What to bake for dessert. Simple recipes for delicious quick desserts. Preparation of the best cold, hot, chocolate, children's, summer and Italian homemade desserts

Contrary to popular belief, desserts are an essential part of a healthy diet. The main principle to be followed, according to nutritionists, is that they should not be included in the daily diet. But for special events, various holidays, they can become a kind of “reward”. New Year, Christmas is the best way to treat yourself to goodies. Since the holidays are still going on, we offer an overview of the most popular desserts in the world that can still be prepared.

Christmas Pudding (UK)

No Christmas celebration in Britain is complete without some special pudding. Despite its popularity in the country, and beyond its borders, it is not as tasty as it seems. However, everyone still has a chance to try it. And suddenly like it.

Dulce de leche (Argentina)

Condensed milk is the pride of Argentina. This is a mixture of milk and sugar, which is boiled down until caramelized and turns into a thick, tender mass. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but it will be much tastier cooked at home.

Bolu rey (Portugal)

Bolu rey, also called royal cake, is a traditional Portuguese sweet bread with nuts and candied fruits, served at Christmas or on January 6, King's Day.

Mazariner (Sweden)

Delicious almond baskets are considered one of the Italian crostata di mandodorle, almond pie. And the name itself suggests the origin of the dish. They are named after the Italian-French Cardinal Giulio Mazarin (1602-1661), also known as Jules Mazarin. Thus, the dessert is already more than four hundred years old, and such longevity only proves its amazing taste.

Cherry Pie (Holland)

Cherry and chocolate lovers will appreciate the lighter version of the German Black Forest cake.

Gulabjamun (India)

Gulabjamun is one of the most popular Indian desserts, which is donuts made from condensed or skimmed milk, filled with pink sugar syrup.

Winarterta (Iceland)

In Iceland, this layer cake with prunes is also called the "Striped Lady". It is usually prepared during the winter holidays, especially around Christmas. But there is no single recipe, but there is an opportunity to try several of them.

Banoffee Pie (England)

Perhaps this is one of the most stunning desserts in England. It is made from bananas, cream and toffee, boiled from condensed milk. All this is laid out on a cake of crumbled cookies and butter.

Knafeh (Middle East)

Many Middle Eastern countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Syria claim to be the birthplace of this delicious dessert. But no one can say for sure. The same Greeks prepare a very similar dish called kataifi, only soft cheese is not put in it.

Tiramisu (Italy)

Tiramisu is one of the most popular Italian desserts, made with coffee-soaked savoiardi biscuits and a cream of beaten eggs, sugar and mascarpone. Due to its popularity, it has spread throughout the world and acquired many variations.

Cranahan (Scotland)

A traditional Scottish dessert made with oatmeal, cream, whiskey and raspberries. This is an amazing opportunity to hit guests not only in the heart, but also in the stomach.

Rocky Road Cakes (Australia)

Rocky Road is an Australian dessert made with milk chocolate, marshmallows and served as cakes or cupcakes. In the US, it is usually served with ice cream.

Guinness Chocolate Cake (Ireland)

The Irish have their own idea of ​​celebrating Christmas or St. Patrick's Day. And alcohol plays an important role there, even in desserts. And the combination of chocolate and beer in the cake will be simply unsurpassed.

Three Milk Cake (Mexico)

The cake got its name due to the fact that it is soaked in three types of milk. Although Mexican cuisine is known for its delicious, but very filling dishes, this dessert can be called the lightest and most harmless in terms of calories.

Devil's Food Cake (USA)

The cake is made from dark chocolate, and it got its name for its rich and rich taste, which simply cannot be sinful.

Dobos (Hungary)

"Dobosh" - a magnificent biscuit cake made of seven layers, smeared with chocolate butter cream and decorated with caramel. It was named after the creator, Hungarian chef Joseph Dobos.

Brazo de Gitano (Spain)

Although the name translates as "gypsy's hand," it's just a biscuit roll. It is worth noting that it did not appear at all in Spain, but somewhere in central Europe, but it was here that it turned into a traditional Christmas dessert.

Christmas Log (Belgium/France)

This is an incredibly delicious roll made from chocolate biscuit and chocolate cream. It is usually sprinkled with powdered sugar, which is supposed to symbolize snow.

Melomakarona (Greece)

It is simply impossible to break away from a small honey cookie. This is one of the most popular treats in Greece during the Christmas holidays. And to make the taste even better, melomacarona is covered with milk chocolate.

Profiteroles (France)

Profiteroles are one of the best desserts in the world, which are balls of choux pastry filled with cream and covered with milk chocolate icing.

Sacher Cake (Austria)

This is one of the most famous chocolate cakes in the world since its introduction in 1832 thanks to the Austrian Franz Sacher. It is a stunning biscuit covered with a thin layer of apricot jam, and chocolate icing on top only emphasizes the greatness of its taste.

Pavlova Cake (New Zealand)

Don't let the name fool you, this dessert originated in New Zealand. But it is really named after the great Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. It is the most delicate meringue, decorated with whipped cream and pieces of fresh fruit.

Panettone (Italy)

Possibly the most popular Christmas sweet bread in Europe over the past few decades. He appeared in Milan and soon became a symbol of the city. Now panettone can be found in many European and American cities.

Cheesecake (Greece/USA)

Incredibly delicious dessert, the origin of which is usually attributed to the Americans, will make the festive table unique. And the history of cheesecake is longer than you think. The first memories of it date back to the fifth century BC. The ancient Greek doctor Aegimus wrote an entire book on the art of making cheesecakes.

