Bun school technology card. Instructional-technological map for the dish "sugar bun". For cutting and shaping confectionery products, a dough divider, various molds, recesses are used. The workplace must be in production

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Instructional-technological map for the dish bun "Sugar"


  • Introduction
  • 1. Characteristics of the bun "Cacharnaya"
  • 1.1 Technology for making buns "Cacharnaya"
  • 1.2 Nutritional value of the bun "Cacharnaya" and the value of eein human nutrition
  • 2. Instructional-technological map for a dish of bunsa " Cacharic"
  • 3. Quality control card for bunsa " Cacharic"
  • Requirements for the quality of the bun "Sugar" (organoleptic evaluation)
  • Conclusion


Arelevance. Public catering contributes to the improvement of people's lives, frees them from unproductive domestic work. It creates conditions for the most rational use of material and technical resources, and makes it possible to organize the nutrition of the population on a scientific and hygienic basis.

An extensive network of canteens, snack bars, restaurants and cafes has emerged in our country, therefore, the correct organization of the work of public catering enterprises, their further technical equipment, and the expansion of the range of their products are of particular importance.

The steady growth of prosperity develops more and more the needs and tastes of the people. The requirements for the quality of catering products and the culture of consumer service are increasing. Employees of public catering enterprises should improve the quality of dishes, master the techniques and experience of production innovators, learn the most advanced methods of processing products, cooking and serving dishes, and improve the culture of customer service.

Cooking studies rational methods and techniques of preparing various dishes and aims to cook not only tasty, but also healthy food, i.e. food that contains all the nutrients the body needs.

Proper conduct of the technological process of cooking requires theoretical knowledge and practical skills from the cook. Only under these conditions it is possible to achieve the preparation of high-quality dishes with good taste, nutritional value and attractive appearance.

dish bun sugar product

1. Characteristics of the bun "Sugar"

Bakery products are baked from wheat flour, weighing less than 500 g. These include long loaves, wickerwork, rolls, baits, rich bakery products. The content of nutrients in bakery products (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) depends on the type, grade of flour and additives used. Sugar bun is a rich product, produced from wheat flour of the highest grade with the addition of marmalade, sugar, margarine, chicken eggs, powdered milk, vanillin and other raw materials. Dough for bakery products is prepared in the sourdough method, mainly on pressed yeast. Products are baked on a hearth or sheets.

1.1 Technology for making sugar buns

With the sponge method, the sponge is first prepared, for which the yeast is dissolved in warm milk (38 C). Opara ferments for 3-4.5 hours. Add salt, sugar, eggs and melted butter to the finished dough and mix well. Add flour and knead soft dough. Put the dough in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours so that it rises about two to three times. Balls weighing 100 g are formed from the dough prepared by the sponge method.

5-10 minutes before planting in the oven, the products are partially smeared with an egg. When laying on a baking sheet, the distance between the dough balls should be 8-10 cm. After that, the baking sheet is placed in a warm, moist place for proofing. 5-10 minutes before baking, the buns are evenly brushed with egg, sprinkled with sugar and baked at 230°C for 10 minutes.

Technological scheme for the preparation of buns "Sugar"

1.2 Nutritional value of "Sugar" bun and its importance in human nutrition

The quality of food products, including bakery products, is a set of characteristics that determine the consumer properties of food products and ensure their safety for humans. There is a bread quality structure that includes physicochemical and organoleptic indicators and hygienic criteria that determine the quality of bakery products.

The type, grade of flour, moisture content of the product, as well as prescription additives are the main determinants of the nutritional value of bakery products. Butter products have a very high energy value than unleavened bread baked from the same type of flour, and this is due to the fact that the baking recipe includes fats, sugar, eggs, and the moisture content of buns is much less than the moisture content of bread.

The nutritional value of bakery products is a set of properties that provide the physiological needs of a person for energy and basic nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber). foodvalue100 Gproducts buns "Sugar": proteins - 8.3 g; fats - 4.0.

Due to bakery products, the human body for 50 % satisfies the need for B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and nicotinic acid (PP). The presence of vitamins in bread is mainly due to the type of flour. When grinding grain into flour, up to 65 % vitamins, and the more, the higher the grade of flour.

Bakery products are important as a source of minerals. They contain potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium; in slightly smaller quantities - chlorine, calcium, sodium, silicon and other elements in small quantities. Bakery products made from lower grades of flour contain more minerals.

Organoleptic indicators of the quality of bakery products are determined by the indicators of taste, color, smell and texture, characteristic of each type of bakery products.

Physico-chemical indicators of the quality of bread are regulated by the requirements of the relevant GOSTs. The quality of bakery products depends on the quality of raw materials, primarily on the baking properties of flour, methods and modes of carrying out individual stages of the technological process of preparing bakery products and the use of special additives that improve quality.

1.3 Changes that occur in products during cooking

The dough during kneading and punching is subjected to mechanical stress, which is reflected, on the one hand, on the microflora of the dough, on the other hand, on its structural and plastic properties. When the dough is stirred, carbon dioxide is removed from it, microorganisms and the nutrient medium for them are redistributed in the dough, and the dough is enriched with oxygen. Under certain conditions, two associated energy processes occur in the yeast cell - respiration and fermentation.

