How to make tartar sauce from mayonnaise. How to make tartar sauce - a classic recipe at home. With raw yolks

Tartar is a cold sauce that is usually served with fish and seafood, although it is not forbidden to add it to meat, poultry or vegetables. Blotches of pickles and fresh herbs against the backdrop of a smooth, delicate texture form a wonderful dressing that can perfectly transform steam cutlets and any fresh dishes, turning them into a real delicacy.

There is no single recipe for tartar sauce - each chef prepares this dressing in his own way. There are options for mayonnaise, yolks, with the addition of garlic, mustard, onions, etc. For example, we offer two recipes for tartar sauce: classic (on egg yolks) and simple (on ready-made mayonnaise).

The main ingredients of the classic tartar sauce are egg yolks, vegetable oil, cucumbers (sometimes capers) and fresh herbs. These ingredients are mixed with salt, ground pepper and lemon juice until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The result is a sauce with a pleasant citrus sourness, which goes well with fish steak, shrimp and other seafood.


  • salted or pickled cucumbers - 40-50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon (or to taste);
  • fresh herbs (green onions, parsley, dill, etc.) - 3-4 sprigs;
  • mustard - 1 teaspoon (or to taste);
  • egg yolks (boiled) - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook classic tartar sauce (on yolks)

Classic tartar sauce is ready!

We store the dressing in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container for no more than two days. Tartar does not tolerate long storage, so it is better to cook this sauce in small portions.

Tartar sauce recipe with mayonnaise

We offer another recipe for tartar sauce. This time, the preparation will be as simple and efficient as possible, as the dressing is formed on the basis of ready-made mayonnaise. All we need is just to mix the ingredients! It does not even require the help of a mixer and other kitchen appliances. Minimum ingredients and no hassle!


  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salted or pickled cucumbers - 10-20 g;
  • dill (or any greens) - 3-4 sprigs;
  • garlic - 1 clove.

How to make tartar sauce with mayonnaise

The simplest version of tartar sauce on mayonnaise is ready! We serve dressing for fish or seafood.

Tartar sauce is a classic French cold sauce. There are quite a few recipes for making sauce. In the modern world, he found recognition in the cuisines of all countries and peoples. Its popularity is easily explained: the pleasant taste and the free availability of all ingredients. Due to the speed of cooking and a special piquant taste, it has become a highlight for meat and fish dishes.

Its classic composition includes hard-boiled yolks, vegetable oil and onion greens. You can add wine vinegar, mayonnaise and pickled cucumbers. In a variety of recipes, you can also find the use of capers, dill and parsley. Housewives have adapted to beat it with an ordinary hand whisk, a submersible blender, a chopper blender. The taste is completely different, it all depends on the composition of the ingredients to the methods of preparation.

What to eat tartar sauce with

Tartar sauce is usually served with fish dishes or seafood, but its taste and delicate texture won the hearts of gourmets so much that they are complemented with meat, poultry or vegetables. The combination of the taste of pickled cucumbers with greens in this sauce can turn, for example, ordinary steam cutlets into an exquisite delicacy. If you decide to cook fish steaks, shrimp, or anything seafood, choose a sauce recipe that uses lemon juice. Pleasant citrus sourness will add a special flavor to any fish menu

Tartar sauce - a classic homemade recipe

In the ingredients of this recipe you will not find sour cream and mayonnaise, only a classic set of eggs, herbs, vegetable oil and cucumbers. In other words, let's try to cook and compare the classics with modernity

We will need:

  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Fresh yolk - 1 pc.
  • Parsley leaves - 5 pcs.
  • green onion - small bunch
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice -1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


To prepare this sauce, we need an immersion blender. The preparation of the sauce does not take much time. We throw everything into the bowl, beat for a few seconds and the sauce is ready.

So let's get started. Place the parsley leaves in a blender

Add coarsely chopped green onion

We cut large pickled cucumbers and send them to the blender bowl.

Add mustard, salt, pepper, lemon juice and vegetable oil

Blend with an immersion blender for a few seconds.