Cake "Black Forest" (Germany)

Schwarzwald is an amazingly delicious chocolate cake consisting of four biscuit cakes, pickled cherries and whipped cream, sprinkled with chocolate chips and decorated with berries. And for dessert, you can serve a cup

Often there is a desire to enjoy something sweet, but there is very little time to cook. For such situations, there are many quick-to-prepare desserts using fruits, dairy products, jams and nuts, with and without pastries, dietary and not so.

Recipes for sweet and delicious desserts in a hurry

fried apples in dough

We are used to eating apples fresh or as a filling for a pie or wind pies, but fried in dough is exotic on our table. Quite a simple and unusual dish has an exquisite taste.

Wash apples and chop into rings, cutting out the core in the process. Mix warm milk and chicken eggs (can be replaced with quail). Add the crushed flour and stir. Dip the sliced ​​apple slices.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat up. We fry the fruit in the dough, like pancakes. Spread on a paper towel, then on a large diameter plate and crush with powdered sugar.

The recipe is quite flexible: apples can be replaced with pears or other fruits of your choice.

Chocolate cupcakes with filling inside

Some housewives are afraid to start baking cupcakes, considering this process difficult and afraid to spoil the food. But not everything is as scary as it seems, and anyone, even a novice confectioner, can cook this delicious dessert.


  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Flour - 350 g;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Yolk - 4 pcs.;
  • Dark chocolate - 1 bar.

Grease the cake molds with butter. They can be metal or silicone, whichever is more convenient for you. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, add soft butter.

Beat the eggs with a mixer with additional yolks and sugar, add salt at the end. Without interrupting the process, pour in the chocolate-cream mixture. Pour in the crushed flour. We activate the electric oven at 170 ° C. Spoon the melted chocolate batter into the molds and bake for ten minutes. The main thing with this dessert is not to overcook during baking.

These cupcakes are served hot with ice cream or cappuccino.

Quick roll with jam

This dish can be prepared in just ten minutes while there is an advertisement on TV, and return to watching a series or reality show with a cup of tea and a delicious roll.


  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Powdered milk - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Jam or jam - 250 g;
  • Powdered sugar - for decoration.

Whisk the chilled eggs and sugar into a fluffy mass. Pour a little bit of crushed flour, milk powder and soda. We turn on the electric oven at 190 ° C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour the batter onto it. Bake no more than 10 minutes.

We take out and quickly shift the cake onto a wet towel, fold and leave to lie down for five minutes. We unwind, remove the parchment and coat with plenty of jam. Roll back, cut and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

For this roll, you can use any filling: boiled condensed milk with butter, sour cream with sugar, whipped cream or jam. Add chopped fruits or nuts, pour over glaze or crush with coconut flakes.

Light diet desserts in a hurry

Zephyr at home

Zephyr refers to low-calorie sweets. It is quite possible to equate it to marmalade, natural honey or marshmallow. It is prepared from fruit puree and jelly thickener, so with moderate consumption, you can not worry about being overweight.


  • Apples - 6 pcs.;
  • Sugar for puree - 200 g;
  • Sugar for syrup - 350 g;
  • Agar-agar - 10 g;
  • Vanilla - 1 sachet;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Egg white - 1 pc.;
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

Soak agar-agar with warm water. Wash the apples and remove the core, cut into slices. Put on a flat dish, bake in the microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes. Take out the apple pulp with a spoon, thereby clearing it of its peel. Blend with an immersion blender to a puree paste. If there is no such aggregate, grind through a sieve. Pour vanilla and regular sugar, knead thoroughly and leave to cool.

Put agar-agar on the burner and bring to a boil, add sugar and boil for five minutes until the liquid begins to bubble strongly.

Pour the protein into the puree, beat until a white fluffy mass is formed, without stopping the process, pour in the syrup in a stream. Cover a flat surface with tracing paper and, putting a sweet mass into a pastry bag, squeeze out a beautiful marshmallow.

Leave the sweetness to dry completely. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and carefully peel off the paper.

Soup kharcho, pork recipe. This fragrant and rich soup will amaze you with its taste. Recipes .

Light panna cotta with strawberry sauce

In general, panna cotta is considered a fairly high-calorie dish, because it is made from milk and heavy cream. But in this case, we will take products with a minimum fat content and the dessert will turn out to be dietary.


  • Low-fat milk - 300 ml;
  • Cream 10% - 300 ml;
  • Strawberries - 200 g;
  • Gelatin - 1 pack;
  • Water - 0.5 cups;
  • Mint - for decoration;
  • Vanilla - 1 sachet;
  • Sweetener - 2 tbsp. l.

Mix milk with cream, pour in the sweetener and put on a slow fire. Stirring occasionally, heat the milk-cream mixture to 70 ° C.

Dilute the gelatin with cold water and, without stirring, leave to swell for 10 minutes.

Pour vanilla into milk, add gelatin and mix well.

Immerse panna cotta glasses in the freezer so that they cool well. My strawberries and grind with a blender or wipe on a sieve.

Pour milk-cream mixture into glasses, leaving room for berry puree, and immerse to cool for two hours. We extract, spread the strawberry mass on top and decorate with a mint leaf.

You can do otherwise - turn the panna cotta on a flat dish, pour fruit sauce and serve guests in this performance.

Banana puree with nuts

Bananas occupy a certain niche in our diet, almost like apples or pears, although they do not grow in our climate. We eat them whole, often for breakfast, or take them to work or school for a snack.

We add to baking, cook kissels and cook many different sweets. This recipe describes banana puree with nuts, which is suitable for dessert, and in terms of calories it will replace a piece of cake or a bun.


  • Bananas - 5 pcs.;
  • Liquid honey - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Almonds - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Hazelnut - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Chocolate bar - 1 pc.;
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Use an immersion blender to puree three bananas. Add five tablespoons of honey. Cut the lemon, pierce the holes with a fork and, with physical effort, squeeze the juice into the banana mass.