The fermentation of the dough covers the period of time from the moment of its kneading before dividing into pieces. Fermentation loosens the dough, gives it certain structural and mechanical properties, accumulates substances that determine the taste and aroma of the product, its color.

In the dough, during its mechanical processing, the structure is strengthened due to the greater compaction of the molecules and due to the "straightening" of the globules of the protein macromolecules. The destruction of the structure to a certain limit as a result of an increase in mechanical forces. There is a break in intermolecular bonds, as well as (secondary and main valencies of protein macromolecules, while the shells are broken and the surfaces of the particles develop.

Some time after the destruction of the structure, the dough is compacted again, a new "secondary" strengthened structure is formed. When some of the molecules are destroyed, the number of polar points increases. After mechanical action, the dough is compacted, sometimes even a new structure is obtained, stronger than the original one; this happens due to the fact that individual protein molecules, as well as starch, come into contact and "grow" with a gardrate shell. Relaxation of the dough during aging occurs as a result of biochemical and colloidal processes in it. Substances that determine the taste and aroma of a bakery product begin to form already during the fermentation of the dough and during the final proofing of the dough pieces.

At these stages of the technological process, as a result of alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation, final, intermediate and by-products of these types of fermentation are formed in the dough, and in part also products of their interaction (alcohols, organic acids, esters, carbonyl compounds, etc.), which are involved in formation of taste and aroma of bread.

In addition, already during the maturation of the dough, products are formed that enter into the reaction of melanoidin formation, which occurs during baking. These are reducing sugars, which are formed as a result of the hydrolytic breakdown of starch, and protein breakdown products. As a result of the melanoidin formation reaction, melanoidins are formed, which give color to the crust, and intermediate and by-products of this reaction, which are involved in the formation of the taste and aroma of finished products.

As a result of physical processes, the dough temperature rises by 1.2°C and its volume increases due to saturation with carbon dioxide. The biochemical processes occurring in the dough are one of the most important, since microbiological, colloidal, and physical transformations depend on them. The essence of biochemical processes is that under the action of flour enzymes, yeasts and microorganisms, the constituent components of flour are decomposed, primarily proteins and starch. During the fermentation process, the dough, which is prepared in batches, is punched, i.e. briefly re-promise for 1.5-2.5 minutes. In this case, there is a uniform distribution of carbon dioxide bubbles in the dough mass, its quality improves, the bread crumb acquires a fine, thin-walled and uniform porosity.

In addition to the baking properties of flour, the components of the recipe, including water, yeast, salt, sugar and fatty products, have a great influence on the processes occurring during the maturation of the dough. The amount of water has a great influence on the processes occurring during the maturation of the dough. With a higher moisture content of the dough, the processes of swelling and peptization of proteins proceed more intensively, and the dough liquefies faster. The action of enzymes is accelerated, the vital activity of the fermentation microflora is intensified. When eggs and butter are added to the yeast dough, the finished products acquire rich qualities. Eggs make the bread lighter and moister, while butter makes it more tender. Depending on the amount of any of these ingredients taken, as well as on the way they are administered, the results are very diverse.

By mixing a few eggs and a moderate amount of butter into the dough, a bun is obtained with a soft crust and a moist yellow crumb. The more eggs and butter you put in, the more pronounced these characteristics will be.

1.4 The tasks of the cook, to ensure the maximum safety of valuable substances in the dish

In the conditions of industrialization of the industry, the manufacturability of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products is of great importance, i.e. their suitability or adaptability to modern industrial processing methods with minimal labor costs. Any new raw material must be technologically studied. Based on knowledge of the technological properties of products and their reasonable use, it is possible to improve the quality and technology of culinary products. The use of raw materials by the cook provides for the best use of the nutritional qualities of raw materials. The principle of the best use of raw materials should be observed at all stages of the production and sale of culinary products. Compliance with it also provides for a high degree of waste disposal for its intended purpose. Methods of intensification of technological processes, as a rule, improve the quality of finished products. Machines and devices with the required performance should have low energy intensity, stable mode, be convenient and safe in operation, maintainable. In the conditions of industrialization of the industry, the possibility of automatic control is desirable.

When preparing raw materials to ensure maximum preservation of valuable substances in bakery products, flour of different qualities is mixed in such a way as to obtain a mixture with good baking properties. As a rule, weak flour is mixed with stronger, dark with light, etc. To separate impurities, the flour is sifted, while it is saturated with atmospheric oxygen, which improves its baking properties. Then the flour is passed through magnetic traps to remove metal impurities.

2. Instructional-technological map for the dish bun "Sugar"

Quality requirements: ingredients that meet the requirements of GOST.

The taste is pleasant, sweet. Color brownish-gold. The smell of fresh baking is pleasant, sweet.

3. Quality control card for the dish bun "Sugar"

Table 3.1

Requirements for the quality of the bun "Sugar" (organoleptic evaluation)

Rice. 3.1 Bun "Sugar".

