare delicious dumplings with frozen cherries; the recipe is already waiting for you below.
But the dough from this recipe is simply ideal for dumplings, with any filling. Making dumplings using it is a real pleasure, because the dough is very elastic and pliable, and the finished dumplings turn out tender, juicy and very tasty. I want you to look at this one too.
As for the filling, it also differs from the traditional one. Housewives usually defrost cherries completely, strain out the juice, and then use them to fill dumplings or pies. But there is a much better way and, most importantly, it’s faster to prepare such a filling - you don’t need to defrost the cherries, but try putting them frozen on the dumplings. This way it won’t leak out when sculpting, but the finished dumplings will be much juicier and tastier.

- flour (wheat, all-purpose) – 3 cups,
- milk (whole, chilled) – 0.5 cups,
- chicken egg (table egg) – 1 pc.,
- salt (fine) - a pinch,
- sugar (white) – 3-4 tbsp.,
- cherries (frozen, pitted!) – 1 cup,
- butter (butter) – 20-30 gr.

Recipe with photos step by step:

First we prepare the dough, for which we sift the flour into a small container, add salt, add cold milk and beat in the egg.

Knead the mixture thoroughly to form a soft pliable dough and let it rest for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the flour gives gluten to the dough, and it becomes very tender and elastic.

Then we form a small sausage from the dough and cut it into pieces 3-4 cm thick. These cook even faster.

We crush the dumplings with our hands and then roll them out with a rolling pin, but not very thin.

The cherries can be slightly defrosted, but not completely, and the juice drained. Add sugar.

We put a few cherries on each dumpling and make a dumpling,

pinch the edges well so that the juice does not leak out. These always turn out very tasty.

Dumplings with frozen cherries, the recipe is very simple, immerse them in boiling water, and as soon as they float to the surface, cook for 3-4 minutes, then remove with a slotted spoon to a dish and add a piece of butter. You can sprinkle a little more sugar.

Bon appetit!

Dumplings with cherries are one of the brightest and most memorable dishes of my childhood. Now you can get cherries at any time of the year. But a few years ago, freezing was not yet so accessible, and cherry dumplings were prepared exclusively in the summer. That’s why the very first cherry harvest immediately ended up on the table in the form of this wonderful dish. And now the first berry has already been properly prepared and is about to transform into a delicious summer dish- dumplings with cherries. The recipe with photos is described step by step up to the smallest details, so even those who are preparing dumplings with cherries for the first time can cope with it. You can knead any kind of dough for such dumplings, even ordinary dumplings will do, but since this dish is to some extent a dessert dish, I decided to knead the dough with light 1% milk. And I was right. The dough came out great! Silky, soft and at the same time very elastic. Now for the filling. To be honest, I was terribly worried that due to the juiciness of the berries, the dough would split somewhere or burst, and all the juice from the dumpling would escape, depriving the filling of all its charm and taste. But no, my fears were completely unfounded! All the filling remained in place and, it seems, was not even going to run anywhere.) The dumplings turned out tender and juicy, moderately sweet, with a pleasant cherry sourness. Delicious!

Dough ingredients:

  • milk 1% – 200 ml,
  • egg – 1 pc.,
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.,
  • salt – 0.5 tsp,
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • flour – 500 g.

Filling ingredients:

  • cherries (fresh or frozen) – 500 g,
  • sugar and starch - approximately 0.3 tsp each. in each dumpling.

How to cook dumplings with cherries

First of all, we will knead the dough.

Pour cold milk into a bowl, then dissolve sugar and salt in it.

Next, pour the oil into the bowl. I used regular refined sunflower oil, but any flavorless one will do. Oil will make the dough more elastic and easier to work with.

Mix everything well and gradually add flour. I first sifted all the flour, after which I slowly poured it into a bowl, kneading a soft, plastic dough.

Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands, then cover it so it doesn’t get airy and leave it to rest.

Now you can start filling. Wash the cherries, remove the pits and place in a sieve or colander. Don’t be lazy to remove the seeds from the berries - it’s much more pleasant to enjoy dumplings without constantly spitting (sorry) from the seeds. We do the same with frozen cherries - wash them, remove the pits (if any) and place them in a sieve/colander.

Let the cherries sit in the sieve for 10 minutes, after which you can begin to form the dumplings. Roll out thin flatbreads 5-6 cm in diameter in any way convenient for you and put the filling on them as follows: first a little sugar, then 2-3 cherries (carefully squeeze out the juice) and starch. If necessary, dust the work surface with flour.

Cover the filling with dough and pinch tightly, forming a shaped side if desired. The dough rolls out perfectly, and even if you overdo the rolling and make the flatbread too thin, the dough does not burst during cooking and the filling does not leak out! And one more thing: through the thinly rolled dough the cherry filling will shine through, but if you roll them out thicker, you will only be able to tell that there is a cherry in the filling by biting off a piece. I prefer to roll it out thinner.