We grind the nuts in a mortar, but not much, so that small pieces are present, and the kernels do not completely turn into nut flour.

The remaining bananas are fried in a pan. Drizzle with honey before turning to the other side. Mix mashed potatoes with nuts, put fried bananas on top and crush with grated chocolate. You cook in the cold season, you can immediately eat while warm. If it's summer, it's better to refrigerate.

Desserts in a hurry without baking

Curd house in glaze

In the process of preparing this dessert, you will need the most common set of products; you can also involve a child in it. As a result, you will get not only a tasty and healthy dessert, but also a sea of ​​positive emotions.


  • Shortbread cookies - 600 g;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 450 g;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Water - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Homemade sour cream - 200 ml;
  • Vanillin - 1 pack;
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.

We interrupt cottage cheese, sour cream, vanillin and sugar in a blender glass. If there is no such device, you can use the usual pusher. We send the finished lush cream to cool.

We spread a cling film on a flat surface, dip the cookies in milk and spread them on top. We spread curd cream on the flour mass and, lifting the edges of the film, form a kind of house, tightly wrap it around an impromptu cake and immerse it to cool.

In a metal bowl, mix water, sugar, milk and cocoa. Put on moderate heat and stir constantly. When the mixture begins to thicken, remove, let cool and add oil.

We take out the cottage cheese house, put it on a dish and pour abundantly with chocolate icing.

Fruit icecream

It is not necessary to have a special ice cream machine in the home kitchen to make this favorite summer treat. It is enough to have on hand a certain set of products and any fresh fruits that are suitable for the season.


  • Fatty cream - 400 ml;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can;
  • Cream thickener - 1 pack;
  • Apricot - 5 pcs.;
  • Orange - 2 pcs.

Wash and wipe the fruit with a towel, remove the seeds from the apricots and cut into pieces in a bowl. Cut the orange in half, peel off the zest with a special knife, clean the pulp with a fork and select the seeds.

Combine the pulp of apricot, orange, zest and condensed milk together. Mix everything well.

Beat the chilled cream with a thickener and pour into the milk-fruit mass.

Pour into a food container and freeze until completely thickened.

This will take about five hours. Remove, with a special spoon for ice cream, put beautiful rounds in bowls.

They can be sprinkled with nuts, grated chocolate or sprinkled with syrup, or natural fruit juices can be used and poured in different layers, it will be interesting and tasty.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating something sweet, the main thing is to know when to stop, and follow our recipes, of course!

Sweets- this is a temptation, pleasure, temptation, something that improves our mood and makes us a little happier, something that pleases and inspires. Of course, if you are worried about your health and figure, you need to be careful with them, but sometimes you need to allow yourself this little weakness! In addition, modern cooking has come up with so many different recipes for dietary and low-calorie sweets, where you can certainly find your favorite.

In more scientific terms, sweets are confectionery or high-calorie foods that contain a lot of sugar in their composition. They have a pleasant taste and smell, which are very difficult to resist.

Absolutely everyone loves them - from the smallest to the oldest. Sweets are easily digested by our body, are stored for a long time and well, contain a lot of carbohydrates that provide us with a lot of energy.

Sweets are often served for dessert - along with a cup of aromatic coffee or tea. At celebrations, weddings, corporate parties, certain types of sweets are served on separate tables, being an ornament and an obligatory component of the holiday.

Depending on the ingredients used in the preparation process, sweets can be sugary and floury. The basis for sugary sweets is sugar, honey and various syrups. The basis of flour sweets is flour with all kinds of spices and fillers.

Sweets are, first of all, a variety of home-made sweets. There are a whole lot of varieties of sweets - these are bars, sweets, caramels and candies, sweets with different fillings, truffles, toffee, grillage, waffle, chocolate, milk and fruit sweets and many, many others.

As a rule, the main component of all sweets are carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc.), quite a few proteins, fats, a drop of vitamins and minerals. Although, this applies to most candies. However, if you and I prepare homemade sweets from dried fruits, honey and nuts, then, of course, their nutritional value will be completely different.

Recipes for original and amazing sweets, which are updated daily with new products on the website, are a wonderful alternative to sweets from supermarket shelves. And what is very important - in homemade sweets you will certainly not find any additives, preservatives, stabilizers and dyes that are harmful to our health.

Handmade sweets are the best gift for any occasion, an excellent decoration of a festive table and an indispensable treat for children of all times and peoples.

How to make sweets on your own - beautiful, natural, tasty, not inferior in taste, or outwardly to their similar counterparts? It's so easy! In addition, the process of making homemade sweets is so exciting that for many hostesses, making sweets becomes a real hobby, which allows you to always have a sweet treat on hand for relatives, friends, children and work colleagues.

We want to bring to your attention only the most delicious and interesting recipes for making homemade sweets that can turn even the most ordinary tea party into a real holiday - Truffle sweets, sweet sausage, homemade caramel, homemade marmalade, homemade Raffaello, homemade Toffee sweets, candied oranges , cranberries in sugar, gozinaki, homemade toffee, chocolate-covered bacon, homemade marshmallows, prunes, soufflé, marshmallow, Grillage and many, many other recipes with photos and step-by-step photo recipes.

Sweets prepared with your own hands, moreover, with love, have a special, unique taste and will undoubtedly appeal to everyone - a sweet tooth, a chocoholic, and even those who follow a diet and watch their figure.

Useful low-calorie sweets made from dried fruits, nuts, with pieces of carrots, pumpkins, with all kinds of spices and honey do not contradict the main principles of healthy and proper nutrition.