4. Commodity characteristics of raw materials

In accordance with the stage-by-stage characteristics of the technological process - raw materials, finished culinary products - can be defined as follows. Raw materials - products, the manufacture of finished culinary products from which is carried out according to a complete technological scheme. Finished culinary products consist of various culinary and confectionery products that are sold by public catering enterprises. Raw materials enter the confectionery shop accompanied by a document certifying its good quality. The quality of food products is largely determined by such indicators as taste, smell, color, appearance, shape. These most important quality indicators stipulated by the standards are determined organoleptically.

The main raw materials for the production of "Sugar" buns include flour, water, salt, yeast and certain cultures of lactic acid bacteria; to the additional - fats, sugar, milk, eggs, etc. Flour is used for baking wheat and rye of various varieties.

Flour, entering the bakery must be accompanied by a certificate indicating for wheat flour: grade, moisture content, grinding size, ash content (or whiteness index), gluten content, amount of metal magnetic impurities, compliance with regulatory documentation on safety indicators.

The quality certificate for rye flour should indicate: flour grade, ash content, grinding size, amount of metal-magnetic impurities, compliance with regulatory documentation on safety indicators.

An important condition for the production of high-quality products is the compliance of the quality of raw materials with the requirements of regulatory documentation, therefore, employees of a bakery must carry out quality control of the purchased raw materials, primarily flour.

The analysis of raw materials is carried out by laboratory workers in accordance with the test methods presented in the relevant GOSTs, the presence of which at bakery enterprises is necessary.

The taste should be characteristic of wheat flour, not sour, not bitter, not sour. When chewing flour, there should not be a crunch on the teeth.

The color of the flour is of great importance, since the color of the bread crumb mainly depends on it. The lower the grade of flour, the darker it is, since it contains more grain shells, and they contain more pigments that give color to the flour.

Water must comply with the drinking water standard. The water is heated in such a way that the dough temperature during kneading is 30°C.

Edible salt, sugar is dissolved in water, filtered and fed into production in the form of a solution of a certain density.

Liquid fats are filtered, solid fats are melted at a temperature not exceeding 45 ° C and filtered.

Creamy oil is a product made from concentrated cow's milk fat. It contains 61.5-82.5% fat and 16-35% moisture. The oil contains a large amount of low molecular weight unsaturated fatty acids. Due to this composition, it has a low (28-35°C) melting point, good taste properties.

The oil contains a small amount of proteins, minerals, vitamins A, D, E, K, C, group B. Butter contains phosphatides (lecithin) and sterols (cholesterol). The calorie content of 100 g of butter is about 750 kcal, and its fusibility ensures absorption by the human body by 95-98%.

The advantage of the oil is its high taste properties. The surface of the oil on the cut should be shiny, dry in appearance, the consistency is homogeneous, plastic, dense. The color of the oil is from white to yellow, uniform throughout the mass.

Sugar- the taste is sweet, without foreign taste and smell, both in dry sugar and in its aqueous solution. The consistency is loose, without lumps. The color is white with a yellowish tinge. The sugar solution should be clear, without insoluble sediment or other foreign matter.

Eggs - a valuable food product, as they contain complete proteins, are well absorbed by the body and have a high calorie content. An egg consists of three main parts - protein, yolk and shell. In chicken eggs, protein is 56-58%, yolk 30-32%, shell 12% of the total mass. The shell protects the contents of the egg from mechanical damage, microbial contamination and moisture evaporation. The egg shell contains calcium carbonate (93.5%) and magnesium (1.4%), calcium and magnesium phosphate (0.8%), a small amount of organic matter.

Eggs - chem. composition (%): proteins - 12.7, fats - 11.5, carbohydrates - 0.7, minerals - 1, water - 74, vitamins: gr. B, PP, etc. The air chamber is motionless, the protein is dense, light, transparent. The yolk is strong, barely visible, but the contours are not visible. The shell is clean and not damaged.

Eggs must be sorted by quality. Eggs must be fresh, without foreign odors.

The weight of one egg ranges from 40 to 60 g, the average egg weight is 40 g. Eggs should be stored at the enterprise at a temperature of 1 - 30C and a relative humidity of 85 - 88%.

Vanillin used to impart a vanilla flavor to foods and beverages, to enhance other flavors, and to mask or soften unwanted off-flavours. Vanillin has a pleasant spicy bitter aftertaste.

Yeast. In baking, pressed, dried and liquid yeast and yeast milk are used. Pressed yeast are yeast cells expressed under special conditions, isolated from the medium in which they propagated. They are a perishable product and require storage at t=0?-4?C for no more than 12 days.

An important indicator of the quality of yeast is its lifting power. Good yeast will raise the dough in 60-65 minutes. Preparation of preloved yeast for production consists in releasing them from packaging, preliminary coarse grinding and preparation of a well-mixed homogeneous mass in warm water with t = 30-35?

Dried yeast is used in cases where it is impossible to deliver to the factory or store pre-prepared yeast.

Yeast milk is a liquid suspension of yeast in water, obtained by separating the culture medium after the yeast has been propagated in it.

cookery salt is a necessary ingredient in jari dough preparation. It reduces the swelling and solubility of flour proteins, delays their disaggregation, and makes the dough more plastic.

