A dish of eggplant zucchini and tomatoes. Simple dishes of zucchini and eggplant. Greek vegetable stew

Who is now the representative of the Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood in Russia July 31st, 2012

The question came to our website: “Who is the representative of the Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood in Russia now, since they say that “The Summit Lighthouse has this right?”

I think in order to answer this question it is necessary to understand what the Hierarchy of Light is and what requirements it imposes on its representatives.

The Hierarchy of Light consists of Steps of certain levels of development of consciousness. The connection between these "steps" is provided by the laws of guidance. “The cosmic hierarchical scheme includes the Solar Logoi, the Elohim, the Sons and Daughters of God, the Ascended and Unascended Masters with their surrounding chelas, the Cosmic Beings, the twelve solar hierarchies, the Archangels and angels of the sacred fire, the children of Light, the nature spirits called elementals, and the twin flames Alpha-Omega polarities, patronizing planetary and galactic systems.

The Hierarchy is a universal chain of individualized God-free beings embodying the attributes and aspects of the infinite Self-Being of God, through which the Universal Mind manifests. Therefore, the Hierarchy of Light is not limited to any group of people.

Representatives of the Hierarchy on earth, according to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, are all those who follow the path of Christ perfection, embodying the Divine virtues and fulfilling the requirements of the Brotherhood. Each member of the Brotherhood occupies a certain place in the hierarchical chain according to the ladder of achievements. Members of the Hierarchy of Light can be outside or inside different spiritual organizations and it is not at all necessary that such an organization should be exactly the “Summit Lighthouse” or even the Summit Lighthouse. Although there is an opinion among some ignorant students that supposedly the above two organizations are now the only authorized representatives of the Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood. They do not understand that everything depends on the level of spiritual achievement of each member of the above organizations and their submission to the requirements of the Ascended Masters. Worthy representatives of heaven were the Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood, and it was they who had the right to speak on behalf of this Hierarchy.

Order is the first law of heaven, and according to this order, the light of the Great Central Sun is released, which, on its way to our point in time and space, goes through all the links in the chain of the Hierarchy before reaching the earth. Therefore, if someone wanted to take a higher position in the chain of hierarchy, he could do it only by raising the level of his own consciousness, passing the appropriate tests and initiations, under the guidance of the Guru - the Ascended Master.

"Layers of the aura, filled with light, mark the levels of initiation - beginner, aspirant, follower, student, adept, and so on through the hierarchical ladder" (6). But without the passed initiations, without confirmation of the conduction of a certain amount of light through the layers of the aura, without gaining unity with the hierarchy, it is impossible to occupy any high level in its chain, and even more so to represent it. Here it is appropriate to recall the stubbornness of Korah, who demanded the priesthood for himself and for his loved ones, which neither he nor his loved ones were worthy.

“When Korah demanded from Moses the priesthood for himself, many Levites supported him. Then Moses ordered that Korah and his supporters take censers and burn incense before the Lord: "... and whomever the Lord chooses, he will be holy." At the same time, Moses condemned the rebels for their disobedience to God and their claims to the priesthood (Numbers 16:5-11). When Korah and his accomplices, 250 in all, approached the entrance to the tabernacle, the glory of the Lord appeared to the assembled Israelites; it was only through the intercession of Moses and Aaron that God did not begin to destroy the whole people (vv. 16-22). The Israelites were commanded to withdraw from the habitations of Korah, Dathan, and Abiron (v. 23 et seq.), whereupon the rebels, with all their possessions, were swallowed up in the open ground (v. 31-33). And those 250 people who “brought incense” were destroyed by fire by the will of God (v. 35)” (7).

So, we see that the posts of God are distributed not at will, sponsors of higher organizations, and even more so not through elections, by which the Coordinating Team of the Summit Lighthouse was created. The members of this Team, according to the law and order of the hierarchy, each take their well-deserved place in the chain from the "newcomer" or "applicant". And this place does not depend on the time of arrival in the Teaching, and even more so on the time of arrival in an organization created by people, such as the "Top Lighthouse". Spiritual achievements are acquired through the experience of many incarnations.

Of course, the name of the organization "Summit Lighthouse" (Summit Lighthouse) coincides with the name of the organization that El Morya created together with other Ascended Masters, but after 1996 the leaders of this organization refused to fulfill the requirements of the Ascended Masters, in connection with which the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood E .K.Profet announced that

“Morya states: “Those who supported the Code of Conduct of the Brotherhood had contact with me through the Messenger. First of all, this connection gave protection. And these bonds of protection were possible because you upheld the Code of Conduct.”

Under the new standards, El Morya can no longer maintain a balance of protection for the Society and its members. The new standards do not allow El Morya to be responsible for the loss of light and sacred fire by members of this organization ...

And from now on, each member of the organization must play his own "chess game" (8).

This document indicates that now neither in Russia nor in America there is an organization that would represent the Great White Brotherhood, because in order to be a representative of such a high spiritual order, one must follow the standards of the Code of Conduct of the Great White Brotherhood, which in 1996 representatives of the Summit Lighthouse and the Church Universal and Triumphant, refused to support.

So, along with the refusal to follow the Code of Conduct prescribed by the Brotherhood, with the retirement of the Messenger due to illness, the Summit Lighthouse lost all right to speak on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood, and, therefore, to be their representatives on earth. And since the Russian organization “Vershny Mayak” follows the American “brothers” in everything, it cannot be a representative of the Hierarchy of Light either.

“Society can rise when standards are upheld. When the standards are leveled, the whole civilization goes down in a downward spiral. Therefore, let there be room for those who want to increase their human qualities, and let there be room for those who seek to increase their Christhood” (9).

