Salad with canned champignons. Salads with canned champignons. Salad "Festive" with canned mushrooms

In French, the word mushroom means champignon. We are familiar with champignon as one of the varieties of edible mushrooms, which was cultivated by people mainly in greenhouses intended for this. Although the fungus is found in the natural environment, too. The vast majority are meadows, vegetable gardens and rotting compost.

The French pioneered the cultivation of mushrooms at home in the 17th century. They used underground and basement areas as an ideal place to grow this variety of mushrooms, because they prefer to stay in moist and dark conditions during growth. Champignon has a significant role in cooking due to its relatively neutral taste. All kinds of dishes can be cooked with this mushroom - soups,. Champignon acts as an excellent base for sauces and dressings, the origin of which is French.

Anyone who strives to maintain a normal body weight can safely consume this mushroom, whose nutritional value is 27 kilocalories. it is used to prepare low-calorie salads.

  • 300 grams of canned champignons,
  • green onions - 100 grams,
  • a couple of potatoes
  • three chicken eggs
  • 100 g portion of Dutch cheese,
  • 300 g portion of boiled sausage and
  • 200 g sauce.

Sausage salad with canned champignons

We get the required ingredients:

  • 300 g portion of boiled sausages,
  • a portion of 200 g canned champignons,
  • 4 chicken eggs,
  • 100 g portion of Suluguni cheese and
  • mayonnaise for dressing - also 100 grams,
  • 50 ml of sunflower oil.

We first deal with opening a jar of champignons, filtering them and cutting them into small pieces. Then they must be fried using sunflower oil. cubed and fried. Hard-boiled chicken eggs are boiled, peeled and cut into cubes. Cheese is grinded on a grater.

This salad is laid out in several layers. First, we place on the dish a mass prepared from boiled sausage. Next, the mushroom layer follows. The final layer will be the egg mass. All layers are individually saturated with mayonnaise. The top of the salad is sprinkled with cheese.

What ingredients are needed for such a light and quick salad? For example, a salad with canned champignons, tender chicken breast and carrots is quite simply prepared.

Mushroom salad with chicken fillet and carrots

We will need:

  • . one can of canned mushrooms,
  • . 300-400 gr chicken fillet,
  • . four chicken eggs
  • . one bulb,
  • . carrot,
  • salt and herbs
  • 100g mayonnaise.
  1. Separately, boil the chicken fillet (it will take about 40 minutes), carrots (25-30 minutes), eggs (no more than 10 minutes).
  2. Cool food, cut into small cubes.
  3. Put chopped mushrooms, chicken, eggs, carrots into a deep bowl, mix, salt.
  4. Season with mayonnaise.

Add finely chopped onion - canned champignon salad with chicken is ready!

Mushroom salad with corn

Or a more festive option - champignon mushroom salad with canned corn, as in the photo:

  • a small can of canned mushrooms,
  • 300-400g chicken fillet,
  • four chicken eggs
  • one bulb,
  • canned sweet corn, salt and herbs,
  • mayonnaise.

Although the recipe is different, the cooking process is the same. Only here you can decorate a delicious salad in a festive way: put it in the form of a slide, sprinkle with greens on top; garnish with grated cheese or small white croutons. But do not add pungent spices - they will kill the delicate taste of champignons.

Simple and delicious mushroom salads

There are very simple recipes for canned champignons. For example, in a mushroom salad, for those who are on a diet, you can add low-fat grated cottage cheese and herbs. It turns out calorie-free, but nutritious and satisfying.

You can also prepare a layered salad or add lamb, fresh chopped radish instead of chicken, try it, you might like this option. Champignons in general, are the most popular culinary mushrooms, used in dishes all over the world. It goes very well with meat and fish, in salads and sauces, marinated and canned champignons.

Mushrooms, like vegetables, are not high in calories, their purpose is in a high content of vitamins, such as B, B1, B6, proteins and carbohydrates. Some of the mushrooms are the most powerful natural medicines on the planet.

Penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline - all come from mushroom extracts. About 100 species are being studied for digestive benefits, of which a dozen and a half are used to boost the immune system.