Dessert is not the main part of the meal, but it is necessary. It is the sweet dish served at the end of the meal that completes the lunch or dinner, gives the feeling of a small holiday. Therefore, do not deprive yourself and your loved ones of a sweet surprise, especially since it is always awaited with great impatience. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to prepare labor-intensive and high-calorie cakes. Light fruit desserts and all kinds of creams are a great alternative for every day.

orange dessert

Try this beautiful, light and delicate dessert. It is perfect for a children's birthday, and for the New Year. Although... don't wait until the holidays to treat yourself to this light dessert...

This is a childhood recipe. The cake is very tasty, beautiful and fragrant, quick and easy to prepare. A great treat for tea, you can give the kids to school or take with you on the road ...

If you need to quickly prepare a cake, and preferably without baking, then I recommend this very tasty dessert. For a cake, it is better to take biscuit cookies, but you can do it with regular cookies ....

Preparing a pie is quite simple, the products are simple and affordable, but the beauty and deliciousness is extraordinary. Serve warm with whipped cream...

This roll is prepared from yeast-free dough, so to speak, from the simplest and most affordable products that are always in the refrigerator. Delight your loved ones with a delicious apple roll...

Among the huge variety of apple pies, this one is perhaps the most delicious and tender. An amazing combination of crumbly dough, apples and the most delicate cream with a slight sourness...

This pie has long gained worldwide fame. Brownie has an amazing taste and aroma of chocolate, and it also has a very delicate texture. Preparing a dessert is easy, the only thing is that it is important not to overdry it in the oven ...

Thanks to the movies, everyone has heard about the American apple pie, about this culinary symbol of America. You can try this cake at home by preparing it according to this recipe ...

This casserole with pumpkin, cottage cheese and raisins turns out to be very tender, completely non-greasy, you can even say that this is the perfect breakfast or dinner - tasty and healthy...

Do you want something tasty, but so that it is easy and quick to cook, and also not too high in calories? Then prepare this open fruit pie. Delicious, beautiful, healthy!

Nutella... it's so delicious that you can't stop eating. And what kind of toasts, cookies or croissants are obtained with Nutella! Let's see how to quickly cook Nutella at home...

An amazing dessert, so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off! The taste is the most delicate, and the best part is that the cake is not very high in calories, so you can afford a piece, or even two)))

These rolls are perfect for tea or coffee, rolls are prepared very quickly on the basis of cottage cheese dough, we take any jam or thick jam as a filling ...

The famous French Tatin is prepared from the simplest and cheapest products, and is prepared quickly enough and with excellent results. That's why everyone loves him so much...

Try a real French cake with the romantic name Crepeville. This cake is made from pancakes and custard, it turns out so airy, tasty and fragrant...

Pudding is an English name, in Russia this dessert was called rice babka or baba. We often cooked for children, and not only, because the pudding turns out to be tasty and healthy ...

Just imagine the taste of airy biscuit plus the taste of ripe fragrant strawberries plus whipped cream... It's really delicious. This dessert is prepared quite simply and quickly ...

Usually the Broken Glass cake is made from colored gelatin. It turns out beautiful, but not useful. Therefore, I propose to replace gelatin with canned fruit. It turns out even tastier, and without dyes ...

During the strawberry season, I often spoil my family with strawberry pies and cakes. Of all the recipes, I prefer strawberry custard cake: it is tender, tasty and beautiful, it has a low calorie content ...

This cherry cake is so beautiful and fragrant that it is simply impossible not to love it. Shortcrust pastry combined with cherries and sour cream create an unforgettable taste...

No purchased cookies can be compared with homemade cakes, especially with cottage cheese cookies. Making these cookies is quick and easy. Ingredients: cottage cheese, flour, sugar, butter, egg...

Children simply adore this cake, it is tender, airy, with an unforgettable aroma of honey. It is very easy to prepare. Main ingredients: honey, flour, sugar, eggs, butter, sour cream...

Prepare this amazing chocolate dessert that will add sophistication and sophistication to a romantic dinner for two. This pudding is often called the dish of love...

The perfect dessert for a birthday, anniversary or wedding. Such a cake will not only delight the heroes of the occasion and invited guests with its amazing taste, but also emphasize the exclusivity of the moment...

There is nothing tastier than strawberries, except perhaps a cake with fragrant strawberry cream. Preparing the cream is quite simple. The main ingredient is fresh strawberries or strawberry jam...

In France, this delicacy is called petit choux, they are made with a sweet or salty filling. In our country, they are better known as small custards with cream. Ingredients: water, flour, butter, salt, eggs...

This cake consists of two thin biscuit layers, the most delicate egg soufflé, and all this is covered with real chocolate icing. You can make this dessert at home...

Treat yourself and your family to this easy carrot cake. It is tasty, low-calorie, and you will never say that it contains ordinary carrots. Don't believe? See for yourself...

Prepare a tender and fragrant cheese Easter for Easter. Unlike Easter cake, it is not baked, but cooked in a cold way. Ingredients: tender non-acidic cottage cheese, egg yellows, sugar, sour cream, raisins, dried apricots...

Baked cottage cheese Easter is distinguished by its special tenderness and taste. Try this original recipe. Ingredients: non-acidic fatty cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, flour, cream, raisins, candied fruit, butter...

These simple potato-shaped cakes have been known to everyone since Soviet times, but to this day they are loved by the sweet tooth. Their advantage is that they are prepared without baking, very quickly and cheaply...

Prepare this magical fluffy meringue. Just two ingredients and a little patience will allow you to create this culinary miracle. These bezeshki are an excellent dessert for a meeting of friends or a big festive feast...

This beautiful and unusual pear dessert is perfect for a romantic dinner. The light aroma of wine mixed with aromas of spices will create a unique holiday atmosphere...