Each of us has a choice left by the Brotherhood: either voluntarily submit to the discipline of the Ascended Masters, so that all those who sincerely desire to know God and experience existence as life, truth and love, succeed in gradually increasing the awareness of themselves as God; or follow the rules of the "renewed" organizations that have moved away from unity with the Brotherhood, refusing to uphold its standards.

The 1996 edition of the Dogma of the Church Universal and Triumphant states: "The Ascended Masters and the most faithful of their unascended disciples are members of a spiritual brotherhood known as the Great White Brotherhood." The Great White Brotherhood is a spiritual order of the Hierarchy, an organization of Ascended Masters united for the higher purposes of the brotherhood of humanity under the guidance of God. The word white does not refer to a race, but to the white Christ light that surrounds the saints and sages of all ages, from every nation ascended to be numbered among the immortals. ” Only a small part of the unascended who are devoted to the chelas of the Ascended Masters belongs to this spiritual order. And as we see from the definition, membership in the Brotherhood is achieved not through an elected position or any appointment at the will of a person, but through one's own spiritual achievements in accordance with the will of God.

I believe that the words "most faithful" mean loyalty to God, not to man. In the Bible, the words “faithful” and “fidelity” mean “truth” and “truth”, the same meaning of the word is given by the Masters in dictations. Therefore, an unascended chela can become a member of the spiritual order of the Brotherhood, who is steadfast in his promises and obligations, according to the Law of the Hierarchy and is in kinship with true and righteousness.

Therefore, representatives of the Great White Brotherhood now are individual chelas who fulfill the Code of Conduct of the Brotherhood, are the true chelas of one of the Ascended Masters and have high spiritual achievements.

We have the patronage of the Great White Brotherhood, which we receive through the line of the Ruby Ray from Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, Padma Sambhava, Guru Ma. We have El Morya and the members of the Great Brotherhood who demand that we focus our efforts on pleasing God and not man. "And from now on, each member of the organization must play his own "chess game". This is the key to understanding that the former Summit Lighthouse organization has lost its "birthright".

E.K.Profet in his address “On the dispensation of the “connecting thread” and the Code of Conduct” emphasizes that “Each of us must realize that we ourselves are a living Church. The three-petal flame of the Church burns on the altar of our hearts. There is no other Church than that which embodies the three-petaled flame. Each of us can assert our right to become a living Church and proclaim: there is no Church without me. Because the Church is not a building that we build with our hands, but the living Presence of God in us.”

This statement of the Mother also makes it clear that the true chelas should not follow the representatives of the earthly Church, Universal and Triumphant, who also lowered the standards of the Brotherhood and lost their original assigned role, but the True Servants of God in the person of the Ascended Masters, who show the true path to God.

Therefore, no matter what members of the Summit Lighthouse Coordinating Team declare about themselves, their statements are not supported by anything and are the fruit of their own imagination, which has nothing to do with the opinion of the Ascended Masters.

Berdnikov Antonida, at the request of the Great White Brotherhood and on his behalf.



2. "Course of Alchemy" Saint Germain

3. "Chela and the Way" by El Morya

4. Mahatma Letters

5. Volume 3 No. 5 Beloved Lord Maitreya January 29, 1960

6. "Human Aura" Jwal Kul

7. "The Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia" Rinecker F., Mayer

8. "On the dispensation of the "connecting thread" and the Code of Conduct" E.K.Profet 1997

Without forcing the will, They invisibly and patiently direct every suitable thought and strength for the benefit. The Forces of Light observe human actions, giving direction, but not intruding into life. The brothers of humanity plan the way for everything approved by evolution. All lines of thought come from this Source.
Here is what the Mahatmas say about themselves: "Our souls, cares and labors are expressed in sending thoughts to improve life. The most powerful thoughts fly from our Abode. We constantly send thoughts so that they, like arrows, awaken the consciousness of humanity. From our Abode we we sow the seeds of the Common Good in all parts of the World.Our thoughts produce evolution in the most diverse countries.We are accustomed to very unexpected successors, this is how thoughts are born in different parts of the world.
Often scientists receive impulses as if by chance. Our mental sendings fly all over the world. We are not stingy and sow in space.The space is full of different ideas. We saturate space with the course of evolution.
The great task of our actions is to help humanity in the shifts of consciousness. The shift of thought is the main healer of mankind. Therefore, our mission is to bring consciousness to a shift. We are directing all our efforts towards the revival of the spirit - in this fiery transmutation lies the key of our work. We are absorbed in the essence of the matter. The heart of the matter is our goal. Such an essence will be the transformation of consciousness. Like sculptors. We are working to process the most inert places of human necrosis.
Many times We have been in your cities, You cannot call Us departed from the World. We used to have steamship tickets and costumes from different countries. We had different names and appeared when circumstances urgently required.
At different times We appeared in Western cities - in Lyon, in Nuremberg, in the area not far from London, not far from St. Petersburg and in Italy. Thus, besides the Ashrams of the East and the Egyptians, We must have strongholds in some great cities. The fight against the forces of darkness caused the need for many measures. We do not leave the Abode, and only in the Thin Body We are at long distances.

