What to cook from tomatoes for dinner is easy. What to do with overripe tomatoes

Tomato season is in full swing. Many already curse these red-brown fruits and do not know where to put them. Perhaps, simply because they don’t know how to cook them correctly? :) If you are one of them or, on the contrary, adore the fruits of tomatoes, then this selection will be useful for you.

We have chosen 7 recipes for different, but definitely delicious dishes, the main ingredient of which is a tomato.

Crostini with fried tomatoes

2016-05-12 11:50:26

Crostini is a popular Italian appetizer - small pieces of toasted bread that can be prepared with a variety of fillings and served with warm or cold drinks.


  1. baguette 4 slices
  2. garlic 1 clove
  3. grilled or grilled tomatoes
  4. olive oil
  5. salt
  6. fresh basil leaves 1 handful

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Cooking method

  1. Heat the grill or grill pan. Toast the bread (about 1 minute on each side). Place on plates and rub with garlic.
  2. Top each slice of bread with one tablespoon of fried tomatoes along with juice and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and basil.

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Salmorejo (Cold Tomato Garlic Soup)

2016-05-12 11:58:03

Salmorejo is a cold tomato and bread puree soup, originally from Andalusian Córdoba. In appearance, it has a pinkish-orange color, similar to gazpacho, but is much thicker due to the addition of bread. Salmorejo's consistency allows it to be used as a dipping sauce.


  1. slices of white bread (one and a half cm thick) 10 pieces.
  2. tomatoes (chopped) 500 gr
  3. garlic (chopped) 1 clove
  4. vinegar 2 tsp
  5. salt
  6. pepper
  7. egg (hard boiled and coarsely chopped) 1 PC.
  8. raw smoked meat (thinly sliced) 50 gr

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Cooking method

  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. On a baking sheet, toast 4 slices of bread for 8 minutes, or toast them slightly. Cut off the crusts, cut the toast into large cubes.
  2. In a blender, blend tomatoes, garlic, vinegar and 1/4 cup olive oil until smooth. Add the diced bread and puree until thick and creamy. Season with salt, pepper.
  3. Pour the salmorejo into a deep bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes to chill the cream soup.
  4. Heat up the pan. Toast the remaining 6 slices of bread with butter over high heat. Place the toast on a plate and pour the salmorejo on top. Garnish with egg and slices of raw smoked meat.

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Spaghetti with yellow and green tomatoes

2016-05-12 12:05:09

Tomatoes come in many varieties and colors, including green and yellow. Using fruits of different colors, you can bring variety and beauty to the most ordinary dishes. By the way, green tomatoes do not cause metabolic disorders in people who, due to allergies, cannot eat red fruits.


  1. olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  2. garlic (chopped) 4 cloves
  3. large red onions (chopped) 2 pcs.
  4. yellow tomatoes (diced) 500 gr
  5. ripe green tomatoes (diced) 500 gr
  6. chopped basil leaves 1/4 cup
  7. salt
  8. spaghetti 250 gr
  9. room temperature unsalted butter or olive oil 2 tbsp. l.

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Cooking method

  1. Heat oil in a frying pan. Add garlic and saute until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add the onion and cook over moderate heat until the onion is soft (about 4 minutes).
  2. In a bowl, mix tomatoes with garlic, onion and basil. Season with salt.
  3. Add the spaghetti to a pot of boiling salted water and cook until al dente, drain and transfer to a large bowl. Mix well with butter (butter or olive oil).
  4. Seasoned tomatoes can be layered over spaghetti or served separately as a side dish.

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Spicy tomato ketchup

2016-05-12 12:18:08

Do you love ketchup and tomato paste? Instead of stuffing yourself with incomprehensible store-bought sauces, try making ketchup at home. Believe me, its taste and quality will surprise and delight you!


  1. tomatoes (peeled and cut in half 1 kg
  2. olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
  3. thinly sliced ​​onion 1/2 cup
  4. garlic (chopped) 2 cloves
  5. red pepper 1/2 tsp.
  6. salt
  7. chopped basil leaves 1 st. l.
  8. chopped mint leaves 1/2 st. l.

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Cooking method

  1. Scrape out the seed chambers from each tomato and place them in a sieve set over a saucepan or large bowl. Try to get as much juice out of them as possible by pressing down a little with a spoon or spatula. Coarsely chop the tomatoes and add them to the resulting tomato juice.
  2. Heat the oil in a large skillet, add the onion and sauté over moderate heat, stirring, until soft and golden (about 5 minutes). Add garlic and heat for 1 minute.
  3. Then put the tomatoes with juice and ground red pepper to the onion and garlic. Season with salt and simmer, stirring, until thickened, about 20 minutes. Sprinkle basil and mint on top before serving.

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Salmon with stewed tomatoes and hot peppers

2016-05-12 12:24:49

Tomatoes are a source of one of the most powerful antioxidants - lycopene, which reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Combining lycopene-rich tomatoes with unsaturated fats (in this case, olive oil and salmon) helps absorb 4 times more lycopene than when we eat the same tomatoes alone.