Scientists have found that replacing red meat with porcini mushrooms can help reduce weight. For example, obese people with an average age of just over 48 ate about one cup of mushrooms a day instead of meat. Three months later, weight loss was about 30%, health improved, immunity strengthened.

Which mushrooms do you prefer?

For cooking, you need to use only well-known mushrooms - porcini, boletus, champignons, boletus, mushrooms, chanterelles. For example, champignons will help not only preserve beauty and youth, but also lower blood cholesterol levels, increase the body's ability to fight cancer cells. They contain a number of medicinal stimulants and have been isolated and used to treat the stomach and protect the liver.

Much of the knowledge about mushrooms comes from ancient Chinese medicine, where mushrooms are regarded as tonics. Tonics are thought to have non-specific positive effects that do not diminish over time.

In addition to providing valuable nutrients, whole mushrooms also provide healthy dietary fiber, which is very important for digestive health. This is another reason to choose mushrooms.

However, mushrooms are known to concentrate heavy metals, pollution from air and water. Therefore, a critical factor is the cultivation of mushrooms in environmentally friendly conditions. And champignons are an ideal option, they can be grown in a greenhouse, in the open field, just in the garden.

It is assumed that the first salads, such as we cook them today, appeared in ancient times. Our ancestors collected them, dried them, mixed them with roots. Most likely, these were ancient Greek dishes. And the very concept of salad came a little later, from Europe.

Over time, the ingredients, names, methods of preparation, composition of seasonings have changed and added. Their popularity has only grown. After all, you can add your favorite products and a delicious salad will completely change. It will be appetizing and useful.

Today, unfortunately, few people are engaged in such a laborious process as picking mushrooms on their own. We are used to buying ready-made canned foods. But even here there is a plus - a big saving of time and effort. In addition, such a salad can be prepared regardless of the time of year and for almost any occasion - for the holiday, and just like that.


Since ancient times, dishes with mushrooms have been popular in Russia. They retain their popularity to this day. In our stores you can almost always find fresh champignons and oyster mushrooms, dried porcini and wild mushrooms, canned mushrooms (canned mushrooms are always available).

Preparing a salad from fresh mushrooms will take much more time, and sometimes there is nowhere to get it. Household will soon come, they need to be fed. There is no longer a long cooking time. Therefore, many housewives, when preparing salads with mushrooms, prefer canned mushrooms. Cooking from them is easier and faster, I took it out of the jar, cut it and it's ready. And the recipe for such salads is not very strict, you can move away from the "canonical" recipe and give free rein to your imagination. And the preparation of salads with fresh mushrooms is left for weekends or holidays.

And what mushrooms are our most "folk"? That's right, mushrooms. Here are some of them, only canned ones, we will prepare salads.

Vegetarian simple salad of canned champignons

Required Ingredients:

  • carrots in Korean - 200 gr.;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • hard cheese - 300 gr.;
  • medium chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • spices, pepper and salt - to your taste.

Cooking process:

Hard boil eggs, cool. Finely chop all the ingredients (except carrots), but do not mix yet. Three cheese on a fine grater.

We begin to collect our salad. Put the Korean carrots in the first layer. Layer onions, eggs, mushrooms and cheese on top. Each layer, based on your taste, is smeared with mayonnaise.

For those who do not like fresh onions, you can pre-soak them for 10 minutes in 6% vinegar or lightly fry them in a pan. You can substitute red onion if you like.

The finished salad should be allowed to soak by putting it in the refrigerator.

You can decorate the dish with lettuce leaves and fresh tomatoes, cut them beautifully, as well as boiled and figuredly carved carrots or beets. In a word, fantasize!

A simple salad of canned champignons and onions

Required Ingredients:

  • pickle;
  • canned champignons - 1 can (400 gr.);
  • bulb;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • leaf lettuce for decoration;
  • salt and pepper to your taste.