We are called the World Government. People are afraid of such names, but they themselves willingly pray to the Highest Concept and are ready to accept His hand.And if there is an invisible dark government, then how could the Government of Light not exist!
More often than people think. The Invisible Government announced its decisions. It is possible to collect a whole series of historical events based on the phenomena of warnings and prescriptions; a series of events from antiquity to the present day, which were, as it were, links of a guiding thought. In these fiery illuminations there is a whole inter-world system. You can delve into the facts of history to understand the wisdom of construction.
How different the presentation of history would be if all true causes and motives were revealed!Unexpected figures would come forward. In the place of kings and rulers, they would see faces left in the shadows. Some of them are not noticed due to ignorance, but others have remained invisible according to the law of the Brotherhood. Many events develop outside of human logic.The so-called rulers are often only symbols, decisions are made beyond their understanding. Our Hand works closely.
The Brotherhood is making every effort to pacify the nations. The brothers are ready to carry out a heavy service, warning in time the persons on whom the fate of nations depends. They do not spare their strength to be in time to bring the message. They carry the Light that the forces of darkness are trying to put out. But the sowing of the seeds of goodness does not dry up, and in the days of the predestined seeds will sprout.
We, the Brothers of Humanity, are straining our energies to sustain the planet. We are on constant watch. We have timed Our entire existence to the state of watch. The Brotherhood is not a refuge, but a Beacon of Light, like a Watchtower. Those standing on the Eternal Watch direct the Rays of Light, straining all their strength. The Brotherhood, like a beacon on a high rock, puts its knowledge to the salvation of mankind. The tension in which the Forces of Light are saving the planet is unimaginable.
Humanity is ill with terrible ulcers, and We have to expend the supply of bloody sweat for correction, and in this tension the Hierarchy of Light creates. Bloody sweat covers Our forehead."


The White Brothers, bearing the weight of the Earth, are like the symbol of the giant Atlas. The legend of the Giant holding the Earth is not superstition, but the memory of the One who took responsibility for the Earth.
It is possible through consciousness to take on the consequences of someone else's karma. One can accept the karma of the collective, so the name of the Redeemer will not be a superstition. Drink the poison of the world. This symbol comes from the legends of antiquity. We see him in Egypt, in Greece, Shiva himself reminds of him. A number of Redeemers take upon themselves the cup of poison.
The breath of the Mother of the World, the Giants holding the burden, and the Redeemers who accepted the cup - these three images arose around one law. For those who know, Redeemers are not hidden by golden robes.


Now one can understand the magnitude of the Great Sacrifice offered and still being offered by these true Saviors of mankind. They vowed to endure the battle with the hierophant of evil and remain with suffering humanity on Earth until the end of its existence. Their main forces are now going into a gigantic battle with the dark, destructive worlds in the Subtle World and on Earth.

Sequel to "Prince of Darkness (The Legend of Lucifer)"(in the book stands in front of the "Great White Brotherhood")

Annie Besant


Theosophical Publishing House

Adyar, 1931

If you could take a look at the prehistoric period, still obscured by legends and myths, and delve into the darkness of the past, not even illuminated by legends and myths, into the distant night of time, into the beginning of humanity on our planet, you could then see how the sparkling a golden cloud is descending on Earth from a distant planet - the planet you know as Shukra and which we in the West call Venus.
From that distant planet came a radiant cloud, a cloud of fire and light, and as it passed through the atmosphere, the clouds in the sky dissipated in its path; a fiery cloud resembling some kind of gigantic celestial bird gently descended to the earth and settled on an island - the White Island, as it is called in the Puranas - on the island where the sacred city of Shamballa was later built. The cloud of flame came and stayed there; transported by him like a fiery chariot, shining Beings descended. The Sons of Fire, the Lords of Flame, came to this planet as direct messengers of the Logos, Ishvara; They came to help our infant humanity, to guide its uncertain progress along the path of evolution.

Human reverence and human wonder have given many names to these progenitors of the White Lodge to reflect the marvelous life with which those mighty Beings were filled. In the Puranas They are called the four Kumaras, virgin youths; sometimes we meet the name of Shiva Kumara, sometimes other names; but the names are not so important here, because They are above all the names that human language can sound. In these ancient, very ancient times, perhaps about sixteen million years ago, They lived where was the White Island, once washed by the great sea that stretched north to the Arctic Ocean, and now the Gobi desert. This sea disappeared after a powerful earthquake, which also turned the African Sea into the Sahara Desert and increased the area of ​​the Gobi Desert. The sandy spaces swallowed up the remnants of the cyclopean buildings that towered there some fifty or more thousand years ago, and the fragments of the ruined temples, magnificent even in ruins, and the city next to them, once connected to the island by a wonderful bridge stretching over the water. Now they are below the level of the dunes and have long since disappeared into the desert sands.

Because They were the Founders of the White Lodge, Them are spoken of in occult records as the root of a burgeoning banyan tree, and no symbol could be more graphic or more accurate. Look at the mighty tree under which you sit; in the center you see a huge trunk that has been slowly growing since the tree began to grow; from that central trunk come large, far-reaching branches, and from time to time roots descend from the branches and fix themselves below in the soil. Thus, a new center of constant growth of the tree is formed. There is a center of the life of the world, reminiscent of the central stem of a banyan tree, and the offshoots of the Occult Hierarchy are like overgrown branches extending from the center where their source and home are; from time to time sending their roots down to the earth: a new religion is founded, and a new center of spiritual life is formed on earth. Thus, constantly growing and expanding, constantly becoming stronger and more powerful, the great banyan tree of the White Lodge spreads its branches throughout the world, and the peoples of the earth, generation after generation, take refuge under their protection.

So amazingly the Great White Lodge, Mentor and Preserver of Humanity, began its existence. When nation after nation was formed, when families formed tribes, and tribes formed nations, miniature copies of the Center-Lodge were gradually created on all continents as the center of civilization and learning.