  1. olive oil 6 tbsp. l.
  2. jalapeno (medium chili peppers) de-seeded and sliced 10 pieces.
  3. ripe tomatoes (coreless and coarsely chopped) 2 kg
  4. salt
  5. salmon fillet with skin 2 kg
  6. freshly ground pepper

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Cooking method

  1. Heat 6 tablespoons olive oil in a large, deep skillet. Add hot pepper and sauté over moderate heat, without stirring, until soft (about 6 minutes). Using a slotted spoon, transfer the peppers to a plate.
  2. Place the chopped tomatoes in a saucepan and heat over high heat until they release their juices (about 4 minutes). Use a slotted spoon to transfer the tomato pieces to a large bowl. Boil the tomato juice over high heat until it thickens. This will take about 8 minutes. Then return the tomato slices to the saucepan and season with salt.
  3. Put the salmon fillet coated with olive oil (skin side down) on a preheated grill pan and cover with a lid. Cook until the fish turns pink in the middle. To check readiness, it is allowed to pierce the fillet with the tip of a knife. Cooking time 6-8 minutes, depending on the temperature of the grill pan. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Put a spoonful of tomatoes with juice on an elongated dish. Carefully place the salmon fillets on top of the tomatoes. If necessary, carefully remove the skin from the fish. Sprinkle the dish with hot pepper on top.

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Warm salad with tomatoes and anchovies

2016-05-12 12:32:59

Warm anchovies in garlic sauce and a fantastic rainbow of juicy tomato varieties, garnished with pickled red onions and soft-boiled egg halves.


  1. olive oil 1/4 cup
  2. anchovies (chopped) 4 things.
  3. garlic (chopped) 1 clove
  4. grated lemon zest 1 tsp
  5. medium onion (finely chopped) 1 PC.
  6. red wine vinegar 2 tbsp. l.
  7. eggs 2 pcs.
  8. tomatoes of different varieties (cut into large slices) 700 gr
  9. sea ​​salt
  10. freshly ground pepper
  11. parsley for decoration

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Cooking method

  1. In a small skillet, combine olive oil, anchovies, garlic and lemon zest.
  2. In a small bowl, toss the red onion with the vinegar and let sit for 10 minutes.
  3. Bring a small pot of water to a boil. When the water is boiling, reduce the heat to low and carefully place the eggs in the water. Boil them for 6 minutes. Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and submerge them in cold water. Let them cool down for a couple of minutes. Clean the eggs.
  4. Divide the tomatoes among 4 plates. Season them with salt and pepper. Spread red onion on top and sprinkle everything with vinegar.
  5. Fry the anchovies over moderate to low heat. Put them on top of the tomatoes. Cut the eggs in half and place one half on each plate. Sprinkle parsley on top and serve immediately.

Harvesting from tomatoes is an indispensable component of the winter, without which almost no family can do. is a unique product, the taste of which can be enjoyed all year round. Many appetizers, sauces and even desserts are prepared from them. Tomatoes in their own juice, pickled tomatoes, pickled, salted, tomato juice, dried tomatoes, tomato jam - this is something that can be quite easily made from tomatoes for the winter, following the recipes that we will consider below.

How to dry tomatoes for the winter

Dried tomatoes are a traditional ingredient in Italian cuisine, indispensable for making pizza, various types of bruschetta, pies, soups, sauces and dressings. In our country, this type of blanks is not widespread and is only beginning to gain popularity. Dried tomatoes retain their natural bright flavor, especially when spices are added. When prepared properly, dried tomatoes can last up to a year.
To make a preparation of dried tomatoes for the winter, you need to choose small, well-ripened, juicy fruits, without spots and rot. The most suitable for drying are not, but. For drying, it is better to take red "cream" tomatoes, as they retain the greatest amount of pulp. Before drying, wash the tomatoes, cut the stalks and cut in half, removing the seeds with a spoon.
Do not cut the peel - it contains all the useful substances that give a characteristic tomato flavor. Sprinkle tomatoes with salt and herb mixture and place on parchment paper.
You can dry it in the open sun or in the oven. The first option is mainly used by Italians, it is more convenient for those who live in private homes.
This is the best drying method, as the tomatoes retain their natural rich flavor and aroma. Can be dried in the oven - 3-3.5 hours, at 120-150 degrees. After drying, the blanks are laid out in sterile jars and poured with your favorite vegetable oil - olive, sunflower, etc.
You can sprinkle crushed dried tomatoes for taste and spicy aroma.

All about freezing tomatoes for the winter

Freezing is one of the most convenient ways to harvest tomatoes for the winter. , because at any time there are vegetables at hand that have retained the entire set of nutrients and a holistic form. In addition, you do not have to spend money and buy winter greenhouse tomatoes that do not have such a bright, juicy taste as those grown in the summer under the open sun.
Frozen tomatoes retain their fresh taste and are indistinguishable from summer ones in a salad. There are two options for freezing tomatoes: whole fruits and tablets. The advantages of the first method are that whole frozen tomatoes are stored longer, they can be added to salads or served sliced. For freezing, you need to choose firm and ripe fruits, without damage, of medium size.
Each must be thoroughly washed, dried, laid out in one layer on a board and sent to the freezer. After a few hours, when the tomatoes are well frozen, transfer them to a frozen food storage bag and send them back to the freezer. Such tomatoes are stored for a year.

Freezing tomato tablets is a more time-consuming method. However, with such a preparation, you will not think what to cook from tomatoes for the winter, this is an ideal addition to borscht, pasta or sauce, which does not require defrosting and slicing. Before freezing, it is not necessary to peel the tomato peel, and it is also not necessary to use only whole fruits.
Rinse the tomatoes, cut into cubes, add greens and red and chop in a meat grinder or blender. Salt is not needed. Pour the tomato puree into freezer molds (ice molds, muffins, etc. are suitable) and send to the freezer.
Once the tomato mixture is well frozen, remove it from the molds and place in freezer bags. You can also store them for a year.

- a traditional snack of any winter table, everyday and festive. It is not difficult to roll up tomatoes for the winter; almost every family has its own special marinade recipe, which is passed down through the female line.