Classic tartar sauce is ready

How to make homemade tartar sauce with sour cream

We will need:

  • Boiled yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Raw yolk - 1 pc.
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled capers - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 120 ml
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Fresh dill - small bunch
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste


To prepare the sauce, we need a regular whisk. So, let's begin…

Grate boiled egg yolks into a bowl

Add fresh yolk

Add mustard, lemon juice and beat until smooth

In a thin stream, add olive oil in portions and continue to beat

Add sour cream, a little salt, black pepper and finely chopped dill

We rub the cucumber on a coarse grater. Finely cut the capers with a knife. Put everything in a bowl and mix well

The sauce, prepared at home according to the classic recipe, can be stored for about 2 days in the refrigerator. The sauce is ready, it can be served with all your favorite dishes

We make Tartar sauce at home on sour cream and mayonnaise

We will need:

  • Sour cream - 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • Pickled gherkins - 6 pcs.
  • Fresh dill - a few sprigs
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Put sour cream in saucepan

Add mayonnaise and mix well. Sauce base is ready. You can put it aside and start cutting greens and cucumbers. For 200 grams of sauce we take 6 gherkins. If you increase or decrease the mass, then increase or decrease the number of cucumbers accordingly

Cucumbers can be grated, but it is better to just chop them very finely with a knife. In this case, there will be less water in the sauce.

My dill greens, let the water drain

Finely chop the dill and add to the mayonnaise-sour cream mixture

Mix well, add finely chopped garlic

The sauce is ready. After 30 minutes, it can be served on the table in any meat or fish dish.

Recipe for classic tartar sauce for fish

Delicious sauce perfect for fish. If you cook it, you will be delighted with this original flavor combination. You can experiment with it and serve it with meat

We will need:

  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Fresh dill - small bunch
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper, salt - to taste


We cut pickled cucumbers very finely and send them to the gravy boat

We put mustard and grated yolk. Finely chop the dill

Add garlic. It can be squeezed through a garlic press or chopped very finely. Lightly salt and pepper. We mix and lay out the whole mass in the basis of our sauce - in mayonnaise

"Tartar" is ready. Cook fish according to your favorite recipe and serve it on the table with this sauce, you will feel the perfect combination of these flavors.

Tartar sauce - recipe for mayonnaise for meat

We offer to cook "Tartar" based on mayonnaise. It's perfect for meat.

We will need:

  • Mayonnaise (preferably homemade) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Dill and parsley greens - a small bunch
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Bavarian mustard - 1 tsp
  • Canned capers - 2 tsp


To prepare the sauce, we need a blender - chopper. It is enough to put all the ingredients in a bowl and grind for a few seconds. Let's get started...

Put the mayonnaise in the bowl

Add dill and parsley. It is enough to wash them, shake them to get rid of water. Tear with your hands and put in a blender bowl

Add garlic, mustard, capers, sugar

Cover with a lid and beat for a few seconds.

Perhaps this is one of the fastest recipes for making sauce. A few minutes and enjoy this special delicate taste of "Tartar"

Tartar sauce with pickles without mayonnaise

We will need:

  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Mustard (not spicy) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 150 ml
  • Wine or apple vinegar - 20 ml
  • Salt - ½ tsp.
  • Black ground pepper - ½ tsp.
  • Capers - 10 gr.
  • Pickled cucumber - 10 gr.
  • Onion - 10 gr.
  • Onion greens - a few feathers


Finely chop onion greens

We also chop capers and pickles.

Place the egg yolk and mustard in a bowl.

Pour in the wine vinegar and whisk with a hand whisk

Add pepper, pour in olive oil in a small stream and continue to beat

Add capers, pickles, onions

Three onions on a very fine grater. It is important that the onion turns into a puree

Add salt and mix everything until smooth. The sauce is ready. It goes well with meat and fish dishes.

General principles and methods of preparation

Tartar sauce is a classic cold sauce of French cuisine, the main components of which are hard-boiled yolk, vegetable oil and green onions. As a rule, it is served with fish (fried, boiled or baked), seafood and some meat or vegetable dishes.

The process of making classic tartar sauce is similar to making mayonnaise. That is, mix egg yolks with vinegar (you can take lemon juice), salt, pepper; then, constantly stirring the resulting mixture, vegetable oil is added to it, whipping it into an emulsion. Auxiliary ingredients are added to the resulting mass (green onions, pickles, parsley, garlic, etc., to your liking).

Of course, today Tartar sauce can be bought ready-made in the store, but it is not at all difficult, and most importantly, it is much more interesting to cook it yourself. Moreover, Tartar sauce, which is prepared at home, has a richer and spicier taste than the factory one. The preparation of the sauce does not involve the use of complex ingredients. Therefore, the sauce is an excellent option for treating guests who suddenly come unexpectedly, because any dish supplemented with it will become more refined and original in taste.

Food preparation

To prepare homemade tartar sauce, boiled egg yolks, vinegar, spices and various ingredients are used to taste. Some recipes use raw egg yolks, so you should only use eggs that you know are fresh.