Transport yourself mentally to distant Atlantis, to where the waves of the Atlantic now roll, but where once there was a mighty continent; to the largest city on the continent, to the capital of the vast Toltec empire, to the City of the Golden Gate. There the White Emperor, the son of a divine dynasty, ruled, and there the Messengers of the Lodge created an amazing civilization, higher than that was yet on earth. If you follow the spreading offshoots of that center, you will see the creation of kingdom after kingdom, empire after empire.
They were known by Egypt with its amazing civilization, which, according to Bunsen,
appeared on the historical stage fully formed, with no past to explain it - like Pallas Athena from the head of Zeus. See how powerful the Egyptian buildings are, even modern engineers look with amazement at their ruins, and explain how at that time people were able to lift the huge stones placed above the gigantic columns of their temples;
look at their knowledge, called the "wisdom of Egypt", at their happy civilization, at their divine dynasties, at their pre-Aryan pharaohs, at their extraordinary knowledge of the invisible worlds and at their science of the visible world. From the East
move your attention west of Atlantis and look at the empire where Mexico is now fighting, a reproduction of Egypt already ancient when the Aztecs destroyed it. See South America, the remains of an ancient grandeur and the last beautiful relics of its exquisite culture, destroyed by the bloody invasion of the Spanish hordes. And if you look at our peninsula of Hindustan in the days when the Himalayas had just risen, lifting their mighty peaks into the blue sky, you will see to the south of their foot the land that has risen from the depths of the ocean. You will see a lot of impenetrable swamps, unsuitable for human habitation, and how they are drained, covered with vegetation suitable for human habitation. You will see numerous bands of Toltecs descending through the Himalayan passes and flooding the Indian plains; they build beautiful cities, they build huge fortresses, they form a splendid civilization - a civilization described in the Puranas as "Daityas who fell into decay" and gave way under the onslaught of a younger and stronger Aryan race, "long-faced barbarians from the north".

Thus, glancing at a history that seems so far away to you,
- and it is really far away - answer, what is the main point that is available in any empire when you carefully look at it? And magnificent culture, and amazing architecture, and the control of the forces of nature - all come from the divine monarchs, founders and rulers of nations, whose grandiose figures appear indistinctly through the mists of time, from those who were sent by the White Lodge to form the civilization of the infant world.
They were not savages - people who built gigantic buildings, the ruins of which
secretly tell us about the architectural genius who built them. They were not savages - the builders of cities in Chaldea, located one below the other - when the previous city went into a foggy past, it turned out to be buried under another, which began to be built in the same place. And in the lowest of them, deep under the surface of the earth, huge passages of libraries were filled with thousands of volumes telling about the thoughts, laws, knowledge of people who lived in those days incredibly distant from us. They were not savages - those who, in much less ancient Europe, erected the huge structures of Stonehenge,
balancing these strange rocking stones with such professional precision that a child could rock them with one finger, and at the same time they would not be knocked over by a giant's push. These tangible witnesses of a past that has long since vanished hold convincingly in eternity the knowledge that made them who they are.

About China - as yet generally unknown to the Western explorer because of its vast extent - I was told by a traveler who visited the center of the country for geological exploration and saw some of the wonders of this ancient land. He spoke of a bridge whose age no one knows, made of marble slabs so huge that he, an American, familiar with the achievements of his country in terms of machines - and here American engineers were ahead of everyone - could not find any explanation for how these slabs were processed and stacked in such a structure. In one of the old books of China that has been translated into English, known as "The Standard of Purity" (one of the finest gems of translated Chinese literature), you will find an ancient tradition that came from the West and was passed down by word of mouth until it was written by Ko Yuan: "I received this from the divine Ruler of eastern Hua; he received it from the divine Ruler of the Golden Gate; he received it from the divine Mother of the West.” The name "City of the Golden Gate" was given later to the capitals after the first remarkable city was known by this striking name, but even the youngest - and last - of these capitals of Central Atlantis was already ancient when ancient Greece arose; and a long tradition, preserved from millennium to millennium, shows how great was its glory, imprinted in the minds of generations.

When we come to later days, the times of the fifth root-race, the heir of the fourth, we find that similar care is taken, as they say, of her birth and her childhood - the divine Rulers raised her, and the divine Masters taught her. When we read the most august Legislator known as Vaivaswata Manu; we read the respected compiler of scriptures for the people, known as Vyasa; we read many other rishis, known by various names, appearing from time to time, from generation to generation, always carrying the same message, teaching the next generations the same as they taught the previous ones - all
these Hindu texts tell us about divine Rulers. What Hindu heart will not be filled with reverence, admiration, devotion, when the delightful story of Sri Rama, the ideal monarch, the ideal son, divine in His nature, mighty in His reign, beautiful in His masculinity, legislator and ruler, shines in it in Sanskrit?

And so not only in India, but also in other countries where various offshoots of the Aryan race settled and spread throughout the world. All of them carry with them the memory of the divine Rulers; they all speak of divine Teachers, the founders of their religions; they all speak of powerful heroes, of the demigods who ruled and taught them in those days of old. This universal tradition testifies to the days when the gods walked with people, ruled them, instructed them, which means that there were great ideals that did not disappear, but continue to enchant and delight the hearts of people. Just think, if the monarchical form of government would still show its amazing charm, even among nations that consider themselves to be at the forefront of civilization and exalt their own enlightenment, the name of the monarch would still remain so sacred and so dear - in spite of many who have tarnished and disfigured it, in spite of those who dishonored and devalued it - were it not for the memory of the Monarchs, divine in Their love and wisdom, divine in Their power and justice, who so enchanted people that we still love the monarchy so that even in Are our times ready to bow in reverence to the one who wears the crown? If you want to understand how fruitless all the talk against the monarchy is, and how useless it is to try to belittle the ideal that rules the hearts of nations, if you want to understand how weak and frivolous everything that is said against it, then fast forward only a few years back to that the time when Victoria, queen and empress, walked through the streets of London to St. Paul's Cathedral to express gratitude for the many years during which she held the scepter of the empire, and look at the street crowded with men and women from all parts of the empire; and in that respect for nations, in the great waves of love, almost adoration, that filled that majestic era, you will understand that the monarchy is something more than a constitutional convenience, something more than parliamentary approval, and that the truth is that the monarch governs by divine right and is for people a symbol of divine power. And a tradition coming from nations ruled by actual monarchs:

"People come first."