There are many ways to pickle using additives and different ones: allspice, leaves of fruit trees, etc. Consider the easiest way to pickle tomatoes. For 2 kg of vegetables you will need a liter of water, 2 large spoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and salt, black peppercorns, a couple of cloves of garlic, a few stalks, leaves and.

Prepared tomatoes, thoroughly washed, need to be pricked with a toothpick at the stalk so that they do not crack after pouring boiling water. Sterilize jars (pour boiling water over), put prepared and washed leaves on the bottom, put tomatoes on top. Pour boiling water over, cover with lids and leave for half an hour. Then drain the water from the jars into the pan, add sugar and boil again. Pour 1 teaspoon into jars. vinegar, then boiling marinade and tighten the lids with a seaming key. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket and let them cool.

Did you know? For beauty, you can add thinly chopped green bell pepper, onion or carrot rings to the jar.

How to pickle tomatoes

You can cook pickles from tomatoes for the winter. This does not require special skills, as well as a large storage space, because you can pickle tomatoes not only in jars, but also in large buckets or tubs. To prepare such tomatoes, place more pre-washed herbs in the selected container: with umbrellas, leaves,.
Then lay the washed tomatoes (2 kg) and pierce them several times at the stalk with a toothpick.
Tomatoes are better to take ground, solid type "cream". Put peeled and chopped garlic, about half a large head, cover with horseradish leaves. Prepare the brine: add 6-7 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar to hot water (2 liters) and boil.
Pour the hot (not boiling) brine over the tomatoes and leave for 3 days, covered, at room temperature. When the brine becomes cloudy and bubbles, transfer to a cold place. After 7-8 days you can try.

Important! The secret to great pickled tomatoes is a very salty and bitter pickle. It must be downright disgusting. Don't worry, the tomatoes won't mess it up, they'll take as much salt as they need.

Very tasty preparations of chopped green tomatoes for the winter are obtained. . Green or pink tomatoes of any variety are used, "cream" is best. You need to take 3 kg of tomatoes, rinse, cut into pieces.
For dressing, cut 2 large cloves of garlic, chilli pepper rings (to taste), large bunches of dill and parsley. Place the tomatoes with dressing in a large container - a saucepan or bucket, and pour 150-200 gr. vegetable oil. Cover with a lid that will cover the tomatoes themselves, and not the container with them, and lay the press on top. You can eat such tomatoes in three days.

Harvesting tomatoes in paste or ketchup

Ketchup is everyone's favorite sauce that goes well with all dishes. It can be spicy, spicy, fragrant or just tomato. It is easy to prepare such a sauce at home, while it turns out to be much tastier and healthier than store-bought. You can cook it with the addition of pieces of other vegetables or make it spicy, spicy, fragrant, just by adding your favorite seasonings.

Consider the recipe for classic ketchup without additives. To prepare it, take 3 kg of tomatoes, ripe, without damage, half a glass of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, black pepper, herbs - dill, parsley, etc.
Wash the tomatoes, chop finely, place in a saucepan and cook for 15 - 20 minutes over medium heat.
Then rub the tomatoes through a sieve and continue to cook the resulting tomato puree for an hour over medium heat until it thickens.
Make a bag out of gauze, put all the spices and dip into the tomato mass. Salt and add sugar, then boil for another 10-15 minutes over low heat. Ketchup can be rolled up for the winter, poured into sterilized jars, or eaten immediately after cooling.

Lubricate the clay pot with butter and lay the slices of tomatoes in it in layers. Salt and pepper each layer to taste, and put finely chopped fried mushrooms, finely chopped onions, grated cheese and bread crumbs on top. Pour all this with melted butter and eggs beaten in milk, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven with medium heat. Serve on the table in a bowl.

Ingredients: 6 tomatoes, 150 g boiled mushrooms, 1 onion, 1/2 cup grated cheese, 100 g rolls, 1/2 cup milk, 2 eggs, 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons melted butter, salt and pepper to taste.

Recipe for natural tomatoes in a jar

Put tomatoes of the same size in jars and pour boiling brine (35 g of salt and 6 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water). Cover the jars with lids and put in boiling water - liter for 8 minutes, three-liter for 15 minutes. Then seal them and refrigerate. Products per liter jar: 600 g of red tomatoes, 15 g of salt, 3 g of citric acid.

Salad in red colors

Finely chop red tomatoes, red sweet peppers, carrots and onions, put in a saucepan, pour in oil and vinegar, salt and simmer for 30 minutes. from the moment of boiling. Arrange in jars, roll up lids and cover with a blanket until cool. Store in a cool place. Products: 2 kg of red tomatoes and red sweet peppers, 0.5 kg of onions and carrots, 1 cup of vegetable oil, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt.

How to make pickled tomatoes

Put sliced ​​​​tomatoes into liter jars, and on top - a slice of onion. Put the ingredients for the marinade in water and boil for 3 minutes, cool, strain and add 3 tbsp. spoons of 6% vinegar and 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil. Pour the marinade into jars, cover them with lids and sterilize for 5-10 minutes. in boiling water. Then roll up the lids and refrigerate. Products for marinade per 0.5 l of water: 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar, 1-2 bay leaves, 2-3 black peppercorns, 3-4 cloves and cinnamon to taste.

How to make tomatoes with garlic sauce

Ripe strong tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs cut into circles. Crush garlic and capsicum with salt, dilute in 1/2 cup of cold boiled water and add apple cider vinegar to taste. Put the tomatoes and eggs in a salad bowl, pour over the gravy, sprinkle with chopped onions and dill on top. Products: 5 tomatoes, 5 eggs, 1 onion, 2 garlic cloves, 3 dill sprigs, apple cider vinegar, capsicum and salt to taste.