5. Characteristics of equipment, tools, fixtures

Electronic dispensersbulk products"EDSP-100", "EDSP-200" (on strain gauges) are designed for discrete dosing of bulk products at the enterprises of the baking industry, as well as for measuring, digitally displaying the weight of the dose formed in the bunker, issuing "dry contact" type signals that control the operation of the electric motors of the bulk product feeder and the gate, the transfer of information about the weights of dispensed doses to a PC for automated systems for monitoring and accounting for the product consumption.

Rice. 5.1 EDSP-100/200 flour dispenser.

The batcher consists of: a bunker with a suspension and a lever system of a flour batcher MD-100 or MD-200 and a control panel for controlling the batchers.

The formed dose of the product is poured into the bowl tank by opening the hopper damper.

After control of the possible product residue in the bunker by a digital indicator and zeroing through the remote controller, the dispenser is ready to form a new dose.

flour sifter Sh2-HMV-02 consists of a frame, a sifter, a drive motor and a cyclone.

When the air-flour mixture is fed into the cyclone, the flour settles on its conical part and enters the sifter. The sifter shaft, rotating in bearing supports, transports the flour to the sieve with the help of an auger.

Rice. 5.2 flour sifterSh2-HMV-02.

Car dough-mixing " MTM-140 "Stanko" is used for kneading sourdough and yeast dough from rye and wheat flour and belongs to the category of batch machines with forcibly rotating bowls. Dough mixers are designed for kneading sourdough and yeast dough from rye and wheat flour and belong to the category of intermittent machines with forcibly rotating bowls.

Rice. 5.3 Dough mixer "MTM-140" Stanko ".

Dough divider brand A2-ХТН is designed for dividing wheat dough into blanks of the same mass. Type of machine - pumping the dough with a continuously rotating blade. Device and principle of operation: the main components of the machine are: a base with a drive, a frame, a test chamber, a dividing head, a receiving hopper, a control cabinet.

From the hopper, the dough enters the test chamber, where it is captured by a continuously rotating blade. The shutter makes a rotational movement. When the damper is in its lowest position, the dough under the pressure of the rotating blade fills the measuring pocket of the dividing head while communicating with the measuring pocket test chamber.

Rice. 5.4 Dough divider А2-ХТН.

proofers cabinets are widely used in bakeries and confectionery workshops for preliminary proofing of dough pieces before they are placed in a bread machine.

Rice. 5.5 Proofer РШЭ-3.

After removing the dough from the dough mixer, the dough placed in bread forms or on baking sheets is placed in a proofer, which maintains high humidity and an optimum temperature of +400C. Under these conditions, the dough quickly rises (within 20-40 minutes) and is ready for baking in a bread machine. The proofer guarantees a continuous baking process in the bakery and eliminates downtime waiting for the dough to be ready.

baking sheets designed for baking bakery products.

Rice. 5.6 Flat baking tray, steel.

Rice. 5.7 The sheet is wavy, perforated.

Bakery cabinets ShPESM are designed for baking bakery and confectionery products.

Rice. 5.8 Electric baking cabinet ShPESM.

6. Organization of the workplace of the cook

The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of a variety of flour confectionery and culinary products. The structure of the premises of the workshop includes dough mixing, dough cutting, baking, cooling departments; rooms for finishing products, for preparing minced meat, washing for eggs, dishes, containers, expedition.

The area of ​​the premises of the confectionery shop depends on the type, capacity of the enterprise, the number of employees.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery shop should correspond to the sequence of operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of oncoming flows of raw materials and finished products.

The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (shaping) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, sweets, whipped proteins. To perform these operations, workplaces are organized in the departments of the confectionery shop.

In the dough-cutting department, the dough is kneaded and the necessary semi-finished products are prepared.

Preliminary (preferably in a separate room) sift the flour.

For kneading dough - an operation that requires physical effort - kneading machines are used. In small workshops, a universal drive with a beater is used for this purpose. For the fermentation of yeast dough, mobile bowls are used, which are placed near confectionery ovens for some time.

For cutting and shaping confectionery products, a dough divider, various molds, recesses are used. The workplace should have a production table, a flour chest, a mobile bowl with dough, scales, a box for knives, mobile racks with confectionery sheets for prepared products.

Rolling out the dough is carried out using a dough sheeter, which allows you to get a layer of dough of the required thickness. The workplace should have a refrigerator for cooling butter, as well as dough in the manufacture of puff products.

To prepare fillings, minced meats, syrup and fudge, a small stove (gas or electric) is installed and a meat grinder, a mashing machine (from a universal drive) are used. The fillings are transported in mobile baths.

An important mechanical assistant to the confectioner is the creamer. Baking of confectionery products is carried out in confectionery and baking cabinets. Also used are baking ovens that run on electricity, solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. In confectionery cabinets, a certain mode can be maintained.

For the design of confectionery products, separate production tables are used, and at large enterprises, special rooms are allocated for this purpose. Desks should have drawers for tools; a tripod for pastry bags is fixed on the table covers, a syrup tank and scales are installed. Mobile racks should be located near the work tables for the delivery of finished products to the cold store or to the expedition.