Pickled cucumbers or pickled mushrooms, which are often used in the preparation of tartar sauce, should be cut very finely. But you need to remember that they must be cut, and not chopped in another way, because otherwise pieces of vegetables will not be felt in the sauce, which is an important distinguishing feature of Tartar.

Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Classic Tartar Sauce

Having tried to cook such a sauce, you will never buy it in the store again. A sauce of egg yolks, sour cream, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms - what could be the best addition to fish or meat? And mustard will give it the necessary piquancy.

2 boiled eggs;
2 raw yolks;
120 gr. vegetable oils;
1 st. l. chopped green onion;
40 gr. pickled mushrooms;
1 pickled cucumber;
40 gr. mustard;
120 gr. sour cream;
to taste sugar with salt;
lemon juice or vinegar to taste.

Cooking method:
1. After cleaning the hard-boiled eggs from the shell, we separate the whites and yolks. Grind boiled yolks in a bowl with mustard and raw yolks (you can pre-grate them on a fine grater). Pour vegetable oil into the resulting mass in a thin stream with constant beating.

2. Finely chop the mushrooms, boiled egg whites, cucumbers and green onions. We mix them and add sour cream, stir well again, add sugar, salt and, if necessary, lemon juice or vinegar. Serve this sauce for fish, eggs, boiled tongue, ham.

Recipe 2: Tartar sauce from ready-made mayonnaise

This sauce is very simple to prepare, but it is very tasty and nutritious. In this recipe, you can experiment with flavors, supplementing mayonnaise with olives, onions, pickles, mustard, lemon juice, etc.

250 gr. mayonnaise;
5 pickled gherkins;
2 tbsp. l. capers
5 garlic cloves;
30 gr. mustard;
1 st. l. chopped dill.

Cooking method:
1. We cut the cucumbers by hand into very small cubes and put them in a bowl together with capers, add chopped greens with garlic to them.

2. Pour mayonnaise with mustard into a bowl, mix well. Put in the refrigerator to cool.

Useful tips from experienced chefs

When preparing Tartar sauce, it should be remembered that its main feature is the presence of pieces of vegetables, which should be felt in its tender and homogeneous base.

Tartar sauce with garlic is served, as a rule, with poultry dishes and cold roasts.

Homemade tartar sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. If placed in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

A rare festive table is complete without additional dressings for dishes. This is a great way to turn ordinary meat or fish into the "highlight" of the culinary program. Along with traditional ketchup and mayonnaise, tartar is very popular - a sauce of unusual taste, which usually includes pickles, mushrooms, eggs, herbs and a number of other components, depending on the specific recipe. And many of them are known.

Classic recipe


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil (preferably olive oil) - 120 g;
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar, salt;
  • Green onion - 1 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice (if necessary, you can replace with vinegar) - 1 tbsp;
  • Pickled mushrooms - 40 g;
  • Mustard - 40 g;
  • Sour cream - ½ cup;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.

How to cook:

  1. Boil 2 eggs, separate the yolks from the proteins and grind them with mustard.
  2. Beat the mixture with a mixer or blender with 2 raw yolks, gradually pouring in sunflower oil.
  3. Cucumber, boiled egg whites, mushrooms, garlic and green onions should be very finely chopped (you can use a fine grater).
  4. We combine them with the mass obtained by whipping.
  5. Add salt, sour cream, lemon juice (or vinegar), sugar and again mix all the ingredients well.
  6. Traditional tartare can be served with fish and meat, stuffed with eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Mayonnaise Tartar Sauce


  • Mayonnaise - 250 g;
  • Capers - 2 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 4-5 teeth;
  • Pickled cucumbers (gherkins) - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Mustard - 30 g;
  • Dill - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Finely chop the dill, cucumber, garlic.
  2. We combine everything with capers and mustard, add mayonnaise, stir well and send it to the refrigerator for a while.

If you wish, you can experiment by adding other ingredients - mushrooms, olives, onions, and even cheese. This will not spoil the recipe, but will only give the dish a new taste.

Tartar sauce for fish

This cooking method differs from others in the abundance of lemon juice. You should not look for a compromise and replace it with wine or table vinegar - the fish loves lemon.


  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Capers - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil - ½ cup;
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt, sugar;
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.


  1. Grind the yolks of 2 boiled eggs with salt, sugar, mustard and lemon juice.
  2. Continuing to stir the mixture, pour in the oil.
  3. Add the yolk of the 1st raw egg, capers, beat thoroughly.
  4. When the sauce gets the consistency of mayonnaise and white color, add sour cream and beat well again.
  5. Now you can add greens, pickled cucumber, olives to taste.