How to make autumn tomato appetizer

Cut brown tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, onions and sweet peppers into cubes, put in a saucepan, add granulated sugar, pour in oil, vinegar, salt. Put on fire and boil, stirring, 7 minutes. Arrange the hot salad in hot jars, roll up the lids and cover with a blanket until cool. Store in a cool place. Products: 2 kg of brown tomatoes and fresh cucumbers, 1 kg of onions, 0.5 kg of sweet pepper, 1 cup of vegetable oil, 1/2 cup of 9% vinegar, 3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, salt to taste.

How to make tomatoes in your own juice

Prepare tomato juice from ripe fruits by boiling them until boiled, and then rubbing them through a sieve and adding 10 g of salt to 1 liter of mass. Dense mature tomatoes chop at the stalk, put tightly in jars, pour tomato juice brought to a boil and pasteurize for 20 minutes. at 80°C. Then seal the jars.

How to make a tomato salad

Cut the tomatoes into slices, coarsely chop the parsley, grate the cheese. Mix everything well, season with sour cream or vegetable oil to taste. Products: 4 tomatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of parsley, 1/2 cup of cheese, sour cream or vegetable oil to taste.

How to make a tomato casserole

Fry the onion in butter until golden brown. Add chopped tomatoes to it and fry together over low heat for 15 minutes. Add flour, stir and put everything on a baking sheet, pour the beaten egg with milk on top. Sprinkle with cheese, finely chopped parsley and bake in the oven. Products: 6 tomatoes, 50 g butter, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 1 egg, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup cheese, 1 bunch of parsley, salt to taste.

How to make stuffed tomatoes

Cut off the tops from round tomatoes, take out the contents with a spoon, salt the fruits and turn over so that the juice flows out. Rub the butter, add grated cheese, sour cream to it. Season the mixture with salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and beat. Fill the tomatoes with this mass and cover with the cut top, laying it cut side up, sprinkled with grated cheese and garnished with sprigs of parsley and dill. Products: 8 tomatoes, 50 g butter, 3/4 cup grated spicy cheese, 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 bunch of parsley and dill, salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste.

Green Tomato Garnish

At the bottom of the pan put finely chopped onions, parsley and celery, sliced ​​green tomatoes and carrots. All salt, pepper, pour vegetable oil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Before serving, add crushed garlic. Products: 6 green tomatoes, 2 onions, 3 sprigs of parsley and celery, 3 carrots, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 5 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

How to make pickled tomatoes with mustard

Place not overripe tomatoes tightly in an enamel bowl, layering with spices - dill, garlic, horseradish, pepper, blackcurrant and cherry leaves, tarragon. First, cover the bottom of the dish with spices and sprinkle with an even layer of dry mustard. Top the tomatoes with spices and pour in the brine prepared in cooled boiled water. Put a linen napkin, a wooden circle on it and a weight on top. After a week, place in a cold place, and after a month, salted tomatoes can be served on the table. Products for 10 liters of water: 300 g of salt, 50 g of dry mustard, 30 g of garlic, 200 g of fortification, 30 g of horseradish root, 25 g of tarragon, 100 g of cherry and black currant leaves, 20 peas of allspice.

Green tomato jam

For oblong-shaped tomatoes, cut the stalks with part of the pulp and remove some of the seeds. Boil in three waters so that they do not taste bitter. Rinse thoroughly with cold water after each boil. After that, remove the easily detached skin and boil in sugar syrup until thickened. Leave overnight to cool, and pour into jars in the morning. Products: 65 small green tomatoes, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 1 liter of water.

So that the bursting tomato does not become moldy, you need to thickly sprinkle the cracks with salt. Fresh tomatoes are put into the soup for 10 minutes. before the end of cooking.

The skin of a tomato will come off easily if it is dipped in boiling water for a minute and then rinsed with cold water.

If you add a little lemon juice and a little honey to tomato juice, you get a very tasty drink that children willingly drink.

When salting, small, green, brown and pink tomatoes are poured with 6% brine, and large and red ones - with 7%.

what to make from a bunch of tomatoes, but not preparations for the winter, namely now to eat, such as stew or fry or cook something else with them for dinner. do not offer big, big tomato salad :))))))!

You can make various delicious salads from fresh tomatoes, you can preserve them, you can make lecho, sauces, juice, stuff them, add them to borsch or cabbage soup, make gazpacho soup, you can dry tomatoes, and recently I saw candied cherry tomatoes for sale and heard that You can even make jam from tomatoes. Everything can be made from tomatoes :)


Why put sugar and vinegar in tomatoes in s / s? Tomatoes have a lot of their own acid. I myself rub the tomatoes through a sieve for juice and boil only with salt, a little more than how to drink. Stored perfectly at home on the mezzanine. Yummy, but very troublesome

08/25/2016 16:22:23, I visit often

what is their ficus-picus) in stores they are always much more expensive in many salads, they are recommended here this year I planted a few pieces, yeah, they grew up ... huge artisans (want to tie them up) are hung, I collected them and I think - and where are they? marinate in jars? Well, peas are real)))) my household people are specific, they eat a tomato like that, and then .. I froze a little, today I put it on, and what else? And why are they so different? why are they more expensive in stores?