I have mentioned not only the Monarchs as messengers of the White Lodge, but also the Masters and Founders of the world's religions. Since religion has a heavenly beginning, a person who continuously seeks God receives a result from the great White Lodge, which is the center of divine life on earth. What is religion? Religion is not a mass of dogmas that can be learned by heart and mindlessly put into practice; it is not a set of ceremonies for priests to speak before the people; and they are not even scriptures, but something sublime, something inspiring, something precious. Religion is the appeal of the human spirit to the Life that produced it; it is the appeal of the little self, bewildered by earthly problems, to the higher self, of which it is a reflection; it is the search for God by the human heart, expressed in the words of a Jewish poet: “As a deer desires to streams of water, so my soul desires You, O God!” (Psalm 41:2 - approx. per.) This is the constant pursuit of divinity by mankind, and it will continue until man drinks the living water in the realization of God.

Many of the religions of the world are the answers of the Elder Brothers, telling infant souls about Eternal Life and giving them in childish language as much as the infant soul can understand. So from time to time, whenever a mother race branches off and sends her children to distant lands and uninhabited places to make them fertile, habitable and beautiful, to create a new nation, the parent Lodge does not forget these children removed from her physical environment. , but sends to them a Herald, one of her Greatest, to convey with him the ancient message of the eternal and unfading Truth, dressed in a robe that best suits the needs of the time.

When the second branch of the Aryan race was sent to Arabia and Africa and, moving south, founded a great empire in southern Africa, we see in Egypt, in contact with the leaders of Arabia, the Herald, who was there called He, to whom Greece later gave the name Hermes, dressed His message is in the symbolism of Light.
In the homeland of the race, people were explained that the higher "I" is one, like the "Man-Sun", and that all "I" are the rays of that Sun. The same idea was brought by Hermes to Egypt, but the symbolism was the symbolism of Light. And He taught that the Light dwells in heaven and yet finds its home in the heart of every person, that that Heavenly Light above us is identical to the Light in the heart within us, and that when people see the Light in their own hearts, only then can they see Its everywhere, in heaven and on earth. Nevertheless, the Message was an ancient teaching, but in a new form, reporting on the Light, while at an earlier time it was said about the Sun.

And when a new sub-race came to establish a mighty empire in Persia
- existed from 30,000 BC before 2000 BC - the same great Herald came there 27,000 years before the Christian era to teach the builders of the empire, voicing the leitmotif of a faith that still persists today. We see Him dressing the one Truth now in the garment of Fire - Fire as the purest of all elements, Fire as the purifier of all. Fire is the divine Fire in the altar, and Fire is the divine Fire in the human heart. Zarathustra was the Herald of Fire who received Fire from heaven, and when His mission was completed, He was engulfed in a cloud of Fire and carried up to heaven by it. But the Fire that He kindled hasn't gone out yet, and His people remember the Word of Fire. Since no new fire can be lit in the Fire Temple of modern Zoroastrianism unless a fire descended from heaven and kindled a flame on earth, many Fire Temples wait for years until lightning strikes from a cloud and ignites some wood so that celestial Fire could be added to the fires collected in earthly hearths. Thus still strong is the tradition that has survived from the time when the outstretched hand of Zarathustra caused the Fire to descend from heaven and kindle the stacked wood on the altar set by Him.

And again, another civilization had to be built, one that was to dominate European thought, a civilization that gave Europe a literature that is still sought to be copied, a beauty that is still sought to be reproduced. In Greece, in her glory days, buildings were erected so graceful that modern genius and modern craftsmanship are only trying to copy, which they perhaps never hope to surpass. Greece has produced philosophers so great that all the greatest European philosophers are still Plato's servants, and modern pygmies gaze in wonder at this gigantic figure who has risen so high above his race. Greece is the teacher of European civilization, having an undeniable superiority even for our own times. When this extraordinary nation was in the process of being formed, which consummate people were doing on their own, the same mighty Messenger arrived in ancient Greece, and now He has come with a Song. He used to speak with Light and Fire, but now, like Orpheus, He spoke with music. Amazing was the music that the devas collected for themselves, amazing was the music extracted by His own magic from a simple instrument that seemed so unsuitable for producing these delicate melodies. The melodiousness of the voice was also so amazing that it seemed that nature itself held its breath, listening to Him in a state of continuous admiration - such elegant melodies He performed, such powerful was the magic that He produced. Just as in Egypt, He founded the great mysteries, which kept the torch of knowledge for many thousands of years; just as in Persia, He founded the mysteries teaching magic; and for the first time in Greece He founded the Orphic mysteries, which were the beginning of all Greek occult schools;
the mysteries led to the Pythagorean schools of which Plato spoke. These schools formed the Greek philosophers who learned from them the wisdom that later nourished Europe.