7. Labor protection at work

Occupational safety includes a whole range of measures for safety, industrial sanitation and hygiene, as well as fire fighting equipment.

The most important measure aimed at preventing accidents is the mandatory conduct of production briefings. To avoid accidents, kitchen workers should learn the rules for operating the equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation. The floor in the workshops should be flat, without protrusions, not slippery.

When working in a confectionery shop, the following basic safety rules must be observed. It is forbidden to take a sample, load flour and other products into the bowl, and also add them to the beater tank during its operation until the kneading lever is completely stopped. It is possible to take out confectionery sheets from ovens or baking cabinets only in special mittens.

Thermal equipment is used in confectionery shops on fire, gas or electric heating. Each type of fuel requires special precautions and compliance with labor safety rules. It is impossible to work on thermal equipment without serviceable fittings. The pressure gauge must have a red line on the limiting working pressure. Each machine has a safety manual posted.

There must be a first aid kit with a set of medicines in the workshop.


The development of the baking industry is carried out on the basis of the introduction of new equipment, progressive technology, an increase in the production of bread and bakery products with various additives and improvers that increase their biological value and quality. Bread and bakery products are everyday products. The content of nutrients in bakery products (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) depends on the type, grade of flour and additives used. The content of nutrients in bakery products (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) depends on the type, grade of flour and additives used.

Roll, bakery products are made from wheat flour weighing less than 0.5 kg. Bakery products, depending on the recipe, are baked: simple, improved, rich.

Bakery products include:

loaves - Rifled, City, Moscow Region, Simple, etc.

Wicker products - challahs, braids

buns - hamburger buns, hot dog buns and others

polar cod

· rich bakery products - puffs, horns, braids, buns, etc.

The organoleptically determined indicators of the quality of bakery products include the appearance (surface condition, color and condition of the crust, the absence or presence of peeling of the crust from the crumb and the shape of the product), the condition of the crumb (freshness, bakedness).

When assessing the porosity of the product, attention is paid to the size of the pores (small, medium, large), the uniformity of their distribution over the entire space of the crumb cut (uniform, fairly uniform, insufficiently uniform, uneven) and the thickness of the walls of the pores (thin-walled, medium thickness, thick-walled), the presence voids and seals.

When evaluating the smell of bakery products, attention is drawn to the presence or absence of extraneous, unusual and especially unpleasant odors in the product.

The taste is determined by chewing the crumb of the product. Attention is drawn to the presence of a taste not characteristic of a bakery product.

List of used literature

1. Antipov S.T., Kretov I.T., Ostrikov A.N., Panfilov V.A. Machines and devices for food production. Book 2. - M., 2001. - 841 p.

2. Auerman L.Ya. Technology of bakery production / Ed. Ed.L.I. Puchkova. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2002 - 416 p.

3. Ogusheva V. Cooking technology. - Publisher: Phoenix, 2010. - 375 p.

4. Dotsyak V.S. Ukrainian cuisine: Technology of cooking herbs. K.: Vishcha school, 1995. - 550 p.

5. Zdobnov A.I., Tsiganenko V.A. A collection of recipes for dishes from culinary products for public catering establishments. - Kyiv: A.S.K., 1999. - 656 p.

6. Zolin V.P. Technological equipment of public catering establishments: A textbook for the beginning. prof. education. - 3rd ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2005. - 248 p.

7. Leontieva N.A. Development of technical and technological maps for specialties: Textbook / N.A. Leontieva, E.V. Chernov; Ed. M.N. Kutkina. - St. Petersburg: Ed. SPbTEI, 2003. - 471 p.

8. Puchkova L.I., Polandova R.D., Matveeva I.V. Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta. Part 1. Technology of bread. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2005 - 559 p.

9. Collection of recipes for culinary products and dishes. - M.: Citadel-trade, 2005. - 752 p.

10. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. - K.: A.S.K., 1998. - 656 p.

11. Reference technologist of public catering / A.I. Mglinets, G.N. Lovachev, L.M. Aleshina and others - M .: Kolos, 2003. - 541 p.

12. Technology of catering products. T.1. Physical and chemical processes occurring in food products during their culinary processing / A.S. Ratushny, V.I. Khlebnikov, B.A. Baranov and others / Ed. Dr. tech. Sciences Prof. A.S. Town Hall. - M. Mir, 2003. - 351 p.

13. Ukrainian A.I. etc. Technology of food products. - K.: Ed. house "Askania", 2008. - 736 p.

14. Kharchenko N., Chesnokova L. Cooking technology. Workshop. - Publisher: Academia, 2010. - 288 p.

15. Chemical warehouse of grub products / edited by Skurikhina I.M. - M.: Easy promislovist, 1984. - 273 p.

16. Shatun L.G. Cooking technology. Textbook. - Publisher: Dashkov i Co, 2006. - 195 p.

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Name of products

Weight, g

Chemical composition

Energy pricesness, kka.1



fresh cabbage



Vegetable oil

tomato paste

Yield: 250\1

On diets No. 2,5,7,8,9, 10, 15 (7, 10-sunless).