Eggplant for the winter: salads in jars. Recipes: Ratatouille and Sweet Pepper Salad

However, this leaf mosaic can also be caused by the tobacco mosaic virus. In this case (if after 5-7 days the feeding of tomatoes with Uniflor-micro microelements did not help), the plant must be destroyed and burned. Sometimes gardeners themselves create stressful situations for tomatoes in greenhouses when they open them late in the morning. This should be done no later than 8 in the morning, while the temperature inside and outside the greenhouse differs by only 2-3 ° C. If you open the greenhouse at 10 in the morning, then outside the temperature is still low, and in the greenhouse it has already risen to + 20-25 ° C. As soon as the greenhouse is opened, temperature equalization begins, which proceeds quickly. Plants react negatively to...

Dried tomatoes. Checkered slippers user blog on 7ya.ru

We will need: - tomatoes - as much as you see fit. It is advisable to take smaller tomatoes - they will reach the desired condition faster - fragrant herbs - oregano, basil, marjoram, rosemary, thyme (you can just take a mixture of “Provencal herbs”) - sea or ordinary salt - vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) - a couple of heads of garlic Cut tomatoes in half, remove seeds and stems. Put on a baking sheet, sprinkle with herbs, salt, sprinkle with oil. and send it to the oven, preheated ...

I read a long time ago that "Heinz" made a revolution in his time, saving millions of housewives from having to stand at the stove for hours when he launched ready-made "ketchup" on the market. Those who cooked themselves understand the difference between their own and purchased. But recently I got tired of stewing for a long time, besides, I have the deepest large frying pan made of an unknown light material (maybe some kind of duralumin alloy?), I'm afraid long-term contact with an acidic tomato base is not good. Didn't try to save time...


And how do you do not give a recipe? Only if possible, of course, with details of how much, how to store. Thanks a lot!

And I cook ketchup in a cauldron of 8 liters. If it’s a problem to buy it in a store, then go to the Uzbeks in the market and ask them to bring it from Tashkent. secondly, a large volume is good for preparing pilaf for the winter. And if you learn how to cook pilaf from Stalik, then finally .... I generally have 4 pieces - liters - for different needs. , and my sauce is a success and I make it 70 liters each, it’s very convenient to cook in 2-3 cauldrons at once, work like this. Here is my, or rather, the recipe that I use. to cheat, drain some of the juice into the second cauldron and boil with a strong boil, so that it evaporates faster. After boiling, I combine the contents of the cauldrons and add salt, quite a lot of sugar, I just try, spoons for 8 liters of ketchup. Before the end of boiling, add 2-3 teaspoons of essence. I pour the brew into jars in a cup and roll it up. In winter, ladies from my husband’s work call me and ask for a recipe - my husband wears these jars for various holidays. 400 ml of water, salt, soda and 100 g of vegetable oil, flour. Knead when it lies in a plastic bag, divide into 6 parts. Roll out 2 parts and put the filling between pancakes. sides for 8 minutes. Any filling. I like boiled potatoes with plates and a lot of fried onions. Put one fried onion. You have boys. They have this pie with home-grown ketchup with a bang. The pie can be reheated. Store in the refrigerator. -if needed -Ask questions by email. I don't want to litter the conf.

Imported products either disappear or rise in price, and the ranks of those who usually make various preparations for the winter are replenished. Indeed, why not make tomatoes for the winter, which can now be bought inexpensively? Italians, according to chef Alessio Gini, do this every year. Alessio suggests following his grandmother's recipe - preparing canned tomatoes for the winter - and talks in detail about the sterilization of a tomato, or rather, a homemade tomato ...

probably wrapped up here, but I'll risk it, there will be more people. I really want to close the tomatoes in the winter, but I can’t find the right recipe (I define them as “fermented” They should be like this: the brine is cloudy, they themselves are soft, sweet and .. drunk, well, like fermented, or something) It’s problematic to bite them off - they burst. And as if soda in the nose. Without the taste of vinegar. Here's how to make them. Who can? teach. *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


It's like simple pickled cucumbers. Close according to my recipe, everyone is delighted with my tomatoes. For a three-liter jar, a tablespoon of table salt, and two sugars. dill. It all boils for one minute, pour two aspirin tablets into jars.

and time until the evening (tomatoes are very soft) what to do with them? lecho closed already))) it is necessary to convulsively come up with an action for this (pickles do not come up, they are from 1.5 of my fist) *** The topic was moved from the conference "About my own, about a girl's"

I brought a lot of green tomatoes from the dacha. The larger part was left to ripen. But there are still a lot of tomatoes left. What to do with them? Can it be preserved somehow? Tell me, otherwise it's a pity if they disappear. I have been raising them since March, they are already like family to me :)


I always collect 2 buckets of greens from the greenhouse in September, they ripen normally, and are eaten as they turn red for a couple of months :)

Fry green tomatoes in vegetable oil, with onions, carrots, salt, you can with peppers, but it’s fine without them. It won't keep for a long time, but it will keep in the fridge for a week. Usually flies away quickly - for sandwiches, with rice, with pasta.

Tell me, please, what can be cooked from tomatoes ... A fairly decent number of them was formed - they brought them from the village ... They have already begun to deteriorate: (((Tell me some snacks, hot, cold, salads, anything


And also very tasty, quick and easy -
Cut the tomatoes into circles, lightly fry in a pan on one side.
When you turn it over, immediately put suluguni cheese on top (no need to salt, since this cheese is quite salty)
and cover with a lid. 1-2 minutes - and you're done!