Fresh cucumber and mint tartare

The composition includes yogurt, so the sauce is not as fatty and high-calorie as made according to the classic recipe.


  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 1 - 2 cloves;
  • Yogurt - 400 ml;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Dried mint - 1/4 tsp;
  • Salt.


  1. You need to remove the skin from the cucumbers, cut them into small pieces.
  2. Add mayonnaise and salt.
  3. Squeeze the lemon, add yogurt, pour mint.
  4. We mix everything well.

Tartar for chicken

Ingredients :

  • Processed cheese - 100 g;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 250 g;
  • Garlic - a few cloves;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

How to cook:

  1. Processed cheese must be grated.
  2. We combine the cheese with finely chopped cucumbers, garlic, mayonnaise.
  3. If you want the tartare to have a smooth consistency, beat it in a blender. Otherwise, you just need to mix it well.
  • You can store homemade tartar for no more than 1 week in the refrigerator.
  • It is not necessary to achieve a uniform consistency of the sauce - this way you will feel its taste more vividly.
  • Garlic is recommended to be added only in cases where Tartar will be served with meat or fish.
  • For cooking, it is better to use olive oil, rather than ordinary sunflower oil.

Sauce marinade Tartar is a well-known world sauce that went down in history along with Italian pesto and Mexican guacamole. Tartar sauce can always be found on the shelves of grocery supermarkets, but homemade is much tastier.

The name of the sauce is translated from French as "tatar sauce". The French decided to give this name to the burning marinade because the Tatars had sharp sabers. And also, for the reason that the Tatar peoples preferred raw beef and pickles.

Different chefs use their secret ingredients to prepare this sauce. Some add shallots, some add peanut butter. The yolk, traditionally contained in the sauce, has unique nutritional properties. That is why Tartar sauce is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Classic Tartar Sauce

There are hundreds of variations on the Tartar marinade, but most chefs prefer the classic sauce:

  • egg - 3;
  • salted gherkins - 3;
  • sunflower oil - 120 gr;
  • pitted olives - 6;
  • capers - 5;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • Dijon mustard - 5 teaspoons l.;
  • juice of one half of a lemon;
  • salt, pepper - a pinch each.

You will need a deep bowl for mixing. Two of the three eggs should be boiled, only the yolks will be needed from them. Break one egg into a container, put mustard, pour oil. Crumble 2 boiled yolks. Blend with a blender until smooth.

Put the remaining ingredients: chopped capers, gherkins, chopped olives, garlic, pour lemon juice, salt and pepper. Thoroughly pierce everything with a blender.

With pickled cucumbers

The main rule for preparing marinade Tartar with pickled cucumber is to chop all the vegetables for the marinade with a knife, without the use of auxiliary equipment. So its taste will be richer and more natural.

The recipe for tartar sauce with pickles is as follows:

  • pickles - 3-4;
  • lemon juice - 1 table. l.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 table. l.;
  • greens (optional) - 2 stalks each;
  • mustard - 1 table. l.;
  • yolk - 2;

Hard-boiled yolks, mash with a fork (you can rub through a strainer). Put mustard, pour in non-aromatic oil, beat well with a mixer. Then pour lemon juice, sprinkle with salt, pepper, mix.
Chop cucumbers and herbs with a knife. Put to the rest of the products, stir.

Since everyone prepares the marinade to their liking, before using it, you should first try it and, if necessary, add the missing ingredients.

Mayonnaise-based tartare

For this variation of mayonnaise sauce you will need:

  • mayonnaise - 4 table. l.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 100 gr.;
  • parsley - 10 gr.;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • green onion - 30 gr.;
  • pepper - to taste.

Grate pickled cucumbers, or chop with a knife. Fill with mayonnaise. Put a thinly chopped mass of greens, mix thoroughly with a spoon.

It remains to pour in the lemon juice and pepper. Be sure to try. If the base is too salty, add a small amount of lemon juice.

With sour cream

Another cooking option that is suitable even for children.

For tartar with sour cream, you need to take the following amount of products:

  • sour cream - 60 gr;
  • green onions - 4 feathers;
  • post oil - 60 gr;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3;
  • yolk - 2 (1 boiled);
  • salt - 2 pinches;
  • egg white (boiled) - 1;
  • vinegar - ½ tsp. l.;
  • mustard - 1 tsp. l.;
  • pepper - according to taste preferences.

Both types of yolk (boiled and raw) mash with a fork. Cut boiled chicken protein, also do with onions and cucumbers.
Pour vinegar into the yolks, put mustard, pour salt, pepper. Stir with a mixer. Carefully pour in vegetable oil, without stopping the whipping process. Put onions and cucumbers mixed with protein, stir. Serve at the table.