In just a few minutes, you can prepare an unusual, tasty and beautiful dessert. The perfect solution for receptions and parties. Cakes are prepared from whipped cream, cookies and ...

Prepare a delicious and low-calorie dessert from fresh pineapple. Now you can enjoy sweets and not be afraid for your figure. In addition, the dessert is so beautiful that it can be put on the festive table...

This waffle cake will delight you not only with the availability of ingredients and ease of preparation, but also with its exquisite taste. An excellent cake, both for a regular tea party and for a festive table ...

The traditional combination of chocolate-nuts-raisins is already a bit tired, so drop the standards and surprise yourself and your guests with this unusual and surprisingly delicate dessert. The recipe is very simple...

Since Soviet times, this tasty and practical dessert has found popular love. And this is no coincidence: it is original and tasty, it takes fifteen minutes to prepare, it is not necessary to bake in the oven. Sharing a good recipe...

The easiest way to decorate a cake is to cover it with chocolate icing. I share a very simple and quick glaze recipe. It only takes two ingredients and a few minutes to prepare...

There is nothing easier and tastier than oven baked apples. They can be cooked with honey, nuts, dried fruit and just sugar. Always and everywhere it is a welcome dish on any table...

This Italian dessert is famous for its amazing taste, which combines the tenderness of mascarpone cheese, coffee and cocoa. And he fell in love with the fact that it can be cooked at home ...

If you are thinking of cooking something tasty and original for Valentine's Day, then try this sweet heart covered with strawberry icing. The cake is prepared very quickly and without an oven ....

Traditionally, raisins, nuts, spices and marzipan are added to Christmas pastries, and sprinkled with sweet powdered sugar on top. Despite the apparent complexity, preparing Stollen is not so difficult...

The main distinguishing feature of all sweet flan is the presence of caramel. Therefore, it is not surprising that we will start the preparation of this delicious dessert with the preparation of caramel ...

On Maslenitsa it is necessary to cook all kinds of dishes from pancakes. Please yourself and your loved ones with this delicious and unusual cake made of pancakes and the most delicate curd filling...

A very simple recipe from, so to speak, basic ingredients, but the result is one hundred percent. By the way, you can decorate cakes with any fresh or candied fruit. Perfect for strawberry and kiwi..

I offer a somewhat unusual recipe for an Anthill cake. It is made from sweet cookies, chocolate and nuts. It is prepared very quickly, it turns out delicious, the children are simply delighted with it and are ready to eat with spoons ...

Looking for something tasty and original? Then try these gourmet chocolate banana brownies. It is not by chance that both adults and children like this delicacy ...

The success of a biscuit cake depends not only on how good the biscuit itself is. The cream itself plays an important role. It is the filling that will make your cake exquisite, delicate, unique, it will add an accent...

No purchased biscuit can be compared in taste and tenderness with a homemade biscuit. Therefore, we learn to bake biscuit cakes, and then using different fillings we prepare real masterpieces...

What's a birthday, what's a holiday without a cake?! A win-win option is to cook a delicious and tender Napoleon cake. This recipe is easy to make and...

Recipe for unexpected guests. In just half an hour you will prepare an amazing cake. Try it and you will see for yourself that you can make a delicious cake quickly from a standard set...

Custard is a real lifesaver for both beginners and experienced housewives. It is simply and quickly prepared, its calorie content is much lower than the calorie content of butter and butter creams...

This incredibly tasty and healthy dessert is better known to us as a fruit salad, although its real name is Macedonia, and it came from far, far, hot, hot Spain ...

This dessert is sometimes called a pudding, and sometimes a flan, but this does not change the essence. This dessert is prepared from eggs and milk, and it turns out to be unusually tender and tasty. Coconut shavings give the pudding a special taste ...

Once you have mastered the preparation of chocolate biscuit cakes, you will never want a store-bought biscuit. After all, baking cakes is not difficult at all, and how much creativity for filling and decorating a cake ...

Prepare this unusually tender and delicious cottage cheese dessert. Unlike the classic recipe, it is prepared without baking. Try it and you will see for yourself that this cake is worthy of the highest praise ...

The real name of this cream is Natillas and is translated from Spanish as whipped cream. In fact, this dessert is more like not cream, but a delicate cream. Not only children, but also adults just adore him...

If you decided to bake a cake for dessert, then prepare this light and tasty sour cream cream for it, thanks to which the cakes will become especially tender and tasty ...

Dessert is not the main part of the meal, but it is necessary. It is the sweet dish served at the end of the meal that completes the lunch or dinner, gives the feeling of a small holiday. Therefore, do not deprive yourself and your loved ones of a sweet surprise, especially since it is always awaited with great impatience. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to prepare labor-intensive and high-calorie cakes. Light fruit desserts and all kinds of creams are a great alternative for every day.

A stunning seasonal cake, very tender, beautiful and delicious. Prepared in a hurry, does not require special products or a lot of time. The pie turns out so appetizing that it is eaten instantly ...

The dessert is prepared in minutes, while the list of ingredients is indecently short - only three ingredients!!! Bananas, gingerbread and sour cream can be bought at the nearest grocery store...

Preparing a cake is not difficult, but the presence of cottage cheese and buckwheat flour in it makes the cake special, very tasty and fragrant, completely different from ordinary, long-bored cakes ...

Really tasty and very beautiful cottage cheese pie, practically does not contain fat, suitable for children and for those who prefer healthy and wholesome food...

This is exactly the case when almost nothing turns into a culinary masterpiece, and there are A LOT of them. Therefore, if you have a children's party "on your nose", then do not forget to include marshmallows in the list of treats...