Time passed and passed until the day came when the great News was to be heard on earth, and in Northern India an unusual child was born into the royal family. The devas gathered around His cradle, covering everything with flowers, glorifying the Holy birth, keeping their eyes on the child and His mother, whose hands rocked the cradle of Hope and Light of the world. His happy childhood smoothly passed into a valiant youth, and the latter, in turn, into perfect masculinity, and not once did the sufferings of the world touch either His heart or His eyes. When the cry of the world's pain reached His ears, when through the illness, old age, and death that He saw, the sufferings of mankind fell upon Him, one quiet and peaceful night - everything blessed that night - He rose and, bending over his wife lying in bed and the sleeping baby, directed to them, saying goodbye, His gentle blessing, and cutting off His flowing hair with a sharp sword blade, throwing off royal clothes, sending away his beloved horse - He, the one who was Siddhartha and who was supposed to become a Buddha, set off on a solitary journey, the purpose of which was to save the world. He searched for a long time, suffering greatly; He tried many ways, and none brought Him to the desired result; emaciated, weakened, exhausted, like a skeleton walking on the ground, having experienced extreme asceticism and realizing that the attempt was unsuccessful, He accepted some milk from the hands of a woman, which gave Him strength for new attempts; then went to finish His work in search of the Light that was to shine in Him and through Him over the world. He was the first of our humanity to ascend to this highest peak of Buddhism.
He sat under the Bodhi tree, being attacked by all the forces of evil, tempting Him with the vision of a weeping wife and the uninterrupted cry of His child, until the Light broke through to Him, until His eyes were opened, until He saw the cause of suffering and the way to the cessation of suffering; then the devas gathered around Him, and Brahma, the creator of the universe asked Him to accept the Light which He had found. A few days later He came to the sacred city of Benares and there launched the Wheel of the Law, giving people the Light of Life. Then for many years His blessed feet strode through the plains and forests of India, His beautiful voice brought knowledge to the ignorant and comfort to the afflicted; until He left the last mortal body and ascended to the highest heavenly worlds to direct from there His priceless blessing on humanity, which He glorified, elevating them with wisdom and boundless love.

His work as the Messenger of the White Lodge was finished, for He had ascended so high that no one could invite Him to come down again. And then He gave the place of the Supreme Teacher to His beloved Brother, who for millions of years advanced along the Path next to Him, and whom we know as Lord Maitreya, the future Buddha of Compassion. You know the great Rishi, as kind as he is powerful, mentioned from time to time in the Puranas and in the Mahabharata. The time had come when He was to appear in all the splendor of His Love, with all the power of His incomparable tenderness, into the world He swore to serve. And He appeared among the despised Jewish people in the small country of Judea. His worshiping followers gave Him the name of Christ, the Anointed One, but as it is written in the Christian scriptures: “He came to his own, and his own did not receive him.” True, they said about Him, that not a single man uttered such words as came from His merciful lips, and although His loving heart attracted to Him for a while fickle masses of people, nevertheless, shouting “Hosanna!” to Him after a few days demanded: “Crucify Him !” They actually killed him. Only for three short years could they endure His presence, only during these three years could His glory shine over a world not worthy of Him. When they killed His body, He, rejected by the world, returned to the great White Lodge, where, in essence, His loved ones were, where they knew and appreciated Him.

Many other, lesser Heralds have come since then; there was not a single new impulse given to the world that did not come from the person of some Herald of the Lodge. They did not come only for religious purposes, although this is their most beautiful and sublime work; they come whenever a person has a need for training and help. They come as prophets, scientists, warriors, teachers, bringing light and power; Khanadi, Paracelsus, Bruno - their name is legion. Many rishis have come here to India, they are all Messengers of the White Lodge: many great Western religious Masters have been Messengers of the Lodge which is the heart of the world.

When Europe was plunged into darkness, when the light of Greece went out, when ignorance swaddled its people, when the Church turned from the keeper of knowledge into its killer, and the priests were no longer considered the bearers of light, then the Messenger of the White Lodge, known as the Arab prophet Muhammad, was sent to again kindle the lamp of knowledge, the rays of which would spread throughout the Western world. Since his work was one of many explaining the oneness of God to the corrupt and warring tribes of his native country, it was more important than conquering by the sword, greater than the empire, his followers created Islam that brought back knowledge to the Western world; Ali, the son-in-law of the prophet, united the people who aspired to knowledge; they restored the traditions of Greece by founding schools and universities. The prophet proclaimed a startling truth: “The ink of a scholar is more important than the blood of a martyr.” And the ink of a scholar was used in Arabia while the sword of a warrior conquered Turkey. , mathematicians, architects.
They appeared in Spain under the banner of the prophet, and all of Europe came to study with them. It was Islam that awakened Europe. It was Islam that brought to Europe the treasures of science and allowed people to learn and think where before they simply believed.

Later other Messengers came, like the ones I mentioned, and they brought alchemy, which gave birth to chemistry, astrology, which gave birth to astronomy. Medicine was taught, and later the life-giving forces that help in the fight against diseases began to be called by the name of one of Their students. The White Lodge, the great builders laid the foundation of modern Europe and sent masters and students there to build a new Temple of modern thought and modern civilization. The Great Ones do not leave the world without Their Love, although They do not walk among people; not because Their love has become weaker, not because Their strength has decreased, but because with the growth of self-confident intellect there is no place left for Them in the minds and hearts of modern people.

The appearance of the Heralds of the great White Lodge during many centuries of European history has always been accompanied by persecution, torture and hatred.
Every supporter of humanity who came to Europe with the truth of the Light continually exposed his life to mortal danger. Since you are asking why the higher Teachers did not come, look at the fires lit by the Inquisition; look at the dungeons built by the Inquisition; remember how Copernicus hid his knowledge until he was on his deathbed; remember the defiant Bruno, who paid with his life in the Square of Flowers in Rome; remember Galileo brought to his knees, forced to deny the truth he had learned. Messengers came one after another, torture and death awaited them; later they faced humiliation and social ostracism one by one.
Take the last of them, the noble woman Helena Petrovna Blavatsky;
she gave up a privileged position, wealth and homeland to wander the earth in search of her Teacher; she found Him, learned from Him, and returned to the modern world, carrying in her hands the treasures of Ancient Wisdom; her reward was an accusation of deceit and fraud; she was accused of lying and rewarded with contempt, slander and insults until her brave heart stopped and until her hardened body was destroyed.