Traditional fish sauce

This marinade will not interrupt the taste of the fish, but on the contrary, it will harmoniously complement it, making the dish very tender.

You will need:

  • mustard - 1 tsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 125 gr. (you can use any non-aromatic);
  • lemon (juice) - 1 table. l.;
  • egg - 1;
  • salt - to taste;
  • onion greens - 6-10 feathers;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp. l.;
  • pickled cucumber - 1.

Chop onions and cucumbers. Pour granulated sugar, salt into lemon juice, stir with a blender. Then put half of the boiled yolk and beat again. Continuing to beat the mass at low speed, pour in vegetable oil. The result will be a medium consistency, reminiscent of mayonnaise. Put prepared vegetables to it, stir with a spoon and let it brew.

Sauce with capers, parmesan and mustard

This is a very interesting combination of ingredients.

The composition contains:

  • Parmesan cheese - 50 gr.;
  • mayonnaise - 125 gr.;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • egg (boil) - 1;
  • mustard - 1 table. l.;
  • capers - 1 table. l.;
  • pepper, salt - according to taste preferences.

Mash the yolk with a fork, adding mayonnaise and mustard to it. Pour capers, grated Parmesan, finely chopped onion greens. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and insist for an hour.

Jamie Oliver Tartar Sauce Recipe

The taste of the dish depends on the right sauce.

  • mayonnaise - 3-4 table. l.;
  • pickled cucumbers (you can gherkins) - 3;
  • capers - 1 tsp. l. with a slide;
  • canned anchovies - 4;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • lemon - 1;
  • paprika - 1 tsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 table. l.

Pour all ingredients, except lemon, olive oil and mayonnaise, into a blender bowl. Grate the lemon zest into the total mass and chop not very finely. Add mayonnaise, mix. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a mixture. Top with paprika and drizzle with olive oil. The universal sauce is ready.

No added eggs

To prepare this composition, you will need a minimum of ingredients. In addition, it cooks quickly, which is very convenient when cooking time is limited.

  • mayonnaise - 200 gr;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • onion feather - 4-6;
  • pickled cucumber -1.

The main thing in this cooking option is a sharp knife. Finely chop garlic, onion and cucumber. Put mayonnaise and mix well. Refrigerate for about half an hour and serve.

With radish and cucumber

Tartare can also be made with fresh cucumbers.

  • tomatoes - 500 gr.;
  • cucumbers - 200 gr.;
  • radish - 200 gr.;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp. l.;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • vinegar - 1 table. l.;
  • lemon - ½;
  • salt, pepper - according to taste preferences.

Puree the tomatoes in a blender, flavored with salt and pepper. Pass through a strainer and send the puree to the freezer. Stir after an hour and put back in the frost for 2 hours.

Cucumbers, radishes, celery cut into strips. Combine olive oil with lemon juice and pour into vegetable mixture.

Take out the puree from the tomatoes, mix with a fork (should get a crumb) and combine with the main mass with a spoon.

How to cook with salmon?

We offer to prepare Tartar sauce according to the following original recipe.

Composition of components:

  • salmon (fillet) - 350 gr.;
  • olive oil - 30 gr.;
  • red onion - 1;
  • wine vinegar - 15 gr.;
  • lemon juice - 15 gr.;
  • fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro) - according to taste preferences;
  • salt, pepper - according to taste preferences.

Pour vinegar into lemon juice. Chop the onion, pour lemon-vinegar marinade. Finely chopped greens mash with salt and pepper. Finely chop the fish fillet and pour over the onion marinade. Stir in herbs and olive oil.

Tips for making sauce at home

In order for the Tartar sauce marinade to come out tasty and refined like those of eminent chefs, to improve the quality and increase the nutritional value of dishes, it is worth remembering a few tricks:

  1. To prepare the marinade, it is better to take olive oil (if its presence is generally provided for in the recipe).
  2. Greens should be added to the general mixture just before use.
  3. Tartar is best stored in a glass container with a well-closing lid, in which it can be cooked immediately, so as not to shift later. So it can stand in the refrigerator from 2 to 6 days.
  4. Pickled or pickled cucumbers are best cut with a knife rather than chopped in a blender. The vegetables in the sauce should feel like chunks.
  5. It is recommended to serve Tartare for fish or seafood dishes. It will improve and give a special touch to their taste. But also the sauce is just as good for meat.
  6. Commercial sauce contains questionable preservatives and acids. Therefore, it is better to cook it yourself.