It is even hard to believe that such a yummy is so quick and easy to prepare. All you need is 10-12 plums + quick yeast-free dough. Recommend, very tasty and beautiful cake...

The hardest part about making an apricot pie is waiting for it to cool completely, because it is so beautiful, it smells so charming that it just drives you crazy...

The main advantage of this recipe is that cakes and cream are made on the basis of cottage cheese, while neither butter nor margarine is added. The perfect dessert for kids, 100% healthy. We bake cakes in a frying pan ...

Unusual vkusnotishcha, even with tea, even with milk, even just like that. On the second day, this pie with cherries and protein top does not survive, it is eaten instantly ...

There is nothing easier than making an amazing fruit cake from ready-made dough. It takes a little time, it turns out delicious and very beautiful. This recipe is a real lifesaver...

I offer a quick recipe for rum baba, which will allow you to cook an incredibly tasty treat from childhood in no time. Moreover, this rum woman practically does not differ in taste from ...

No other cake can be compared with this in its tenderness and airiness. Yes, there are complicated meringue cake recipes, but there are also very simple ones, like this one. Be sure to try...

This dessert is quite easy to prepare, in addition, there are many variations: with pineapple, with bananas, with cherries, etc. Be sure to try it, especially since the preparation of the cake is easy and exciting ...

Try this beautiful, light and delicate dessert. It is perfect for a children's birthday, and for the New Year. Although... don't wait until the holidays to treat yourself to this light dessert...

A simple composition of ingredients, the cake turns out to be very tasty, it perfectly combines biscuit, custard and dark chocolate. A good dessert for a holiday or for a special occasion...

Many still from the kindergarten remember the cottage cheese casserole with pasta, which was certainly served with jam or fruit jelly, this casserole turned out to be delicious, and the children liked it ...

Recipe for cakes made from biscuit dough, covered with chocolate icing and stuffed with the most delicate butter cream. The recipe is not very complicated, the main thing is to have the desire, time and a little patience...

They are so tasty, fragrant, crumbly and, most interestingly, these bagels never get bored. It is worth putting another jam, and the taste of the bagels is completely different ...

Preparing such a yummy is as easy as shelling pears, you don’t need to bake anything, everything is done literally on the fly. Children and adults eat such a curd dessert with great pleasure ...

Fragrant and incredibly tasty honey cookies with ginger and spicy spices, made in the form of figurines and covered with sugar glaze, create a unique fabulous holiday atmosphere...

An amazing coconut biscuit, the most delicate filling of coconut flakes, and all this splendor is covered with fragrant chocolate. Yes, very tasty and, to be honest, it is quite difficult to stop...

For cooking, you need the simplest, most affordable and natural products. That is why Turkish delight belongs to the category of ecological, healthy confectionery products...

This unusual cake, resembling a real log in appearance, will not only decorate your holiday table, but will also delight guests with its exquisite taste. The recipe is not very complicated...

Prepare an amazing breakfast in 15 minutes. You don't have to bake anything, all you need is toast, toppings and a frying pan. You can make any filling, 3 options are offered ...

The main advantage of this recipe is a very quick preparation, while amazing taste and look. The apples in the dough are the most tender, the dough itself is prepared in five minutes ...

Preparing a dessert is easy, all you need is a little time plus the simplest products. The cheesecake turns out delicious, beautiful and inexpensive, ordinary cottage cheese is used for cooking ...

An amazing combination of crispy shortbread cookies, nuts and boiled condensed milk. These cookies are not only tasty, but also practical: the dough is inexpensive, and nuts can be stuffed with different fillings...

If you need to quickly prepare a cake, and preferably without baking, then I recommend this very tasty dessert. For a cake, it is better to take biscuit cookies, but you can do it with regular cookies ....

Preparing a pie is quite simple, the products are simple and affordable, but the beauty and deliciousness is extraordinary. Serve warm with whipped cream...

This roll is prepared from yeast-free dough, so to speak, from the simplest and most affordable products that are always in the refrigerator. Delight your loved ones with a delicious apple roll...

Among the huge variety of apple pies, this one is perhaps the most delicious and tender. An amazing combination of crumbly dough, apples and the most delicate cream with a slight sourness...

This pie has long gained worldwide fame. Brownie has an amazing taste and aroma of chocolate, and it also has a very delicate texture. Preparing a dessert is easy, the only thing is that it is important not to overdry it in the oven ...

Gingerbread cookies are sunny, soft, fragrant and very tasty. Children and adults will enjoy this tasty treat. Oatmeal gingerbread is prepared from available products ...

Thanks to the movies, everyone has heard about the American apple pie, about this culinary symbol of America. You can try this cake at home by preparing it according to this recipe ...

This casserole with pumpkin, cottage cheese and raisins turns out to be very tender, completely non-greasy, you can even say that this is the perfect breakfast or dinner - tasty and healthy...

Simple, quick and delicious cottage cheese cookies, the perfect treat for tea, you can take with you on the road or give the kids to school. By the way, that's the name of the cookie...

Do you want something tasty, but so that it is easy and quick to cook, and also not too high in calories? Then prepare this open fruit pie. Delicious, beautiful, healthy!

Nutella... it's so delicious that you can't stop eating. And what kind of toasts, cookies or croissants are obtained with Nutella! Let's see how to quickly cook Nutella at home...

An amazing dessert, so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off! The taste is the most delicate, and the best part is that the cake is not very high in calories, so you can afford a piece, or even two)))

These rolls are perfect for tea or coffee, rolls are prepared very quickly on the basis of cottage cheese dough, we take any jam or thick jam as a filling ...

The famous French Tatin is prepared from the simplest and cheapest products, and is prepared quickly enough and with excellent results. That's why everyone loves him so much...