Cooking technology. Potatoes are cut into cubes, other vegetables - into strips, onions - into half rings or finely chopped. The beets are boiled whole in the peel, peeled, cut into strips. Carrots and onions are sautéed at a temperature of 110 0 C with the addition of broth.

Fresh, finely chopped cabbage is placed in the boiling broth and brought to a boil, boiled for 10 minutes. then lay the potatoes and prepared beets, boil the roots and onions until the vegetables are ready. 5 minutes before readiness, borscht is seasoned with salt, sugar, citric acid solution. For 1-2 minutes, add bay leaf and sour cream, bring to a boil.

When using sauerkraut, it is introduced in a stew after the potatoes are boiled until softened. To stew, the cabbage is sorted out, the sour cabbage is washed in cold water, squeezed, chopped, put in a saucepan, broth (20-25% by weight of the cabbage) is added and stewed first on high, then on low heat until soft, stirring occasionally.

Serving temperature - 65 "C.

quality requirements. On the surface - glitters of fat of light yellow color. The vegetables are neatly chopped, the cut is preserved, the consistency is soft. The taste is sweet-sour. Smell characteristic of boiled vegetables. The taste and smell of raw beets and steamed vegetables are not allowed.

Technological map No. 275 Name of the dish: Road bun

Name of products

Weight, g

Chemical composition

Energypriceness, kcal



Premium wheat flour

Wheat flour


Butter (for lubrication)

Pressed yeast

Semi-finished product weight

without crumb


wheat flour


Mass of semi-finished product with crumb

Humidity: no more than 36%.

On diet number 15.

Cooking technology. The yeast dough is cut into pieces weighing 68 g, giving them an oval shape, 3-4 transverse cuts are made on the surface, placed on oiled sheets and put in a warm place for proofing for 30-40 minutes. The surface of the balls is smeared with melted butter, sprinkled with crumbs. Bake for 8-10 minutes at a temperature of 230-240 "C.

To prepare crumbs, flour and butter are thoroughly mixed and rubbed through a sieve.

quality requirements. The shape of the buns is oval. Surface with three or four shallow cuts, trimmed with crumbs. Coloration from light brown to brown. The crumb is evenly porous. The taste is pleasant, moderately salty.

ROUTING174 Name of the dish: Beef meatballs with rice ("hedgehogs")

Name of products

Weight, g

Chemical composition

Energycal value, kcal



Rice groats

Finished weight

crumbly rice



Mass of sautéed

Wheat flour

Semi-finished product weight


Mass of finished meatballs

Yield: with sauce 100.

On diets No. 2.7, 10. 15 (7, 10-salt-free).

Cooking technology. The rice is sorted, friable rice porridge is boiled, the onion is cut into small cubes, blanched, sautéed.

The meat is ground in a meat grinder with a double fine grate or twice. Water, browned onions, friable rice are added to the chopped meat. mix well, cut into balls of 2 pcs. per serving (42 g each). The balls are breaded in flour, fried on a baking sheet until a light crust is formed, poured with sauce and stewed in an oven at a temperature of 160-200 "C for 10-15 minutes.

They release meatballs with the sauce in which they were stewed and a side dish.

Serving temperature - 65 "C.

quality requirements. Products have retained their shape, juicy, the sauce is slightly thickened, the taste is moderately salty. Free of foreign tastes and odors.

1.1 Technology for making sugar buns

With the sponge method, the sponge is first prepared, for which the yeast is dissolved in warm milk (38 C). Opara ferments for 3-4.5 hours. Add salt, sugar, eggs and melted butter to the finished dough and mix well. Add flour and knead soft dough. Put the dough in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours so that it rises about two to three times. Balls weighing 100 g are formed from the dough prepared by the sponge method.

5-10 minutes before planting in the oven, the products are partially smeared with an egg. When laying on a baking sheet, the distance between the dough balls should be 8-10 cm. After that, the baking sheet is placed in a warm, moist place for proofing. 5-10 minutes before baking, the buns are evenly brushed with egg, sprinkled with sugar and baked at 230°C for 10 minutes.

Technological scheme for the preparation of buns "Sugar"

Activities of public catering establishments

Cooking technology: Black coffee with ice cream (glaze): Sugar is added to ready-made black coffee and cooled to 8-10 degrees. When on holiday, pour into a glass, goblet or conical glass, put a scoop of ice cream and serve immediately...

Bakery products are baked from wheat flour, weighing less than 500 g. These include long loaves, wickerwork, rolls, baits, rich bakery products. The content of nutrients in bakery products (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.)

Instructional-technological map for the dish bun "Sugar"

The quality of food products, including bakery products, is a set of characteristics that determine the consumer properties of food products and ensure their safety for humans ...

Instructional-technological map for the dish bun "Sugar"

Appearance Color Consistency Taste and smell the shape should be correct, without lateral overflows, not wrinkled on the surface, the pattern appears in relief, on the break the product is evenly baked light brown crumb soft, elastic ...

Organization of the cook's work

Cooking technology For the preparation of cutlet mass, beef is used - neck pulp, flank and trimmings. It is better to use meat from well-fed animals with a fat content of up to 10%, while the cutlet mass is of good quality ...