Cooking process:

Boil the potatoes until fully cooked and then cool. Cut all the ingredients into small cubes, mix, season with mayonnaise. If you like mayonnaise, add more than 2 tbsp. spoons, based on your taste needs. If you don’t like it at all or you can’t fast, replace it with vegetable or olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

Arrange the lettuce leaves on a platter and then carefully place the salad on top. Give any shape you want. And the look of the salad will turn out pretty, and the taste is delicate.

For decoration, put a couple of sprigs of any greenery.

Simple salad of chicken fillet and canned champignons

Required Ingredients:

  • medium piece of chicken fillet;
  • hard cheese - 250 gr.;
  • small chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • canned champignons - 400 gr.;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • spices;
  • pepper and salt - to your taste.

Cooking process:

Boil the chicken fillet until fully cooked and cool. Hard boil eggs. Cut the fillet into small pieces and mix with half of the mayonnaise. Finely chop mushrooms and eggs.

Finely chop the onion and fry until translucent.

We rub the cheese on a fine grater.

Now we can start assembling our salad. At the base of the salad bowl we put a layer of chicken meat, on top with layers of eggs, mushrooms, fried onions, cheese. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. Repeat all layers.

We let the salad soak, for which we put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

You can serve salad in one common dish. And you can serve in portions.

Even the most delicious salads on the festive table get bored sooner or later. Then it's time for culinary experiments. You should start them with salads with pickled champignons. Anyone who loves mushrooms in different forms will definitely like these snacks.

Ingredients: large chicken breast, 170 g marinated champignons, 4 boiled eggs, 130 g hard cheese, 80 g walnuts, a bunch of dill, salt, mayonnaise.

  1. Cheese is crushed using the smallest grater.
  2. Eggs are peeled and cut into miniature cubes.
  3. The fillet is boiled until cooked and cut into medium pieces.
  4. Walnuts are chopped into large crumbs.
  5. Mushrooms are randomly cut.
  6. The dill is finely chopped.
  7. All layers can be laid out arbitrarily. The main thing is that the chicken breast comes first, and the cheese last. Products are smeared with mayonnaise and salted.

Such a salad with marinated champignons and chicken is well infused before serving in the cold.

Ham Recipe

Ingredients: 370 g smoked-boiled ham, 170 g hard cheese, 2 small cans of pickled mushrooms (champignons), 6 boiled eggs, 2 boiled carrots, salt, light mayonnaise.

  1. The ham is cut into small sticks. The peel is removed from the boiled carrot, and the flesh is cut into miniature cubes.
  2. Mushrooms recline in a colander so that all the liquid is glassed. Large pieces are cut in half.
  3. Eggs are crushed with an egg cutter.
  4. The cheese is cut into cubes.

Salad with marinated champignons and ham is kneaded in a deep salad bowl, salted and poured with light mayonnaise.

Bishop's salad with beef

Ingredients: a standard jar of pickled champignons, 220 g of boiled beef, 3 boiled potato tubers, large carrots, fresh onions, 60 g of walnuts and butter, a couple of cloves of garlic, salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise.

  1. In butter, onion cubes are first fried, and then the vegetable, along with grated carrots.
  2. Boiled vegetables are cut into medium cubes.
  3. Ready cooled beef is disassembled into fibers.
  4. Prepared ingredients are combined in a bowl. Uncut mushrooms without liquid are sent to them, as well as nuts chopped with a sharp knife and crushed garlic.

The appetizer is seasoned with mayonnaise mixed with salt and pepper.

Delicious salad with cheese

Ingredients: 80 g of pickled mushrooms, a large fresh cucumber, 2 chicken eggs, 90 g of hard cheese, mayonnaise, a small bunch of fresh herbs, fine salt.

  1. The cucumber is peeled from the rough skin and cut into thin sticks. It is laid out in a salad bowl first.
  2. Small pieces of mushrooms without liquid are distributed on top, and a mayonnaise net is applied. Products are salted.
  3. Next is a layer of cubes of cheese and boiled eggs, crushed in a similar way. The grid of sauce and salt is repeated again.

This delicious salad with finely chopped greens is decorated with cheese. Instead, you can take any other ingredients to decorate the snack.