Try a real French cake with the romantic name Crepeville. This cake is made from pancakes and custard, it turns out so airy, tasty and fragrant...

Pudding is an English name, in Russia this dessert was called rice babka or baba. We often cooked for children, and not only, because the pudding turns out to be tasty and healthy ...

Just imagine the taste of airy biscuit plus the taste of ripe fragrant strawberries plus whipped cream... It's really delicious. This dessert is prepared quite simply and quickly ...

Usually the Broken Glass cake is made from colored gelatin. It turns out beautiful, but not useful. Therefore, I propose to replace gelatin with canned fruit. It turns out even tastier, and without dyes ...

During the strawberry season, I often spoil my family with strawberry pies and cakes. Of all the recipes, I prefer strawberry custard cake: it is tender, tasty and beautiful, it has a low calorie content ...

This cherry cake is so beautiful and fragrant that it is simply impossible not to love it. Shortcrust pastry combined with cherries and sour cream create an unforgettable taste...

No purchased cookies can be compared with homemade cakes, especially with cottage cheese cookies. Making these cookies is quick and easy. Ingredients: cottage cheese, flour, sugar, butter, egg...

Children simply adore this cake, it is tender, airy, with an unforgettable aroma of honey. It is very easy to prepare. Main ingredients: honey, flour, sugar, eggs, butter, sour cream...

Prepare this amazing chocolate dessert that will add sophistication and sophistication to a romantic dinner for two. This pudding is often called the dish of love...

The perfect dessert for a birthday, anniversary or wedding. Such a cake will not only delight the heroes of the occasion and invited guests with its amazing taste, but also emphasize the exclusivity of the moment...

There is nothing tastier than strawberries, except perhaps a cake with fragrant strawberry cream. Preparing the cream is quite simple. The main ingredient is fresh strawberries or strawberry jam...

In France, this delicacy is called petit choux, they are made with a sweet or salty filling. In our country, they are better known as small custards with cream. Ingredients: water, flour, butter, salt, eggs...

This cake consists of two thin biscuit layers, the most delicate egg soufflé, and all this is covered with real chocolate icing. You can make this dessert at home...

Treat yourself and your family to this easy carrot cake. It is tasty, low-calorie, and you will never say that it contains ordinary carrots. Don't believe? See for yourself...

Prepare a tender and fragrant cheese Easter for Easter. Unlike Easter cake, it is not baked, but cooked in a cold way. Ingredients: tender non-acidic cottage cheese, egg yellows, sugar, sour cream, raisins, dried apricots...

Baked cottage cheese Easter is distinguished by its special tenderness and taste. Try this original recipe. Ingredients: non-acidic fatty cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, flour, cream, raisins, candied fruit, butter...

These simple potato-shaped cakes have been known to everyone since Soviet times, but to this day they are loved by the sweet tooth. Their advantage is that they are prepared without baking, very quickly and cheaply...

Prepare this magical fluffy meringue. Just two ingredients and a little patience will allow you to create this culinary miracle. These bezeshki are an excellent dessert for a meeting of friends or a big festive feast...

This beautiful and unusual pear dessert is perfect for a romantic dinner. The light aroma of wine mixed with aromas of spices will create a unique holiday atmosphere...

In just a few minutes, you can prepare an unusual, tasty and beautiful dessert. The perfect solution for receptions and parties. Cakes are prepared from whipped cream, cookies and ...

Prepare a delicious and low-calorie dessert from fresh pineapple. Now you can enjoy sweets and not be afraid for your figure. In addition, the dessert is so beautiful that it can be put on the festive table...

This waffle cake will delight you not only with the availability of ingredients and ease of preparation, but also with its exquisite taste. An excellent cake, both for a regular tea party and for a festive table ...

The traditional combination of chocolate-nuts-raisins is already a bit tired, so drop the standards and surprise yourself and your guests with this unusual and surprisingly delicate dessert. The recipe is very simple...

Since Soviet times, this tasty and practical dessert has found popular love. And this is no coincidence: it is original and tasty, it takes fifteen minutes to prepare, it is not necessary to bake in the oven. Sharing a good recipe...

This is a childhood recipe. The cake is very tasty, beautiful and fragrant, quick and easy to prepare. A great treat for tea, you can give the kids to school or take with you on the road ...

The easiest way to decorate a cake is to cover it with chocolate icing. I share a very simple and quick glaze recipe. It only takes two ingredients and a few minutes to prepare...

There is nothing easier and tastier than oven baked apples. They can be cooked with honey, nuts, dried fruit and just sugar. Always and everywhere it is a welcome dish on any table...

This Italian dessert is famous for its amazing taste, which combines the tenderness of mascarpone cheese, coffee and cocoa. And he fell in love with the fact that it can be cooked at home ...

If you are thinking of cooking something tasty and original for Valentine's Day, then try this sweet heart covered with strawberry icing. The cake is prepared very quickly and without an oven ....

Traditionally, raisins, nuts, spices and marzipan are added to Christmas pastries, and sprinkled with sweet powdered sugar on top. Despite the apparent complexity, preparing Stollen is not so difficult...

The main distinguishing feature of all sweet flan is the presence of caramel. Therefore, it is not surprising that we will start the preparation of this delicious dessert with the preparation of caramel ...

On Maslenitsa it is necessary to cook all kinds of dishes from pancakes. Please yourself and your loved ones with this delicious and unusual cake made of pancakes and the most delicate curd filling...

A very simple recipe from, so to speak, basic ingredients, but the result is one hundred percent. By the way, you can decorate cakes with any fresh or candied fruit. Perfect for strawberry and kiwi..

I offer a somewhat unusual recipe for an Anthill cake. It is made from sweet cookies, chocolate and nuts. It is prepared very quickly, it turns out delicious, the children are simply delighted with it and are ready to eat with spoons ...