Cut the tomatoes (as you like) and put them in a frying pan in hot oil. Fry until the juice evaporates. Once it has evaporated, break the eggs into the tomatoes. Break one at a time and immediately mix the mixture with a spatula. Salt. A couple of minutes before the readiness, put finely chopped garlic into this scrambled egg.
It is delicious both hot (I use it as a side dish for meat, meatballs, sausages, etc.) and cold as an appetizer.
PS: You lay as many eggs as you like: we don’t really like scrambled eggs, and 1 kg. tomato 3 small or 2 large eggs put
Bon appetit:-)

Here you go. Tomatoes got sick on the street with late blight. I had to collect the greens and tear out the bushes. And so they promised to grow up handsome. Now I check in the box every day and find sick ones. The disorder is complete. And what can not be done with these green tomatoes? Next year I will plant these varieties in a greenhouse - maybe they will survive. And I had Mars and Rocket. (According to the instructions, it was written that they were outdoors. Is it possible to grow outdoors in a greenhouse?)


Process plucked green tomatoes: dip 55-60 degrees in hot water for 1-1.5 minutes (I check that it is hot, as my hand tolerates), and then immediately into cold water (I put a large pot on the stove, the water heats up, there are tomatoes in a colander for 1 min, immediately pull it out and next to it in a pot-bucket with cold water). Then dry, see if late blight has appeared somewhere and in boxes for ripening, lie until they turn red. We’ve been processing it this way for about twenty years, the flight is normal)))

Tomatoes are bent in the refrigerator (kg 10). Please advise what can be done with them, except for juice (I hate it!!!)


And now I'm doing a huge amount of "refueling" for everything :)). I rub a lot of carrots on a grater (and / or beets - whoever loves it), I start to stew in a deep frying pan with rast. oil. While stewing - 1 kg of tomatoes in a blender (or in a meat grinder if there is no blender) - chop them into porridge, and pour the stewing vegetables with this porridge. And let it stew until the carrots and beets are steamed and the liquid becomes less than 2 times. There - spices, you can fried onions, who loves - and the "dressing" is ready - for pasta, and for potatoes, and for any cereal - very tasty with rice, pearl barley. Every day I "extinguish" a full frying pan - the tomatoes leave very quickly.
You can also roll the sauce into jars - like tomato sauce. Also tomatoes - in a blender, add chopped cilantro (a lot), crushed garlic and boil it well, salting, of course, for 5-10 minutes. You can also add a little vinegar if you like it spicy. This can be rolled up in jars and eaten all winter. Color, by the way, does not lose, remains red.

Lecho. I do just tomatoes and peppers carcass. We eat chilled, sometimes we add vinegar. Can be rolled into banks.
You can also make stuffed tomatoes like for peppers, only bake in the oven.
You can just roll it up in jars, you can make adjika.

04.10.2001 18:27:45, Yoko

What can be done with eggplant? They are so beautiful, but I don’t know how to cook them and what to make of them. Suggest something tasty and simple. Thanks


For the laziest! We cut the eggplant into circles about a centimeter thick, put it on a greased baking sheet, on top of a slice of lightly seasoned tomato, cover this sandwich with a piece of bacon sliced, you can also cross a small slice of cheese on top. We bake in the oven. All! It is eaten instantly, it takes a little longer to cook;)

Very simple and tasty: cut the eggplants lengthwise into two halves, take out the pulp with a spoon (and throw it away: ((), fill the eggplants with minced meat (with onions), spread mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Eggplant halves (or eggplants :)) are baked in oven until the cheese is melted and golden.

Tell me, plz., A recipe for canned tomatoes. I brought a whole box from the dacha, but my family does not eat either salted or pickled. I know well, but what else can I do?


horseradish - scroll in a meat grinder with grated horseradish and garlic. great thing.

When I needed to process the "extra" tomatoes and quickly, I scrolled them through a meat grinder, poured them in portions (based on 1 pot of borscht or whatever else you cook) in plastic bags and into the freezer - the most compact storage.
I didn't add anything - no salt, no bolg. pepper

And if I had a tomato - unlimited, and time with a desire in stock - then I made sauces, confusingly, more precisely for a long time, but the taste was on the level. Dv and store not in the refrigerator.

This year, unexpectedly) we have a lot of tomatoes) but they are somehow not very correct and beautiful) I don’t know why, but it happened) so you just can’t roll them into jars, you need to cut them, cut them ... Please share the verified a delicious recipe for harvesting this vegetable for the future in chopped form)


you can dry, then pour small with garlic

Tomato halves (the result is very similar to a regular fresh tomato and onion salad)
Firm ripe fleshy tomatoes
1.5 liters of water
2 tbsp topless salt
6 tbsp Sahara
spices - allspice, cloves, black peppercorns
garlic, small onions (family type), vegetable oil, vinegar.
Any spicy greens, the more types, the better, but be sure to parsley and dill.
Boil water, salt and sugar. In liter (or any, but not more than liter) chop a clove of garlic, one onion into rings, a sprig of parsley and dill, a little spicy greens, a little allspice and cloves, a few black peas on the bottom. Cut the tomatoes into halves, or into 4 parts, if large, pour 1 tbsp into each jar. vegetable oil and vinegar 7-9%, pour brine, not adding 1.5 cm to the top. Sterilize 5-10 min. Roll up, turn over, wrap until completely cool

have been mentioned here recently. :) and what to do with them? I can only imagine them with pasta. but apparently I just don’t know the options :) there are a lot of tomatoes - we freeze, salt, make juice. it would be interesting to prepare dried ones as well *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


I add to the salad: salad mix, olives, full feta or cheese and sun-dried tomatoes. Fill with oil from the same tomatoes.
Mix into mashed potatoes: make mashed potatoes, add tomatoes and a little oil from them. Delicious Italian touch.
Toasts: dry the bread in a pan or in a toaster. Spread with cream cheese (such as almette, nature ...) and put sun-dried tomatoes on top.
I add to the paste.
Canape with them is delicious: a slice of bread, anchovy and a tomato.
To wine: as one of the appetizers.