Salad with champignons and smoked chicken

Ingredients: 240 g marinated champignons, 360-390 g smoked chicken breast, 120 g hard cheese, 4-6 chicken eggs, onion, light mayonnaise or any other similar prepared sauce, table salt.

  1. Mushrooms are best taken immediately chopped. In this case, it remains just to drain the liquid from them and pour the product into a salad bowl. You need to lubricate it with your chosen sauce.
  2. Eggs are boiled, poured with cold water and boiled to a hard yolk. After cooling, the latter must be separated from the proteins and finely chopped with a knife. Proteins are crushed with a coarse grater - they will become the second layer of the snack.
  3. The chicken is laid out on top of a snow-white egg layer and a grid of sauce is drawn on it.
  4. Onion cubes are poured with boiling water for several minutes. This will save the vegetable from excess bitterness. Next, the onion is poured over the chicken.
  5. It remains to cover with grated cheese and chopped egg yolks.

The resulting mushroom and smoked chicken salad can be garnished with green onion feathers and canned sweet corn.

Mushroom salad with cod liver

Ingredients: a jar of cod liver (natural in oil), a standard jar of pickled champignons, onion, 5 pcs. potatoes boiled in their skins, 3 boiled chicken eggs, 5 small pickled cucumbers, large tomato, mayonnaise, garlic to taste, fine salt.

  1. The first step is to prepare the fish product. The cod liver is removed from the jar, the oil is drained from it. The product can be immediately laid out in a salad bowl, as it will become the first layer of snacks. It is not necessary to coat the liver with mayonnaise and salt. Ready-made canned food already has a very rich bright taste.
  2. The cooled potatoes, cut into strips, will be the next layer. It is generously covered in sauce. This product is salted to taste, as a layer of pickled cucumbers will follow. They are crushed into cubes.
  3. A mayonnaise net is also drawn on cucumbers.
  4. Next are small pieces of tomato and cubes of boiled eggs. These ingredients are well salted and smeared with sauce.
  5. The last layer of the appetizer will be pickled mushrooms fried with onions in any fat.

Chopped garlic can be added to mayonnaise to taste, which will make the sauce more piquant and interesting.

With meat and pickles

Ingredients: a can of canned mushrooms, 240 g of pork, 2 large pickled cucumbers, any spices to taste, table salt, aromatic oil.

  1. First you need to prepare the pork. The meat is boiled whole in salt water. You can also add bay leaf, pepper in a pot and any other ingredients you like to the liquid for taste and aroma. By the way, pork can be replaced with beef. The finished meat is cut into thin strips.
  2. Cucumbers are chopped into cubes or a medium cube. If desired, you can remove the skin from them.
  3. If the champignons are selected whole in the jar, then they are cut quite large. You can simply chop each fungus into 4 parts.

The appetizer is seasoned with salted fragrant oil. Any spices are added to taste. For example, a special mix for pork or beef.

Mushroom meadow with marinated champignons

Ingredients: 330 g pickled mushrooms (whole) and a similar amount of chicken fillet, 3 medium potatoes, 4 pcs. boiled chicken eggs, 180 g of hard cheese, mayonnaise, a small bunch of green onions and parsley, salt.

  1. Potatoes and chicken are boiled until tender, after which they are randomly chopped. It is best to cut the potatoes into small cubes, and tear the fillet into fibers.
  2. Mushrooms must be selected whole. It is they who become the first layer of snack when laying it out. Mushrooms are located with hats down.
  3. Chopped greens mixed with mayonnaise and salt are distributed on top.
  4. On the green layer are grated boiled eggs and sauce again.
  5. Next comes: grated cheese, chicken, potatoes. All layers are smeared with mayonnaise, salted to taste and pressed down well with a spoon.

Having decided to cook a hearty dish with mushrooms, you should think about the rest of the ingredients. So, for example, champignons, the salad of which is unusually tasty, goes well with vegetables, rice, beans, potatoes. Moreover, the use of beans and cereals gives the dish not only a unique taste, but also helps to increase its satiety several times. As a result of this fact, mushroom salad can often replace a full meal.