Pilaf and its types

This chapter provides technological and technical-technological maps of pilaf dishes. The technological map refers to a departmental technical document and is compiled for production workers in order to ensure the correctness ...

Cooking dishes from cereals: porridge "Amber", porridge "Boyarskaya"; krupenik, rice casserole, sweetened semolina

salted water (taken according to the norm), the floating, hollow grains are removed with a slotted spoon, and boiled in a container covered with a lid, stirring until thickened, when the porridge thickens, stop stirring ...

Development of technology for baked poultry dishes using non-traditional raw materials

Bird preparation. The technological process of processing poultry meat includes the following operations: receiving...

Development of technology for preparing stuffed lamb leg

Cooking a whole leg of lamb requires an accurate knowledge of the technology, namely, how the weight of the piece correlates with the time of its heat treatment. Weight of lamb legs commercially available...

Old Ukrainian fish dishes

Technological methods of baking fish differ in all national cuisines. For example, in Belarus, fish was baked like this: a thin layer of straw was placed on a baking sheet, and a medium-sized cleaned, washed, gutted fish was placed on it ...

Cooking technology "Siberian Borsch"

Siberian borscht: 400 g (1 large) beetroot 200 g white cabbage 100 g (1 pc) potatoes 100 g beans 100 g (1-2 pcs) carrots 100 g (1 pc) onion 80 g tomato puree 40 g margarine 25 g sugar 15 g vinegar 3% 2000 g (2 l) meat stock 2-3 garlic cloves...

The technology of making sweet pastries from wheat flour of the highest grade

Butter cheesecakes with cottage cheese are prepared from yeast dough in a sourdough method. For cheesecake 0.1kg. Take a piece of dough weighing approximately 65-70g. and stuffing 45-48g. Weighed pieces of dough are rounded, laid on sheets and sent for proofing ...

Technology for the preparation of minced meat cutlet mass using non-traditional raw materials

Properly chopped cutlet mass must meet several rules. 1. Minced meat for cutlets, unlike other products, should consist of two types of meat. They should be in a 70% to 30% ratio, or about 3:1. Meat...

Technology of preparation of cold dishes and snacks; range, cooking salads from raw vegetables, cooking vinaigrette. Layer cake technology

The range of cold dishes and snacks is very diverse: sandwiches, salads and vinaigrettes, dishes and snacks from vegetables, fish, meat, poultry and eggs, aspic dishes, pates, jellies, fried and boiled meat, fish, poultry ...

Technology of making viborzkoy buns (with additives)

Zdoba Viborzka is easy to see, especially vypikaetsya from wheat boroshna with a large zucru (20%) and egg (4%). The surface of the viborzkoy vine is bound by a bandage buti is chipped with succulent squeak, powder, jam or jam...

Instructional-technological map for the dish bun "Sugar"

Quality requirements: ingredients that meet the requirements of GOST.

The taste is pleasant, sweet. Color brownish-gold. The smell of fresh baking is pleasant, sweet.

Quality control card for the dish bun "Sugar"

Table 3.1

Requirements for the quality of the bun "Sugar" (organoleptic evaluation)

Rice. 3.1 Bun "Sugar".

Commodity characteristics of raw materials

In accordance with the stage-by-stage characteristics of the technological process - raw materials, finished culinary products - can be defined as follows. Raw materials - products, the manufacture of finished culinary products from which is carried out according to a complete technological scheme. Finished culinary products consist of various culinary and confectionery products that are sold by public catering enterprises. Raw materials enter the confectionery shop accompanied by a document certifying its good quality. The quality of food products is largely determined by such indicators as taste, smell, color, appearance, shape. These most important quality indicators stipulated by the standards are determined organoleptically.

The main raw materials for the production of "Sugar" buns include flour, water, salt, yeast and certain cultures of lactic acid bacteria; to the additional - fats, sugar, milk, eggs, etc. Flour is used for baking wheat and rye of various varieties.

Flour, entering the bakery must be accompanied by a certificate indicating for wheat flour: grade, moisture content, grinding size, ash content (or whiteness index), gluten content, amount of metal magnetic impurities, compliance with regulatory documentation on safety indicators.

The quality certificate for rye flour should indicate: flour grade, ash content, grinding size, amount of metal-magnetic impurities, compliance with regulatory documentation on safety indicators.

An important condition for the production of high-quality products is the compliance of the quality of raw materials with the requirements of regulatory documentation, therefore, employees of a bakery must carry out quality control of the purchased raw materials, primarily flour.

The analysis of raw materials is carried out by laboratory workers in accordance with the test methods presented in the relevant GOSTs, the presence of which at bakery enterprises is necessary.

The taste should be characteristic of wheat flour, not sour, not bitter, not sour. When chewing flour, there should not be a crunch on the teeth.

The color of the flour is of great importance, since the color of the bread crumb mainly depends on it. The lower the grade of flour, the darker it is, since it contains more grain shells, and they contain more pigments that give color to the flour.

Water must comply with the drinking water standard. The water is heated in such a way that the dough temperature during kneading is 30°C.