Looking for something tasty and original? Then try these gourmet chocolate banana brownies. It is not by chance that both adults and children like this delicacy ...

The success of a biscuit cake depends not only on how good the biscuit itself is. The cream itself plays an important role. It is the filling that will make your cake exquisite, delicate, unique, it will add an accent...

No purchased biscuit can be compared in taste and tenderness with a homemade biscuit. Therefore, we learn to bake biscuit cakes, and then using different fillings we prepare real masterpieces...

What's a birthday, what's a holiday without a cake?! A win-win option is to cook a delicious and tender Napoleon cake. This recipe is easy to make and...

Recipe for unexpected guests. In just half an hour you will prepare an amazing cake. Try it and you will see for yourself that you can make a delicious cake quickly from a standard set...

Custard is a real lifesaver for both beginners and experienced housewives. It is simply and quickly prepared, its calorie content is much lower than the calorie content of butter and butter creams...

This incredibly tasty and healthy dessert is better known to us as a fruit salad, although its real name is Macedonia, and it came from far, far, hot, hot Spain ...

This dessert is sometimes called a pudding, and sometimes a flan, but this does not change the essence. This dessert is prepared from eggs and milk, and it turns out to be unusually tender and tasty. Coconut shavings give the pudding a special taste ...

Once you have mastered the preparation of chocolate biscuit cakes, you will never want a store-bought biscuit. After all, baking cakes is not difficult at all, and how much creativity for filling and decorating a cake ...

Prepare this unusually tender and delicious cottage cheese dessert. Unlike the classic recipe, it is prepared without baking. Try it and you will see for yourself that this cake is worthy of the highest praise ...

The real name of this cream is Natillas and is translated from Spanish as whipped cream. In fact, this dessert is more like not cream, but a delicate cream. Not only children, but also adults just adore him...

If you decided to bake a cake for dessert, then prepare this light and tasty sour cream cream for it, thanks to which the cakes will become especially tender and tasty ...

If you add chocolate, whipped cream and a little imagination to a delicate cream made from eggs and milk, you get an excellent dessert that is a pleasure to cook and eat...

This simple and quick dessert will amaze you and your guests with its unusually delicate and refined taste. We decorate the dessert with jam and fruit. Try it, you'll lick your fingers...

What is good about this dessert is that it is prepared without an oven. Agree, this is a huge advantage, especially in the summer heat. For the cake, we need cottage cheese, raisins, nuts, and of course fresh fruit ..

In the milk we put a cinnamon stick, 150 gr. sugar and peel of one lemon. Bring to a boil over low heat. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, and then pour in the hot milk in a thin stream ...

A very simple and original dessert, it is prepared quickly and, most importantly, it does not require fifty ingredients. It is enough to have a few oranges in the fridge, one pomegranate and some white wine...

Be sure to try this easy-to-prepare, but unusually tasty and beautiful dessert. So, we take ripe bananas, red wine, preferably with a fruity bouquet, we also need cinnamon and whipped cream ...

In the summer heat there is nothing better than fresh fruit. Treat yourself to juicy fruit skewers. By the way, the children are delighted both with the dish itself and with the opportunity to participate in the manufacture of shish kebabs...

Who has not heard of the Spanish province of Catalunya, which is famous not only for its beautiful beaches and an invincible football team, but it is also known as the birthplace of this cream...

France, Spain, Italy, even Argentina argue over who first invented this magical recipe. But don't waste time arguing, it's better to prepare an almond cake, which has found world fame for itself ...

In addition to the amazing taste, the main advantages of these shortcakes include ease of preparation and practicality. Yes, practicality, anise cakes can be stored for a very long time ...

In just 30 minutes, you can cook very tasty and original cookies with jam. Shortbread dough, baked for 10-12 minutes, we take any thick jam, you can use jam or jam ...

This is one of the most popular creams, it is quickly made, keeps its shape perfectly. This cream is used to lubricate the layers, to obtain an even and smooth surface of the cake, as well as to decorate...

Very tasty and delicate cream, which is prepared from eggs and butter. It is used for all kinds of cakes. By the way, it is Charlotte cream that is the main cream in the Kiev cake ...

No birthday cake is complete without decorations. Of course, you can buy ready-made sweet flowers, but it's better to make chocolate cream, especially since it's quick and easy to prepare...

  • Fruit salads can be prepared from a variety of fruits, it is important that not all fruits are either sweet or sour.
  • If there is no time to infuse fruit salad, then pour a little fruit liqueur into it.
  • Stale eggs do not beat well, so we select only fresh eggs.
  • To determine whether an egg is fresh or not, it is immersed in a 10% solution of common table salt. Fresh eggs will sink to the bottom, spoiled ones will float, semi-fresh ones will be between the first and second.
  • Slightly heated yolks are rubbed faster than cold ones.
  • Cold proteins whip much easier than room temperature.
  • Do not beat egg whites using aluminum utensils (spoon, fork, bowl ...), the whites darken.
  • It is better to bake thin cake layers not on the baking sheet itself, but on cooking paper. So the cakes do not break, it is convenient to remove them from the baking sheet.
  • After baking, the biscuit should cool well. If you try to cut a warm or hot biscuit, then the cakes are crushed.
  • Before whipping the cream, they are well cooled. Cream should be fresh fat content of at least 30-35%. Low-fat cooking cream is not suitable for whipping.
  • The cream is whipped with a frame mixer. Cream is considered well whipped if its mass has increased several times and at the same time it keeps well on a whisk.
  • For the Tiramisu cake, expensive mascarpone cheese can be replaced with whipped cream with sugar.
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