The simplest recipes for universal dishes (such as raw mushroom salad) are designed for an inexperienced housewife and in most cases consist only in proper cleaning and cutting of vegetables. Their advantage is that they can be prepared extremely quickly (this will undoubtedly save in case of a sudden visit of guests), and it is also allowed to experiment with the ingredients by adding your own. For example, even fish is sometimes put in a salad with pickled champignons, thus creating a unique culinary masterpiece.

Change the combinations of products, the principles of serving on the table, and the household will be satisfied!

However, you need to remember that puff salad should be put in the refrigerator for several hours so that the vegetables turn out juicier.

There are more than 500 recipes for dishes (celery and mushroom salad or pineapple salad). We will analyze the most simple to prepare, but no less tasty.

Recipe #1

To make the champignon salad less high-calorie, it is recommended to use not chicken thighs and drumsticks, but breast or fillet. Be sure to remove the skin from them. Such a dish will be appropriate for the New Year's table or a family holiday.

For pickled champignon salad, according to the recipe, you will need:

  • Fresh mushrooms - 300 g.,
  • Potatoes - 4 - 5 pieces,
  • Chicken meat - 500 g.,
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 - 3 pieces,
  • Fresh herbs (dill, onion)
  • Mustard mixture - 2 - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • Spices.

To make a salad with champignons, you must first prepare all the ingredients.

We send the fillet of poultry (chicken) to boil in lightly salted water. Then we take out the meat, cool it and cut it into small cubes. Some housewives like not to cut the meat, but manually tear the fillet into fibers and crumble it in this form. You can do as you please. We wash the champignons in several waters, clean, remove all dirt and chop into slices. We put them in a separate container. Potatoes are boiled in the skin, cooled and only then peeled, cut into cubes. If possible, ensure that all ingredients are cut into equal-sized pieces. Pickled cucumbers, greens are also crushed.

Now we take a deep salad bowl, put all the chopped vegetables and mushrooms into it. Sprinkle greens on top. Can be seasoned with sauce. To do this, mix sour cream with mustard, add salt, pepper. Salad with chicken and champignons is ready to serve!

Recipe #2

Salad with fried champignons is another incredibly tasty mushroom dish that can be prepared even after work in the evening! Moreover, despite the frying, it remains one of the dietary ones. Vegetarians will also like this dish, because there is absolutely no meat in it!

Fresh champignon salad, the recipe of which is incredibly simple, will require the following products:

  • Bulgarian pepper (medium size) - 3 pieces,
  • Zucchini (medium) - 1 - 2 pieces,
  • Eggplant (medium size) - 1 - 2 pieces,
  • Champignons - 340 - 440 g.,
  • Sour cream 15 - 20% - 1 - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • Vegetable (or olive) oil - 3 tbsp. l.

This recipe is more suitable for vegetarians, but you can add white meat, and you get a hearty salad with fried champignons and chicken.

Preliminary preparation consists in removing the bitterness from the eggplant, which can spoil the whole taste of the dish. To do this, soak them in salt water for 30 minutes. Then peel the eggplant and zucchini from the skin. Cut them into small cubes. Place the chopped vegetables in a preheated pan and fry in a small amount of oil. After some time (15 - 25 minutes), add chopped mushrooms, which were also washed and cleaned beforehand. Sprinkle with spices to taste, salt. Fry until fully cooked.

Finely chop the greens (onion and dill), bell pepper. We put everything in a deep salad bowl. We put the fried mushrooms next. Season with store-bought or homemade sauces, or limit yourself to sour cream.

Salad with fresh champignons fried in oil, ready to eat!

Recipe #3

This salad with pickled champignons has a very interesting design and belongs to the puff. It will come in handy at any children's holiday. Despite the simplicity of the salad recipe, its appearance is amazing. But it should be remembered that only champignons with legs and whole caps are suitable for decoration. How to cook chicken salad with champignons?