Edible salt, sugar is dissolved in water, filtered and fed into production in the form of a solution of a certain density.

Liquid fats are filtered, solid fats are melted at a temperature not exceeding 45 ° C and filtered.

Butter is a product made from concentrated cow's milk fat. It contains 61.5-82.5% fat and 16-35% moisture. The oil contains a large amount of low molecular weight unsaturated fatty acids. Due to this composition, it has a low (28-35°C) melting point, good taste properties.

The oil contains a small amount of proteins, minerals, vitamins A, D, E, K, C, group B. Butter contains phosphatides (lecithin) and sterols (cholesterol). The calorie content of 100 g of butter is about 750 kcal, and its fusibility ensures absorption by the human body by 95-98%.

The advantage of the oil is its high taste properties. The surface of the oil on the cut should be shiny, dry in appearance, the consistency is homogeneous, plastic, dense. The color of the oil is from white to yellow, uniform throughout the mass.

Sugar- the taste is sweet, without foreign taste and smell, both in dry sugar and in its aqueous solution. The consistency is loose, without lumps. The color is white with a yellowish tinge. The sugar solution should be clear, without insoluble sediment or other foreign matter.

Eggs - a valuable food product, as they contain complete proteins, are well absorbed by the body and have a high calorie content. An egg consists of three main parts - protein, yolk and shell. In chicken eggs, protein is 56-58%, yolk 30-32%, shell 12% of the total mass. The shell protects the contents of the egg from mechanical damage, microbial contamination and moisture evaporation. The egg shell contains calcium carbonate (93.5%) and magnesium (1.4%), calcium and magnesium phosphate (0.8%), a small amount of organic matter.

Eggs - chem. composition (%): proteins - 12.7, fats - 11.5, carbohydrates - 0.7, minerals - 1, water - 74, vitamins: gr. B, PP, etc. The air chamber is motionless, the protein is dense, light, transparent. The yolk is strong, barely visible, but the contours are not visible. The shell is clean and not damaged.

Eggs must be sorted by quality. Eggs must be fresh, without foreign odors.

The weight of one egg ranges from 40 to 60 g, the average egg weight is 40 g. Eggs should be stored at the enterprise at a temperature of 1 - 30C and a relative humidity of 85 - 88%.

Vanillin used to impart a vanilla flavor to foods and beverages, to enhance other flavors, and to mask or soften unwanted off-flavours. Vanillin has a pleasant spicy bitter aftertaste.

Yeast. In baking, pressed, dried and liquid yeast and yeast milk are used. Pressed yeast are yeast cells expressed under special conditions, isolated from the medium in which they propagated. They are a perishable product and require storage at t=0?-4?C for no more than 12 days.

An important indicator of the quality of yeast is its lifting power. Good yeast will raise the dough in 60-65 minutes. Preparation of preloved yeast for production consists in releasing them from packaging, preliminary coarse grinding and preparation of a well-mixed homogeneous mass in warm water with t = 30-35?

Dried yeast is used in cases where it is impossible to deliver to the factory or store pre-prepared yeast.

Yeast milk is a liquid suspension of yeast in water, obtained by separating the culture medium after the yeast has been propagated in it.

Salt is a necessary ingredient in jari dough preparation. It reduces the swelling and solubility of flour proteins, delays their disaggregation, and makes the dough more plastic.

Name of products

Weight, g

Chemical composition

Energy value, kcal



Premium wheat flour

Half wheat flour

Sugar (for decoration)


or vegetable

Egg (for greasing)

Pressed yeast

Semi-finished product weight

Yield: 60.

Humidity: no more than 34%.

On diet number 15.

Cooking technology. Balls are formed from yeast dough, put seam down on oiled sheets at a distance of 8-10 cm and put in a warm place for proofing for 30-40 minutes. The surface of the balls is smeared with an egg, sprinkled with sugar and baked for 5 minutes at a temperature of 230-240 "C.

quality requirements. Buns are round, from golden yellow to light brown, the surface is shiny. The dough is well baked. The crumb is evenly porous, lush. The taste is moderately salty with a hint of sugar, pleasant.

Technological map No. 56 Name of the blue: Shchi from fresh cabbage with potatoes

Name of products

Weight, g

Chemical composition

energycal value, kcal



White cabbage



tomato paste


or vegetable oil

Yield: 250. -

On diets No. 2.8.9. 10 (10-no salt).

Cooking technology. Prepared cabbage, cut into checkers, is put into boiling broth or water, brought to a boil, carrots and parsley are added, cut into strips and stewed with butter, then blanched and browned onions and boiled for 10 minutes. Add potatoes, salt and cook until all vegetables are ready. At the end of cooking add sour cream, bay leaf, bring to a boil. Insist 10-12 min.

You can put garlic in cabbage soup (2 g net per 1,000 g of neck), mashed with salt.

Serving temperature - 65 °C.

quality requirements. On the surface - spangles of fat pale yellow. Cabbage, roots, potatoes have retained their cut form, their texture is soft. The taste is slightly sweet, the aroma of vegetables. The smell of steamed cabbage is not allowed.