With a heavy burden on our backs - such a shamefully disgusting treatment in our memory - we again await the coming of the greatest Herald of the White Lodge;
not one of the lesser messengers, not one of the devoted and dedicated disciples, and not one of those who come at the suggestion of their leader just to go out into the world. But the One to whom it is impossible to say: "Go", who always says: "I am going" - the supreme Teacher, the great Rishi, the Bodhisattva, Lord Maitreya, the blessed future Buddha. We who know something about the occult life, based on our own knowledge We testify that He lives on our Earth, we are waiting for His arrival and are ready for him, for the day when he will step through the Himalayas to descend into the world of people He is there, waiting for His hour; He is there, with eyes, full of love, looking at the world that has already rejected Him once, and perhaps not willing to accept Him again; He waits there until the time comes, until His messengers announce His appearance and prepare the nations for His coming.

The peoples of the world are silent in anticipation; in the Western world there are already sermons about the great spiritual Teacher, who should unite the religions of the world and spread the true Brotherhood among people. Already the heart of the world is beating with hope; the world mind is already at the ready; and before many years of the present turn into the past, in the future, which is approaching and measured by our passing years, there will be a call of mankind to Him who always hears us, to Him whose heart is never hidden from the world that He loves. The call will be heard: "O Lord of the great White Lodge, Lord of the believers of the whole world, descend again to the earth that needs You, and help the peoples who are waiting for You. Proclaim the Word of Peace, which will unite the peoples, stop their enmity; proclaim the Word of Brotherhood, which will unite warring classes and castes into one whole. Come in the strength of Your love; come in the radiance of Your power and save the world that yearns for You, Great Teacher of men and angels."

Turkish tomato, demyanka, blue - and this is not a complete list of the “nicknames” of the well-known eggplant, whose birthplace is India. History is silent about when Europeans first learned about eggplant. According to one version, an Indian curiosity came to Western Europe at the end of the 16th century, called the “apple of madness”. For a completely incomprehensible reason, eggplants were first considered life-threatening as "causing confusion." It's been a long time before

than the "forbidden fruits" were finally tasted and fully rehabilitated. In Russia, eggplants began to be grown only in the 18th century - in the southern provinces they were affectionately dubbed blue and declared one of the best "table snacks". And in one culinary almanac of that time, the healing properties of eggplants were also mentioned - they were recommended to be eaten by "forgetful and absent-minded." The advantages of this product are mentioned even today. According to scientists, eggplants do contain substances that prevent the development of atherosclerosis, normalize blood circulation and brain function, and also help to remove toxins from the body. Stocking up on blue ones, give preference to small young fruits: they contain less solanine (this substance gives the pulp a characteristic bitterness). If you bought large fruits, before cooking, cut them into slices, salt, leave for a while at room temperature, and then rinse with water.

Another representative of the vegetable family is the well-known zucchini. In different parts of the world, many dishes are prepared from zucchini - soups, sautés, caviar or stews. They are fried, baked, canned or stuffed. Not many people know that yellow zucchini flowers are also used in cooking. For example, in France and Italy they are dipped in batter and fried in a little olive oil. This simple and very tasty treat is served with warm wheat bread and garlic sauce. Zucchini of an unusual rounded shape (they are called “balls” or “koloboks”) have an amazing delicate taste and are ideal for stuffing. Choose a few small zucchini, peel them, cut each into 5 cm thick pieces, remove the seeds and some of the pulp and fill the blanks with stuffing. You can stew or bake stuffed zucchini with eggplant, tomatoes or onions, also filled with stuffing.

For 2 persons: eggplant - 2 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs., onion - 1 pc., eggs - 2 pcs., greens (any) - 1 bunch, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper

Wash eggplant, cut in half lengthwise. Take out the pulp with a spoon, chop. Bulgarian pepper, carrots and onions wash, peel, cut into small cubes. Lightly fry vegetables in olive oil. Whisk the eggs with a fork. Pour over fried vegetables. Salt and pepper. Fill the "boats" of eggplant with the resulting filling. Bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes at 180°C. Wash greens, dry, chop. Sprinkle over the finished dish.

Calorie per serving 175 kcal

Time for preparing from 45 minutes

7 points

For 10 persons: zucchini - 2 pcs., eggplant - 2 pcs., pork - 800 g, potatoes - 5 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., garlic - 2 cloves, bell pepper - 2 pcs., vegetable oil , salt, ground black pepper

Meat cut into cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan. Fry the meat until golden brown. Peel the beam and garlic, chop. Saute in vegetable oil. Place in a bowl with meat. Wash, peel, coarsely chop potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers and carrots. Lightly fry all vegetables. Send to the pan. Salt and pepper. Add water (so that it reaches the middle of vegetables and meat). Simmer over medium heat covered for 15-20 minutes. Before serving, the stew can be garnished with herbs.

Calorie per serving 315 kcal

Time for preparing from 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 8 points

For 2 persons: zucchini - 300 g, eggs - 3 pcs., flour - 2 tbsp. l., garlic - 1 clove, dill - 1 bunch, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

Dill wash, dry, finely chop. Peel the garlic, pass through the garlic press. Crack the eggs into a bowl, beat with a fork. Spice up. Add dill and garlic. Whisk again with a fork. Wash the zucchini, grate on a coarse grater. Combine with egg mass. Pour in the flour. Salt. To stir thoroughly. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Spoon the mixture into the pan, forming pancakes. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Before serving, you can decorate with herbs.