Make a toast of black grain bread and sun-dried tomato on it; make a paste from the sun-dried tomatoes themselves (it’s trite to throw into a blender); add to salads; add to the paste, etc.
Scroll down the link.

I have few tomatoes (40 bushes of some weak ones), however, something has grown on them, and at the same time. And what to do with the "harvest"? "For every day" we will not consume them - a bit too much after all. They are not suitable for pickling - they are large for jars. Do you have any ideas for something quick? If I don’t think of anything else, I’ll just crank it with a meat grinder and put it in the freezer for refueling borscht soups, etc. But I would like something else.


If somewhere a thread grows near the tomatoes Bolg. pepper and onion - you can make a very tasty salad for the winter, I can look for the recipe, if necessary. Or a salad with rice, again - tasty, fast and satisfying, in winter it’s quite an independent dish. A lot of tomatoes go, for example, to adjika. And if there is also a carrot for onions and peppers, then dressing for borscht for the winter suggests itself, where without it :)

I make a tomato, mine, cut into 4 parts and into a meat grinder, then boil for 5-10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars, cover with lids, sterilize, then roll up, stand in the closet for a long time and without salt, you can in soups, borscht, cabbage rolls, pizza, etc. I tried to freeze the tomato, there was a taste of the freezer, so I’m for rolling, I roll it into 500-700 gr or liter jars, after opening the jar, store in the refrigerator

Why do tomato leaves curl?

Very often you can notice the following picture: when caring for tomatoes, we suddenly notice, it seems like for no apparent reason, the leaves on the plants begin to curl. But in fact, there are reasons for this phenomenon, and there may be more than one such reason. First you need to figure out how the leaves curl? For some reason, the leaves curl on tomatoes For some reason, the leaves curl on tomatoes 1. If the leaves curled up in a “boat”. The culprit for twisting leaves in this way is potato ...

Keep up with time. User blog Astrabel Master on 7ya.ru

In our age of speed and an abundant flow of information, many feel like a squirrel in a wheel. There is so much to do, but where do you get that much time? He is always missing. Success depends on us Try to manage time with the help of time management. This is a time management technology. Of course, "time management" is a big word. This substance is not yet subject to man. All that has been invented over many thousands of years is a primitive device that supposedly measures the speed ...

Everyone knows that it is not recommended to plant monocultures in the same place for many years in a row. It is believed that the same nutrients will be removed from the soil, and their lack in the soil for this monoculture will lead to a decrease in yield. But this is just not the most important thing, because replenishing the nutritional balance is quite simple by applying appropriate fertilizers. More importantly, many pathogens and pests will dig in this area ...
...I just change them every year. Crop Compatibility It happens that in a small area it is difficult to organize a crop rotation. There are two ways out of this situation: either to make mixed plantings of different crops on the same bed, or to establish a soil rotation. First, let's talk about how to do mixed landings. Plant compatibility is determined by several parameters. Firstly, according to habitus, that is, according to the height and width of the above-ground part, as well as according to their requirement for illumination. So, tall plants should not obscure the short ones, if they are all sun-loving. But undersized shade-tolerant crops may well grow in the shade of taller plants. Secondly, plants must have a compatible root system...

Blanch the halves in boiling water for 3 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon. Place the peppers in a baking dish, stuff each half with the vegetable mixture. Cover with foil, bake for 20 minutes. Remove the foil, bake for another 5-10 minutes. Garnish with basil and serve immediately. Bulgarian pepper. Pepper contains many useful substances, and their amount in fruits of different colors is not the same. So, red pepper contains the most antioxidant lycopene (it resists the development of cancer), as well as carotene and vitamin C. Yellow pepper has a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the heart, and phosphorus, which ensures bone growth, and green pepper contains substances that normalize fat exchange. Tomatoes. Rich in vitamins A, C, group B, minerals (potassium,...
...Tomatoes. They are rich in vitamins A, C, group B, minerals (potassium, iron, phosphorus), thanks to which they are an excellent means of preventing beriberi, regulate metabolism, and normalize blood pressure. The content of lycopene makes tomatoes a means of preventing cancer. Interestingly, after heat treatment, the amount of lycopene increases, and this substance is best absorbed in the presence of fats. Zucchini. It is a type of squash with light to dark green skin. Zucchini fruits are eaten when they have not yet reached full maturity and have a delicate skin and pulp. These vegetables are rich in...


Do you mean preparations for the winter? It seems to me that for storage several. months NOT in the refrigerator, you still need to either roll it up, or be content with old-fashioned methods:
either a lot of salt (my mother made a dressing from parsley, dill, etc., where the salt was 1/3 - 1/2 of the volume),
or a lot of sugar (ground berry, jam),
or all sorts of salting, but for this, IMHO, we need containers such as barrels and a cellar where these containers "live".

As for tomato and zucchini, vegetable stew (an option Mma Seni advises you) or zucchini caviar will be stored for a relatively long time without seaming. But you need a refrigerator.

And these things are laborious and time-consuming.

I would still have tomatoes for juice, but I would still roll up the juice. It's really not difficult - it takes some getting used to. Already from the 4th, 5th banks you will do it automatically.

there are screw caps and threaded jars

I foolishly bought sun-dried tomatoes, thought to use them in soups, sauces, stews, etc. And they, infections, turned out to be boiled in sugar syrup ... in short, very sweet. What to do with them now, I can’t imagine, at least cook compote from them :) I ask for the help of the hall.