To cook, place the dumplings in salted boiling water, stir gently so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan, and cover with a lid. As soon as they float, remove the lid and let the dumplings bubble for about 5 minutes. and catch them with a slotted spoon.

You can serve with sour cream, any sweet sauce or syrup. They are just as good cold as they are warm. Bon appetit!

The cherry season, alas, is very short. A couple of summer months - that's all. But For those who adore dumplings with cherries, there is no reason to deny themselves even when there is snow outside the window. I have adapted to making delicious dumplings from frozen pitted cherries. And today I’ll tell you how to make dumplings from frozen cherries and prepare a delicious sweet sauce for them.

Since dumplings with cherries are usually eaten cold, it is very important to choose the right dough so that when it cools, it does not become dull or rubbery, and does not crawl when cooked. This is exactly the dough in these dumplings. It remains soft, holds its shape perfectly and does not fall apart.

So let's get down to business. We start preparing dumplings with frozen cherries by preparing all the ingredients.

Products for dumplings with frozen cherries
Frozen cherries 1 package (400 grams)
Flour 250-270 grams
Yolk 1 piece
Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
Water 100 ml
Salt pinch
Sugar about 150 grams
Starch 1 tablespoon

Dumplings with frozen cherries recipe with photos

Before making the dough for dumplings, let's take care of the filling. Place the frozen cherries in a colander and place the colander on an empty pan. There, as the cherries thaw, cherry juice will collect, from which we will later prepare the sauce for the dumplings. We won't lose anything :).

Dough for dumplings with frozen cherries

We prepare everything for the test. Measure out the required amount of flour. To begin with, I take 250 grams of flour, and then, if necessary, you can add another 20-30 grams. Sift the flour into a bowl. We also need the yolk of one egg, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil and half a glass of warm (≈40 degrees) water. If it is important for you to get lean dumplings, then you don’t have to add the yolk, but it will make the dough more beautiful and tastier.

Dissolve the salt in warm water, add the yolk and mix with a fork.

Add the mixture to the sifted flour, stir with a fork.

Pour in two tablespoons of refined vegetable oil.

Now mix everything first with a fork, then with your hand. Mix the dough on the table. The dough must be kneaded well. Check the consistency and add flour little by little if necessary. The dough should be soft, but at the same time elastic and not stick to your hands.

I recently heard about an interesting chef’s way of determining the desired consistency of dough for dumplings, dumplings, and lagman. You need to feel your earlobe. The dough should feel the same way.

Wrap the finished dough in cling film or put it in a plastic bag and put it in a cold place for 1 hour. You can keep the dough in the refrigerator for a day, sometimes this is convenient.

Filling for dumplings with frozen cherries

Our cherries have thawed and the juice has collected in the pan.

Place the cherries in a bowl, add starch and stir. When I cook dumplings with fresh cherries, I usually don’t use starch. But when preparing such dumplings with frozen cherries, starch is very desirable. Because defrosted cherries are too wet, and starch will help bind excess juice. As a result, it will be easier to make dumplings.

Now we just have to prepare another bowl of sugar, a bowl of cold water and two teaspoons. That's it, you can start the main action - making dumplings.

How to make dumplings with cherries

Take the dough out of the refrigerator. Lightly dust the table with flour and begin rolling out the dough. This dough does not stick to your hands or to the rolling pin, and we just dust the table to make it easier to roll out. Roll out the dough not too thin, to a thickness of about 2 mm.

Cut out the blank circles. Dumplings with cherries are quite large, so for cutting we use not a glass, but a mug with a diameter of about 8 cm. It is better to make such dumplings in the most ordinary way, without being tempted by quick methods. The reason again is that the filling is too juicy. Roll the scraps of dough into a ball again, knead a little, roll out and again cut out circles for dumplings.

Place a circle of dough on your palm, place a few cherries (3-5 pieces depending on size) and half a teaspoon of sugar in the middle. It is often advised to immediately cover all the berries for the filling with sugar, and then spread the finished filling. But it's better not to do that. The berry covered with sugar begins to actively release juice, the filling flows, and the dumplings are poorly molded in those places where this sweet juice gets.

Since we cut out many circles at once, the dough may dry out slightly in the air, so we put the filling on the side that was at the bottom. If the dough is still difficult to form, then lightly run a finger moistened with water around the circumference. Don’t forget to wipe your fingers after this, because you need to make the dumplings with absolutely dry hands. Pinch the edges of the dumplings well. I usually go back and forth along the seam.

We make dumplings, placing the finished ones on a cutting board lightly sprinkled with flour until all the cherries are used up. Do not pour out the remaining juice with starch.

Bring water in a large saucepan (about 5 liters) to a boil. The dumplings should not be crowded during cooking. One by one, place all the dumplings into boiling water and stir gently from bottom to top with a wooden spoon. After surfacing, cook for about 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of the dumplings.