Calorie per serving 230 kcal

Time for preparing from 35 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 9 persons: zucchini - 1.2 kg, potatoes - 2 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., garlic - 1 clove, chicken broth - 1 l, cream 20% - 200 ml, vegetable oil, salt , ground black pepper

Wash, peel and chop zucchini, potatoes, onions and carrots. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Heat oil in a saucepan. Fry the onion and garlic until golden brown. Add remaining vegetables and some water. Simmer for 7-10 minutes. Salt and pepper. Pour in chicken broth. Cook until vegetables are ready. Drain the broth into a separate container. Blend vegetables in a blender. Heat the cream, send to the pan with vegetable puree. Thin with broth to desired consistency. Stirring, heat the soup until smooth. Can be served with croutons and chopped dill.

Calorie per serving 195 kcal

Time for preparing from 50 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 6 persons: eggplant - 2 pcs., minced beef - 300 g, potatoes - 3 pcs., Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l., flour - 2 tbsp. l., milk - 500 ml, eggs - 2 pcs., hard cheese - 100 g, olive oil, butter - 50 g, salt, ground black pepper

Wash eggplant, cut into slices. Salt, leave for 20 minutes. Wash potatoes, onions and peppers, peel. Cut potatoes into slices, onion and pepper into cubes. Fry potatoes until golden brown. Sauté the onion in vegetable oil. Add pepper, fry for 5 minutes. Send minced meat and tomato paste to the pan with vegetables. Salt, pepper, mix. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Grease a baking dish with olive oil. Lay out the fried potatoes. Spread minced meat with vegetables on top. Put the eggplant in the third layer. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add flour, stir. Pour in the milk, beat the mixture with a whisk. Lightly beat the eggs in a separate bowl, add to the saucepan. Salt, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Pour the contents of the form with sauce. Grate the cheese. Sprinkle them over the casserole. Bake for about 40-50 minutes at 180°C. Before serving, you can decorate with herbs.

Calorie per serving 335 kcal

Time for preparing from 2 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 9 points

For 3 persons: eggplant - 2 pcs., tomatoes - 2 pcs., feta cheese - 120 g, walnuts - 50 g, parsley - 1 bunch, olive oil, salt

Wash eggplant. Cut lengthwise into thin slices. Fry on both sides in olive oil. Place on paper towel to get rid of excess oil. Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices. Peel walnuts, dry in the oven, crush. Put cheese in a blender bowl, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, crushed nuts. Beat until smooth. Wash parsley, dry. Put a slice of tomato, a little cheese-nut cream, a sprig of parsley on each layer of eggplant. Roll up the rolls and place on a plate. Garnish with a lettuce leaf before serving.

Calorie per serving 220 kcal

Time for preparing from 30 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

For 5 persons: zucchini - 1 kg, carrots - 1 pc., onion - 2 pcs., garlic - 2 cloves, tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l., vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

Wash, peel and chop onions and carrots. Saute in vegetable oil. Wash the zucchini, cut into cubes. Fry lightly. Place the roast and zucchini in a saucepan. Salt and pepper. Simmer for 45 minutes, occasionally adding a little water. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Add tomato paste and garlic to the pot. Mix. Cook another 15 minutes. Cool the mixture. Blend with a blender until puree.

Calorie per serving 95 kcal

Time for preparing from 70 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 9 persons: eggplant - 1 pc., zucchini - 1 pc., chicken legs - 2 pcs., potatoes - 2 pcs., Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., garlic - 2 cloves, tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l., vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

Wash the legs, send to the pan. Pour in 2.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil, cook for 40 minutes. Then remove, separate the meat from the bones, chop, return to the pan. Wash potatoes, peel and chop coarsely. Put in a saucepan. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Peel onion and garlic, chop, fry in vegetable oil until soft. Peel the bell pepper, chop coarsely, cut the zucchini and eggplant into slices. Place in skillet with onions. Salt and pepper. Fry 5-7 minutes. Put the roasted vegetables and tomato paste into a saucepan. Bring soup to a boil. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

Calorie per serving 170 kcal

Time for preparing from 2 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 8 points

  1. chop: onion - in half rings, garlic - in slices, greens - coarsely chopped, all other vegetables cut into large cubes (if the zucchini is old - peel from thick skin and core with seeds);
  2. pour the bottom of the pan with oil (a layer of 1.5 cm), heat, fry the onion and garlic over low heat until the onion is very softened. As soon as the onion begins to brown - salt, add tomatoes and greens to it, fry for 3 minutes;
  3. add pepper. Increase heat to medium and sauté rapidly, stirring continuously for another 3-5 minutes. Then add zucchini and eggplant and continue rapid frying over persistent heat with constant or frequent stirring. Done in 5 minutes. Taste, add salt to taste, mix well;
  4. hot ratatouille is good sprinkled with plenty of fresh parsley. Chilled is just very good. Until the shiver ... :))

When the vegetables stand and cool, they will acquire a jelly and a more delicate, smooth taste.

Features of preparation and taste

Changes in the proportions of the dish are possible. You can take more zucchini or eggplant, or peppers. Add more onions and herbs. Do not overdo it with tomatoes, try not to be too sour.

If you do not eat fried, vegetables can be stewed. All the same in the composition of vegetables, in the sequence of addition, it will be necessary to stew under the lid and a little longer. Remember that stewed vegetables must be stirred. If tasty pieces stick to the walls of the pot or saucepan, add some water.

A small fire increases the cooking time of vegetables and more actively destroys vitamins. Therefore, it is better to stew and fry vegetables on medium or fast heat. But stir in time.

Another option for preparing ratatouille can be seen.

If you only have eggplant, garlic and pepper, you can make French-style stewed eggplant (recipe).

These delicious vegetables can also be stewed with meat - chicken (