What to do with them? little ones... I want to somehow close them for the winter, but how? I want to own juice, but you can not make juice from tomatoes and take a tomato? Or am I talking nonsense?) Thank you)

It’s rare that a housewife doesn’t prepare tomatoes for the winter, but in this responsible business it’s not enough to have high-quality seasonal tomatoes, you also need to stock up on good tomato canning recipes so that the proportions of the marinade are correct and there are no disappointments in the form of exploded cans on the shelves. Therefore, it is very important to make preparations for the winter from tomatoes according to proven golden recipes.

I suggest you, dear friends, in this article about preparations for the winter from tomatoes, share your proven recipes for preparations. After all, every hostess makes preparations for the winter from tomatoes, and there are successful recipes in every culinary notebook.

And I, in turn, bring to your attention ideas for tomato preparations, which I have been collecting for more than one year, and most of them I have already tried.

Most of the recipes are from my mother's and grandmother's notebook, there are also recipes from my co-workers and friends.

Pickled tomatoes for the winter "lick your fingers"

Looking for a delicious recipe for pickled tomatoes for the winter? Pay attention to the recipe for pickled tomatoes for the winter “you will lick your fingers” without sterilization, with triple filling. Recipe with photo.

Salted tomatoes for the winter in jars according to my grandmother's recipe

Friends, I want to tell you about the recipe for salted tomatoes in jars for the winter, which my grandmother has been using for more than 50 years. I tried a variety of salted tomatoes for the winter in a cold way: from the market, from the supermarket, visiting other hostesses, but my grandmother's salted tomatoes under a nylon cover for the winter remain the standard of quality for me. Grandma's recipe for delicious pickled tomatoes for the winter is to use a certain set of spices and roots, as well as the ideal ratio of salt and water. See step-by-step recipe with photos.

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter

My recipe for delicious Korean-style tomatoes for the winter, I hope you appreciate it. All my family members really liked Korean-style tomatoes for the winter in jars: a little spicy, spicy, with a spicy taste of spices and crispy carrots. See how to cook.

Satsebeli sauce for the winter

With all my heart I recommend you to prepare satsebeli sauce for the winter. The sauce came out exactly the way I wanted - moderately spicy, but bright enough, with character. I will not say that this is exactly the recipe for the classic satsebeli sauce for the winter, but still its taste, as for me, is very close to the traditional one. Recipe with photo.

Homemade tomato juice for the winter with bell pepper

Do you need delicious preparations for the winter from tomatoes? In the season when there are a lot of ripe and juicy tomatoes, I make sure to prepare tomato juice for the winter at home. And to make such homemade tomato juice brighter in taste, I often add bell pepper and a little hot pepper to the tomatoes. This option is much more interesting than the classic one and goes well with meat dishes (kebabs, steaks), pizza, etc. See the recipe.

Pickled tomatoes "Classic" (without sterilization)

The recipe for pickled "Classic" tomatoes without sterilization, you can see.

Pickled tomatoes with celery for the winter

I want to suggest that you close the tomatoes with celery for the winter. Yes, yes, you understood everything correctly: we will replace the usual greens for pickled tomatoes with only one celery. It has a very bright and rich taste, so you can be sure that your preparation will come out excellent and very interesting. See how to cook.

Tomato slices for the winter with onions

How to cook sliced ​​​​tomatoes for the winter with onions, I wrote.

Sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter (triple filling)

I want to suggest you cook sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter. They really turn out sweet, or rather, sweet-spicy, very interesting in taste. And the company of tomatoes is, in addition to numerous spices, Bulgarian pepper: there is not much of it, but it contributes to the overall taste of the workpiece. The recipe itself is completely simple and relatively quick, and the result, believe me, is simply excellent! See recipe with photo.

Salted tomatoes for the winter

A proven recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter can be viewed.

Canned Tomatoes with Citric Acid

The recipe for preserving tomatoes with citric acid, you can see.

Homemade ketchup for the winter "Tomato"

How to cook homemade ketchup for the winter "Tomato", I wrote.

Tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter

You can see how to cook tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter.

Tomato slices for the winter with parsley

How to cook sliced ​​​​tomatoes for the winter with parsley, I wrote.

Canned cherry tomatoes with grapes (no vinegar)

The recipe for canned cherry tomatoes with grapes, you can view.

Adjika with horseradish for the winter "Special"

How to cook a special adjika with horseradish for the winter, I wrote.

Delicious tomato adjika

The recipe for adjika from tomato, you can see

Canned cherry tomatoes with grapes and bell peppers for the winter, with citric acid

How to cook canned cherry tomatoes with grapes and bell peppers for the winter, with citric acid, you can see.

Homemade ketchup for the winter

How to cook delicious, fragrant, and thick homemade ketchup for the winter, I wrote.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter: the easiest recipe!

You can see how to cook tomatoes in your own juice for the winter.

Spicy tomatoes in their own juiceWith horseradish

It is unlikely that I will surprise you with just tomatoes in their own juice - this recipe is well-known and far from new. But if we are talking about tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with horseradish, garlic and bell pepper, then I am sure you will be interested. This is how I closed the tomatoes last year for testing and was very pleased with the result. See recipe with photo.

Marinated tomato wedges in portuguese

These tomatoes, marinated in Portuguese-style slices, turn out just wonderful: moderately spicy, moderately salty, very appetizing and beautiful. Another plus of this recipe is that it is a pleasure to cook it: everything is very simple and fast. Recipe with photo see.

Delicious salad with beans for the winter from tomatoes

How to cook a salad with beans for the winter from tomatoes, you can see.

Adjika sweet and sour with apples

How to cook sweet and sour adjika with apples, I wrote.