Would need:

  • Chicken meat (can be replaced with smoked breast) - 550 - 600 g,
  • Eggs - 4 pieces,
  • Whole canned mushrooms - 400 g,
  • Young potatoes - 2 - 4 pieces,
  • Carrots - 2 pieces,
  • Cucumbers - 3 pieces,
  • Cheese - 50 - 100 g.,
  • Fresh herbs - small bunches of parsley, onion and dill.
  • Mayonnaise - packaging.

Potatoes, carrots, fillets and eggs are dipped in a saucepan filled with water. We put it on the stove to boil. During this time, you can "lay the foundation" of the future puff salad. We cut the mushrooms and put the hats down to the very bottom in a deep container. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle on top.

We cut the boiled meat and eggs into cubes, pass the carrots through a medium grater, and three cheese on a smaller one. Potatoes can also be grated or cut into pieces.

Now we distribute the prepared ingredients in the chicken breast and champignon salad in the following order:

  • Chicken.
  • Carrot.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Potato.

Each layer should be generously greased with mayonnaise. After the potatoes are laid out, tightly cover with a lid or plastic wrap and leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. During this time, all layers will have time to soak in mayonnaise and become juicy. Now you need to very carefully turn the container with puff salad over the plate upside down so that the mushrooms that were placed on the very bottom are on top. Dish with chicken breast and champignons is ready!

No less interesting is the option with fresh mushrooms. Salad with raw champignons will be especially tasty.

Recipe #4

One of the most favorite combinations of many housewives is cheese and mushrooms. Salad with champignons and cheese is quite budgetary. If possible, it is best to buy pickled mushrooms. Dressing sauce can be purchased at the store or just use mayonnaise (sour cream).

Would need:

  • Mushrooms - 300 g.,
  • Cheese or cheese product - 300 - 340 g.,
  • Eggs - 4 - 6 pieces,
  • fresh greens,
  • Spices.

Mushrooms are cut into small pieces, placed on the bottom of the plate. Fresh greens (onion feathers, parsley, dill) are washed, chopped. Cheese cut into cubes or rubbed on a grater. We send the products to the bowl to the mushrooms. Boil the eggs in salted water (about 5 - 12 minutes), cool and also cut. We put it in a container with the rest of the components. Season with sauce or sour cream, mix thoroughly. Salt, pepper and other spices are added to taste.

It is best served in portioned glasses. Salad with pickled champignons is ready!

Recipe number 5

Beans are one of the most satisfying foods. Salad with canned champignons and legumes satisfies hunger instantly! But it is better not to eat such dishes at night.

Would need:

  • Mushrooms - 200 g.,
  • Beans - 200 g.,
  • Cheese product - 100 g.,
  • Carrots - 1 - 2 pieces,
  • Vegetable oil - 2 - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Spices.

Salad of mushrooms (champignons) will require careful preparation of the ingredients.

Peel the onion and cut into small half rings. Carrots are washed and rubbed on a medium grater. We send both ingredients to a heated pan. Next, fry them in vegetable oil until the onion becomes transparent. Cool and spread the mixture at the very bottom of the plate. Carefully open canned mushrooms and beans and drain excess liquid from jars. We send products to a salad bowl with onions and carrots. Cheese cut into cubes or three on a grater. We also send it to a container with salad. Salt, pepper, pour mayonnaise or sour cream. We mix.

Salad of canned champignons, it remains only to serve!

Recipe #6

Although most recipes use pickled or canned champignons, fresh ones have the best taste. They give the dish a unique forest smell. Therefore, a salad of fresh champignons should appear on the table of a hospitable hostess.

Would need:

  • Chicken fillet - 200 - 340 g.,
  • Tomatoes - 2 - 3 pieces,
  • Mushrooms - 5 - 6 pieces,
  • Leaf lettuce - 2 - 4 leaves,
  • Cheese "Mozzarella" or any other - 100 - 220 g.,
  • Cucumbers - 1 piece,
  • Lemon juice,
  • Spices.

This is an incredibly easy salad to make.

The fillet is washed, cut into small pieces and stewed in vegetable oil. Vegetables and mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned, washed in running water. Tomatoes are blanched, i.e. remove the skin, then cut into cubes together with cucumbers. Mushrooms are best chopped into slices or slices. Finely chop or grate the mozzarella.

We put the products in a salad bowl. Since this is a layered salad, it is necessary to spread it out in “floors”.

Fresh vegetables are sent to the very bottom. Next is the fried chicken. And at the very top - mushrooms. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese. Season with oil and lemon juice (it is allowed to add sour cream or mayonnaise instead of oil). Salt, pepper, optionally use other spices to taste. Chicken breast salad is ready!

Recipe number 7

Some people consider the combination of champignons with ham to be a royal salad. Moreover, an important ingredient - prunes - gives a special flavor note here. Dried fruits set off a salad with chicken and canned champignons in a special way, so it will undoubtedly be popular among guests.

Would need:

  • Smoked chicken breast - 300 - 450 g.,
  • Egg - 5 - 7 pieces,
  • Potatoes - 5 - 6 pieces,
  • Cheese product - 300 g.,
  • Mushrooms - 170 - 200 g.,
  • Carrots - 1 - 2 pieces,
  • Ham (you can use sausage or meat) - 150 - 200 g,
  • Dried fruits (prunes) - 50 - 130 g.,
  • Walnuts,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • fresh greens,
  • Spices.

Salad with pickled champignons (or canned) and ham is prepared according to the following instructions.

Boil carrots and potatoes in one container, cool and peel. Hard-boiled chicken eggs are boiled in a separate pan. Mushrooms are thoroughly washed and dipped in salted boiled water. Leave for 5 minutes. After drain the water. Cool the mushrooms, cut into cubes, fry in oil until a delicious golden brown.

While the mushrooms continue to fry, prepare the rest of the products.

Chicken breast, ham (or sausage), potatoes are carefully cut into cubes or sticks. The cheese is rubbed on a medium grater. Prunes are finely chopped. Walnuts are ground in a mortar.

Spread the ingredients in a layered salad as follows.

  • 1st layer: half grated cheese, eggs, potatoes. Grease with mayonnaise. Sprinkle a little with chopped nuts.
  • 2nd: chicken meat, sausage, mushrooms, prunes.
  • 3rd: walnuts.
  • 4th: potatoes. Coat with mayonnaise.
  • 5th: eggs.
  • 6th: grated cheese. Drizzle again with mayonnaise.

In conclusion, generously sprinkle with nuts and chopped fresh herbs.

We put in a cool place for 2 - 3 hours. Now the salad with smoked chicken and champignons can be served at the festive table.

Recipe number 8

An unusual combination of products boasts a salad with champignons and corn. Not only tasty, but also bright, it is best suited to the New Year's table. The richness and sophistication of the salad will please even the most picky culinary critic.

Would need:

  • Carrots - 200 g.,
  • Chicken fillet (preferably smoked) - 240 g.,
  • Mushrooms - 340 g.,
  • Eggs - 2 - 3 pieces,
  • Corn fresh or canned - 350 g.,
  • Onions - 1 - 2 pieces,
  • Spices,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream.

It takes very little time to prepare this salad with champignons.

Boil the eggs, cool and finely chop. We clean the champignons, carrots and onions, cut them into cubes and send them to a heated frying pan. Fry for about 10 - 13 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from fire, cool. We cut the chicken.

Open the corn and drain off the liquid before adding to the salad.

We mix all the prepared ingredients of the dish in a large salad bowl. Put spices, season with mayonnaise. It is advisable to decorate the top with a sprig of fresh herbs.

Salad with chicken breast and corn is best served in portioned plates or wine glasses.


These are just a few mushroom salads, the recipe of which is simple. They can be prepared with mushrooms and a little time. All of them do not require the hostess to cook for a long time, which will undoubtedly be a significant plus. Each salad is cooked on average for about half an hour. A short time, especially if you urgently need to cook a delicious dish, and there are not so many products at hand. The same raw champignon salad will not leave anyone indifferent, you just have to approach cooking with intelligence and enthusiasm.

Try, experiment, add some other ingredients - this will make your dish special and unique!
